About Marker Beacon ################### Marker Beacon is a melodic heavy/thrash metal band created in 2000. Between 2004 and 2006, the group plays in several concert halls in Paris (La Maroquinerie, The New Morning, The Gibus, …) and releases a demo. After a quite long period, the band meets again in 2011 to record a new album. Marker Beacon becomes a non-profit association in 2012. After two years of recording, in 2013, the album is available in audio-CD format and is freely downloadable from the website. .. image:: ../images/concert_maroquinerie_17_12_06_sm__19-300x199.jpg :align: center :alt: Marker Beacon - Live Maroquinerie 2006 Marker Beacon is composed of: - Bruno Creuzet: guitar, vocals - Miguel Diaz: drums - Oliver Matz: guitar, backing vocals in concert - Jerome Thiebaut: bass