[protos/xbee-elec.git] / beacon-rx.s#1
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180 <description>&lt;b&gt;CAPACITOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
181 chip</description>
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202 <text x="-1.016" y="-1.524" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
203 </package>
204 <package name="AXIAL-5MM">
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223 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="1.3" x2="1.6" y2="1.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
224 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="-1.3" x2="1.6" y2="-1.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
225 <smd name="1" x="-1.6" y="0" dx="1.2" dy="2" layer="1"/>
226 <smd name="2" x="1.6" y="0" dx="1.2" dy="2" layer="1"/>
227 <text x="-0.8" y="0.5" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
228 <text x="-0.9" y="-0.7" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
229 </package>
230 <package name="1206">
231 <wire x1="-2.473" y1="0.983" x2="2.473" y2="0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
232 <wire x1="2.473" y1="-0.983" x2="-2.473" y2="-0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
233 <wire x1="-2.473" y1="-0.983" x2="-2.473" y2="0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
234 <wire x1="2.473" y1="0.983" x2="2.473" y2="-0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
235 <wire x1="-0.965" y1="0.787" x2="0.965" y2="0.787" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
236 <wire x1="-0.965" y1="-0.787" x2="0.965" y2="-0.787" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
237 <smd name="1" x="-1.4" y="0" dx="1.6" dy="1.8" layer="1"/>
238 <smd name="2" x="1.4" y="0" dx="1.6" dy="1.8" layer="1"/>
239 <text x="-1.27" y="1.143" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
240 <text x="-1.397" y="-1.524" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
241 <rectangle x1="-1.7018" y1="-0.8509" x2="-0.9517" y2="0.8491" layer="51"/>
242 <rectangle x1="0.9517" y1="-0.8491" x2="1.7018" y2="0.8509" layer="51"/>
243 <rectangle x1="-0.1999" y1="-0.4001" x2="0.1999" y2="0.4001" layer="35"/>
244 </package>
245 <package name="CTZ3">
246 <description>CTZ3 Series land pattern for variable capacitor - CTZ3E-50C-W1-PF</description>
247 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="1.4" x2="-1.6" y2="-2.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
248 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="-2.25" x2="1.6" y2="-2.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
249 <wire x1="1.6" y1="1.4" x2="1.6" y2="-2.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
250 <wire x1="-0.5" y1="0" x2="0.5" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
251 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="1.4" x2="-1" y2="2.2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
252 <wire x1="1.6" y1="1.4" x2="1" y2="2.2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
253 <wire x1="-1" y1="2.2" x2="1" y2="2.2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
254 <wire x1="0" y1="0.8" x2="0" y2="-0.8" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
255 <wire x1="-0.8" y1="0" x2="0.8" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
256 <wire x1="-1.05" y1="2.25" x2="-1.7" y2="1.45" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
257 <wire x1="-1.7" y1="1.45" x2="-1.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
258 <wire x1="-1.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-1.05" y2="-2.35" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
259 <wire x1="1.05" y1="2.25" x2="1.7" y2="1.4" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
260 <wire x1="1.7" y1="1.4" x2="1.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
261 <wire x1="1.7" y1="-2.35" x2="1.05" y2="-2.35" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
262 <smd name="+" x="0" y="2.05" dx="1.5" dy="1.2" layer="1"/>
263 <smd name="-" x="0" y="-2.05" dx="1.5" dy="1.2" layer="1"/>
264 <text x="-2" y="3" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
265 <text x="-2" y="-3.4" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
266 </package>
267 <package name="CAP-PTH-SMALL-KIT">
268 <description>&lt;h3&gt;CAP-PTH-SMALL-KIT&lt;/h3&gt;
269 Commonly used for small ceramic capacitors. Like our 0.1uF (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/8375) or 22pF caps (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/8571).&lt;br&gt;
270 &lt;br&gt;
271 &lt;b&gt;Warning:&lt;/b&gt; This is the KIT version of this package. This package has a smaller diameter top stop mask, which doesn't cover the diameter of the pad. This means only the bottom side of the pads' copper will be exposed. You'll only be able to solder to the bottom side.</description>
272 <wire x1="0" y1="0.635" x2="0" y2="-0.635" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
273 <wire x1="-2.667" y1="1.27" x2="2.667" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
274 <wire x1="2.667" y1="1.27" x2="2.667" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
275 <wire x1="2.667" y1="-1.27" x2="-2.667" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
276 <wire x1="-2.667" y1="-1.27" x2="-2.667" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
277 <pad name="1" x="-1.397" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="2.032" stop="no"/>
278 <pad name="2" x="1.397" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="2.032" stop="no"/>
279 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
280 <vertex x="-1.4021" y="-0.9475" curve="-90"/>
281 <vertex x="-2.357" y="-0.0178" curve="-90.011749"/>
282 <vertex x="-1.4046" y="0.9576" curve="-90"/>
283 <vertex x="-0.4546" y="-0.0204" curve="-90.024193"/>
284 </polygon>
285 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
286 <vertex x="-1.4046" y="-0.4395" curve="-90.012891"/>
287 <vertex x="-1.8491" y="-0.0153" curve="-90"/>
288 <vertex x="-1.4046" y="0.452" curve="-90"/>
289 <vertex x="-0.9627" y="-0.0051" curve="-90.012967"/>
290 </polygon>
291 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
292 <vertex x="1.397" y="-0.9475" curve="-90"/>
293 <vertex x="0.4421" y="-0.0178" curve="-90.011749"/>
294 <vertex x="1.3945" y="0.9576" curve="-90"/>
295 <vertex x="2.3445" y="-0.0204" curve="-90.024193"/>
296 </polygon>
297 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
298 <vertex x="1.3945" y="-0.4395" curve="-90.012891"/>
299 <vertex x="0.95" y="-0.0153" curve="-90"/>
300 <vertex x="1.3945" y="0.452" curve="-90"/>
301 <vertex x="1.8364" y="-0.0051" curve="-90.012967"/>
302 </polygon>
303 </package>
304 <package name="AXIAL-0.3">
305 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.762" x2="2.54" y2="0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
306 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0.762" x2="2.54" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
307 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
308 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-0.762" x2="-2.54" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
309 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.762" x2="-2.54" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
310 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-2.54" y2="0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
311 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="2.794" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
312 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-2.794" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
313 <pad name="P$1" x="-3.81" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
314 <pad name="P$2" x="3.81" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
315 <text x="-2.54" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;Name</text>
316 <text x="-2.032" y="-0.381" size="1.016" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
317 </package>
318 <package name="R2010">
319 <description>&lt;b&gt;RESISTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
320 chip</description>
321 <wire x1="-1.662" y1="1.245" x2="1.662" y2="1.245" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
322 <wire x1="-1.637" y1="-1.245" x2="1.687" y2="-1.245" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
323 <wire x1="-3.473" y1="1.483" x2="3.473" y2="1.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
324 <wire x1="3.473" y1="1.483" x2="3.473" y2="-1.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
325 <wire x1="3.473" y1="-1.483" x2="-3.473" y2="-1.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
326 <wire x1="-3.473" y1="-1.483" x2="-3.473" y2="1.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
327 <wire x1="-1.027" y1="1.245" x2="1.027" y2="1.245" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
328 <wire x1="-1.002" y1="-1.245" x2="1.016" y2="-1.245" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
329 <smd name="1" x="-2.2" y="0" dx="1.8" dy="2.7" layer="1"/>
330 <smd name="2" x="2.2" y="0" dx="1.8" dy="2.7" layer="1"/>
331 <text x="-2.54" y="1.5875" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
332 <text x="-2.54" y="-2.032" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
333 <rectangle x1="-2.4892" y1="-1.3208" x2="-1.6393" y2="1.3292" layer="51"/>
334 <rectangle x1="1.651" y1="-1.3208" x2="2.5009" y2="1.3292" layer="51"/>
335 </package>
336 <package name="0603-RES">
337 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="0.983" x2="1.473" y2="0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
338 <wire x1="1.473" y1="0.983" x2="1.473" y2="-0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
339 <wire x1="1.473" y1="-0.983" x2="-1.473" y2="-0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
340 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="-0.983" x2="-1.473" y2="0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
341 <wire x1="-0.356" y1="0.432" x2="0.356" y2="0.432" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
342 <wire x1="-0.356" y1="-0.419" x2="0.356" y2="-0.419" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
343 <smd name="1" x="-0.85" y="0" dx="1.1" dy="1" layer="1"/>
344 <smd name="2" x="0.85" y="0" dx="1.1" dy="1" layer="1"/>
345 <text x="-0.889" y="0.762" size="0.4064" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
346 <text x="-1.016" y="-1.143" size="0.4064" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
347 <rectangle x1="-0.8382" y1="-0.4699" x2="-0.3381" y2="0.4801" layer="51"/>
348 <rectangle x1="0.3302" y1="-0.4699" x2="0.8303" y2="0.4801" layer="51"/>
349 <rectangle x1="-0.1999" y1="-0.3" x2="0.1999" y2="0.3" layer="35"/>
350 <rectangle x1="-0.2286" y1="-0.381" x2="0.2286" y2="0.381" layer="21"/>
351 </package>
352 <package name="0402-RES">
353 <description>&lt;b&gt;CAPACITOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
354 chip</description>
355 <wire x1="-0.245" y1="0.224" x2="0.245" y2="0.224" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
356 <wire x1="0.245" y1="-0.224" x2="-0.245" y2="-0.224" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
357 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="0.483" x2="1.473" y2="0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
358 <wire x1="1.473" y1="0.483" x2="1.473" y2="-0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
359 <wire x1="1.473" y1="-0.483" x2="-1.473" y2="-0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
360 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="-0.483" x2="-1.473" y2="0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
361 <smd name="1" x="-0.65" y="0" dx="0.7" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
362 <smd name="2" x="0.65" y="0" dx="0.7" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
363 <text x="-0.889" y="0.6985" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
364 <text x="-1.0795" y="-1.143" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
365 <rectangle x1="-0.554" y1="-0.3048" x2="-0.254" y2="0.2951" layer="51"/>
366 <rectangle x1="0.2588" y1="-0.3048" x2="0.5588" y2="0.2951" layer="51"/>
367 <rectangle x1="-0.1999" y1="-0.3" x2="0.1999" y2="0.3" layer="35"/>
368 <rectangle x1="-0.2032" y1="-0.3556" x2="0.2032" y2="0.3556" layer="21"/>
369 </package>
370 <package name="1/6W-RES">
371 <description>1/6W Thru-hole Resistor - *UNPROVEN*</description>
372 <wire x1="-1.55" y1="0.85" x2="-1.55" y2="-0.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
373 <wire x1="-1.55" y1="-0.85" x2="1.55" y2="-0.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
374 <wire x1="1.55" y1="-0.85" x2="1.55" y2="0.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
375 <wire x1="1.55" y1="0.85" x2="-1.55" y2="0.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
376 <pad name="1" x="-2.5" y="0" drill="0.762"/>
377 <pad name="2" x="2.5" y="0" drill="0.762"/>
378 <text x="-1.2662" y="0.9552" size="0.6096" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
379 <text x="-1.423" y="-0.4286" size="0.8128" layer="21" ratio="15">&gt;VALUE</text>
380 </package>
381 <package name="R2512">
382 <wire x1="-2.362" y1="1.473" x2="2.387" y2="1.473" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
383 <wire x1="-2.362" y1="-1.473" x2="2.387" y2="-1.473" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
384 <smd name="1" x="-2.8" y="0" dx="1.8" dy="3.2" layer="1"/>
385 <smd name="2" x="2.8" y="0" dx="1.8" dy="3.2" layer="1"/>
386 <text x="-2.54" y="1.905" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
387 <text x="-2.54" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
388 <rectangle x1="-3.2004" y1="-1.5494" x2="-2.3505" y2="1.5507" layer="51"/>
389 <rectangle x1="2.3622" y1="-1.5494" x2="3.2121" y2="1.5507" layer="51"/>
390 </package>
391 <package name="AXIAL-0.4">
392 <description>1/4W Resistor, 0.4" wide&lt;p&gt;
394 Yageo CFR series &lt;a href="http://www.yageo.com/pdf/yageo/Leaded-R_CFR_2008.pdf"&gt;http://www.yageo.com/pdf/yageo/Leaded-R_CFR_2008.pdf&lt;/a&gt;</description>
395 <wire x1="-3.15" y1="-1.2" x2="-3.15" y2="1.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
396 <wire x1="-3.15" y1="1.2" x2="3.15" y2="1.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
397 <wire x1="3.15" y1="1.2" x2="3.15" y2="-1.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
398 <wire x1="3.15" y1="-1.2" x2="-3.15" y2="-1.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
399 <pad name="P$1" x="-5.08" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
400 <pad name="P$2" x="5.08" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
401 <text x="-3.175" y="1.905" size="0.8128" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Name</text>
402 <text x="-2.286" y="-0.381" size="0.8128" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
403 </package>
404 <package name="AXIAL-0.5">
405 <description>1/2W Resistor, 0.5" wide&lt;p&gt;
407 Yageo CFR series &lt;a href="http://www.yageo.com/pdf/yageo/Leaded-R_CFR_2008.pdf"&gt;http://www.yageo.com/pdf/yageo/Leaded-R_CFR_2008.pdf&lt;/a&gt;</description>
408 <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-1.65" x2="-4.5" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
409 <wire x1="-4.5" y1="1.65" x2="4.5" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
410 <wire x1="4.5" y1="1.65" x2="4.5" y2="-1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
411 <wire x1="4.5" y1="-1.65" x2="-4.5" y2="-1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
412 <pad name="P$1" x="-6.35" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
413 <pad name="P$2" x="6.35" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
414 <text x="-4.445" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Name</text>
415 <text x="-3.429" y="-0.381" size="0.8128" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
416 </package>
417 <package name="AXIAL-0.6">
418 <description>1W Resistor, 0.6" wide&lt;p&gt;
420 Yageo CFR series &lt;a href="http://www.yageo.com/pdf/yageo/Leaded-R_CFR_2008.pdf"&gt;http://www.yageo.com/pdf/yageo/Leaded-R_CFR_2008.pdf&lt;/a&gt;</description>
421 <wire x1="-5.75" y1="-2.25" x2="-5.75" y2="2.25" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
422 <wire x1="-5.75" y1="2.25" x2="5.75" y2="2.25" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
423 <wire x1="5.75" y1="2.25" x2="5.75" y2="-2.25" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
424 <wire x1="5.75" y1="-2.25" x2="-5.75" y2="-2.25" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
425 <pad name="P$1" x="-7.62" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="1.8796"/>
426 <pad name="P$2" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="1.8796"/>
427 <text x="-5.715" y="3.175" size="0.8128" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Name</text>
428 <text x="-4.064" y="-0.381" size="0.8128" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
429 </package>
430 <package name="AXIAL-0.8">
431 <description>2W Resistor, 0.8" wide&lt;p&gt;
433 Yageo CFR series &lt;a href="http://www.yageo.com/pdf/yageo/Leaded-R_CFR_2008.pdf"&gt;http://www.yageo.com/pdf/yageo/Leaded-R_CFR_2008.pdf&lt;/a&gt;</description>
434 <wire x1="-7.75" y1="-2.5" x2="-7.75" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
435 <wire x1="-7.75" y1="2.5" x2="7.75" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
436 <wire x1="7.75" y1="2.5" x2="7.75" y2="-2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
437 <wire x1="7.75" y1="-2.5" x2="-7.75" y2="-2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
438 <pad name="P$1" x="-10.16" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="1.8796"/>
439 <pad name="P$2" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="1.8796"/>
440 <text x="-7.62" y="3.175" size="0.8128" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Name</text>
441 <text x="-5.969" y="-0.381" size="0.8128" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
442 </package>
443 <package name="AXIAL-0.3-KIT">
444 <description>&lt;h3&gt;AXIAL-0.3-KIT&lt;/h3&gt;
446 Commonly used for 1/4W through-hole resistors. 0.3" pitch between holes.&lt;br&gt;
447 &lt;br&gt;
449 &lt;b&gt;Warning:&lt;/b&gt; This is the KIT version of the AXIAL-0.3 package. This package has a smaller diameter top stop mask, which doesn't cover the diameter of the pad. This means only the bottom side of the pads' copper will be exposed. You'll only be able to solder to the bottom side.</description>
450 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="1.27" x2="2.54" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
451 <wire x1="2.54" y1="1.27" x2="2.54" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
452 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
453 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.27" x2="-2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
454 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-1.27" x2="-2.54" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
455 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-2.54" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
456 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="2.794" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
457 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-2.794" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
458 <pad name="P$1" x="-3.81" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="2.032" stop="no"/>
459 <pad name="P$2" x="3.81" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="2.032" stop="no"/>
460 <text x="-2.54" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;Name</text>
461 <text x="-2.159" y="-0.762" size="1.27" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
462 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
463 <vertex x="3.8201" y="-0.9449" curve="-90"/>
464 <vertex x="2.8652" y="-0.0152" curve="-90.011749"/>
465 <vertex x="3.8176" y="0.9602" curve="-90"/>
466 <vertex x="4.7676" y="-0.0178" curve="-90.024193"/>
467 </polygon>
468 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
469 <vertex x="3.8176" y="-0.4369" curve="-90.012891"/>
470 <vertex x="3.3731" y="-0.0127" curve="-90"/>
471 <vertex x="3.8176" y="0.4546" curve="-90"/>
472 <vertex x="4.2595" y="-0.0025" curve="-90.012967"/>
473 </polygon>
474 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
475 <vertex x="-3.8075" y="-0.9525" curve="-90"/>
476 <vertex x="-4.7624" y="-0.0228" curve="-90.011749"/>
477 <vertex x="-3.81" y="0.9526" curve="-90"/>
478 <vertex x="-2.86" y="-0.0254" curve="-90.024193"/>
479 </polygon>
480 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
481 <vertex x="-3.81" y="-0.4445" curve="-90.012891"/>
482 <vertex x="-4.2545" y="-0.0203" curve="-90"/>
483 <vertex x="-3.81" y="0.447" curve="-90"/>
484 <vertex x="-3.3681" y="-0.0101" curve="-90.012967"/>
485 </polygon>
486 </package>
487 <package name="SOT23">
488 <description>&lt;b&gt;SOT-23&lt;/b&gt;</description>
489 <wire x1="1.4224" y1="0.6604" x2="1.4224" y2="-0.6604" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
490 <wire x1="1.4224" y1="-0.6604" x2="-1.4224" y2="-0.6604" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
491 <wire x1="-1.4224" y1="-0.6604" x2="-1.4224" y2="0.6604" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
492 <wire x1="-1.4224" y1="0.6604" x2="1.4224" y2="0.6604" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
493 <smd name="3" x="0" y="1.1" dx="1" dy="1.4" layer="1"/>
494 <smd name="2" x="0.95" y="-1.1" dx="1" dy="1.4" layer="1"/>
495 <smd name="1" x="-0.95" y="-1.1" dx="1" dy="1.4" layer="1"/>
496 <text x="-0.889" y="2.032" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
497 <text x="-1.016" y="-0.1905" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
498 <rectangle x1="-0.2286" y1="0.7112" x2="0.2286" y2="1.2954" layer="51"/>
499 <rectangle x1="0.7112" y1="-1.2954" x2="1.1684" y2="-0.7112" layer="51"/>
500 <rectangle x1="-1.1684" y1="-1.2954" x2="-0.7112" y2="-0.7112" layer="51"/>
501 </package>
502 <package name="SOT23-3">
503 <wire x1="1.4224" y1="0.6604" x2="1.4224" y2="-0.6604" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
504 <wire x1="1.4224" y1="-0.6604" x2="-1.4224" y2="-0.6604" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
505 <wire x1="-1.4224" y1="-0.6604" x2="-1.4224" y2="0.6604" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
506 <wire x1="-1.4224" y1="0.6604" x2="1.4224" y2="0.6604" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
507 <wire x1="-0.8" y1="0.7" x2="-1.4" y2="0.7" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
508 <wire x1="-1.4" y1="0.7" x2="-1.4" y2="-0.1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
509 <wire x1="0.8" y1="0.7" x2="1.4" y2="0.7" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
510 <wire x1="1.4" y1="0.7" x2="1.4" y2="-0.1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
511 <smd name="3" x="0" y="1.1" dx="0.8" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
512 <smd name="2" x="0.95" y="-1" dx="0.8" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
513 <smd name="1" x="-0.95" y="-1" dx="0.8" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
514 <text x="-0.8255" y="1.778" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
515 <text x="-1.016" y="-0.1905" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
516 </package>
517 <package name="TO-92">
518 <description>&lt;b&gt;TO 92&lt;/b&gt;</description>
519 <wire x1="-2.0946" y1="-1.651" x2="-0.7863" y2="2.5485" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-111.098957" cap="flat"/>
520 <wire x1="0.7863" y1="2.5484" x2="2.0945" y2="-1.651" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-111.09954" cap="flat"/>
521 <wire x1="-2.0945" y1="-1.651" x2="2.0945" y2="-1.651" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
522 <wire x1="-2.6549" y1="-0.254" x2="-2.2537" y2="-0.254" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
523 <wire x1="-0.2863" y1="-0.254" x2="0.2863" y2="-0.254" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
524 <wire x1="2.2537" y1="-0.254" x2="2.6549" y2="-0.254" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
525 <pad name="3" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
526 <pad name="2" x="0" y="1.905" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
527 <pad name="1" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
528 <text x="3.175" y="0.635" size="0.4064" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
529 <text x="3.175" y="-1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
530 </package>
531 <package name="SOT223">
532 <description>&lt;b&gt;SOT-223&lt;/b&gt;</description>
533 <wire x1="3.2766" y1="1.651" x2="3.2766" y2="-1.651" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
534 <wire x1="3.2766" y1="-1.651" x2="-3.2766" y2="-1.651" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
535 <wire x1="-3.2766" y1="-1.651" x2="-3.2766" y2="1.651" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
536 <wire x1="-3.2766" y1="1.651" x2="3.2766" y2="1.651" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
537 <smd name="1" x="-2.3114" y="-3.0988" dx="1.2192" dy="2.2352" layer="1"/>
538 <smd name="2" x="0" y="-3.0988" dx="1.2192" dy="2.2352" layer="1"/>
539 <smd name="3" x="2.3114" y="-3.0988" dx="1.2192" dy="2.2352" layer="1"/>
540 <smd name="4" x="0" y="3.099" dx="3.6" dy="2.2" layer="1"/>
541 <text x="-0.8255" y="4.5085" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
542 <text x="-1.0795" y="-0.1905" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
543 <rectangle x1="-1.6002" y1="1.8034" x2="1.6002" y2="3.6576" layer="51"/>
544 <rectangle x1="-0.4318" y1="-3.6576" x2="0.4318" y2="-1.8034" layer="51"/>
545 <rectangle x1="-2.7432" y1="-3.6576" x2="-1.8796" y2="-1.8034" layer="51"/>
546 <rectangle x1="1.8796" y1="-3.6576" x2="2.7432" y2="-1.8034" layer="51"/>
547 <rectangle x1="-1.6002" y1="1.8034" x2="1.6002" y2="3.6576" layer="51"/>
548 <rectangle x1="-0.4318" y1="-3.6576" x2="0.4318" y2="-1.8034" layer="51"/>
549 <rectangle x1="-2.7432" y1="-3.6576" x2="-1.8796" y2="-1.8034" layer="51"/>
550 <rectangle x1="1.8796" y1="-3.6576" x2="2.7432" y2="-1.8034" layer="51"/>
551 </package>
552 <package name="SOT89">
553 <wire x1="2.3" y1="1.3" x2="2.3" y2="-1.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
554 <wire x1="2.3" y1="-1.3" x2="-2.3" y2="-1.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
555 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-1.3" x2="-2.3" y2="1.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
556 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="1.3" x2="2.3" y2="1.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
557 <smd name="1" x="-1.5" y="-1.8" dx="0.58" dy="1.2" layer="1"/>
558 <smd name="2" x="0" y="-1.8" dx="0.58" dy="1.2" layer="1"/>
559 <smd name="3" x="1.5" y="-1.8" dx="0.58" dy="1.2" layer="1"/>
560 <smd name="4" x="0" y="1.3" dx="2" dy="2" layer="1"/>
561 <text x="-2.5185" y="-0.9555" size="0.4064" layer="25" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
562 <text x="2.9905" y="-1.1295" size="0.4064" layer="27" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
563 <rectangle x1="-0.915" y1="0.3034" x2="0.915" y2="2.1576" layer="51"/>
564 <rectangle x1="-1.74" y1="-2.23" x2="-1.26" y2="-1.27" layer="51"/>
565 <rectangle x1="-0.24" y1="-2.23" x2="0.24" y2="-1.27" layer="51"/>
566 <rectangle x1="1.26" y1="-2.23" x2="1.74" y2="-1.27" layer="51"/>
567 </package>
568 <package name="TO-92-AMMO">
569 <wire x1="-2.0946" y1="-1.651" x2="-0.7863" y2="2.5485" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-111.098957" cap="flat"/>
570 <wire x1="0.7863" y1="2.5484" x2="2.0945" y2="-1.651" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-111.09954" cap="flat"/>
571 <wire x1="-2.0945" y1="-1.651" x2="2.0945" y2="-1.651" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
572 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="2.54" x2="0.635" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-25.057615"/>
573 <wire x1="0.635" y1="2.54" x2="1.905" y2="1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-28.072487"/>
574 <wire x1="-1.905" y1="1.905" x2="0.635" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-53.130102"/>
575 <pad name="3" x="2.54" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
576 <pad name="2" x="0" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
577 <pad name="1" x="-2.54" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
578 <text x="3.175" y="1.905" size="0.4064" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
579 <text x="3.175" y="-1.905" size="0.4064" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
580 </package>
581 <package name="BUZZER-12MM">
582 <description>&lt;b&gt;BUZZER&lt;/b&gt;</description>
583 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="5.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
584 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
585 <pad name="-" x="-3.25" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.778"/>
586 <pad name="+" x="3.25" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.778"/>
587 <text x="-2.54" y="2.54" size="0.6096" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
588 <text x="-3.175" y="-3.048" size="0.6096" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
589 </package>
590 <package name="BUZZER-CMT1603">
591 <wire x1="-8" y1="8" x2="-8" y2="-8" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
592 <wire x1="-8" y1="-8" x2="8" y2="-8" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
593 <wire x1="8" y1="-8" x2="8" y2="8" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
594 <wire x1="8" y1="8" x2="-8" y2="8" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
595 <smd name="P$1" x="-9.3" y="0" dx="2.5" dy="3" layer="1"/>
596 <smd name="P$2" x="9.3" y="0" dx="2.5" dy="3" layer="1"/>
597 </package>
598 <package name="BUZZER-CCV">
599 <wire x1="2.6" y1="-6" x2="-2.6" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
600 <wire x1="2.6" y1="-6" x2="2.6" y2="-3.7" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
601 <wire x1="-2.6" y1="-6" x2="-2.6" y2="-3.7" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
602 <wire x1="-4.2" y1="1.6" x2="1.27" y2="4.318" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-86.141052"/>
603 <wire x1="3.048" y1="3.302" x2="4.191" y2="1.651" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-25.69541"/>
604 <wire x1="4.2" y1="-1.6" x2="2.6" y2="-3.7" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-31.605028"/>
605 <wire x1="-3.302" y1="-3.048" x2="-2.6" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="12.917633"/>
606 <wire x1="-2.6" y1="-6" x2="2.6" y2="-6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
607 <wire x1="2.6" y1="-6" x2="2.6" y2="-3.7" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
608 <wire x1="-2.6" y1="-6" x2="-2.6" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
609 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="4.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
610 <smd name="-" x="-4" y="0" dx="3.2" dy="2.5" layer="1"/>
611 <smd name="+" x="4" y="0" dx="3.2" dy="2.5" layer="1"/>
612 <hole x="-3.9" y="-2.25" drill="0.8"/>
613 <hole x="2.25" y="3.9" drill="0.8"/>
614 </package>
615 <package name="BUZZER-CMT1102">
616 <wire x1="-5.5" y1="4.5" x2="5.5" y2="4.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
617 <wire x1="5.5" y1="4.5" x2="5.5" y2="-4.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
618 <wire x1="5.5" y1="-4.5" x2="-5.5" y2="-4.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
619 <wire x1="-5.5" y1="-4.5" x2="-5.5" y2="4.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
620 <wire x1="-5.5" y1="4.5" x2="-5.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
621 <wire x1="-5.5" y1="4.5" x2="5.5" y2="4.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
622 <wire x1="5.5" y1="4.5" x2="5.5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
623 <wire x1="5.5" y1="-2" x2="5.5" y2="-4.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
624 <wire x1="5.5" y1="-4.5" x2="-5.5" y2="-4.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
625 <wire x1="-5.5" y1="-4.5" x2="-5.5" y2="-2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
626 <smd name="1" x="-6.5" y="0" dx="3" dy="3" layer="1"/>
627 <smd name="2" x="6.5" y="0" dx="3" dy="3" layer="1"/>
628 </package>
629 <package name="BUZZER-12MM-NS">
630 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="5.9" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
631 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
632 <pad name="-" x="-3.25" y="0" drill="0.9"/>
633 <pad name="+" x="3.25" y="0" drill="0.9"/>
634 <text x="-2.54" y="2.54" size="0.6096" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
635 <text x="-3.175" y="-3.048" size="0.6096" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
636 <text x="2.667" y="1.143" size="1.778" layer="51">+</text>
637 </package>
638 <package name="BUZZER-12MM-NS-KIT">
639 <description>&lt;h3&gt;BUZZER-12MM-NS-KIT&lt;/h3&gt;
640 Through-hole buzzer&lt;br&gt;
641 &lt;br&gt;
642 &lt;b&gt;Warning:&lt;/b&gt; This is the KIT version of this package. This package has a smaller diameter top stop mask, which doesn't cover the diameter of the pad. This means only the bottom side of the pads' copper will be exposed. You'll only be able to solder to the bottom side.</description>
643 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="5.9" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
644 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
645 <pad name="-" x="-3.25" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796" stop="no"/>
646 <pad name="+" x="3.25" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796" stop="no"/>
647 <text x="-2.54" y="2.54" size="0.6096" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
648 <text x="-3.175" y="-3.048" size="0.6096" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
649 <text x="2.667" y="1.143" size="1.778" layer="51">+</text>
650 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
651 <vertex x="3.2537" y="-0.9525" curve="-90"/>
652 <vertex x="2.2988" y="-0.0228" curve="-90.011749"/>
653 <vertex x="3.2512" y="0.9526" curve="-90"/>
654 <vertex x="4.2012" y="-0.0254" curve="-90.024193"/>
655 </polygon>
656 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
657 <vertex x="3.2512" y="-0.4445" curve="-90.012891"/>
658 <vertex x="2.8067" y="-0.0203" curve="-90"/>
659 <vertex x="3.2512" y="0.447" curve="-90"/>
660 <vertex x="3.6931" y="-0.0101" curve="-90.012967"/>
661 </polygon>
662 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
663 <vertex x="-3.2487" y="-0.9525" curve="-90"/>
664 <vertex x="-4.2036" y="-0.0228" curve="-90.011749"/>
665 <vertex x="-3.2512" y="0.9526" curve="-90"/>
666 <vertex x="-2.3012" y="-0.0254" curve="-90.024193"/>
667 </polygon>
668 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
669 <vertex x="-3.2512" y="-0.4445" curve="-90.012891"/>
670 <vertex x="-3.6957" y="-0.0203" curve="-90"/>
671 <vertex x="-3.2512" y="0.447" curve="-90"/>
672 <vertex x="-2.8093" y="-0.0101" curve="-90.012967"/>
673 </polygon>
674 </package>
675 <package name="BUZZER-CCV-KIT">
676 <description>&lt;h3&gt;BUZZER-CCV-KIT&lt;/h3&gt;
677 SMD Buzzer&lt;br&gt;
678 &lt;br&gt;
679 &lt;b&gt;Warning:&lt;/b&gt; This is the KIT version of this package. This package has longer pads to aid in hand soldering.</description>
680 <wire x1="2.6" y1="-6" x2="-2.6" y2="-6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
681 <wire x1="2.6" y1="-6" x2="2.6" y2="-3.7" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
682 <wire x1="-2.6" y1="-6" x2="-2.6" y2="-3.7" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
683 <wire x1="-4.2" y1="1.6" x2="1.27" y2="4.318" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-86.141052"/>
684 <wire x1="3.048" y1="3.302" x2="4.191" y2="1.651" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-25.69541"/>
685 <wire x1="4.2" y1="-1.6" x2="2.6" y2="-3.7" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-31.605028"/>
686 <wire x1="-3.302" y1="-3.048" x2="-2.6" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="12.917633"/>
687 <wire x1="-2.6" y1="-6" x2="2.6" y2="-6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
688 <wire x1="2.6" y1="-6" x2="2.6" y2="-3.7" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
689 <wire x1="-2.6" y1="-6" x2="-2.6" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
690 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="4.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
691 <smd name="-" x="-4.15" y="0" dx="3.5" dy="2" layer="1"/>
692 <smd name="+" x="4.15" y="0" dx="3.5" dy="2" layer="1"/>
693 <rectangle x1="-5.2" y1="-0.75" x2="-2.9" y2="0.75" layer="51"/>
694 <rectangle x1="2.9" y1="-0.75" x2="5.2" y2="0.75" layer="51" rot="R180"/>
695 <hole x="-3.9" y="-2.25" drill="0.8"/>
696 <hole x="2.25" y="3.9" drill="0.8"/>
697 </package>
698 <package name="TO220-ADJ">
699 <wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.905" x2="-5.08" y2="-1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
700 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="-1.905" x2="-5.08" y2="1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
701 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="1.905" x2="-5.08" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
702 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="2.54" x2="5.08" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
703 <wire x1="5.08" y1="2.54" x2="5.08" y2="1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
704 <wire x1="5.08" y1="1.905" x2="5.08" y2="-1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
705 <wire x1="5.08" y1="1.905" x2="-5.08" y2="1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
706 <wire x1="5.08" y1="2.54" x2="8.255" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
707 <wire x1="8.255" y1="2.54" x2="8.255" y2="-5.715" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
708 <wire x1="8.255" y1="-5.715" x2="9.525" y2="-5.715" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
709 <wire x1="9.525" y1="-5.715" x2="9.525" y2="3.81" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
710 <wire x1="9.525" y1="3.81" x2="-9.525" y2="3.81" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
711 <wire x1="-9.525" y1="3.81" x2="-9.525" y2="-5.715" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
712 <wire x1="-9.525" y1="-5.715" x2="-8.255" y2="-5.715" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
713 <wire x1="-8.255" y1="-5.715" x2="-8.255" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
714 <wire x1="-8.255" y1="2.54" x2="-5.08" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
715 <pad name="ADJ" x="-2.54" y="0" drill="1" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
716 <pad name="OUT" x="0" y="0" drill="1" diameter="1.8796"/>
717 <pad name="IN" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1" diameter="1.8796"/>
718 </package>
719 <package name="V-REG_DPACK">
720 <description>&lt;b&gt;DPAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
721 PLASTIC PACKAGE CASE 369C-01&lt;br&gt;
722 Source: http://www.onsemi.co.jp .. LM317M-D.PDF</description>
723 <wire x1="3.2766" y1="3.8354" x2="3.277" y2="-2.159" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
724 <wire x1="3.277" y1="-2.159" x2="-3.277" y2="-2.159" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
725 <wire x1="-3.277" y1="-2.159" x2="-3.2766" y2="3.8354" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
726 <wire x1="-3.277" y1="3.835" x2="3.2774" y2="3.8346" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
727 <wire x1="-2.5654" y1="3.937" x2="-2.5654" y2="4.6482" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
728 <wire x1="-2.5654" y1="4.6482" x2="-2.1082" y2="5.1054" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
729 <wire x1="-2.1082" y1="5.1054" x2="2.1082" y2="5.1054" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
730 <wire x1="2.1082" y1="5.1054" x2="2.5654" y2="4.6482" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
731 <wire x1="2.5654" y1="4.6482" x2="2.5654" y2="3.937" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
732 <wire x1="2.5654" y1="3.937" x2="-2.5654" y2="3.937" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
733 <smd name="1" x="-2.28" y="-4.8" dx="1.6" dy="3" layer="1"/>
734 <smd name="3" x="2.28" y="-4.8" dx="1.6" dy="3" layer="1"/>
735 <smd name="4" x="0" y="2.38" dx="5.8" dy="6.2" layer="1"/>
736 <text x="-3.81" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="25" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
737 <text x="5.08" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
738 <rectangle x1="-2.7178" y1="-5.1562" x2="-1.8542" y2="-2.2606" layer="51"/>
739 <rectangle x1="1.8542" y1="-5.1562" x2="2.7178" y2="-2.2606" layer="51"/>
740 <rectangle x1="-0.4318" y1="-3.0226" x2="0.4318" y2="-2.2606" layer="21"/>
741 <polygon width="0.1998" layer="51">
742 <vertex x="-2.5654" y="3.937"/>
743 <vertex x="-2.5654" y="4.6482"/>
744 <vertex x="-2.1082" y="5.1054"/>
745 <vertex x="2.1082" y="5.1054"/>
746 <vertex x="2.5654" y="4.6482"/>
747 <vertex x="2.5654" y="3.937"/>
748 </polygon>
749 </package>
750 <package name="1X04">
751 <wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="8.255" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
752 <wire x1="8.255" y1="1.27" x2="8.89" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
753 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.635" x2="8.255" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
754 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
755 <wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
756 <wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
757 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
758 <wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
759 <wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
760 <wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
761 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
762 <wire x1="8.255" y1="-1.27" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
763 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
764 <wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
765 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
766 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
767 <wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
768 <wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
769 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
770 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
771 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
772 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
773 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
774 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
775 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
776 <wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
777 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square" rot="R90"/>
778 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
779 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
780 <pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
781 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
782 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
783 <rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
784 <rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
785 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
786 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
787 </package>
788 <package name="MOLEX-1X4">
789 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
790 <wire x1="8.89" y1="3.048" x2="8.89" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
791 <wire x1="8.89" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
792 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-2.54" x2="7.62" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
793 <wire x1="7.62" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
794 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
795 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
796 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="7.62" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
797 <wire x1="7.62" y1="-1.27" x2="7.62" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
798 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
799 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
800 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
801 <pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
802 </package>
803 <package name="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-4">
804 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="3.4" x2="12.8" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
805 <wire x1="12.8" y1="3.4" x2="12.8" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
806 <wire x1="12.8" y1="-2.8" x2="12.8" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
807 <wire x1="12.8" y1="-3.6" x2="-2.3" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
808 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-3.6" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
809 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-2.8" x2="-2.3" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
810 <wire x1="12.8" y1="-2.8" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
811 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.7" y2="-1.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
812 <wire x1="-2.7" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
813 <wire x1="-2.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
814 <wire x1="12.8" y1="3.15" x2="13.2" y2="3.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
815 <wire x1="13.2" y1="3.15" x2="13.2" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
816 <wire x1="13.2" y1="2.15" x2="12.8" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
817 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.425" width="0.001" layer="51"/>
818 <circle x="3.5" y="0" radius="0.425" width="0.001" layer="51"/>
819 <circle x="7" y="0" radius="0.425" width="0.001" layer="51"/>
820 <circle x="10.5" y="0" radius="0.425" width="0.001" layer="51"/>
821 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032" shape="square"/>
822 <pad name="2" x="3.5" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
823 <pad name="3" x="7" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
824 <pad name="4" x="10.5" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
825 <text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
826 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
827 </package>
828 <package name="1X04-1.27MM">
829 <wire x1="-0.381" y1="-0.889" x2="0.381" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
830 <wire x1="0.381" y1="-0.889" x2="0.635" y2="-0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
831 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-0.635" x2="0.889" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
832 <wire x1="0.889" y1="-0.889" x2="1.651" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
833 <wire x1="1.651" y1="-0.889" x2="1.905" y2="-0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
834 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-0.635" x2="2.159" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
835 <wire x1="2.159" y1="-0.889" x2="2.921" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
836 <wire x1="2.921" y1="-0.889" x2="3.175" y2="-0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
837 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-0.635" x2="3.429" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
838 <wire x1="3.429" y1="-0.889" x2="4.191" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
839 <wire x1="4.191" y1="0.889" x2="3.429" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
840 <wire x1="3.429" y1="0.889" x2="3.175" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
841 <wire x1="3.175" y1="0.635" x2="2.921" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
842 <wire x1="2.921" y1="0.889" x2="2.159" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
843 <wire x1="2.159" y1="0.889" x2="1.905" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
844 <wire x1="1.905" y1="0.635" x2="1.651" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
845 <wire x1="1.651" y1="0.889" x2="0.889" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
846 <wire x1="0.889" y1="0.889" x2="0.635" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
847 <wire x1="0.635" y1="0.635" x2="0.381" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
848 <wire x1="0.381" y1="0.889" x2="-0.381" y2="0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
849 <wire x1="-0.381" y1="0.889" x2="-0.889" y2="0.381" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
850 <wire x1="-0.889" y1="-0.381" x2="-0.381" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
851 <wire x1="-0.889" y1="0.381" x2="-0.889" y2="-0.381" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
852 <wire x1="4.191" y1="0.889" x2="4.699" y2="0.381" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
853 <wire x1="4.699" y1="0.381" x2="4.699" y2="-0.381" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
854 <wire x1="4.699" y1="-0.381" x2="4.191" y2="-0.889" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
855 <pad name="4" x="3.81" y="0" drill="0.508" diameter="1"/>
856 <pad name="3" x="2.54" y="0" drill="0.508" diameter="1"/>
857 <pad name="2" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.508" diameter="1"/>
858 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="0.508" diameter="1"/>
859 <text x="-0.508" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
860 <text x="-0.508" y="-1.651" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
861 </package>
862 <package name="1X04_LOCK">
863 <wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="8.255" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
864 <wire x1="8.255" y1="1.27" x2="8.89" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
865 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.635" x2="8.255" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
866 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
867 <wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
868 <wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
869 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
870 <wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
871 <wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
872 <wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
873 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
874 <wire x1="8.255" y1="-1.27" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
875 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
876 <wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
877 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
878 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
879 <wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
880 <wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
881 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
882 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
883 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
884 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
885 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
886 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
887 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
888 <wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
889 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square" rot="R90"/>
890 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
891 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
892 <pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
893 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
894 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
895 <rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
896 <rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
897 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
898 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
899 </package>
900 <package name="1X04_LOCK_LONGPADS">
901 <description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e.  6-pin header) while soldering it into place.  
902 You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).  
903 This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes.  Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace" 
904 to hold the component in place.  0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
905 Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice.  Also,
906 if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side.  This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment 
907 will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints.  It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
908 <wire x1="1.524" y1="-0.127" x2="1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
909 <wire x1="4.064" y1="-0.127" x2="3.556" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
910 <wire x1="6.604" y1="-0.127" x2="6.096" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
911 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
912 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
913 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.8636" x2="-0.9906" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
914 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
915 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.1176" x2="-0.9906" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
916 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.127" x2="8.636" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
917 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.127" x2="8.89" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
918 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-1.1176" x2="8.6106" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
919 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.127" x2="8.89" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
920 <wire x1="8.89" y1="0.8636" x2="8.6106" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
921 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
922 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
923 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
924 <pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
925 <text x="-1.27" y="1.778" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
926 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
927 <rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.4191" x2="0.2921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
928 <rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.4191" x2="2.8321" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
929 <rectangle x1="4.7879" y1="-0.4191" x2="5.3721" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
930 <rectangle x1="7.3279" y1="-0.4191" x2="7.9121" y2="0.1651" layer="51" rot="R90"/>
931 </package>
932 <package name="MOLEX-1X4_LOCK">
933 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
934 <wire x1="8.89" y1="3.048" x2="8.89" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
935 <wire x1="8.89" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
936 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-2.54" x2="7.62" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
937 <wire x1="7.62" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
938 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
939 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
940 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="7.62" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
941 <wire x1="7.62" y1="-1.27" x2="7.62" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
942 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
943 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
944 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
945 <pad name="4" x="7.62" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
946 </package>
947 <package name="1X04-SMD">
948 <wire x1="5.08" y1="1.25" x2="-5.08" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
949 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="1.25" x2="-5.08" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
950 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="-1.25" x2="-3.81" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
951 <wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
952 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="1.27" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
953 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="3.81" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
954 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="5.08" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
955 <wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.25" x2="5.08" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
956 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="3.81" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
957 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="1.27" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
958 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.25" x2="-1.27" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
959 <wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.25" x2="-3.81" y2="-7.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
960 <smd name="4" x="3.81" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
961 <smd name="3" x="1.27" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
962 <smd name="2" x="-1.27" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
963 <smd name="1" x="-3.81" y="5" dx="3" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
964 <hole x="-2.54" y="0" drill="1.4"/>
965 <hole x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.4"/>
966 </package>
967 <package name="1X04_LONGPADS">
968 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
969 <wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
970 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
971 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
972 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
973 <pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
974 <text x="-1.3462" y="2.4638" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
975 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
976 <rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
977 <rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
978 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
979 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
980 </package>
981 <package name="1X04_NO_SILK">
982 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square" rot="R90"/>
983 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
984 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
985 <pad name="4" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
986 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
987 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
988 <rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
989 <rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
990 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
991 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
992 </package>
993 <package name="JST-4-PTH">
994 <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-5" x2="-5.2" y2="-5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
995 <wire x1="-5.2" y1="-5" x2="-5.2" y2="-6.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
996 <wire x1="-5.2" y1="-6.3" x2="-6" y2="-6.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
997 <wire x1="-6" y1="-6.3" x2="-6" y2="1.1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
998 <wire x1="-6" y1="1.1" x2="6" y2="1.1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
999 <wire x1="6" y1="1.1" x2="6" y2="-6.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1000 <wire x1="6" y1="-6.3" x2="5.2" y2="-6.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1001 <wire x1="5.2" y1="-6.3" x2="5.2" y2="-5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1002 <wire x1="5.2" y1="-5" x2="4.5" y2="-5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1003 <pad name="1" x="-3" y="-5" drill="0.7"/>
1004 <pad name="2" x="-1" y="-5" drill="0.7"/>
1005 <pad name="3" x="1" y="-5" drill="0.7"/>
1006 <pad name="4" x="3" y="-5" drill="0.7"/>
1007 <text x="-2.27" y="0.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1008 <text x="-2.27" y="-1" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1009 <text x="-3.4" y="-4.3" size="1.27" layer="51">+</text>
1010 <text x="-1.4" y="-4.3" size="1.27" layer="51">-</text>
1011 <text x="0.7" y="-4.1" size="0.8" layer="51">S</text>
1012 <text x="2.7" y="-4.1" size="0.8" layer="51">S</text>
1013 </package>
1014 <package name="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-4_LOCK">
1015 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="3.4" x2="12.8" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1016 <wire x1="12.8" y1="3.4" x2="12.8" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1017 <wire x1="12.8" y1="-2.8" x2="12.8" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1018 <wire x1="12.8" y1="-3.6" x2="-2.3" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1019 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-3.6" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1020 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-2.8" x2="-2.3" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1021 <wire x1="12.8" y1="-2.8" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1022 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.7" y2="-1.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1023 <wire x1="-2.7" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1024 <wire x1="-2.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1025 <wire x1="12.8" y1="3.15" x2="13.2" y2="3.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1026 <wire x1="13.2" y1="3.15" x2="13.2" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1027 <wire x1="13.2" y1="2.15" x2="12.8" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1028 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.425" width="0.001" layer="51"/>
1029 <circle x="3.5" y="0" radius="0.425" width="0.001" layer="51"/>
1030 <circle x="7" y="0" radius="0.425" width="0.001" layer="51"/>
1031 <circle x="10.5" y="0" radius="0.425" width="0.001" layer="51"/>
1032 <pad name="1" x="-0.1778" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032" shape="square"/>
1033 <pad name="2" x="3.6778" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
1034 <pad name="3" x="6.8222" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
1035 <pad name="4" x="10.6778" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
1036 <text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1037 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1038 </package>
1039 <package name="1X04-1MM-RA">
1040 <wire x1="-1.5" y1="-4.6" x2="1.5" y2="-4.6" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1041 <wire x1="-3" y1="-2" x2="-3" y2="-0.35" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1042 <wire x1="2.25" y1="-0.35" x2="3" y2="-0.35" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1043 <wire x1="3" y1="-0.35" x2="3" y2="-2" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1044 <wire x1="-3" y1="-0.35" x2="-2.25" y2="-0.35" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1045 <circle x="-2.5" y="0.3" radius="0.1414" width="0.4" layer="21"/>
1046 <smd name="NC2" x="-2.8" y="-3.675" dx="1.2" dy="2" layer="1"/>
1047 <smd name="NC1" x="2.8" y="-3.675" dx="1.2" dy="2" layer="1"/>
1048 <smd name="1" x="-1.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.35" layer="1"/>
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1050 <smd name="3" x="0.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.35" layer="1"/>
1051 <smd name="4" x="1.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.35" layer="1"/>
1052 <text x="-1.73" y="1.73" size="0.4064" layer="25" rot="R180">&gt;NAME</text>
1053 <text x="3.46" y="1.73" size="0.4064" layer="27" rot="R180">&gt;VALUE</text>
1054 </package>
1055 <package name="1X03">
1056 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1057 <wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1058 <wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1059 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1060 <wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1061 <wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1062 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1063 <wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1064 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1065 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1066 <wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1067 <wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1068 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1069 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1070 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1071 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1072 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1073 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1074 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1075 <wire x1="6.35" y1="0.635" x2="6.35" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1076 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1077 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1078 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1079 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1080 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1081 <rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1082 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1083 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1084 </package>
1085 <package name="MOLEX-1X3">
1086 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1087 <wire x1="6.35" y1="3.048" x2="6.35" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1088 <wire x1="6.35" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1089 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-2.54" x2="5.08" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1090 <wire x1="5.08" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1091 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1092 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1093 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1094 <wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1095 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
1096 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
1097 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
1098 </package>
1099 <package name="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-3">
1100 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="3.4" x2="9.3" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1101 <wire x1="9.3" y1="3.4" x2="9.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1102 <wire x1="9.3" y1="-2.8" x2="9.3" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1103 <wire x1="9.3" y1="-3.6" x2="-2.3" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1104 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-3.6" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1105 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-2.8" x2="-2.3" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1106 <wire x1="9.3" y1="-2.8" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1107 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.7" y2="-1.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1108 <wire x1="-2.7" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1109 <wire x1="-2.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1110 <wire x1="9.3" y1="3.15" x2="9.7" y2="3.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1111 <wire x1="9.7" y1="3.15" x2="9.7" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1112 <wire x1="9.7" y1="2.15" x2="9.3" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1113 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.413" shape="square"/>
1114 <pad name="2" x="3.5" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.413"/>
1115 <pad name="3" x="7" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.413"/>
1116 <text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1117 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1118 </package>
1119 <package name="1X03_LOCK">
1120 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1121 <wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1122 <wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1123 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1124 <wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1125 <wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1126 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1127 <wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1128 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1129 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1130 <wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1131 <wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1132 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1133 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1134 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1135 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1136 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1137 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1138 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1139 <wire x1="6.35" y1="0.635" x2="6.35" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1140 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1141 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1142 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1143 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1144 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1145 <rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1146 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1147 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1148 </package>
1149 <package name="1X03_LOCK_LONGPADS">
1150 <description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e.  6-pin header) while soldering it into place.  
1151 You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).  
1152 This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes.  Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace" 
1153 to hold the component in place.  0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
1154 Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice.  Also,
1155 if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side.  This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment 
1156 will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints.  It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
1157 <wire x1="1.524" y1="-0.127" x2="1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1158 <wire x1="4.064" y1="-0.127" x2="3.556" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1159 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1160 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1161 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.8636" x2="-0.9906" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1162 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.127" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1163 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.1176" x2="-0.9906" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1164 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.127" x2="6.096" y2="-0.127" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1165 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.127" x2="6.35" y2="-1.1176" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1166 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-1.1176" x2="6.0706" y2="-1.397" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1167 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.127" x2="6.35" y2="0.8636" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1168 <wire x1="6.35" y1="0.8636" x2="6.0706" y2="1.143" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1169 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
1170 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.254" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
1171 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
1172 <text x="-1.27" y="1.778" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
1173 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
1174 <rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.4191" x2="0.2921" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
1175 <rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.4191" x2="2.8321" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
1176 <rectangle x1="4.7879" y1="-0.4191" x2="5.3721" y2="0.1651" layer="51"/>
1177 </package>
1178 <package name="MOLEX-1X3_LOCK">
1179 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1180 <wire x1="6.35" y1="3.048" x2="6.35" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1181 <wire x1="6.35" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1182 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-2.54" x2="5.08" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1183 <wire x1="5.08" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1184 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1185 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1186 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1187 <wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1188 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
1189 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
1190 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
1191 <rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.2921" x2="0.2921" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
1192 <rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.2921" x2="2.8321" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
1193 <rectangle x1="4.7879" y1="-0.2921" x2="5.3721" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
1194 </package>
1195 <package name="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-3_LOCK.007S">
1196 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="3.4" x2="9.3" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1197 <wire x1="9.3" y1="3.4" x2="9.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1198 <wire x1="9.3" y1="-2.8" x2="9.3" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1199 <wire x1="9.3" y1="-3.6" x2="-2.3" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1200 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-3.6" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1201 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-2.8" x2="-2.3" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1202 <wire x1="9.3" y1="-2.8" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1203 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.7" y2="-1.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1204 <wire x1="-2.7" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1205 <wire x1="-2.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-2.3" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1206 <wire x1="9.3" y1="3.15" x2="9.7" y2="3.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1207 <wire x1="9.7" y1="3.15" x2="9.7" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1208 <wire x1="9.7" y1="2.15" x2="9.3" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1209 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.425" width="0.001" layer="51"/>
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1211 <circle x="7" y="0" radius="0.425" width="0.001" layer="51"/>
1212 <pad name="1" x="-0.1778" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032" shape="square"/>
1213 <pad name="2" x="3.5" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
1214 <pad name="3" x="7.1778" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
1215 <text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1216 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1217 </package>
1218 <package name="1X03_NO_SILK">
1219 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1220 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1221 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1222 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1223 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1224 <rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1225 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1226 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1227 </package>
1228 <package name="1X03_LONGPADS">
1229 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1230 <wire x1="6.35" y1="0.635" x2="6.35" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1231 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
1232 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
1233 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
1234 <text x="-1.3462" y="2.4638" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1235 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.81" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1236 <rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1237 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1238 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1239 </package>
1240 <package name="JST-3-PTH">
1241 <wire x1="-4" y1="-6.3" x2="-4" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1242 <wire x1="-4" y1="1.5" x2="4" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1243 <wire x1="4" y1="1.5" x2="4" y2="-6.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1244 <wire x1="-4" y1="-6.3" x2="-3.3" y2="-6.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1245 <wire x1="4" y1="-6.3" x2="3.3" y2="-6.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1246 <wire x1="-3.3" y1="-6.3" x2="-3.3" y2="-5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1247 <wire x1="3.3" y1="-6.3" x2="3.3" y2="-5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1248 <pad name="1" x="-2" y="-5" drill="0.7" diameter="1.6256"/>
1249 <pad name="2" x="0" y="-5" drill="0.7" diameter="1.6256"/>
1250 <pad name="3" x="2" y="-5" drill="0.7" diameter="1.6256"/>
1251 <text x="-1.27" y="0.24" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1252 <text x="-1.27" y="-1.03" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1253 <text x="-2.4" y="-4.33" size="1.27" layer="51">+</text>
1254 <text x="-0.4" y="-4.33" size="1.27" layer="51">-</text>
1255 <text x="1.7" y="-4.13" size="0.8" layer="51">S</text>
1256 </package>
1257 <package name="1X03_PP_HOLES_ONLY">
1258 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.635" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1259 <circle x="2.54" y="0" radius="0.635" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1260 <circle x="5.08" y="0" radius="0.635" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1261 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="0.8128" rot="R90"/>
1262 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="0.8128" rot="R90"/>
1263 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="0.8128" rot="R90"/>
1264 <hole x="0" y="0" drill="1.4732"/>
1265 <hole x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.4732"/>
1266 <hole x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.4732"/>
1267 </package>
1268 <package name="SCREWTERMINAL-5MM-3">
1269 <wire x1="-3.1" y1="4.2" x2="13.1" y2="4.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1270 <wire x1="13.1" y1="4.2" x2="13.1" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1271 <wire x1="13.1" y1="-2.3" x2="13.1" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1272 <wire x1="13.1" y1="-3.3" x2="-3.1" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1273 <wire x1="-3.1" y1="-3.3" x2="-3.1" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1274 <wire x1="-3.1" y1="-2.3" x2="-3.1" y2="4.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1275 <wire x1="13.1" y1="-2.3" x2="-3.1" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1276 <wire x1="-3.1" y1="-1.35" x2="-3.7" y2="-1.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1277 <wire x1="-3.7" y1="-1.35" x2="-3.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1278 <wire x1="-3.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-3.1" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1279 <wire x1="13.1" y1="4" x2="13.7" y2="4" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1280 <wire x1="13.7" y1="4" x2="13.7" y2="3" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1281 <wire x1="13.7" y1="3" x2="13.1" y2="3" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1282 <circle x="2.5" y="3.7" radius="0.2828" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1283 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="2.413" shape="square"/>
1284 <pad name="2" x="5" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="2.413"/>
1285 <pad name="3" x="10" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="2.413"/>
1286 <text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1287 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1288 </package>
1289 <package name="1X03_LOCK_NO_SILK">
1290 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1291 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1292 <pad name="3" x="5.08" y="0.127" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1293 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1294 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1295 <rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1296 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1297 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1298 </package>
1299 <package name="JST-3-SMD">
1300 <wire x1="-4.99" y1="-2.07" x2="-4.99" y2="-5.57" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1301 <wire x1="-4.99" y1="-5.57" x2="-4.19" y2="-5.57" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1302 <wire x1="-4.19" y1="-5.57" x2="-4.19" y2="-3.07" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1303 <wire x1="-4.19" y1="-3.07" x2="-2.99" y2="-3.07" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1304 <wire x1="3.01" y1="-3.07" x2="4.21" y2="-3.07" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1305 <wire x1="4.21" y1="-3.07" x2="4.21" y2="-5.57" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1306 <wire x1="4.21" y1="-5.57" x2="5.01" y2="-5.57" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1307 <wire x1="5.01" y1="-5.57" x2="5.01" y2="-2.07" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1308 <wire x1="3.01" y1="1.93" x2="-2.99" y2="1.93" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1309 <smd name="1" x="-1.99" y="-4.77" dx="1" dy="4.6" layer="1"/>
1310 <smd name="3" x="2.01" y="-4.77" dx="1" dy="4.6" layer="1"/>
1311 <smd name="NC1" x="-4.39" y="0.43" dx="3.4" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
1312 <smd name="NC2" x="4.41" y="0.43" dx="3.4" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
1313 <smd name="2" x="0.01" y="-4.77" dx="1" dy="4.6" layer="1"/>
1314 <text x="-2.26" y="0.2" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1315 <text x="-2.26" y="-1.07" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1316 </package>
1317 <package name="1X03-1MM-RA">
1318 <wire x1="-1" y1="-4.6" x2="1" y2="-4.6" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1319 <wire x1="-2.5" y1="-2" x2="-2.5" y2="-0.35" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1320 <wire x1="1.75" y1="-0.35" x2="2.4997" y2="-0.35" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1321 <wire x1="2.4997" y1="-0.35" x2="2.4997" y2="-2" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1322 <wire x1="-2.5" y1="-0.35" x2="-1.75" y2="-0.35" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1323 <circle x="-2" y="0.3" radius="0.1414" width="0.4" layer="21"/>
1324 <smd name="NC2" x="-2.3" y="-3.675" dx="1.2" dy="2" layer="1"/>
1325 <smd name="NC1" x="2.3" y="-3.675" dx="1.2" dy="2" layer="1"/>
1326 <smd name="1" x="-1" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.35" layer="1"/>
1327 <smd name="2" x="0" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.35" layer="1"/>
1328 <smd name="3" x="1" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.35" layer="1"/>
1329 <text x="-1.73" y="1.73" size="0.4064" layer="25" rot="R180">&gt;NAME</text>
1330 <text x="3.46" y="1.73" size="0.4064" layer="27" rot="R180">&gt;VALUE</text>
1331 </package>
1332 <package name="AYZ0202">
1333 <description>&lt;b&gt;DPDT Slide Switch SMD&lt;/b&gt;
1334 www.SparkFun.com SKU : Comp-SMDS</description>
1335 <wire x1="-3.6" y1="1.75" x2="-3.6" y2="-1.75" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1336 <wire x1="-3.6" y1="-1.75" x2="3.6" y2="-1.75" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1337 <wire x1="3.6" y1="-1.75" x2="3.6" y2="1.75" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1338 <wire x1="3.6" y1="1.75" x2="-3.6" y2="1.75" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1339 <smd name="3" x="2.5" y="2.825" dx="1" dy="1.15" layer="1"/>
1340 <smd name="2" x="0" y="2.825" dx="1" dy="1.15" layer="1"/>
1341 <smd name="1" x="-2.5" y="2.825" dx="1" dy="1.15" layer="1"/>
1342 <smd name="6" x="2.5" y="-2.825" dx="1" dy="1.15" layer="1"/>
1343 <smd name="5" x="0" y="-2.825" dx="1" dy="1.15" layer="1"/>
1344 <smd name="4" x="-2.5" y="-2.825" dx="1" dy="1.15" layer="1"/>
1345 <text x="-2.54" y="1.143" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1346 <text x="0.508" y="1.143" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1347 <hole x="1.5" y="0" drill="0.85"/>
1348 <hole x="-1.5" y="0" drill="0.85"/>
1349 </package>
1350 <package name="MSS22">
1351 <description>MSS22 DPDT Switch</description>
1352 <wire x1="-0.25" y1="-0.5" x2="5.55" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1353 <wire x1="-0.25" y1="13.5" x2="5.55" y2="13.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1354 <wire x1="-0.25" y1="13.5" x2="-0.25" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1355 <wire x1="5.55" y1="13.5" x2="5.55" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1356 <wire x1="-0.3" y1="11.7" x2="-0.3" y2="1.3" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1357 <wire x1="5.6" y1="11.7" x2="5.6" y2="1.3" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1358 <wire x1="1.2" y1="-0.6" x2="4.1" y2="-0.6" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1359 <wire x1="1.2" y1="13.6" x2="4.1" y2="13.6" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1360 <pad name="NC@3" x="0" y="0" drill="1.35"/>
1361 <pad name="NC@1" x="0" y="13" drill="1.35"/>
1362 <pad name="NC@2" x="5.3" y="13" drill="1.35"/>
1363 <pad name="NC@4" x="5.3" y="0" drill="1.35"/>
1364 <pad name="6" x="2.65" y="1.5" drill="0.95"/>
1365 <pad name="5" x="2.65" y="3.5" drill="0.95"/>
1366 <pad name="4" x="2.65" y="5.5" drill="0.95"/>
1367 <pad name="3" x="2.65" y="7.5" drill="0.95"/>
1368 <pad name="2" x="2.65" y="9.5" drill="0.95"/>
1369 <pad name="1" x="2.65" y="11.5" drill="0.95"/>
1370 <text x="1" y="2" size="0.4064" layer="25" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
1371 <text x="5" y="2" size="0.4064" layer="27" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
1372 </package>
1373 <package name="MS">
1374 <description>Series S Slide Switch</description>
1375 <wire x1="-6.731" y1="11.4935" x2="6.731" y2="11.4935" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1376 <wire x1="6.731" y1="11.4935" x2="6.731" y2="-11.4935" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1377 <wire x1="6.731" y1="-11.4935" x2="-6.731" y2="-11.4935" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1378 <wire x1="-6.731" y1="-11.4935" x2="-6.731" y2="11.4935" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1379 <wire x1="-6.858" y1="11.684" x2="-6.858" y2="-11.684" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1380 <wire x1="-6.858" y1="-11.684" x2="6.858" y2="-11.684" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1381 <wire x1="6.858" y1="-11.684" x2="6.858" y2="11.684" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1382 <wire x1="6.858" y1="11.684" x2="-6.858" y2="11.684" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1383 <pad name="5" x="3.81" y="0" drill="2.8" diameter="3.302"/>
1384 <pad name="2" x="-3.81" y="0" drill="2.8" diameter="3.302"/>
1385 <pad name="3" x="-3.81" y="6.35" drill="2.8" diameter="3.302"/>
1386 <pad name="1" x="-3.81" y="-6.35" drill="2.8" diameter="3.302"/>
1387 <pad name="4" x="3.81" y="-6.35" drill="2.8" diameter="3.302"/>
1388 <pad name="6" x="3.81" y="6.35" drill="2.8" diameter="3.302"/>
1389 </package>
1390 <package name="ES">
1391 <description>Right Angle Slide Switch. Works with part#ES21MABE</description>
1392 <wire x1="5.0165" y1="12.1094" x2="5.0165" y2="2.3686" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1393 <wire x1="5.0165" y1="2.3686" x2="-5.0165" y2="2.3686" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1394 <wire x1="-5.0165" y1="2.3686" x2="-5.0165" y2="12.1094" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1395 <wire x1="-5.0165" y1="12.1094" x2="5.0165" y2="12.1094" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1396 <wire x1="-4.318" y1="2.286" x2="-5.08" y2="2.286" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1397 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="2.286" x2="-5.08" y2="3.302" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1398 <wire x1="4.318" y1="2.286" x2="5.08" y2="2.286" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1399 <wire x1="5.08" y1="2.286" x2="5.08" y2="3.302" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1400 <wire x1="5.08" y1="10.668" x2="5.08" y2="11.938" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1401 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="10.668" x2="-5.08" y2="11.938" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1402 <pad name="5" x="0" y="0" drill="0.8636" diameter="1.27"/>
1403 <pad name="6" x="-2.54" y="0" drill="0.8636" diameter="1.27"/>
1404 <pad name="4" x="2.54" y="0" drill="0.8636" diameter="1.27"/>
1405 <pad name="1" x="2.54" y="2.54" drill="0.8636" diameter="1.27"/>
1406 <pad name="2" x="0" y="2.54" drill="0.8636" diameter="1.27"/>
1407 <pad name="3" x="-2.54" y="2.54" drill="0.8636" diameter="1.27"/>
1408 <pad name="NC@1" x="-2.54" y="7.62" drill="0.9" diameter="1.6764"/>
1409 <pad name="NC@2" x="2.54" y="7.62" drill="0.9" diameter="1.6764"/>
1410 <text x="-3.81" y="12.7" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1411 <text x="-3.81" y="10.16" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1412 </package>
1413 <package name="OS">
1414 <wire x1="4.3053" y1="3.4036" x2="4.3053" y2="-3.4036" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1415 <wire x1="4.3053" y1="-3.4036" x2="-4.3053" y2="-3.4036" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1416 <wire x1="-4.3053" y1="-3.4036" x2="-4.3053" y2="3.4036" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1417 <wire x1="-4.3053" y1="3.4036" x2="4.3053" y2="3.4036" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1418 <wire x1="-4.445" y1="3.175" x2="-4.445" y2="-3.81" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1419 <wire x1="-4.445" y1="-3.81" x2="4.445" y2="-3.81" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1420 <wire x1="4.445" y1="-3.81" x2="4.445" y2="3.175" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1421 <pad name="2" x="0" y="1.2446" drill="0.7874" diameter="1.27"/>
1422 <pad name="5" x="0" y="-1.2446" drill="0.7874" diameter="1.27"/>
1423 <pad name="6" x="2.0066" y="-1.2446" drill="0.7874" diameter="1.27"/>
1424 <pad name="4" x="-2.0066" y="-1.2446" drill="0.7874" diameter="1.27"/>
1425 <pad name="1" x="-2.0066" y="1.2446" drill="0.7874" diameter="1.27"/>
1426 <pad name="3" x="2.0066" y="1.2446" drill="0.7874" diameter="1.27"/>
1427 <text x="-3.81" y="3.81" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1428 <text x="-1.905" y="-4.445" size="0.4064" layer="27" rot="R180">&gt;VALUE</text>
1429 </package>
1430 <package name="EG2211">
1431 <wire x1="-3" y1="-5" x2="3" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1432 <wire x1="3" y1="-5" x2="3" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1433 <wire x1="3" y1="5" x2="-3" y2="5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1434 <wire x1="-3" y1="5" x2="-3" y2="2.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1435 <wire x1="-3" y1="2.5" x2="-3" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1436 <wire x1="-3" y1="-1" x2="-3" y2="-2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1437 <wire x1="-3" y1="-2" x2="-3" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1438 <wire x1="-3" y1="-2.5" x2="-3" y2="-5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1439 <wire x1="-3" y1="2.5" x2="-7" y2="2.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1440 <wire x1="-7" y1="2.5" x2="-7" y2="2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1441 <wire x1="-7" y1="0" x2="-7" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1442 <wire x1="-7" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.5" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1443 <wire x1="-6.5" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.5" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1444 <wire x1="-5.5" y1="-0.5" x2="-4.5" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1445 <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-0.5" x2="-3" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1446 <wire x1="-7" y1="2" x2="-6.5" y2="1.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1447 <wire x1="-6.5" y1="1.5" x2="-7" y2="1" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1448 <wire x1="-7" y1="1" x2="-6.5" y2="0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1449 <wire x1="-6.5" y1="0.5" x2="-7" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1450 <wire x1="-3" y1="-2.5" x2="-3.5" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="51" style="dashdot"/>
1451 <wire x1="-3.5" y1="-2.5" x2="-4.5" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="51" style="dashdot"/>
1452 <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-2.5" x2="-5.5" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="51" style="dashdot"/>
1453 <wire x1="-5.5" y1="-2.5" x2="-6.5" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="51" style="dashdot"/>
1454 <wire x1="-6.5" y1="-2.5" x2="-7" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="51" style="dashdot"/>
1455 <wire x1="-7" y1="-2.5" x2="-7" y2="-2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1456 <wire x1="-7" y1="-2" x2="-7" y2="-1" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1457 <wire x1="-7" y1="-1" x2="-7" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1458 <wire x1="-3" y1="-0.5" x2="-3" y2="-1" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1459 <wire x1="-3" y1="-1" x2="-3" y2="-1.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1460 <wire x1="-3" y1="-1" x2="-4.5" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1461 <wire x1="-3" y1="-0.5" x2="-3.5" y2="-0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1462 <wire x1="-3.5" y1="-0.5" x2="-5.5" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1463 <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-0.5" x2="-6.5" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1464 <wire x1="-5.5" y1="-0.5" x2="-7" y2="-2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1465 <wire x1="-6.5" y1="-0.5" x2="-7" y2="-1" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1466 <wire x1="-3" y1="-2" x2="-3.5" y2="-2.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1467 <pad name="P1-TB" x="-1" y="-2" drill="0.8"/>
1468 <pad name="P2-TB" x="1" y="-2" drill="0.8"/>
1469 <pad name="P1" x="-1" y="0" drill="0.8"/>
1470 <pad name="P2" x="1" y="0" drill="0.8"/>
1471 <pad name="P1-TA" x="-1" y="2" drill="0.8"/>
1472 <pad name="P2-TA" x="1" y="2" drill="0.8"/>
1473 <pad name="P$7" x="0" y="4.6" drill="1.2"/>
1474 <pad name="P$8" x="0" y="-4.6" drill="1.2"/>
1475 </package>
1476 <package name="GPI-152-3013">
1477 <description>Switch with part number: GPI-152-3013</description>
1478 <wire x1="12.7" y1="5.13" x2="-12.7" y2="5.13" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1479 <wire x1="-12.7" y1="5.13" x2="-12.7" y2="-5.13" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1480 <wire x1="-12.7" y1="-5.13" x2="12.7" y2="-5.13" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1481 <wire x1="12.7" y1="-5.13" x2="12.7" y2="5.13" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1482 <wire x1="-9.5" y1="5.4" x2="9.5" y2="5.4" width="0.3048" layer="21"/>
1483 <wire x1="-9.4" y1="-5.4" x2="9.6" y2="-5.4" width="0.3048" layer="21"/>
1484 <wire x1="-13" y1="5" x2="-13" y2="-5" width="0.3048" layer="21"/>
1485 <wire x1="13" y1="5" x2="13" y2="-5" width="0.3048" layer="21"/>
1486 <wire x1="2" y1="5.2" x2="1.9" y2="5.2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1487 <wire x1="1.9" y1="5.2" x2="1.9" y2="9.1" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1488 <wire x1="1.9" y1="9.1" x2="7" y2="9.1" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1489 <wire x1="7" y1="9.1" x2="7" y2="5.2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1490 <circle x="10.31" y="0" radius="0.9518" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1491 <circle x="-10.69" y="0" radius="0.9518" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1492 <pad name="C@1" x="0" y="3.455" drill="1.65"/>
1493 <pad name="C@2" x="0" y="-3.455" drill="1.65"/>
1494 <pad name="21" x="4.6" y="-3.455" drill="1.65"/>
1495 <pad name="11" x="-4.6" y="-3.455" drill="1.65"/>
1496 <pad name="10" x="-4.6" y="3.455" drill="1.65"/>
1497 <pad name="20" x="4.6" y="3.455" drill="1.65"/>
1498 <pad name="P$7" x="11.43" y="4.85" drill="1.65"/>
1499 <pad name="P$8" x="-11.43" y="4.85" drill="1.65"/>
1500 <pad name="P$9" x="-11.43" y="-4.85" drill="1.65"/>
1501 <pad name="P$10" x="11.43" y="-4.85" drill="1.65"/>
1502 </package>
1503 <package name="1X02">
1504 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1505 <wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1506 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1507 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1508 <wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1509 <wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1510 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1511 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1512 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1513 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1514 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1515 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1516 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1517 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1518 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1519 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1520 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1521 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1522 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1523 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1524 </package>
1525 <package name="MOLEX-1X2">
1526 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1527 <wire x1="3.81" y1="3.048" x2="3.81" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1528 <wire x1="3.81" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1529 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-2.54" x2="2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1530 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1531 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1532 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1533 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1534 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1535 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
1536 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
1537 </package>
1538 <package name="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-2">
1539 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="3.4" x2="5.25" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1540 <wire x1="5.25" y1="3.4" x2="5.25" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1541 <wire x1="5.25" y1="-2.8" x2="5.25" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1542 <wire x1="5.25" y1="-3.6" x2="-1.75" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1543 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="-3.6" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1544 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="-2.8" x2="-1.75" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1545 <wire x1="5.25" y1="-2.8" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1546 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.15" y2="-1.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1547 <wire x1="-2.15" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.15" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1548 <wire x1="-2.15" y1="-2.35" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1549 <wire x1="5.25" y1="3.15" x2="5.65" y2="3.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1550 <wire x1="5.65" y1="3.15" x2="5.65" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1551 <wire x1="5.65" y1="2.15" x2="5.25" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1552 <circle x="2" y="3" radius="0.2828" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1553 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032" shape="square"/>
1554 <pad name="2" x="3.5" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
1555 <text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1556 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1557 </package>
1558 <package name="JST-2-SMD">
1559 <description>2mm SMD side-entry connector. tDocu layer indicates the actual physical plastic housing. +/- indicate SparkFun standard batteries and wiring.</description>
1560 <wire x1="-4" y1="-1" x2="-4" y2="-4.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1561 <wire x1="-4" y1="-4.5" x2="-3.2" y2="-4.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1562 <wire x1="-3.2" y1="-4.5" x2="-3.2" y2="-2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1563 <wire x1="-3.2" y1="-2" x2="-2" y2="-2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1564 <wire x1="2" y1="-2" x2="3.2" y2="-2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1565 <wire x1="3.2" y1="-2" x2="3.2" y2="-4.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1566 <wire x1="3.2" y1="-4.5" x2="4" y2="-4.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1567 <wire x1="4" y1="-4.5" x2="4" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1568 <wire x1="2" y1="3" x2="-2" y2="3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1569 <smd name="1" x="-1" y="-3.7" dx="1" dy="4.6" layer="1"/>
1570 <smd name="2" x="1" y="-3.7" dx="1" dy="4.6" layer="1"/>
1571 <smd name="NC1" x="-3.4" y="1.5" dx="3.4" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
1572 <smd name="NC2" x="3.4" y="1.5" dx="3.4" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
1573 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1574 <text x="-1.27" y="0" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1575 <text x="2.159" y="-4.445" size="1.27" layer="51">+</text>
1576 <text x="-2.921" y="-4.445" size="1.27" layer="51">-</text>
1577 </package>
1578 <package name="1X02_BIG">
1579 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1580 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1581 <wire x1="5.08" y1="-1.27" x2="5.08" y2="1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1582 <wire x1="5.08" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1583 <pad name="P$1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.0668"/>
1584 <pad name="P$2" x="3.81" y="0" drill="1.0668"/>
1585 </package>
1586 <package name="JST-2-SMD-VERT">
1587 <wire x1="-4.1" y1="2.97" x2="4.2" y2="2.97" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1588 <wire x1="4.2" y1="2.97" x2="4.2" y2="-2.13" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1589 <wire x1="4.2" y1="-2.13" x2="-4.1" y2="-2.13" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1590 <wire x1="-4.1" y1="-2.13" x2="-4.1" y2="2.97" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1591 <wire x1="-4.1" y1="3" x2="4.2" y2="3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1592 <wire x1="4.2" y1="3" x2="4.2" y2="2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1593 <wire x1="-4.1" y1="3" x2="-4.1" y2="2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1594 <wire x1="2" y1="-2.1" x2="4.2" y2="-2.1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1595 <wire x1="4.2" y1="-2.1" x2="4.2" y2="-1.7" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1596 <wire x1="-2" y1="-2.1" x2="-4.1" y2="-2.1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1597 <wire x1="-4.1" y1="-2.1" x2="-4.1" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1598 <smd name="P$1" x="-3.4" y="0.27" dx="3" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
1599 <smd name="P$2" x="3.4" y="0.27" dx="3" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
1600 <smd name="VCC" x="-1" y="-2" dx="1" dy="5.5" layer="1"/>
1601 <smd name="GND" x="1" y="-2" dx="1" dy="5.5" layer="1"/>
1602 <text x="2.54" y="-5.08" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1603 <text x="2.24" y="3.48" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1604 </package>
1605 <package name="R_SW_TH">
1606 <wire x1="-1.651" y1="19.2532" x2="-1.651" y2="-1.3716" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1607 <wire x1="-1.651" y1="-1.3716" x2="-1.651" y2="-2.2352" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1608 <wire x1="-1.651" y1="19.2532" x2="13.589" y2="19.2532" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1609 <wire x1="13.589" y1="19.2532" x2="13.589" y2="-2.2352" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1610 <wire x1="13.589" y1="-2.2352" x2="-1.651" y2="-2.2352" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1611 <pad name="P$1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.6002"/>
1612 <pad name="P$2" x="0" y="16.9926" drill="1.6002"/>
1613 <pad name="P$3" x="12.0904" y="15.494" drill="1.6002"/>
1614 <pad name="P$4" x="12.0904" y="8.4582" drill="1.6002"/>
1615 </package>
1616 <package name="SCREWTERMINAL-5MM-2">
1617 <wire x1="-3.1" y1="4.2" x2="8.1" y2="4.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1618 <wire x1="8.1" y1="4.2" x2="8.1" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1619 <wire x1="8.1" y1="-2.3" x2="8.1" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1620 <wire x1="8.1" y1="-3.3" x2="-3.1" y2="-3.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1621 <wire x1="-3.1" y1="-3.3" x2="-3.1" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1622 <wire x1="-3.1" y1="-2.3" x2="-3.1" y2="4.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1623 <wire x1="8.1" y1="-2.3" x2="-3.1" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1624 <wire x1="-3.1" y1="-1.35" x2="-3.7" y2="-1.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1625 <wire x1="-3.7" y1="-1.35" x2="-3.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1626 <wire x1="-3.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-3.1" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1627 <wire x1="8.1" y1="4" x2="8.7" y2="4" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1628 <wire x1="8.7" y1="4" x2="8.7" y2="3" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1629 <wire x1="8.7" y1="3" x2="8.1" y2="3" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1630 <circle x="2.5" y="3.7" radius="0.2828" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1631 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="2.032" shape="square"/>
1632 <pad name="2" x="5" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="2.032"/>
1633 <text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1634 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1635 </package>
1636 <package name="1X02_LOCK">
1637 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1638 <wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1639 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1640 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1641 <wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1642 <wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1643 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1644 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1645 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1646 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1647 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1648 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1649 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1650 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1651 <pad name="1" x="-0.1778" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1652 <pad name="2" x="2.7178" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1653 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1654 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1655 <rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.2921" x2="0.2921" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
1656 <rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.2921" x2="2.8321" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
1657 </package>
1658 <package name="MOLEX-1X2_LOCK">
1659 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1660 <wire x1="3.81" y1="3.048" x2="3.81" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1661 <wire x1="3.81" y1="3.048" x2="-1.27" y2="3.048" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1662 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-2.54" x2="2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1663 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1664 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1665 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1666 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1667 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1668 <pad name="1" x="-0.127" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square"/>
1669 <pad name="2" x="2.667" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
1670 <rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.2921" x2="0.2921" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
1671 <rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.2921" x2="2.8321" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
1672 </package>
1673 <package name="1X02_LOCK_LONGPADS">
1674 <description>This footprint was designed to help hold the alignment of a through-hole component (i.e.  6-pin header) while soldering it into place.  
1675 You may notice that each hole has been shifted either up or down by 0.005 of an inch from it's more standard position (which is a perfectly straight line).  
1676 This slight alteration caused the pins (the squares in the middle) to touch the edges of the holes.  Because they are alternating, it causes a "brace" 
1677 to hold the component in place.  0.005 has proven to be the perfect amount of "off-center" position when using our standard breakaway headers.
1678 Although looks a little odd when you look at the bare footprint, once you have a header in there, the alteration is very hard to notice.  Also,
1679 if you push a header all the way into place, it is covered up entirely on the bottom side.  This idea of altering the position of holes to aid alignment 
1680 will be further integrated into the Sparkfun Library for other footprints.  It can help hold any component with 3 or more connection pins.</description>
1681 <wire x1="1.651" y1="0" x2="0.889" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1682 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="-1.016" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1683 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="-1.27" y2="0.9906" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1684 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.9906" x2="-0.9906" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1685 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.9906" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1686 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.9906" x2="-0.9906" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1687 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0" x2="3.556" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1688 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0" x2="3.81" y2="-0.9906" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1689 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.9906" x2="3.5306" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1690 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0" x2="3.81" y2="0.9906" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1691 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0.9906" x2="3.5306" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1692 <pad name="1" x="-0.127" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
1693 <pad name="2" x="2.667" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
1694 <text x="-1.27" y="1.778" size="1.27" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
1695 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.302" size="1.27" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
1696 <rectangle x1="-0.2921" y1="-0.2921" x2="0.2921" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
1697 <rectangle x1="2.2479" y1="-0.2921" x2="2.8321" y2="0.2921" layer="51"/>
1698 </package>
1699 <package name="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-2_LOCK">
1700 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="3.4" x2="5.25" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1701 <wire x1="5.25" y1="3.4" x2="5.25" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1702 <wire x1="5.25" y1="-2.8" x2="5.25" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1703 <wire x1="5.25" y1="-3.6" x2="-1.75" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1704 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="-3.6" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1705 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="-2.8" x2="-1.75" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1706 <wire x1="5.25" y1="-2.8" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1707 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.15" y2="-1.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1708 <wire x1="-2.15" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.15" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1709 <wire x1="-2.15" y1="-2.35" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1710 <wire x1="5.25" y1="3.15" x2="5.65" y2="3.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1711 <wire x1="5.65" y1="3.15" x2="5.65" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1712 <wire x1="5.65" y1="2.15" x2="5.25" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1713 <circle x="2" y="3" radius="0.2828" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1714 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.4318" width="0.0254" layer="51"/>
1715 <circle x="3.5" y="0" radius="0.4318" width="0.0254" layer="51"/>
1716 <pad name="1" x="-0.1778" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032" shape="square"/>
1717 <pad name="2" x="3.6778" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
1718 <text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1719 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1720 </package>
1721 <package name="1X02_LONGPADS">
1722 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
1723 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
1724 </package>
1725 <package name="1X02_NO_SILK">
1726 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1727 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
1728 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1729 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1730 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1731 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1732 </package>
1733 <package name="JST-2-PTH">
1734 <wire x1="-2" y1="0" x2="-2" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1735 <wire x1="-2" y1="-1.8" x2="-3" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1736 <wire x1="-3" y1="-1.8" x2="-3" y2="6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1737 <wire x1="-3" y1="6" x2="3" y2="6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1738 <wire x1="3" y1="6" x2="3" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1739 <wire x1="3" y1="-1.8" x2="2" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1740 <wire x1="2" y1="-1.8" x2="2" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1741 <pad name="1" x="-1" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.4478"/>
1742 <pad name="2" x="1" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.4478"/>
1743 <text x="-1.27" y="5.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1744 <text x="-1.27" y="4" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1745 <text x="0.6" y="0.7" size="1.27" layer="51">+</text>
1746 <text x="-1.4" y="0.7" size="1.27" layer="51">-</text>
1747 </package>
1748 <package name="1X02_XTRA_BIG">
1749 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="2.54" x2="-5.08" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1750 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="-2.54" x2="5.08" y2="-2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1751 <wire x1="5.08" y1="-2.54" x2="5.08" y2="2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1752 <wire x1="5.08" y1="2.54" x2="-5.08" y2="2.54" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
1753 <pad name="1" x="-2.54" y="0" drill="2.0574" diameter="3.556"/>
1754 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="2.0574" diameter="3.556"/>
1755 </package>
1756 <package name="1X02_PP_HOLES_ONLY">
1757 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.635" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1758 <circle x="2.54" y="0" radius="0.635" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1759 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="0.889" diameter="0.8128" rot="R90"/>
1760 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="0.889" diameter="0.8128" rot="R90"/>
1761 <hole x="0" y="0" drill="1.4732"/>
1762 <hole x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.4732"/>
1763 </package>
1764 <package name="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-2-NS">
1765 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="3.4" x2="5.25" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1766 <wire x1="5.25" y1="3.4" x2="5.25" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1767 <wire x1="5.25" y1="-2.8" x2="5.25" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1768 <wire x1="5.25" y1="-3.6" x2="-1.75" y2="-3.6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1769 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="-3.6" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1770 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="-2.8" x2="-1.75" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1771 <wire x1="5.25" y1="-2.8" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1772 <wire x1="-1.75" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.15" y2="-1.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1773 <wire x1="-2.15" y1="-1.35" x2="-2.15" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1774 <wire x1="-2.15" y1="-2.35" x2="-1.75" y2="-2.35" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1775 <wire x1="5.25" y1="3.15" x2="5.65" y2="3.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1776 <wire x1="5.65" y1="3.15" x2="5.65" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1777 <wire x1="5.65" y1="2.15" x2="5.25" y2="2.15" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1778 <circle x="2" y="3" radius="0.2828" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1779 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032" shape="square"/>
1780 <pad name="2" x="3.5" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="2.032"/>
1781 <text x="-1.27" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1782 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1783 </package>
1784 <package name="JST-2-PTH-NS">
1785 <wire x1="-2" y1="0" x2="-2" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1786 <wire x1="-2" y1="-1.8" x2="-3" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1787 <wire x1="-3" y1="-1.8" x2="-3" y2="6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1788 <wire x1="-3" y1="6" x2="3" y2="6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1789 <wire x1="3" y1="6" x2="3" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1790 <wire x1="3" y1="-1.8" x2="2" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1791 <wire x1="2" y1="-1.8" x2="2" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1792 <pad name="1" x="-1" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.4478"/>
1793 <pad name="2" x="1" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.4478"/>
1794 <text x="-1.27" y="5.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1795 <text x="-1.27" y="4" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1796 <text x="0.6" y="0.7" size="1.27" layer="51">+</text>
1797 <text x="-1.4" y="0.7" size="1.27" layer="51">-</text>
1798 </package>
1799 <package name="JST-2-PTH-KIT">
1800 <description>&lt;H3&gt;JST-2-PTH-KIT&lt;/h3&gt;
1801 2-Pin JST, through-hole connector&lt;br&gt;
1802 &lt;br&gt;
1803 &lt;b&gt;Warning:&lt;/b&gt; This is the KIT version of this package. This package has a smaller diameter top stop mask, which doesn't cover the diameter of the pad. This means only the bottom side of the pads' copper will be exposed. You'll only be able to solder to the bottom side.</description>
1804 <wire x1="-2" y1="0" x2="-2" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1805 <wire x1="-2" y1="-1.8" x2="-3" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1806 <wire x1="-3" y1="-1.8" x2="-3" y2="6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1807 <wire x1="-3" y1="6" x2="3" y2="6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1808 <wire x1="3" y1="6" x2="3" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1809 <wire x1="3" y1="-1.8" x2="2" y2="-1.8" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1810 <wire x1="2" y1="-1.8" x2="2" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1811 <pad name="1" x="-1" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.4478" stop="no"/>
1812 <pad name="2" x="1" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.4478" stop="no"/>
1813 <text x="-1.27" y="5.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1814 <text x="-1.27" y="4" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1815 <text x="0.6" y="0.7" size="1.27" layer="51">+</text>
1816 <text x="-1.4" y="0.7" size="1.27" layer="51">-</text>
1817 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
1818 <vertex x="-0.9975" y="-0.6604" curve="-90.025935"/>
1819 <vertex x="-1.6604" y="0" curve="-90.017354"/>
1820 <vertex x="-1" y="0.6604" curve="-90"/>
1821 <vertex x="-0.3396" y="0" curve="-90.078137"/>
1822 </polygon>
1823 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
1824 <vertex x="-1" y="-0.2865" curve="-90.08005"/>
1825 <vertex x="-1.2865" y="0" curve="-90.040011"/>
1826 <vertex x="-1" y="0.2865" curve="-90"/>
1827 <vertex x="-0.7135" y="0" curve="-90"/>
1828 </polygon>
1829 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
1830 <vertex x="1.0025" y="-0.6604" curve="-90.025935"/>
1831 <vertex x="0.3396" y="0" curve="-90.017354"/>
1832 <vertex x="1" y="0.6604" curve="-90"/>
1833 <vertex x="1.6604" y="0" curve="-90.078137"/>
1834 </polygon>
1835 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
1836 <vertex x="1" y="-0.2865" curve="-90.08005"/>
1837 <vertex x="0.7135" y="0" curve="-90.040011"/>
1838 <vertex x="1" y="0.2865" curve="-90"/>
1839 <vertex x="1.2865" y="0" curve="-90"/>
1840 </polygon>
1841 </package>
1842 <package name="SPRINGTERMINAL-2.54MM-2">
1843 <wire x1="-4.2" y1="7.88" x2="-4.2" y2="-2.8" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1844 <wire x1="-4.2" y1="-2.8" x2="-4.2" y2="-4.72" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
1845 <wire x1="-4.2" y1="-4.72" x2="3.44" y2="-4.72" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
1846 <wire x1="3.44" y1="-4.72" x2="3.44" y2="-2.8" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
1847 <wire x1="3.44" y1="7.88" x2="-4.2" y2="7.88" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1848 <wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="5.08" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
1849 <wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="5.08" width="0.254" layer="16"/>
1850 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="5.08" width="0.254" layer="16"/>
1851 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="5.08" width="0.254" layer="1"/>
1852 <wire x1="-4.2" y1="-2.8" x2="3.44" y2="-2.8" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1853 <wire x1="3.44" y1="4" x2="3.44" y2="1" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1854 <wire x1="3.44" y1="7.88" x2="3.44" y2="6" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1855 <wire x1="3.44" y1="-0.9" x2="3.44" y2="-2.8" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1856 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.1" diameter="1.9"/>
1857 <pad name="P$2" x="0" y="5.08" drill="1.1" diameter="1.9"/>
1858 <pad name="P$3" x="2.54" y="5.08" drill="1.1" diameter="1.9"/>
1859 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.1" diameter="1.9"/>
1860 </package>
1861 <package name="LED5MM">
1862 <description>&lt;B&gt;LED&lt;/B&gt;&lt;p&gt;
1863 5 mm, round</description>
1864 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.905" x2="2.54" y2="1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1865 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.905" x2="2.54" y2="1.905" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="-286.260205" cap="flat"/>
1866 <wire x1="-1.143" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1.143" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
1867 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.143" x2="1.143" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
1868 <wire x1="-1.651" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1.651" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
1869 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.651" x2="1.651" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
1870 <wire x1="-2.159" y1="0" x2="0" y2="2.159" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
1871 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.159" x2="2.159" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
1872 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
1873 <pad name="A" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
1874 <pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
1875 <text x="3.175" y="0.5334" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1876 <text x="3.2004" y="-1.8034" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
1877 </package>
1878 <package name="LED3MM">
1879 <description>&lt;B&gt;LED&lt;/B&gt;&lt;p&gt;
1880 3 mm, round</description>
1881 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="-1.27" x2="1.5748" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
1882 <wire x1="0" y1="2.032" x2="1.561" y2="1.3009" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="-50.193108" cap="flat"/>
1883 <wire x1="-1.7929" y1="0.9562" x2="0" y2="2.032" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="-61.926949" cap="flat"/>
1884 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.032" x2="1.5512" y2="-1.3126" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="49.763022" cap="flat"/>
1885 <wire x1="-1.7643" y1="-1.0082" x2="0" y2="-2.032" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="60.255215" cap="flat"/>
1886 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="0" x2="-1.7891" y2="0.9634" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="-28.301701" cap="flat"/>
1887 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="0" x2="-1.7306" y2="-1.065" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="31.60822" cap="flat"/>
1888 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="1.2954" x2="1.5748" y2="0.7874" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1889 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="-1.2954" x2="1.5748" y2="-0.8382" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
1890 <pad name="A" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
1891 <pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
1892 <text x="1.905" y="0.381" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1893 <text x="1.905" y="-1.651" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
1894 </package>
1895 <package name="LED-1206">
1896 <wire x1="-1" y1="1" x2="-2.4" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1897 <wire x1="-2.4" y1="1" x2="-2.4" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1898 <wire x1="-2.4" y1="-1" x2="-1" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1899 <wire x1="1" y1="1" x2="2.4" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1900 <wire x1="2.4" y1="1" x2="2.4" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1901 <wire x1="2.4" y1="-1" x2="1" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1902 <wire x1="0.3" y1="0.7" x2="0.3" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1903 <wire x1="0.3" y1="0" x2="0.3" y2="-0.7" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1904 <wire x1="0.3" y1="0" x2="-0.3" y2="0.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1905 <wire x1="-0.3" y1="0.6" x2="-0.3" y2="-0.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1906 <wire x1="-0.3" y1="-0.6" x2="0.3" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1907 <smd name="A" x="-1.5" y="0" dx="1.2" dy="1.4" layer="1"/>
1908 <smd name="C" x="1.5" y="0" dx="1.2" dy="1.4" layer="1"/>
1909 <text x="-0.889" y="1.397" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1910 <text x="-1.016" y="-1.778" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1911 </package>
1912 <package name="LED-0603">
1913 <wire x1="0.46" y1="0.17" x2="0" y2="0.17" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1914 <wire x1="-0.46" y1="0.17" x2="0" y2="0.17" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1915 <wire x1="0" y1="0.17" x2="0.2338" y2="-0.14" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1916 <wire x1="-0.0254" y1="0.1546" x2="-0.2184" y2="-0.14" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1917 <smd name="C" x="0" y="0.75" dx="0.8" dy="0.8" layer="1"/>
1918 <smd name="A" x="0" y="-0.75" dx="0.8" dy="0.8" layer="1"/>
1919 <text x="-0.6985" y="-0.889" size="0.4064" layer="25" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
1920 <text x="1.0795" y="-1.016" size="0.4064" layer="27" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
1921 </package>
1922 <package name="LED10MM">
1923 <wire x1="-5" y1="-2" x2="-5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="316.862624"/>
1924 <wire x1="-5" y1="2" x2="-5" y2="-2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1925 <pad name="A" x="2.54" y="0" drill="2.4" diameter="3.7"/>
1926 <pad name="C" x="-2.54" y="0" drill="2.4" diameter="3.7" shape="square"/>
1927 <text x="2.159" y="2.54" size="1.016" layer="51" ratio="15">L</text>
1928 <text x="-2.921" y="2.54" size="1.016" layer="51" ratio="15">S</text>
1929 </package>
1930 <package name="FKIT-LED-1206">
1931 <wire x1="1.55" y1="-0.75" x2="-1.55" y2="-0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
1932 <wire x1="-1.55" y1="-0.75" x2="-1.55" y2="0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
1933 <wire x1="-1.55" y1="0.75" x2="1.55" y2="0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
1934 <wire x1="1.55" y1="0.75" x2="1.55" y2="-0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
1935 <wire x1="-0.55" y1="-0.5" x2="0.55" y2="-0.5" width="0.1016" layer="21" curve="95.452622"/>
1936 <wire x1="-0.55" y1="0.5" x2="-0.55" y2="-0.5" width="0.1016" layer="51" curve="84.547378"/>
1937 <wire x1="0.55" y1="0.5" x2="-0.55" y2="0.5" width="0.1016" layer="21" curve="95.452622"/>
1938 <wire x1="0.55" y1="-0.5" x2="0.55" y2="0.5" width="0.1016" layer="51" curve="84.547378"/>
1939 <smd name="A" x="-1.422" y="0" dx="1.6" dy="1.803" layer="1"/>
1940 <smd name="C" x="1.422" y="0" dx="1.6" dy="1.803" layer="1"/>
1941 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
1942 <text x="-1.27" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1943 <rectangle x1="-0.1" y1="-0.1" x2="0.1" y2="0.1" layer="21"/>
1944 <rectangle x1="0.45" y1="-0.7" x2="0.8" y2="-0.45" layer="51"/>
1945 <rectangle x1="0.8" y1="-0.7" x2="0.9" y2="0.5" layer="51"/>
1946 <rectangle x1="0.8" y1="0.55" x2="0.9" y2="0.7" layer="51"/>
1947 <rectangle x1="-0.9" y1="-0.7" x2="-0.8" y2="0.5" layer="51"/>
1948 <rectangle x1="-0.9" y1="0.55" x2="-0.8" y2="0.7" layer="51"/>
1949 <rectangle x1="0.45" y1="-0.7" x2="0.6" y2="-0.45" layer="21"/>
1950 </package>
1951 <package name="LED3MM-NS">
1952 <description>&lt;h3&gt;LED 3MM - No Silk&lt;/h3&gt;
1953 3 mm, round</description>
1954 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="-1.27" x2="1.5748" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
1955 <wire x1="0" y1="2.032" x2="1.561" y2="1.3009" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="-50.193108" cap="flat"/>
1956 <wire x1="-1.7929" y1="0.9562" x2="0" y2="2.032" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="-61.926949" cap="flat"/>
1957 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.032" x2="1.5512" y2="-1.3126" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="49.763022" cap="flat"/>
1958 <wire x1="-1.7643" y1="-1.0082" x2="0" y2="-2.032" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="60.255215" cap="flat"/>
1959 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="0" x2="-1.7891" y2="0.9634" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="-28.301701" cap="flat"/>
1960 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="0" x2="-1.7306" y2="-1.065" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="31.60822" cap="flat"/>
1961 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="1.2954" x2="1.5748" y2="0.7874" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
1962 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="-1.2954" x2="1.5748" y2="-0.8382" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
1963 <pad name="A" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128"/>
1964 <pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128"/>
1965 <text x="1.905" y="0.381" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1966 <text x="1.905" y="-1.651" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
1967 </package>
1968 <package name="LED5MM-KIT">
1969 <description>&lt;h3&gt;LED5MM-KIT&lt;/h3&gt;
1970 5MM Through-hole LED&lt;br&gt;
1971 &lt;br&gt;
1972 &lt;b&gt;Warning:&lt;/b&gt; This is the KIT version of this package. This package has a smaller diameter top stop mask, which doesn't cover the diameter of the pad. This means only the bottom side of the pads' copper will be exposed. You'll only be able to solder to the bottom side.</description>
1973 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.905" x2="2.54" y2="1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1974 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.905" x2="2.54" y2="1.905" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="-286.260205" cap="flat"/>
1975 <wire x1="-1.143" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1.143" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
1976 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.143" x2="1.143" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
1977 <wire x1="-1.651" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1.651" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
1978 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.651" x2="1.651" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
1979 <wire x1="-2.159" y1="0" x2="0" y2="2.159" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
1980 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.159" x2="2.159" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
1981 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
1982 <pad name="A" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796" stop="no"/>
1983 <pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796" stop="no"/>
1984 <text x="3.175" y="0.5334" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1985 <text x="3.2004" y="-1.8034" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
1986 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
1987 <vertex x="-1.2675" y="-0.9525" curve="-90"/>
1988 <vertex x="-2.2224" y="-0.0228" curve="-90.011749"/>
1989 <vertex x="-1.27" y="0.9526" curve="-90"/>
1990 <vertex x="-0.32" y="-0.0254" curve="-90.024193"/>
1991 </polygon>
1992 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
1993 <vertex x="-1.27" y="-0.4445" curve="-90.012891"/>
1994 <vertex x="-1.7145" y="-0.0203" curve="-90"/>
1995 <vertex x="-1.27" y="0.447" curve="-90"/>
1996 <vertex x="-0.8281" y="-0.0101" curve="-90.012967"/>
1997 </polygon>
1998 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
1999 <vertex x="1.2725" y="-0.9525" curve="-90"/>
2000 <vertex x="0.3176" y="-0.0228" curve="-90.011749"/>
2001 <vertex x="1.27" y="0.9526" curve="-90"/>
2002 <vertex x="2.22" y="-0.0254" curve="-90.024193"/>
2003 </polygon>
2004 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
2005 <vertex x="1.27" y="-0.4445" curve="-90.012891"/>
2006 <vertex x="0.8255" y="-0.0203" curve="-90"/>
2007 <vertex x="1.27" y="0.447" curve="-90"/>
2008 <vertex x="1.7119" y="-0.0101" curve="-90.012967"/>
2009 </polygon>
2010 </package>
2011 <package name="TACTILE-PTH">
2012 <description>&lt;b&gt;OMRON SWITCH&lt;/b&gt;</description>
2013 <wire x1="3.048" y1="1.016" x2="3.048" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2014 <wire x1="3.048" y1="2.54" x2="2.54" y2="3.048" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2015 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-3.048" x2="3.048" y2="-2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2016 <wire x1="3.048" y1="-2.54" x2="3.048" y2="-1.016" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2017 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="3.048" x2="-3.048" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2018 <wire x1="-3.048" y1="2.54" x2="-3.048" y2="1.016" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2019 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-3.048" x2="-3.048" y2="-2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2020 <wire x1="-3.048" y1="-2.54" x2="-3.048" y2="-1.016" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2021 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-3.048" x2="2.159" y2="-3.048" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2022 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-3.048" x2="-2.159" y2="-3.048" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2023 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="3.048" x2="-2.159" y2="3.048" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2024 <wire x1="2.54" y1="3.048" x2="2.159" y2="3.048" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2025 <wire x1="2.159" y1="3.048" x2="-2.159" y2="3.048" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2026 <wire x1="-2.159" y1="-3.048" x2="2.159" y2="-3.048" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2027 <wire x1="3.048" y1="0.998" x2="3.048" y2="-1.016" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2028 <wire x1="-3.048" y1="1.028" x2="-3.048" y2="-1.016" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2029 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="1.27" x2="-2.54" y2="0.508" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2030 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.508" x2="-2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2031 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.508" x2="-2.159" y2="-0.381" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2032 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="1.778" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2033 <pad name="1" x="-3.2512" y="2.2606" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
2034 <pad name="2" x="3.2512" y="2.2606" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
2035 <pad name="3" x="-3.2512" y="-2.2606" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
2036 <pad name="4" x="3.2512" y="-2.2606" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
2037 <text x="-2.54" y="3.81" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
2038 </package>
2039 <package name="TACTILE_SWITCH_SMD">
2040 <wire x1="-1.54" y1="-2.54" x2="-2.54" y2="-1.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2041 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-1.24" x2="-2.54" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2042 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="1.54" x2="-1.54" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2043 <wire x1="-1.54" y1="2.54" x2="1.54" y2="2.54" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2044 <wire x1="1.54" y1="2.54" x2="2.54" y2="1.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2045 <wire x1="2.54" y1="1.24" x2="2.54" y2="-1.24" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2046 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.54" x2="1.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2047 <wire x1="1.54" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2048 <wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="1.905" y2="0.445" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2049 <wire x1="1.905" y1="0.445" x2="2.16" y2="-0.01" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2050 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-0.23" x2="1.905" y2="-1.115" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2051 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2052 <smd name="1" x="-2.54" y="1.905" dx="0.762" dy="1.524" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2053 <smd name="2" x="2.54" y="1.905" dx="0.762" dy="1.524" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2054 <smd name="3" x="-2.54" y="-1.905" dx="0.762" dy="1.524" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2055 <smd name="4" x="2.54" y="-1.905" dx="0.762" dy="1.524" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2056 <text x="-0.889" y="1.778" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
2057 <text x="-0.889" y="-2.032" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
2058 </package>
2059 <package name="TACTILE_SWITCH_SMD-2">
2060 <wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="1.905" y2="0.445" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2061 <wire x1="1.905" y1="0.445" x2="2.16" y2="-0.01" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2062 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-0.23" x2="1.905" y2="-1.115" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2063 <wire x1="-2.25" y1="2.25" x2="2.25" y2="2.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2064 <wire x1="2.25" y1="2.25" x2="2.25" y2="-2.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2065 <wire x1="2.25" y1="-2.25" x2="-2.25" y2="-2.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2066 <wire x1="-2.25" y1="-2.25" x2="-2.25" y2="2.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2067 <wire x1="-2.2" y1="0.8" x2="-2.2" y2="-0.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2068 <wire x1="1.3" y1="2.2" x2="-1.3" y2="2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2069 <wire x1="2.2" y1="-0.8" x2="2.2" y2="0.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2070 <wire x1="-1.3" y1="-2.2" x2="1.3" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2071 <wire x1="2.2" y1="0.8" x2="1.8" y2="0.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2072 <wire x1="2.2" y1="-0.8" x2="1.8" y2="-0.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2073 <wire x1="-1.8" y1="0.8" x2="-2.2" y2="0.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2074 <wire x1="-1.8" y1="-0.8" x2="-2.2" y2="-0.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2075 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2076 <smd name="1" x="2.225" y="1.75" dx="1.1" dy="0.7" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2077 <smd name="2" x="2.225" y="-1.75" dx="1.1" dy="0.7" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2078 <smd name="3" x="-2.225" y="-1.75" dx="1.1" dy="0.7" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2079 <smd name="4" x="-2.225" y="1.75" dx="1.1" dy="0.7" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2080 <text x="-0.889" y="1.778" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
2081 <text x="-0.889" y="-2.032" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
2082 </package>
2083 <package name="TACTILE-PTH-12MM">
2084 <wire x1="5" y1="-1.3" x2="5" y2="-0.7" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2085 <wire x1="5" y1="-0.7" x2="4.5" y2="-0.2" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2086 <wire x1="5" y1="0.2" x2="5" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
2087 <wire x1="-6" y1="4" x2="-6" y2="5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2088 <wire x1="-5" y1="6" x2="5" y2="6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2089 <wire x1="6" y1="5" x2="6" y2="4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2090 <wire x1="6" y1="1" x2="6" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2091 <wire x1="6" y1="-4" x2="6" y2="-5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2092 <wire x1="5" y1="-6" x2="-5" y2="-6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2093 <wire x1="-6" y1="-5" x2="-6" y2="-4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2094 <wire x1="-6" y1="-1" x2="-6" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2095 <wire x1="-6" y1="5" x2="-5" y2="6" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
2096 <wire x1="5" y1="6" x2="6" y2="5" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
2097 <wire x1="6" y1="-5" x2="5" y2="-6" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
2098 <wire x1="-5" y1="-6" x2="-6" y2="-5" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
2099 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="3.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2100 <circle x="-4.5" y="4.5" radius="0.3" width="0.7" layer="21"/>
2101 <circle x="4.5" y="4.5" radius="0.3" width="0.7" layer="21"/>
2102 <circle x="4.5" y="-4.5" radius="0.3" width="0.7" layer="21"/>
2103 <circle x="-4.5" y="-4.5" radius="0.3" width="0.7" layer="21"/>
2104 <pad name="4" x="-6.25" y="2.5" drill="1.2" diameter="2.159"/>
2105 <pad name="2" x="-6.25" y="-2.5" drill="1.2" diameter="2.159"/>
2106 <pad name="1" x="6.25" y="-2.5" drill="1.2" diameter="2.159"/>
2107 <pad name="3" x="6.25" y="2.5" drill="1.2" diameter="2.159"/>
2108 </package>
2109 <package name="TACTILE-SWITCH-1101NE">
2110 <description>Sparkfun SKU# COM-08229</description>
2111 <wire x1="-3" y1="1.1" x2="-3" y2="-1.1" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2112 <wire x1="3" y1="1.1" x2="3" y2="-1.1" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2113 <wire x1="-2.75" y1="1.75" x2="-3" y2="1.5" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="90"/>
2114 <wire x1="-2.75" y1="1.75" x2="2.75" y2="1.75" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2115 <wire x1="2.75" y1="1.75" x2="3" y2="1.5" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
2116 <wire x1="3" y1="-1.5" x2="2.65" y2="-1.75" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
2117 <wire x1="2.65" y1="-1.75" x2="-2.75" y2="-1.75" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2118 <wire x1="-3" y1="-1.5" x2="-2.75" y2="-1.75" width="0.127" layer="21" curve="90"/>
2119 <wire x1="-3" y1="-1.5" x2="-3" y2="-1.1" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2120 <wire x1="-3" y1="1.1" x2="-3" y2="1.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2121 <wire x1="3" y1="1.1" x2="3" y2="1.5" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2122 <wire x1="3" y1="-1.5" x2="3" y2="-1.1" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2123 <wire x1="-1.5" y1="0.75" x2="1.5" y2="0.75" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2124 <wire x1="1.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-1.5" y2="-0.75" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2125 <wire x1="-1.5" y1="-0.75" x2="-1.5" y2="0.75" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2126 <wire x1="1.5" y1="-0.75" x2="1.5" y2="0.75" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2127 <wire x1="-2" y1="0" x2="-1" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2128 <wire x1="-1" y1="0" x2="0.1" y2="0.5" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2129 <wire x1="0.3" y1="0" x2="2" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2130 <smd name="P$1" x="-3.15" y="0" dx="2.3" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R180"/>
2131 <smd name="P$2" x="3.15" y="0" dx="2.3" dy="1.6" layer="1" rot="R180"/>
2132 <text x="-3" y="2" size="0.762" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
2133 <text x="-3" y="-2.7" size="0.762" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
2134 </package>
2135 <package name="REED_SWITCH_PTH">
2136 <wire x1="-6.985" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2137 <wire x1="-6.985" y1="-0.635" x2="-6.985" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2138 <wire x1="-6.985" y1="0" x2="-6.985" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2139 <wire x1="-6.985" y1="0.635" x2="6.985" y2="0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2140 <wire x1="6.985" y1="0.635" x2="6.985" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2141 <wire x1="6.985" y1="0" x2="6.985" y2="-0.635" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2142 <wire x1="-6.985" y1="0" x2="-7.62" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2143 <wire x1="6.985" y1="0" x2="7.62" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2144 <pad name="P$1" x="-8.89" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
2145 <pad name="P$2" x="8.89" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796"/>
2146 </package>
2147 <package name="TACTILE_SWITCH_TALL">
2148 <wire x1="-3" y1="-3" x2="3" y2="-3" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
2149 <wire x1="3" y1="-3" x2="3" y2="3" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
2150 <wire x1="3" y1="3" x2="-3" y2="3" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
2151 <wire x1="-3" y1="3" x2="-3" y2="-3" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
2152 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="1.75" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
2153 <smd name="A1" x="-3.975" y="-2.25" dx="1.3" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2154 <smd name="A2" x="3.975" y="-2.25" dx="1.3" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2155 <smd name="B1" x="-3.975" y="2.25" dx="1.3" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2156 <smd name="B2" x="3.975" y="2.25" dx="1.3" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
2157 </package>
2158 <package name="REED_SWITCH_PLASTIC">
2159 <wire x1="-7.5" y1="-1.65" x2="7.5" y2="-1.65" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2160 <wire x1="-7.5" y1="-1.65" x2="-7.5" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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2162 <wire x1="-7.5" y1="1.65" x2="7.5" y2="1.65" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2163 <wire x1="7.5" y1="1.65" x2="7.5" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2164 <wire x1="7.5" y1="0" x2="7.5" y2="-1.65" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2165 <wire x1="-7.5" y1="0" x2="-7.72" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2166 <wire x1="7.5" y1="0" x2="7.72" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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2169 </package>
2170 <package name="DPDT-2">
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2173 <wire x1="-4.8" y1="-1.8" x2="4.8" y2="-1.8" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
2174 <wire x1="4.8" y1="-1.8" x2="4.8" y2="1.8" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
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2176 <pad name="2" x="0" y="1.75" drill="0.8" diameter="1.6764"/>
2177 <pad name="3" x="2.45" y="1.75" drill="0.8" diameter="1.6764"/>
2178 <pad name="4" x="-2.45" y="-1.75" drill="0.8" diameter="1.6764"/>
2179 <pad name="5" x="0" y="-1.75" drill="0.8" diameter="1.6764"/>
2180 <pad name="6" x="2.45" y="-1.75" drill="0.8" diameter="1.6764"/>
2181 </package>
2182 </packages>
2183 <symbols>
2184 <symbol name="CAP">
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2186 <wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
2187 <text x="1.524" y="2.921" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
2188 <text x="1.524" y="-2.159" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
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2192 <pin name="2" x="0" y="-2.54" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R90"/>
2193 </symbol>
2194 <symbol name="RESISTOR">
2195 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-2.159" y2="1.016" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
2196 <wire x1="-2.159" y1="1.016" x2="-1.524" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
2197 <wire x1="-1.524" y1="-1.016" x2="-0.889" y2="1.016" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
2198 <wire x1="-0.889" y1="1.016" x2="-0.254" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
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2440 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2441 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2442 </connects>
2443 <technologies>
2444 <technology name=""/>
2445 </technologies>
2446 </device>
2447 <device name="0402-CAP" package="0402-CAP">
2448 <connects>
2449 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2450 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2451 </connects>
2452 <technologies>
2453 <technology name=""/>
2454 </technologies>
2455 </device>
2456 <device name="PTH1" package="CAP-PTH-5MM">
2457 <connects>
2458 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2459 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2460 </connects>
2461 <technologies>
2462 <technology name=""/>
2463 </technologies>
2464 </device>
2465 <device name="_" package="AXIAL-5MM">
2466 <connects>
2467 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
2468 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
2469 </connects>
2470 <technologies>
2471 <technology name=""/>
2472 </technologies>
2473 </device>
2474 <device name="1210" package="1210">
2475 <connects>
2476 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2477 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2478 </connects>
2479 <technologies>
2480 <technology name=""/>
2481 </technologies>
2482 </device>
2483 <device name="1206" package="1206">
2484 <connects>
2485 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2486 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2487 </connects>
2488 <technologies>
2489 <technology name=""/>
2490 </technologies>
2491 </device>
2492 <device name="ASMD" package="CTZ3">
2493 <connects>
2494 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="+"/>
2495 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="-"/>
2496 </connects>
2497 <technologies>
2498 <technology name=""/>
2499 </technologies>
2500 </device>
2501 <device name="KIT" package="CAP-PTH-SMALL-KIT">
2502 <connects>
2503 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2504 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2505 </connects>
2506 <technologies>
2507 <technology name=""/>
2508 </technologies>
2509 </device>
2510 </devices>
2511 </deviceset>
2512 <deviceset name="RESISTOR" prefix="R" uservalue="yes">
2513 <description>&lt;b&gt;Resistor&lt;/b&gt;
2514 Basic schematic elements and footprints for 0603, 1206, and PTH resistors.</description>
2515 <gates>
2516 <gate name="G$1" symbol="RESISTOR" x="0" y="0"/>
2517 </gates>
2518 <devices>
2519 <device name="1206" package="1206">
2520 <connects>
2521 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2522 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2523 </connects>
2524 <technologies>
2525 <technology name=""/>
2526 </technologies>
2527 </device>
2528 <device name="AXIAL-0.3" package="AXIAL-0.3">
2529 <connects>
2530 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
2531 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
2532 </connects>
2533 <technologies>
2534 <technology name=""/>
2535 </technologies>
2536 </device>
2537 <device name="2010" package="R2010">
2538 <connects>
2539 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2540 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2541 </connects>
2542 <technologies>
2543 <technology name=""/>
2544 </technologies>
2545 </device>
2546 <device name="0805-RES" package="0805">
2547 <connects>
2548 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2549 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2550 </connects>
2551 <technologies>
2552 <technology name=""/>
2553 </technologies>
2554 </device>
2555 <device name="0603-RES" package="0603-RES">
2556 <connects>
2557 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2558 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2559 </connects>
2560 <technologies>
2561 <technology name=""/>
2562 </technologies>
2563 </device>
2564 <device name="0402-RES" package="0402-RES">
2565 <connects>
2566 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2567 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2568 </connects>
2569 <technologies>
2570 <technology name=""/>
2571 </technologies>
2572 </device>
2573 <device name="PTH-1/6W" package="1/6W-RES">
2574 <connects>
2575 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2576 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2577 </connects>
2578 <technologies>
2579 <technology name=""/>
2580 </technologies>
2581 </device>
2582 <device name="2512" package="R2512">
2583 <connects>
2584 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2585 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2586 </connects>
2587 <technologies>
2588 <technology name=""/>
2589 </technologies>
2590 </device>
2591 <device name="PTH-1/4W" package="AXIAL-0.4">
2592 <connects>
2593 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
2594 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
2595 </connects>
2596 <technologies>
2597 <technology name=""/>
2598 </technologies>
2599 </device>
2600 <device name="PTH-1/2W" package="AXIAL-0.5">
2601 <connects>
2602 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
2603 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
2604 </connects>
2605 <technologies>
2606 <technology name=""/>
2607 </technologies>
2608 </device>
2609 <device name="PTH-1W" package="AXIAL-0.6">
2610 <connects>
2611 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
2612 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
2613 </connects>
2614 <technologies>
2615 <technology name=""/>
2616 </technologies>
2617 </device>
2618 <device name="PTH-2W" package="AXIAL-0.8">
2619 <connects>
2620 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
2621 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
2622 </connects>
2623 <technologies>
2624 <technology name=""/>
2625 </technologies>
2626 </device>
2627 <device name="KIT" package="AXIAL-0.3-KIT">
2628 <connects>
2629 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
2630 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
2631 </connects>
2632 <technologies>
2633 <technology name=""/>
2634 </technologies>
2635 </device>
2636 </devices>
2637 </deviceset>
2638 <deviceset name="TRANSISTOR_NPN" prefix="Q" uservalue="yes">
2639 <description>&lt;b&gt;Transistor NPN&lt;/b&gt;
2640 BJT configuration in SOT23 package. MMBT2222 is the common NPN we use. Double check BCE configuration again layout.</description>
2641 <gates>
2642 <gate name="G$1" symbol="NPN" x="0" y="0"/>
2643 </gates>
2644 <devices>
2645 <device name="SOT23" package="SOT23">
2646 <connects>
2647 <connect gate="G$1" pin="B" pad="1"/>
2648 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="3"/>
2649 <connect gate="G$1" pin="E" pad="2"/>
2650 </connects>
2651 <technologies>
2652 <technology name=""/>
2653 </technologies>
2654 </device>
2655 <device name="SOT23-3" package="SOT23-3">
2656 <connects>
2657 <connect gate="G$1" pin="B" pad="1"/>
2658 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="3"/>
2659 <connect gate="G$1" pin="E" pad="2"/>
2660 </connects>
2661 <technologies>
2662 <technology name=""/>
2663 </technologies>
2664 </device>
2665 <device name="TO92" package="TO-92">
2666 <connects>
2667 <connect gate="G$1" pin="B" pad="2"/>
2668 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="3"/>
2669 <connect gate="G$1" pin="E" pad="1"/>
2670 </connects>
2671 <technologies>
2672 <technology name=""/>
2673 </technologies>
2674 </device>
2675 <device name="&quot;" package="SOT223">
2676 <connects>
2677 <connect gate="G$1" pin="B" pad="1"/>
2678 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="2"/>
2679 <connect gate="G$1" pin="E" pad="3"/>
2680 </connects>
2681 <technologies>
2682 <technology name=""/>
2683 </technologies>
2684 </device>
2685 <device name="SOT89" package="SOT89">
2686 <connects>
2687 <connect gate="G$1" pin="B" pad="1"/>
2688 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="2"/>
2689 <connect gate="G$1" pin="E" pad="3"/>
2690 </connects>
2691 <technologies>
2692 <technology name=""/>
2693 </technologies>
2694 </device>
2695 <device name="TO-92-AMMO" package="TO-92-AMMO">
2696 <connects>
2697 <connect gate="G$1" pin="B" pad="2"/>
2698 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="3"/>
2699 <connect gate="G$1" pin="E" pad="1"/>
2700 </connects>
2701 <technologies>
2702 <technology name=""/>
2703 </technologies>
2704 </device>
2705 </devices>
2706 </deviceset>
2707 <deviceset name="BUZZER" prefix="SG">
2708 <description>&lt;b&gt;Buzzer 12mm&lt;/b&gt;
2709 Spark Fun Electronics SKU : Comp-Buzzer</description>
2710 <gates>
2711 <gate name="G$1" symbol="BUZZER" x="0" y="0"/>
2712 </gates>
2713 <devices>
2714 <device name="PTH" package="BUZZER-12MM">
2715 <connects>
2716 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="+"/>
2717 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="-"/>
2718 </connects>
2719 <technologies>
2720 <technology name=""/>
2721 </technologies>
2722 </device>
2723 <device name="SMD" package="BUZZER-CMT1603">
2724 <connects>
2725 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
2726 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
2727 </connects>
2728 <technologies>
2729 <technology name=""/>
2730 </technologies>
2731 </device>
2732 <device name="SMD2" package="BUZZER-CCV">
2733 <connects>
2734 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="+"/>
2735 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="-"/>
2736 </connects>
2737 <technologies>
2738 <technology name=""/>
2739 </technologies>
2740 </device>
2741 <device name="SMD3" package="BUZZER-CMT1102">
2742 <connects>
2743 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2744 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2745 </connects>
2746 <technologies>
2747 <technology name=""/>
2748 </technologies>
2749 </device>
2750 <device name="NS" package="BUZZER-12MM-NS">
2751 <connects>
2752 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="+"/>
2753 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="-"/>
2754 </connects>
2755 <technologies>
2756 <technology name=""/>
2757 </technologies>
2758 </device>
2759 <device name="PTH-NS-KIT" package="BUZZER-12MM-NS-KIT">
2760 <connects>
2761 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="+"/>
2762 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="-"/>
2763 </connects>
2764 <technologies>
2765 <technology name=""/>
2766 </technologies>
2767 </device>
2768 <device name="SMD2-KIT" package="BUZZER-CCV-KIT">
2769 <connects>
2770 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="+"/>
2771 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="-"/>
2772 </connects>
2773 <technologies>
2774 <technology name=""/>
2775 </technologies>
2776 </device>
2777 </devices>
2778 </deviceset>
2779 <deviceset name="V_REG_317" prefix="U">
2780 <description>&lt;b&gt;Voltage Regulator&lt;/b&gt;
2781 Standard LM317 adjustable voltage regulator. AOI (Adjust Output Input). Google 'LM317 Calculator' for easy to use app to get the two resistor values needed. 240/720 for 5V output. 240/390 for 3.3V output. Spark Fun Electronics SKU : COM-00527</description>
2782 <gates>
2783 <gate name="G$1" symbol="78ADJ-2" x="0" y="0"/>
2784 </gates>
2785 <devices>
2786 <device name="SINK" package="TO220-ADJ">
2787 <connects>
2788 <connect gate="G$1" pin="ADJ" pad="ADJ"/>
2789 <connect gate="G$1" pin="IN" pad="IN"/>
2790 <connect gate="G$1" pin="OUT" pad="OUT"/>
2791 </connects>
2792 <technologies>
2793 <technology name=""/>
2794 </technologies>
2795 </device>
2796 <device name="SMD" package="SOT223">
2797 <connects>
2798 <connect gate="G$1" pin="ADJ" pad="1"/>
2799 <connect gate="G$1" pin="IN" pad="3"/>
2800 <connect gate="G$1" pin="OUT" pad="2"/>
2801 </connects>
2802 <technologies>
2803 <technology name=""/>
2804 </technologies>
2805 </device>
2806 <device name="DPACK" package="V-REG_DPACK">
2807 <connects>
2808 <connect gate="G$1" pin="ADJ" pad="1"/>
2809 <connect gate="G$1" pin="IN" pad="3"/>
2810 <connect gate="G$1" pin="OUT" pad="4"/>
2811 </connects>
2812 <technologies>
2813 <technology name=""/>
2814 </technologies>
2815 </device>
2816 </devices>
2817 </deviceset>
2818 <deviceset name="VCC" prefix="P+">
2819 <description>&lt;b&gt;SUPPLY SYMBOL&lt;/b&gt;</description>
2820 <gates>
2821 <gate name="1" symbol="VCC2" x="0" y="0"/>
2822 </gates>
2823 <devices>
2824 <device name="">
2825 <technologies>
2826 <technology name=""/>
2827 </technologies>
2828 </device>
2829 </devices>
2830 </deviceset>
2831 <deviceset name="GND" prefix="GND">
2832 <description>&lt;b&gt;SUPPLY SYMBOL&lt;/b&gt;</description>
2833 <gates>
2834 <gate name="1" symbol="GND" x="0" y="0"/>
2835 </gates>
2836 <devices>
2837 <device name="">
2838 <technologies>
2839 <technology name=""/>
2840 </technologies>
2841 </device>
2842 </devices>
2843 </deviceset>
2844 <deviceset name="M04" prefix="JP" uservalue="yes">
2845 <description>&lt;b&gt;Header 4&lt;/b&gt;
2846 Standard 4-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115). Molex polarized connector foot print use with SKU : PRT-08231 with associated crimp pins and housings. 1MM SMD Version SKU: PRT-10208</description>
2847 <gates>
2848 <gate name="G$1" symbol="M04" x="-2.54" y="0"/>
2849 </gates>
2850 <devices>
2851 <device name="PTH" package="1X04">
2852 <connects>
2853 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2854 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2855 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2856 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2857 </connects>
2858 <technologies>
2859 <technology name=""/>
2860 </technologies>
2861 </device>
2862 <device name="POLAR" package="MOLEX-1X4">
2863 <connects>
2864 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2865 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2866 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2867 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2868 </connects>
2869 <technologies>
2870 <technology name=""/>
2871 </technologies>
2872 </device>
2873 <device name="SCREW" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-4">
2874 <connects>
2875 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2876 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2877 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2878 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2879 </connects>
2880 <technologies>
2881 <technology name=""/>
2882 </technologies>
2883 </device>
2884 <device name="1.27MM" package="1X04-1.27MM">
2885 <connects>
2886 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2887 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2888 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2889 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2890 </connects>
2891 <technologies>
2892 <technology name=""/>
2893 </technologies>
2894 </device>
2895 <device name="LOCK" package="1X04_LOCK">
2896 <connects>
2897 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2898 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2899 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2900 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2901 </connects>
2902 <technologies>
2903 <technology name=""/>
2904 </technologies>
2905 </device>
2906 <device name="LOCK_LONGPADS" package="1X04_LOCK_LONGPADS">
2907 <connects>
2908 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2909 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2910 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2911 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2912 </connects>
2913 <technologies>
2914 <technology name=""/>
2915 </technologies>
2916 </device>
2917 <device name="POLAR_LOCK" package="MOLEX-1X4_LOCK">
2918 <connects>
2919 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2920 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2921 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2922 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2923 </connects>
2924 <technologies>
2925 <technology name=""/>
2926 </technologies>
2927 </device>
2928 <device name="SMD" package="1X04-SMD">
2929 <connects>
2930 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2931 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2932 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2933 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2934 </connects>
2935 <technologies>
2936 <technology name=""/>
2937 </technologies>
2938 </device>
2939 <device name="LONGPADS" package="1X04_LONGPADS">
2940 <connects>
2941 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2942 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2943 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2944 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2945 </connects>
2946 <technologies>
2947 <technology name=""/>
2948 </technologies>
2949 </device>
2950 <device name="1X04_NO_SILK" package="1X04_NO_SILK">
2951 <connects>
2952 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2953 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2954 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2955 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2956 </connects>
2957 <technologies>
2958 <technology name=""/>
2959 </technologies>
2960 </device>
2961 <device name="JST-PTH" package="JST-4-PTH">
2962 <connects>
2963 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2964 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2965 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2966 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2967 </connects>
2968 <technologies>
2969 <technology name=""/>
2970 </technologies>
2971 </device>
2972 <device name="SCREW_LOCK" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-4_LOCK">
2973 <connects>
2974 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2975 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2976 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2977 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2978 </connects>
2979 <technologies>
2980 <technology name=""/>
2981 </technologies>
2982 </device>
2983 <device name="SMD2" package="1X04-1MM-RA">
2984 <connects>
2985 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
2986 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2987 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
2988 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
2989 </connects>
2990 <technologies>
2991 <technology name=""/>
2992 </technologies>
2993 </device>
2994 </devices>
2995 </deviceset>
2996 <deviceset name="M03" prefix="JP" uservalue="yes">
2997 <description>&lt;b&gt;Header 3&lt;/b&gt;
2998 Standard 3-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115). Molex polarized connector foot print use with SKU : PRT-08232 with associated crimp pins and housings.</description>
2999 <gates>
3000 <gate name="G$1" symbol="M03" x="-2.54" y="0"/>
3001 </gates>
3002 <devices>
3003 <device name="PTH" package="1X03">
3004 <connects>
3005 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3006 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3007 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3008 </connects>
3009 <technologies>
3010 <technology name=""/>
3011 </technologies>
3012 </device>
3013 <device name="POLAR" package="MOLEX-1X3">
3014 <connects>
3015 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3016 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3017 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3018 </connects>
3019 <technologies>
3020 <technology name=""/>
3021 </technologies>
3022 </device>
3023 <device name="SCREW" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-3">
3024 <connects>
3025 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3026 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3027 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3028 </connects>
3029 <technologies>
3030 <technology name=""/>
3031 </technologies>
3032 </device>
3033 <device name="LOCK" package="1X03_LOCK">
3034 <connects>
3035 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3036 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3037 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3038 </connects>
3039 <technologies>
3040 <technology name=""/>
3041 </technologies>
3042 </device>
3043 <device name="LOCK_LONGPADS" package="1X03_LOCK_LONGPADS">
3044 <connects>
3045 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3046 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3047 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3048 </connects>
3049 <technologies>
3050 <technology name=""/>
3051 </technologies>
3052 </device>
3053 <device name="POLAR_LOCK" package="MOLEX-1X3_LOCK">
3054 <connects>
3055 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3056 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3057 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3058 </connects>
3059 <technologies>
3060 <technology name=""/>
3061 </technologies>
3062 </device>
3063 <device name="SCREW_LOCK" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-3_LOCK.007S">
3064 <connects>
3065 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3066 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3067 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3068 </connects>
3069 <technologies>
3070 <technology name=""/>
3071 </technologies>
3072 </device>
3073 <device name="1X03_NO_SILK" package="1X03_NO_SILK">
3074 <connects>
3075 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3076 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3077 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3078 </connects>
3079 <technologies>
3080 <technology name=""/>
3081 </technologies>
3082 </device>
3083 <device name="LONGPADS" package="1X03_LONGPADS">
3084 <connects>
3085 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3086 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3087 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3088 </connects>
3089 <technologies>
3090 <technology name=""/>
3091 </technologies>
3092 </device>
3093 <device name="JST-PTH" package="JST-3-PTH">
3094 <connects>
3095 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3096 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3097 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3098 </connects>
3099 <technologies>
3100 <technology name=""/>
3101 </technologies>
3102 </device>
3103 <device name="POGO_PIN_HOLES_ONLY" package="1X03_PP_HOLES_ONLY">
3104 <connects>
3105 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3106 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3107 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3108 </connects>
3109 <technologies>
3110 <technology name=""/>
3111 </technologies>
3112 </device>
3113 <device name="-SCREW-5MM" package="SCREWTERMINAL-5MM-3">
3114 <connects>
3115 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3116 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3117 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3118 </connects>
3119 <technologies>
3120 <technology name=""/>
3121 </technologies>
3122 </device>
3123 <device name="LOCK_NO_SILK" package="1X03_LOCK_NO_SILK">
3124 <connects>
3125 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3126 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3127 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3128 </connects>
3129 <technologies>
3130 <technology name=""/>
3131 </technologies>
3132 </device>
3133 <device name="" package="JST-3-SMD">
3134 <connects>
3135 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3136 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3137 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3138 </connects>
3139 <technologies>
3140 <technology name=""/>
3141 </technologies>
3142 </device>
3143 <device name="SMD" package="1X03-1MM-RA">
3144 <connects>
3145 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3146 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3147 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3148 </connects>
3149 <technologies>
3150 <technology name=""/>
3151 </technologies>
3152 </device>
3153 </devices>
3154 </deviceset>
3155 <deviceset name="M02" prefix="JP" uservalue="yes">
3156 <description>&lt;b&gt;Header 2&lt;/b&gt;
3157 Standard 2-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115). Molex polarized connector foot print use with SKU : PRT-08233 with associated crimp pins and housings.</description>
3158 <gates>
3159 <gate name="G$1" symbol="M02" x="-2.54" y="0"/>
3160 </gates>
3161 <devices>
3162 <device name="PTH" package="1X02">
3163 <connects>
3164 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3165 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3166 </connects>
3167 <technologies>
3168 <technology name=""/>
3169 </technologies>
3170 </device>
3171 <device name="POLAR" package="MOLEX-1X2">
3172 <connects>
3173 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3174 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3175 </connects>
3176 <technologies>
3177 <technology name=""/>
3178 </technologies>
3179 </device>
3180 <device name="3.5MM" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-2">
3181 <connects>
3182 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3183 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3184 </connects>
3185 <technologies>
3186 <technology name=""/>
3187 </technologies>
3188 </device>
3189 <device name="-JST-2MM-SMT" package="JST-2-SMD">
3190 <connects>
3191 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3192 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3193 </connects>
3194 <technologies>
3195 <technology name=""/>
3196 </technologies>
3197 </device>
3198 <device name="PTH2" package="1X02_BIG">
3199 <connects>
3200 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
3201 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
3202 </connects>
3203 <technologies>
3204 <technology name=""/>
3205 </technologies>
3206 </device>
3207 <device name="4UCON-15767" package="JST-2-SMD-VERT">
3208 <connects>
3209 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="GND"/>
3210 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="VCC"/>
3211 </connects>
3212 <technologies>
3213 <technology name=""/>
3214 </technologies>
3215 </device>
3216 <device name="ROCKER" package="R_SW_TH">
3217 <connects>
3218 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$3"/>
3219 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$4"/>
3220 </connects>
3221 <technologies>
3222 <technology name=""/>
3223 </technologies>
3224 </device>
3225 <device name="5MM" package="SCREWTERMINAL-5MM-2">
3226 <connects>
3227 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3228 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3229 </connects>
3230 <technologies>
3231 <technology name=""/>
3232 </technologies>
3233 </device>
3234 <device name="LOCK" package="1X02_LOCK">
3235 <connects>
3236 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3237 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3238 </connects>
3239 <technologies>
3240 <technology name=""/>
3241 </technologies>
3242 </device>
3243 <device name="POLAR_LOCK" package="MOLEX-1X2_LOCK">
3244 <connects>
3245 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3246 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3247 </connects>
3248 <technologies>
3249 <technology name=""/>
3250 </technologies>
3251 </device>
3252 <device name="LOCK_LONGPADS" package="1X02_LOCK_LONGPADS">
3253 <connects>
3254 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3255 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3256 </connects>
3257 <technologies>
3258 <technology name=""/>
3259 </technologies>
3260 </device>
3261 <device name="3.5MM_LOCK" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-2_LOCK">
3262 <connects>
3263 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3264 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3265 </connects>
3266 <technologies>
3267 <technology name=""/>
3268 </technologies>
3269 </device>
3270 <device name="PTH3" package="1X02_LONGPADS">
3271 <connects>
3272 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3273 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3274 </connects>
3275 <technologies>
3276 <technology name=""/>
3277 </technologies>
3278 </device>
3279 <device name="1X02_NO_SILK" package="1X02_NO_SILK">
3280 <connects>
3281 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3282 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3283 </connects>
3284 <technologies>
3285 <technology name=""/>
3286 </technologies>
3287 </device>
3288 <device name="JST-PTH-2" package="JST-2-PTH">
3289 <connects>
3290 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3291 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3292 </connects>
3293 <technologies>
3294 <technology name=""/>
3295 </technologies>
3296 </device>
3297 <device name="PTH4" package="1X02_XTRA_BIG">
3298 <connects>
3299 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3300 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3301 </connects>
3302 <technologies>
3303 <technology name=""/>
3304 </technologies>
3305 </device>
3306 <device name="POGO_PIN_HOLES_ONLY" package="1X02_PP_HOLES_ONLY">
3307 <connects>
3308 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3309 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3310 </connects>
3311 <technologies>
3312 <technology name=""/>
3313 </technologies>
3314 </device>
3315 <device name="3.5MM-NO_SILK" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-2-NS">
3316 <connects>
3317 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3318 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3319 </connects>
3320 <technologies>
3321 <technology name=""/>
3322 </technologies>
3323 </device>
3324 <device name="-JST-2-PTH-NO_SILK" package="JST-2-PTH-NS">
3325 <connects>
3326 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3327 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3328 </connects>
3329 <technologies>
3330 <technology name=""/>
3331 </technologies>
3332 </device>
3333 <device name="JST-PTH-2-KIT" package="JST-2-PTH-KIT">
3334 <connects>
3335 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3336 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3337 </connects>
3338 <technologies>
3339 <technology name=""/>
3340 </technologies>
3341 </device>
3342 <device name="SPRING-2.54-RA" package="SPRINGTERMINAL-2.54MM-2">
3343 <connects>
3344 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3345 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3346 </connects>
3347 <technologies>
3348 <technology name=""/>
3349 </technologies>
3350 </device>
3351 </devices>
3352 </deviceset>
3353 <deviceset name="LED" prefix="LED" uservalue="yes">
3354 <description>&lt;b&gt;LEDs&lt;/b&gt;
3355 Standard schematic elements and footprints for 5mm, 3mm, 1206, and 0603 sized LEDs. 5mm - Spark Fun Electronics SKU : COM-00529 (and others)</description>
3356 <gates>
3357 <gate name="G$1" symbol="LED" x="0" y="0"/>
3358 </gates>
3359 <devices>
3360 <device name="5MM" package="LED5MM">
3361 <connects>
3362 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
3363 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="K"/>
3364 </connects>
3365 <technologies>
3366 <technology name=""/>
3367 </technologies>
3368 </device>
3369 <device name="3MM" package="LED3MM">
3370 <connects>
3371 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
3372 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="K"/>
3373 </connects>
3374 <technologies>
3375 <technology name=""/>
3376 </technologies>
3377 </device>
3378 <device name="1206" package="LED-1206">
3379 <connects>
3380 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
3381 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="C"/>
3382 </connects>
3383 <technologies>
3384 <technology name=""/>
3385 </technologies>
3386 </device>
3387 <device name="0603" package="LED-0603">
3388 <connects>
3389 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
3390 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="C"/>
3391 </connects>
3392 <technologies>
3393 <technology name=""/>
3394 </technologies>
3395 </device>
3396 <device name="10MM" package="LED10MM">
3397 <connects>
3398 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
3399 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="C"/>
3400 </connects>
3401 <technologies>
3402 <technology name=""/>
3403 </technologies>
3404 </device>
3405 <device name="-FKIT-1206" package="FKIT-LED-1206">
3406 <connects>
3407 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
3408 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="C"/>
3409 </connects>
3410 <technologies>
3411 <technology name=""/>
3412 </technologies>
3413 </device>
3414 <device name="-3MM-NO_SILK" package="LED3MM-NS">
3415 <connects>
3416 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
3417 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="K"/>
3418 </connects>
3419 <technologies>
3420 <technology name=""/>
3421 </technologies>
3422 </device>
3423 <device name="5MM-KIT" package="LED5MM-KIT">
3424 <connects>
3425 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
3426 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="K"/>
3427 </connects>
3428 <technologies>
3429 <technology name=""/>
3430 </technologies>
3431 </device>
3432 </devices>
3433 </deviceset>
3434 <deviceset name="SWITCH-MOMENTARY-2" prefix="S">
3435 <gates>
3436 <gate name="G$1" symbol="SWITCH-MOMENTARY-2" x="0" y="0"/>
3437 </gates>
3438 <devices>
3439 <device name="PTH" package="TACTILE-PTH">
3440 <connects>
3441 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3442 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="3"/>
3443 </connects>
3444 <technologies>
3445 <technology name=""/>
3446 </technologies>
3447 </device>
3448 <device name="SMD" package="TACTILE_SWITCH_SMD">
3449 <connects>
3450 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3451 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="3"/>
3452 </connects>
3453 <technologies>
3454 <technology name=""/>
3455 </technologies>
3456 </device>
3457 <device name="SMD-2" package="TACTILE_SWITCH_SMD-2">
3458 <connects>
3459 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="2"/>
3460 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="1"/>
3461 </connects>
3462 <technologies>
3463 <technology name=""/>
3464 </technologies>
3465 </device>
3466 <device name="12MM" package="TACTILE-PTH-12MM">
3467 <connects>
3468 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3469 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="3"/>
3470 </connects>
3471 <technologies>
3472 <technology name=""/>
3473 </technologies>
3474 </device>
3475 <device name="-SMD-1101NE" package="TACTILE-SWITCH-1101NE">
3476 <connects>
3477 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
3478 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
3479 </connects>
3480 <technologies>
3481 <technology name=""/>
3482 </technologies>
3483 </device>
3484 <device name="PTH_REED" package="REED_SWITCH_PTH">
3485 <connects>
3486 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
3487 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
3488 </connects>
3489 <technologies>
3490 <technology name=""/>
3491 </technologies>
3492 </device>
3493 <device name="" package="TACTILE_SWITCH_TALL">
3494 <connects>
3495 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="A2"/>
3496 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="B2"/>
3497 </connects>
3498 <technologies>
3499 <technology name=""/>
3500 </technologies>
3501 </device>
3502 <device name="PTH_REED2" package="REED_SWITCH_PLASTIC">
3503 <connects>
3504 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
3505 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
3506 </connects>
3507 <technologies>
3508 <technology name=""/>
3509 </technologies>
3510 </device>
3511 </devices>
3512 </deviceset>
3513 <deviceset name="SWITCH-DPDT" prefix="S">
3514 <description>DPDT Version of the COM-00597</description>
3515 <gates>
3516 <gate name="G$1" symbol="AYZ0202" x="0" y="0"/>
3517 </gates>
3518 <devices>
3519 <device name="SMD" package="AYZ0202">
3520 <connects>
3521 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3522 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3523 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3524 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
3525 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
3526 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
3527 </connects>
3528 <technologies>
3529 <technology name=""/>
3530 </technologies>
3531 </device>
3532 <device name="PTH" package="MSS22">
3533 <connects>
3534 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3535 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3536 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3537 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
3538 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
3539 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
3540 </connects>
3541 <technologies>
3542 <technology name=""/>
3543 </technologies>
3544 </device>
3545 <device name="PTH1" package="MS">
3546 <connects>
3547 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3548 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3549 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3550 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
3551 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
3552 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
3553 </connects>
3554 <technologies>
3555 <technology name=""/>
3556 </technologies>
3557 </device>
3558 <device name="ES" package="ES">
3559 <connects>
3560 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3561 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3562 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3563 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
3564 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
3565 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
3566 </connects>
3567 <technologies>
3568 <technology name=""/>
3569 </technologies>
3570 </device>
3571 <device name="OS" package="OS">
3572 <connects>
3573 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3574 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3575 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3576 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
3577 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
3578 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
3579 </connects>
3580 <technologies>
3581 <technology name=""/>
3582 </technologies>
3583 </device>
3584 <device name="EG2211" package="EG2211">
3585 <connects>
3586 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P1-TA"/>
3587 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P1"/>
3588 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="P1-TB"/>
3589 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="P2-TA"/>
3590 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="P2"/>
3591 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="P2-TB"/>
3592 </connects>
3593 <technologies>
3594 <technology name=""/>
3595 </technologies>
3596 </device>
3597 <device name="GPI" package="GPI-152-3013">
3598 <connects>
3599 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="10"/>
3600 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="C@1"/>
3601 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="20"/>
3602 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="11"/>
3603 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="C@2"/>
3604 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="21"/>
3605 </connects>
3606 <technologies>
3607 <technology name=""/>
3608 </technologies>
3609 </device>
3610 <device name="" package="DPDT-2">
3611 <connects>
3612 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
3613 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
3614 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
3615 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
3616 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
3617 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
3618 </connects>
3619 <technologies>
3620 <technology name=""/>
3621 </technologies>
3622 </device>
3623 </devices>
3624 </deviceset>
3625 </devicesets>
3626 </library>
3627 <library name="atmel">
3628 <packages>
3629 <package name="DIL08">
3630 <description>&lt;B&gt;Dual In Line&lt;/B&gt;</description>
3631 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="-0.635" x2="-5.08" y2="0.635" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="180"/>
3632 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="-0.635" x2="-5.08" y2="-2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
3633 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="-2.794" x2="5.08" y2="-2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
3634 <wire x1="5.08" y1="-2.794" x2="5.08" y2="2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
3635 <wire x1="5.08" y1="2.794" x2="-5.08" y2="2.794" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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3638 <pad name="2" x="-1.27" y="-3.81" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
3639 <pad name="3" x="1.27" y="-3.81" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
3640 <pad name="4" x="3.81" y="-3.81" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
3641 <pad name="5" x="3.81" y="3.81" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
3642 <pad name="6" x="1.27" y="3.81" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
3643 <pad name="7" x="-1.27" y="3.81" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
3644 <pad name="8" x="-3.81" y="3.81" drill="0.8128" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
3645 <text x="-5.3594" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
3646 <text x="-3.81" y="-0.9906" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
3647 </package>
3648 <package name="8S1">
3649 <description>&lt;b&gt;8S1&lt;/b&gt; 8-lead (0.150" Wide Body)&lt;p&gt;
3650 Plastic Gull Wing Small Outline (JEDEC SOIC)&lt;br&gt;
3651 Source: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/2535S.pdf</description>
3652 <wire x1="-2.425" y1="1.675" x2="-2.175" y2="1.925" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90"/>
3653 <wire x1="2.175" y1="1.925" x2="2.425" y2="1.675" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90"/>
3654 <wire x1="2.175" y1="-1.925" x2="2.425" y2="-1.675" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90"/>
3655 <wire x1="-2.425" y1="-1.675" x2="-2.175" y2="-1.925" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90"/>
3656 <wire x1="-1.59" y1="1.925" x2="-0.95" y2="1.925" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
3657 <wire x1="-2.165" y1="1.925" x2="2.185" y2="1.925" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
3658 <wire x1="0.95" y1="1.925" x2="1.59" y2="1.925" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
3659 <wire x1="2.21" y1="1.925" x2="2.185" y2="1.925" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
3660 <wire x1="2.2" y1="-1.925" x2="2.185" y2="-1.925" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
3661 <wire x1="2.185" y1="-1.925" x2="2.155" y2="-1.925" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
3662 <wire x1="1.59" y1="-1.925" x2="0.94" y2="-1.925" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
3663 <wire x1="0.32" y1="-1.925" x2="-0.33" y2="-1.925" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
3664 <wire x1="2.185" y1="-1.925" x2="-2.165" y2="-1.925" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
3665 <wire x1="-2.425" y1="1.675" x2="-2.425" y2="-1.665" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
3666 <wire x1="2.425" y1="-1.675" x2="2.425" y2="1.675" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
3667 <circle x="-1.42" y="-1.115" radius="0.5" width="0.0508" layer="21"/>
3668 <smd name="1" x="-1.905" y="-2.654" dx="0.6" dy="1.6" layer="1"/>
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3671 <smd name="4" x="1.895" y="-2.654" dx="0.6" dy="1.6" layer="1"/>
3672 <smd name="8" x="-1.905" y="2.654" dx="0.6" dy="1.6" layer="1"/>
3673 <smd name="7" x="-0.635" y="2.654" dx="0.6" dy="1.6" layer="1"/>
3674 <smd name="6" x="0.635" y="2.654" dx="0.6" dy="1.6" layer="1"/>
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3676 <text x="-2.8575" y="-2.159" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
3677 <text x="4.064" y="-2.159" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
3678 <rectangle x1="-2.08" y1="1.975" x2="-1.73" y2="3.075" layer="51"/>
3679 <rectangle x1="-0.81" y1="1.975" x2="-0.46" y2="3.075" layer="51"/>
3680 <rectangle x1="0.46" y1="1.975" x2="0.81" y2="3.075" layer="51"/>
3681 <rectangle x1="1.73" y1="1.975" x2="2.08" y2="3.075" layer="51"/>
3682 <rectangle x1="1.72" y1="-3.075" x2="2.07" y2="-1.975" layer="51"/>
3683 <rectangle x1="0.45" y1="-3.075" x2="0.8" y2="-1.975" layer="51"/>
3684 <rectangle x1="-0.82" y1="-3.075" x2="-0.47" y2="-1.975" layer="51"/>
3685 <rectangle x1="-2.08" y1="-3.075" x2="-1.73" y2="-1.975" layer="51"/>
3686 </package>
3687 <package name="8S2">
3688 <description>&lt;b&gt;8S2&lt;/b&gt; 8-lead, 0.208 Body&lt;p&gt;
3689 Plastic Small Outline Package (EIAJ)&lt;br&gt;
3690 Source: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/2535S.pdf</description>
3691 <wire x1="-2.6" y1="2.65" x2="-2.35" y2="2.9" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
3692 <wire x1="2.35" y1="2.9" x2="2.6" y2="2.65" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
3693 <wire x1="2.35" y1="-2.925" x2="2.6" y2="-2.675" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
3694 <wire x1="-2.6" y1="-2.675" x2="-2.35" y2="-2.925" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
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3697 <wire x1="-2.21" y1="2.9" x2="-2.34" y2="2.9" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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3699 <wire x1="-0.32" y1="2.9" x2="0.32" y2="2.9" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
3700 <wire x1="0.95" y1="2.9" x2="1.59" y2="2.9" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
3701 <wire x1="2.21" y1="2.9" x2="2.36" y2="2.9" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
3702 <wire x1="2.2" y1="-2.925" x2="2.33" y2="-2.925" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
3703 <wire x1="1.59" y1="-2.925" x2="0.94" y2="-2.925" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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3718 <text x="-2.8575" y="-2.159" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
3719 <text x="4.064" y="-2.159" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
3720 <rectangle x1="-2.08" y1="2.95" x2="-1.73" y2="3.85" layer="51"/>
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3727 <rectangle x1="-2.08" y1="-3.85" x2="-1.73" y2="-2.95" layer="51"/>
3728 </package>
3729 </packages>
3730 <symbols>
3731 <symbol name="TINY13">
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3736 <text x="-17.78" y="16.51" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
3737 <text x="-17.78" y="-10.16" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
3738 <pin name="PB5/PCINT5/!RESET!/ADC0/DW" x="-20.32" y="-2.54" length="short"/>
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3742 <pin name="PB1/PCINT1/AIN1/OC0B/INT0/MISO" x="-20.32" y="7.62" length="short"/>
3743 <pin name="PB2/PCINT2/SCK/ADC1/T0" x="-20.32" y="5.08" length="short"/>
3744 <pin name="VCC" x="-20.32" y="12.7" length="short" direction="pwr"/>
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3746 </symbol>
3747 </symbols>
3748 <devicesets>
3749 <deviceset name="TINY13" prefix="IC">
3750 <description>&lt;b&gt; 8-bit AVR Microcontroller with 1K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
3751 Source: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/2535S.pdf</description>
3752 <gates>
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3755 <devices>
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3757 <connects>
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3761 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB2/PCINT2/SCK/ADC1/T0" pad="7"/>
3762 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB3/PCINT3/CLKI/ADC3" pad="2"/>
3763 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB4/PCINT4/ADC2" pad="3"/>
3764 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB5/PCINT5/!RESET!/ADC0/DW" pad="1"/>
3765 <connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC" pad="8"/>
3766 </connects>
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3768 <technology name="-20">
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3774 <technology name="V-10">
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3787 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB2/PCINT2/SCK/ADC1/T0" pad="7"/>
3788 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB3/PCINT3/CLKI/ADC3" pad="2"/>
3789 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB4/PCINT4/ADC2" pad="3"/>
3790 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB5/PCINT5/!RESET!/ADC0/DW" pad="1"/>
3791 <connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC" pad="8"/>
3792 </connects>
3793 <technologies>
3794 <technology name="-20">
3795 <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/>
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3813 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB2/PCINT2/SCK/ADC1/T0" pad="7"/>
3814 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB3/PCINT3/CLKI/ADC3" pad="2"/>
3815 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB4/PCINT4/ADC2" pad="3"/>
3816 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PB5/PCINT5/!RESET!/ADC0/DW" pad="1"/>
3817 <connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC" pad="8"/>
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3820 <technology name="-20">
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4035 Beckman Helitrim 25</description>
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4081 Beckman Helitrim 64</description>
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4121 Beckman Helitrim 64</description>
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4192 distributor Schukat</description>
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4207 <wire x1="-3.175" y1="3.175" x2="-3.302" y2="3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4208 <wire x1="-3.175" y1="0" x2="-3.302" y2="0.127" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4209 <wire x1="-3.302" y1="0.127" x2="-3.302" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4210 <wire x1="3.175" y1="0" x2="1.143" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4211 <wire x1="3.302" y1="1.27" x2="3.302" y2="3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4212 <wire x1="-3.302" y1="1.27" x2="-3.302" y2="3.048" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4213 <wire x1="1.397" y1="3.175" x2="2.032" y2="3.175" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4214 <wire x1="1.143" y1="3.429" x2="2.032" y2="3.429" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4215 <wire x1="1.016" y1="3.556" x2="1.905" y2="3.556" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4216 <wire x1="-1.905" y1="3.556" x2="-1.016" y2="3.556" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4217 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="3.429" x2="-1.143" y2="3.429" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4218 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="3.175" x2="-1.397" y2="3.175" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4219 <pad name="A" x="-2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/>
4220 <pad name="S" x="0" y="2.54" drill="1.016" shape="long"/>
4221 <pad name="E" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" shape="long"/>
4222 <text x="-2.54" y="4.064" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
4223 <text x="-3.175" y="-2.794" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
4224 </package>
4225 <package name="CA6V">
4226 <description>&lt;b&gt;POTENTIOMETER&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
4227 distributor Schukat</description>
4228 <wire x1="-0.254" y1="0.254" x2="-0.254" y2="0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4229 <wire x1="-0.254" y1="0.889" x2="0.254" y2="0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4230 <wire x1="0.254" y1="0.889" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4231 <wire x1="0.254" y1="0.254" x2="0.889" y2="0.254" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4232 <wire x1="0.889" y1="0.254" x2="0.889" y2="-0.254" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4233 <wire x1="0.889" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="-0.254" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4234 <wire x1="0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="-0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4235 <wire x1="0.254" y1="-0.889" x2="-0.254" y2="-0.889" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4236 <wire x1="-0.254" y1="-0.889" x2="-0.254" y2="-0.254" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4237 <wire x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="-0.889" y2="-0.254" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4238 <wire x1="-0.889" y1="-0.254" x2="-0.889" y2="0.254" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4239 <wire x1="-0.889" y1="0.254" x2="-0.254" y2="0.254" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4240 <wire x1="0.889" y1="3.81" x2="-0.889" y2="3.81" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4241 <wire x1="3.429" y1="3.81" x2="0.889" y2="3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4242 <wire x1="-0.889" y1="-0.889" x2="-1.397" y2="-1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4243 <wire x1="0.889" y1="-0.889" x2="1.397" y2="-1.397" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4244 <wire x1="-1.905" y1="0" x2="-1.397" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4245 <wire x1="1.397" y1="0" x2="1.905" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4246 <wire x1="-1.016" y1="1.016" x2="-1.27" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4247 <wire x1="1.016" y1="1.016" x2="1.27" y2="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4248 <wire x1="0" y1="1.397" x2="0" y2="1.905" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4249 <wire x1="3.429" y1="-3.81" x2="1.651" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4250 <wire x1="1.651" y1="-3.81" x2="-1.651" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4251 <wire x1="-1.651" y1="-3.81" x2="-3.429" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4252 <wire x1="3.429" y1="-3.81" x2="3.81" y2="-3.429" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
4253 <wire x1="3.429" y1="3.81" x2="3.81" y2="3.429" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
4254 <wire x1="-3.81" y1="3.429" x2="-3.429" y2="3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
4255 <wire x1="-3.81" y1="-3.429" x2="-3.429" y2="-3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
4256 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.524" x2="3.81" y2="-3.429" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4257 <wire x1="-3.429" y1="3.81" x2="-0.889" y2="3.81" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4258 <wire x1="-3.81" y1="-3.429" x2="-3.81" y2="-1.524" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4259 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.524" x2="3.81" y2="3.429" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4260 <wire x1="-3.81" y1="3.429" x2="-3.81" y2="-1.524" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4261 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="2.032" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4262 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="1.27" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4263 <pad name="S" x="0" y="2.54" drill="1.016" shape="long"/>
4264 <pad name="A" x="-2.54" y="-2.54" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
4265 <pad name="E" x="2.54" y="-2.54" drill="1.016" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
4266 <text x="-2.54" y="4.191" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
4267 <text x="-3.81" y="-5.461" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
4268 <rectangle x1="0.508" y1="-3.048" x2="3.683" y2="-2.032" layer="51"/>
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4270 <rectangle x1="-3.683" y1="-2.667" x2="-2.159" y2="0" layer="51"/>
4271 <rectangle x1="-3.683" y1="-3.048" x2="-0.508" y2="-2.032" layer="51"/>
4272 <rectangle x1="1.905" y1="-3.81" x2="3.175" y2="-3.048" layer="51"/>
4273 <rectangle x1="-3.175" y1="-3.81" x2="-1.905" y2="-3.048" layer="51"/>
4274 </package>
4275 <package name="CA9H">
4276 <description>&lt;b&gt;POTENTIOMETER&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
4277 distributor Schukat</description>
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4279 <wire x1="2.413" y1="-0.381" x2="1.016" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4280 <wire x1="4.064" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4281 <wire x1="1.016" y1="0" x2="-1.016" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4282 <wire x1="-4.064" y1="0" x2="-4.826" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4283 <wire x1="-1.016" y1="0" x2="-2.54" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4284 <wire x1="1.016" y1="-0.381" x2="-1.016" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4285 <wire x1="-1.016" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.413" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4286 <wire x1="2.413" y1="-0.381" x2="2.54" y2="-0.254" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4287 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-0.254" x2="2.54" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4288 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="1.016" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4289 <wire x1="-2.413" y1="-0.381" x2="-2.54" y2="-0.254" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4290 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.254" x2="-2.54" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4291 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-4.064" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4292 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.254" x2="-1.016" y2="-0.254" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4293 <wire x1="-1.016" y1="-0.254" x2="1.016" y2="-0.254" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4294 <wire x1="1.016" y1="-0.254" x2="2.54" y2="-0.254" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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4296 <wire x1="-3.683" y1="4.699" x2="-4.826" y2="4.699" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4297 <wire x1="-3.556" y1="5.08" x2="-3.683" y2="4.953" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4298 <wire x1="-3.556" y1="5.08" x2="3.556" y2="5.08" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4299 <wire x1="3.683" y1="4.953" x2="3.556" y2="5.08" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4300 <wire x1="3.683" y1="4.953" x2="3.683" y2="4.699" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4301 <wire x1="3.683" y1="4.699" x2="-3.683" y2="4.699" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4302 <wire x1="3.683" y1="4.953" x2="-3.683" y2="4.953" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4303 <wire x1="4.953" y1="0.127" x2="4.826" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4304 <wire x1="4.826" y1="0" x2="4.064" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4305 <wire x1="4.953" y1="4.572" x2="4.826" y2="4.699" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4306 <wire x1="4.826" y1="4.699" x2="3.683" y2="4.699" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4307 <wire x1="-4.826" y1="4.699" x2="-4.953" y2="4.572" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4308 <wire x1="-4.826" y1="0" x2="-4.953" y2="0.127" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4309 <wire x1="-4.953" y1="0.127" x2="-4.953" y2="4.572" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4310 <pad name="A" x="-2.54" y="0" drill="1.3208" shape="octagon"/>
4311 <pad name="S" x="0" y="2.54" drill="1.3208" shape="octagon"/>
4312 <pad name="E" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.3208" shape="octagon"/>
4313 <text x="-2.54" y="5.588" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
4314 <text x="-4.826" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
4315 </package>
4316 <package name="CA9V">
4317 <description>&lt;b&gt;POTENTIOMETER&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
4318 distributor Schukat</description>
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4321 <wire x1="0.381" y1="1.651" x2="0.381" y2="0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4322 <wire x1="0.381" y1="0.381" x2="1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4323 <wire x1="1.016" y1="-0.127" x2="1.016" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4324 <wire x1="1.016" y1="-0.381" x2="0.381" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4325 <wire x1="0.381" y1="-0.381" x2="0.381" y2="-1.651" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4326 <wire x1="0.381" y1="-1.651" x2="-0.381" y2="-1.651" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4327 <wire x1="-0.381" y1="-1.651" x2="-0.381" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4328 <wire x1="-0.381" y1="-0.381" x2="-1.016" y2="-0.381" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4329 <wire x1="-1.016" y1="-0.381" x2="-1.016" y2="-0.127" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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4332 <wire x1="4.572" y1="5.08" x2="1.524" y2="5.08" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4333 <wire x1="-1.524" y1="-1.524" x2="-2.032" y2="-2.032" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4334 <wire x1="1.524" y1="-1.524" x2="2.032" y2="-2.032" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4335 <wire x1="-2.921" y1="0" x2="-2.413" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4336 <wire x1="2.413" y1="0" x2="2.921" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4337 <wire x1="-1.778" y1="1.778" x2="-2.032" y2="2.032" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4338 <wire x1="1.778" y1="1.778" x2="2.032" y2="2.032" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4339 <wire x1="0" y1="2.413" x2="0" y2="2.921" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4340 <wire x1="3.937" y1="-5.08" x2="1.143" y2="-5.08" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4341 <wire x1="1.143" y1="-5.08" x2="-1.143" y2="-5.08" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4342 <wire x1="-1.143" y1="-5.08" x2="-3.937" y2="-5.08" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
4343 <wire x1="-3.937" y1="-5.08" x2="-4.572" y2="-5.08" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4344 <wire x1="4.572" y1="-5.08" x2="4.953" y2="-4.699" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
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4347 <wire x1="-4.953" y1="-4.699" x2="-4.572" y2="-5.08" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="90"/>
4348 <wire x1="4.572" y1="-5.08" x2="3.937" y2="-5.08" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4349 <wire x1="4.953" y1="4.699" x2="4.953" y2="-4.699" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4350 <wire x1="-4.572" y1="5.08" x2="-1.524" y2="5.08" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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4358 <text x="6.731" y="-5.08" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
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4366 </package>
4367 <package name="CA14V">
4368 <description>&lt;b&gt;POTENTIOMETER&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
4369 distributor Schukat</description>
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4372 <wire x1="1.016" y1="1.143" x2="1.016" y2="1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4373 <wire x1="1.016" y1="1.016" x2="0.381" y2="1.016" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4374 <wire x1="0.381" y1="1.016" x2="0.381" y2="-1.651" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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4384 <wire x1="3.048" y1="0" x2="3.556" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4385 <wire x1="-2.159" y1="2.159" x2="-2.54" y2="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4386 <wire x1="2.159" y1="2.159" x2="2.54" y2="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4387 <wire x1="0" y1="3.048" x2="0" y2="3.556" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4388 <wire x1="6.477" y1="-7.112" x2="5.842" y2="-7.112" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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4394 <wire x1="-7.112" y1="6.731" x2="-6.731" y2="7.112" width="0.1524" layer="21" curve="-90"/>
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4397 <wire x1="7.112" y1="6.731" x2="7.112" y2="-4.953" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4398 <wire x1="-7.112" y1="-6.731" x2="-7.112" y2="-4.953" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4399 <wire x1="7.112" y1="-4.953" x2="5.842" y2="-4.953" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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4415 <wire x1="-4.318" y1="-6.223" x2="-4.318" y2="-4.953" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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4417 <wire x1="-3.048" y1="-7.112" x2="-3.048" y2="-4.953" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
4418 <wire x1="-3.048" y1="-7.112" x2="-3.683" y2="-7.112" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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4440 distributor Schukat</description>
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4463 <wire x1="6.985" y1="5.715" x2="3.683" y2="5.715" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
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4483 Copal</description>
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4749 Copal</description>
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4829 Spectrol</description>
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5091 <wire x1="3.937" y1="-0.635" x2="1.143" y2="-0.635" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
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5114 Piher</description>
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5263 <pad name="E" x="6.35" y="-1.27" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/>
5264 <pad name="A" x="-6.35" y="-1.27" drill="0.8128" shape="long"/>
5265 <text x="-3.175" y="3.175" size="1.778" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
5266 <text x="-5.08" y="-1.778" size="1.778" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
5267 <rectangle x1="-9.525" y1="-1.27" x2="-8.89" y2="1.27" layer="21"/>
5268 <rectangle x1="-10.16" y1="0.381" x2="-9.525" y2="1.27" layer="21"/>
5269 <rectangle x1="-10.16" y1="-1.27" x2="-9.525" y2="-0.381" layer="21"/>
5270 </package>
5271 <package name="CIP20C-4MM">
5272 <description>&lt;b&gt;Carbon Rotary Potentiometers - 20 mm size&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
5273 Source: Radiohm .. RAD.pdf</description>
5274 <wire x1="-10.1" y1="-1.125" x2="-10.1" y2="6.675" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5275 <wire x1="-10.1" y1="6.675" x2="10.1" y2="6.675" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5276 <wire x1="10.1" y1="6.675" x2="10.1" y2="-1.125" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5277 <wire x1="10.1" y1="-1.125" x2="10.1" y2="-3.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5278 <wire x1="10.1" y1="-3.8" x2="-10.1" y2="-3.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5279 <wire x1="-10.1" y1="-3.8" x2="-10.1" y2="-1.125" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5280 <wire x1="2.9" y1="-3.9" x2="2.9" y2="-11.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5281 <wire x1="2.9" y1="-11.8" x2="-2.9" y2="-11.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5282 <wire x1="-2.9" y1="-11.8" x2="-2.9" y2="-3.875" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5283 <wire x1="1.9" y1="-11.9" x2="1.9" y2="-52.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5284 <wire x1="1.9" y1="-52.8" x2="0.9" y2="-53.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5285 <wire x1="0.9" y1="-53.8" x2="-0.9" y2="-53.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5286 <wire x1="-0.9" y1="-53.8" x2="-1.9" y2="-52.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5287 <wire x1="-1.9" y1="-52.8" x2="-1.9" y2="-11.875" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5288 <wire x1="10.1" y1="-1.125" x2="-10.1" y2="-1.125" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5289 <pad name="A" x="-5" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="1.9304"/>
5290 <pad name="S" x="0" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="1.9304"/>
5291 <pad name="E" x="5" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="1.9304"/>
5292 <text x="-10.16" y="6.985" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
5293 <text x="-8.255" y="3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
5294 </package>
5295 <package name="CIP20C-6MM">
5296 <description>&lt;b&gt;Carbon Rotary Potentiometers - 20 mm size&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
5297 Source: Radiohm .. RAD.pdf</description>
5298 <wire x1="-10.1" y1="-1.125" x2="-10.1" y2="6.675" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5299 <wire x1="-10.1" y1="6.675" x2="10.1" y2="6.675" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5300 <wire x1="10.1" y1="6.675" x2="10.1" y2="-1.125" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5301 <wire x1="10.1" y1="-1.125" x2="10.1" y2="-3.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5302 <wire x1="10.1" y1="-3.8" x2="-10.1" y2="-3.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5303 <wire x1="-10.1" y1="-3.8" x2="-10.1" y2="-1.125" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5304 <wire x1="3.9" y1="-3.9" x2="3.9" y2="-11.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5305 <wire x1="3.9" y1="-11.8" x2="-3.9" y2="-11.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5306 <wire x1="-3.9" y1="-11.8" x2="-3.9" y2="-3.875" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5307 <wire x1="2.9" y1="-11.85" x2="2.9" y2="-52.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5308 <wire x1="2.9" y1="-52.8" x2="1.9" y2="-53.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5309 <wire x1="1.9" y1="-53.8" x2="-1.9" y2="-53.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5310 <wire x1="-1.9" y1="-53.8" x2="-2.9" y2="-52.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5311 <wire x1="-2.9" y1="-52.8" x2="-2.9" y2="-11.875" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5312 <wire x1="10.1" y1="-1.125" x2="-10.1" y2="-1.125" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5313 <pad name="A" x="-5" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="1.9304"/>
5314 <pad name="S" x="0" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="1.9304"/>
5315 <pad name="E" x="5" y="0" drill="1.3" diameter="1.9304"/>
5316 <text x="-10.16" y="6.985" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
5317 <text x="-8.255" y="3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
5318 </package>
5319 <package name="SM-42/43A">
5320 <description>&lt;b&gt;COPAL ELECTRONICS SM-42/43 SURFACE MOUNT TRIMMERS&lt;/b&gt; Side adjustmet&lt;p&gt;
5321 Source: smt-pots.pdf</description>
5322 <wire x1="2.175" y1="-2.3" x2="2.175" y2="2.3" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5323 <wire x1="2.175" y1="2.3" x2="-2.2" y2="2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5324 <wire x1="-2.2" y1="2.3" x2="-2.2" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5325 <wire x1="-2.2" y1="-2.3" x2="2.175" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5326 <wire x1="-2.2" y1="2.3" x2="-2.2" y2="1.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5327 <wire x1="-2.2" y1="-1.2" x2="-2.2" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5328 <smd name="3" x="2" y="-1.15" dx="1.3" dy="2" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
5329 <smd name="2" x="-2" y="0" dx="2" dy="2" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
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5331 <text x="-2.65" y="-3.975" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
5332 <text x="-2.75" y="2.7" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
5333 <rectangle x1="1.95" y1="-1.425" x2="2.75" y2="-1.125" layer="51" rot="R90"/>
5334 <rectangle x1="1.95" y1="1.125" x2="2.75" y2="1.425" layer="51" rot="R90"/>
5335 <rectangle x1="-3" y1="-0.15" x2="-1.7" y2="0.15" layer="51" rot="R90"/>
5336 <rectangle x1="-2.5875" y1="-1.6375" x2="-1.6875" y2="-1.3125" layer="21" rot="R90"/>
5337 </package>
5338 <package name="SM-42/43B">
5339 <description>&lt;b&gt;COPAL ELECTRONICS SM-42/43 SURFACE MOUNT TRIMMERS&lt;/b&gt; Side adjustmet&lt;p&gt;
5340 Source: smt-pots.pdf</description>
5341 <wire x1="2.175" y1="-2.3" x2="2.175" y2="2.3" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5342 <wire x1="2.175" y1="2.3" x2="-2.2" y2="2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5343 <wire x1="-2.2" y1="2.3" x2="-2.2" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5344 <wire x1="-2.2" y1="-2.3" x2="2.175" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5345 <wire x1="-2.2" y1="2.3" x2="-2.2" y2="1.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5346 <wire x1="-2.2" y1="-1.2" x2="-2.2" y2="-2.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5347 <smd name="3" x="2.6" y="-1.15" dx="1.3" dy="1.3" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
5348 <smd name="2" x="-2.6" y="0" dx="2" dy="1.3" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
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5350 <text x="-2.575" y="-3.85" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
5351 <text x="-2.575" y="2.65" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
5352 <rectangle x1="2.2" y1="-1.675" x2="3" y2="-0.875" layer="51" rot="R90"/>
5353 <rectangle x1="2.2" y1="0.875" x2="3" y2="1.675" layer="51" rot="R90"/>
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5355 <rectangle x1="-2.5875" y1="-1.6375" x2="-1.6875" y2="-1.3125" layer="21" rot="R90"/>
5356 </package>
5357 <package name="SM-42/43W">
5358 <description>&lt;b&gt;COPAL ELECTRONICS SM-42/43 SURFACE MOUNT TRIMMERS&lt;/b&gt; Top adjustmet&lt;p&gt;
5359 Source: smt-pots.pdf</description>
5360 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-1.625" x2="2.3" y2="-1.625" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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5362 <wire x1="2.3" y1="1.65" x2="-2.3" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5363 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="1.65" x2="-2.3" y2="-1.625" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5364 <wire x1="2.3" y1="1.65" x2="1.2" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5365 <wire x1="-1.2" y1="1.65" x2="-2.3" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5366 <wire x1="1.525" y1="1.175" x2="0.875" y2="0.525" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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5368 <smd name="1" x="-1.27" y="-1.45" dx="1.3" dy="1.6" layer="1"/>
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5371 <text x="-2.4" y="-3.625" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
5372 <text x="-2.4" y="2.475" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
5373 <rectangle x1="-1.675" y1="-1.95" x2="-0.875" y2="-1.65" layer="51"/>
5374 <rectangle x1="0.875" y1="-1.95" x2="1.675" y2="-1.65" layer="51"/>
5375 <rectangle x1="-0.65" y1="1.65" x2="0.65" y2="1.95" layer="51"/>
5376 </package>
5377 <package name="SM-42/43X">
5378 <description>&lt;b&gt;COPAL ELECTRONICS SM-42/43 SURFACE MOUNT TRIMMERS&lt;/b&gt; Top adjustmet&lt;p&gt;
5379 Source: smt-pots.pdf</description>
5380 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-1.625" x2="2.3" y2="-1.625" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5381 <wire x1="2.3" y1="-1.625" x2="2.3" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5382 <wire x1="2.3" y1="1.65" x2="-2.3" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5383 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="1.65" x2="-2.3" y2="-1.625" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5384 <wire x1="2.3" y1="1.65" x2="1.2" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5385 <wire x1="-1.2" y1="1.65" x2="-2.3" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5386 <wire x1="1.525" y1="1.175" x2="0.875" y2="0.525" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5387 <circle x="1.2" y="0.85" radius="0.5505" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5388 <smd name="1" x="-1.27" y="-2.55" dx="1.3" dy="1.9" layer="1"/>
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5391 <text x="-2.4" y="-5" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
5392 <text x="-2.4" y="3.675" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
5393 <rectangle x1="-1.675" y1="-2.85" x2="-0.875" y2="-1.65" layer="51"/>
5394 <rectangle x1="0.875" y1="-2.85" x2="1.675" y2="-1.65" layer="51"/>
5395 <rectangle x1="-0.65" y1="1.65" x2="0.65" y2="2.85" layer="51"/>
5396 </package>
5397 <package name="3223G">
5398 <description>&lt;b&gt;3 mm SMD Trimming Potentiometer&lt;/b&gt; Side Adjust&lt;p&gt;
5399 Source: http://www.bourns.com/data/global/PDFs/3223.PDF</description>
5400 <wire x1="-1.85" y1="1.85" x2="1.85" y2="1.85" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5401 <wire x1="1.85" y1="1.85" x2="1.85" y2="-1.85" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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5404 <wire x1="-0.8975" y1="1.85" x2="1.85" y2="1.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5405 <wire x1="1.85" y1="1.85" x2="1.85" y2="1.0075" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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5408 <wire x1="-1.85" y1="-0.58" x2="-1.85" y2="0.58" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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5412 <text x="-1.5875" y="2.2225" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
5413 <text x="-1.905" y="-3.4925" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
5414 <rectangle x1="-2.65" y1="1.075" x2="-1.925" y2="1.625" layer="51"/>
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5416 <rectangle x1="1.925" y1="-0.5" x2="2.625" y2="0.5" layer="51"/>
5417 </package>
5418 <package name="3223J">
5419 <description>&lt;b&gt;3 mm SMD Trimming Potentiometer&lt;/b&gt; Side Adjust&lt;p&gt;
5420 Source: http://www.bourns.com/data/global/PDFs/3223.PDF</description>
5421 <wire x1="-1.85" y1="1.85" x2="1.85" y2="1.85" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5422 <wire x1="1.85" y1="1.85" x2="1.85" y2="-1.85" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5423 <wire x1="1.85" y1="-1.85" x2="-1.85" y2="-1.85" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5424 <wire x1="-1.85" y1="-1.85" x2="-1.85" y2="1.85" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5425 <wire x1="-0.8975" y1="1.85" x2="1.85" y2="1.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5426 <wire x1="1.85" y1="1.85" x2="1.85" y2="1.0075" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5427 <wire x1="1.85" y1="-1.85" x2="-0.8975" y2="-1.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5428 <wire x1="1.85" y1="-1.0075" x2="1.85" y2="-1.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5429 <wire x1="-1.85" y1="-0.58" x2="-1.85" y2="0.58" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5430 <smd name="1" x="-2" y="1.4" dx="1.6" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
5431 <smd name="2" x="2" y="0" dx="1.6" dy="1.3" layer="1"/>
5432 <smd name="3" x="-2" y="-1.4" dx="1.6" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
5433 <text x="-1.5875" y="2.2225" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
5434 <text x="-1.905" y="-3.4925" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
5435 </package>
5436 <package name="3223W">
5437 <description>&lt;b&gt;3 mm SMD Trimming Potentiometer&lt;/b&gt; Top Adjust&lt;p&gt;
5438 Source: http://www.bourns.com/data/global/PDFs/3223.PDF</description>
5439 <wire x1="-1.85" y1="1.5" x2="1.85" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
5440 <wire x1="1.85" y1="1.5" x2="1.85" y2="-1.5" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
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5443 <wire x1="-1.85" y1="0.0875" x2="-1.85" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5444 <wire x1="-1.85" y1="1.5" x2="-1.0075" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5445 <wire x1="1.0075" y1="1.5" x2="1.85" y2="1.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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5951 Radiall&lt;p&gt;
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5978 <wire x1="15.3" y1="-2.9" x2="15.3" y2="2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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5983 <wire x1="8.9" y1="-4.4" x2="8" y2="-4.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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5985 <wire x1="8" y1="-2.2" x2="8.9" y2="-2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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5987 <wire x1="8" y1="-3.3" x2="8" y2="-4.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
5988 <wire x1="8" y1="2.2" x2="8.9" y2="2.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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6000 <wire x1="6.3" y1="2.9" x2="6.3" y2="-2.9" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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6030 </symbols>
6031 <devicesets>
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6033 <description>FEMALE &lt;b&gt;SMA CONNECTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
6034 Radiall&lt;p&gt;
6035 distributor RS 193-9117</description>
6036 <gates>
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6044 <connects>
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6050 </connects>
6051 <technologies>
6052 <technology name="">
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6056 <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/>
6057 </technology>
6058 </technologies>
6059 </device>
6060 </devices>
6061 </deviceset>
6062 </devicesets>
6063 </library>
6064 </libraries>
6065 <attributes>
6066 </attributes>
6067 <variantdefs>
6068 </variantdefs>
6069 <classes>
6070 <class number="0" name="default" width="0" drill="0">
6071 </class>
6072 </classes>
6073 <parts>
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6083 <part name="GND3" library="SparkFun" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
6084 <part name="GND4" library="SparkFun" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
6085 <part name="SG1" library="SparkFun" deviceset="BUZZER" device="NS"/>
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6087 <part name="GND6" library="SparkFun" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
6088 <part name="GND7" library="SparkFun" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
6089 <part name="P+9" library="SparkFun" deviceset="VCC" device=""/>
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6091 <part name="C3" library="SparkFun" deviceset="CAP" device="1206" value="10u"/>
6092 <part name="GND8" library="SparkFun" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
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6094 <part name="P+1" library="SparkFun" deviceset="VCC" device=""/>
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6096 <part name="SUPPLY2" library="supply2" deviceset="+7V" device="" value="VBAT"/>
6097 <part name="JP3" library="SparkFun" deviceset="M02" device="PTH"/>
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6100 <part name="R2" library="SparkFun" deviceset="RESISTOR" device="0805-RES" value="160"/>
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6110 <sheets>
6111 <sheet>
6112 <plain>
6113 <text x="-40.64" y="101.6" size="1.778" layer="91">battery connector</text>
6114 <text x="-55.88" y="60.96" size="1.778" layer="91">Software control</text>
6115 <text x="127" y="63.5" size="1.778" layer="91">Radio DRA886RX</text>
6116 <text x="5.08" y="50.8" size="1.778" layer="91">Decoupling for attiny</text>
6117 <text x="60.96" y="139.7" size="1.778" layer="91">5V</text>
6118 <text x="12.7" y="137.16" size="1.778" layer="91">7.6V</text>
6119 <text x="137.16" y="142.24" size="1.778" layer="91">7.6V</text>
6120 <text x="86.36" y="81.28" size="1.778" layer="91">5V</text>
6121 <text x="2.54" y="78.74" size="1.778" layer="91">5V</text>
6122 <text x="-73.66" y="129.54" size="1.778" layer="91">5V</text>
6123 <text x="116.84" y="60.96" size="1.778" layer="91">5V</text>
6124 <text x="27.94" y="137.16" size="1.778" layer="91">5V fixed regulator</text>
6125 </plain>
6126 <instances>
6127 <instance part="IC1" gate="G$1" x="60.96" y="63.5" rot="MR0"/>
6128 <instance part="C1" gate="G$1" x="7.62" y="66.04"/>
6129 <instance part="Q3" gate="G$1" x="119.38" y="114.3"/>
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6131 <instance part="GND1" gate="1" x="10.16" y="104.14"/>
6132 <instance part="P+2" gate="1" x="55.88" y="134.62"/>
6133 <instance part="JP2" gate="G$1" x="132.08" y="53.34" rot="R180"/>
6134 <instance part="JP1" gate="G$1" x="-30.48" y="109.22"/>
6135 <instance part="GND2" gate="1" x="-35.56" y="50.8"/>
6136 <instance part="GND3" gate="1" x="86.36" y="55.88" rot="MR0"/>
6137 <instance part="GND4" gate="1" x="7.62" y="58.42"/>
6138 <instance part="SG1" gate="G$1" x="124.46" y="129.54" rot="MR0"/>
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6140 <instance part="GND6" gate="1" x="121.92" y="104.14"/>
6141 <instance part="GND7" gate="1" x="119.38" y="78.74"/>
6142 <instance part="P+9" gate="1" x="121.92" y="58.42"/>
6143 <instance part="C2" gate="G$1" x="30.48" y="127"/>
6144 <instance part="C3" gate="G$1" x="68.58" y="127"/>
6145 <instance part="GND8" gate="1" x="45.72" y="104.14"/>
6146 <instance part="SUPPLY1" gate="G$1" x="10.16" y="137.16"/>
6147 <instance part="P+1" gate="1" x="7.62" y="73.66"/>
6148 <instance part="P+3" gate="1" x="83.82" y="81.28"/>
6149 <instance part="SUPPLY2" gate="G$1" x="134.62" y="142.24"/>
6150 <instance part="JP3" gate="G$1" x="134.62" y="76.2" rot="R180"/>
6151 <instance part="GND9" gate="1" x="109.22" y="45.72"/>
6152 <instance part="R4" gate="1" x="134.62" y="124.46" rot="R180"/>
6153 <instance part="R2" gate="G$1" x="-71.12" y="111.76" rot="R270"/>
6154 <instance part="R1" gate="G$1" x="-60.96" y="111.76" rot="R270"/>
6155 <instance part="P+4" gate="1" x="-71.12" y="121.92"/>
6156 <instance part="GND5" gate="1" x="-60.96" y="88.9"/>
6157 <instance part="LED1" gate="G$1" x="-60.96" y="101.6"/>
6158 <instance part="LED2" gate="G$1" x="-71.12" y="101.6"/>
6159 <instance part="X1" gate="G1" x="124.46" y="91.44" rot="MR0"/>
6160 <instance part="S3" gate="G$1" x="-5.08" y="121.92"/>
6161 <instance part="S2" gate="G$1" x="-30.48" y="63.5"/>
6162 </instances>
6163 <busses>
6164 </busses>
6165 <nets>
6166 <net name="GND" class="0">
6167 <segment>
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6170 <pinref part="JP1" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
6171 </segment>
6172 <segment>
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6176 </segment>
6177 <segment>
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6181 </segment>
6182 <segment>
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6185 <pinref part="Q3" gate="G$1" pin="E"/>
6186 </segment>
6187 <segment>
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6192 <wire x1="45.72" y1="124.46" x2="45.72" y2="106.68" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
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6195 <pinref part="C3" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
6196 <pinref part="C2" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
6197 <pinref part="U1" gate="G$1" pin="ADJ"/>
6198 </segment>
6199 <segment>
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6207 <pinref part="JP3" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
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6210 <segment>
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6213 <wire x1="109.22" y1="53.34" x2="109.22" y2="48.26" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
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6216 <pinref part="GND9" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
6217 <pinref part="JP2" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
6218 </segment>
6219 <segment>
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6228 <segment>
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