# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # Copyright(c) 2017-2019 Intel Corporation project('DPDK', 'C', # Get version number from file. # Fallback to "more" for Windows compatibility. version: run_command(find_program('cat', 'more'), files('VERSION'), check: true).stdout().strip(), license: 'BSD', default_options: [ 'buildtype=release', 'default_library=static', 'warning_level=2', ], meson_version: '>= 0.49.2' ) # check for developer mode developer_mode = false if get_option('developer_mode').auto() if meson.version().version_compare('>=0.53') # fs module available fs = import('fs') developer_mode = fs.is_dir('.git') endif else developer_mode = get_option('developer_mode').enabled() endif if developer_mode message('## Building in Developer Mode ##') endif # set up some global vars for compiler, platform, configuration, etc. cc = meson.get_compiler('c') dpdk_source_root = meson.current_source_dir() dpdk_build_root = meson.current_build_dir() dpdk_conf = configuration_data() dpdk_libraries = [] dpdk_static_libraries = [] dpdk_shared_lib_deps = [] dpdk_static_lib_deps = [] dpdk_chkinc_headers = [] dpdk_driver_classes = [] dpdk_drivers = [] dpdk_extra_ldflags = [] dpdk_libs_disabled = [] dpdk_drvs_disabled = [] testpmd_drivers_sources = [] testpmd_drivers_deps = [] abi_version_file = files('ABI_VERSION') if host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('x86') arch_subdir = 'x86' elif host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('arm') or host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('aarch') arch_subdir = 'arm' elif host_machine.cpu_family().startswith('ppc') arch_subdir = 'ppc' endif # configure the build, and make sure configs here and in config folder are # able to be included in any file. We also store a global array of include dirs # for passing to pmdinfogen scripts global_inc = include_directories('.', 'config', 'lib/eal/include', 'lib/eal/@0@/include'.format(host_machine.system()), 'lib/eal/@0@/include'.format(arch_subdir), ) # do configuration and get tool paths subdir('buildtools') subdir('config') # build libs and drivers subdir('lib') subdir('drivers') # build binaries and installable tools subdir('usertools') subdir('app') # build docs subdir('doc') # build any examples explicitly requested - useful for developers - and # install any example code into the appropriate install path subdir('examples') install_subdir('examples', install_dir: get_option('datadir') + '/dpdk', exclude_files: ex_file_excludes) # build kernel modules if enabled if get_option('enable_kmods') subdir('kernel') endif # check header includes if requested if get_option('check_includes') subdir('buildtools/chkincs') endif # write the build config build_cfg = 'rte_build_config.h' configure_file(output: build_cfg, configuration: dpdk_conf, install_dir: join_paths(get_option('includedir'), get_option('include_subdir_arch'))) # build pkg-config files for dpdk subdir('buildtools/pkg-config') if meson.is_subproject() subdir('buildtools/subproject') endif # final output, list all the libs and drivers to be built # this does not affect any part of the build, for information only. output_message = '\n=================\nLibraries Enabled\n=================\n' output_message += '\nlibs:\n\t' output_count = 0 foreach lib:enabled_libs output_message += lib + ', ' output_count += 1 if output_count == 8 output_message += '\n\t' output_count = 0 endif endforeach message(output_message + '\n') output_message = '\n===============\nDrivers Enabled\n===============\n' foreach class:dpdk_driver_classes class_drivers = get_variable(class + '_drivers') output_message += '\n' + class + ':\n\t' output_count = 0 foreach drv:class_drivers output_message += drv + ', ' output_count += 1 if output_count == 8 output_message += '\n\t' output_count = 0 endif endforeach endforeach message(output_message + '\n') output_message = '\n=================\nContent Skipped\n=================\n' output_message += '\nlibs:\n\t' foreach lib:dpdk_libs_disabled reason = get_variable(lib.underscorify() + '_disable_reason') output_message += lib + ':\t' + reason + '\n\t' endforeach output_message += '\ndrivers:\n\t' foreach drv:dpdk_drvs_disabled reason = get_variable(drv.underscorify() + '_disable_reason') output_message += drv + ':\t' + reason + '\n\t' endforeach message(output_message + '\n')