return 0;
+static __rte_always_inline int
+cpt_zuc_snow3g_enc_prep(uint32_t req_flags,
+ uint64_t d_offs,
+ uint64_t d_lens,
+ fc_params_t *params,
+ void *op,
+ void **prep_req)
+ uint32_t size;
+ int32_t inputlen, outputlen;
+ struct cpt_ctx *cpt_ctx;
+ uint32_t mac_len = 0;
+ uint8_t snow3g, j;
+ struct cpt_request_info *req;
+ buf_ptr_t *buf_p;
+ uint32_t encr_offset = 0, auth_offset = 0;
+ uint32_t encr_data_len = 0, auth_data_len = 0;
+ int flags, iv_len = 16, m_size;
+ void *m_vaddr, *c_vaddr;
+ uint64_t m_dma, c_dma, offset_ctrl;
+ uint64_t *offset_vaddr, offset_dma;
+ uint32_t *iv_s, iv[4];
+ vq_cmd_word0_t vq_cmd_w0;
+ vq_cmd_word3_t vq_cmd_w3;
+ opcode_info_t opcode;
+ buf_p = ¶ms->meta_buf;
+ m_vaddr = buf_p->vaddr;
+ m_dma = buf_p->dma_addr;
+ m_size = buf_p->size;
+ cpt_ctx = params->ctx_buf.vaddr;
+ flags = cpt_ctx->zsk_flags;
+ mac_len = cpt_ctx->mac_len;
+ snow3g = cpt_ctx->snow3g;
+ /*
+ * Save initial space that followed app data for completion code &
+ * alternate completion code to fall in same cache line as app data
+ */
+ m_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + COMPLETION_CODE_SIZE;
+ size = (uint8_t *)RTE_PTR_ALIGN((uint8_t *)m_vaddr, 16) -
+ (uint8_t *)m_vaddr;
+ c_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + size;
+ c_dma = m_dma + size;
+ size += sizeof(cpt_res_s_t);
+ m_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + size;
+ m_dma += size;
+ m_size -= size;
+ /* Reserve memory for cpt request info */
+ req = m_vaddr;
+ size = sizeof(struct cpt_request_info);
+ m_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + size;
+ m_dma += size;
+ m_size -= size;
+ opcode.s.major = CPT_MAJOR_OP_ZUC_SNOW3G;
+ /* indicates CPTR ctx, operation type, KEY & IV mode from DPTR */
+ opcode.s.minor = ((1 << 6) | (snow3g << 5) | (0 << 4) |
+ (0 << 3) | (flags & 0x7));
+ if (flags == 0x1) {
+ /*
+ * Microcode expects offsets in bytes
+ * TODO: Rounding off
+ */
+ auth_data_len = AUTH_DLEN(d_lens);
+ /* EIA3 or UIA2 */
+ auth_offset = AUTH_OFFSET(d_offs);
+ auth_offset = auth_offset / 8;
+ /* consider iv len */
+ auth_offset += iv_len;
+ inputlen = auth_offset + (RTE_ALIGN(auth_data_len, 8) / 8);
+ outputlen = mac_len;
+ offset_ctrl = rte_cpu_to_be_64((uint64_t)auth_offset);
+ } else {
+ /* EEA3 or UEA2 */
+ /*
+ * Microcode expects offsets in bytes
+ * TODO: Rounding off
+ */
+ encr_data_len = ENCR_DLEN(d_lens);
+ encr_offset = ENCR_OFFSET(d_offs);
+ encr_offset = encr_offset / 8;
+ /* consider iv len */
+ encr_offset += iv_len;
+ inputlen = encr_offset + (RTE_ALIGN(encr_data_len, 8) / 8);
+ outputlen = inputlen;
+ /* iv offset is 0 */
+ offset_ctrl = rte_cpu_to_be_64((uint64_t)encr_offset << 16);
+ }
+ /* IV */
+ iv_s = (flags == 0x1) ? params->auth_iv_buf :
+ params->iv_buf;
+ if (snow3g) {
+ /*
+ * DPDK seems to provide it in form of IV3 IV2 IV1 IV0
+ * and BigEndian, MC needs it as IV0 IV1 IV2 IV3
+ */
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ iv[j] = iv_s[3 - j];
+ } else {
+ /* ZUC doesn't need a swap */
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ iv[j] = iv_s[j];
+ }
+ /*
+ * GP op header, lengths are expected in bits.
+ */
+ vq_cmd_w0.u64 = 0;
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.param1 = rte_cpu_to_be_16(encr_data_len);
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.param2 = rte_cpu_to_be_16(auth_data_len);
+ /*
+ * In 83XX since we have a limitation of
+ * IV & Offset control word not part of instruction
+ * and need to be part of Data Buffer, we check if
+ * head room is there and then only do the Direct mode processing
+ */
+ if (likely((req_flags & SINGLE_BUF_INPLACE) &&
+ (req_flags & SINGLE_BUF_HEADTAILROOM))) {
+ void *dm_vaddr = params->bufs[0].vaddr;
+ uint64_t dm_dma_addr = params->bufs[0].dma_addr;
+ /*
+ * This flag indicates that there is 24 bytes head room and
+ * 8 bytes tail room available, so that we get to do
+ * DIRECT MODE with limitation
+ */
+ offset_vaddr = (uint64_t *)((uint8_t *)dm_vaddr -
+ OFF_CTRL_LEN - iv_len);
+ offset_dma = dm_dma_addr - OFF_CTRL_LEN - iv_len;
+ /* DPTR */
+ req->ist.ei1 = offset_dma;
+ /* RPTR should just exclude offset control word */
+ req->ist.ei2 = dm_dma_addr - iv_len;
+ req->alternate_caddr = (uint64_t *)((uint8_t *)dm_vaddr
+ + outputlen - iv_len);
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.dlen = rte_cpu_to_be_16(inputlen + OFF_CTRL_LEN);
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.opcode = rte_cpu_to_be_16(opcode.flags);
+ if (likely(iv_len)) {
+ uint32_t *iv_d = (uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)offset_vaddr
+ memcpy(iv_d, iv, 16);
+ }
+ *offset_vaddr = offset_ctrl;
+ } else {
+ uint32_t i, g_size_bytes, s_size_bytes;
+ uint64_t dptr_dma, rptr_dma;
+ sg_comp_t *gather_comp;
+ sg_comp_t *scatter_comp;
+ uint8_t *in_buffer;
+ uint32_t *iv_d;
+ /* save space for iv */
+ offset_vaddr = m_vaddr;
+ offset_dma = m_dma;
+ m_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + OFF_CTRL_LEN + iv_len;
+ m_dma += OFF_CTRL_LEN + iv_len;
+ m_size -= OFF_CTRL_LEN + iv_len;
+ opcode.s.major |= CPT_DMA_MODE;
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.opcode = rte_cpu_to_be_16(opcode.flags);
+ /* DPTR has SG list */
+ in_buffer = m_vaddr;
+ dptr_dma = m_dma;
+ ((uint16_t *)in_buffer)[0] = 0;
+ ((uint16_t *)in_buffer)[1] = 0;
+ /* TODO Add error check if space will be sufficient */
+ gather_comp = (sg_comp_t *)((uint8_t *)m_vaddr + 8);
+ /*
+ * Input Gather List
+ */
+ i = 0;
+ /* Offset control word followed by iv */
+ i = fill_sg_comp(gather_comp, i, offset_dma,
+ OFF_CTRL_LEN + iv_len);
+ /* iv offset is 0 */
+ *offset_vaddr = offset_ctrl;
+ iv_d = (uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)offset_vaddr + OFF_CTRL_LEN);
+ memcpy(iv_d, iv, 16);
+ /* input data */
+ size = inputlen - iv_len;
+ if (size) {
+ i = fill_sg_comp_from_iov(gather_comp, i,
+ params->src_iov,
+ 0, &size, NULL, 0);
+ if (size)
+ }
+ ((uint16_t *)in_buffer)[2] = rte_cpu_to_be_16(i);
+ g_size_bytes = ((i + 3) / 4) * sizeof(sg_comp_t);
+ /*
+ * Output Scatter List
+ */
+ i = 0;
+ scatter_comp =
+ (sg_comp_t *)((uint8_t *)gather_comp + g_size_bytes);
+ if (flags == 0x1) {
+ /* IV in SLIST only for EEA3 & UEA2 */
+ iv_len = 0;
+ }
+ if (iv_len) {
+ i = fill_sg_comp(scatter_comp, i,
+ offset_dma + OFF_CTRL_LEN, iv_len);
+ }
+ /* Add output data */
+ if (req_flags & VALID_MAC_BUF) {
+ size = outputlen - iv_len - mac_len;
+ if (size) {
+ i = fill_sg_comp_from_iov(scatter_comp, i,
+ params->dst_iov, 0,
+ &size, NULL, 0);
+ if (size)
+ }
+ /* mac data */
+ if (mac_len) {
+ i = fill_sg_comp_from_buf(scatter_comp, i,
+ ¶ms->mac_buf);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Output including mac */
+ size = outputlen - iv_len;
+ if (size) {
+ i = fill_sg_comp_from_iov(scatter_comp, i,
+ params->dst_iov, 0,
+ &size, NULL, 0);
+ if (size)
+ }
+ }
+ ((uint16_t *)in_buffer)[3] = rte_cpu_to_be_16(i);
+ s_size_bytes = ((i + 3) / 4) * sizeof(sg_comp_t);
+ size = g_size_bytes + s_size_bytes + SG_LIST_HDR_SIZE;
+ /* This is DPTR len incase of SG mode */
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.dlen = rte_cpu_to_be_16(size);
+ m_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + size;
+ m_dma += size;
+ m_size -= size;
+ /* cpt alternate completion address saved earlier */
+ req->alternate_caddr = (uint64_t *)((uint8_t *)c_vaddr - 8);
+ *req->alternate_caddr = ~((uint64_t)COMPLETION_CODE_INIT);
+ rptr_dma = c_dma - 8;
+ req->ist.ei1 = dptr_dma;
+ req->ist.ei2 = rptr_dma;
+ }
+ /* First 16-bit swap then 64-bit swap */
+ /* TODO: HACK: Reverse the vq_cmd and cpt_req bit field definitions
+ * to eliminate all the swapping
+ */
+ vq_cmd_w0.u64 = rte_cpu_to_be_64(vq_cmd_w0.u64);
+ /* vq command w3 */
+ vq_cmd_w3.u64 = 0;
+ vq_cmd_w3.s.grp = 0;
+ vq_cmd_w3.s.cptr = params->ctx_buf.dma_addr +
+ offsetof(struct cpt_ctx, zs_ctx);
+ /* 16 byte aligned cpt res address */
+ req->completion_addr = (uint64_t *)((uint8_t *)c_vaddr);
+ *req->completion_addr = COMPLETION_CODE_INIT;
+ req->comp_baddr = c_dma;
+ /* Fill microcode part of instruction */
+ req->ist.ei0 = vq_cmd_w0.u64;
+ req->ist.ei3 = vq_cmd_w3.u64;
+ req->op = op;
+ *prep_req = req;
+ return 0;
+static __rte_always_inline int
+cpt_zuc_snow3g_dec_prep(uint32_t req_flags,
+ uint64_t d_offs,
+ uint64_t d_lens,
+ fc_params_t *params,
+ void *op,
+ void **prep_req)
+ uint32_t size;
+ int32_t inputlen = 0, outputlen;
+ struct cpt_ctx *cpt_ctx;
+ uint8_t snow3g, iv_len = 16;
+ struct cpt_request_info *req;
+ buf_ptr_t *buf_p;
+ uint32_t encr_offset;
+ uint32_t encr_data_len;
+ int flags, m_size;
+ void *m_vaddr, *c_vaddr;
+ uint64_t m_dma, c_dma;
+ uint64_t *offset_vaddr, offset_dma;
+ uint32_t *iv_s, iv[4], j;
+ vq_cmd_word0_t vq_cmd_w0;
+ vq_cmd_word3_t vq_cmd_w3;
+ opcode_info_t opcode;
+ buf_p = ¶ms->meta_buf;
+ m_vaddr = buf_p->vaddr;
+ m_dma = buf_p->dma_addr;
+ m_size = buf_p->size;
+ /*
+ * Microcode expects offsets in bytes
+ * TODO: Rounding off
+ */
+ encr_offset = ENCR_OFFSET(d_offs) / 8;
+ encr_data_len = ENCR_DLEN(d_lens);
+ cpt_ctx = params->ctx_buf.vaddr;
+ flags = cpt_ctx->zsk_flags;
+ snow3g = cpt_ctx->snow3g;
+ /*
+ * Save initial space that followed app data for completion code &
+ * alternate completion code to fall in same cache line as app data
+ */
+ m_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + COMPLETION_CODE_SIZE;
+ size = (uint8_t *)RTE_PTR_ALIGN((uint8_t *)m_vaddr, 16) -
+ (uint8_t *)m_vaddr;
+ c_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + size;
+ c_dma = m_dma + size;
+ size += sizeof(cpt_res_s_t);
+ m_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + size;
+ m_dma += size;
+ m_size -= size;
+ /* Reserve memory for cpt request info */
+ req = m_vaddr;
+ size = sizeof(struct cpt_request_info);
+ m_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + size;
+ m_dma += size;
+ m_size -= size;
+ opcode.s.major = CPT_MAJOR_OP_ZUC_SNOW3G;
+ /* indicates CPTR ctx, operation type, KEY & IV mode from DPTR */
+ opcode.s.minor = ((1 << 6) | (snow3g << 5) | (0 << 4) |
+ (0 << 3) | (flags & 0x7));
+ /* consider iv len */
+ encr_offset += iv_len;
+ inputlen = encr_offset +
+ (RTE_ALIGN(encr_data_len, 8) / 8);
+ outputlen = inputlen;
+ /* IV */
+ iv_s = params->iv_buf;
+ if (snow3g) {
+ /*
+ * DPDK seems to provide it in form of IV3 IV2 IV1 IV0
+ * and BigEndian, MC needs it as IV0 IV1 IV2 IV3
+ */
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ iv[j] = iv_s[3 - j];
+ } else {
+ /* ZUC doesn't need a swap */
+ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++)
+ iv[j] = iv_s[j];
+ }
+ /*
+ * GP op header, lengths are expected in bits.
+ */
+ vq_cmd_w0.u64 = 0;
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.param1 = rte_cpu_to_be_16(encr_data_len);
+ /*
+ * In 83XX since we have a limitation of
+ * IV & Offset control word not part of instruction
+ * and need to be part of Data Buffer, we check if
+ * head room is there and then only do the Direct mode processing
+ */
+ if (likely((req_flags & SINGLE_BUF_INPLACE) &&
+ (req_flags & SINGLE_BUF_HEADTAILROOM))) {
+ void *dm_vaddr = params->bufs[0].vaddr;
+ uint64_t dm_dma_addr = params->bufs[0].dma_addr;
+ /*
+ * This flag indicates that there is 24 bytes head room and
+ * 8 bytes tail room available, so that we get to do
+ * DIRECT MODE with limitation
+ */
+ offset_vaddr = (uint64_t *)((uint8_t *)dm_vaddr -
+ OFF_CTRL_LEN - iv_len);
+ offset_dma = dm_dma_addr - OFF_CTRL_LEN - iv_len;
+ /* DPTR */
+ req->ist.ei1 = offset_dma;
+ /* RPTR should just exclude offset control word */
+ req->ist.ei2 = dm_dma_addr - iv_len;
+ req->alternate_caddr = (uint64_t *)((uint8_t *)dm_vaddr
+ + outputlen - iv_len);
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.dlen = rte_cpu_to_be_16(inputlen + OFF_CTRL_LEN);
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.opcode = rte_cpu_to_be_16(opcode.flags);
+ if (likely(iv_len)) {
+ uint32_t *iv_d = (uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)offset_vaddr
+ memcpy(iv_d, iv, 16);
+ }
+ /* iv offset is 0 */
+ *offset_vaddr = rte_cpu_to_be_64((uint64_t)encr_offset << 16);
+ } else {
+ uint32_t i, g_size_bytes, s_size_bytes;
+ uint64_t dptr_dma, rptr_dma;
+ sg_comp_t *gather_comp;
+ sg_comp_t *scatter_comp;
+ uint8_t *in_buffer;
+ uint32_t *iv_d;
+ /* save space for offset and iv... */
+ offset_vaddr = m_vaddr;
+ offset_dma = m_dma;
+ m_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + OFF_CTRL_LEN + iv_len;
+ m_dma += OFF_CTRL_LEN + iv_len;
+ m_size -= OFF_CTRL_LEN + iv_len;
+ opcode.s.major |= CPT_DMA_MODE;
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.opcode = rte_cpu_to_be_16(opcode.flags);
+ /* DPTR has SG list */
+ in_buffer = m_vaddr;
+ dptr_dma = m_dma;
+ ((uint16_t *)in_buffer)[0] = 0;
+ ((uint16_t *)in_buffer)[1] = 0;
+ /* TODO Add error check if space will be sufficient */
+ gather_comp = (sg_comp_t *)((uint8_t *)m_vaddr + 8);
+ /*
+ * Input Gather List
+ */
+ i = 0;
+ /* Offset control word */
+ /* iv offset is 0 */
+ *offset_vaddr = rte_cpu_to_be_64((uint64_t)encr_offset << 16);
+ i = fill_sg_comp(gather_comp, i, offset_dma,
+ OFF_CTRL_LEN + iv_len);
+ iv_d = (uint32_t *)((uint8_t *)offset_vaddr + OFF_CTRL_LEN);
+ memcpy(iv_d, iv, 16);
+ /* Add input data */
+ size = inputlen - iv_len;
+ if (size) {
+ i = fill_sg_comp_from_iov(gather_comp, i,
+ params->src_iov,
+ 0, &size, NULL, 0);
+ if (size)
+ }
+ ((uint16_t *)in_buffer)[2] = rte_cpu_to_be_16(i);
+ g_size_bytes = ((i + 3) / 4) * sizeof(sg_comp_t);
+ /*
+ * Output Scatter List
+ */
+ i = 0;
+ scatter_comp =
+ (sg_comp_t *)((uint8_t *)gather_comp + g_size_bytes);
+ /* IV */
+ i = fill_sg_comp(scatter_comp, i,
+ offset_dma + OFF_CTRL_LEN,
+ iv_len);
+ /* Add output data */
+ size = outputlen - iv_len;
+ if (size) {
+ i = fill_sg_comp_from_iov(scatter_comp, i,
+ params->dst_iov, 0,
+ &size, NULL, 0);
+ if (size)
+ }
+ ((uint16_t *)in_buffer)[3] = rte_cpu_to_be_16(i);
+ s_size_bytes = ((i + 3) / 4) * sizeof(sg_comp_t);
+ size = g_size_bytes + s_size_bytes + SG_LIST_HDR_SIZE;
+ /* This is DPTR len incase of SG mode */
+ vq_cmd_w0.s.dlen = rte_cpu_to_be_16(size);
+ m_vaddr = (uint8_t *)m_vaddr + size;
+ m_dma += size;
+ m_size -= size;
+ /* cpt alternate completion address saved earlier */
+ req->alternate_caddr = (uint64_t *)((uint8_t *)c_vaddr - 8);
+ *req->alternate_caddr = ~((uint64_t)COMPLETION_CODE_INIT);
+ rptr_dma = c_dma - 8;
+ req->ist.ei1 = dptr_dma;
+ req->ist.ei2 = rptr_dma;
+ }
+ /* First 16-bit swap then 64-bit swap */
+ /* TODO: HACK: Reverse the vq_cmd and cpt_req bit field definitions
+ * to eliminate all the swapping
+ */
+ vq_cmd_w0.u64 = rte_cpu_to_be_64(vq_cmd_w0.u64);
+ /* vq command w3 */
+ vq_cmd_w3.u64 = 0;
+ vq_cmd_w3.s.grp = 0;
+ vq_cmd_w3.s.cptr = params->ctx_buf.dma_addr +
+ offsetof(struct cpt_ctx, zs_ctx);
+ /* 16 byte aligned cpt res address */
+ req->completion_addr = (uint64_t *)((uint8_t *)c_vaddr);
+ *req->completion_addr = COMPLETION_CODE_INIT;
+ req->comp_baddr = c_dma;
+ /* Fill microcode part of instruction */
+ req->ist.ei0 = vq_cmd_w0.u64;
+ req->ist.ei3 = vq_cmd_w3.u64;
+ req->op = op;
+ *prep_req = req;
+ return 0;
static __rte_always_inline void *
cpt_fc_dec_hmac_prep(uint32_t flags,
uint64_t d_offs,
if (likely(fc_type == FC_GEN)) {
ret = cpt_dec_hmac_prep(flags, d_offs, d_lens,
fc_params, op, &prep_req);
+ } else if (fc_type == ZUC_SNOW3G) {
+ ret = cpt_zuc_snow3g_dec_prep(flags, d_offs, d_lens,
+ fc_params, op, &prep_req);
} else {
* For AUTH_ONLY case,
if (likely(fc_type == FC_GEN)) {
ret = cpt_enc_hmac_prep(flags, d_offs, d_lens,
fc_params, op, &prep_req);
+ } else if (fc_type == ZUC_SNOW3G) {
+ ret = cpt_zuc_snow3g_enc_prep(flags, d_offs, d_lens,
+ fc_params, op, &prep_req);
} else {
ret = ERR_EIO;