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List all projects
Project Description Owner Last Change
aversive.git Framework and libraries for AVR Git ARERO 9 years ago
beacon-rx-433.git Lost RC beacon receiver Git ARERO 10 years ago
beacon-tx-433.git Lost RC beacon transmitter Git ARERO 11 years ago
configs.git My configuration files Git ARERO 3 years ago
diff2html.git python script to generate... Git ARERO 11 years ago
dpdk.git DPDK repo used for reviews Git ARERO 2 years ago
fpv.git FPV related code Git ARERO 9 years ago
git-central.git scripts and hooks for use... Git ARERO 11 years ago
imapami.git Tool to filter and process... Git ARERO 7 years ago
libcmdline.git small command line parsing... Git ARERO 12 years ago
markerbeacon.git Marker Beacon web site Git ARERO 6 months ago
protos/imu.git Code for IMU/GPS/LOG on the... Git ARERO 10 years ago
protos/libecoli.git Extensible COmmand LIne Git ARERO 4 years ago
protos/rc_servos.git prototype for controlling... Git ARERO 10 years ago
protos/xbee-avr.git xbee library and tools for AVR Git ARERO 10 years ago
protos/xbee-elec.git electronic boards for xbee... Git ARERO 10 years ago
protos/xbee.git xbee and libxbee for PC Git ARERO 11 years ago
pycol.git Python Command Line Git ARERO 9 years ago
red-alert.git Emergency Rotating Light Git ARERO 5 years ago
slides-virt.git Slides about System Virtualization Git ARERO 10 years ago
ucgine.git libraries for microcontrollers Git ARERO 8 years ago
vitemadose-check.git Script to check chronodose... Git ARERO 3 years ago