menu COMM prompt "Communication modules" ---help--- Contains communication modules: uart, spi, i2c, ... comment "List of all drivers" config COMM_UART prompt "Uart module" requires BASE_CIRBUF ---help--- This module provide functions to use the embedded UART or USART in the AVR. With this module, it is more easy to configure it, and data can be emited on interruption. The uart module also contains a fifo for emission and reception (configurable in uart_config.h). menuconfig COMM_I2C prompt "i2c" ---help--- This module provide functions to use the embedded I2C (TWI interface) in the AVR. config COMM_I2C_CREATE_CONFIG prompt "Create Default i2c config" ---help--- Create a i2c_config.h file if it does not exist, with a default configuration. config COMM_I2C_MASTER prompt "Allow master mode" config COMM_I2C_MULTIMASTER prompt "Allow multimaster mode" requires COMM_I2C_MASTER endmenuconfig # COMM_I2C endmenu # COMM