#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <rte_cycles.h>
#include <rte_byteorder.h>
#include <rte_common.h>
#include <rte_debug.h>
return remove_slaves_and_stop_bonded_device();
+static int
+ int i, burst_size, nb_tx;
+ uint64_t nb_tx2 = 0;
+ struct rte_mbuf *pkt_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST];
+ struct rte_eth_stats port_stats[32];
+ uint64_t sum_ports_opackets = 0, all_bond_opackets = 0, all_bond_obytes = 0;
+ uint16_t pktlen;
+ uint64_t floor_obytes = 0, ceiling_obytes = 0;
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(initialize_bonded_device_with_slaves
+ "Failed to initialise bonded device");
+ burst_size = 20 * test_params->bonded_slave_count;
+ "Burst size specified is greater than supported.\n");
+ /* Generate 400000 test bursts in 2s of packets to transmit */
+ for (i = 0; i < 400000; i++) {
+ /*test two types of mac src own(bonding) and others */
+ if (i % 2 == 0) {
+ initialize_eth_header(test_params->pkt_eth_hdr,
+ (struct ether_addr *)src_mac,
+ (struct ether_addr *)dst_mac_0, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ initialize_eth_header(test_params->pkt_eth_hdr,
+ (struct ether_addr *)test_params->default_slave_mac,
+ (struct ether_addr *)dst_mac_0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ pktlen = initialize_udp_header(test_params->pkt_udp_hdr, src_port,
+ dst_port_0, 16);
+ pktlen = initialize_ipv4_header(test_params->pkt_ipv4_hdr, src_addr,
+ dst_addr_0, pktlen);
+ generate_packet_burst(test_params->mbuf_pool, pkt_burst,
+ test_params->pkt_eth_hdr, 0, test_params->pkt_ipv4_hdr,
+ 1, test_params->pkt_udp_hdr, burst_size, 60, 1);
+ /* Send burst on bonded port */
+ nb_tx = rte_eth_tx_burst(test_params->bonded_port_id, 0, pkt_burst,
+ burst_size);
+ nb_tx2 += nb_tx;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(nb_tx, burst_size,
+ "number of packet not equal burst size");
+ rte_delay_us(5);
+ }
+ /* Verify bonded port tx stats */
+ rte_eth_stats_get(test_params->bonded_port_id, &port_stats[0]);
+ all_bond_opackets = port_stats[0].opackets;
+ all_bond_obytes = port_stats[0].obytes;
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(port_stats[0].opackets, (uint64_t)nb_tx2,
+ "Bonded Port (%d) opackets value (%u) not as expected (%d)\n",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id, (unsigned int)port_stats[0].opackets,
+ burst_size);
+ /* Verify slave ports tx stats */
+ for (i = 0; i < test_params->bonded_slave_count; i++) {
+ rte_eth_stats_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[i], &port_stats[i]);
+ sum_ports_opackets += port_stats[i].opackets;
+ }
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(sum_ports_opackets, (uint64_t)all_bond_opackets,
+ "Total packets sent by slaves is not equal to packets sent by bond interface");
+ /* distribution of packets on each slave within +/- 10% of the expected value. */
+ for (i = 0; i < test_params->bonded_slave_count; i++) {
+ floor_obytes = (all_bond_obytes*90)/(test_params->bonded_slave_count*100);
+ ceiling_obytes = (all_bond_obytes*110)/(test_params->bonded_slave_count*100);
+ TEST_ASSERT(port_stats[i].obytes >= floor_obytes &&
+ port_stats[i].obytes <= ceiling_obytes,
+ "Distribution is not even");
+ }
+ /* Put all slaves down and try and transmit */
+ for (i = 0; i < test_params->bonded_slave_count; i++) {
+ virtual_ethdev_simulate_link_status_interrupt(
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[i], 0);
+ }
+ /* Send burst on bonded port */
+ nb_tx = rte_eth_tx_burst(test_params->bonded_port_id, 0, pkt_burst,
+ burst_size);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(nb_tx, 0, " bad number of packet in burst");
+ /* Clean ugit checkout masterp and remove slaves from bonded device */
+ return remove_slaves_and_stop_bonded_device();
+static int
+ struct rte_mbuf *gen_pkt_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST] = { NULL };
+ struct rte_mbuf *rx_pkt_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST] = { NULL };
+ struct rte_eth_stats port_stats;
+ int primary_port;
+ uint16_t i, j, nb_rx, burst_size = 17;
+ /* Initialize bonded device with 4 slaves in transmit load balancing mode */
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(initialize_bonded_device_with_slaves(
+ "Failed to initialize bonded device");
+ primary_port = rte_eth_bond_primary_get(test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ TEST_ASSERT(primary_port >= 0,
+ "failed to get primary slave for bonded port (%d)",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ for (i = 0; i < test_params->bonded_slave_count; i++) {
+ /* Generate test bursts of packets to transmit */
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(generate_test_burst(
+ &gen_pkt_burst[0], burst_size, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), burst_size,
+ "burst generation failed");
+ /* Add rx data to slave */
+ virtual_ethdev_add_mbufs_to_rx_queue(test_params->slave_port_ids[i],
+ &gen_pkt_burst[0], burst_size);
+ /* Call rx burst on bonded device */
+ nb_rx = rte_eth_rx_burst(test_params->bonded_port_id, 0,
+ &rx_pkt_burst[0], MAX_PKT_BURST);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(nb_rx, burst_size, "rte_eth_rx_burst failed\n");
+ if (test_params->slave_port_ids[i] == primary_port) {
+ /* Verify bonded device rx count */
+ rte_eth_stats_get(test_params->bonded_port_id, &port_stats);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(port_stats.ipackets, (uint64_t)burst_size,
+ "Bonded Port (%d) ipackets value (%u) not as expected (%d)\n",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id,
+ (unsigned int)port_stats.ipackets, burst_size);
+ /* Verify bonded slave devices rx count */
+ for (j = 0; j < test_params->bonded_slave_count; j++) {
+ rte_eth_stats_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[j], &port_stats);
+ if (i == j) {
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(port_stats.ipackets, (uint64_t)burst_size,
+ "Slave Port (%d) ipackets value (%u) not as expected (%d)\n",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[i],
+ (unsigned int)port_stats.ipackets, burst_size);
+ } else {
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(port_stats.ipackets, (uint64_t)0,
+ "Slave Port (%d) ipackets value (%u) not as expected (%d)\n",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[i],
+ (unsigned int)port_stats.ipackets, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (j = 0; j < test_params->bonded_slave_count; j++) {
+ rte_eth_stats_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[j], &port_stats);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(port_stats.ipackets, (uint64_t)0,
+ "Slave Port (%d) ipackets value (%u) not as expected (%d)\n",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[i],
+ (unsigned int)port_stats.ipackets, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ /* free mbufs */
+ for (i = 0; i < burst_size; i++)
+ rte_pktmbuf_free(rx_pkt_burst[i]);
+ /* reset bonded device stats */
+ rte_eth_stats_reset(test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ }
+ /* Clean up and remove slaves from bonded device */
+ return remove_slaves_and_stop_bonded_device();
+static int
+ int i, primary_port, promiscuous_en;
+ /* Initialize bonded device with 4 slaves in transmit load balancing mode */
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS( initialize_bonded_device_with_slaves(
+ "Failed to initialize bonded device");
+ primary_port = rte_eth_bond_primary_get(test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ TEST_ASSERT(primary_port >= 0,
+ "failed to get primary slave for bonded port (%d)",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ rte_eth_promiscuous_enable(test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ promiscuous_en = rte_eth_promiscuous_get(test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(promiscuous_en, (int)1,
+ "Port (%d) promiscuous mode not enabled\n",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ for (i = 0; i < test_params->bonded_slave_count; i++) {
+ promiscuous_en = rte_eth_promiscuous_get(
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[i]);
+ if (primary_port == test_params->slave_port_ids[i]) {
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(promiscuous_en, (int)1,
+ "Port (%d) promiscuous mode not enabled\n",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ } else {
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(promiscuous_en, (int)0,
+ "Port (%d) promiscuous mode enabled\n",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ }
+ }
+ rte_eth_promiscuous_disable(test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ promiscuous_en = rte_eth_promiscuous_get(test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(promiscuous_en, (int)0,
+ "Port (%d) promiscuous mode not disabled\n",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ for (i = 0; i < test_params->bonded_slave_count; i++) {
+ promiscuous_en = rte_eth_promiscuous_get(
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[i]);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(promiscuous_en, (int)0,
+ "slave port (%d) promiscuous mode not disabled\n",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[i]);
+ }
+ /* Clean up and remove slaves from bonded device */
+ return remove_slaves_and_stop_bonded_device();
+static int
+ struct ether_addr read_mac_addr, expected_mac_addr_0, expected_mac_addr_1;
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[0], &expected_mac_addr_0);
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[1], &expected_mac_addr_1);
+ /* Initialize bonded device with 2 slaves in active backup mode */
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(initialize_bonded_device_with_slaves(
+ "Failed to initialize bonded device");
+ /* Verify that bonded MACs is that of first slave and that the other slave
+ * MAC hasn't been changed */
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->bonded_port_id, &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&expected_mac_addr_0, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "bonded port (%d) mac address not set to that of primary port",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[0], &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&expected_mac_addr_0, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "slave port (%d) mac address not set to that of primary port",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[0]);
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[1], &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&expected_mac_addr_1, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "slave port (%d) mac address not as expected",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[1]);
+ /* change primary and verify that MAC addresses haven't changed */
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(rte_eth_bond_primary_set(test_params->bonded_port_id,
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[1]), 0,
+ "Failed to set bonded port (%d) primary port to (%d)",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id, test_params->slave_port_ids[1]);
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->bonded_port_id, &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&expected_mac_addr_0, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "bonded port (%d) mac address not set to that of primary port",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[0], &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&expected_mac_addr_0, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "slave port (%d) mac address not set to that of primary port",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[0]);
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[1], &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&expected_mac_addr_1, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "slave port (%d) mac address not as expected",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[1]);
+ /* stop / start bonded device and verify that primary MAC address is
+ * propagated to bonded device and slaves */
+ rte_eth_dev_stop(test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_eth_dev_start(test_params->bonded_port_id),
+ "Failed to start device");
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->bonded_port_id, &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&expected_mac_addr_1, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "bonded port (%d) mac address not set to that of primary port",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[0], &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&expected_mac_addr_0, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "slave port (%d) mac address not as expected",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[0]);
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[1], &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&expected_mac_addr_1, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "slave port (%d) mac address not set to that of primary port",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[1]);
+ /* Set explicit MAC address */
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(rte_eth_bond_mac_address_set(
+ test_params->bonded_port_id, (struct ether_addr *)bonded_mac),
+ "failed to set MAC addres");
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->bonded_port_id, &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&bonded_mac, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "bonded port (%d) mac address not set to that of bonded port",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[0], &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&expected_mac_addr_0, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "slave port (%d) mac address not as expected",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[0]);
+ rte_eth_macaddr_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[1], &read_mac_addr);
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(memcmp(&bonded_mac, &read_mac_addr,
+ sizeof(read_mac_addr)),
+ "slave port (%d) mac address not set to that of bonded port",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[1]);
+ /* Clean up and remove slaves from bonded device */
+ return remove_slaves_and_stop_bonded_device();
+static int
+ struct rte_mbuf *rx_pkt_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST] = { NULL };
+ struct rte_eth_stats port_stats;
+ uint8_t slaves[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
+ int i, j, burst_size, slave_count, primary_port;
+ burst_size = 21;
+ memset(pkt_burst, 0, sizeof(pkt_burst));
+ /* Initialize bonded device with 4 slaves in round robin mode */
+ TEST_ASSERT_SUCCESS(initialize_bonded_device_with_slaves(
+ "Failed to initialize bonded device with slaves");
+ /* Verify Current Slaves Count /Active Slave Count is */
+ slave_count = rte_eth_bond_slaves_get(test_params->bonded_port_id, slaves,
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(slave_count, 4,
+ "Number of slaves (%d) is not as expected (%d).\n",
+ slave_count, 4);
+ slave_count = rte_eth_bond_active_slaves_get(test_params->bonded_port_id,
+ slaves, RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(slave_count, (int)4,
+ "Number of slaves (%d) is not as expected (%d).\n",
+ slave_count, 4);
+ primary_port = rte_eth_bond_primary_get(test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(primary_port, test_params->slave_port_ids[0],
+ "Primary port not as expected");
+ /* Bring 2 slaves down and verify active slave count */
+ virtual_ethdev_simulate_link_status_interrupt(
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[1], 0);
+ virtual_ethdev_simulate_link_status_interrupt(
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[3], 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(rte_eth_bond_active_slaves_get(
+ test_params->bonded_port_id, slaves, RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS), 2,
+ "Number of active slaves (%d) is not as expected (%d).",
+ slave_count, 2);
+ virtual_ethdev_simulate_link_status_interrupt(
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[1], 1);
+ virtual_ethdev_simulate_link_status_interrupt(
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[3], 1);
+ /* Bring primary port down, verify that active slave count is 3 and primary
+ * has changed */
+ virtual_ethdev_simulate_link_status_interrupt(
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[0], 0);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(rte_eth_bond_active_slaves_get(
+ test_params->bonded_port_id, slaves, RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS), 3,
+ "Number of active slaves (%d) is not as expected (%d).",
+ slave_count, 3);
+ primary_port = rte_eth_bond_primary_get(test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(primary_port, test_params->slave_port_ids[2],
+ "Primary port not as expected");
+ rte_delay_us(500000);
+ /* Verify that pkts are sent on new primary slave */
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(generate_test_burst(
+ &pkt_burst[0][0], burst_size, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), burst_size,
+ "generate_test_burst failed\n");
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(rte_eth_tx_burst(
+ test_params->bonded_port_id, 0, &pkt_burst[0][0], burst_size), burst_size,
+ "rte_eth_tx_burst failed\n");
+ rte_delay_us(11000);
+ }
+ rte_eth_stats_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[2], &port_stats);
+ TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(port_stats.opackets, (int8_t)0,
+ "(%d) port_stats.opackets not as expected\n",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[2]);
+ rte_eth_stats_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[0], &port_stats);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(port_stats.opackets, (int8_t)0,
+ "(%d) port_stats.opackets not as expected\n",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[0]);
+ rte_eth_stats_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[1], &port_stats);
+ TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(port_stats.opackets, (int8_t)0,
+ "(%d) port_stats.opackets not as expected\n",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[1]);
+ rte_eth_stats_get(test_params->slave_port_ids[3], &port_stats);
+ TEST_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(port_stats.opackets, (int8_t)0,
+ "(%d) port_stats.opackets not as expected\n",
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[3]);
+ /* Generate packet burst for testing */
+ if (generate_test_burst(&pkt_burst[i][0], burst_size, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) !=
+ burst_size)
+ return -1;
+ virtual_ethdev_add_mbufs_to_rx_queue(
+ test_params->slave_port_ids[i], &pkt_burst[i][0], burst_size);
+ }
+ if (rte_eth_rx_burst(test_params->bonded_port_id, 0, rx_pkt_burst,
+ MAX_PKT_BURST) != burst_size) {
+ printf("rte_eth_rx_burst\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* Verify bonded device rx count */
+ rte_eth_stats_get(test_params->bonded_port_id, &port_stats);
+ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL(port_stats.ipackets, (uint64_t)burst_size,
+ "(%d) port_stats.ipackets not as expected\n",
+ test_params->bonded_port_id);
+ /* free mbufs */
+ for (j = 0; j < MAX_PKT_BURST; j++) {
+ if (pkt_burst[i][j] != NULL) {
+ rte_pktmbuf_free(pkt_burst[i][j]);
+ pkt_burst[i][j] = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Clean up and remove slaves from bonded device */
+ return remove_slaves_and_stop_bonded_device();
static struct unit_test_suite link_bonding_test_suite = {
.suite_name = "Link Bonding Unit Test Suite",
+ TEST_CASE(test_tlb_tx_burst),
+ TEST_CASE(test_tlb_rx_burst),
+ TEST_CASE(test_tlb_verify_mac_assignment),
+ TEST_CASE(test_tlb_verify_promiscuous_enable_disable),
+ TEST_CASE(test_tlb_verify_slave_link_status_change_failover),