Audio ##### You can download and distribute our music freely (see the `license page <{filename}license.rst>`_ for details). If you like our music, you can buy our CD in the `online shop` and make a donation to support us. .. image:: ../images/cc-by-sa.png :align: center :alt: CC-BY-SA :target: Streaming --------- Listen directly from the website: .. youtube:: 0qpfw2tKq-o?listType=playlist&list=PLfIJnRMV_i9mhGL9wTxWo-3fBDdbBry08&rel=0 Download -------- Download Dead Frequencies: .. |cover| image:: ../images/Marker_Beacon-Dead_Frequencies-Front_Cover.jpg :width: 80% :alt: Marker_Beacon-Dead_Frequencies-Front_Cover .. table:: ===================== ======================================================= |cover| - `zip archive containing mp3 (320 kbit/s) `_ - `zip archive containing ogg (Vorbis 320 kbit/s) `_ - `zip archive containing flac (lossless compression format) `_ ===================== =======================================================