examples/multi_process: fix client crash with sparse ports
The mp_client crashes if run on Azure or any system where ethdev
ports are owned. In that case, the tx_buffer and tx_stats for the
real port were initialized correctly, but the wrong port was used.
For example if the server has Ports 3 and 5. Then calling
rte_eth_tx_buffer_flush on any other buffer will dereference null
because the tx buffer for that port was not allocated.
- the flush code is common enough that it should not be marked
- combine conditions to reduce indentation
- avoid unnecessary if() if sent is zero.
e2366e74e029 ("examples: use buffered Tx")
Cc: stable@dpdk.org
Signed-off-by: Stephen Hemminger <sthemmin@microsoft.com>
Acked-by: Matan Azrad <matan@mellanox.com>