ABI and API Deprecation ======================= See the :doc:`guidelines document for details of the ABI policy `. API and ABI deprecation notices are to be posted here. Deprecation Notices ------------------- * The EAL function pci_config_space_set is deprecated in release 16.04 and will be removed from 16.07. Macros CONFIG_RTE_PCI_CONFIG, CONFIG_RTE_PCI_EXTENDED_TAG and CONFIG_RTE_PCI_MAX_READ_REQUEST_SIZE will be removed. The /sys entries extended_tag and max_read_request_size created by igb_uio will be removed. * The following fields have been deprecated in rte_eth_stats: ibadcrc, ibadlen, imcasts, fdirmatch, fdirmiss, tx_pause_xon, rx_pause_xon, tx_pause_xoff, rx_pause_xoff * The ethdev structures rte_eth_link, rte_eth_dev_info and rte_eth_conf must be updated to support 100G link and to have a cleaner link speed API. * ABI changes are planned for struct rte_eth_fdir_flow in order to support extend flow director's input set. The release 2.2 does not contain these ABI changes, but release 2.3 will, and no backwards compatibility is planned. * ABI changes are planned for rte_eth_ipv4_flow and rte_eth_ipv6_flow to include more fields to be matched against. The release 2.2 does not contain these ABI changes, but release 2.3 will. * ABI changes are planned for adding four new flow types. This impacts RTE_ETH_FLOW_MAX. The release 2.2 does not contain these ABI changes, but release 2.3 will.