.. BSD LICENSE Copyright 2015-2017 Chelsio Communications. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Chelsio Communications nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. CXGBE Poll Mode Driver ====================== The CXGBE PMD (**librte_pmd_cxgbe**) provides poll mode driver support for **Chelsio Terminator** 10/25/40/100 Gbps family of adapters. CXGBE PMD has support for the latest Linux and FreeBSD operating systems. More information can be found at `Chelsio Communications Official Website `_. Features -------- CXGBE PMD has support for: - Multiple queues for TX and RX - Receiver Side Steering (RSS) - VLAN filtering - Checksum offload - Promiscuous mode - All multicast mode - Port hardware statistics - Jumbo frames Limitations ----------- The Chelsio Terminator series of devices provide two/four ports but expose a single PCI bus address, thus, librte_pmd_cxgbe registers itself as a PCI driver that allocates one Ethernet device per detected port. For this reason, one cannot whitelist/blacklist a single port without whitelisting/blacklisting the other ports on the same device. Supported Chelsio T5 NICs ------------------------- - 1G NICs: T502-BT - 10G NICs: T520-BT, T520-CR, T520-LL-CR, T520-SO-CR, T540-CR - 40G NICs: T580-CR, T580-LP-CR, T580-SO-CR - Other T5 NICs: T522-CR Supported Chelsio T6 NICs ------------------------- - 25G NICs: T6425-CR, T6225-CR, T6225-LL-CR, T6225-SO-CR - 100G NICs: T62100-CR, T62100-LP-CR, T62100-SO-CR Prerequisites ------------- - Requires firmware version **** and higher. Visit `Chelsio Download Center `_ to get latest firmware bundled with the latest Chelsio Unified Wire package. For Linux, installing and loading the latest cxgb4 kernel driver from the Chelsio Unified Wire package should get you the latest firmware. More information can be obtained from the User Guide that is bundled with the Chelsio Unified Wire package. For FreeBSD, the latest firmware obtained from the Chelsio Unified Wire package must be manually flashed via cxgbetool available in FreeBSD source repository. Instructions on how to manually flash the firmware are given in section :ref:`linux-installation` for Linux and section :ref:`freebsd-installation` for FreeBSD. Pre-Installation Configuration ------------------------------ Config File Options ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following options can be modified in the ``.config`` file. Please note that enabling debugging options may affect system performance. - ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_CXGBE_PMD`` (default **y**) Toggle compilation of librte_pmd_cxgbe driver. - ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_CXGBE_DEBUG`` (default **n**) Toggle display of generic debugging messages. - ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_CXGBE_DEBUG_REG`` (default **n**) Toggle display of registers related run-time check messages. - ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_CXGBE_DEBUG_MBOX`` (default **n**) Toggle display of firmware mailbox related run-time check messages. - ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_CXGBE_DEBUG_TX`` (default **n**) Toggle display of transmission data path run-time check messages. - ``CONFIG_RTE_LIBRTE_CXGBE_DEBUG_RX`` (default **n**) Toggle display of receiving data path run-time check messages. .. _driver-compilation: Driver compilation and testing ------------------------------ Refer to the document :ref:`compiling and testing a PMD for a NIC ` for details. Linux ----- .. _linux-installation: Linux Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steps to manually install the latest firmware from the downloaded Chelsio Unified Wire package for Linux operating system are as follows: #. Load the kernel module: .. code-block:: console modprobe cxgb4 #. Use ifconfig to get the interface name assigned to Chelsio card: .. code-block:: console ifconfig -a | grep "00:07:43" Example output: .. code-block:: console p1p1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:07:43:2D:EA:C0 p1p2 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:07:43:2D:EA:C8 #. Install cxgbtool: .. code-block:: console cd /tools/cxgbtool make install #. Use cxgbtool to load the firmware config file onto the card: .. code-block:: console cxgbtool p1p1 loadcfg /src/network/firmware/t5-config.txt #. Use cxgbtool to load the firmware image onto the card: .. code-block:: console cxgbtool p1p1 loadfw /src/network/firmware/t5fw-*.bin #. Unload and reload the kernel module: .. code-block:: console modprobe -r cxgb4 modprobe cxgb4 #. Verify with ethtool: .. code-block:: console ethtool -i p1p1 | grep "firmware" Example output: .. code-block:: console firmware-version:, TP Running testpmd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section demonstrates how to launch **testpmd** with Chelsio devices managed by librte_pmd_cxgbe in Linux operating system. #. Load the kernel module: .. code-block:: console modprobe cxgb4 #. Get the PCI bus addresses of the interfaces bound to cxgb4 driver: .. code-block:: console dmesg | tail -2 Example output: .. code-block:: console cxgb4 0000:02:00.4 p1p1: renamed from eth0 cxgb4 0000:02:00.4 p1p2: renamed from eth1 .. note:: Both the interfaces of a Chelsio 2-port adapter are bound to the same PCI bus address. #. Unload the kernel module: .. code-block:: console modprobe -ar cxgb4 csiostor #. Running testpmd Follow instructions available in the document :ref:`compiling and testing a PMD for a NIC ` to run testpmd. .. note:: Currently, CXGBE PMD only supports the binding of PF4 for Chelsio NICs. Example output: .. code-block:: console [...] EAL: PCI device 0000:02:00.4 on NUMA socket -1 EAL: probe driver: 1425:5401 rte_cxgbe_pmd EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fd7c0200000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fd77cdfd000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x7fd7c10b7000 PMD: rte_cxgbe_pmd: fw:, TP: PMD: rte_cxgbe_pmd: Coming up as MASTER: Initializing adapter Interactive-mode selected Configuring Port 0 (socket 0) Port 0: 00:07:43:2D:EA:C0 Configuring Port 1 (socket 0) Port 1: 00:07:43:2D:EA:C8 Checking link statuses... PMD: rte_cxgbe_pmd: Port0: passive DA port module inserted PMD: rte_cxgbe_pmd: Port1: passive DA port module inserted Port 0 Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex Port 1 Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex Done testpmd> .. note:: Flow control pause TX/RX is disabled by default and can be enabled via testpmd. Refer section :ref:`flow-control` for more details. FreeBSD ------- .. _freebsd-installation: FreeBSD Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Steps to manually install the latest firmware from the downloaded Chelsio Unified Wire package for FreeBSD operating system are as follows: #. Load the kernel module: .. code-block:: console kldload if_cxgbe #. Use dmesg to get the t5nex instance assigned to the Chelsio card: .. code-block:: console dmesg | grep "t5nex" Example output: .. code-block:: console t5nex0: irq 16 at device 0.4 on pci2 cxl0: on t5nex0 cxl1: on t5nex0 t5nex0: PCIe x8, 2 ports, 14 MSI-X interrupts, 31 eq, 13 iq In the example above, a Chelsio T520-CR card is bound to a t5nex0 instance. #. Install cxgbetool from FreeBSD source repository: .. code-block:: console cd /tools/tools/cxgbetool/ make && make install #. Use cxgbetool to load the firmware image onto the card: .. code-block:: console cxgbetool t5nex0 loadfw /src/network/firmware/t5fw-*.bin #. Unload and reload the kernel module: .. code-block:: console kldunload if_cxgbe kldload if_cxgbe #. Verify with sysctl: .. code-block:: console sysctl -a | grep "t5nex" | grep "firmware" Example output: .. code-block:: console dev.t5nex.0.firmware_version: Running testpmd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section demonstrates how to launch **testpmd** with Chelsio devices managed by librte_pmd_cxgbe in FreeBSD operating system. #. Change to DPDK source directory where the target has been compiled in section :ref:`driver-compilation`: .. code-block:: console cd #. Copy the contigmem kernel module to /boot/kernel directory: .. code-block:: console cp x86_64-native-bsdapp-clang/kmod/contigmem.ko /boot/kernel/ #. Add the following lines to /boot/loader.conf: .. code-block:: console # reserve 2 x 1G blocks of contiguous memory using contigmem driver hw.contigmem.num_buffers=2 hw.contigmem.buffer_size=1073741824 # load contigmem module during boot process contigmem_load="YES" The above lines load the contigmem kernel module during boot process and allocate 2 x 1G blocks of contiguous memory to be used for DPDK later on. This is to avoid issues with potential memory fragmentation during later system up time, which may result in failure of allocating the contiguous memory required for the contigmem kernel module. #. Restart the system and ensure the contigmem module is loaded successfully: .. code-block:: console reboot kldstat | grep "contigmem" Example output: .. code-block:: console 2 1 0xffffffff817f1000 3118 contigmem.ko #. Repeat step 1 to ensure that you are in the DPDK source directory. #. Load the cxgbe kernel module: .. code-block:: console kldload if_cxgbe #. Get the PCI bus addresses of the interfaces bound to t5nex driver: .. code-block:: console pciconf -l | grep "t5nex" Example output: .. code-block:: console t5nex0@pci0:2:0:4: class=0x020000 card=0x00001425 chip=0x54011425 rev=0x00 In the above example, the t5nex0 is bound to 2:0:4 bus address. .. note:: Both the interfaces of a Chelsio 2-port adapter are bound to the same PCI bus address. #. Unload the kernel module: .. code-block:: console kldunload if_cxgbe #. Set the PCI bus addresses to hw.nic_uio.bdfs kernel environment parameter: .. code-block:: console kenv hw.nic_uio.bdfs="2:0:4" This automatically binds 2:0:4 to nic_uio kernel driver when it is loaded in the next step. .. note:: Currently, CXGBE PMD only supports the binding of PF4 for Chelsio NICs. #. Load nic_uio kernel driver: .. code-block:: console kldload ./x86_64-native-bsdapp-clang/kmod/nic_uio.ko #. Start testpmd with basic parameters: .. code-block:: console ./x86_64-native-bsdapp-clang/app/testpmd -l 0-3 -n 4 -w 0000:02:00.4 -- -i Example output: .. code-block:: console [...] EAL: PCI device 0000:02:00.4 on NUMA socket 0 EAL: probe driver: 1425:5401 rte_cxgbe_pmd EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x8007ec000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x842800000 EAL: PCI memory mapped at 0x80086c000 PMD: rte_cxgbe_pmd: fw:, TP: PMD: rte_cxgbe_pmd: Coming up as MASTER: Initializing adapter Interactive-mode selected Configuring Port 0 (socket 0) Port 0: 00:07:43:2D:EA:C0 Configuring Port 1 (socket 0) Port 1: 00:07:43:2D:EA:C8 Checking link statuses... PMD: rte_cxgbe_pmd: Port0: passive DA port module inserted PMD: rte_cxgbe_pmd: Port1: passive DA port module inserted Port 0 Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex Port 1 Link Up - speed 10000 Mbps - full-duplex Done testpmd> .. note:: Flow control pause TX/RX is disabled by default and can be enabled via testpmd. Refer section :ref:`flow-control` for more details. Sample Application Notes ------------------------ .. _flow-control: Enable/Disable Flow Control ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flow control pause TX/RX is disabled by default and can be enabled via testpmd as follows: .. code-block:: console testpmd> set flow_ctrl rx on tx on 0 0 0 0 mac_ctrl_frame_fwd off autoneg on 0 testpmd> set flow_ctrl rx on tx on 0 0 0 0 mac_ctrl_frame_fwd off autoneg on 1 To disable again, run: .. code-block:: console testpmd> set flow_ctrl rx off tx off 0 0 0 0 mac_ctrl_frame_fwd off autoneg off 0 testpmd> set flow_ctrl rx off tx off 0 0 0 0 mac_ctrl_frame_fwd off autoneg off 1 Jumbo Mode ~~~~~~~~~~ There are two ways to enable sending and receiving of jumbo frames via testpmd. One method involves using the **mtu** command, which changes the mtu of an individual port without having to stop the selected port. Another method involves stopping all the ports first and then running **max-pkt-len** command to configure the mtu of all the ports with a single command. - To configure each port individually, run the mtu command as follows: .. code-block:: console testpmd> port config mtu 0 9000 testpmd> port config mtu 1 9000 - To configure all the ports at once, stop all the ports first and run the max-pkt-len command as follows: .. code-block:: console testpmd> port stop all testpmd> port config all max-pkt-len 9000