]> git.droids-corp.org - dpdk.git/commitdiff
examples/performance-thread: remove
authorFerruh Yigit <ferruh.yigit@intel.com>
Fri, 17 Dec 2021 13:15:26 +0000 (13:15 +0000)
committerThomas Monjalon <thomas@monjalon.net>
Thu, 20 Jan 2022 13:30:59 +0000 (14:30 +0100)
Remove sample application which is not clear if it is still relevant.

Signed-off-by: Ferruh Yigit <ferruh.yigit@intel.com>
44 files changed:
doc/guides/sample_app_ug/img/performance_thread_1.svg [deleted file]
doc/guides/sample_app_ug/img/performance_thread_2.svg [deleted file]
doc/guides/sample_app_ug/performance_thread.rst [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/Makefile [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/arch/arm64/ctx.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/arch/arm64/ctx.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/arch/arm64/stack.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/arch/x86/ctx.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/arch/x86/ctx.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/arch/x86/stack.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/common.mk [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_api.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_cond.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_cond.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_diag.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_diag.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_diag_api.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_int.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_mutex.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_mutex.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_objcache.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_pool.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_queue.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_sched.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_sched.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_timer.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_tls.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_tls.h [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/Makefile [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/main.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/meson.build [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/test.sh [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/Makefile [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/main.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/meson.build [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/pthread_shim.c [deleted file]
examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/pthread_shim.h [deleted file]

index f46cec0c55e67f92ff2eb3e2fa1ec50c4bb064ab..c62128933782183b909fe55608292e8fbdedfde1 100644 (file)
@@ -1753,11 +1753,6 @@ Link status interrupt example
 F: examples/link_status_interrupt/
 F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/link_status_intr.rst
-M: John McNamara <john.mcnamara@intel.com>
-F: examples/performance-thread/
-F: doc/guides/sample_app_ug/performance_thread.rst
 PTP client example
 M: Kirill Rybalchenko <kirill.rybalchenko@intel.com>
 F: examples/ptpclient/
index 0361135d6e18a4c9c2e6f6f87f8523c35bc57f5e..bf3b13ebac32bdf7ade9e224dc4aa537251e6d89 100755 (executable)
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ arm_64_sources()
-       find_sources "examples/performance-thread/common/arch/x86" '*.[chS]'
        find_sources "$source_dirs" '*_sse*.[chS]'
        find_sources "$source_dirs" '*_avx*.[chS]'
        find_sources "$source_dirs" '*x86.[chS]'
index 6d99d1eaa94a4340cfa5b756aa963b72d0394673..8a202ec4f4574a797fe4642388966ac63cc4bfab 100644 (file)
@@ -68,6 +68,8 @@ Removed Items
    Also, make sure to start the actual text at the margin.
+* **Removed experimental performance thread example application.**
 API Changes
diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/img/performance_thread_1.svg b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/img/performance_thread_1.svg
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
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@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ Sample Applications User Guides
-    performance_thread
diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/performance_thread.rst b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/performance_thread.rst
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+++ /dev/null
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-..  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-    Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation.
-Performance Thread Sample Application
-The performance thread sample application is a derivative of the standard L3
-forwarding application that demonstrates different threading models.
-For a general description of the L3 forwarding applications capabilities
-please refer to the documentation of the standard application in
-The performance thread sample application differs from the standard L3
-forwarding example in that it divides the TX and RX processing between
-different threads, and makes it possible to assign individual threads to
-different cores.
-Three threading models are considered:
-#. When there is one EAL thread per physical core.
-#. When there are multiple EAL threads per physical core.
-#. When there are multiple lightweight threads per EAL thread.
-Since DPDK release 2.0 it is possible to launch applications using the
-``--lcores`` EAL parameter, specifying cpu-sets for a physical core. With the
-performance thread sample application its is now also possible to assign
-individual RX and TX functions to different cores.
-As an alternative to dividing the L3 forwarding work between different EAL
-threads the performance thread sample introduces the possibility to run the
-application threads as lightweight threads (L-threads) within one or
-more EAL threads.
-In order to facilitate this threading model the example includes a primitive
-cooperative scheduler (L-thread) subsystem. More details of the L-thread
-subsystem can be found in :ref:`lthread_subsystem`.
-**Note:** Whilst theoretically possible it is not anticipated that multiple
-L-thread schedulers would be run on the same physical core, this mode of
-operation should not be expected to yield useful performance and is considered
-Compiling the Application
-To compile the sample application see :doc:`compiling`.
-The application is located in the `performance-thread/l3fwd-thread` sub-directory.
-Running the Application
-The application has a number of command line options::
-    ./<build_dir>/examples/dpdk-l3fwd-thread [EAL options] --
-        -p PORTMASK [-P]
-        --rx(port,queue,lcore,thread)[,(port,queue,lcore,thread)]
-        --tx(lcore,thread)[,(lcore,thread)]
-        [--max-pkt-len PKTLEN]  [--no-numa]
-        [--hash-entry-num] [--ipv6] [--no-lthreads] [--stat-lcore lcore]
-        [--parse-ptype]
-* ``-p PORTMASK``: Hexadecimal bitmask of ports to configure.
-* ``-P``: optional, sets all ports to promiscuous mode so that packets are
-  accepted regardless of the packet's Ethernet MAC destination address.
-  Without this option, only packets with the Ethernet MAC destination address
-  set to the Ethernet address of the port are accepted.
-* ``--rx (port,queue,lcore,thread)[,(port,queue,lcore,thread)]``: the list of
-  NIC RX ports and queues handled by the RX lcores and threads. The parameters
-  are explained below.
-* ``--tx (lcore,thread)[,(lcore,thread)]``: the list of TX threads identifying
-  the lcore the thread runs on, and the id of RX thread with which it is
-  associated. The parameters are explained below.
-* ``--max-pkt-len``: optional, maximum packet length in decimal (64-9600).
-* ``--no-numa``: optional, disables numa awareness.
-* ``--hash-entry-num``: optional, specifies the hash entry number in hex to be
-  setup.
-* ``--ipv6``: optional, set it if running ipv6 packets.
-* ``--no-lthreads``: optional, disables l-thread model and uses EAL threading
-  model. See below.
-* ``--stat-lcore``: optional, run CPU load stats collector on the specified
-  lcore.
-* ``--parse-ptype:`` optional, set to use software to analyze packet type.
-  Without this option, hardware will check the packet type.
-The parameters of the ``--rx`` and ``--tx`` options are:
-* ``--rx`` parameters
-   .. _table_l3fwd_rx_parameters:
-   +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
-   | port   | RX port                                              |
-   +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
-   | queue  | RX queue that will be read on the specified RX port  |
-   +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
-   | lcore  | Core to use for the thread                           |
-   +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
-   | thread | Thread id (continuously from 0 to N)                 |
-   +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
-* ``--tx`` parameters
-   .. _table_l3fwd_tx_parameters:
-   +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
-   | lcore  | Core to use for L3 route match and transmit          |
-   +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
-   | thread | Id of RX thread to be associated with this TX thread |
-   +--------+------------------------------------------------------+
-The ``l3fwd-thread`` application allows you to start packet processing in two
-threading models: L-Threads (default) and EAL Threads (when the
-``--no-lthreads`` parameter is used). For consistency all parameters are used
-in the same way for both models.
-Running with L-threads
-When the L-thread model is used (default option), lcore and thread parameters
-in ``--rx/--tx`` are used to affinitize threads to the selected scheduler.
-For example, the following places every l-thread on different lcores::
-   dpdk-l3fwd-thread -l 0-7 -n 2 -- -P -p 3 \
-                --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,1,1)" \
-                --tx="(2,0)(3,1)"
-The following places RX l-threads on lcore 0 and TX l-threads on lcore 1 and 2
-and so on::
-   dpdk-l3fwd-thread -l 0-7 -n 2 -- -P -p 3 \
-                --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,0,1)" \
-                --tx="(1,0)(2,1)"
-Running with EAL threads
-When the ``--no-lthreads`` parameter is used, the L-threading model is turned
-off and EAL threads are used for all processing. EAL threads are enumerated in
-the same way as L-threads, but the ``--lcores`` EAL parameter is used to
-affinitize threads to the selected cpu-set (scheduler). Thus it is possible to
-place every RX and TX thread on different lcores.
-For example, the following places every EAL thread on different lcores::
-   dpdk-l3fwd-thread -l 0-7 -n 2 -- -P -p 3 \
-                --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,1,1)" \
-                --tx="(2,0)(3,1)" \
-                --no-lthreads
-To affinitize two or more EAL threads to one cpu-set, the EAL ``--lcores``
-parameter is used.
-The following places RX EAL threads on lcore 0 and TX EAL threads on lcore 1
-and 2 and so on::
-   dpdk-l3fwd-thread -l 0-7 -n 2 --lcores="(0,1)@0,(2,3)@1" -- -P -p 3 \
-                --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,1,1)" \
-                --tx="(2,0)(3,1)" \
-                --no-lthreads
-For selected scenarios the command line configuration of the application for L-threads
-and its corresponding EAL threads command line can be realized as follows:
-a) Start every thread on different scheduler (1:1)::
-      dpdk-l3fwd-thread -l 0-7 -n 2 -- -P -p 3 \
-                   --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,1,1)" \
-                   --tx="(2,0)(3,1)"
-   EAL thread equivalent::
-      dpdk-l3fwd-thread -l 0-7 -n 2 -- -P -p 3 \
-                   --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,1,1)" \
-                   --tx="(2,0)(3,1)" \
-                   --no-lthreads
-b) Start all threads on one core (N:1).
-   Start 4 L-threads on lcore 0::
-      dpdk-l3fwd-thread -l 0-7 -n 2 -- -P -p 3 \
-                   --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,0,1)" \
-                   --tx="(0,0)(0,1)"
-   Start 4 EAL threads on cpu-set 0::
-      dpdk-l3fwd-thread -l 0-7 -n 2 --lcores="(0-3)@0" -- -P -p 3 \
-                   --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,0,1)" \
-                   --tx="(2,0)(3,1)" \
-                   --no-lthreads
-c) Start threads on different cores (N:M).
-   Start 2 L-threads for RX on lcore 0, and 2 L-threads for TX on lcore 1::
-      dpdk-l3fwd-thread -l 0-7 -n 2 -- -P -p 3 \
-                   --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,0,1)" \
-                   --tx="(1,0)(1,1)"
-   Start 2 EAL threads for RX on cpu-set 0, and 2 EAL threads for TX on
-   cpu-set 1::
-      dpdk-l3fwd-thread -l 0-7 -n 2 --lcores="(0-1)@0,(2-3)@1" -- -P -p 3 \
-                   --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,1,1)" \
-                   --tx="(2,0)(3,1)" \
-                   --no-lthreads
-To a great extent the sample application differs little from the standard L3
-forwarding application, and readers are advised to familiarize themselves with
-the material covered in the :doc:`l3_forward` documentation before proceeding.
-The following explanation is focused on the way threading is handled in the
-performance thread example.
-Mode of operation with EAL threads
-The performance thread sample application has split the RX and TX functionality
-into two different threads, and the RX and TX threads are
-interconnected via software rings. With respect to these rings the RX threads
-are producers and the TX threads are consumers.
-On initialization the TX and RX threads are started according to the command
-line parameters.
-The RX threads poll the network interface queues and post received packets to a
-TX thread via a corresponding software ring.
-The TX threads poll software rings, perform the L3 forwarding hash/LPM match,
-and assemble packet bursts before performing burst transmit on the network
-As with the standard L3 forward application, burst draining of residual packets
-is performed periodically with the period calculated from elapsed time using
-the timestamps counter.
-The diagram below illustrates a case with two RX threads and three TX threads.
-.. _figure_performance_thread_1:
-.. figure:: img/performance_thread_1.*
-Mode of operation with L-threads
-Like the EAL thread configuration the application has split the RX and TX
-functionality into different threads, and the pairs of RX and TX threads are
-interconnected via software rings.
-On initialization an L-thread scheduler is started on every EAL thread. On all
-but the main EAL thread only a dummy L-thread is initially started.
-The L-thread started on the main EAL thread then spawns other L-threads on
-different L-thread schedulers according the command line parameters.
-The RX threads poll the network interface queues and post received packets
-to a TX thread via the corresponding software ring.
-The ring interface is augmented by means of an L-thread condition variable that
-enables the TX thread to be suspended when the TX ring is empty. The RX thread
-signals the condition whenever it posts to the TX ring, causing the TX thread
-to be resumed.
-Additionally the TX L-thread spawns a worker L-thread to take care of
-polling the software rings, whilst it handles burst draining of the transmit
-The worker threads poll the software rings, perform L3 route lookup and
-assemble packet bursts. If the TX ring is empty the worker thread suspends
-itself by waiting on the condition variable associated with the ring.
-Burst draining of residual packets, less than the burst size, is performed by
-the TX thread which sleeps (using an L-thread sleep function) and resumes
-periodically to flush the TX buffer.
-This design means that L-threads that have no work, can yield the CPU to other
-L-threads and avoid having to constantly poll the software rings.
-The diagram below illustrates a case with two RX threads and three TX functions
-(each comprising a thread that processes forwarding and a thread that
-periodically drains the output buffer of residual packets).
-.. _figure_performance_thread_2:
-.. figure:: img/performance_thread_2.*
-CPU load statistics
-It is possible to display statistics showing estimated CPU load on each core.
-The statistics indicate the percentage of CPU time spent: processing
-received packets (forwarding), polling queues/rings (waiting for work),
-and doing any other processing (context switch and other overhead).
-When enabled statistics are gathered by having the application threads set and
-clear flags when they enter and exit pertinent code sections. The flags are
-then sampled in real time by a statistics collector thread running on another
-core. This thread displays the data in real time on the console.
-This feature is enabled by designating a statistics collector core, using the
-``--stat-lcore`` parameter.
-.. _lthread_subsystem:
-The L-thread subsystem
-The L-thread subsystem resides in the examples/performance-thread/common
-directory and is built and linked automatically when building the
-``l3fwd-thread`` example.
-The subsystem provides a simple cooperative scheduler to enable arbitrary
-functions to run as cooperative threads within a single EAL thread.
-The subsystem provides a pthread like API that is intended to assist in
-reuse of legacy code written for POSIX pthreads.
-The following sections provide some detail on the features, constraints,
-performance and porting considerations when using L-threads.
-.. _comparison_between_lthreads_and_pthreads:
-Comparison between L-threads and POSIX pthreads
-The fundamental difference between the L-thread and pthread models is the
-way in which threads are scheduled. The simplest way to think about this is to
-consider the case of a processor with a single CPU. To run multiple threads
-on a single CPU, the scheduler must frequently switch between the threads,
-in order that each thread is able to make timely progress.
-This is the basis of any multitasking operating system.
-This section explores the differences between the pthread model and the
-L-thread model as implemented in the provided L-thread subsystem. If needed a
-theoretical discussion of preemptive vs cooperative multi-threading can be
-found in any good text on operating system design.
-Scheduling and context switching
-The POSIX pthread library provides an application programming interface to
-create and synchronize threads. Scheduling policy is determined by the host OS,
-and may be configurable. The OS may use sophisticated rules to determine which
-thread should be run next, threads may suspend themselves or make other threads
-ready, and the scheduler may employ a time slice giving each thread a maximum
-time quantum after which it will be preempted in favor of another thread that
-is ready to run. To complicate matters further threads may be assigned
-different scheduling priorities.
-By contrast the L-thread subsystem is considerably simpler. Logically the
-L-thread scheduler performs the same multiplexing function for L-threads
-within a single pthread as the OS scheduler does for pthreads within an
-application process. The L-thread scheduler is simply the main loop of a
-pthread, and in so far as the host OS is concerned it is a regular pthread
-just like any other. The host OS is oblivious about the existence of and
-not at all involved in the scheduling of L-threads.
-The other and most significant difference between the two models is that
-L-threads are scheduled cooperatively. L-threads cannot not preempt each
-other, nor can the L-thread scheduler preempt a running L-thread (i.e.
-there is no time slicing). The consequence is that programs implemented with
-L-threads must possess frequent rescheduling points, meaning that they must
-explicitly and of their own volition return to the scheduler at frequent
-intervals, in order to allow other L-threads an opportunity to proceed.
-In both models switching between threads requires that the current CPU
-context is saved and a new context (belonging to the next thread ready to run)
-is restored. With pthreads this context switching is handled transparently
-and the set of CPU registers that must be preserved between context switches
-is as per an interrupt handler.
-An L-thread context switch is achieved by the thread itself making a function
-call to the L-thread scheduler. Thus it is only necessary to preserve the
-callee registers. The caller is responsible to save and restore any other
-registers it is using before a function call, and restore them on return,
-and this is handled by the compiler. For ``X86_64`` on both Linux and BSD the
-System V calling convention is used, this defines registers RSP, RBP, and
-R12-R15 as callee-save registers (for more detailed discussion a good reference
-is `X86 Calling Conventions <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_calling_conventions>`_).
-Taking advantage of this, and due to the absence of preemption, an L-thread
-context switch is achieved with less than 20 load/store instructions.
-The scheduling policy for L-threads is fixed, there is no prioritization of
-L-threads, all L-threads are equal and scheduling is based on a FIFO
-ready queue.
-An L-thread is a struct containing the CPU context of the thread
-(saved on context switch) and other useful items. The ready queue contains
-pointers to threads that are ready to run. The L-thread scheduler is a simple
-loop that polls the ready queue, reads from it the next thread ready to run,
-which it resumes by saving the current context (the current position in the
-scheduler loop) and restoring the context of the next thread from its thread
-struct. Thus an L-thread is always resumed at the last place it yielded.
-A well behaved L-thread will call the context switch regularly (at least once
-in its main loop) thus returning to the scheduler's own main loop. Yielding
-inserts the current thread at the back of the ready queue, and the process of
-servicing the ready queue is repeated, thus the system runs by flipping back
-and forth the between L-threads and scheduler loop.
-In the case of pthreads, the preemptive scheduling, time slicing, and support
-for thread prioritization means that progress is normally possible for any
-thread that is ready to run. This comes at the price of a relatively heavier
-context switch and scheduling overhead.
-With L-threads the progress of any particular thread is determined by the
-frequency of rescheduling opportunities in the other L-threads. This means that
-an errant L-thread monopolizing the CPU might cause scheduling of other threads
-to be stalled. Due to the lower cost of context switching, however, voluntary
-rescheduling to ensure progress of other threads, if managed sensibly, is not
-a prohibitive overhead, and overall performance can exceed that of an
-application using pthreads.
-Mutual exclusion
-With pthreads preemption means that threads that share data must observe
-some form of mutual exclusion protocol.
-The fact that L-threads cannot preempt each other means that in many cases
-mutual exclusion devices can be completely avoided.
-Locking to protect shared data can be a significant bottleneck in
-multi-threaded applications so a carefully designed cooperatively scheduled
-program can enjoy significant performance advantages.
-So far we have considered only the simplistic case of a single core CPU,
-when multiple CPUs are considered things are somewhat more complex.
-First of all it is inevitable that there must be multiple L-thread schedulers,
-one running on each EAL thread. So long as these schedulers remain isolated
-from each other the above assertions about the potential advantages of
-cooperative scheduling hold true.
-A configuration with isolated cooperative schedulers is less flexible than the
-pthread model where threads can be affinitized to run on any CPU. With isolated
-schedulers scaling of applications to utilize fewer or more CPUs according to
-system demand is very difficult to achieve.
-The L-thread subsystem makes it possible for L-threads to migrate between
-schedulers running on different CPUs. Needless to say if the migration means
-that threads that share data end up running on different CPUs then this will
-introduce the need for some kind of mutual exclusion system.
-Of course ``rte_ring`` software rings can always be used to interconnect
-threads running on different cores, however to protect other kinds of shared
-data structures, lock free constructs or else explicit locking will be
-required. This is a consideration for the application design.
-In support of this extended functionality, the L-thread subsystem implements
-thread safe mutexes and condition variables.
-The cost of affinitizing and of condition variable signaling is significantly
-lower than the equivalent pthread operations, and so applications using these
-features will see a performance benefit.
-Thread local storage
-As with applications written for pthreads an application written for L-threads
-can take advantage of thread local storage, in this case local to an L-thread.
-An application may save and retrieve a single pointer to application data in
-the L-thread struct.
-For legacy and backward compatibility reasons two alternative methods are also
-offered, the first is modeled directly on the pthread get/set specific APIs,
-the second approach is modeled on the ``RTE_PER_LCORE`` macros, whereby
-``PER_LTHREAD`` macros are introduced, in both cases the storage is local to
-the L-thread.
-.. _constraints_and_performance_implications:
-Constraints and performance implications when using L-threads
-.. _API_compatibility:
-API compatibility
-The L-thread subsystem provides a set of functions that are logically equivalent
-to the corresponding functions offered by the POSIX pthread library, however not
-all pthread functions have a corresponding L-thread equivalent, and not all
-features available to pthreads are implemented for L-threads.
-The pthread library offers considerable flexibility via programmable attributes
-that can be associated with threads, mutexes, and condition variables.
-By contrast the L-thread subsystem has fixed functionality, the scheduler policy
-cannot be varied, and L-threads cannot be prioritized. There are no variable
-attributes associated with any L-thread objects. L-threads, mutexes and
-conditional variables, all have fixed functionality. (Note: reserved parameters
-are included in the APIs to facilitate possible future support for attributes).
-The table below lists the pthread and equivalent L-thread APIs with notes on
-differences and/or constraints. Where there is no L-thread entry in the table,
-then the L-thread subsystem provides no equivalent function.
-.. _table_lthread_pthread:
-.. table:: Pthread and equivalent L-thread APIs.
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | **Pthread function**       | **L-thread function**  | **Notes**         |
-   +============================+========================+===================+
-   | pthread_barrier_destroy    |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_barrier_init       |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_barrier_wait       |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_cond_broadcast     | lthread_cond_broadcast | See note 1        |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_cond_destroy       | lthread_cond_destroy   |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_cond_init          | lthread_cond_init      |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_cond_signal        | lthread_cond_signal    | See note 1        |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_cond_timedwait     |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_cond_wait          | lthread_cond_wait      | See note 5        |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_create             | lthread_create         | See notes 2, 3    |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_detach             | lthread_detach         | See note 4        |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_equal              |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_exit               | lthread_exit           |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_getspecific        | lthread_getspecific    |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_getcpuclockid      |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_join               | lthread_join           |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_key_create         | lthread_key_create     |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_key_delete         | lthread_key_delete     |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_mutex_destroy      | lthread_mutex_destroy  |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_mutex_init         | lthread_mutex_init     |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_mutex_lock         | lthread_mutex_lock     | See note 6        |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_mutex_trylock      | lthread_mutex_trylock  | See note 6        |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_mutex_timedlock    |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_mutex_unlock       | lthread_mutex_unlock   |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_once               |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_rwlock_destroy     |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_rwlock_init        |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_rwlock_rdlock      |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock   |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_rwlock_trywrlock   |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_rwlock_unlock      |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_rwlock_wrlock      |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_self               | lthread_current        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_setspecific        | lthread_setspecific    |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_spin_init          |                        | See note 10       |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_spin_destroy       |                        | See note 10       |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_spin_lock          |                        | See note 10       |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_spin_trylock       |                        | See note 10       |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_spin_unlock        |                        | See note 10       |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_cancel             | lthread_cancel         |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_setcancelstate     |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_setcanceltype      |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_testcancel         |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_getschedparam      |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_setschedparam      |                        |                   |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_yield              | lthread_yield          | See note 7        |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   | pthread_setaffinity_np     | lthread_set_affinity   | See notes 2, 3, 8 |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   |                            | lthread_sleep          | See note 9        |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-   |                            | lthread_sleep_clks     | See note 9        |
-   +----------------------------+------------------------+-------------------+
-**Note 1**:
-Neither lthread signal nor broadcast may be called concurrently by L-threads
-running on different schedulers, although multiple L-threads running in the
-same scheduler may freely perform signal or broadcast operations. L-threads
-running on the same or different schedulers may always safely wait on a
-condition variable.
-**Note 2**:
-Pthread attributes may be used to affinitize a pthread with a cpu-set. The
-L-thread subsystem does not support a cpu-set. An L-thread may be affinitized
-only with a single CPU at any time.
-**Note 3**:
-If an L-thread is intended to run on a different NUMA node than the node that
-creates the thread then, when calling ``lthread_create()`` it is advantageous
-to specify the destination core as a parameter of ``lthread_create()``. See
-:ref:`memory_allocation_and_NUMA_awareness` for details.
-**Note 4**:
-An L-thread can only detach itself, and cannot detach other L-threads.
-**Note 5**:
-A wait operation on a pthread condition variable is always associated with and
-protected by a mutex which must be owned by the thread at the time it invokes
-``pthread_wait()``. By contrast L-thread condition variables are thread safe
-(for waiters) and do not use an associated mutex. Multiple L-threads (including
-L-threads running on other schedulers) can safely wait on a L-thread condition
-variable. As a consequence the performance of an L-thread condition variables
-is typically an order of magnitude faster than its pthread counterpart.
-**Note 6**:
-Recursive locking is not supported with L-threads, attempts to take a lock
-recursively will be detected and rejected.
-**Note 7**:
-``lthread_yield()`` will save the current context, insert the current thread
-to the back of the ready queue, and resume the next ready thread. Yielding
-increases ready queue backlog, see :ref:`ready_queue_backlog` for more details
-about the implications of this.
-N.B. The context switch time as measured from immediately before the call to
-``lthread_yield()`` to the point at which the next ready thread is resumed,
-can be an order of magnitude faster that the same measurement for
-**Note 8**:
-``lthread_set_affinity()`` is similar to a yield apart from the fact that the
-yielding thread is inserted into a peer ready queue of another scheduler.
-The peer ready queue is actually a separate thread safe queue, which means that
-threads appearing in the peer ready queue can jump any backlog in the local
-ready queue on the destination scheduler.
-The context switch time as measured from the time just before the call to
-``lthread_set_affinity()`` to just after the same thread is resumed on the new
-scheduler can be orders of magnitude faster than the same measurement for
-**Note 9**:
-Although there is no ``pthread_sleep()`` function, ``lthread_sleep()`` and
-``lthread_sleep_clks()`` can be used wherever ``sleep()``, ``usleep()`` or
-``nanosleep()`` might ordinarily be used. The L-thread sleep functions suspend
-the current thread, start an ``rte_timer`` and resume the thread when the
-timer matures. The ``rte_timer_manage()`` entry point is called on every pass
-of the scheduler loop. This means that the worst case jitter on timer expiry
-is determined by the longest period between context switches of any running
-In a synthetic test with many threads sleeping and resuming then the measured
-jitter is typically orders of magnitude lower than the same measurement made
-for ``nanosleep()``.
-**Note 10**:
-Spin locks are not provided because they are problematical in a cooperative
-environment, see :ref:`porting_locks_and_spinlocks` for a more detailed
-discussion on how to avoid spin locks.
-.. _Thread_local_storage_performance:
-Thread local storage
-Of the three L-thread local storage options the simplest and most efficient is
-storing a single application data pointer in the L-thread struct.
-The ``PER_LTHREAD`` macros involve a run time computation to obtain the address
-of the variable being saved/retrieved and also require that the accesses are
-de-referenced  via a pointer. This means that code that has used
-``RTE_PER_LCORE`` macros being ported to L-threads might need some slight
-adjustment (see :ref:`porting_thread_local_storage` for hints about porting
-code that makes use of thread local storage).
-The get/set specific APIs are consistent with their pthread counterparts both
-in use and in performance.
-.. _memory_allocation_and_NUMA_awareness:
-Memory allocation and NUMA awareness
-All memory allocation is from DPDK huge pages, and is NUMA aware. Each
-scheduler maintains its own caches of objects: lthreads, their stacks, TLS,
-mutexes and condition variables. These caches are implemented as unbounded lock
-free MPSC queues. When objects are created they are always allocated from the
-caches on the local core (current EAL thread).
-If an L-thread has been affinitized to a different scheduler, then it can
-always safely free resources to the caches from which they originated (because
-the caches are MPSC queues).
-If the L-thread has been affinitized to a different NUMA node then the memory
-resources associated with it may incur longer access latency.
-The commonly used pattern of setting affinity on entry to a thread after it has
-started, means that memory allocation for both the stack and TLS will have been
-made from caches on the NUMA node on which the threads creator is running.
-This has the side effect that access latency will be sub-optimal after
-This side effect can be mitigated to some extent (although not completely) by
-specifying the destination CPU as a parameter of ``lthread_create()`` this
-causes the L-thread's stack and TLS to be allocated when it is first scheduled
-on the destination scheduler, if the destination is a on another NUMA node it
-results in a more optimal memory allocation.
-Note that the lthread struct itself remains allocated from memory on the
-creating node, this is unavoidable because an L-thread is known everywhere by
-the address of this struct.
-.. _object_cache_sizing:
-Object cache sizing
-The per lcore object caches pre-allocate objects in bulk whenever a request to
-allocate an object finds a cache empty. By default 100 objects are
-pre-allocated, this is defined by ``LTHREAD_PREALLOC`` in the public API
-header file lthread_api.h. This means that the caches constantly grow to meet
-system demand.
-In the present implementation there is no mechanism to reduce the cache sizes
-if system demand reduces. Thus the caches will remain at their maximum extent
-A consequence of the bulk pre-allocation of objects is that every 100 (default
-value) additional new object create operations results in a call to
-``rte_malloc()``. For creation of objects such as L-threads, which trigger the
-allocation of even more objects (i.e. their stacks and TLS) then this can
-cause outliers in scheduling performance.
-If this is a problem the simplest mitigation strategy is to dimension the
-system, by setting the bulk object pre-allocation size to some large number
-that you do not expect to be exceeded. This means the caches will be populated
-once only, the very first time a thread is created.
-.. _Ready_queue_backlog:
-Ready queue backlog
-One of the more subtle performance considerations is managing the ready queue
-backlog. The fewer threads that are waiting in the ready queue then the faster
-any particular thread will get serviced.
-In a naive L-thread application with N L-threads simply looping and yielding,
-this backlog will always be equal to the number of L-threads, thus the cost of
-a yield to a particular L-thread will be N times the context switch time.
-This side effect can be mitigated by arranging for threads to be suspended and
-wait to be resumed, rather than polling for work by constantly yielding.
-Blocking on a mutex or condition variable or even more obviously having a
-thread sleep if it has a low frequency workload are all mechanisms by which a
-thread can be excluded from the ready queue until it really does need to be
-run. This can have a significant positive impact on performance.
-.. _Initialization_and_shutdown_dependencies:
-Initialization, shutdown and dependencies
-The L-thread subsystem depends on DPDK for huge page allocation and depends on
-the ``rte_timer subsystem``. The DPDK EAL initialization and
-``rte_timer_subsystem_init()`` **MUST** be completed before the L-thread sub
-system can be used.
-Thereafter initialization of the L-thread subsystem is largely transparent to
-the application. Constructor functions ensure that global variables are properly
-initialized. Other than global variables each scheduler is initialized
-independently the first time that an L-thread is created by a particular EAL
-If the schedulers are to be run as isolated and independent schedulers, with
-no intention that L-threads running on different schedulers will migrate between
-schedulers or synchronize with L-threads running on other schedulers, then
-initialization consists simply of creating an L-thread, and then running the
-L-thread scheduler.
-If there will be interaction between L-threads running on different schedulers,
-then it is important that the starting of schedulers on different EAL threads
-is synchronized.
-To achieve this an additional initialization step is necessary, this is simply
-to set the number of schedulers by calling the API function
-``lthread_num_schedulers_set(n)``, where ``n`` is the number of EAL threads
-that will run L-thread schedulers. Setting the number of schedulers to a
-number greater than 0 will cause all schedulers to wait until the others have
-started before beginning to schedule L-threads.
-The L-thread scheduler is started by calling the function ``lthread_run()``
-and should be called from the EAL thread and thus become the main loop of the
-EAL thread.
-The function ``lthread_run()``, will not return until all threads running on
-the scheduler have exited, and the scheduler has been explicitly stopped by
-calling ``lthread_scheduler_shutdown(lcore)`` or
-All these function do is tell the scheduler that it can exit when there are no
-longer any running L-threads, neither function forces any running L-thread to
-terminate. Any desired application shutdown behavior must be designed and
-built into the application to ensure that L-threads complete in a timely
-**Important Note:** It is assumed when the scheduler exits that the application
-is terminating for good, the scheduler does not free resources before exiting
-and running the scheduler a subsequent time will result in undefined behavior.
-.. _porting_legacy_code_to_run_on_lthreads:
-Porting legacy code to run on L-threads
-Legacy code originally written for a pthread environment may be ported to
-L-threads if the considerations about differences in scheduling policy, and
-constraints discussed in the previous sections can be accommodated.
-This section looks in more detail at some of the issues that may have to be
-resolved when porting code.
-.. _pthread_API_compatibility:
-pthread API compatibility
-The first step is to establish exactly which pthread APIs the legacy
-application uses, and to understand the requirements of those APIs. If there
-are corresponding L-lthread APIs, and where the default pthread functionality
-is used by the application then, notwithstanding the other issues discussed
-here, it should be feasible to run the application with L-threads. If the
-legacy code modifies the default behavior using attributes then if may be
-necessary to make some adjustments to eliminate those requirements.
-.. _blocking_system_calls:
-Blocking system API calls
-It is important to understand what other system services the application may be
-using, bearing in mind that in a cooperatively scheduled environment a thread
-cannot block without stalling the scheduler and with it all other cooperative
-threads. Any kind of blocking system call, for example file or socket IO, is a
-potential problem, a good tool to analyze the application for this purpose is
-the ``strace`` utility.
-There are many strategies to resolve these kind of issues, each with it
-merits. Possible solutions include:
-* Adopting a polled mode of the system API concerned (if available).
-* Arranging for another core to perform the function and synchronizing with
-  that core via constructs that will not block the L-thread.
-* Affinitizing the thread to another scheduler devoted (as a matter of policy)
-  to handling threads wishing to make blocking calls, and then back again when
-  finished.
-.. _porting_locks_and_spinlocks:
-Locks and spinlocks
-Locks and spinlocks are another source of blocking behavior that for the same
-reasons as system calls will need to be addressed.
-If the application design ensures that the contending L-threads will always
-run on the same scheduler then it its probably safe to remove locks and spin
-locks completely.
-The only exception to the above rule is if for some reason the
-code performs any kind of context switch whilst holding the lock
-(e.g. yield, sleep, or block on a different lock, or on a condition variable).
-This will need to determined before deciding to eliminate a lock.
-If a lock cannot be eliminated then an L-thread mutex can be substituted for
-either kind of lock.
-An L-thread blocking on an L-thread mutex will be suspended and will cause
-another ready L-thread to be resumed, thus not blocking the scheduler. When
-default behavior is required, it can be used as a direct replacement for a
-pthread mutex lock.
-Spin locks are typically used when lock contention is likely to be rare and
-where the period during which the lock may be held is relatively short.
-When the contending L-threads are running on the same scheduler then an
-L-thread blocking on a spin lock will enter an infinite loop stopping the
-scheduler completely (see :ref:`porting_infinite_loops` below).
-If the application design ensures that contending L-threads will always run
-on different schedulers then it might be reasonable to leave a short spin lock
-that rarely experiences contention in place.
-If after all considerations it appears that a spin lock can neither be
-eliminated completely, replaced with an L-thread mutex, or left in place as
-is, then an alternative is to loop on a flag, with a call to
-``lthread_yield()`` inside the loop (n.b. if the contending L-threads might
-ever run on different schedulers the flag will need to be manipulated
-Spinning and yielding is the least preferred solution since it introduces
-ready queue backlog (see also :ref:`ready_queue_backlog`).
-.. _porting_sleeps_and_delays:
-Sleeps and delays
-Yet another kind of blocking behavior (albeit momentary) are delay functions
-like ``sleep()``, ``usleep()``, ``nanosleep()`` etc. All will have the
-consequence of stalling the L-thread scheduler and unless the delay is very
-short (e.g. a very short nanosleep) calls to these functions will need to be
-The simplest mitigation strategy is to use the L-thread sleep API functions,
-of which two variants exist, ``lthread_sleep()`` and ``lthread_sleep_clks()``.
-These functions start an rte_timer against the L-thread, suspend the L-thread
-and cause another ready L-thread to be resumed. The suspended L-thread is
-resumed when the rte_timer matures.
-.. _porting_infinite_loops:
-Infinite loops
-Some applications have threads with loops that contain no inherent
-rescheduling opportunity, and rely solely on the OS time slicing to share
-the CPU. In a cooperative environment this will stop everything dead. These
-kind of loops are not hard to identify, in a debug session you will find the
-debugger is always stopping in the same loop.
-The simplest solution to this kind of problem is to insert an explicit
-``lthread_yield()`` or ``lthread_sleep()`` into the loop. Another solution
-might be to include the function performed by the loop into the execution path
-of some other loop that does in fact yield, if this is possible.
-.. _porting_thread_local_storage:
-Thread local storage
-If the application uses thread local storage, the use case should be
-studied carefully.
-In a legacy pthread application either or both the ``__thread`` prefix, or the
-pthread set/get specific APIs may have been used to define storage local to a
-In some applications it may be a reasonable assumption that the data could
-or in fact most likely should be placed in L-thread local storage.
-If the application (like many DPDK applications) has assumed a certain
-relationship between a pthread and the CPU to which it is affinitized, there
-is a risk that thread local storage may have been used to save some data items
-that are correctly logically associated with the CPU, and others items which
-relate to application context for the thread. Only a good understanding of the
-application will reveal such cases.
-If the application requires an that an L-thread is to be able to move between
-schedulers then care should be taken to separate these kinds of data, into per
-lcore, and per L-thread storage. In this way a migrating thread will bring with
-it the local data it needs, and pick up the new logical core specific values
-from pthread local storage at its new home.
-.. _pthread_shim:
-Pthread shim
-A convenient way to get something working with legacy code can be to use a
-shim that adapts pthread API calls to the corresponding L-thread ones.
-This approach will not mitigate any of the porting considerations mentioned
-in the previous sections, but it will reduce the amount of code churn that
-would otherwise been involved. It is a reasonable approach to evaluate
-L-threads, before investing effort in porting to the native L-thread APIs.
-The L-thread subsystem includes an example pthread shim. This is a partial
-implementation but does contain the API stubs needed to get basic applications
-running. There is a simple "hello world" application that demonstrates the
-use of the pthread shim.
-A subtlety of working with a shim is that the application will still need
-to make use of the genuine pthread library functions, at the very least in
-order to create the EAL threads in which the L-thread schedulers will run.
-This is the case with DPDK initialization, and exit.
-To deal with the initialization and shutdown scenarios, the shim is capable of
-switching on or off its adaptor functionality, an application can control this
-behavior by the calling the function ``pt_override_set()``. The default state
-is disabled.
-The pthread shim uses the dynamic linker loader and saves the loaded addresses
-of the genuine pthread API functions in an internal table, when the shim
-functionality is enabled it performs the adaptor function, when disabled it
-invokes the genuine pthread function.
-The function ``pthread_exit()`` has additional special handling. The standard
-system header file pthread.h declares ``pthread_exit()`` with
-``__rte_noreturn`` this is an optimization that is possible because
-the pthread is terminating and this enables the compiler to omit the normal
-handling of stack and protection of registers since the function is not
-expected to return, and in fact the thread is being destroyed. These
-optimizations are applied in both the callee and the caller of the
-``pthread_exit()`` function.
-In our cooperative scheduling environment this behavior is inadmissible. The
-pthread is the L-thread scheduler thread, and, although an L-thread is
-terminating, there must be a return to the scheduler in order that the system
-can continue to run. Further, returning from a function with attribute
-``noreturn`` is invalid and may result in undefined behavior.
-The solution is to redefine the ``pthread_exit`` function with a macro,
-causing it to be mapped to a stub function in the shim that does not have the
-``noreturn`` attribute. This macro is defined in the file
-``pthread_shim.h``. The stub function is otherwise no different than any of
-the other stub functions in the shim, and will switch between the real
-``pthread_exit()`` function or the ``lthread_exit()`` function as
-required. The only difference is that the mapping to the stub by macro
-A consequence of this is that the file ``pthread_shim.h`` must be included in
-legacy code wishing to make use of the shim. It also means that dynamic
-linkage of a pre-compiled binary that did not include pthread_shim.h is not be
-Given the requirements for porting legacy code outlined in
-:ref:`porting_legacy_code_to_run_on_lthreads` most applications will require at
-least some minimal adjustment and recompilation to run on L-threads so
-pre-compiled binaries are unlikely to be met in practice.
-In summary the shim approach adds some overhead but can be a useful tool to help
-establish the feasibility of a code reuse project. It is also a fairly
-straightforward task to extend the shim if necessary.
-**Note:** Bearing in mind the preceding discussions about the impact of making
-blocking calls then switching the shim in and out on the fly to invoke any
-pthread API this might block is something that should typically be avoided.
-Building and running the pthread shim
-The shim example application is located in the sample application
-in the performance-thread folder
-To build and run the pthread shim example
-#. Build the application:
-   To compile the sample application see :doc:`compiling`.
-#. To run the pthread_shim example
-   .. code-block:: console
-       dpdk-pthread-shim -c core_mask -n number_of_channels
-.. _lthread_diagnostics:
-L-thread Diagnostics
-When debugging you must take account of the fact that the L-threads are run in
-a single pthread. The current scheduler is defined by
-``RTE_PER_LCORE(this_sched)``, and the current lthread is stored at
-``RTE_PER_LCORE(this_sched)->current_lthread``. Thus on a breakpoint in a GDB
-session the current lthread can be obtained by displaying the pthread local
-variable ``per_lcore_this_sched->current_lthread``.
-Another useful diagnostic feature is the possibility to trace significant
-events in the life of an L-thread, this feature is enabled by changing the
-value of LTHREAD_DIAG from 0 to 1 in the file ``lthread_diag_api.h``.
-Tracing of events can be individually masked, and the mask may be programmed
-at run time. An unmasked event results in a callback that provides information
-about the event. The default callback simply prints trace information. The
-default mask is 0 (all events off) the mask can be modified by calling the
-function ``lthread_diagnostic_set_mask()``.
-It is possible register a user callback function to implement more
-sophisticated diagnostic functions.
-Object creation events (lthread, mutex, and condition variable) accept, and
-store in the created object, a user supplied reference value returned by the
-callback function.
-The lthread reference value is passed back in all subsequent event callbacks,
-the mutex and APIs are provided to retrieve the reference value from
-mutexes and condition variables. This enables a user to monitor, count, or
-filter for specific events, on specific objects, for example to monitor for a
-specific thread signaling a specific condition variable, or to monitor
-on all timer events, the possibilities and combinations are endless.
-The callback function can be set by calling the function
-``lthread_diagnostic_enable()`` supplying a callback function pointer and an
-event mask.
-Setting ``LTHREAD_DIAG`` also enables counting of statistics about cache and
-queue usage, and these statistics can be displayed by calling the function
-``lthread_diag_stats_display()``. This function also performs a consistency
-check on the caches and queues. The function should only be called from the
-main EAL thread after all worker threads have stopped and returned to the C
-main program, otherwise the consistency check will fail.
index bac9b760077ebc469b54ef50980896b072317233..268422a257039aef2e277cf65f36c56f840edf43 100644 (file)
@@ -43,8 +43,6 @@ all_examples = [
-        'performance-thread/l3fwd-thread',
-        'performance-thread/pthread_shim',
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/Makefile b/examples/performance-thread/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ef88722..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-# Copyright(c) 2015-2020 Intel Corporation
-subdirs := l3fwd-thread pthread_shim
-.PHONY: all static shared clean $(subdirs)
-all static shared clean: $(subdirs)
-ifeq ($(filter $(shell uname -m),x86_64 arm64),)
-$(error This application is only supported for x86_64 and arm64 targets)
-       $(MAKE) -C $@ $(MAKECMDGOALS)
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/arm64/ctx.c b/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/arm64/ctx.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7c5c916..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc
- */
-#include <rte_common.h>
-#include <ctx.h>
-ctx_switch(struct ctx *new_ctx __rte_unused, struct ctx *curr_ctx __rte_unused)
-       asm volatile (
-               /* Save SP */
-               "mov x3, sp\n"
-               "str x3, [x1, #0]\n"
-               /* Save FP and LR */
-               "stp x29, x30, [x1, #8]\n"
-               /* Save Callee Saved Regs x19 - x28 */
-               "stp x19, x20, [x1, #24]\n"
-               "stp x21, x22, [x1, #40]\n"
-               "stp x23, x24, [x1, #56]\n"
-               "stp x25, x26, [x1, #72]\n"
-               "stp x27, x28, [x1, #88]\n"
-               /*
-                * Save bottom 64-bits of Callee Saved
-                * SIMD Regs v8 - v15
-                */
-               "stp d8, d9, [x1, #104]\n"
-               "stp d10, d11, [x1, #120]\n"
-               "stp d12, d13, [x1, #136]\n"
-               "stp d14, d15, [x1, #152]\n"
-       );
-       asm volatile (
-               /* Restore SP */
-               "ldr x3, [x0, #0]\n"
-               "mov sp, x3\n"
-               /* Restore FP and LR */
-               "ldp x29, x30, [x0, #8]\n"
-               /* Restore Callee Saved Regs x19 - x28 */
-               "ldp x19, x20, [x0, #24]\n"
-               "ldp x21, x22, [x0, #40]\n"
-               "ldp x23, x24, [x0, #56]\n"
-               "ldp x25, x26, [x0, #72]\n"
-               "ldp x27, x28, [x0, #88]\n"
-               /*
-                * Restore bottom 64-bits of Callee Saved
-                * SIMD Regs v8 - v15
-                */
-               "ldp d8, d9, [x0, #104]\n"
-               "ldp d10, d11, [x0, #120]\n"
-               "ldp d12, d13, [x0, #136]\n"
-               "ldp d14, d15, [x0, #152]\n"
-       );
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/arm64/ctx.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/arm64/ctx.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 74c2e7a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc
- */
-#ifndef CTX_H
-#define CTX_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * CPU context registers
- */
-struct ctx {
-       void    *sp;            /* 0  */
-       void    *fp;            /* 8 */
-       void    *lr;            /* 16  */
-       /* Callee Saved Generic Registers */
-       void    *r19;           /* 24 */
-       void    *r20;           /* 32 */
-       void    *r21;           /* 40 */
-       void    *r22;           /* 48 */
-       void    *r23;           /* 56 */
-       void    *r24;           /* 64 */
-       void    *r25;           /* 72 */
-       void    *r26;           /* 80 */
-       void    *r27;           /* 88 */
-       void    *r28;           /* 96 */
-       /*
-        * Callee Saved SIMD Registers. Only the bottom 64-bits
-        * of these registers needs to be saved.
-        */
-       void    *v8;            /* 104 */
-       void    *v9;            /* 112 */
-       void    *v10;           /* 120 */
-       void    *v11;           /* 128 */
-       void    *v12;           /* 136 */
-       void    *v13;           /* 144 */
-       void    *v14;           /* 152 */
-       void    *v15;           /* 160 */
-ctx_switch(struct ctx *new_ctx, struct ctx *curr_ctx);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* RTE_CTX_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/arm64/stack.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/arm64/stack.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 722c473..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2017 Cavium, Inc
- */
-#ifndef STACK_H
-#define STACK_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "lthread_int.h"
- * Sets up the initial stack for the lthread.
- */
-static inline void
-arch_set_stack(struct lthread *lt, void *func)
-       void **stack_top = (void *)((char *)(lt->stack) + lt->stack_size);
-       /*
-        * Align stack_top to 16 bytes. Arm64 has the constraint that the
-        * stack pointer must always be quad-word aligned.
-        */
-       stack_top = (void **)(((unsigned long)(stack_top)) & ~0xfUL);
-       /*
-        * First Stack Frame
-        */
-       stack_top[0] = NULL;
-       stack_top[-1] = NULL;
-       /*
-        * Initialize the context
-        */
-       lt->ctx.fp = &stack_top[-1];
-       lt->ctx.sp = &stack_top[-2];
-       /*
-        * Here only the address of _lthread_exec is saved as the link
-        * register value. The argument to _lthread_exec i.e the address of
-        * the lthread struct is not saved. This is because the first
-        * argument to ctx_switch is the address of the new context,
-        * which also happens to be the address of required lthread struct.
-        * So while returning from ctx_switch into _thread_exec, parameter
-        * register x0 will always contain the required value.
-        */
-       lt->ctx.lr = func;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* STACK_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/x86/ctx.c b/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/x86/ctx.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d63fd9f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2012 Hasan Alayli <halayli@gmail.com>
- */
-#if defined(__x86_64__)
-__asm__ (
-".p2align 4,,15\n"
-".globl ctx_switch\n"
-".globl _ctx_switch\n"
-"      movq %rsp, 0(%rsi)      # save stack_pointer\n"
-"      movq %rbp, 8(%rsi)      # save frame_pointer\n"
-"      movq (%rsp), %rax       # save insn_pointer\n"
-"      movq %rax, 16(%rsi)\n"
-"      movq %rbx, 24(%rsi)\n   # save rbx,r12-r15\n"
-"      movq 24(%rdi), %rbx\n"
-"      movq %r15, 56(%rsi)\n"
-"      movq %r14, 48(%rsi)\n"
-"      movq 48(%rdi), %r14\n"
-"      movq 56(%rdi), %r15\n"
-"      movq %r13, 40(%rsi)\n"
-"      movq %r12, 32(%rsi)\n"
-"      movq 32(%rdi), %r12\n"
-"      movq 40(%rdi), %r13\n"
-"      movq 0(%rdi), %rsp      # restore stack_pointer\n"
-"      movq 16(%rdi), %rax     # restore insn_pointer\n"
-"      movq 8(%rdi), %rbp      # restore frame_pointer\n"
-"      movq %rax, (%rsp)\n"
-"      ret\n"
-       );
-#pragma GCC error "__x86_64__ is not defined"
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/x86/ctx.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/x86/ctx.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index c6a46c5..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifndef CTX_H
-#define CTX_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
- * CPU context registers
- */
-struct ctx {
-       void    *rsp;           /* 0  */
-       void    *rbp;           /* 8  */
-       void    *rip;           /* 16 */
-       void    *rbx;           /* 24 */
-       void    *r12;           /* 32 */
-       void    *r13;           /* 40 */
-       void    *r14;           /* 48 */
-       void    *r15;           /* 56 */
-ctx_switch(struct ctx *new_ctx, struct ctx *curr_ctx);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* RTE_CTX_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/x86/stack.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/arch/x86/stack.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7cdd5c7..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright(c) Cavium, Inc. 2017.
- * All rights reserved
- * Copyright (C) 2012, Hasan Alayli <halayli@gmail.com>
- * Portions derived from: https://github.com/halayli/lthread
- * With permissions from Hasan Alayli to use them as BSD-3-Clause
- */
-#ifndef STACK_H
-#define STACK_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "lthread_int.h"
- * Sets up the initial stack for the lthread.
- */
-static inline void
-arch_set_stack(struct lthread *lt, void *func)
-       char *stack_top = (char *)(lt->stack) + lt->stack_size;
-       void **s = (void **)stack_top;
-       /* set initial context */
-       s[-3] = NULL;
-       s[-2] = (void *)lt;
-       lt->ctx.rsp = (void *)(stack_top - (4 * sizeof(void *)));
-       lt->ctx.rbp = (void *)(stack_top - (3 * sizeof(void *)));
-       lt->ctx.rip = func;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* STACK_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/common.mk b/examples/performance-thread/common/common.mk
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index a33e2ab..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-# Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
-# list the C files belonging to the lthread subsystem, these are common to all
-# lthread apps. Any makefile including this should set VPATH to include this
-# directory path
-MKFILE_PATH=$(abspath $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))))
-ifeq ($(shell uname -m),x86_64)
-ARCH_PATH += $(MKFILE_PATH)/arch/x86
-else ifeq ($(shell uname -m),arm64)
-ARCH_PATH += $(MKFILE_PATH)/arch/arm64
-SRCS-y += lthread.c lthread_sched.c lthread_cond.c lthread_tls.c lthread_mutex.c lthread_diag.c ctx.c
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread.c b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b02e0fc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2012 Hasan Alayli <halayli@gmail.com>
- */
-#define RTE_MEM 1
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include <rte_string_fns.h>
-#include <ctx.h>
-#include <stack.h>
-#include "lthread_api.h"
-#include "lthread.h"
-#include "lthread_timer.h"
-#include "lthread_tls.h"
-#include "lthread_objcache.h"
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
- * This function gets called after an lthread function has returned.
- */
-void _lthread_exit_handler(struct lthread *lt)
-       lt->state |= BIT(ST_LT_EXITED);
-       if (!(lt->state & BIT(ST_LT_DETACH))) {
-               /* thread is this not explicitly detached
-                * it must be joinable, so we call lthread_exit().
-                */
-               lthread_exit(NULL);
-       }
-       /* if we get here the thread is detached so we can reschedule it,
-        * allowing the scheduler to free it
-        */
-       _reschedule();
- * Free resources allocated to an lthread
- */
-void _lthread_free(struct lthread *lt)
-       DIAG_EVENT(lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_FREE, lt, 0);
-       /* invoke any user TLS destructor functions */
-       _lthread_tls_destroy(lt);
-       /* free memory allocated for TLS defined using RTE_PER_LTHREAD macros */
-       if (sizeof(void *) < (uint64_t)RTE_PER_LTHREAD_SECTION_SIZE)
-               _lthread_objcache_free(lt->tls->root_sched->per_lthread_cache,
-                                       lt->per_lthread_data);
-       /* free pthread style TLS memory */
-       _lthread_objcache_free(lt->tls->root_sched->tls_cache, lt->tls);
-       /* free the stack */
-       _lthread_objcache_free(lt->stack_container->root_sched->stack_cache,
-                               lt->stack_container);
-       /* now free the thread */
-       _lthread_objcache_free(lt->root_sched->lthread_cache, lt);
- * Allocate a stack and maintain a cache of stacks
- */
-struct lthread_stack *_stack_alloc(void)
-       struct lthread_stack *s;
-       s = _lthread_objcache_alloc((THIS_SCHED)->stack_cache);
-       RTE_ASSERT(s != NULL);
-       s->root_sched = THIS_SCHED;
-       s->stack_size = LTHREAD_MAX_STACK_SIZE;
-       return s;
- * Execute a ctx by invoking the start function
- * On return call an exit handler if the user has provided one
- */
-static void _lthread_exec(void *arg)
-       struct lthread *lt = (struct lthread *)arg;
-       /* invoke the contexts function */
-       lt->fun(lt->arg);
-       /* do exit handling */
-       if (lt->exit_handler != NULL)
-               lt->exit_handler(lt);
- *     Initialize an lthread
- *     Set its function, args, and exit handler
- */
-_lthread_init(struct lthread *lt,
-       lthread_func_t fun, void *arg, lthread_exit_func exit_handler)
-       /* set ctx func and args */
-       lt->fun = fun;
-       lt->arg = arg;
-       lt->exit_handler = exit_handler;
-       /* set initial state */
-       lt->birth = _sched_now();
-       lt->state = BIT(ST_LT_INIT);
-       lt->join = LT_JOIN_INITIAL;
- *     set the lthread stack
- */
-void _lthread_set_stack(struct lthread *lt, void *stack, size_t stack_size)
-       /* set stack */
-       lt->stack = stack;
-       lt->stack_size = stack_size;
-       arch_set_stack(lt, _lthread_exec);
- * Create an lthread on the current scheduler
- * If there is no current scheduler on this pthread then first create one
- */
-lthread_create(struct lthread **new_lt, int lcore_id,
-               lthread_func_t fun, void *arg)
-       if ((new_lt == NULL) || (fun == NULL))
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       if (lcore_id < 0)
-               lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();
-       else if (lcore_id > LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES)
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       struct lthread *lt = NULL;
-       if (THIS_SCHED == NULL) {
-               THIS_SCHED = _lthread_sched_create(0);
-               if (THIS_SCHED == NULL) {
-                       perror("Failed to create scheduler");
-                       return POSIX_ERRNO(EAGAIN);
-               }
-       }
-       /* allocate a thread structure */
-       lt = _lthread_objcache_alloc((THIS_SCHED)->lthread_cache);
-       if (lt == NULL)
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EAGAIN);
-       bzero(lt, sizeof(struct lthread));
-       lt->root_sched = THIS_SCHED;
-       /* set the function args and exit handler */
-       _lthread_init(lt, fun, arg, _lthread_exit_handler);
-       /* put it in the ready queue */
-       *new_lt = lt;
-       if (lcore_id < 0)
-               lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();
-       rte_wmb();
-       _ready_queue_insert(_lthread_sched_get(lcore_id), lt);
-       return 0;
- * Schedules lthread to sleep for `nsecs`
- * setting the lthread state to LT_ST_SLEEPING.
- * lthread state is cleared upon resumption or expiry.
- */
-static inline void _lthread_sched_sleep(struct lthread *lt, uint64_t nsecs)
-       uint64_t state = lt->state;
-       uint64_t clks = _ns_to_clks(nsecs);
-       if (clks) {
-               _timer_start(lt, clks);
-               lt->state = state | BIT(ST_LT_SLEEPING);
-       }
-       DIAG_EVENT(lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_SLEEP, clks, 0);
-       _suspend();
- * Cancels any running timer.
- * This can be called multiple times on the same lthread regardless if it was
- * sleeping or not.
- */
-int _lthread_desched_sleep(struct lthread *lt)
-       uint64_t state = lt->state;
-       if (state & BIT(ST_LT_SLEEPING)) {
-               _timer_stop(lt);
-               state &= (CLEARBIT(ST_LT_SLEEPING) & CLEARBIT(ST_LT_EXPIRED));
-               lt->state = state | BIT(ST_LT_READY);
-               return 1;
-       }
-       return 0;
- * set user data pointer in an lthread
- */
-void lthread_set_data(void *data)
-       if (sizeof(void *) == RTE_PER_LTHREAD_SECTION_SIZE)
-               THIS_LTHREAD->per_lthread_data = data;
- * Retrieve user data pointer from an lthread
- */
-void *lthread_get_data(void)
-       return THIS_LTHREAD->per_lthread_data;
- * Return the current lthread handle
- */
-struct lthread *lthread_current(void)
-       struct lthread_sched *sched = THIS_SCHED;
-       if (sched)
-               return sched->current_lthread;
-       return NULL;
- * Tasklet to cancel a thread
- */
-static void *
-_cancel(void *arg)
-       struct lthread *lt = (struct lthread *) arg;
-       lt->state |= BIT(ST_LT_CANCELLED);
-       lthread_detach();
-       return NULL;
- * Mark the specified as canceled
- */
-int lthread_cancel(struct lthread *cancel_lt)
-       struct lthread *lt;
-       if ((cancel_lt == NULL) || (cancel_lt == THIS_LTHREAD))
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       DIAG_EVENT(cancel_lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_CANCEL, cancel_lt, 0);
-       if (cancel_lt->sched != THIS_SCHED) {
-               /* spawn task-let to cancel the thread */
-               lthread_create(&lt,
-                               cancel_lt->sched->lcore_id,
-                               _cancel,
-                               cancel_lt);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       cancel_lt->state |= BIT(ST_LT_CANCELLED);
-       return 0;
- * Suspend the current lthread for specified time
- */
-void lthread_sleep(uint64_t nsecs)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       _lthread_sched_sleep(lt, nsecs);
- * Suspend the current lthread for specified time
- */
-void lthread_sleep_clks(uint64_t clks)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       uint64_t state = lt->state;
-       if (clks) {
-               _timer_start(lt, clks);
-               lt->state = state | BIT(ST_LT_SLEEPING);
-       }
-       DIAG_EVENT(lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_SLEEP, clks, 0);
-       _suspend();
- * Requeue the current thread to the back of the ready queue
- */
-void lthread_yield(void)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       _ready_queue_insert(THIS_SCHED, lt);
-       ctx_switch(&(THIS_SCHED)->ctx, &lt->ctx);
- * Exit the current lthread
- * If a thread is joining pass the user pointer to it
- */
-void lthread_exit(void *ptr)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       /* if thread is detached (this is not valid) just exit */
-       if (lt->state & BIT(ST_LT_DETACH))
-               return;
-       /* There is a race between lthread_join() and lthread_exit()
-        *  - if exit before join then we suspend and resume on join
-        *  - if join before exit then we resume the joining thread
-        */
-       uint64_t join_initial = LT_JOIN_INITIAL;
-       if ((lt->join == LT_JOIN_INITIAL)
-           && __atomic_compare_exchange_n(&lt->join, &join_initial,
-               DIAG_EVENT(lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_EXIT, 1, 0);
-               _suspend();
-               /* set the exit value */
-               if ((ptr != NULL) && (lt->lt_join->lt_exit_ptr != NULL))
-                       *(lt->lt_join->lt_exit_ptr) = ptr;
-               /* let the joining thread know we have set the exit value */
-               lt->join = LT_JOIN_EXIT_VAL_SET;
-       } else {
-               DIAG_EVENT(lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_EXIT, 0, 0);
-               /* set the exit value */
-               if ((ptr != NULL) && (lt->lt_join->lt_exit_ptr != NULL))
-                       *(lt->lt_join->lt_exit_ptr) = ptr;
-               /* let the joining thread know we have set the exit value */
-               lt->join = LT_JOIN_EXIT_VAL_SET;
-               _ready_queue_insert(lt->lt_join->sched,
-                                   (struct lthread *)lt->lt_join);
-       }
-       /* wait until the joining thread has collected the exit value */
-       while (lt->join != LT_JOIN_EXIT_VAL_READ)
-               _reschedule();
-       /* reset join state */
-       lt->join = LT_JOIN_INITIAL;
-       /* detach it so its resources can be released */
-       lt->state |= (BIT(ST_LT_DETACH) | BIT(ST_LT_EXITED));
- * Join an lthread
- * Suspend until the joined thread returns
- */
-int lthread_join(struct lthread *lt, void **ptr)
-       if (lt == NULL)
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       struct lthread *current = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       uint64_t lt_state = lt->state;
-       /* invalid to join a detached thread, or a thread that is joined */
-       if ((lt_state & BIT(ST_LT_DETACH)) || (lt->join == LT_JOIN_THREAD_SET))
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       /* pointer to the joining thread and a pointer to return a value */
-       lt->lt_join = current;
-       current->lt_exit_ptr = ptr;
-       /* There is a race between lthread_join() and lthread_exit()
-        *  - if join before exit we suspend and will resume when exit is called
-        *  - if exit before join we resume the exiting thread
-        */
-       uint64_t join_initial = LT_JOIN_INITIAL;
-       if ((lt->join == LT_JOIN_INITIAL)
-           && __atomic_compare_exchange_n(&lt->join, &join_initial,
-               DIAG_EVENT(current, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_JOIN, lt, 1);
-               _suspend();
-       } else {
-               DIAG_EVENT(current, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_JOIN, lt, 0);
-               _ready_queue_insert(lt->sched, lt);
-       }
-       /* wait for exiting thread to set return value */
-       while (lt->join != LT_JOIN_EXIT_VAL_SET)
-               _reschedule();
-       /* collect the return value */
-       if (ptr != NULL)
-               *ptr = *current->lt_exit_ptr;
-       /* let the exiting thread proceed to exit */
-       lt->join = LT_JOIN_EXIT_VAL_READ;
-       return 0;
- * Detach current lthread
- * A detached thread cannot be joined
- */
-void lthread_detach(void)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       uint64_t state = lt->state;
-       lt->state = state | BIT(ST_LT_DETACH);
- * Set function name of an lthread
- * this is a debug aid
- */
-void lthread_set_funcname(const char *f)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       strlcpy(lt->funcname, f, sizeof(lt->funcname));
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4c945cf..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2012 Hasan Alayli <halayli@gmail.com>
- */
-#ifndef LTHREAD_H_
-#define LTHREAD_H_
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <rte_per_lcore.h>
-#include "lthread_api.h"
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
-struct lthread;
-struct lthread_sched;
-/* function to be called when a context function returns */
-typedef void (*lthread_exit_func) (struct lthread *);
-void _lthread_exit_handler(struct lthread *lt);
-void lthread_set_funcname(const char *f);
-void _lthread_sched_busy_sleep(struct lthread *lt, uint64_t nsecs);
-int _lthread_desched_sleep(struct lthread *lt);
-void _lthread_free(struct lthread *lt);
-struct lthread_sched *_lthread_sched_get(unsigned int lcore_id);
-struct lthread_stack *_stack_alloc(void);
-lthread_sched *_lthread_sched_create(size_t stack_size);
-_lthread_init(struct lthread *lt,
-             lthread_func_t fun, void *arg, lthread_exit_func exit_handler);
-void _lthread_set_stack(struct lthread *lt, void *stack, size_t stack_size);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_api.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_api.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e6879ea..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,784 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2012 Hasan Alayli <halayli@gmail.com>
- */
- *  @file lthread_api.h
- *
- *  @warning
- *  @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
- *
- *  This file contains the public API for the L-thread subsystem
- *
- *  The L_thread subsystem provides a simple cooperative scheduler to
- *  enable arbitrary functions to run as cooperative threads within a
- * single P-thread.
- *
- * The subsystem provides a P-thread like API that is intended to assist in
- * reuse of legacy code written for POSIX p_threads.
- *
- * The L-thread subsystem relies on cooperative multitasking, as such
- * an L-thread must possess frequent rescheduling points. Often these
- * rescheduling points are provided transparently when the application
- * invokes an L-thread API.
- *
- * In some applications it is possible that the program may enter a loop the
- * exit condition for which depends on the action of another thread or a
- * response from hardware. In such a case it is necessary to yield the thread
- * periodically in the loop body, to allow other threads an opportunity to
- * run. This can be done by inserting a call to lthread_yield() or
- * lthread_sleep(n) in the body of the loop.
- *
- * If the application makes expensive / blocking system calls or does other
- * work that would take an inordinate amount of time to complete, this will
- * stall the cooperative scheduler resulting in very poor performance.
- *
- * In such cases an L-thread can be migrated temporarily to another scheduler
- * running in a different P-thread on another core. When the expensive or
- * blocking operation is completed it can be migrated back to the original
- * scheduler.  In this way other threads can continue to run on the original
- * scheduler and will be completely unaffected by the blocking behaviour.
- * To migrate an L-thread to another scheduler the API lthread_set_affinity()
- * is provided.
- *
- * If L-threads that share data are running on the same core it is possible
- * to design programs where mutual exclusion mechanisms to protect shared data
- * can be avoided. This is due to the fact that the cooperative threads cannot
- * preempt each other.
- *
- * There are two cases where mutual exclusion mechanisms are necessary.
- *
- *  a) Where the L-threads sharing data are running on different cores.
- *  b) Where code must yield while updating data shared with another thread.
- *
- * The L-thread subsystem provides a set of mutex APIs to help with such
- * scenarios, however excessive reliance on on these will impact performance
- * and is best avoided if possible.
- *
- * L-threads can synchronise using a fast condition variable implementation
- * that supports signal and broadcast. An L-thread running on any core can
- * wait on a condition.
- *
- * L-threads can have L-thread local storage with an API modelled on either the
- * P-thread get/set specific API or using PER_LTHREAD macros modelled on the
- * RTE_PER_LCORE macros. Alternatively a simple user data pointer may be set
- * and retrieved from a thread.
- */
-#ifndef LTHREAD_H
-#define LTHREAD_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <rte_cycles.h>
-struct lthread;
-struct lthread_cond;
-struct lthread_mutex;
-struct lthread_condattr;
-struct lthread_mutexattr;
-typedef void *(*lthread_func_t) (void *);
- * Define the size of stack for an lthread
- * Then this is the size that will be allocated on lthread creation
- * This is a fixed size and will not grow.
- */
-#define LTHREAD_MAX_STACK_SIZE (1024*64)
- * Define the maximum number of TLS keys that can be created
- *
- */
-#define LTHREAD_MAX_KEYS 1024
- * Define the maximum number of attempts to destroy an lthread's
- * TLS data on thread exit
- */
- * Define the maximum number of lcores that will support lthreads
- */
- * How many lthread objects to pre-allocate as the system grows
- * applies to lthreads + stacks, TLS, mutexs, cond vars.
- *
- * @see _lthread_alloc()
- * @see _cond_alloc()
- * @see _mutex_alloc()
- *
- */
- * Set the number of schedulers in the system.
- *
- * This function may optionally be called before starting schedulers.
- *
- * If the number of schedulers is not set, or set to 0 then each scheduler
- * will begin scheduling lthreads immediately it is started.
- * If the number of schedulers is set to greater than 0, then each scheduler
- * will wait until all schedulers have started before beginning to schedule
- * lthreads.
- *
- * If an application wishes to have threads migrate between cores using
- * lthread_set_affinity(), or join threads running on other cores using
- * lthread_join(), then it is prudent to set the number of schedulers to ensure
- * that all schedulers are initialised beforehand.
- *
- * @param num
- *  the number of schedulers in the system
- * @return
- * the number of schedulers in the system
- */
-int lthread_num_schedulers_set(int num);
- * Return the number of schedulers currently running
- * @return
- *  the number of schedulers in the system
- */
-int lthread_active_schedulers(void);
-  * Shutdown the specified scheduler
-  *
-  *  This function tells the specified scheduler to
-  *  exit if/when there is no more work to do.
-  *
-  *  Note that although the scheduler will stop
-  *  resources are not freed.
-  *
-  * @param lcore
-  *    The lcore of the scheduler to shutdown
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  none
-  */
-void lthread_scheduler_shutdown(unsigned lcore);
-  * Shutdown all schedulers
-  *
-  *  This function tells all schedulers  including the current scheduler to
-  *  exit if/when there is no more work to do.
-  *
-  *  Note that although the schedulers will stop
-  *  resources are not freed.
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  none
-  */
-void lthread_scheduler_shutdown_all(void);
-  * Run the lthread scheduler
-  *
-  *  Runs the lthread scheduler.
-  *  This function returns only if/when all lthreads have exited.
-  *  This function must be the main loop of an EAL thread.
-  *
-  * @return
-  *     none
-  */
-void lthread_run(void);
-  * Create an lthread
-  *
-  *  Creates an lthread and places it in the ready queue on a particular
-  *  lcore.
-  *
-  *  If no scheduler exists yet on the current lcore then one is created.
-  *
-  * @param new_lt
-  *  Pointer to an lthread pointer that will be initialized
-  * @param lcore
-  *  the lcore the thread should be started on or the current lcore
-  *    -1 the current lcore
-  *    0 - LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES any other lcore
-  * @param lthread_func
-  *  Pointer to the function the for the thread to run
-  * @param arg
-  *  Pointer to args that will be passed to the thread
-  *
-  * @return
-  *     0    success
-  *     EAGAIN  no resources available
-  *     EINVAL  NULL thread or function pointer, or lcore_id out of range
-  */
-lthread_create(struct lthread **new_lt,
-               int lcore, lthread_func_t func, void *arg);
-  * Cancel an lthread
-  *
-  *  Cancels an lthread and causes it to be terminated
-  *  If the lthread is detached it will be freed immediately
-  *  otherwise its resources will not be released until it is joined.
-  *
-  * @param new_lt
-  *  Pointer to an lthread that will be cancelled
-  *
-  * @return
-  *     0    success
-  *     EINVAL  thread was NULL
-  */
-int lthread_cancel(struct lthread *lt);
-  * Join an lthread
-  *
-  *  Joins the current thread with the specified lthread, and waits for that
-  *  thread to exit.
-  *  Passes an optional pointer to collect returned data.
-  *
-  * @param lt
-  *  Pointer to the lthread to be joined
-  * @param ptr
-  *  Pointer to pointer to collect returned data
-  *
-0  * @return
-  *  0    success
-  *  EINVAL lthread could not be joined.
-  */
-int lthread_join(struct lthread *lt, void **ptr);
-  * Detach an lthread
-  *
-  * Detaches the current thread
-  * On exit a detached lthread will be freed immediately and will not wait
-  * to be joined. The default state for a thread is not detached.
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  none
-  */
-void lthread_detach(void);
-  *  Exit an lthread
-  *
-  * Terminate the current thread, optionally return data.
-  * The data may be collected by lthread_join()
-  *
-  * After calling this function the lthread will be suspended until it is
-  * joined. After it is joined then its resources will be freed.
-  *
-  * @param ptr
-  *  Pointer to pointer to data to be returned
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  none
-  */
-void lthread_exit(void *val);
-  * Cause the current lthread to sleep for n nanoseconds
-  *
-  * The current thread will be suspended until the specified time has elapsed
-  * or has been exceeded.
-  *
-  * Execution will switch to the next lthread that is ready to run
-  *
-  * @param nsecs
-  *  Number of nanoseconds to sleep
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  none
-  */
-void lthread_sleep(uint64_t nsecs);
-  * Cause the current lthread to sleep for n cpu clock ticks
-  *
-  *  The current thread will be suspended until the specified time has elapsed
-  *  or has been exceeded.
-  *
-  *     Execution will switch to the next lthread that is ready to run
-  *
-  * @param clks
-  *  Number of clock ticks to sleep
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  none
-  */
-void lthread_sleep_clks(uint64_t clks);
-  * Yield the current lthread
-  *
-  *  The current thread will yield and execution will switch to the
-  *  next lthread that is ready to run
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  none
-  */
-void lthread_yield(void);
-  * Migrate the current thread to another scheduler
-  *
-  *  This function migrates the current thread to another scheduler.
-  *  Execution will switch to the next lthread that is ready to run on the
-  *  current scheduler. The current thread will be resumed on the new scheduler.
-  *
-  * @param lcore
-  *    The lcore to migrate to
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0   success we are now running on the specified core
-  *  EINVAL the destination lcore was not valid
-  */
-int lthread_set_affinity(unsigned lcore);
-  * Return the current lthread
-  *
-  *  Returns the current lthread
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  pointer to the current lthread
-  */
-struct lthread
-  * Associate user data with an lthread
-  *
-  *  This function sets a user data pointer in the current lthread
-  *  The pointer can be retrieved with lthread_get_data()
-  *  It is the users responsibility to allocate and free any data referenced
-  *  by the user pointer.
-  *
-  * @param data
-  *  pointer to user data
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  none
-  */
-void lthread_set_data(void *data);
-  * Get user data for the current lthread
-  *
-  *  This function returns a user data pointer for the current lthread
-  *  The pointer must first be set with lthread_set_data()
-  *  It is the users responsibility to allocate and free any data referenced
-  *  by the user pointer.
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  pointer to user data
-  */
-struct lthread_key;
-typedef void (*tls_destructor_func) (void *);
-  * Create a key for lthread TLS
-  *
-  *  This function is modelled on pthread_key_create
-  *  It creates a thread-specific data key visible to all lthreads on the
-  *  current scheduler.
-  *
-  *  Key values may be used to locate thread-specific data.
-  *  The same key value        may be used by different threads, the values bound
-  *  to the key by     lthread_setspecific() are maintained on a per-thread
-  *  basis and persist for the life of the calling thread.
-  *
-  *  An        optional destructor function may be associated with each key value.
-  *  At        thread exit, if a key value has a non-NULL destructor pointer, and the
-  *  thread has        a non-NULL value associated with the key, the function pointed
-  *  to        is called with the current associated value as its sole argument.
-  *
-  * @param key
-  *   Pointer to the key to be created
-  * @param destructor
-  *   Pointer to destructor function
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 success
-  *  EINVAL the key ptr was NULL
-  *  EAGAIN no resources available
-  */
-int lthread_key_create(unsigned int *key, tls_destructor_func destructor);
-  * Delete key for lthread TLS
-  *
-  *  This function is modelled on pthread_key_delete().
-  *  It deletes a thread-specific data key previously returned by
-  *  lthread_key_create().
-  *  The thread-specific data values associated with the key need not be NULL
-  *  at the time that lthread_key_delete is called.
-  *  It is the responsibility of the application to free any application
-  *  storage or perform any cleanup actions for data structures related to the
-  *  deleted key. This cleanup can be done either before or after
-  * lthread_key_delete is called.
-  *
-  * @param key
-  *  The key to be deleted
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 Success
-  *  EINVAL the key was invalid
-  */
-int lthread_key_delete(unsigned int key);
-  * Get lthread TLS
-  *
-  *  This function is modelled on pthread_get_specific().
-  *  It returns the value currently bound to the specified key on behalf of the
-  *  calling thread. Calling lthread_getspecific() with a key value not
-  *  obtained from lthread_key_create() or after key has been deleted with
-  *  lthread_key_delete() will result in undefined behaviour.
-  *  lthread_getspecific() may be called from a thread-specific data destructor
-  *  function.
-  *
-  * @param key
-  *  The key for which data is requested
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  Pointer to the thread specific data associated with that key
-  *  or NULL if no data has been set.
-  */
-*lthread_getspecific(unsigned int key);
-  * Set lthread TLS
-  *
-  *  This function is modelled on pthread_set_specific()
-  *  It associates a thread-specific value with a key obtained via a previous
-  *  call to lthread_key_create().
-  *  Different threads may bind different values to the same key. These values
-  *  are typically pointers to dynamically allocated memory that have been
-  *  reserved by the calling thread. Calling lthread_setspecific with a key
-  *  value not obtained from lthread_key_create or after the key has been
-  *  deleted with lthread_key_delete will result in undefined behaviour.
-  *
-  * @param key
-  *  The key for which data is to be set
-  * @param key
-  *  Pointer to the user data
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 success
-  *  EINVAL the key was invalid
-  */
-int lthread_setspecific(unsigned int key, const void *value);
- * The macros below provide an alternative mechanism to access lthread local
- *  storage.
- *
- * The macros can be used to declare define and access per lthread local
- * storage in a similar way to the RTE_PER_LCORE macros which control storage
- * local to an lcore.
- *
- * Memory for per lthread variables declared in this way is allocated when the
- * lthread is created and a pointer to this memory is stored in the lthread.
- * The per lthread variables are accessed via the pointer + the offset of the
- * particular variable.
- *
- * The total size of per lthread storage, and the variable offsets are found by
- * defining the variables in a unique global memory section, the start and end
- * of which is known. This global memory section is used only in the
- * computation of the addresses of the lthread variables, and is never actually
- * used to store any data.
- *
- * Due to the fact that variables declared this way may be scattered across
- * many files, the start and end of the section and variable offsets are only
- * known after linking, thus the computation of section size and variable
- * addresses is performed at run time.
- *
- * These macros are primarily provided to aid porting of code that makes use
- * of the existing RTE_PER_LCORE macros. In principle it would be more efficient
- * to gather all lthread local variables into a single structure and
- * set/retrieve a pointer to that struct using the alternative
- * lthread_data_set/get APIs.
- *
- * These macros are mutually exclusive with the lthread_data_set/get APIs.
- * If you define storage using these macros then the lthread_data_set/get APIs
- * will not perform as expected, the lthread_data_set API does nothing, and the
- * lthread_data_get API returns the start of global section.
- *
- */
-/* start and end of per lthread section */
-extern char __start_per_lt;
-extern char __stop_per_lt;
-#define RTE_DEFINE_PER_LTHREAD(type, name)                      \
-__typeof__(type)__attribute((section("per_lt"))) per_lt_##name
- * Macro to declare an extern per lthread variable "var" of type "type"
- */
-#define RTE_DECLARE_PER_LTHREAD(type, name)                     \
-extern __typeof__(type)__attribute((section("per_lt"))) per_lt_##name
- * Read/write the per-lcore variable value
- */
-#define RTE_PER_LTHREAD(name) ((typeof(per_lt_##name) *)\
-((char *)lthread_get_data() +\
-((char *) &per_lt_##name - &__start_per_lt)))
-  * Initialize a mutex
-  *
-  *  This function provides a mutual exclusion device, the need for which
-  *  can normally be avoided in a cooperative multitasking environment.
-  *  It is provided to aid porting of legacy code originally written for
-  *   preemptive multitasking environments such as pthreads.
-  *
-  *  A mutex may be unlocked (not owned by any thread), or locked (owned by
-  *  one thread).
-  *
-  *  A mutex can never be owned  by more than one thread simultaneously.
-  *  A thread attempting to lock a mutex that is already locked by another
-  *  thread is suspended until the owning thread unlocks the mutex.
-  *
-  *  lthread_mutex_init() initializes the mutex object pointed to by mutex
-  *  Optional mutex attributes specified in mutexattr, are reserved for future
-  *  use and are currently ignored.
-  *
-  *  If a thread calls lthread_mutex_lock() on the mutex, then if the mutex
-  *  is currently unlocked,  it  becomes  locked  and  owned  by  the calling
-  *  thread, and lthread_mutex_lock returns immediately. If the mutex is
-  *  already locked by another thread, lthread_mutex_lock suspends the calling
-  *  thread until the mutex is unlocked.
-  *
-  *  lthread_mutex_trylock behaves identically to rte_thread_mutex_lock, except
-  *  that it does not block the calling  thread  if the mutex is already locked
-  *  by another thread.
-  *
-  *  lthread_mutex_unlock() unlocks the specified mutex. The mutex is assumed
-  *  to be locked and owned by the calling thread.
-  *
-  *  lthread_mutex_destroy() destroys a        mutex object, freeing its resources.
-  *  The mutex must be unlocked with nothing blocked on it before calling
-  *  lthread_mutex_destroy.
-  *
-  * @param name
-  *  Optional pointer to string describing the mutex
-  * @param mutex
-  *  Pointer to pointer to the mutex to be initialized
-  * @param attribute
-  *  Pointer to attribute - unused reserved
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 success
-  *  EINVAL mutex was not a valid pointer
-  *  EAGAIN insufficient resources
-  */
-lthread_mutex_init(char *name, struct lthread_mutex **mutex,
-                  const struct lthread_mutexattr *attr);
-  * Destroy a mutex
-  *
-  *  This function destroys the specified mutex freeing its resources.
-  *  The mutex must be unlocked before calling lthread_mutex_destroy.
-  *
-  * @see lthread_mutex_init()
-  *
-  * @param mutex
-  *  Pointer to pointer to the mutex to be initialized
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 success
-  *  EINVAL mutex was not an initialized mutex
-  *  EBUSY mutex was still in use
-  */
-int lthread_mutex_destroy(struct lthread_mutex *mutex);
-  * Lock a mutex
-  *
-  *  This function attempts to lock a mutex.
-  *  If a thread calls lthread_mutex_lock() on the mutex, then if the mutex
-  *  is currently unlocked,  it  becomes  locked  and  owned  by  the calling
-  *  thread, and lthread_mutex_lock returns immediately. If the mutex is
-  *  already locked by another thread, lthread_mutex_lock suspends the calling
-  *  thread until the mutex is unlocked.
-  *
-  * @see lthread_mutex_init()
-  *
-  * @param mutex
-  *  Pointer to pointer to the mutex to be initialized
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 success
-  *  EINVAL mutex was not an initialized mutex
-  *  EDEADLOCK the mutex was already owned by the calling thread
-  */
-int lthread_mutex_lock(struct lthread_mutex *mutex);
-  * Try to lock a mutex
-  *
-  *  This function attempts to lock a mutex.
-  *  lthread_mutex_trylock behaves identically to rte_thread_mutex_lock, except
-  *  that it does not block the calling  thread  if the mutex is already locked
-  *  by another thread.
-  *
-  *
-  * @see lthread_mutex_init()
-  *
-  * @param mutex
-  *  Pointer to pointer to the mutex to be initialized
-  *
-  * @return
-  * 0 success
-  * EINVAL mutex was not an initialized mutex
-  * EBUSY the mutex was already locked by another thread
-  */
-int lthread_mutex_trylock(struct lthread_mutex *mutex);
-  * Unlock a mutex
-  *
-  * This function attempts to unlock the specified mutex. The mutex is assumed
-  * to be locked and owned by the calling thread.
-  *
-  * The oldest of any threads blocked on the mutex is made ready and may
-  * compete with any other running thread to gain the mutex, it fails it will
-  *  be blocked again.
-  *
-  * @param mutex
-  * Pointer to pointer to the mutex to be initialized
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 mutex was unlocked
-  *  EINVAL mutex was not an initialized mutex
-  *  EPERM the mutex was not owned by the calling thread
-  */
-int lthread_mutex_unlock(struct lthread_mutex *mutex);
-  * Initialize a condition variable
-  *
-  *  This function initializes a condition variable.
-  *
-  *  Condition variables can be used to communicate changes in the state of data
-  *  shared between threads.
-  *
-  * @see lthread_cond_wait()
-  *
-  * @param name
-  *  Pointer to optional string describing the condition variable
-  * @param c
-  *  Pointer to pointer to the condition variable to be initialized
-  * @param attr
-  *  Pointer to optional attribute reserved for future use, currently ignored
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 success
-  *  EINVAL cond was not a valid pointer
-  *  EAGAIN insufficient resources
-  */
-lthread_cond_init(char *name, struct lthread_cond **c,
-                 const struct lthread_condattr *attr);
-  * Destroy a condition variable
-  *
-  *  This function destroys a condition variable that was created with
-  *  lthread_cond_init() and releases its resources.
-  *
-  * @param cond
-  *  Pointer to pointer to the condition variable to be destroyed
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 Success
-  *  EBUSY condition variable was still in use
-  *  EINVAL was not an initialised condition variable
-  */
-int lthread_cond_destroy(struct lthread_cond *cond);
-  * Wait on a condition variable
-  *
-  *  The function blocks the current thread waiting on the condition variable
-  *  specified by cond. The waiting thread unblocks only after another thread
-  *  calls lthread_cond_signal, or lthread_cond_broadcast, specifying the
-  *  same condition variable.
-  *
-  * @param cond
-  *  Pointer to pointer to the condition variable to be waited on
-  *
-  * @param reserved
-  *  reserved for future use
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 The condition was signalled ( Success )
-  *  EINVAL was not a an initialised condition variable
-  */
-int lthread_cond_wait(struct lthread_cond *c, uint64_t reserved);
-  * Signal a condition variable
-  *
-  *  The function unblocks one thread waiting for the condition variable cond.
-  *  If no threads are waiting on cond, the rte_lthread_cond_signal() function
-  *  has no effect.
-  *
-  * @param cond
-  *  Pointer to pointer to the condition variable to be signalled
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 The condition was signalled ( Success )
-  *  EINVAL was not a an initialised condition variable
-  */
-int lthread_cond_signal(struct lthread_cond *c);
-  * Broadcast a condition variable
-  *
-  *  The function unblocks all threads waiting for the condition variable cond.
-  *  If no threads are waiting on cond, the rte_lathed_cond_broadcast()
-  *  function has no effect.
-  *
-  * @param cond
-  *  Pointer to pointer to the condition variable to be signalled
-  *
-  * @return
-  *  0 The condition was signalled ( Success )
-  *  EINVAL was not a an initialised condition variable
-  */
-int lthread_cond_broadcast(struct lthread_cond *c);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_H */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_cond.c b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_cond.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index e7be170..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2012 Hasan Alayli <halayli@gmail.com>
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include <rte_common.h>
-#include <rte_string_fns.h>
-#include "lthread_api.h"
-#include "lthread_diag_api.h"
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
-#include "lthread_int.h"
-#include "lthread_sched.h"
-#include "lthread_queue.h"
-#include "lthread_objcache.h"
-#include "lthread_timer.h"
-#include "lthread_mutex.h"
-#include "lthread_cond.h"
- * Create a condition variable
- */
-lthread_cond_init(char *name, struct lthread_cond **cond,
-                 __rte_unused const struct lthread_condattr *attr)
-       struct lthread_cond *c;
-       if (cond == NULL)
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       /* allocate a condition variable from cache */
-       c = _lthread_objcache_alloc((THIS_SCHED)->cond_cache);
-       if (c == NULL)
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EAGAIN);
-       c->blocked = _lthread_queue_create("blocked");
-       if (c->blocked == NULL) {
-               _lthread_objcache_free((THIS_SCHED)->cond_cache, (void *)c);
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EAGAIN);
-       }
-       if (name == NULL)
-               strlcpy(c->name, "no name", sizeof(c->name));
-       else
-               strlcpy(c->name, name, sizeof(c->name));
-       c->root_sched = THIS_SCHED;
-       (*cond) = c;
-       return 0;
- * Destroy a condition variable
- */
-int lthread_cond_destroy(struct lthread_cond *c)
-       if (c == NULL) {
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       }
-       /* try to free it */
-       if (_lthread_queue_destroy(c->blocked) < 0) {
-               /* queue in use */
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EBUSY);
-       }
-       /* okay free it */
-       _lthread_objcache_free(c->root_sched->cond_cache, c);
-       return 0;
- * Wait on a condition variable
- */
-int lthread_cond_wait(struct lthread_cond *c, __rte_unused uint64_t reserved)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       if (c == NULL) {
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       }
-       DIAG_EVENT(c, LT_DIAG_COND_WAIT, c, 0);
-       /* queue the current thread in the blocked queue
-        * this will be written when we return to the scheduler
-        * to ensure that the current thread context is saved
-        * before any signal could result in it being dequeued and
-        * resumed
-        */
-       lt->pending_wr_queue = c->blocked;
-       _suspend();
-       /* the condition happened */
-       return 0;
- * Signal a condition variable
- * attempt to resume any blocked thread
- */
-int lthread_cond_signal(struct lthread_cond *c)
-       struct lthread *lt;
-       if (c == NULL) {
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       }
-       lt = _lthread_queue_remove(c->blocked);
-       if (lt != NULL) {
-               /* okay wake up this thread */
-               DIAG_EVENT(c, LT_DIAG_COND_SIGNAL, c, lt);
-               _ready_queue_insert((struct lthread_sched *)lt->sched, lt);
-       }
-       return 0;
- * Broadcast a condition variable
- */
-int lthread_cond_broadcast(struct lthread_cond *c)
-       struct lthread *lt;
-       if (c == NULL) {
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       }
-       do {
-               /* drain the queue waking everybody */
-               lt = _lthread_queue_remove(c->blocked);
-               if (lt != NULL) {
-                       DIAG_EVENT(c, LT_DIAG_COND_BROADCAST, c, lt);
-                       /* wake up */
-                       _ready_queue_insert((struct lthread_sched *)lt->sched,
-                                           lt);
-               }
-       } while (!_lthread_queue_empty(c->blocked));
-       _reschedule();
-       return 0;
- * return the diagnostic ref val stored in a condition var
- */
-lthread_cond_diag_ref(struct lthread_cond *c)
-       if (c == NULL)
-               return 0;
-       return c->diag_ref;
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_cond.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_cond.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 616a55c..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2012 Hasan Alayli <halayli@gmail.com>
- */
-#ifndef LTHREAD_COND_H_
-#define LTHREAD_COND_H_
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "lthread_queue.h"
-#define MAX_COND_NAME_SIZE 64
-struct lthread_cond {
-       struct lthread_queue *blocked;
-       struct lthread_sched *root_sched;
-       int count;
-       char name[MAX_COND_NAME_SIZE];
-       uint64_t diag_ref;      /* optional ref to user diag data */
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_COND_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_diag.c b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_diag.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index b1bdf7a..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include <rte_common.h>
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
-#include "lthread_queue.h"
-#include "lthread_pool.h"
-#include "lthread_objcache.h"
-#include "lthread_sched.h"
-#include "lthread_diag_api.h"
-/* dummy ref value of default diagnostic callback */
-static uint64_t dummy_ref;
-"core %d\n%33s %12s %12s %12s %12s\n"
-"%20s %12lu %12lu %12lu %12lu %12lu\n"
-"%20s %12lu %12lu %12lu\n"
- * texts used in diagnostic events,
- * corresponding diagnostic mask bit positions are given as comment
- */
-const char *diag_event_text[] = {
-       "LTHREAD_CREATE     ",  /* 00 */
-       "LTHREAD_EXIT       ",  /* 01 */
-       "LTHREAD_JOIN       ",  /* 02 */
-       "LTHREAD_CANCEL     ",  /* 03 */
-       "LTHREAD_DETACH     ",  /* 04 */
-       "LTHREAD_FREE       ",  /* 05 */
-       "LTHREAD_SUSPENDED  ",  /* 06 */
-       "LTHREAD_YIELD      ",  /* 07 */
-       "LTHREAD_RESCHEDULED",  /* 08 */
-       "LTHREAD_SLEEP      ",  /* 09 */
-       "LTHREAD_RESUMED    ",  /* 10 */
-       "LTHREAD_AFFINITY   ",  /* 11 */
-       "LTHREAD_TMR_START  ",  /* 12 */
-       "LTHREAD_TMR_DELETE ",  /* 13 */
-       "LTHREAD_TMR_EXPIRED",  /* 14 */
-       "COND_CREATE        ",  /* 15 */
-       "COND_DESTROY       ",  /* 16 */
-       "COND_WAIT          ",  /* 17 */
-       "COND_SIGNAL        ",  /* 18 */
-       "COND_BROADCAST     ",  /* 19 */
-       "MUTEX_CREATE       ",  /* 20 */
-       "MUTEX_DESTROY      ",  /* 21 */
-       "MUTEX_LOCK         ",  /* 22 */
-       "MUTEX_TRYLOCK      ",  /* 23 */
-       "MUTEX_BLOCKED      ",  /* 24 */
-       "MUTEX_UNLOCKED     ",  /* 25 */
-       "SCHED_CREATE       ",  /* 26 */
-       "SCHED_SHUTDOWN     "   /* 27 */
- * set diagnostic ,ask
- */
-void lthread_diagnostic_set_mask(DIAG_USED uint64_t mask)
-       diag_mask = mask;
-               "LTHREAD_DIAG is not set, see lthread_diag_api.h\n");
- * Check consistency of the scheduler stats
- * Only sensible run after the schedulers are stopped
- * Count the number of objects lying in caches and queues
- * and available in the qnode pool.
- * This should be equal to the total capacity of all
- * qnode pools.
- */
-       int i;
-       struct lthread_sched *sched;
-       uint64_t count = 0;
-       uint64_t capacity = 0;
-       for (i = 0; i < LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES; i++) {
-               sched = schedcore[i];
-               if (sched == NULL)
-                       continue;
-               /* each of these queues consumes a stub node */
-               count += 8;
-               count += DIAG_COUNT(sched->ready, size);
-               count += DIAG_COUNT(sched->pready, size);
-               count += DIAG_COUNT(sched->lthread_cache, available);
-               count += DIAG_COUNT(sched->stack_cache, available);
-               count += DIAG_COUNT(sched->tls_cache, available);
-               count += DIAG_COUNT(sched->per_lthread_cache, available);
-               count += DIAG_COUNT(sched->cond_cache, available);
-               count += DIAG_COUNT(sched->mutex_cache, available);
-               /* the node pool does not consume a stub node */
-               if (sched->qnode_pool->fast_alloc != NULL)
-                       count++;
-               count += DIAG_COUNT(sched->qnode_pool, available);
-               capacity += DIAG_COUNT(sched->qnode_pool, capacity);
-       }
-       if (count != capacity) {
-               RTE_LOG(CRIT, LTHREAD,
-                       "Scheduler caches are inconsistent\n");
-       } else {
-               RTE_LOG(INFO, LTHREAD,
-                       "Scheduler caches are ok\n");
-       }
- * Display node pool stats
- */
-static inline void
-_qnode_pool_display(DIAG_USED struct qnode_pool *p)
-                       p->name,
-                       DIAG_COUNT(p, rd),
-                       DIAG_COUNT(p, wr),
-                       DIAG_COUNT(p, available),
-                       DIAG_COUNT(p, prealloc),
-                       DIAG_COUNT(p, capacity));
-       fflush(stdout);
- * Display queue stats
- */
-static inline void
-_lthread_queue_display(DIAG_USED struct lthread_queue *q)
-                       q->name,
-                       DIAG_COUNT(q, rd),
-                       DIAG_COUNT(q, wr),
-                       DIAG_COUNT(q, size));
-       fflush(stdout);
-       printf("%s: queue stats disabled\n",
-                       q->name);
- * Display objcache stats
- */
-static inline void
-_objcache_display(DIAG_USED struct lthread_objcache *c)
-                       c->name,
-                       DIAG_COUNT(c, rd),
-                       DIAG_COUNT(c, wr),
-                       DIAG_COUNT(c, available),
-                       DIAG_COUNT(c, prealloc),
-                       DIAG_COUNT(c, capacity));
-       _lthread_queue_display(c->q);
-       fflush(stdout);
- * Display sched stats
- */
-       int i;
-       struct lthread_sched *sched;
-       for (i = 0; i < LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES; i++) {
-               sched = schedcore[i];
-               if (sched != NULL) {
-                       printf(DIAG_SCHED_STATS_FORMAT,
-                                       sched->lcore_id,
-                                       "rd",
-                                       "wr",
-                                       "present",
-                                       "nb preallocs",
-                                       "capacity");
-                       _lthread_queue_display(sched->ready);
-                       _lthread_queue_display(sched->pready);
-                       _qnode_pool_display(sched->qnode_pool);
-                       _objcache_display(sched->lthread_cache);
-                       _objcache_display(sched->stack_cache);
-                       _objcache_display(sched->tls_cache);
-                       _objcache_display(sched->per_lthread_cache);
-                       _objcache_display(sched->cond_cache);
-                       _objcache_display(sched->mutex_cache);
-               fflush(stdout);
-               }
-       }
-       _sched_stats_consistency_check();
-               "lthread diagnostics disabled\n"
-               "hint - set LTHREAD_DIAG in lthread_diag_api.h\n");
- * Default diagnostic callback
- */
-static uint64_t
-_lthread_diag_default_cb(uint64_t time, struct lthread *lt, int diag_event,
-               uint64_t diag_ref, const char *text, uint64_t p1, uint64_t p2)
-       uint64_t _p2;
-       int lcore = (int) rte_lcore_id();
-       switch (diag_event) {
-       case LT_DIAG_MUTEX_CREATE:
-       case LT_DIAG_COND_CREATE:
-               _p2 = dummy_ref;
-               break;
-       default:
-               _p2 = p2;
-               break;
-       }
-       printf("%"PRIu64" %d %8.8lx %8.8lx %s %8.8lx %8.8lx\n",
-               time,
-               lcore,
-               (uint64_t) lt,
-               diag_ref,
-               text,
-               p1,
-               _p2);
-       return dummy_ref++;
- * plug in default diag callback with mask off
- */
-       diag_cb = _lthread_diag_default_cb;
-       diag_mask = 0;
- * enable diagnostics
- */
-void lthread_diagnostic_enable(DIAG_USED diag_callback cb,
-                               DIAG_USED uint64_t mask)
-       if (cb == NULL)
-               diag_cb = _lthread_diag_default_cb;
-       else
-               diag_cb = cb;
-       diag_mask = mask;
-               "LTHREAD_DIAG is not set, see lthread_diag_api.h\n");
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_diag.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_diag.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7ee89ee..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifndef LTHREAD_DIAG_H_
-#define LTHREAD_DIAG_H_
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include <rte_common.h>
-#include "lthread_api.h"
-#include "lthread_diag_api.h"
-extern diag_callback diag_cb;
-extern const char *diag_event_text[];
-extern uint64_t diag_mask;
-/* max size of name strings */
-#define LT_MAX_NAME_SIZE 64
- * Generate a diagnostic trace or event in the case where an object is created.
- *
- * The value returned by the callback is stored in the object.
- *
- * @ param obj
- *  pointer to the object that was created
- * @ param ev
- *  the event code
- *
- */
-#define DIAG_CREATE_EVENT(obj, ev) do {                                        \
-       struct lthread *ct = RTE_PER_LCORE(this_sched)->current_lthread;\
-       if ((BIT(ev) & diag_mask) && (ev < LT_DIAG_EVENT_MAX)) {        \
-               (obj)->diag_ref = (diag_cb)(rte_rdtsc(),                \
-                                       ct,                             \
-                                       (ev),                           \
-                                       0,                              \
-                                       diag_event_text[(ev)],          \
-                                       (uint64_t)obj,                  \
-                                       0);                             \
-       }                                                               \
-} while (0)
- * Generate a diagnostic trace event.
- *
- * @ param obj
- *  pointer to the lthread, cond or mutex object
- * @ param ev
- *  the event code
- * @ param p1
- *  object specific value ( see lthread_diag_api.h )
- * @ param p2
- *  object specific value ( see lthread_diag_api.h )
- */
-#define DIAG_EVENT(obj, ev, p1, p2) do {                               \
-       struct lthread *ct = RTE_PER_LCORE(this_sched)->current_lthread;\
-       if ((BIT(ev) & diag_mask) && (ev < LT_DIAG_EVENT_MAX)) {        \
-               (diag_cb)(rte_rdtsc(),                                  \
-                               ct,                                     \
-                               ev,                                     \
-                               (obj)->diag_ref,                        \
-                               diag_event_text[(ev)],                  \
-                               (uint64_t)(p1),                         \
-                               (uint64_t)(p2));                        \
-       }                                                               \
-} while (0)
-#define DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(x) uint64_t count_##x
-#define DIAG_COUNT_INIT(o, x) __atomic_store_n(&((o)->count_##x), 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
-#define DIAG_COUNT_INC(o, x) __atomic_fetch_add(&((o)->count_##x), 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
-#define DIAG_COUNT_DEC(o, x) __atomic_fetch_sub(&((o)->count_##x), 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
-#define DIAG_COUNT(o, x) __atomic_load_n(&((o)->count_##x), __ATOMIC_RELAXED)
-#define DIAG_USED
-/* no diagnostics configured */
-#define DIAG_CREATE_EVENT(obj, ev)
-#define DIAG_EVENT(obj, ev, p1, p)
-#define DIAG_COUNT_INIT(o, x) do {} while (0)
-#define DIAG_COUNT_INC(o, x) do {} while (0)
-#define DIAG_COUNT_DEC(o, x) do {} while (0)
-#define DIAG_COUNT(o, x) 0
-#define DIAG_USED __rte_unused
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_DIAG */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_DIAG_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_diag_api.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_diag_api.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d65f486..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
- * Enable diagnostics
- * 0 = conditionally compiled out
- * 1 = compiled in and maskable at run time, see below for details
- */
-#define LTHREAD_DIAG 0
- *
- * @file lthread_diag_api.h
- *
- * @warning
- * @b EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change without prior notice
- *
- * lthread diagnostic interface
- *
- * If enabled via configuration file option ( tbd ) the lthread subsystem
- * can generate selected trace information, either RTE_LOG  (INFO) messages,
- * or else invoke a user supplied callback function when any of the events
- * listed below occur.
- *
- * Reporting of events can be selectively masked, the bit position in the
- * mask is determined by the corresponding event identifier listed below.
- *
- * Diagnostics are enabled by registering the callback function and mask
- * using the API lthread_diagnostic_enable().
- *
- * Various interesting parameters are passed to the callback, including the
- * time in cpu clks, the lthread id, the diagnostic event id, a user ref value,
- * event text string, object being traced, and two context dependent parameters
- * (p1 and p2). The meaning of the two parameters p1 and p2 depends on
- * the specific event.
- *
- * LT_DIAG_COND_CREATE are implicitly enabled if the event mask includes any of
- * respectively.
- *
- * These create events may also be included in the mask discreetly if it is
- * desired to monitor only create events.
- *
- * @param  time
- *  The time in cpu clks at which the event occurred
- *
- * @param  lthread
- *  The current lthread
- *
- * @param diag_event
- *  The diagnostic event id (bit position in the mask)
- *
- * @param  diag_ref
- *
- * this parameter is not used and set to 0.
- * All other events diag_ref contains the user ref value returned by the
- * callback function when lthread is created.
- *
- * The diag_ref values assigned to mutex and cond var can be retrieved
- * using the APIs lthread_mutex_diag_ref(), and lthread_cond_diag_ref()
- * respectively.
- *
- * @param p1
- *  see below
- *
- * @param p1
- *  see below
- *
- * @returns
- * expects a user diagnostic ref value that will be saved in the lthread, mutex
- * or cond var.
- *
- * For all other events return value is ignored.
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_SCHED_CREATE - Invoked when a scheduler is created
- *             p1 = the scheduler that was created
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return value will be ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_SCHED_SHUTDOWN - Invoked when a shutdown request is received
- *             p1 = the scheduler to be shutdown
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return value will be ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_CREATE - Invoked when a thread is created
- *             p1 = the lthread that was created
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return value will be stored in the lthread
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_EXIT - Invoked when a lthread exits
- *             p2 = 0 if the thread was already joined
- *             p2 = 1 if the thread was not already joined
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_JOIN - Invoked when a lthread exits
- *             p1 = the lthread that is being joined
- *             p2 = 0 if the thread was already exited
- *             p2 = 1 if the thread was not already exited
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_CANCELLED - Invoked when an lthread is cancelled
- *             p1 = not used
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_DETACH - Invoked when an lthread is detached
- *             p1 = not used
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_FREE - Invoked when an lthread is freed
- *             p1 = not used
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_SUSPENDED - Invoked when an lthread is suspended
- *             p1 = not used
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_YIELD - Invoked when an lthread explicitly yields
- *             p1 = not used
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_RESCHEDULED - Invoked when an lthread is rescheduled
- *             p1 = not used
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_RESUMED - Invoked when an lthread is resumed
- *             p1 = not used
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_AFFINITY - Invoked when an lthread is affinitised
- *             p1 = the destination lcore_id
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_TMR_START - Invoked when an lthread starts a timer
- *             p1 = address of timer node
- *             p2 = the timeout value
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_TMR_DELETE - Invoked when an lthread deletes a timer
- *             p1 = address of the timer node
- *             p2 = 0 the timer and the was successfully deleted
- *             p2 = not usee
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_TMR_EXPIRED - Invoked when an lthread timer expires
- *             p1 = address of scheduler the timer expired on
- *             p2 = the thread associated with the timer
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_COND_CREATE - Invoked when a condition variable is created
- *             p1 = address of cond var that was created
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return diag ref value will be stored in the condition variable
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_COND_DESTROY - Invoked when a condition variable is destroyed
- *             p1 = not used
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_COND_WAIT - Invoked when an lthread waits on a cond var
- *             p1 = the address of the condition variable
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_COND_SIGNAL - Invoked when an lthread signals a cond var
- *             p1 = the address of the cond var
- *             p2 = the lthread that was signalled, or error code
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_COND_BROADCAST - Invoked when an lthread broadcasts a cond var
- *             p1 = the address of the condition variable
- *             p2 = the lthread(s) that are signalled, or error code
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_MUTEX_CREATE - Invoked when a mutex is created
- *             p1 = address of muex
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return diag ref value will be stored in the mutex variable
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_MUTEX_DESTROY - Invoked when a mutex is destroyed
- *             p1 = address of mutex
- *             p2 = not used
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_MUTEX_LOCK - Invoked when a mutex lock is obtained
- *             p1 = address of mutex
- *             p2 = function return value
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_MUTEX_BLOCKED  - Invoked when an lthread blocks on a mutex
- *             p1 = address of mutex
- *             p2 = function return value
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_MUTEX_TRYLOCK - Invoked when a mutex try lock is attempted
- *             p1 = address of mutex
- *             p2 = the function return value
- *             return val ignored
- *
- *     LT_DIAG_MUTEX_UNLOCKED - Invoked when a mutex is unlocked
- *             p1 = address of mutex
- *             p2 = the thread that was unlocked, or error code
- *             return val ignored
- */
-typedef uint64_t (*diag_callback) (uint64_t time, struct lthread *lt,
-                                 int diag_event, uint64_t diag_ref,
-                               const char *text, uint64_t p1, uint64_t p2);
- * Set user diagnostic callback and mask
- * If the callback function pointer is NULL the default
- * callback handler will be restored.
- */
-void lthread_diagnostic_enable(diag_callback cb, uint64_t diag_mask);
- * Set diagnostic mask
- */
-void lthread_diagnostic_set_mask(uint64_t mask);
- * lthread diagnostic callback
- */
-enum lthread_diag_ev {
-       /* bits 0 - 14 lthread flag group */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_CREATE,         /* 00 mask 0x00000001 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_EXIT,           /* 01 mask 0x00000002 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_JOIN,           /* 02 mask 0x00000004 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_CANCEL,         /* 03 mask 0x00000008 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_DETACH,         /* 04 mask 0x00000010 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_FREE,           /* 05 mask 0x00000020 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_SUSPENDED,      /* 06 mask 0x00000040 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_YIELD,          /* 07 mask 0x00000080 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_RESCHEDULED,    /* 08 mask 0x00000100 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_SLEEP,          /* 09 mask 0x00000200 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_RESUMED,        /* 10 mask 0x00000400 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_AFFINITY,       /* 11 mask 0x00000800 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_TMR_START,      /* 12 mask 0x00001000 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_TMR_DELETE,     /* 13 mask 0x00002000 */
-       LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_TMR_EXPIRED,    /* 14 mask 0x00004000 */
-       /* bits 15 - 19 conditional variable flag group */
-       LT_DIAG_COND_CREATE,            /* 15 mask 0x00008000 */
-       LT_DIAG_COND_DESTROY,           /* 16 mask 0x00010000 */
-       LT_DIAG_COND_WAIT,              /* 17 mask 0x00020000 */
-       LT_DIAG_COND_SIGNAL,            /* 18 mask 0x00040000 */
-       LT_DIAG_COND_BROADCAST,         /* 19 mask 0x00080000 */
-       /* bits 20 - 25 mutex flag group */
-       LT_DIAG_MUTEX_CREATE,           /* 20 mask 0x00100000 */
-       LT_DIAG_MUTEX_DESTROY,          /* 21 mask 0x00200000 */
-       LT_DIAG_MUTEX_LOCK,             /* 22 mask 0x00400000 */
-       LT_DIAG_MUTEX_TRYLOCK,          /* 23 mask 0x00800000 */
-       LT_DIAG_MUTEX_BLOCKED,          /* 24 mask 0x01000000 */
-       LT_DIAG_MUTEX_UNLOCKED,         /* 25 mask 0x02000000 */
-       /* bits 26 - 27 scheduler flag group - 8 bits */
-       LT_DIAG_SCHED_CREATE,           /* 26 mask 0x04000000 */
-       LT_DIAG_SCHED_SHUTDOWN,         /* 27 mask 0x08000000 */
-#define LT_DIAG_ALL 0xffffffffffffffff
- * Display scheduler stats
- */
- * return the diagnostic ref val stored in a condition var
- */
-lthread_cond_diag_ref(struct lthread_cond *c);
- * return the diagnostic ref val stored in a mutex
- */
-lthread_mutex_diag_ref(struct lthread_mutex *m);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_DIAG_API_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_int.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_int.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ec018e3..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2012 Hasan Alayli <halayli@gmail.com>
- */
-#ifndef LTHREAD_INT_H
-#define LTHREAD_INT_H
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <rte_memory.h>
-#include <rte_cycles.h>
-#include <rte_per_lcore.h>
-#include <rte_timer.h>
-#include <rte_spinlock.h>
-#include <ctx.h>
-#include <lthread_api.h>
-#include "lthread.h"
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
-#include "lthread_tls.h"
-struct lthread;
-struct lthread_sched;
-struct lthread_cond;
-struct lthread_mutex;
-struct lthread_key;
-struct key_pool;
-struct qnode;
-struct qnode_pool;
-struct lthread_sched;
-struct lthread_tls;
-#define BIT(x) (1 << (x))
-#define CLEARBIT(x) ~(1 << (x))
-#define POSIX_ERRNO(x)  (x)
-/* define some shorthand for current scheduler and current thread */
-#define THIS_SCHED RTE_PER_LCORE(this_sched)
-#define THIS_LTHREAD RTE_PER_LCORE(this_sched)->current_lthread
- * Definition of an scheduler struct
- */
-struct lthread_sched {
-       struct ctx ctx;                                 /* cpu context */
-       uint64_t birth;                                 /* time created */
-       struct lthread *current_lthread;                /* running thread */
-       unsigned lcore_id;                              /* this sched lcore */
-       int run_flag;                                   /* sched shutdown */
-       uint64_t nb_blocked_threads;    /* blocked threads */
-       struct lthread_queue *ready;                    /* local ready queue */
-       struct lthread_queue *pready;                   /* peer ready queue */
-       struct lthread_objcache *lthread_cache;         /* free lthreads */
-       struct lthread_objcache *stack_cache;           /* free stacks */
-       struct lthread_objcache *per_lthread_cache;     /* free per lthread */
-       struct lthread_objcache *tls_cache;             /* free TLS */
-       struct lthread_objcache *cond_cache;            /* free cond vars */
-       struct lthread_objcache *mutex_cache;           /* free mutexes */
-       struct qnode_pool *qnode_pool;          /* pool of queue nodes */
-       struct key_pool *key_pool;              /* pool of free TLS keys */
-       size_t stack_size;
-       uint64_t diag_ref;                              /* diag ref */
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-RTE_DECLARE_PER_LCORE(struct lthread_sched *, this_sched);
- * State for an lthread
- */
-enum lthread_st {
-       ST_LT_INIT,             /* initial state */
-       ST_LT_READY,            /* lthread is ready to run */
-       ST_LT_SLEEPING,         /* lthread is sleeping */
-       ST_LT_EXPIRED,          /* lthread timeout has expired  */
-       ST_LT_EXITED,           /* lthread has exited and needs cleanup */
-       ST_LT_DETACH,           /* lthread frees on exit*/
-       ST_LT_CANCELLED,        /* lthread has been cancelled */
- * lthread sub states for exit/join
- */
-enum join_st {
-       LT_JOIN_INITIAL,        /* initial state */
-       LT_JOIN_EXITING,        /* thread is exiting */
-       LT_JOIN_THREAD_SET,     /* joining thread has been set */
-       LT_JOIN_EXIT_VAL_SET,   /* exiting thread has set ret val */
-       LT_JOIN_EXIT_VAL_READ,  /* joining thread has collected ret val */
-/* definition of an lthread stack object */
-struct lthread_stack {
-       uint8_t stack[LTHREAD_MAX_STACK_SIZE];
-       size_t stack_size;
-       struct lthread_sched *root_sched;
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
- * Definition of an lthread
- */
-struct lthread {
-       struct ctx ctx;                         /* cpu context */
-       uint64_t state;                         /* current lthread state */
-       struct lthread_sched *sched;            /* current scheduler */
-       void *stack;                            /* ptr to actual stack */
-       size_t stack_size;                      /* current stack_size */
-       size_t last_stack_size;                 /* last yield  stack_size */
-       lthread_func_t fun;                     /* func ctx is running */
-       void *arg;                              /* func args passed to func */
-       void *per_lthread_data;                 /* per lthread user data */
-       lthread_exit_func exit_handler;         /* called when thread exits */
-       uint64_t birth;                         /* time lthread was born */
-       struct lthread_queue *pending_wr_queue; /* deferred  queue to write */
-       struct lthread *lt_join;                /* lthread to join on */
-       uint64_t join;                          /* state for joining */
-       void **lt_exit_ptr;                     /* exit ptr for lthread_join */
-       struct lthread_sched *root_sched;       /* thread was created here*/
-       struct queue_node *qnode;               /* node when in a queue */
-       struct rte_timer tim;                   /* sleep timer */
-       struct lthread_tls *tls;                /* keys in use by the thread */
-       struct lthread_stack *stack_container;  /* stack */
-       char funcname[MAX_LTHREAD_NAME_SIZE];   /* thread func name */
-       uint64_t diag_ref;                      /* ref to user diag data */
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_INT_H */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_mutex.c b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_mutex.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f3ec7c1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <rte_per_lcore.h>
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include <rte_spinlock.h>
-#include <rte_common.h>
-#include <rte_string_fns.h>
-#include "lthread_api.h"
-#include "lthread_int.h"
-#include "lthread_mutex.h"
-#include "lthread_sched.h"
-#include "lthread_queue.h"
-#include "lthread_objcache.h"
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
- * Create a mutex
- */
-lthread_mutex_init(char *name, struct lthread_mutex **mutex,
-                  __rte_unused const struct lthread_mutexattr *attr)
-       struct lthread_mutex *m;
-       if (mutex == NULL)
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       m = _lthread_objcache_alloc((THIS_SCHED)->mutex_cache);
-       if (m == NULL)
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EAGAIN);
-       m->blocked = _lthread_queue_create("blocked queue");
-       if (m->blocked == NULL) {
-               _lthread_objcache_free((THIS_SCHED)->mutex_cache, m);
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EAGAIN);
-       }
-       if (name == NULL)
-               strlcpy(m->name, "no name", sizeof(m->name));
-       else
-               strlcpy(m->name, name, sizeof(m->name));
-       m->root_sched = THIS_SCHED;
-       m->owner = NULL;
-       __atomic_store_n(&m->count, 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       /* success */
-       (*mutex) = m;
-       return 0;
- * Destroy a mutex
- */
-int lthread_mutex_destroy(struct lthread_mutex *m)
-       if ((m == NULL) || (m->blocked == NULL)) {
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       }
-       if (m->owner == NULL) {
-               /* try to delete the blocked queue */
-               if (_lthread_queue_destroy(m->blocked) < 0) {
-                       DIAG_EVENT(m, LT_DIAG_MUTEX_DESTROY,
-                                       m, POSIX_ERRNO(EBUSY));
-                       return POSIX_ERRNO(EBUSY);
-               }
-               /* free the mutex to cache */
-               _lthread_objcache_free(m->root_sched->mutex_cache, m);
-               DIAG_EVENT(m, LT_DIAG_MUTEX_DESTROY, m, 0);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       /* can't do its still in use */
-       return POSIX_ERRNO(EBUSY);
- * Try to obtain a mutex
- */
-int lthread_mutex_lock(struct lthread_mutex *m)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       if ((m == NULL) || (m->blocked == NULL)) {
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       }
-       /* allow no recursion */
-       if (m->owner == lt) {
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EDEADLK);
-       }
-       for (;;) {
-               __atomic_fetch_add(&m->count, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-               do {
-                       uint64_t lt_init = 0;
-                       if (__atomic_compare_exchange_n((uint64_t *) &m->owner, &lt_init,
-                               (uint64_t) lt, 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) {
-                               /* happy days, we got the lock */
-                               DIAG_EVENT(m, LT_DIAG_MUTEX_LOCK, m, 0);
-                               return 0;
-                       }
-                       /* spin due to race with unlock when
-                       * nothing was blocked
-                       */
-               } while ((__atomic_load_n(&m->count, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) == 1) &&
-                               (m->owner == NULL));
-               /* queue the current thread in the blocked queue
-                * we defer this to after we return to the scheduler
-                * to ensure that the current thread context is saved
-                * before unlock could result in it being dequeued and
-                * resumed
-                */
-               DIAG_EVENT(m, LT_DIAG_MUTEX_BLOCKED, m, lt);
-               lt->pending_wr_queue = m->blocked;
-               /* now relinquish cpu */
-               _suspend();
-               /* resumed, must loop and compete for the lock again */
-       }
-       return 0;
-/* try to lock a mutex but don't block */
-int lthread_mutex_trylock(struct lthread_mutex *m)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       if ((m == NULL) || (m->blocked == NULL)) {
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       }
-       if (m->owner == lt) {
-               /* no recursion */
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EDEADLK);
-       }
-       __atomic_fetch_add(&m->count, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       uint64_t lt_init = 0;
-       if (__atomic_compare_exchange_n((uint64_t *) &m->owner, &lt_init,
-               (uint64_t) lt, 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) {
-               /* got the lock */
-               DIAG_EVENT(m, LT_DIAG_MUTEX_TRYLOCK, m, 0);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       /* failed so return busy */
-       __atomic_fetch_sub(&m->count, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       return POSIX_ERRNO(EBUSY);
- * Unlock a mutex
- */
-int lthread_mutex_unlock(struct lthread_mutex *m)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       struct lthread *unblocked;
-       if ((m == NULL) || (m->blocked == NULL)) {
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       }
-       /* fail if its owned */
-       if (m->owner != lt || m->owner == NULL) {
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EPERM);
-       }
-       __atomic_fetch_sub(&m->count, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       /* if there are blocked threads then make one ready */
-       while (__atomic_load_n(&m->count, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) > 0) {
-               unblocked = _lthread_queue_remove(m->blocked);
-               if (unblocked != NULL) {
-                       __atomic_fetch_sub(&m->count, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-                       DIAG_EVENT(m, LT_DIAG_MUTEX_UNLOCKED, m, unblocked);
-                       RTE_ASSERT(unblocked->sched != NULL);
-                       _ready_queue_insert((struct lthread_sched *)
-                                           unblocked->sched, unblocked);
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-       /* release the lock */
-       m->owner = NULL;
-       return 0;
- * return the diagnostic ref val stored in a mutex
- */
-lthread_mutex_diag_ref(struct lthread_mutex *m)
-       if (m == NULL)
-               return 0;
-       return m->diag_ref;
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_mutex.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_mutex.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 730092b..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "lthread_queue.h"
-struct lthread_mutex {
-       struct lthread *owner;
-       uint64_t count;
-       struct lthread_queue *blocked __rte_cache_aligned;
-       struct lthread_sched *root_sched;
-       char                    name[MAX_MUTEX_NAME_SIZE];
-       uint64_t                diag_ref; /* optional ref to user diag data */
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* LTHREAD_MUTEX_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_objcache.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_objcache.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 777a194..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <string.h>
-#include <rte_per_lcore.h>
-#include <rte_malloc.h>
-#include <rte_memory.h>
-#include "lthread_int.h"
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
-#include "lthread_queue.h"
-RTE_DECLARE_PER_LCORE(struct lthread_sched *, this_sched);
-struct lthread_objcache {
-       struct lthread_queue *q;
-       size_t obj_size;
-       int prealloc_size;
-       char name[LT_MAX_NAME_SIZE];
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(rd);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(wr);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(prealloc);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(capacity);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(available);
- * Create a cache
- */
-static inline struct
-lthread_objcache *_lthread_objcache_create(const char *name,
-                                       size_t obj_size,
-                                       int prealloc_size)
-       struct lthread_objcache *c =
-           rte_malloc_socket(NULL, sizeof(struct lthread_objcache),
-                               RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
-                               rte_socket_id());
-       if (c == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       c->q = _lthread_queue_create("cache queue");
-       if (c->q == NULL) {
-               rte_free(c);
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       c->obj_size = obj_size;
-       c->prealloc_size = prealloc_size;
-       if (name != NULL)
-               strncpy(c->name, name, LT_MAX_NAME_SIZE);
-       c->name[sizeof(c->name)-1] = 0;
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(c, rd);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(c, wr);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(c, prealloc);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(c, capacity);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(c, available);
-       return c;
- * Destroy an objcache
- */
-static inline int
-_lthread_objcache_destroy(struct lthread_objcache *c)
-       if (_lthread_queue_destroy(c->q) == 0) {
-               rte_free(c);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return -1;
- * Allocate an object from an object cache
- */
-static inline void *
-_lthread_objcache_alloc(struct lthread_objcache *c)
-       int i;
-       void *data;
-       struct lthread_queue *q = c->q;
-       size_t obj_size = c->obj_size;
-       int prealloc_size = c->prealloc_size;
-       data = _lthread_queue_remove(q);
-       if (data == NULL) {
-               DIAG_COUNT_INC(c, prealloc);
-               for (i = 0; i < prealloc_size; i++) {
-                       data =
-                           rte_zmalloc_socket(NULL, obj_size,
-                                       RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
-                                       rte_socket_id());
-                       if (data == NULL)
-                               return NULL;
-                       DIAG_COUNT_INC(c, available);
-                       DIAG_COUNT_INC(c, capacity);
-                       _lthread_queue_insert_mp(q, data);
-               }
-               data = _lthread_queue_remove(q);
-       }
-       DIAG_COUNT_INC(c, rd);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEC(c, available);
-       return data;
- * free an object to a cache
- */
-static inline void
-_lthread_objcache_free(struct lthread_objcache *c, void *obj)
-       DIAG_COUNT_INC(c, wr);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INC(c, available);
-       _lthread_queue_insert_mp(c->q, obj);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_OBJCACHE_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_pool.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_pool.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 6f93775..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2010-2011 Dmitry Vyukov
- */
-#ifndef LTHREAD_POOL_H_
-#define LTHREAD_POOL_H_
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <rte_malloc.h>
-#include <rte_per_lcore.h>
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include "lthread_int.h"
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
- * This file implements pool of queue nodes used by the queue implemented
- * in lthread_queue.h.
- *
- * The pool is an intrusive lock free MPSC queue.
- *
- * The pool is created empty and populated lazily, i.e. on first attempt to
- * allocate a the pool.
- *
- * Whenever the pool is empty more nodes are added to the pool
- * The number of nodes preallocated in this way is a parameter of
- * _qnode_pool_create. Freeing an object returns it to the pool.
- *
- * Each lthread scheduler maintains its own pool of nodes. L-threads must always
- * allocate from this local pool ( because it is a single consumer queue ).
- * L-threads can free nodes to any pool (because it is a multi producer queue)
- * This enables threads that have affined to a different scheduler to free
- * nodes safely.
- */
-struct qnode;
-struct qnode_cache;
- * define intermediate node
- */
-struct qnode {
-       struct qnode *next;
-       void *data;
-       struct qnode_pool *pool;
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
- * a pool structure
- */
-struct qnode_pool {
-       struct qnode *head;
-       struct qnode *stub;
-       struct qnode *fast_alloc;
-       struct qnode *tail __rte_cache_aligned;
-       int pre_alloc;
-       char name[LT_MAX_NAME_SIZE];
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(rd);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(wr);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(available);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(prealloc);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(capacity);
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
- * Create a pool of qnodes
- */
-static inline struct qnode_pool *
-_qnode_pool_create(const char *name, int prealloc_size) {
-       struct qnode_pool *p = rte_malloc_socket(NULL,
-                                       sizeof(struct qnode_pool),
-                                       RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
-                                       rte_socket_id());
-       RTE_ASSERT(p);
-       p->stub = rte_malloc_socket(NULL,
-                               sizeof(struct qnode),
-                               RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
-                               rte_socket_id());
-       RTE_ASSERT(p->stub);
-       if (name != NULL)
-               strncpy(p->name, name, LT_MAX_NAME_SIZE);
-       p->name[sizeof(p->name)-1] = 0;
-       p->stub->pool = p;
-       p->stub->next = NULL;
-       p->tail = p->stub;
-       p->head = p->stub;
-       p->pre_alloc = prealloc_size;
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(p, rd);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(p, wr);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(p, available);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(p, prealloc);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(p, capacity);
-       return p;
- * Insert a node into the pool
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-_qnode_pool_insert(struct qnode_pool *p, struct qnode *n)
-       n->next = NULL;
-       struct qnode *prev = n;
-       /* We insert at the head */
-       prev = (struct qnode *) __sync_lock_test_and_set((uint64_t *)&p->head,
-                                               (uint64_t) prev);
-       /* there is a window of inconsistency until prev next is set */
-       /* which is why remove must retry */
-       prev->next = (n);
- * Remove a node from the pool
- *
- * There is a race with _qnode_pool_insert() whereby the queue could appear
- * empty during a concurrent insert, this is handled by retrying
- *
- * The queue uses a stub node, which must be swung as the queue becomes
- * empty, this requires an insert of the stub, which means that removing the
- * last item from the queue incurs the penalty of an atomic exchange. Since the
- * pool is maintained with a bulk pre-allocation the cost of this is amortised.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline struct qnode *
-_pool_remove(struct qnode_pool *p)
-       struct qnode *head;
-       struct qnode *tail = p->tail;
-       struct qnode *next = tail->next;
-       /* we remove from the tail */
-       if (tail == p->stub) {
-               if (next == NULL)
-                       return NULL;
-               /* advance the tail */
-               p->tail = next;
-               tail = next;
-               next = next->next;
-       }
-       if (likely(next != NULL)) {
-               p->tail = next;
-               return tail;
-       }
-       head = p->head;
-       if (tail == head)
-               return NULL;
-       /* swing stub node */
-       _qnode_pool_insert(p, p->stub);
-       next = tail->next;
-       if (next) {
-               p->tail = next;
-               return tail;
-       }
-       return NULL;
- * This adds a retry to the _pool_remove function
- * defined above
- */
-static __rte_always_inline struct qnode *
-_qnode_pool_remove(struct qnode_pool *p)
-       struct qnode *n;
-       do {
-               n = _pool_remove(p);
-               if (likely(n != NULL))
-                       return n;
-               rte_compiler_barrier();
-       }  while ((p->head != p->tail) &&
-                       (p->tail != p->stub));
-       return NULL;
- * Allocate a node from the pool
- * If the pool is empty add mode nodes
- */
-static __rte_always_inline struct qnode *
-       struct qnode_pool *p = (THIS_SCHED)->qnode_pool;
-       int prealloc_size = p->pre_alloc;
-       struct qnode *n;
-       int i;
-       if (likely(p->fast_alloc != NULL)) {
-               n = p->fast_alloc;
-               p->fast_alloc = NULL;
-               return n;
-       }
-       n = _qnode_pool_remove(p);
-       if (unlikely(n == NULL)) {
-               DIAG_COUNT_INC(p, prealloc);
-               for (i = 0; i < prealloc_size; i++) {
-                       n = rte_malloc_socket(NULL,
-                                       sizeof(struct qnode),
-                                       RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
-                                       rte_socket_id());
-                       if (n == NULL)
-                               return NULL;
-                       DIAG_COUNT_INC(p, available);
-                       DIAG_COUNT_INC(p, capacity);
-                       n->pool = p;
-                       _qnode_pool_insert(p, n);
-               }
-               n = _qnode_pool_remove(p);
-       }
-       n->pool = p;
-       DIAG_COUNT_INC(p, rd);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEC(p, available);
-       return n;
-* free a queue node to the per scheduler pool from which it came
-static __rte_always_inline void
-_qnode_free(struct qnode *n)
-       struct qnode_pool *p = n->pool;
-       if (unlikely(p->fast_alloc != NULL) ||
-                       unlikely(n->pool != (THIS_SCHED)->qnode_pool)) {
-               DIAG_COUNT_INC(p, wr);
-               DIAG_COUNT_INC(p, available);
-               _qnode_pool_insert(p, n);
-               return;
-       }
-       p->fast_alloc = n;
- * Destroy an qnode pool
- * queue must be empty when this is called
- */
-static inline int
-_qnode_pool_destroy(struct qnode_pool *p)
-       rte_free(p->stub);
-       rte_free(p);
-       return 0;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_POOL_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_queue.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_queue.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5b63ba2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2010-2011 Dmitry Vyukov
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include <string.h>
-#include <rte_prefetch.h>
-#include <rte_per_lcore.h>
-#include "lthread_int.h"
-#include "lthread.h"
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
-#include "lthread_pool.h"
-struct lthread_queue;
- * This file implements an unbounded FIFO queue based on a lock free
- * linked list.
- *
- * The queue is non-intrusive in that it uses intermediate nodes, and does
- * not require these nodes to be inserted into the object being placed
- * in the queue.
- *
- * This is slightly more efficient than the very similar queue in lthread_pool
- * in that it does not have to swing a stub node as the queue becomes empty.
- *
- * The queue access functions allocate and free intermediate node
- * transparently from/to a per scheduler pool ( see lthread_pool.h ).
- *
- * The queue provides both MPSC and SPSC insert methods
- */
- * define a queue of lthread nodes
- */
-struct lthread_queue {
-       struct qnode *head;
-       struct qnode *tail __rte_cache_aligned;
-       struct lthread_queue *p;
-       char name[LT_MAX_NAME_SIZE];
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(rd);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(wr);
-       DIAG_COUNT_DEFINE(size);
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-static inline struct lthread_queue *
-_lthread_queue_create(const char *name)
-       struct qnode *stub;
-       struct lthread_queue *new_queue;
-       new_queue = rte_malloc_socket(NULL, sizeof(struct lthread_queue),
-                                       RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
-                                       rte_socket_id());
-       if (new_queue == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       /* allocated stub node */
-       stub = _qnode_alloc();
-       RTE_ASSERT(stub);
-       if (name != NULL)
-               strncpy(new_queue->name, name, sizeof(new_queue->name));
-       new_queue->name[sizeof(new_queue->name)-1] = 0;
-       /* initialize queue as empty */
-       stub->next = NULL;
-       new_queue->head = stub;
-       new_queue->tail = stub;
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(new_queue, rd);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(new_queue, wr);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INIT(new_queue, size);
-       return new_queue;
- * Return true if the queue is empty
- */
-static __rte_always_inline int
-_lthread_queue_empty(struct lthread_queue *q)
-       return q->tail == q->head;
- * Destroy a queue
- * fail if queue is not empty
- */
-static inline int _lthread_queue_destroy(struct lthread_queue *q)
-       if (q == NULL)
-               return -1;
-       if (!_lthread_queue_empty(q))
-               return -1;
-       _qnode_free(q->head);
-       rte_free(q);
-       return 0;
-RTE_DECLARE_PER_LCORE(struct lthread_sched *, this_sched);
- * Insert a node into a queue
- * this implementation is multi producer safe
- */
-static __rte_always_inline struct qnode *
-_lthread_queue_insert_mp(struct lthread_queue
-                                                         *q, void *data)
-       struct qnode *prev;
-       struct qnode *n = _qnode_alloc();
-       if (n == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       /* set object in node */
-       n->data = data;
-       n->next = NULL;
-       /* this is an MPSC method, perform a locked update */
-       prev = n;
-       prev =
-           (struct qnode *)__sync_lock_test_and_set((uint64_t *) &(q)->head,
-                                              (uint64_t) prev);
-       /* there is a window of inconsistency until prev next is set,
-        * which is why remove must retry
-        */
-       prev->next = n;
-       DIAG_COUNT_INC(q, wr);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INC(q, size);
-       return n;
- * Insert an node into a queue in single producer mode
- * this implementation is NOT mult producer safe
- */
-static __rte_always_inline struct qnode *
-_lthread_queue_insert_sp(struct lthread_queue
-                                                         *q, void *data)
-       /* allocate a queue node */
-       struct qnode *prev;
-       struct qnode *n = _qnode_alloc();
-       if (n == NULL)
-               return NULL;
-       /* set data in node */
-       n->data = data;
-       n->next = NULL;
-       /* this is an SPSC method, no need for locked exchange operation */
-       prev = q->head;
-       prev->next = q->head = n;
-       DIAG_COUNT_INC(q, wr);
-       DIAG_COUNT_INC(q, size);
-       return n;
- * Remove a node from a queue
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void *
-_lthread_queue_poll(struct lthread_queue *q)
-       void *data = NULL;
-       struct qnode *tail = q->tail;
-       struct qnode *next = (struct qnode *)tail->next;
-       /*
-        * There is a small window of inconsistency between producer and
-        * consumer whereby the queue may appear empty if consumer and
-        * producer access it at the same time.
-        * The consumer must handle this by retrying
-        */
-       if (likely(next != NULL)) {
-               q->tail = next;
-               tail->data = next->data;
-               data = tail->data;
-               /* free the node */
-               _qnode_free(tail);
-               DIAG_COUNT_INC(q, rd);
-               DIAG_COUNT_DEC(q, size);
-               return data;
-       }
-       return NULL;
- * Remove a node from a queue
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void *
-_lthread_queue_remove(struct lthread_queue *q)
-       void *data = NULL;
-       /*
-        * There is a small window of inconsistency between producer and
-        * consumer whereby the queue may appear empty if consumer and
-        * producer access it at the same time. We handle this by retrying
-        */
-       do {
-               data = _lthread_queue_poll(q);
-               if (likely(data != NULL)) {
-                       DIAG_COUNT_INC(q, rd);
-                       DIAG_COUNT_DEC(q, size);
-                       return data;
-               }
-               rte_compiler_barrier();
-       } while (unlikely(!_lthread_queue_empty(q)));
-       return NULL;
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_QUEUE_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_sched.c b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_sched.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 3784b01..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,540 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2012 Hasan Alayli <halayli@gmail.com>
- */
-#define RTE_MEM 1
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <rte_prefetch.h>
-#include <rte_per_lcore.h>
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include <rte_common.h>
-#include <rte_branch_prediction.h>
-#include "lthread_api.h"
-#include "lthread_int.h"
-#include "lthread_sched.h"
-#include "lthread_objcache.h"
-#include "lthread_timer.h"
-#include "lthread_mutex.h"
-#include "lthread_cond.h"
-#include "lthread_tls.h"
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
- * This file implements the lthread scheduler
- * The scheduler is the function lthread_run()
- * This must be run as the main loop of an EAL thread.
- *
- * Currently once a scheduler is created it cannot be destroyed
- * When a scheduler shuts down it is assumed that the application is terminating
- */
-static uint16_t num_schedulers;
-static uint16_t active_schedulers;
-/* one scheduler per lcore */
-RTE_DEFINE_PER_LCORE(struct lthread_sched *, this_sched) = NULL;
-struct lthread_sched *schedcore[LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES];
-diag_callback diag_cb;
-uint64_t diag_mask;
-/* constructor */
-       memset(schedcore, 0, sizeof(schedcore));
-       __atomic_store_n(&num_schedulers, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       __atomic_store_n(&active_schedulers, 0, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       diag_cb = NULL;
-enum sched_alloc_phase {
-static int
-_lthread_sched_alloc_resources(struct lthread_sched *new_sched)
-       int alloc_status;
-       do {
-               /* Initialize per scheduler queue node pool */
-               alloc_status = SCHED_ALLOC_QNODE_POOL;
-               new_sched->qnode_pool =
-                       _qnode_pool_create("qnode pool", LTHREAD_PREALLOC);
-               if (new_sched->qnode_pool == NULL)
-                       break;
-               /* Initialize per scheduler local ready queue */
-               alloc_status = SCHED_ALLOC_READY_QUEUE;
-               new_sched->ready = _lthread_queue_create("ready queue");
-               if (new_sched->ready == NULL)
-                       break;
-               /* Initialize per scheduler local peer ready queue */
-               alloc_status = SCHED_ALLOC_PREADY_QUEUE;
-               new_sched->pready = _lthread_queue_create("pready queue");
-               if (new_sched->pready == NULL)
-                       break;
-               /* Initialize per scheduler local free lthread cache */
-               alloc_status = SCHED_ALLOC_LTHREAD_CACHE;
-               new_sched->lthread_cache =
-                       _lthread_objcache_create("lthread cache",
-                                               sizeof(struct lthread),
-                                               LTHREAD_PREALLOC);
-               if (new_sched->lthread_cache == NULL)
-                       break;
-               /* Initialize per scheduler local free stack cache */
-               alloc_status = SCHED_ALLOC_STACK_CACHE;
-               new_sched->stack_cache =
-                       _lthread_objcache_create("stack_cache",
-                                               sizeof(struct lthread_stack),
-                                               LTHREAD_PREALLOC);
-               if (new_sched->stack_cache == NULL)
-                       break;
-               /* Initialize per scheduler local free per lthread data cache */
-               alloc_status = SCHED_ALLOC_PERLT_CACHE;
-               new_sched->per_lthread_cache =
-                       _lthread_objcache_create("per_lt cache",
-                                               RTE_PER_LTHREAD_SECTION_SIZE,
-                                               LTHREAD_PREALLOC);
-               if (new_sched->per_lthread_cache == NULL)
-                       break;
-               /* Initialize per scheduler local free tls cache */
-               alloc_status = SCHED_ALLOC_TLS_CACHE;
-               new_sched->tls_cache =
-                       _lthread_objcache_create("TLS cache",
-                                               sizeof(struct lthread_tls),
-                                               LTHREAD_PREALLOC);
-               if (new_sched->tls_cache == NULL)
-                       break;
-               /* Initialize per scheduler local free cond var cache */
-               alloc_status = SCHED_ALLOC_COND_CACHE;
-               new_sched->cond_cache =
-                       _lthread_objcache_create("cond cache",
-                                               sizeof(struct lthread_cond),
-                                               LTHREAD_PREALLOC);
-               if (new_sched->cond_cache == NULL)
-                       break;
-               /* Initialize per scheduler local free mutex cache */
-               alloc_status = SCHED_ALLOC_MUTEX_CACHE;
-               new_sched->mutex_cache =
-                       _lthread_objcache_create("mutex cache",
-                                               sizeof(struct lthread_mutex),
-                                               LTHREAD_PREALLOC);
-               if (new_sched->mutex_cache == NULL)
-                       break;
-               alloc_status = SCHED_ALLOC_OK;
-       } while (0);
-       /* roll back on any failure */
-       switch (alloc_status) {
-               _lthread_objcache_destroy(new_sched->cond_cache);
-               /* fall through */
-               _lthread_objcache_destroy(new_sched->tls_cache);
-               /* fall through */
-               _lthread_objcache_destroy(new_sched->per_lthread_cache);
-               /* fall through */
-               _lthread_objcache_destroy(new_sched->stack_cache);
-               /* fall through */
-               _lthread_objcache_destroy(new_sched->lthread_cache);
-               /* fall through */
-               _lthread_queue_destroy(new_sched->pready);
-               /* fall through */
-               _lthread_queue_destroy(new_sched->ready);
-               /* fall through */
-               _qnode_pool_destroy(new_sched->qnode_pool);
-               /* fall through */
-               /* fall through */
-       case SCHED_ALLOC_OK:
-               break;
-       }
-       return alloc_status;
- * Create a scheduler on the current lcore
- */
-struct lthread_sched *_lthread_sched_create(size_t stack_size)
-       int status;
-       struct lthread_sched *new_sched;
-       unsigned lcoreid = rte_lcore_id();
-       RTE_ASSERT(stack_size <= LTHREAD_MAX_STACK_SIZE);
-       if (stack_size == 0)
-               stack_size = LTHREAD_MAX_STACK_SIZE;
-       new_sched =
-            rte_calloc_socket(NULL, 1, sizeof(struct lthread_sched),
-                               RTE_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,
-                               rte_socket_id());
-       if (new_sched == NULL) {
-               RTE_LOG(CRIT, LTHREAD,
-                       "Failed to allocate memory for scheduler\n");
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       _lthread_key_pool_init();
-       new_sched->stack_size = stack_size;
-       new_sched->birth = rte_rdtsc();
-       THIS_SCHED = new_sched;
-       status = _lthread_sched_alloc_resources(new_sched);
-       if (status != SCHED_ALLOC_OK) {
-               RTE_LOG(CRIT, LTHREAD,
-                       "Failed to allocate resources for scheduler code = %d\n",
-                       status);
-               rte_free(new_sched);
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       bzero(&new_sched->ctx, sizeof(struct ctx));
-       new_sched->lcore_id = lcoreid;
-       schedcore[lcoreid] = new_sched;
-       new_sched->run_flag = 1;
-       DIAG_EVENT(new_sched, LT_DIAG_SCHED_CREATE, rte_lcore_id(), 0);
-       rte_wmb();
-       return new_sched;
- * Set the number of schedulers in the system
- */
-int lthread_num_schedulers_set(int num)
-       __atomic_store_n(&num_schedulers, num, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       return (int)__atomic_load_n(&num_schedulers, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
- * Return the number of schedulers active
- */
-int lthread_active_schedulers(void)
-       return (int)__atomic_load_n(&active_schedulers, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
- * shutdown the scheduler running on the specified lcore
- */
-void lthread_scheduler_shutdown(unsigned lcoreid)
-       uint64_t coreid = (uint64_t) lcoreid;
-       if (coreid < LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES) {
-               if (schedcore[coreid] != NULL)
-                       schedcore[coreid]->run_flag = 0;
-       }
- * shutdown all schedulers
- */
-void lthread_scheduler_shutdown_all(void)
-       uint64_t i;
-       /*
-        * give time for all schedulers to have started
-        * Note we use sched_yield() rather than pthread_yield() to allow
-        * for the possibility of a pthread wrapper on lthread_yield(),
-        * something that is not possible unless the scheduler is running.
-        */
-       while (__atomic_load_n(&active_schedulers, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) <
-              __atomic_load_n(&num_schedulers, __ATOMIC_RELAXED))
-               sched_yield();
-       for (i = 0; i < LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES; i++) {
-               if (schedcore[i] != NULL)
-                       schedcore[i]->run_flag = 0;
-       }
- * Resume a suspended lthread
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-_lthread_resume(struct lthread *lt);
-static inline void _lthread_resume(struct lthread *lt)
-       struct lthread_sched *sched = THIS_SCHED;
-       struct lthread_stack *s;
-       uint64_t state = lt->state;
-       int init = 0;
-       sched->current_lthread = lt;
-       if (state & (BIT(ST_LT_CANCELLED) | BIT(ST_LT_EXITED))) {
-               /* if detached we can free the thread now */
-               if (state & BIT(ST_LT_DETACH)) {
-                       _lthread_free(lt);
-                       sched->current_lthread = NULL;
-                       return;
-               }
-       }
-       if (state & BIT(ST_LT_INIT)) {
-               /* first time this thread has been run */
-               /* assign thread to this scheduler */
-               lt->sched = THIS_SCHED;
-               /* allocate stack */
-               s = _stack_alloc();
-               lt->stack_container = s;
-               _lthread_set_stack(lt, s->stack, s->stack_size);
-               /* allocate memory for TLS used by this thread */
-               _lthread_tls_alloc(lt);
-               lt->state = BIT(ST_LT_READY);
-               init = 1;
-       }
-       DIAG_EVENT(lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_RESUMED, init, lt);
-       /* switch to the new thread */
-       ctx_switch(&lt->ctx, &sched->ctx);
-       /* If posting to a queue that could be read by another lcore
-        * we defer the queue write till now to ensure the context has been
-        * saved before the other core tries to resume it
-        * This applies to blocking on mutex, cond, and to set_affinity
-        */
-       if (lt->pending_wr_queue != NULL) {
-               struct lthread_queue *dest = lt->pending_wr_queue;
-               lt->pending_wr_queue = NULL;
-               /* queue the current thread to the specified queue */
-               _lthread_queue_insert_mp(dest, lt);
-       }
-       sched->current_lthread = NULL;
- * Handle sleep timer expiry
-_sched_timer_cb(struct rte_timer *tim, void *arg)
-       struct lthread *lt = (struct lthread *) arg;
-       uint64_t state = lt->state;
-       DIAG_EVENT(lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_TMR_EXPIRED, &lt->tim, 0);
-       rte_timer_stop(tim);
-       if (lt->state & BIT(ST_LT_CANCELLED))
-               (THIS_SCHED)->nb_blocked_threads--;
-       lt->state = state | BIT(ST_LT_EXPIRED);
-       _lthread_resume(lt);
-       lt->state = state & CLEARBIT(ST_LT_EXPIRED);
- * Returns 0 if there is a pending job in scheduler or 1 if done and can exit.
- */
-static inline int _lthread_sched_isdone(struct lthread_sched *sched)
-       return (sched->run_flag == 0) &&
-                       (_lthread_queue_empty(sched->ready)) &&
-                       (_lthread_queue_empty(sched->pready)) &&
-                       (sched->nb_blocked_threads == 0);
- * Wait for all schedulers to start
- */
-static inline void _lthread_schedulers_sync_start(void)
-       __atomic_fetch_add(&active_schedulers, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       /* wait for lthread schedulers
-        * Note we use sched_yield() rather than pthread_yield() to allow
-        * for the possibility of a pthread wrapper on lthread_yield(),
-        * something that is not possible unless the scheduler is running.
-        */
-       while (__atomic_load_n(&active_schedulers, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) <
-              __atomic_load_n(&num_schedulers, __ATOMIC_RELAXED))
-               sched_yield();
- * Wait for all schedulers to stop
- */
-static inline void _lthread_schedulers_sync_stop(void)
-       __atomic_fetch_sub(&active_schedulers, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       __atomic_fetch_sub(&num_schedulers, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       /* wait for schedulers
-        * Note we use sched_yield() rather than pthread_yield() to allow
-        * for the possibility of a pthread wrapper on lthread_yield(),
-        * something that is not possible unless the scheduler is running.
-        */
-       while (__atomic_load_n(&active_schedulers, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) > 0)
-               sched_yield();
- * Run the lthread scheduler
- * This loop is the heart of the system
- */
-void lthread_run(void)
-       struct lthread_sched *sched = THIS_SCHED;
-       struct lthread *lt = NULL;
-               "starting scheduler %p on lcore %u phys core %u\n",
-               sched, rte_lcore_id(),
-               rte_lcore_index(rte_lcore_id()));
-       /* if more than one, wait for all schedulers to start */
-       _lthread_schedulers_sync_start();
-       /*
-        * This is the main scheduling loop
-        * So long as there are tasks in existence we run this loop.
-        * We check for:-
-        *   expired timers,
-        *   the local ready queue,
-        *   and the peer ready queue,
-        *
-        * and resume lthreads ad infinitum.
-        */
-       while (!_lthread_sched_isdone(sched)) {
-               rte_timer_manage();
-               lt = _lthread_queue_poll(sched->ready);
-               if (lt != NULL)
-                       _lthread_resume(lt);
-               lt = _lthread_queue_poll(sched->pready);
-               if (lt != NULL)
-                       _lthread_resume(lt);
-       }
-       /* if more than one wait for all schedulers to stop */
-       _lthread_schedulers_sync_stop();
-       (THIS_SCHED) = NULL;
-               "stopping scheduler %p on lcore %u phys core %u\n",
-               sched, rte_lcore_id(),
-               rte_lcore_index(rte_lcore_id()));
-       fflush(stdout);
- * Return the scheduler for this lcore
- *
- */
-struct lthread_sched *_lthread_sched_get(unsigned int lcore_id)
-       struct lthread_sched *res = NULL;
-       if (lcore_id < LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES)
-               res = schedcore[lcore_id];
-       return res;
- * migrate the current thread to another scheduler running
- * on the specified lcore.
- */
-int lthread_set_affinity(unsigned lcoreid)
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       struct lthread_sched *dest_sched;
-       if (unlikely(lcoreid >= LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES))
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       DIAG_EVENT(lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_AFFINITY, lcoreid, 0);
-       dest_sched = schedcore[lcoreid];
-       if (unlikely(dest_sched == NULL))
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       if (likely(dest_sched != THIS_SCHED)) {
-               lt->sched = dest_sched;
-               lt->pending_wr_queue = dest_sched->pready;
-               _affinitize();
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return 0;
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_sched.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_sched.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index d14bec1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright 2015 Intel Corporation.
- * Copyright 2012 Hasan Alayli <halayli@gmail.com>
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "lthread_int.h"
-#include "lthread_queue.h"
-#include "lthread_objcache.h"
-#include "lthread_diag.h"
-#include "ctx.h"
- * insert an lthread into a queue
- */
-static inline void
-_ready_queue_insert(struct lthread_sched *sched, struct lthread *lt)
-       if (sched == THIS_SCHED)
-               _lthread_queue_insert_sp((THIS_SCHED)->ready, lt);
-       else
-               _lthread_queue_insert_mp(sched->pready, lt);
- * remove an lthread from a queue
- */
-static inline struct lthread *_ready_queue_remove(struct lthread_queue *q)
-       return _lthread_queue_remove(q);
- * Return true if the ready queue is empty
- */
-static inline int _ready_queue_empty(struct lthread_queue *q)
-       return _lthread_queue_empty(q);
-static inline uint64_t _sched_now(void)
-       uint64_t now = rte_rdtsc();
-       if (now > (THIS_SCHED)->birth)
-               return now - (THIS_SCHED)->birth;
-       if (now < (THIS_SCHED)->birth)
-               return (THIS_SCHED)->birth - now;
-       /* never return 0 because this means sleep forever */
-       return 1;
-static __rte_always_inline void
-static inline void
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       ctx_switch(&(THIS_SCHED)->ctx, &lt->ctx);
-static __rte_always_inline void
-static inline void
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       (THIS_SCHED)->nb_blocked_threads++;
-       ctx_switch(&(THIS_SCHED)->ctx, &lt->ctx);
-       (THIS_SCHED)->nb_blocked_threads--;
-static __rte_always_inline void
-static inline void
-       struct lthread *lt = THIS_LTHREAD;
-       _ready_queue_insert(THIS_SCHED, lt);
-       ctx_switch(&(THIS_SCHED)->ctx, &lt->ctx);
-extern struct lthread_sched *schedcore[];
-void _sched_timer_cb(struct rte_timer *tim, void *arg);
-void _sched_shutdown(__rte_unused void *arg);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_SCHED_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_timer.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_timer.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index f2d8671..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "lthread_int.h"
-#include "lthread_sched.h"
-static inline uint64_t
-_ns_to_clks(uint64_t ns)
-       /*
-        * clkns needs to be divided by 1E9 to get ns clocks. However,
-        * dividing by this first would lose a lot of accuracy.
-        * Dividing after a multiply by ns, could cause overflow of
-        * uint64_t if ns is about 5 seconds [if we assume a max tsc
-        * rate of 4GHz]. Therefore we first divide by 1E4, then
-        * multiply and finally divide by 1E5. This allows ns to be
-        * values many hours long, without overflow, while still keeping
-        * reasonable accuracy.
-        */
-       uint64_t clkns = rte_get_tsc_hz() / 1e4;
-       clkns *= ns;
-       clkns /= 1e5;
-       return clkns;
-static inline void
-_timer_start(struct lthread *lt, uint64_t clks)
-       if (clks > 0) {
-               DIAG_EVENT(lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_TMR_START, &lt->tim, clks);
-               rte_timer_init(&lt->tim);
-               rte_timer_reset(&lt->tim,
-                               clks,
-                               SINGLE,
-                               rte_lcore_id(),
-                               _sched_timer_cb,
-                               (void *)lt);
-       }
-static inline void
-_timer_stop(struct lthread *lt)
-       if (lt != NULL) {
-               DIAG_EVENT(lt, LT_DIAG_LTHREAD_TMR_DELETE, &lt->tim, 0);
-               rte_timer_stop(&lt->tim);
-       }
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* LTHREAD_TIMER_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_tls.c b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_tls.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bae45f2..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <rte_malloc.h>
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include <rte_ring.h>
-#include "lthread_tls.h"
-#include "lthread_queue.h"
-#include "lthread_objcache.h"
-#include "lthread_sched.h"
-static struct rte_ring *key_pool;
-static uint64_t key_pool_init;
-/* needed to cause section start and end to be defined */
-RTE_DEFINE_PER_LTHREAD(void *, dummy);
-static struct lthread_key key_table[LTHREAD_MAX_KEYS];
-       key_pool = NULL;
-       key_pool_init = 0;
- * Initialize a pool of keys
- * These are unique tokens that can be obtained by threads
- * calling lthread_key_create()
- */
-void _lthread_key_pool_init(void)
-       static struct rte_ring *pool;
-       struct lthread_key *new_key;
-       char name[MAX_LTHREAD_NAME_SIZE];
-       bzero(key_table, sizeof(key_table));
-       uint64_t pool_init = 0;
-       /* only one lcore should do this */
-       if (__atomic_compare_exchange_n(&key_pool_init, &pool_init, 1, 0,
-                       __ATOMIC_RELAXED, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) {
-               snprintf(name,
-                       MAX_LTHREAD_NAME_SIZE,
-                       "lthread_key_pool_%d",
-                       getpid());
-               pool = rte_ring_create(name,
-                                       LTHREAD_MAX_KEYS, 0, 0);
-               RTE_ASSERT(pool);
-               int i;
-               for (i = 1; i < LTHREAD_MAX_KEYS; i++) {
-                       new_key = &key_table[i];
-                       rte_ring_mp_enqueue((struct rte_ring *)pool,
-                                               (void *)new_key);
-               }
-               key_pool = pool;
-       }
-       /* other lcores wait here till done */
-       while (key_pool == NULL) {
-               rte_compiler_barrier();
-               sched_yield();
-       };
- * Create a key
- * this means getting a key from the pool
- */
-int lthread_key_create(unsigned int *key, tls_destructor_func destructor)
-       if (key == NULL)
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       struct lthread_key *new_key;
-       if (rte_ring_mc_dequeue((struct rte_ring *)key_pool, (void **)&new_key)
-           == 0) {
-               new_key->destructor = destructor;
-               *key = (new_key - key_table);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return POSIX_ERRNO(EAGAIN);
- * Delete a key
- */
-int lthread_key_delete(unsigned int k)
-       struct lthread_key *key;
-       key = (struct lthread_key *) &key_table[k];
-       if (k > LTHREAD_MAX_KEYS)
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       key->destructor = NULL;
-       rte_ring_mp_enqueue((struct rte_ring *)key_pool,
-                                       (void *)key);
-       return 0;
- * Break association for all keys in use by this thread
- * invoke the destructor if available.
- * Since a destructor can create keys we could enter an infinite loop
- * therefore we give up after LTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS
- * the behavior is modelled on pthread
- */
-void _lthread_tls_destroy(struct lthread *lt)
-       int i, k;
-       int nb_keys;
-       void *data;
-       for (i = 0; i < LTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS; i++) {
-               for (k = 1; k < LTHREAD_MAX_KEYS; k++) {
-                       /* no keys in use ? */
-                       nb_keys = lt->tls->nb_keys_inuse;
-                       if (nb_keys == 0)
-                               return;
-                       /* this key not in use ? */
-                       if (lt->tls->data[k] == NULL)
-                               continue;
-                       /* remove this key */
-                       data = lt->tls->data[k];
-                       lt->tls->data[k] = NULL;
-                       lt->tls->nb_keys_inuse = nb_keys-1;
-                       /* invoke destructor */
-                       if (key_table[k].destructor != NULL)
-                               key_table[k].destructor(data);
-               }
-       }
- * Return the pointer associated with a key
- * If the key is no longer valid return NULL
- */
-*lthread_getspecific(unsigned int k)
-       void *res = NULL;
-       if (k < LTHREAD_MAX_KEYS)
-               res = THIS_LTHREAD->tls->data[k];
-       return res;
- * Set a value against a key
- * If the key is no longer valid return an error
- * when storing value
- */
-int lthread_setspecific(unsigned int k, const void *data)
-       if (k >= LTHREAD_MAX_KEYS)
-               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-       int n = THIS_LTHREAD->tls->nb_keys_inuse;
-       /* discard const qualifier */
-       char *p = (char *) (uintptr_t) data;
-       if (data != NULL) {
-               if (THIS_LTHREAD->tls->data[k] == NULL)
-                       THIS_LTHREAD->tls->nb_keys_inuse = n+1;
-       }
-       THIS_LTHREAD->tls->data[k] = (void *) p;
-       return 0;
- * Allocate data for TLS cache
-void _lthread_tls_alloc(struct lthread *lt)
-       struct lthread_tls *tls;
-       tls = _lthread_objcache_alloc((THIS_SCHED)->tls_cache);
-       RTE_ASSERT(tls != NULL);
-       tls->root_sched = (THIS_SCHED);
-       lt->tls = tls;
-       /* allocate data for TLS variables using RTE_PER_LTHREAD macros */
-       if (sizeof(void *) < (uint64_t)RTE_PER_LTHREAD_SECTION_SIZE) {
-               lt->per_lthread_data =
-                   _lthread_objcache_alloc((THIS_SCHED)->per_lthread_cache);
-       }
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_tls.h b/examples/performance-thread/common/lthread_tls.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 4c262e9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifndef LTHREAD_TLS_H_
-#define LTHREAD_TLS_H_
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#include "lthread_api.h"
-(&__stop_per_lt - &__start_per_lt)
-struct lthread_key {
-       tls_destructor_func destructor;
-struct lthread_tls {
-       void *data[LTHREAD_MAX_KEYS];
-       int  nb_keys_inuse;
-       struct lthread_sched *root_sched;
-void _lthread_tls_destroy(struct lthread *lt);
-void _lthread_key_pool_init(void);
-void _lthread_tls_alloc(struct lthread *lt);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif                         /* LTHREAD_TLS_H_ */
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/Makefile b/examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 14ce9c0..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-# Copyright(c) 2010-2020 Intel Corporation
-# binary name
-APP = l3fwd-thread
-# all source are stored in SRCS-y
-SRCS-y := main.c
-include ../common/common.mk
-ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),static)
-# check for broken pkg-config
-ifeq ($(shell echo $(LDFLAGS_STATIC) | grep 'whole-archive.*l:lib.*no-whole-archive'),)
-$(warning "pkg-config output list does not contain drivers between 'whole-archive'/'no-whole-archive' flags.")
-$(error "Cannot generate statically-linked binaries with this version of pkg-config")
-PKGCONF ?= pkg-config
-# Build using pkg-config variables if possible
-ifneq ($(shell $(PKGCONF) --exists libdpdk && echo 0),0)
-$(error "no installation of DPDK found")
-all: shared
-.PHONY: shared static
-shared: build/$(APP)-shared
-       ln -sf $(APP)-shared build/$(APP)
-static: build/$(APP)-static
-       ln -sf $(APP)-static build/$(APP)
-PC_FILE := $(shell $(PKGCONF) --path libdpdk 2>/dev/null)
-CFLAGS += -O3 $(shell $(PKGCONF) --cflags libdpdk)
-LDFLAGS_SHARED = $(shell $(PKGCONF) --libs libdpdk)
-LDFLAGS_STATIC = $(shell $(PKGCONF) --static --libs libdpdk)
-build/$(APP)-shared: $(SRCS-y) Makefile $(PC_FILE) | build
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(filter %.c,$^) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SHARED)
-build/$(APP)-static: $(SRCS-y) Makefile $(PC_FILE) | build
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(filter %.c,$^) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SHARED)
-       @mkdir -p $@
-.PHONY: clean
-       rm -f build/$(APP) build/$(APP)-static build/$(APP)-shared
-       test -d build && rmdir -p build || true
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/main.c b/examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/main.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 1ddb2a9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3797 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2010-2016 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/queue.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <rte_common.h>
-#include <rte_vect.h>
-#include <rte_byteorder.h>
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include <rte_memory.h>
-#include <rte_memcpy.h>
-#include <rte_eal.h>
-#include <rte_launch.h>
-#include <rte_cycles.h>
-#include <rte_prefetch.h>
-#include <rte_lcore.h>
-#include <rte_per_lcore.h>
-#include <rte_branch_prediction.h>
-#include <rte_interrupts.h>
-#include <rte_random.h>
-#include <rte_debug.h>
-#include <rte_ether.h>
-#include <rte_ethdev.h>
-#include <rte_ring.h>
-#include <rte_mempool.h>
-#include <rte_mbuf.h>
-#include <rte_ip.h>
-#include <rte_tcp.h>
-#include <rte_udp.h>
-#include <rte_string_fns.h>
-#include <rte_pause.h>
-#include <rte_timer.h>
-#include <cmdline_parse.h>
-#include <cmdline_parse_etheraddr.h>
-#include <lthread_api.h>
-#define APP_LOOKUP_EXACT_MATCH          0
-#define APP_LOOKUP_LPM                  1
-#define DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS
-/* Enable cpu-load stats 0-off, 1-on */
-#define APP_CPU_LOAD                 1
-#ifndef __GLIBC__ /* sched_getcpu() is glibc specific */
-#define sched_getcpu() rte_lcore_id()
-static int
-check_ptype(int portid)
-       int i, ret;
-       int ipv4 = 0, ipv6 = 0;
-       ret = rte_eth_dev_get_supported_ptypes(portid, RTE_PTYPE_L3_MASK, NULL,
-                       0);
-       if (ret <= 0)
-               return 0;
-       uint32_t ptypes[ret];
-       ret = rte_eth_dev_get_supported_ptypes(portid, RTE_PTYPE_L3_MASK,
-                       ptypes, ret);
-       for (i = 0; i < ret; ++i) {
-               if (ptypes[i] & RTE_PTYPE_L3_IPV4)
-                       ipv4 = 1;
-               if (ptypes[i] & RTE_PTYPE_L3_IPV6)
-                       ipv6 = 1;
-       }
-       if (ipv4 && ipv6)
-               return 1;
-       return 0;
-static inline void
-parse_ptype(struct rte_mbuf *m)
-       struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr;
-       uint32_t packet_type = RTE_PTYPE_UNKNOWN;
-       uint16_t ether_type;
-       eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       ether_type = eth_hdr->ether_type;
-       if (ether_type == rte_cpu_to_be_16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_IPV4))
-               packet_type |= RTE_PTYPE_L3_IPV4_EXT_UNKNOWN;
-       else if (ether_type == rte_cpu_to_be_16(RTE_ETHER_TYPE_IPV6))
-               packet_type |= RTE_PTYPE_L3_IPV6_EXT_UNKNOWN;
-       m->packet_type = packet_type;
-static uint16_t
-cb_parse_ptype(__rte_unused uint16_t port, __rte_unused uint16_t queue,
-               struct rte_mbuf *pkts[], uint16_t nb_pkts,
-               __rte_unused uint16_t max_pkts, __rte_unused void *user_param)
-       unsigned int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < nb_pkts; i++)
-               parse_ptype(pkts[i]);
-       return nb_pkts;
- *  When set to zero, simple forwarding path is enabled.
- *  When set to one, optimized forwarding path is enabled.
- *  Note that LPM optimisation path uses SSE4.1 instructions.
- */
-#include <rte_hash.h>
-#include <rte_lpm.h>
-#include <rte_lpm6.h>
-#error "APP_LOOKUP_METHOD set to incorrect value"
-#define MAX_JUMBO_PKT_LEN  9600
-#define IPV6_ADDR_LEN 16
- * This expression is used to calculate the number of mbufs needed depending on
- * user input, taking into account memory for rx and tx hardware rings, cache
- * per lcore and mtable per port per lcore. RTE_MAX is used to ensure that
- * NB_MBUF never goes below a minimum value of 8192
- */
-#define NB_MBUF RTE_MAX(\
-               (nb_ports*nb_rx_queue*nb_rxd +      \
-               nb_ports*nb_lcores*MAX_PKT_BURST +  \
-               nb_ports*n_tx_queue*nb_txd +        \
-               nb_lcores*MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE),      \
-               (unsigned)8192)
-#define MAX_PKT_BURST     32
-#define BURST_TX_DRAIN_US 100 /* TX drain every ~100us */
- * Try to avoid TX buffering if we have at least MAX_TX_BURST packets to send.
- */
-#define        MAX_TX_BURST  (MAX_PKT_BURST / 2)
-#define NB_SOCKETS 8
-/* Configure how many packets ahead to prefetch, when reading packets */
-#define PREFETCH_OFFSET        3
-/* Used to mark destination port as 'invalid'. */
-#define        BAD_PORT        ((uint16_t)-1)
-#define FWDSTEP        4
- * Configurable number of RX/TX ring descriptors
- */
-static uint16_t nb_rxd = RTE_TEST_RX_DESC_DEFAULT;
-static uint16_t nb_txd = RTE_TEST_TX_DESC_DEFAULT;
-/* ethernet addresses of ports */
-static uint64_t dest_eth_addr[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
-static struct rte_ether_addr ports_eth_addr[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
-static xmm_t val_eth[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
-/* replace first 12B of the ethernet header. */
-#define        MASK_ETH 0x3f
-/* mask of enabled ports */
-static uint32_t enabled_port_mask;
-static int promiscuous_on; /**< Set in promiscuous mode off by default. */
-static int numa_on = 1;    /**< NUMA is enabled by default. */
-static int parse_ptype_on;
-static int ipv6;           /**< ipv6 is false by default. */
-#if (APP_CPU_LOAD == 1)
-#define CPU_LOAD_TIMEOUT_US (5 * 1000 * 1000)  /**< Timeout for collecting 5s */
-#define CPU_PROCESS     0
-#define CPU_POLL        1
-#define MAX_CPU_COUNTER 2
-struct cpu_load {
-       uint16_t       n_cpu;
-       uint64_t       counter;
-       uint64_t       hits[MAX_CPU_COUNTER][MAX_CPU];
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-static struct cpu_load cpu_load;
-static int cpu_load_lcore_id = -1;
-#define SET_CPU_BUSY(thread, counter) \
-               thread->conf.busy[counter] = 1
-#define SET_CPU_IDLE(thread, counter) \
-               thread->conf.busy[counter] = 0
-#define IS_CPU_BUSY(thread, counter) \
-               (thread->conf.busy[counter] > 0)
-#define SET_CPU_BUSY(thread, counter)
-#define SET_CPU_IDLE(thread, counter)
-#define IS_CPU_BUSY(thread, counter) 0
-struct mbuf_table {
-       uint16_t len;
-       struct rte_mbuf *m_table[MAX_PKT_BURST];
-struct lcore_rx_queue {
-       uint16_t port_id;
-       uint8_t queue_id;
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-#define MAX_RX_QUEUE_PER_PORT  128
-#define MAX_LCORE_PARAMS       1024
-struct rx_thread_params {
-       uint16_t port_id;
-       uint8_t queue_id;
-       uint8_t lcore_id;
-       uint8_t thread_id;
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-static struct rx_thread_params rx_thread_params_array[MAX_LCORE_PARAMS];
-static struct rx_thread_params rx_thread_params_array_default[] = {
-       {0, 0, 2, 0},
-       {0, 1, 2, 1},
-       {0, 2, 2, 2},
-       {1, 0, 2, 3},
-       {1, 1, 2, 4},
-       {1, 2, 2, 5},
-       {2, 0, 2, 6},
-       {3, 0, 3, 7},
-       {3, 1, 3, 8},
-static struct rx_thread_params *rx_thread_params =
-               rx_thread_params_array_default;
-static uint16_t nb_rx_thread_params = RTE_DIM(rx_thread_params_array_default);
-struct tx_thread_params {
-       uint8_t lcore_id;
-       uint8_t thread_id;
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-static struct tx_thread_params tx_thread_params_array[MAX_LCORE_PARAMS];
-static struct tx_thread_params tx_thread_params_array_default[] = {
-       {4, 0},
-       {5, 1},
-       {6, 2},
-       {7, 3},
-       {8, 4},
-       {9, 5},
-       {10, 6},
-       {11, 7},
-       {12, 8},
-static struct tx_thread_params *tx_thread_params =
-               tx_thread_params_array_default;
-static uint16_t nb_tx_thread_params = RTE_DIM(tx_thread_params_array_default);
-static struct rte_eth_conf port_conf = {
-       .rxmode = {
-               .mq_mode = RTE_ETH_MQ_RX_RSS,
-               .split_hdr_size = 0,
-               .offloads = RTE_ETH_RX_OFFLOAD_CHECKSUM,
-       },
-       .rx_adv_conf = {
-               .rss_conf = {
-                       .rss_key = NULL,
-                       .rss_hf = RTE_ETH_RSS_TCP,
-               },
-       },
-       .txmode = {
-               .mq_mode = RTE_ETH_MQ_TX_NONE,
-       },
-static uint32_t max_pkt_len;
-static struct rte_mempool *pktmbuf_pool[NB_SOCKETS];
-#include <rte_hash_crc.h>
-#define DEFAULT_HASH_FUNC       rte_hash_crc
-struct ipv4_5tuple {
-       uint32_t ip_dst;
-       uint32_t ip_src;
-       uint16_t port_dst;
-       uint16_t port_src;
-       uint8_t  proto;
-} __rte_packed;
-union ipv4_5tuple_host {
-       struct {
-               uint8_t  pad0;
-               uint8_t  proto;
-               uint16_t pad1;
-               uint32_t ip_src;
-               uint32_t ip_dst;
-               uint16_t port_src;
-               uint16_t port_dst;
-       };
-       __m128i xmm;
-#define XMM_NUM_IN_IPV6_5TUPLE 3
-struct ipv6_5tuple {
-       uint8_t  ip_dst[IPV6_ADDR_LEN];
-       uint8_t  ip_src[IPV6_ADDR_LEN];
-       uint16_t port_dst;
-       uint16_t port_src;
-       uint8_t  proto;
-} __rte_packed;
-union ipv6_5tuple_host {
-       struct {
-               uint16_t pad0;
-               uint8_t  proto;
-               uint8_t  pad1;
-               uint8_t  ip_src[IPV6_ADDR_LEN];
-               uint8_t  ip_dst[IPV6_ADDR_LEN];
-               uint16_t port_src;
-               uint16_t port_dst;
-               uint64_t reserve;
-       };
-       __m128i xmm[XMM_NUM_IN_IPV6_5TUPLE];
-struct ipv4_l3fwd_route {
-       struct ipv4_5tuple key;
-       uint8_t if_out;
-struct ipv6_l3fwd_route {
-       struct ipv6_5tuple key;
-       uint8_t if_out;
-static struct ipv4_l3fwd_route ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[] = {
-       {{RTE_IPV4(101, 0, 0, 0), RTE_IPV4(100, 10, 0, 1),  101, 11, IPPROTO_TCP}, 0},
-       {{RTE_IPV4(201, 0, 0, 0), RTE_IPV4(200, 20, 0, 1),  102, 12, IPPROTO_TCP}, 1},
-       {{RTE_IPV4(111, 0, 0, 0), RTE_IPV4(100, 30, 0, 1),  101, 11, IPPROTO_TCP}, 2},
-       {{RTE_IPV4(211, 0, 0, 0), RTE_IPV4(200, 40, 0, 1),  102, 12, IPPROTO_TCP}, 3},
-static struct ipv6_l3fwd_route ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[] = {
-       {{
-       {0xfe, 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02, 0x1e, 0x67, 0xff, 0xfe, 0, 0, 0},
-       {0xfe, 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02, 0x1b, 0x21, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x91, 0x38,
-                       0x05},
-       101, 11, IPPROTO_TCP}, 0},
-       {{
-       {0xfe, 0x90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02, 0x1e, 0x67, 0xff, 0xfe, 0, 0, 0},
-       {0xfe, 0x90, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02, 0x1b, 0x21, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x91, 0x38,
-                       0x05},
-       102, 12, IPPROTO_TCP}, 1},
-       {{
-       {0xfe, 0xa0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02, 0x1e, 0x67, 0xff, 0xfe, 0, 0, 0},
-       {0xfe, 0xa0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02, 0x1b, 0x21, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x91, 0x38,
-                       0x05},
-       101, 11, IPPROTO_TCP}, 2},
-       {{
-       {0xfe, 0xb0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02, 0x1e, 0x67, 0xff, 0xfe, 0, 0, 0},
-       {0xfe, 0xb0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x02, 0x1b, 0x21, 0xff, 0xfe, 0x91, 0x38,
-                       0x05},
-       102, 12, IPPROTO_TCP}, 3},
-typedef struct rte_hash lookup_struct_t;
-static lookup_struct_t *ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct[NB_SOCKETS];
-static lookup_struct_t *ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct[NB_SOCKETS];
-#ifdef RTE_ARCH_X86_64
-/* default to 4 million hash entries (approx) */
-#define L3FWD_HASH_ENTRIES (1024*1024*4)
-/* 32-bit has less address-space for hugepage memory, limit to 1M entries */
-#define L3FWD_HASH_ENTRIES (1024*1024*1)
-static uint32_t hash_entry_number = HASH_ENTRY_NUMBER_DEFAULT;
-static inline uint32_t
-ipv4_hash_crc(const void *data, __rte_unused uint32_t data_len,
-               uint32_t init_val)
-       const union ipv4_5tuple_host *k;
-       uint32_t t;
-       const uint32_t *p;
-       k = data;
-       t = k->proto;
-       p = (const uint32_t *)&k->port_src;
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(t, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(k->ip_src, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(k->ip_dst, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(*p, init_val);
-       return init_val;
-static inline uint32_t
-ipv6_hash_crc(const void *data, __rte_unused uint32_t data_len,
-               uint32_t init_val)
-       const union ipv6_5tuple_host *k;
-       uint32_t t;
-       const uint32_t *p;
-       const uint32_t *ip_src0, *ip_src1, *ip_src2, *ip_src3;
-       const uint32_t *ip_dst0, *ip_dst1, *ip_dst2, *ip_dst3;
-       k = data;
-       t = k->proto;
-       p = (const uint32_t *)&k->port_src;
-       ip_src0 = (const uint32_t *) k->ip_src;
-       ip_src1 = (const uint32_t *)(k->ip_src + 4);
-       ip_src2 = (const uint32_t *)(k->ip_src + 8);
-       ip_src3 = (const uint32_t *)(k->ip_src + 12);
-       ip_dst0 = (const uint32_t *) k->ip_dst;
-       ip_dst1 = (const uint32_t *)(k->ip_dst + 4);
-       ip_dst2 = (const uint32_t *)(k->ip_dst + 8);
-       ip_dst3 = (const uint32_t *)(k->ip_dst + 12);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(t, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(*ip_src0, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(*ip_src1, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(*ip_src2, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(*ip_src3, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(*ip_dst0, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(*ip_dst1, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(*ip_dst2, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(*ip_dst3, init_val);
-       init_val = rte_hash_crc_4byte(*p, init_val);
-       return init_val;
-#define IPV4_L3FWD_NUM_ROUTES RTE_DIM(ipv4_l3fwd_route_array)
-#define IPV6_L3FWD_NUM_ROUTES RTE_DIM(ipv6_l3fwd_route_array)
-static uint8_t ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[L3FWD_HASH_ENTRIES] __rte_cache_aligned;
-static uint8_t ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[L3FWD_HASH_ENTRIES] __rte_cache_aligned;
-struct ipv4_l3fwd_route {
-       uint32_t ip;
-       uint8_t  depth;
-       uint8_t  if_out;
-struct ipv6_l3fwd_route {
-       uint8_t ip[16];
-       uint8_t depth;
-       uint8_t if_out;
-static struct ipv4_l3fwd_route ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[] = {
-       {RTE_IPV4(1, 1, 1, 0), 24, 0},
-       {RTE_IPV4(2, 1, 1, 0), 24, 1},
-       {RTE_IPV4(3, 1, 1, 0), 24, 2},
-       {RTE_IPV4(4, 1, 1, 0), 24, 3},
-       {RTE_IPV4(5, 1, 1, 0), 24, 4},
-       {RTE_IPV4(6, 1, 1, 0), 24, 5},
-       {RTE_IPV4(7, 1, 1, 0), 24, 6},
-       {RTE_IPV4(8, 1, 1, 0), 24, 7},
-static struct ipv6_l3fwd_route ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[] = {
-       {{1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 48, 0},
-       {{2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 48, 1},
-       {{3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 48, 2},
-       {{4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 48, 3},
-       {{5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 48, 4},
-       {{6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 48, 5},
-       {{7, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 48, 6},
-       {{8, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1}, 48, 7},
-#define IPV4_L3FWD_NUM_ROUTES RTE_DIM(ipv4_l3fwd_route_array)
-#define IPV6_L3FWD_NUM_ROUTES RTE_DIM(ipv6_l3fwd_route_array)
-#define IPV4_L3FWD_LPM_MAX_RULES         1024
-#define IPV6_L3FWD_LPM_MAX_RULES         1024
-#define IPV6_L3FWD_LPM_NUMBER_TBL8S (1 << 16)
-typedef struct rte_lpm lookup_struct_t;
-typedef struct rte_lpm6 lookup6_struct_t;
-static lookup_struct_t *ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct[NB_SOCKETS];
-static lookup6_struct_t *ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct[NB_SOCKETS];
-struct lcore_conf {
-       lookup_struct_t *ipv4_lookup_struct;
-       lookup6_struct_t *ipv6_lookup_struct;
-       lookup_struct_t *ipv6_lookup_struct;
-       void *data;
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-static struct lcore_conf lcore_conf[RTE_MAX_LCORE];
-RTE_DEFINE_PER_LCORE(struct lcore_conf *, lcore_conf);
-#define MAX_RX_QUEUE_PER_PORT   128
-#define MAX_RX_THREAD 1024
-#define MAX_TX_THREAD 1024
- * Producers and consumers threads configuration
- */
-static int lthreads_on = 1; /**< Use lthreads for processing*/
-uint16_t rx_counter;  /**< Number of spawned rx threads */
-uint16_t tx_counter;  /**< Number of spawned tx threads */
-struct thread_conf {
-       uint16_t lcore_id;      /**< Initial lcore for rx thread */
-       uint16_t cpu_id;        /**< Cpu id for cpu load stats counter */
-       uint16_t thread_id;     /**< Thread ID */
-#if (APP_CPU_LOAD > 0)
-       int busy[MAX_CPU_COUNTER];
-struct thread_rx_conf {
-       struct thread_conf conf;
-       uint16_t n_rx_queue;
-       struct lcore_rx_queue rx_queue_list[MAX_RX_QUEUE_PER_LCORE];
-       uint16_t n_ring;        /**< Number of output rings */
-       struct rte_ring *ring[RTE_MAX_LCORE];
-       struct lthread_cond *ready[RTE_MAX_LCORE];
-#if (APP_CPU_LOAD > 0)
-       int busy[MAX_CPU_COUNTER];
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-uint16_t n_rx_thread;
-struct thread_rx_conf rx_thread[MAX_RX_THREAD];
-struct thread_tx_conf {
-       struct thread_conf conf;
-       uint16_t tx_queue_id[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
-       struct mbuf_table tx_mbufs[RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS];
-       struct rte_ring *ring;
-       struct lthread_cond **ready;
-} __rte_cache_aligned;
-uint16_t n_tx_thread;
-struct thread_tx_conf tx_thread[MAX_TX_THREAD];
-/* Send burst of packets on an output interface */
-static inline int
-send_burst(struct thread_tx_conf *qconf, uint16_t n, uint16_t port)
-       struct rte_mbuf **m_table;
-       int ret;
-       uint16_t queueid;
-       queueid = qconf->tx_queue_id[port];
-       m_table = (struct rte_mbuf **)qconf->tx_mbufs[port].m_table;
-       ret = rte_eth_tx_burst(port, queueid, m_table, n);
-       if (unlikely(ret < n)) {
-               do {
-                       rte_pktmbuf_free(m_table[ret]);
-               } while (++ret < n);
-       }
-       return 0;
-/* Enqueue a single packet, and send burst if queue is filled */
-static inline int
-send_single_packet(struct rte_mbuf *m, uint16_t port)
-       uint16_t len;
-       struct thread_tx_conf *qconf;
-       if (lthreads_on)
-               qconf = (struct thread_tx_conf *)lthread_get_data();
-       else
-               qconf = (struct thread_tx_conf *)RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->data;
-       len = qconf->tx_mbufs[port].len;
-       qconf->tx_mbufs[port].m_table[len] = m;
-       len++;
-       /* enough pkts to be sent */
-       if (unlikely(len == MAX_PKT_BURST)) {
-               send_burst(qconf, MAX_PKT_BURST, port);
-               len = 0;
-       }
-       qconf->tx_mbufs[port].len = len;
-       return 0;
-static __rte_always_inline void
-send_packetsx4(uint16_t port,
-       struct rte_mbuf *m[], uint32_t num)
-       uint32_t len, j, n;
-       struct thread_tx_conf *qconf;
-       if (lthreads_on)
-               qconf = (struct thread_tx_conf *)lthread_get_data();
-       else
-               qconf = (struct thread_tx_conf *)RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->data;
-       len = qconf->tx_mbufs[port].len;
-       /*
-        * If TX buffer for that queue is empty, and we have enough packets,
-        * then send them straightway.
-        */
-       if (num >= MAX_TX_BURST && len == 0) {
-               n = rte_eth_tx_burst(port, qconf->tx_queue_id[port], m, num);
-               if (unlikely(n < num)) {
-                       do {
-                               rte_pktmbuf_free(m[n]);
-                       } while (++n < num);
-               }
-               return;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Put packets into TX buffer for that queue.
-        */
-       n = len + num;
-       n = (n > MAX_PKT_BURST) ? MAX_PKT_BURST - len : num;
-       j = 0;
-       switch (n % FWDSTEP) {
-       while (j < n) {
-       case 0:
-               qconf->tx_mbufs[port].m_table[len + j] = m[j];
-               j++;
-               /* fall-through */
-       case 3:
-               qconf->tx_mbufs[port].m_table[len + j] = m[j];
-               j++;
-               /* fall-through */
-       case 2:
-               qconf->tx_mbufs[port].m_table[len + j] = m[j];
-               j++;
-               /* fall-through */
-       case 1:
-               qconf->tx_mbufs[port].m_table[len + j] = m[j];
-               j++;
-       }
-       }
-       len += n;
-       /* enough pkts to be sent */
-       if (unlikely(len == MAX_PKT_BURST)) {
-               send_burst(qconf, MAX_PKT_BURST, port);
-               /* copy rest of the packets into the TX buffer. */
-               len = num - n;
-               j = 0;
-               switch (len % FWDSTEP) {
-               while (j < len) {
-               case 0:
-                       qconf->tx_mbufs[port].m_table[j] = m[n + j];
-                       j++;
-                       /* fall-through */
-               case 3:
-                       qconf->tx_mbufs[port].m_table[j] = m[n + j];
-                       j++;
-                       /* fall-through */
-               case 2:
-                       qconf->tx_mbufs[port].m_table[j] = m[n + j];
-                       j++;
-                       /* fall-through */
-               case 1:
-                       qconf->tx_mbufs[port].m_table[j] = m[n + j];
-                       j++;
-               }
-               }
-       }
-       qconf->tx_mbufs[port].len = len;
-#endif /* APP_LOOKUP_LPM */
-#ifdef DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS
-static inline int
-is_valid_ipv4_pkt(struct rte_ipv4_hdr *pkt, uint32_t link_len)
-       /* From http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1812.txt section 5.2.2 */
-       /*
-        * 1. The packet length reported by the Link Layer must be large
-        * enough to hold the minimum length legal IP datagram (20 bytes).
-        */
-       if (link_len < sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr))
-               return -1;
-       /* 2. The IP checksum must be correct. */
-       /* this is checked in H/W */
-       /*
-        * 3. The IP version number must be 4. If the version number is not 4
-        * then the packet may be another version of IP, such as IPng or
-        * ST-II.
-        */
-       if (((pkt->version_ihl) >> 4) != 4)
-               return -3;
-       /*
-        * 4. The IP header length field must be large enough to hold the
-        * minimum length legal IP datagram (20 bytes = 5 words).
-        */
-       if ((pkt->version_ihl & 0xf) < 5)
-               return -4;
-       /*
-        * 5. The IP total length field must be large enough to hold the IP
-        * datagram header, whose length is specified in the IP header length
-        * field.
-        */
-       if (rte_cpu_to_be_16(pkt->total_length) < sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr))
-               return -5;
-       return 0;
-static __m128i mask0;
-static __m128i mask1;
-static __m128i mask2;
-static inline uint16_t
-get_ipv4_dst_port(void *ipv4_hdr, uint16_t portid,
-               lookup_struct_t *ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct)
-       int ret = 0;
-       union ipv4_5tuple_host key;
-       ipv4_hdr = (uint8_t *)ipv4_hdr +
-               offsetof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr, time_to_live);
-       __m128i data = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(ipv4_hdr));
-       /* Get 5 tuple: dst port, src port, dst IP address, src IP address and
-          protocol */
-       key.xmm = _mm_and_si128(data, mask0);
-       /* Find destination port */
-       ret = rte_hash_lookup(ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct, (const void *)&key);
-       return ((ret < 0) ? portid : ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret]);
-static inline uint16_t
-get_ipv6_dst_port(void *ipv6_hdr, uint16_t portid,
-               lookup_struct_t *ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct)
-       int ret = 0;
-       union ipv6_5tuple_host key;
-       ipv6_hdr = (uint8_t *)ipv6_hdr +
-               offsetof(struct rte_ipv6_hdr, payload_len);
-       __m128i data0 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(ipv6_hdr));
-       __m128i data1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(((uint8_t *)ipv6_hdr) +
-                       sizeof(__m128i)));
-       __m128i data2 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)(((uint8_t *)ipv6_hdr) +
-                       sizeof(__m128i) + sizeof(__m128i)));
-       /* Get part of 5 tuple: src IP address lower 96 bits and protocol */
-       key.xmm[0] = _mm_and_si128(data0, mask1);
-       /* Get part of 5 tuple: dst IP address lower 96 bits and src IP address
-          higher 32 bits */
-       key.xmm[1] = data1;
-       /* Get part of 5 tuple: dst port and src port and dst IP address higher
-          32 bits */
-       key.xmm[2] = _mm_and_si128(data2, mask2);
-       /* Find destination port */
-       ret = rte_hash_lookup(ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct, (const void *)&key);
-       return ((ret < 0) ? portid : ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret]);
-static inline uint16_t
-get_ipv4_dst_port(void *ipv4_hdr, uint16_t portid,
-               lookup_struct_t *ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct)
-       uint32_t next_hop;
-       return ((rte_lpm_lookup(ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct,
-               rte_be_to_cpu_32(((struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)ipv4_hdr)->dst_addr),
-               &next_hop) == 0) ? next_hop : portid);
-static inline uint16_t
-get_ipv6_dst_port(void *ipv6_hdr,  uint16_t portid,
-               lookup6_struct_t *ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct)
-       uint32_t next_hop;
-       return ((rte_lpm6_lookup(ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct,
-               ((struct rte_ipv6_hdr *)ipv6_hdr)->dst_addr, &next_hop) == 0) ?
-               next_hop : portid);
-static inline void l3fwd_simple_forward(struct rte_mbuf *m, uint16_t portid)
-               __rte_unused;
-#define MASK_ALL_PKTS   0xff
-#define EXCLUDE_1ST_PKT 0xfe
-#define EXCLUDE_2ND_PKT 0xfd
-#define EXCLUDE_3RD_PKT 0xfb
-#define EXCLUDE_4TH_PKT 0xf7
-#define EXCLUDE_5TH_PKT 0xef
-#define EXCLUDE_6TH_PKT 0xdf
-#define EXCLUDE_7TH_PKT 0xbf
-#define EXCLUDE_8TH_PKT 0x7f
-static inline void
-simple_ipv4_fwd_8pkts(struct rte_mbuf *m[8], uint16_t portid)
-       struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr[8];
-       struct rte_ipv4_hdr *ipv4_hdr[8];
-       uint16_t dst_port[8];
-       int32_t ret[8];
-       union ipv4_5tuple_host key[8];
-       __m128i data[8];
-       eth_hdr[0] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[0], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[1] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[1], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[2] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[2], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[3] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[3], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[4] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[4], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[5] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[5], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[6] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[6], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[7] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[7], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       /* Handle IPv4 headers.*/
-       ipv4_hdr[0] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[0], struct rte_ipv4_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv4_hdr[1] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[1], struct rte_ipv4_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv4_hdr[2] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[2], struct rte_ipv4_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv4_hdr[3] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[3], struct rte_ipv4_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv4_hdr[4] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[4], struct rte_ipv4_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv4_hdr[5] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[5], struct rte_ipv4_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv4_hdr[6] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[6], struct rte_ipv4_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv4_hdr[7] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[7], struct rte_ipv4_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-#ifdef DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS
-       /* Check to make sure the packet is valid (RFC1812) */
-       uint8_t valid_mask = MASK_ALL_PKTS;
-       if (is_valid_ipv4_pkt(ipv4_hdr[0], m[0]->pkt_len) < 0) {
-               rte_pktmbuf_free(m[0]);
-               valid_mask &= EXCLUDE_1ST_PKT;
-       }
-       if (is_valid_ipv4_pkt(ipv4_hdr[1], m[1]->pkt_len) < 0) {
-               rte_pktmbuf_free(m[1]);
-               valid_mask &= EXCLUDE_2ND_PKT;
-       }
-       if (is_valid_ipv4_pkt(ipv4_hdr[2], m[2]->pkt_len) < 0) {
-               rte_pktmbuf_free(m[2]);
-               valid_mask &= EXCLUDE_3RD_PKT;
-       }
-       if (is_valid_ipv4_pkt(ipv4_hdr[3], m[3]->pkt_len) < 0) {
-               rte_pktmbuf_free(m[3]);
-               valid_mask &= EXCLUDE_4TH_PKT;
-       }
-       if (is_valid_ipv4_pkt(ipv4_hdr[4], m[4]->pkt_len) < 0) {
-               rte_pktmbuf_free(m[4]);
-               valid_mask &= EXCLUDE_5TH_PKT;
-       }
-       if (is_valid_ipv4_pkt(ipv4_hdr[5], m[5]->pkt_len) < 0) {
-               rte_pktmbuf_free(m[5]);
-               valid_mask &= EXCLUDE_6TH_PKT;
-       }
-       if (is_valid_ipv4_pkt(ipv4_hdr[6], m[6]->pkt_len) < 0) {
-               rte_pktmbuf_free(m[6]);
-               valid_mask &= EXCLUDE_7TH_PKT;
-       }
-       if (is_valid_ipv4_pkt(ipv4_hdr[7], m[7]->pkt_len) < 0) {
-               rte_pktmbuf_free(m[7]);
-               valid_mask &= EXCLUDE_8TH_PKT;
-       }
-       if (unlikely(valid_mask != MASK_ALL_PKTS)) {
-               if (valid_mask == 0)
-                       return;
-               uint8_t i = 0;
-               for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
-                       if ((0x1 << i) & valid_mask)
-                               l3fwd_simple_forward(m[i], portid);
-       }
-#endif /* End of #ifdef DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS */
-       data[0] = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[0], __m128i *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr, time_to_live)));
-       data[1] = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[1], __m128i *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr, time_to_live)));
-       data[2] = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[2], __m128i *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr, time_to_live)));
-       data[3] = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[3], __m128i *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr, time_to_live)));
-       data[4] = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[4], __m128i *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr, time_to_live)));
-       data[5] = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[5], __m128i *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr, time_to_live)));
-       data[6] = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[6], __m128i *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr, time_to_live)));
-       data[7] = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[7], __m128i *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr, time_to_live)));
-       key[0].xmm = _mm_and_si128(data[0], mask0);
-       key[1].xmm = _mm_and_si128(data[1], mask0);
-       key[2].xmm = _mm_and_si128(data[2], mask0);
-       key[3].xmm = _mm_and_si128(data[3], mask0);
-       key[4].xmm = _mm_and_si128(data[4], mask0);
-       key[5].xmm = _mm_and_si128(data[5], mask0);
-       key[6].xmm = _mm_and_si128(data[6], mask0);
-       key[7].xmm = _mm_and_si128(data[7], mask0);
-       const void *key_array[8] = {&key[0], &key[1], &key[2], &key[3],
-                       &key[4], &key[5], &key[6], &key[7]};
-       rte_hash_lookup_bulk(RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->ipv4_lookup_struct,
-                       &key_array[0], 8, ret);
-       dst_port[0] = ((ret[0] < 0) ? portid : ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret[0]]);
-       dst_port[1] = ((ret[1] < 0) ? portid : ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret[1]]);
-       dst_port[2] = ((ret[2] < 0) ? portid : ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret[2]]);
-       dst_port[3] = ((ret[3] < 0) ? portid : ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret[3]]);
-       dst_port[4] = ((ret[4] < 0) ? portid : ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret[4]]);
-       dst_port[5] = ((ret[5] < 0) ? portid : ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret[5]]);
-       dst_port[6] = ((ret[6] < 0) ? portid : ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret[6]]);
-       dst_port[7] = ((ret[7] < 0) ? portid : ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret[7]]);
-       if (dst_port[0] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[0]) == 0)
-               dst_port[0] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[1] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[1]) == 0)
-               dst_port[1] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[2] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[2]) == 0)
-               dst_port[2] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[3] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[3]) == 0)
-               dst_port[3] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[4] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[4]) == 0)
-               dst_port[4] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[5] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[5]) == 0)
-               dst_port[5] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[6] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[6]) == 0)
-               dst_port[6] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[7] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[7]) == 0)
-               dst_port[7] = portid;
-#ifdef DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS
-       /* Update time to live and header checksum */
-       --(ipv4_hdr[0]->time_to_live);
-       --(ipv4_hdr[1]->time_to_live);
-       --(ipv4_hdr[2]->time_to_live);
-       --(ipv4_hdr[3]->time_to_live);
-       ++(ipv4_hdr[0]->hdr_checksum);
-       ++(ipv4_hdr[1]->hdr_checksum);
-       ++(ipv4_hdr[2]->hdr_checksum);
-       ++(ipv4_hdr[3]->hdr_checksum);
-       --(ipv4_hdr[4]->time_to_live);
-       --(ipv4_hdr[5]->time_to_live);
-       --(ipv4_hdr[6]->time_to_live);
-       --(ipv4_hdr[7]->time_to_live);
-       ++(ipv4_hdr[4]->hdr_checksum);
-       ++(ipv4_hdr[5]->hdr_checksum);
-       ++(ipv4_hdr[6]->hdr_checksum);
-       ++(ipv4_hdr[7]->hdr_checksum);
-       /* dst addr */
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[0]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[0]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[1]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[1]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[2]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[2]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[3]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[3]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[4]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[4]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[5]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[5]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[6]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[6]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[7]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[7]];
-       /* src addr */
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[0]], &eth_hdr[0]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[1]], &eth_hdr[1]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[2]], &eth_hdr[2]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[3]], &eth_hdr[3]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[4]], &eth_hdr[4]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[5]], &eth_hdr[5]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[6]], &eth_hdr[6]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[7]], &eth_hdr[7]->src_addr);
-       send_single_packet(m[0], (uint8_t)dst_port[0]);
-       send_single_packet(m[1], (uint8_t)dst_port[1]);
-       send_single_packet(m[2], (uint8_t)dst_port[2]);
-       send_single_packet(m[3], (uint8_t)dst_port[3]);
-       send_single_packet(m[4], (uint8_t)dst_port[4]);
-       send_single_packet(m[5], (uint8_t)dst_port[5]);
-       send_single_packet(m[6], (uint8_t)dst_port[6]);
-       send_single_packet(m[7], (uint8_t)dst_port[7]);
-static inline void get_ipv6_5tuple(struct rte_mbuf *m0, __m128i mask0,
-               __m128i mask1, union ipv6_5tuple_host *key)
-       __m128i tmpdata0 = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m0,
-                       __m128i *, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv6_hdr, payload_len)));
-       __m128i tmpdata1 = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m0,
-                       __m128i *, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv6_hdr, payload_len) +
-                       sizeof(__m128i)));
-       __m128i tmpdata2 = _mm_loadu_si128(rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m0,
-                       __m128i *, sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr) +
-                       offsetof(struct rte_ipv6_hdr, payload_len) +
-                       sizeof(__m128i) + sizeof(__m128i)));
-       key->xmm[0] = _mm_and_si128(tmpdata0, mask0);
-       key->xmm[1] = tmpdata1;
-       key->xmm[2] = _mm_and_si128(tmpdata2, mask1);
-static inline void
-simple_ipv6_fwd_8pkts(struct rte_mbuf *m[8], uint16_t portid)
-       int32_t ret[8];
-       uint16_t dst_port[8];
-       struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr[8];
-       union ipv6_5tuple_host key[8];
-       __rte_unused struct rte_ipv6_hdr *ipv6_hdr[8];
-       eth_hdr[0] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[0], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[1] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[1], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[2] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[2], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[3] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[3], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[4] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[4], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[5] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[5], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[6] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[6], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       eth_hdr[7] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m[7], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       /* Handle IPv6 headers.*/
-       ipv6_hdr[0] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[0], struct rte_ipv6_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv6_hdr[1] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[1], struct rte_ipv6_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv6_hdr[2] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[2], struct rte_ipv6_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv6_hdr[3] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[3], struct rte_ipv6_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv6_hdr[4] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[4], struct rte_ipv6_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv6_hdr[5] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[5], struct rte_ipv6_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv6_hdr[6] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[6], struct rte_ipv6_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       ipv6_hdr[7] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m[7], struct rte_ipv6_hdr *,
-                       sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-       get_ipv6_5tuple(m[0], mask1, mask2, &key[0]);
-       get_ipv6_5tuple(m[1], mask1, mask2, &key[1]);
-       get_ipv6_5tuple(m[2], mask1, mask2, &key[2]);
-       get_ipv6_5tuple(m[3], mask1, mask2, &key[3]);
-       get_ipv6_5tuple(m[4], mask1, mask2, &key[4]);
-       get_ipv6_5tuple(m[5], mask1, mask2, &key[5]);
-       get_ipv6_5tuple(m[6], mask1, mask2, &key[6]);
-       get_ipv6_5tuple(m[7], mask1, mask2, &key[7]);
-       const void *key_array[8] = {&key[0], &key[1], &key[2], &key[3],
-                       &key[4], &key[5], &key[6], &key[7]};
-       rte_hash_lookup_bulk(RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->ipv6_lookup_struct,
-                       &key_array[0], 4, ret);
-       dst_port[0] = ((ret[0] < 0) ? portid : ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret[0]]);
-       dst_port[1] = ((ret[1] < 0) ? portid : ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret[1]]);
-       dst_port[2] = ((ret[2] < 0) ? portid : ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret[2]]);
-       dst_port[3] = ((ret[3] < 0) ? portid : ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret[3]]);
-       dst_port[4] = ((ret[4] < 0) ? portid : ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret[4]]);
-       dst_port[5] = ((ret[5] < 0) ? portid : ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret[5]]);
-       dst_port[6] = ((ret[6] < 0) ? portid : ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret[6]]);
-       dst_port[7] = ((ret[7] < 0) ? portid : ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret[7]]);
-       if (dst_port[0] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[0]) == 0)
-               dst_port[0] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[1] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[1]) == 0)
-               dst_port[1] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[2] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[2]) == 0)
-               dst_port[2] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[3] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[3]) == 0)
-               dst_port[3] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[4] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[4]) == 0)
-               dst_port[4] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[5] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[5]) == 0)
-               dst_port[5] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[6] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[6]) == 0)
-               dst_port[6] = portid;
-       if (dst_port[7] >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                       (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port[7]) == 0)
-               dst_port[7] = portid;
-       /* dst addr */
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[0]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[0]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[1]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[1]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[2]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[2]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[3]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[3]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[4]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[4]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[5]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[5]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[6]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[6]];
-       *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr[7]->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port[7]];
-       /* src addr */
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[0]], &eth_hdr[0]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[1]], &eth_hdr[1]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[2]], &eth_hdr[2]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[3]], &eth_hdr[3]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[4]], &eth_hdr[4]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[5]], &eth_hdr[5]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[6]], &eth_hdr[6]->src_addr);
-       rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port[7]], &eth_hdr[7]->src_addr);
-       send_single_packet(m[0], dst_port[0]);
-       send_single_packet(m[1], dst_port[1]);
-       send_single_packet(m[2], dst_port[2]);
-       send_single_packet(m[3], dst_port[3]);
-       send_single_packet(m[4], dst_port[4]);
-       send_single_packet(m[5], dst_port[5]);
-       send_single_packet(m[6], dst_port[6]);
-       send_single_packet(m[7], dst_port[7]);
-#endif /* APP_LOOKUP_METHOD */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-l3fwd_simple_forward(struct rte_mbuf *m, uint16_t portid)
-       struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr;
-       struct rte_ipv4_hdr *ipv4_hdr;
-       uint16_t dst_port;
-       eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV4_HDR(m->packet_type)) {
-               /* Handle IPv4 headers.*/
-               ipv4_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m, struct rte_ipv4_hdr *,
-                               sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-#ifdef DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS
-               /* Check to make sure the packet is valid (RFC1812) */
-               if (is_valid_ipv4_pkt(ipv4_hdr, m->pkt_len) < 0) {
-                       rte_pktmbuf_free(m);
-                       return;
-               }
-                dst_port = get_ipv4_dst_port(ipv4_hdr, portid,
-                       RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->ipv4_lookup_struct);
-               if (dst_port >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                               (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port) == 0)
-                       dst_port = portid;
-#ifdef DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS
-               /* Update time to live and header checksum */
-               --(ipv4_hdr->time_to_live);
-               ++(ipv4_hdr->hdr_checksum);
-               /* dst addr */
-               *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port];
-               /* src addr */
-               rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port],
-                               &eth_hdr->src_addr);
-               send_single_packet(m, dst_port);
-       } else if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV6_HDR(m->packet_type)) {
-               /* Handle IPv6 headers.*/
-               struct rte_ipv6_hdr *ipv6_hdr;
-               ipv6_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod_offset(m, struct rte_ipv6_hdr *,
-                               sizeof(struct rte_ether_hdr));
-               dst_port = get_ipv6_dst_port(ipv6_hdr, portid,
-                               RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->ipv6_lookup_struct);
-               if (dst_port >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS ||
-                               (enabled_port_mask & 1 << dst_port) == 0)
-                       dst_port = portid;
-               /* dst addr */
-               *(uint64_t *)&eth_hdr->dst_addr = dest_eth_addr[dst_port];
-               /* src addr */
-               rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[dst_port],
-                               &eth_hdr->src_addr);
-               send_single_packet(m, dst_port);
-       } else
-               /* Free the mbuf that contains non-IPV4/IPV6 packet */
-               rte_pktmbuf_free(m);
-#ifdef DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS
-#define        IPV4_MIN_VER_IHL        0x45
-#define        IPV4_MAX_VER_IHL        0x4f
-/* Minimum value of IPV4 total length (20B) in network byte order. */
-#define        IPV4_MIN_LEN_BE (sizeof(struct rte_ipv4_hdr) << 8)
- * From http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc1812.txt section 5.2.2:
- * - The IP version number must be 4.
- * - The IP header length field must be large enough to hold the
- *    minimum length legal IP datagram (20 bytes = 5 words).
- * - The IP total length field must be large enough to hold the IP
- *   datagram header, whose length is specified in the IP header length
- *   field.
- * If we encounter invalid IPV4 packet, then set destination port for it
- * to BAD_PORT value.
- */
-static __rte_always_inline void
-rfc1812_process(struct rte_ipv4_hdr *ipv4_hdr, uint16_t *dp, uint32_t ptype)
-       uint8_t ihl;
-       if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV4_HDR(ptype)) {
-               ihl = ipv4_hdr->version_ihl - IPV4_MIN_VER_IHL;
-               ipv4_hdr->time_to_live--;
-               ipv4_hdr->hdr_checksum++;
-               if (ihl > IPV4_MAX_VER_IHL_DIFF ||
-                               ((uint8_t)ipv4_hdr->total_length == 0 &&
-                               ipv4_hdr->total_length < IPV4_MIN_LEN_BE)) {
-                       dp[0] = BAD_PORT;
-               }
-       }
-#define        rfc1812_process(mb, dp, ptype)  do { } while (0)
-#endif /* DO_RFC_1812_CHECKS */
-static __rte_always_inline uint16_t
-get_dst_port(struct rte_mbuf *pkt, uint32_t dst_ipv4, uint16_t portid)
-       uint32_t next_hop;
-       struct rte_ipv6_hdr *ipv6_hdr;
-       struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr;
-       if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV4_HDR(pkt->packet_type)) {
-               return (uint16_t) ((rte_lpm_lookup(
-                               RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->ipv4_lookup_struct, dst_ipv4,
-                               &next_hop) == 0) ? next_hop : portid);
-       } else if (RTE_ETH_IS_IPV6_HDR(pkt->packet_type)) {
-               eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt, struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-               ipv6_hdr = (struct rte_ipv6_hdr *)(eth_hdr + 1);
-               return (uint16_t) ((rte_lpm6_lookup(
-                               RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->ipv6_lookup_struct,
-                               ipv6_hdr->dst_addr, &next_hop) == 0) ?
-                               next_hop : portid);
-       }
-       return portid;
-static inline void
-process_packet(struct rte_mbuf *pkt, uint16_t *dst_port, uint16_t portid)
-       struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr;
-       struct rte_ipv4_hdr *ipv4_hdr;
-       uint32_t dst_ipv4;
-       uint16_t dp;
-       __m128i te, ve;
-       eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt, struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       ipv4_hdr = (struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)(eth_hdr + 1);
-       dst_ipv4 = ipv4_hdr->dst_addr;
-       dst_ipv4 = rte_be_to_cpu_32(dst_ipv4);
-       dp = get_dst_port(pkt, dst_ipv4, portid);
-       te = _mm_load_si128((__m128i *)eth_hdr);
-       ve = val_eth[dp];
-       dst_port[0] = dp;
-       rfc1812_process(ipv4_hdr, dst_port, pkt->packet_type);
-       te =  _mm_blend_epi16(te, ve, MASK_ETH);
-       _mm_store_si128((__m128i *)eth_hdr, te);
- * Read packet_type and destination IPV4 addresses from 4 mbufs.
- */
-static inline void
-processx4_step1(struct rte_mbuf *pkt[FWDSTEP],
-               __m128i *dip,
-               uint32_t *ipv4_flag)
-       struct rte_ipv4_hdr *ipv4_hdr;
-       struct rte_ether_hdr *eth_hdr;
-       uint32_t x0, x1, x2, x3;
-       eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt[0], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       ipv4_hdr = (struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)(eth_hdr + 1);
-       x0 = ipv4_hdr->dst_addr;
-       ipv4_flag[0] = pkt[0]->packet_type & RTE_PTYPE_L3_IPV4;
-       eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt[1], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       ipv4_hdr = (struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)(eth_hdr + 1);
-       x1 = ipv4_hdr->dst_addr;
-       ipv4_flag[0] &= pkt[1]->packet_type;
-       eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt[2], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       ipv4_hdr = (struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)(eth_hdr + 1);
-       x2 = ipv4_hdr->dst_addr;
-       ipv4_flag[0] &= pkt[2]->packet_type;
-       eth_hdr = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt[3], struct rte_ether_hdr *);
-       ipv4_hdr = (struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)(eth_hdr + 1);
-       x3 = ipv4_hdr->dst_addr;
-       ipv4_flag[0] &= pkt[3]->packet_type;
-       dip[0] = _mm_set_epi32(x3, x2, x1, x0);
- * Lookup into LPM for destination port.
- * If lookup fails, use incoming port (portid) as destination port.
- */
-static inline void
-processx4_step2(__m128i dip,
-               uint32_t ipv4_flag,
-               uint16_t portid,
-               struct rte_mbuf *pkt[FWDSTEP],
-               uint16_t dprt[FWDSTEP])
-       rte_xmm_t dst;
-       const __m128i bswap_mask = _mm_set_epi8(12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, 11,
-                       4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3);
-       /* Byte swap 4 IPV4 addresses. */
-       dip = _mm_shuffle_epi8(dip, bswap_mask);
-       /* if all 4 packets are IPV4. */
-       if (likely(ipv4_flag)) {
-               rte_lpm_lookupx4(RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->ipv4_lookup_struct, dip,
-                               dst.u32, portid);
-               /* get rid of unused upper 16 bit for each dport. */
-               dst.x = _mm_packs_epi32(dst.x, dst.x);
-               *(uint64_t *)dprt = dst.u64[0];
-       } else {
-               dst.x = dip;
-               dprt[0] = get_dst_port(pkt[0], dst.u32[0], portid);
-               dprt[1] = get_dst_port(pkt[1], dst.u32[1], portid);
-               dprt[2] = get_dst_port(pkt[2], dst.u32[2], portid);
-               dprt[3] = get_dst_port(pkt[3], dst.u32[3], portid);
-       }
- * Update source and destination MAC addresses in the ethernet header.
- * Perform RFC1812 checks and updates for IPV4 packets.
- */
-static inline void
-processx4_step3(struct rte_mbuf *pkt[FWDSTEP], uint16_t dst_port[FWDSTEP])
-       __m128i te[FWDSTEP];
-       __m128i ve[FWDSTEP];
-       __m128i *p[FWDSTEP];
-       p[0] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt[0], __m128i *);
-       p[1] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt[1], __m128i *);
-       p[2] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt[2], __m128i *);
-       p[3] = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkt[3], __m128i *);
-       ve[0] = val_eth[dst_port[0]];
-       te[0] = _mm_load_si128(p[0]);
-       ve[1] = val_eth[dst_port[1]];
-       te[1] = _mm_load_si128(p[1]);
-       ve[2] = val_eth[dst_port[2]];
-       te[2] = _mm_load_si128(p[2]);
-       ve[3] = val_eth[dst_port[3]];
-       te[3] = _mm_load_si128(p[3]);
-       /* Update first 12 bytes, keep rest bytes intact. */
-       te[0] =  _mm_blend_epi16(te[0], ve[0], MASK_ETH);
-       te[1] =  _mm_blend_epi16(te[1], ve[1], MASK_ETH);
-       te[2] =  _mm_blend_epi16(te[2], ve[2], MASK_ETH);
-       te[3] =  _mm_blend_epi16(te[3], ve[3], MASK_ETH);
-       _mm_store_si128(p[0], te[0]);
-       _mm_store_si128(p[1], te[1]);
-       _mm_store_si128(p[2], te[2]);
-       _mm_store_si128(p[3], te[3]);
-       rfc1812_process((struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)
-                       ((struct rte_ether_hdr *)p[0] + 1),
-                       &dst_port[0], pkt[0]->packet_type);
-       rfc1812_process((struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)
-                       ((struct rte_ether_hdr *)p[1] + 1),
-                       &dst_port[1], pkt[1]->packet_type);
-       rfc1812_process((struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)
-                       ((struct rte_ether_hdr *)p[2] + 1),
-                       &dst_port[2], pkt[2]->packet_type);
-       rfc1812_process((struct rte_ipv4_hdr *)
-                       ((struct rte_ether_hdr *)p[3] + 1),
-                       &dst_port[3], pkt[3]->packet_type);
- * We group consecutive packets with the same destination port into one burst.
- * To avoid extra latency this is done together with some other packet
- * processing, but after we made a final decision about packet's destination.
- * To do this we maintain:
- * pnum - array of number of consecutive packets with the same dest port for
- * each packet in the input burst.
- * lp - pointer to the last updated element in the pnum.
- * dlp - dest port value lp corresponds to.
- */
-#define        GRPSZ   (1 << FWDSTEP)
-#define        GRPMSK  (GRPSZ - 1)
-#define GROUP_PORT_STEP(dlp, dcp, lp, pn, idx) do { \
-       if (likely((dlp) == (dcp)[(idx)])) {         \
-               (lp)[0]++;                           \
-       } else {                                     \
-               (dlp) = (dcp)[idx];                  \
-               (lp) = (pn) + (idx);                 \
-               (lp)[0] = 1;                         \
-       }                                            \
-} while (0)
- * Group consecutive packets with the same destination port in bursts of 4.
- * Suppose we have array of destination ports:
- * dst_port[] = {a, b, c, d,, e, ... }
- * dp1 should contain: <a, b, c, d>, dp2: <b, c, d, e>.
- * We doing 4 comparisons at once and the result is 4 bit mask.
- * This mask is used as an index into prebuild array of pnum values.
- */
-static inline uint16_t *
-port_groupx4(uint16_t pn[FWDSTEP + 1], uint16_t *lp, __m128i dp1, __m128i dp2)
-       static const struct {
-               uint64_t pnum; /* prebuild 4 values for pnum[]. */
-               int32_t  idx;  /* index for new last updated element. */
-               uint16_t lpv;  /* add value to the last updated element. */
-       } gptbl[GRPSZ] = {
-       {
-               /* 0: a != b, b != c, c != d, d != e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0001000100010001),
-               .idx = 4,
-               .lpv = 0,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 1: a == b, b != c, c != d, d != e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0001000100010002),
-               .idx = 4,
-               .lpv = 1,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 2: a != b, b == c, c != d, d != e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0001000100020001),
-               .idx = 4,
-               .lpv = 0,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 3: a == b, b == c, c != d, d != e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0001000100020003),
-               .idx = 4,
-               .lpv = 2,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 4: a != b, b != c, c == d, d != e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0001000200010001),
-               .idx = 4,
-               .lpv = 0,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 5: a == b, b != c, c == d, d != e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0001000200010002),
-               .idx = 4,
-               .lpv = 1,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 6: a != b, b == c, c == d, d != e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0001000200030001),
-               .idx = 4,
-               .lpv = 0,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 7: a == b, b == c, c == d, d != e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0001000200030004),
-               .idx = 4,
-               .lpv = 3,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 8: a != b, b != c, c != d, d == e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0002000100010001),
-               .idx = 3,
-               .lpv = 0,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 9: a == b, b != c, c != d, d == e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0002000100010002),
-               .idx = 3,
-               .lpv = 1,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 0xa: a != b, b == c, c != d, d == e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0002000100020001),
-               .idx = 3,
-               .lpv = 0,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 0xb: a == b, b == c, c != d, d == e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0002000100020003),
-               .idx = 3,
-               .lpv = 2,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 0xc: a != b, b != c, c == d, d == e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0002000300010001),
-               .idx = 2,
-               .lpv = 0,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 0xd: a == b, b != c, c == d, d == e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0002000300010002),
-               .idx = 2,
-               .lpv = 1,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 0xe: a != b, b == c, c == d, d == e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0002000300040001),
-               .idx = 1,
-               .lpv = 0,
-       },
-       {
-               /* 0xf: a == b, b == c, c == d, d == e */
-               .pnum = UINT64_C(0x0002000300040005),
-               .idx = 0,
-               .lpv = 4,
-       },
-       };
-       union {
-               uint16_t u16[FWDSTEP + 1];
-               uint64_t u64;
-       } *pnum = (void *)pn;
-       int32_t v;
-       dp1 = _mm_cmpeq_epi16(dp1, dp2);
-       dp1 = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(dp1, dp1);
-       v = _mm_movemask_ps((__m128)dp1);
-       /* update last port counter. */
-       lp[0] += gptbl[v].lpv;
-       /* if dest port value has changed. */
-       if (v != GRPMSK) {
-               pnum->u64 = gptbl[v].pnum;
-               pnum->u16[FWDSTEP] = 1;
-               lp = pnum->u16 + gptbl[v].idx;
-       }
-       return lp;
-#endif /* APP_LOOKUP_METHOD */
-static void
-process_burst(struct rte_mbuf *pkts_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST], int nb_rx,
-               uint16_t portid)
-       int j;
-       int32_t k;
-       uint16_t dlp;
-       uint16_t *lp;
-       uint16_t dst_port[MAX_PKT_BURST];
-       __m128i dip[MAX_PKT_BURST / FWDSTEP];
-       uint32_t ipv4_flag[MAX_PKT_BURST / FWDSTEP];
-       uint16_t pnum[MAX_PKT_BURST + 1];
-       {
-               /*
-                * Send nb_rx - nb_rx%8 packets
-                * in groups of 8.
-                */
-               int32_t n = RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_rx, 8);
-               for (j = 0; j < n; j += 8) {
-                       uint32_t pkt_type =
-                               pkts_burst[j]->packet_type &
-                               pkts_burst[j+1]->packet_type &
-                               pkts_burst[j+2]->packet_type &
-                               pkts_burst[j+3]->packet_type &
-                               pkts_burst[j+4]->packet_type &
-                               pkts_burst[j+5]->packet_type &
-                               pkts_burst[j+6]->packet_type &
-                               pkts_burst[j+7]->packet_type;
-                       if (pkt_type & RTE_PTYPE_L3_IPV4) {
-                               simple_ipv4_fwd_8pkts(&pkts_burst[j], portid);
-                       } else if (pkt_type &
-                               RTE_PTYPE_L3_IPV6) {
-                               simple_ipv6_fwd_8pkts(&pkts_burst[j], portid);
-                       } else {
-                               l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j], portid);
-                               l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j+1], portid);
-                               l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j+2], portid);
-                               l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j+3], portid);
-                               l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j+4], portid);
-                               l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j+5], portid);
-                               l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j+6], portid);
-                               l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j+7], portid);
-                       }
-               }
-               for (; j < nb_rx ; j++)
-                       l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j], portid);
-       }
-       k = RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_rx, FWDSTEP);
-       for (j = 0; j != k; j += FWDSTEP)
-               processx4_step1(&pkts_burst[j], &dip[j / FWDSTEP],
-                               &ipv4_flag[j / FWDSTEP]);
-       k = RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_rx, FWDSTEP);
-       for (j = 0; j != k; j += FWDSTEP)
-               processx4_step2(dip[j / FWDSTEP], ipv4_flag[j / FWDSTEP],
-                               portid, &pkts_burst[j], &dst_port[j]);
-       /*
-        * Finish packet processing and group consecutive
-        * packets with the same destination port.
-        */
-       k = RTE_ALIGN_FLOOR(nb_rx, FWDSTEP);
-       if (k != 0) {
-               __m128i dp1, dp2;
-               lp = pnum;
-               lp[0] = 1;
-               processx4_step3(pkts_burst, dst_port);
-               /* dp1: <d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], ... > */
-               dp1 = _mm_loadu_si128((__m128i *)dst_port);
-               for (j = FWDSTEP; j != k; j += FWDSTEP) {
-                       processx4_step3(&pkts_burst[j], &dst_port[j]);
-                       /*
-                        * dp2:
-                        * <d[j-3], d[j-2], d[j-1], d[j], ... >
-                        */
-                       dp2 = _mm_loadu_si128(
-                                       (__m128i *)&dst_port[j - FWDSTEP + 1]);
-                       lp  = port_groupx4(&pnum[j - FWDSTEP], lp, dp1, dp2);
-                       /*
-                        * dp1:
-                        * <d[j], d[j+1], d[j+2], d[j+3], ... >
-                        */
-                       dp1 = _mm_srli_si128(dp2, (FWDSTEP - 1) *
-                                       sizeof(dst_port[0]));
-               }
-               /*
-                * dp2: <d[j-3], d[j-2], d[j-1], d[j-1], ... >
-                */
-               dp2 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dp1, 0xf9);
-               lp  = port_groupx4(&pnum[j - FWDSTEP], lp, dp1, dp2);
-               /*
-                * remove values added by the last repeated
-                * dst port.
-                */
-               lp[0]--;
-               dlp = dst_port[j - 1];
-       } else {
-               /* set dlp and lp to the never used values. */
-               dlp = BAD_PORT - 1;
-               lp = pnum + MAX_PKT_BURST;
-       }
-       /* Process up to last 3 packets one by one. */
-       switch (nb_rx % FWDSTEP) {
-       case 3:
-               process_packet(pkts_burst[j], dst_port + j, portid);
-               GROUP_PORT_STEP(dlp, dst_port, lp, pnum, j);
-               j++;
-               /* fall-through */
-       case 2:
-               process_packet(pkts_burst[j], dst_port + j, portid);
-               GROUP_PORT_STEP(dlp, dst_port, lp, pnum, j);
-               j++;
-               /* fall-through */
-       case 1:
-               process_packet(pkts_burst[j], dst_port + j, portid);
-               GROUP_PORT_STEP(dlp, dst_port, lp, pnum, j);
-               j++;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Send packets out, through destination port.
-        * Consecutive packets with the same destination port
-        * are already grouped together.
-        * If destination port for the packet equals BAD_PORT,
-        * then free the packet without sending it out.
-        */
-       for (j = 0; j < nb_rx; j += k) {
-               int32_t m;
-               uint16_t pn;
-               pn = dst_port[j];
-               k = pnum[j];
-               if (likely(pn != BAD_PORT))
-                       send_packetsx4(pn, pkts_burst + j, k);
-               else
-                       for (m = j; m != j + k; m++)
-                               rte_pktmbuf_free(pkts_burst[m]);
-       }
-#endif /* APP_LOOKUP_METHOD */
-       /* Prefetch first packets */
-       for (j = 0; j < PREFETCH_OFFSET && j < nb_rx; j++)
-               rte_prefetch0(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkts_burst[j], void *));
-       /* Prefetch and forward already prefetched packets */
-       for (j = 0; j < (nb_rx - PREFETCH_OFFSET); j++) {
-               rte_prefetch0(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(pkts_burst[
-                               j + PREFETCH_OFFSET], void *));
-               l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j], portid);
-       }
-       /* Forward remaining prefetched packets */
-       for (; j < nb_rx; j++)
-               l3fwd_simple_forward(pkts_burst[j], portid);
-#if (APP_CPU_LOAD > 0)
- * CPU-load stats collector
- */
-static int __rte_noreturn
-cpu_load_collector(__rte_unused void *arg) {
-       unsigned i, j, k;
-       uint64_t prev_tsc, diff_tsc, cur_tsc;
-       uint64_t total[MAX_CPU] = { 0 };
-       unsigned min_cpu = MAX_CPU;
-       unsigned max_cpu = 0;
-       unsigned cpu_id;
-       int busy_total = 0;
-       int busy_flag = 0;
-       unsigned int n_thread_per_cpu[MAX_CPU] = { 0 };
-       struct thread_conf *thread_per_cpu[MAX_CPU][MAX_THREAD];
-       struct thread_conf *thread_conf;
-       const uint64_t interval_tsc = (rte_get_tsc_hz() + US_PER_S - 1) /
-               US_PER_S * CPU_LOAD_TIMEOUT_US;
-       prev_tsc = 0;
-       /*
-        * Wait for all threads
-        */
-       printf("Waiting for %d rx threads and %d tx threads\n", n_rx_thread,
-                       n_tx_thread);
-       rte_wait_until_equal_16(&rx_counter, n_rx_thread, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       rte_wait_until_equal_16(&tx_counter, n_tx_thread, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       for (i = 0; i < n_rx_thread; i++) {
-               thread_conf = &rx_thread[i].conf;
-               cpu_id = thread_conf->cpu_id;
-               thread_per_cpu[cpu_id][n_thread_per_cpu[cpu_id]++] = thread_conf;
-               if (cpu_id > max_cpu)
-                       max_cpu = cpu_id;
-               if (cpu_id < min_cpu)
-                       min_cpu = cpu_id;
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < n_tx_thread; i++) {
-               thread_conf = &tx_thread[i].conf;
-               cpu_id = thread_conf->cpu_id;
-               thread_per_cpu[cpu_id][n_thread_per_cpu[cpu_id]++] = thread_conf;
-               if (thread_conf->cpu_id > max_cpu)
-                       max_cpu = thread_conf->cpu_id;
-               if (thread_conf->cpu_id < min_cpu)
-                       min_cpu = thread_conf->cpu_id;
-       }
-       while (1) {
-               cpu_load.counter++;
-               for (i = min_cpu; i <= max_cpu; i++) {
-                       for (j = 0; j < MAX_CPU_COUNTER; j++) {
-                               for (k = 0; k < n_thread_per_cpu[i]; k++)
-                                       if (thread_per_cpu[i][k]->busy[j]) {
-                                               busy_flag = 1;
-                                               break;
-                                       }
-                               if (busy_flag) {
-                                       cpu_load.hits[j][i]++;
-                                       busy_total = 1;
-                                       busy_flag = 0;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if (busy_total) {
-                               total[i]++;
-                               busy_total = 0;
-                       }
-               }
-               cur_tsc = rte_rdtsc();
-               diff_tsc = cur_tsc - prev_tsc;
-               if (unlikely(diff_tsc > interval_tsc)) {
-                       printf("\033c");
-                       printf("Cpu usage for %d rx threads and %d tx threads:\n\n",
-                                       n_rx_thread, n_tx_thread);
-                       printf("cpu#     proc%%  poll%%  overhead%%\n\n");
-                       for (i = min_cpu; i <= max_cpu; i++) {
-                               printf("CPU %d:", i);
-                               for (j = 0; j < MAX_CPU_COUNTER; j++) {
-                                       printf("%7" PRIu64 "",
-                                                       cpu_load.hits[j][i] * 100 / cpu_load.counter);
-                                       cpu_load.hits[j][i] = 0;
-                               }
-                               printf("%7" PRIu64 "\n",
-                                               100 - total[i] * 100 / cpu_load.counter);
-                               total[i] = 0;
-                       }
-                       cpu_load.counter = 0;
-                       prev_tsc = cur_tsc;
-               }
-       }
-#endif /* APP_CPU_LOAD */
- * Null processing lthread loop
- *
- * This loop is used to start empty scheduler on lcore.
- */
-static void *
-lthread_null(__rte_unused void *args)
-       int lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();
-       RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, "Starting scheduler on lcore %d.\n", lcore_id);
-       lthread_exit(NULL);
-       return NULL;
-/* main processing loop */
-static void *
-lthread_tx_per_ring(void *dummy)
-       int nb_rx;
-       uint16_t portid;
-       struct rte_ring *ring;
-       struct thread_tx_conf *tx_conf;
-       struct rte_mbuf *pkts_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST];
-       struct lthread_cond *ready;
-       tx_conf = (struct thread_tx_conf *)dummy;
-       ring = tx_conf->ring;
-       ready = *tx_conf->ready;
-       lthread_set_data((void *)tx_conf);
-       /*
-        * Move this lthread to lcore
-        */
-       lthread_set_affinity(tx_conf->conf.lcore_id);
-       RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, "entering main tx loop on lcore %u\n", rte_lcore_id());
-       nb_rx = 0;
-       __atomic_fetch_add(&tx_counter, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       while (1) {
-               /*
-                * Read packet from ring
-                */
-               SET_CPU_BUSY(tx_conf, CPU_POLL);
-               nb_rx = rte_ring_sc_dequeue_burst(ring, (void **)pkts_burst,
-                               MAX_PKT_BURST, NULL);
-               SET_CPU_IDLE(tx_conf, CPU_POLL);
-               if (nb_rx > 0) {
-                       SET_CPU_BUSY(tx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-                       portid = pkts_burst[0]->port;
-                       process_burst(pkts_burst, nb_rx, portid);
-                       SET_CPU_IDLE(tx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-                       lthread_yield();
-               } else
-                       lthread_cond_wait(ready, 0);
-       }
-       return NULL;
- * Main tx-lthreads spawner lthread.
- *
- * This lthread is used to spawn one new lthread per ring from producers.
- *
- */
-static void *
-lthread_tx(void *args)
-       struct lthread *lt;
-       unsigned lcore_id;
-       uint16_t portid;
-       struct thread_tx_conf *tx_conf;
-       tx_conf = (struct thread_tx_conf *)args;
-       lthread_set_data((void *)tx_conf);
-       /*
-        * Move this lthread to the selected lcore
-        */
-       lthread_set_affinity(tx_conf->conf.lcore_id);
-       /*
-        * Spawn tx readers (one per input ring)
-        */
-       lthread_create(&lt, tx_conf->conf.lcore_id, lthread_tx_per_ring,
-                       (void *)tx_conf);
-       lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();
-       RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, "Entering Tx main loop on lcore %u\n", lcore_id);
-       tx_conf->conf.cpu_id = sched_getcpu();
-       while (1) {
-               lthread_sleep(BURST_TX_DRAIN_US * 1000);
-               /*
-                * TX burst queue drain
-                */
-               for (portid = 0; portid < RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS; portid++) {
-                       if (tx_conf->tx_mbufs[portid].len == 0)
-                               continue;
-                       SET_CPU_BUSY(tx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-                       send_burst(tx_conf, tx_conf->tx_mbufs[portid].len, portid);
-                       SET_CPU_IDLE(tx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-                       tx_conf->tx_mbufs[portid].len = 0;
-               }
-       }
-       return NULL;
-static void *
-lthread_rx(void *dummy)
-       int ret;
-       uint16_t nb_rx;
-       int i;
-       uint16_t portid;
-       uint8_t queueid;
-       int worker_id;
-       int len[RTE_MAX_LCORE] = { 0 };
-       int old_len, new_len;
-       struct rte_mbuf *pkts_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST];
-       struct thread_rx_conf *rx_conf;
-       rx_conf = (struct thread_rx_conf *)dummy;
-       lthread_set_data((void *)rx_conf);
-       /*
-        * Move this lthread to lcore
-        */
-       lthread_set_affinity(rx_conf->conf.lcore_id);
-       if (rx_conf->n_rx_queue == 0) {
-               RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, "lcore %u has nothing to do\n", rte_lcore_id());
-               return NULL;
-       }
-       RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, "Entering main Rx loop on lcore %u\n", rte_lcore_id());
-       for (i = 0; i < rx_conf->n_rx_queue; i++) {
-               portid = rx_conf->rx_queue_list[i].port_id;
-               queueid = rx_conf->rx_queue_list[i].queue_id;
-               RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD,
-                       " -- lcoreid=%u portid=%u rxqueueid=%hhu\n",
-                               rte_lcore_id(), portid, queueid);
-       }
-       /*
-        * Init all condition variables (one per rx thread)
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < rx_conf->n_rx_queue; i++)
-               lthread_cond_init(NULL, &rx_conf->ready[i], NULL);
-       worker_id = 0;
-       rx_conf->conf.cpu_id = sched_getcpu();
-       __atomic_fetch_add(&rx_counter, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       while (1) {
-               /*
-                * Read packet from RX queues
-                */
-               for (i = 0; i < rx_conf->n_rx_queue; ++i) {
-                       portid = rx_conf->rx_queue_list[i].port_id;
-                       queueid = rx_conf->rx_queue_list[i].queue_id;
-                       SET_CPU_BUSY(rx_conf, CPU_POLL);
-                       nb_rx = rte_eth_rx_burst(portid, queueid, pkts_burst,
-                               MAX_PKT_BURST);
-                       SET_CPU_IDLE(rx_conf, CPU_POLL);
-                       if (nb_rx != 0) {
-                               worker_id = (worker_id + 1) % rx_conf->n_ring;
-                               old_len = len[worker_id];
-                               SET_CPU_BUSY(rx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-                               ret = rte_ring_sp_enqueue_burst(
-                                               rx_conf->ring[worker_id],
-                                               (void **) pkts_burst,
-                                               nb_rx, NULL);
-                               new_len = old_len + ret;
-                               if (new_len >= BURST_SIZE) {
-                                       lthread_cond_signal(rx_conf->ready[worker_id]);
-                                       new_len = 0;
-                               }
-                               len[worker_id] = new_len;
-                               if (unlikely(ret < nb_rx)) {
-                                       uint32_t k;
-                                       for (k = ret; k < nb_rx; k++) {
-                                               struct rte_mbuf *m = pkts_burst[k];
-                                               rte_pktmbuf_free(m);
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               SET_CPU_IDLE(rx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-                       }
-                       lthread_yield();
-               }
-       }
-       return NULL;
- * Start scheduler with initial lthread on lcore
- *
- * This lthread loop spawns all rx and tx lthreads on main lcore
- */
-static void *
-lthread_spawner(__rte_unused void *arg)
-       struct lthread *lt[MAX_THREAD];
-       int i;
-       int n_thread = 0;
-       printf("Entering lthread_spawner\n");
-       /*
-        * Create producers (rx threads) on default lcore
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < n_rx_thread; i++) {
-               rx_thread[i].conf.thread_id = i;
-               lthread_create(&lt[n_thread], -1, lthread_rx,
-                               (void *)&rx_thread[i]);
-               n_thread++;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Wait for all producers. Until some producers can be started on the same
-        * scheduler as this lthread, yielding is required to let them to run and
-        * prevent deadlock here.
-        */
-       while (__atomic_load_n(&rx_counter, __ATOMIC_RELAXED) < n_rx_thread)
-               lthread_sleep(100000);
-       /*
-        * Create consumers (tx threads) on default lcore_id
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < n_tx_thread; i++) {
-               tx_thread[i].conf.thread_id = i;
-               lthread_create(&lt[n_thread], -1, lthread_tx,
-                               (void *)&tx_thread[i]);
-               n_thread++;
-       }
-       /*
-        * Wait for all threads finished
-        */
-       for (i = 0; i < n_thread; i++)
-               lthread_join(lt[i], NULL);
-       return NULL;
- * Start main scheduler with initial lthread spawning rx and tx lthreads
- * (main_lthread_main).
- */
-static int
-lthread_main_spawner(__rte_unused void *arg) {
-       struct lthread *lt;
-       int lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();
-       RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf) = &lcore_conf[lcore_id];
-       lthread_create(&lt, -1, lthread_spawner, NULL);
-       lthread_run();
-       return 0;
- * Start scheduler on lcore.
- */
-static int
-sched_spawner(__rte_unused void *arg) {
-       struct lthread *lt;
-       int lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();
-       if (lcore_id == cpu_load_lcore_id) {
-               cpu_load_collector(arg);
-               return 0;
-       }
-#endif /* APP_CPU_LOAD */
-       RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf) = &lcore_conf[lcore_id];
-       lthread_create(&lt, -1, lthread_null, NULL);
-       lthread_run();
-       return 0;
-/* main processing loop */
-static int __rte_noreturn
-pthread_tx(void *dummy)
-       struct rte_mbuf *pkts_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST];
-       uint64_t prev_tsc, diff_tsc, cur_tsc;
-       int nb_rx;
-       uint16_t portid;
-       struct thread_tx_conf *tx_conf;
-       const uint64_t drain_tsc = (rte_get_tsc_hz() + US_PER_S - 1) /
-               US_PER_S * BURST_TX_DRAIN_US;
-       prev_tsc = 0;
-       tx_conf = (struct thread_tx_conf *)dummy;
-       RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, "Entering main Tx loop on lcore %u\n", rte_lcore_id());
-       tx_conf->conf.cpu_id = sched_getcpu();
-       __atomic_fetch_add(&tx_counter, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       while (1) {
-               cur_tsc = rte_rdtsc();
-               /*
-                * TX burst queue drain
-                */
-               diff_tsc = cur_tsc - prev_tsc;
-               if (unlikely(diff_tsc > drain_tsc)) {
-                       /*
-                        * This could be optimized (use queueid instead of
-                        * portid), but it is not called so often
-                        */
-                       SET_CPU_BUSY(tx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-                       for (portid = 0; portid < RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS; portid++) {
-                               if (tx_conf->tx_mbufs[portid].len == 0)
-                                       continue;
-                               send_burst(tx_conf, tx_conf->tx_mbufs[portid].len, portid);
-                               tx_conf->tx_mbufs[portid].len = 0;
-                       }
-                       SET_CPU_IDLE(tx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-                       prev_tsc = cur_tsc;
-               }
-               /*
-                * Read packet from ring
-                */
-               SET_CPU_BUSY(tx_conf, CPU_POLL);
-               nb_rx = rte_ring_sc_dequeue_burst(tx_conf->ring,
-                               (void **)pkts_burst, MAX_PKT_BURST, NULL);
-               SET_CPU_IDLE(tx_conf, CPU_POLL);
-               if (unlikely(nb_rx == 0)) {
-                       sched_yield();
-                       continue;
-               }
-               SET_CPU_BUSY(tx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-               portid = pkts_burst[0]->port;
-               process_burst(pkts_burst, nb_rx, portid);
-               SET_CPU_IDLE(tx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-       }
-static int
-pthread_rx(void *dummy)
-       int i;
-       int worker_id;
-       uint32_t n;
-       uint32_t nb_rx;
-       unsigned lcore_id;
-       uint8_t queueid;
-       uint16_t portid;
-       struct rte_mbuf *pkts_burst[MAX_PKT_BURST];
-       struct thread_rx_conf *rx_conf;
-       lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();
-       rx_conf = (struct thread_rx_conf *)dummy;
-       if (rx_conf->n_rx_queue == 0) {
-               RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, "lcore %u has nothing to do\n", lcore_id);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD, "entering main rx loop on lcore %u\n", lcore_id);
-       for (i = 0; i < rx_conf->n_rx_queue; i++) {
-               portid = rx_conf->rx_queue_list[i].port_id;
-               queueid = rx_conf->rx_queue_list[i].queue_id;
-               RTE_LOG(INFO, L3FWD,
-                       " -- lcoreid=%u portid=%u rxqueueid=%hhu\n",
-                               lcore_id, portid, queueid);
-       }
-       worker_id = 0;
-       rx_conf->conf.cpu_id = sched_getcpu();
-       __atomic_fetch_add(&rx_counter, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
-       while (1) {
-               /*
-                * Read packet from RX queues
-                */
-               for (i = 0; i < rx_conf->n_rx_queue; ++i) {
-                       portid = rx_conf->rx_queue_list[i].port_id;
-                       queueid = rx_conf->rx_queue_list[i].queue_id;
-                       SET_CPU_BUSY(rx_conf, CPU_POLL);
-                       nb_rx = rte_eth_rx_burst(portid, queueid, pkts_burst,
-                               MAX_PKT_BURST);
-                       SET_CPU_IDLE(rx_conf, CPU_POLL);
-                       if (nb_rx == 0) {
-                               sched_yield();
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       SET_CPU_BUSY(rx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-                       worker_id = (worker_id + 1) % rx_conf->n_ring;
-                       n = rte_ring_sp_enqueue_burst(rx_conf->ring[worker_id],
-                                       (void **)pkts_burst, nb_rx, NULL);
-                       if (unlikely(n != nb_rx)) {
-                               uint32_t k;
-                               for (k = n; k < nb_rx; k++) {
-                                       struct rte_mbuf *m = pkts_burst[k];
-                                       rte_pktmbuf_free(m);
-                               }
-                       }
-                       SET_CPU_IDLE(rx_conf, CPU_PROCESS);
-               }
-       }
- * P-Thread spawner.
- */
-static int
-pthread_run(__rte_unused void *arg) {
-       int lcore_id = rte_lcore_id();
-       int i;
-       for (i = 0; i < n_rx_thread; i++)
-               if (rx_thread[i].conf.lcore_id == lcore_id) {
-                       printf("Start rx thread on %d...\n", lcore_id);
-                       RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf) = &lcore_conf[lcore_id];
-                       RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->data = (void *)&rx_thread[i];
-                       pthread_rx((void *)&rx_thread[i]);
-                       return 0;
-               }
-       for (i = 0; i < n_tx_thread; i++)
-               if (tx_thread[i].conf.lcore_id == lcore_id) {
-                       printf("Start tx thread on %d...\n", lcore_id);
-                       RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf) = &lcore_conf[lcore_id];
-                       RTE_PER_LCORE(lcore_conf)->data = (void *)&tx_thread[i];
-                       pthread_tx((void *)&tx_thread[i]);
-                       return 0;
-               }
-       if (lcore_id == cpu_load_lcore_id)
-               cpu_load_collector(arg);
-#endif /* APP_CPU_LOAD */
-       return 0;
-static int
-       uint8_t queue, lcore;
-       uint16_t i;
-       int socketid;
-       for (i = 0; i < nb_rx_thread_params; ++i) {
-               queue = rx_thread_params[i].queue_id;
-               if (queue >= MAX_RX_QUEUE_PER_PORT) {
-                       printf("invalid queue number: %hhu\n", queue);
-                       return -1;
-               }
-               lcore = rx_thread_params[i].lcore_id;
-               if (!rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore)) {
-                       printf("error: lcore %hhu is not enabled in lcore mask\n", lcore);
-                       return -1;
-               }
-               socketid = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore);
-               if ((socketid != 0) && (numa_on == 0))
-                       printf("warning: lcore %hhu is on socket %d with numa off\n",
-                               lcore, socketid);
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int
-       unsigned portid;
-       uint16_t i;
-       for (i = 0; i < nb_rx_thread_params; ++i) {
-               portid = rx_thread_params[i].port_id;
-               if ((enabled_port_mask & (1 << portid)) == 0) {
-                       printf("port %u is not enabled in port mask\n", portid);
-                       return -1;
-               }
-               if (!rte_eth_dev_is_valid_port(portid)) {
-                       printf("port %u is not present on the board\n", portid);
-                       return -1;
-               }
-       }
-       return 0;
-static uint8_t
-get_port_n_rx_queues(const uint16_t port)
-       int queue = -1;
-       uint16_t i;
-       for (i = 0; i < nb_rx_thread_params; ++i)
-               if (rx_thread_params[i].port_id == port &&
-                               rx_thread_params[i].queue_id > queue)
-                       queue = rx_thread_params[i].queue_id;
-       return (uint8_t)(++queue);
-static int
-       unsigned socket_io;
-       struct thread_rx_conf *rx_conf;
-       struct thread_tx_conf *tx_conf;
-       unsigned rx_thread_id, tx_thread_id;
-       char name[256];
-       struct rte_ring *ring = NULL;
-       for (tx_thread_id = 0; tx_thread_id < n_tx_thread; tx_thread_id++) {
-               tx_conf = &tx_thread[tx_thread_id];
-               printf("Connecting tx-thread %d with rx-thread %d\n", tx_thread_id,
-                               tx_conf->conf.thread_id);
-               rx_thread_id = tx_conf->conf.thread_id;
-               if (rx_thread_id > n_tx_thread) {
-                       printf("connection from tx-thread %u to rx-thread %u fails "
-                                       "(rx-thread not defined)\n", tx_thread_id, rx_thread_id);
-                       return -1;
-               }
-               rx_conf = &rx_thread[rx_thread_id];
-               socket_io = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(rx_conf->conf.lcore_id);
-               snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "app_ring_s%u_rx%u_tx%u",
-                               socket_io, rx_thread_id, tx_thread_id);
-               ring = rte_ring_create(name, 1024 * 4, socket_io,
-                               RING_F_SP_ENQ | RING_F_SC_DEQ);
-               if (ring == NULL) {
-                       rte_panic("Cannot create ring to connect rx-thread %u "
-                                       "with tx-thread %u\n", rx_thread_id, tx_thread_id);
-               }
-               rx_conf->ring[rx_conf->n_ring] = ring;
-               tx_conf->ring = ring;
-               tx_conf->ready = &rx_conf->ready[rx_conf->n_ring];
-               rx_conf->n_ring++;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int
-       uint16_t i, nb_rx_queue;
-       uint8_t thread;
-       n_rx_thread = 0;
-       for (i = 0; i < nb_rx_thread_params; ++i) {
-               thread = rx_thread_params[i].thread_id;
-               nb_rx_queue = rx_thread[thread].n_rx_queue;
-               if (nb_rx_queue >= MAX_RX_QUEUE_PER_LCORE) {
-                       printf("error: too many queues (%u) for thread: %u\n",
-                               (unsigned)nb_rx_queue + 1, (unsigned)thread);
-                       return -1;
-               }
-               rx_thread[thread].conf.thread_id = thread;
-               rx_thread[thread].conf.lcore_id = rx_thread_params[i].lcore_id;
-               rx_thread[thread].rx_queue_list[nb_rx_queue].port_id =
-                       rx_thread_params[i].port_id;
-               rx_thread[thread].rx_queue_list[nb_rx_queue].queue_id =
-                       rx_thread_params[i].queue_id;
-               rx_thread[thread].n_rx_queue++;
-               if (thread >= n_rx_thread)
-                       n_rx_thread = thread + 1;
-       }
-       return 0;
-static int
-       int i;
-       n_tx_thread = 0;
-       for (i = 0; i < nb_tx_thread_params; ++i) {
-               tx_thread[n_tx_thread].conf.thread_id = tx_thread_params[i].thread_id;
-               tx_thread[n_tx_thread].conf.lcore_id = tx_thread_params[i].lcore_id;
-               n_tx_thread++;
-       }
-       return 0;
-/* display usage */
-static void
-print_usage(const char *prgname)
-       printf("%s [EAL options] -- -p PORTMASK -P"
-               "  [--rx (port,queue,lcore,thread)[,(port,queue,lcore,thread]]"
-               "  [--tx (lcore,thread)[,(lcore,thread]]"
-               "  [--max-pkt-len PKTLEN]"
-               "  [--parse-ptype]\n\n"
-               "  -p PORTMASK: hexadecimal bitmask of ports to configure\n"
-               "  -P : enable promiscuous mode\n"
-               "  --rx (port,queue,lcore,thread): rx queues configuration\n"
-               "  --tx (lcore,thread): tx threads configuration\n"
-               "  --stat-lcore LCORE: use lcore for stat collector\n"
-               "  --eth-dest=X,MM:MM:MM:MM:MM:MM: optional, ethernet destination for port X\n"
-               "  --no-numa: optional, disable numa awareness\n"
-               "  --ipv6: optional, specify it if running ipv6 packets\n"
-               "  --max-pkt-len PKTLEN: maximum packet length in decimal (64-9600)\n"
-               "  --hash-entry-num: specify the hash entry number in hexadecimal to be setup\n"
-               "  --no-lthreads: turn off lthread model\n"
-               "  --parse-ptype: set to use software to analyze packet type\n\n",
-               prgname);
-static int parse_max_pkt_len(const char *pktlen)
-       char *end = NULL;
-       unsigned long len;
-       /* parse decimal string */
-       len = strtoul(pktlen, &end, 10);
-       if ((pktlen[0] == '\0') || (end == NULL) || (*end != '\0'))
-               return -1;
-       if (len == 0)
-               return -1;
-       return len;
-static int
-parse_portmask(const char *portmask)
-       char *end = NULL;
-       unsigned long pm;
-       /* parse hexadecimal string */
-       pm = strtoul(portmask, &end, 16);
-       if ((portmask[0] == '\0') || (end == NULL) || (*end != '\0'))
-               return 0;
-       return pm;
-static int
-parse_hash_entry_number(const char *hash_entry_num)
-       char *end = NULL;
-       unsigned long hash_en;
-       /* parse hexadecimal string */
-       hash_en = strtoul(hash_entry_num, &end, 16);
-       if ((hash_entry_num[0] == '\0') || (end == NULL) || (*end != '\0'))
-               return -1;
-       if (hash_en == 0)
-               return -1;
-       return hash_en;
-static int
-parse_rx_config(const char *q_arg)
-       char s[256];
-       const char *p, *p0 = q_arg;
-       char *end;
-       enum fieldnames {
-               FLD_PORT = 0,
-               FLD_QUEUE,
-               FLD_LCORE,
-               FLD_THREAD,
-               _NUM_FLD
-       };
-       unsigned long int_fld[_NUM_FLD];
-       char *str_fld[_NUM_FLD];
-       int i;
-       unsigned size;
-       nb_rx_thread_params = 0;
-       while ((p = strchr(p0, '(')) != NULL) {
-               ++p;
-               p0 = strchr(p, ')');
-               if (p0 == NULL)
-                       return -1;
-               size = p0 - p;
-               if (size >= sizeof(s))
-                       return -1;
-               snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%.*s", size, p);
-               if (rte_strsplit(s, sizeof(s), str_fld, _NUM_FLD, ',') != _NUM_FLD)
-                       return -1;
-               for (i = 0; i < _NUM_FLD; i++) {
-                       errno = 0;
-                       int_fld[i] = strtoul(str_fld[i], &end, 0);
-                       if (errno != 0 || end == str_fld[i] || int_fld[i] > 255)
-                               return -1;
-               }
-               if (nb_rx_thread_params >= MAX_LCORE_PARAMS) {
-                       printf("exceeded max number of rx params: %hu\n",
-                                       nb_rx_thread_params);
-                       return -1;
-               }
-               rx_thread_params_array[nb_rx_thread_params].port_id =
-                               int_fld[FLD_PORT];
-               rx_thread_params_array[nb_rx_thread_params].queue_id =
-                               (uint8_t)int_fld[FLD_QUEUE];
-               rx_thread_params_array[nb_rx_thread_params].lcore_id =
-                               (uint8_t)int_fld[FLD_LCORE];
-               rx_thread_params_array[nb_rx_thread_params].thread_id =
-                               (uint8_t)int_fld[FLD_THREAD];
-               ++nb_rx_thread_params;
-       }
-       rx_thread_params = rx_thread_params_array;
-       return 0;
-static int
-parse_tx_config(const char *q_arg)
-       char s[256];
-       const char *p, *p0 = q_arg;
-       char *end;
-       enum fieldnames {
-               FLD_LCORE = 0,
-               FLD_THREAD,
-               _NUM_FLD
-       };
-       unsigned long int_fld[_NUM_FLD];
-       char *str_fld[_NUM_FLD];
-       int i;
-       unsigned size;
-       nb_tx_thread_params = 0;
-       while ((p = strchr(p0, '(')) != NULL) {
-               ++p;
-               p0 = strchr(p, ')');
-               if (p0 == NULL)
-                       return -1;
-               size = p0 - p;
-               if (size >= sizeof(s))
-                       return -1;
-               snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "%.*s", size, p);
-               if (rte_strsplit(s, sizeof(s), str_fld, _NUM_FLD, ',') != _NUM_FLD)
-                       return -1;
-               for (i = 0; i < _NUM_FLD; i++) {
-                       errno = 0;
-                       int_fld[i] = strtoul(str_fld[i], &end, 0);
-                       if (errno != 0 || end == str_fld[i] || int_fld[i] > 255)
-                               return -1;
-               }
-               if (nb_tx_thread_params >= MAX_LCORE_PARAMS) {
-                       printf("exceeded max number of tx params: %hu\n",
-                               nb_tx_thread_params);
-                       return -1;
-               }
-               tx_thread_params_array[nb_tx_thread_params].lcore_id =
-                               (uint8_t)int_fld[FLD_LCORE];
-               tx_thread_params_array[nb_tx_thread_params].thread_id =
-                               (uint8_t)int_fld[FLD_THREAD];
-               ++nb_tx_thread_params;
-       }
-       tx_thread_params = tx_thread_params_array;
-       return 0;
-#if (APP_CPU_LOAD > 0)
-static int
-parse_stat_lcore(const char *stat_lcore)
-       char *end = NULL;
-       unsigned long lcore_id;
-       lcore_id = strtoul(stat_lcore, &end, 10);
-       if ((stat_lcore[0] == '\0') || (end == NULL) || (*end != '\0'))
-               return -1;
-       return lcore_id;
-static void
-parse_eth_dest(const char *optarg)
-       uint16_t portid;
-       char *port_end;
-       uint8_t c, *dest, peer_addr[6];
-       errno = 0;
-       portid = strtoul(optarg, &port_end, 10);
-       if (errno != 0 || port_end == optarg || *port_end++ != ',')
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-               "Invalid eth-dest: %s", optarg);
-       if (portid >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-               "eth-dest: port %d >= RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS(%d)\n",
-               portid, RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS);
-       if (cmdline_parse_etheraddr(NULL, port_end,
-               &peer_addr, sizeof(peer_addr)) < 0)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-               "Invalid ethernet address: %s\n",
-               port_end);
-       dest = (uint8_t *)&dest_eth_addr[portid];
-       for (c = 0; c < 6; c++)
-               dest[c] = peer_addr[c];
-       *(uint64_t *)(val_eth + portid) = dest_eth_addr[portid];
-enum {
-#define OPT_RX_CONFIG       "rx"
-       OPT_RX_CONFIG_NUM = 256,
-#define OPT_TX_CONFIG       "tx"
-#define OPT_STAT_LCORE      "stat-lcore"
-#define OPT_ETH_DEST        "eth-dest"
-#define OPT_NO_NUMA         "no-numa"
-       OPT_NO_NUMA_NUM,
-#define OPT_IPV6            "ipv6"
-       OPT_IPV6_NUM,
-#define OPT_MAX_PKT_LEN "max-pkt-len"
-#define OPT_HASH_ENTRY_NUM  "hash-entry-num"
-#define OPT_NO_LTHREADS     "no-lthreads"
-#define OPT_PARSE_PTYPE     "parse-ptype"
-/* Parse the argument given in the command line of the application */
-static int
-parse_args(int argc, char **argv)
-       int opt, ret;
-       char **argvopt;
-       int option_index;
-       char *prgname = argv[0];
-       static struct option lgopts[] = {
-               {OPT_RX_CONFIG,      1, NULL, OPT_RX_CONFIG_NUM      },
-               {OPT_TX_CONFIG,      1, NULL, OPT_TX_CONFIG_NUM      },
-               {OPT_STAT_LCORE,     1, NULL, OPT_STAT_LCORE_NUM     },
-               {OPT_ETH_DEST,       1, NULL, OPT_ETH_DEST_NUM       },
-               {OPT_NO_NUMA,        0, NULL, OPT_NO_NUMA_NUM        },
-               {OPT_IPV6,           0, NULL, OPT_IPV6_NUM           },
-               {OPT_MAX_PKT_LEN,    1, NULL, OPT_MAX_PKT_LEN_NUM    },
-               {OPT_NO_LTHREADS,    0, NULL, OPT_NO_LTHREADS_NUM    },
-               {OPT_PARSE_PTYPE,    0, NULL, OPT_PARSE_PTYPE_NUM    },
-               {NULL,               0, 0,    0                      }
-       };
-       argvopt = argv;
-       while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argvopt, "p:P",
-                               lgopts, &option_index)) != EOF) {
-               switch (opt) {
-               /* portmask */
-               case 'p':
-                       enabled_port_mask = parse_portmask(optarg);
-                       if (enabled_port_mask == 0) {
-                               printf("invalid portmask\n");
-                               print_usage(prgname);
-                               return -1;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case 'P':
-                       printf("Promiscuous mode selected\n");
-                       promiscuous_on = 1;
-                       break;
-               /* long options */
-               case OPT_RX_CONFIG_NUM:
-                       ret = parse_rx_config(optarg);
-                       if (ret) {
-                               printf("invalid rx-config\n");
-                               print_usage(prgname);
-                               return -1;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               case OPT_TX_CONFIG_NUM:
-                       ret = parse_tx_config(optarg);
-                       if (ret) {
-                               printf("invalid tx-config\n");
-                               print_usage(prgname);
-                               return -1;
-                       }
-                       break;
-#if (APP_CPU_LOAD > 0)
-               case OPT_STAT_LCORE_NUM:
-                       cpu_load_lcore_id = parse_stat_lcore(optarg);
-                       break;
-               case OPT_ETH_DEST_NUM:
-                       parse_eth_dest(optarg);
-                       break;
-               case OPT_NO_NUMA_NUM:
-                       printf("numa is disabled\n");
-                       numa_on = 0;
-                       break;
-               case OPT_IPV6_NUM:
-                       printf("ipv6 is specified\n");
-                       ipv6 = 1;
-                       break;
-               case OPT_NO_LTHREADS_NUM:
-                       printf("l-threads model is disabled\n");
-                       lthreads_on = 0;
-                       break;
-               case OPT_PARSE_PTYPE_NUM:
-                       printf("software packet type parsing enabled\n");
-                       parse_ptype_on = 1;
-                       break;
-               case OPT_MAX_PKT_LEN_NUM:
-                       max_pkt_len = parse_max_pkt_len(optarg);
-                       break;
-               case OPT_HASH_ENTRY_NUM_NUM:
-                       ret = parse_hash_entry_number(optarg);
-                       if ((ret > 0) && (ret <= L3FWD_HASH_ENTRIES)) {
-                               hash_entry_number = ret;
-                       } else {
-                               printf("invalid hash entry number\n");
-                               print_usage(prgname);
-                               return -1;
-                       }
-                       break;
-               default:
-                       print_usage(prgname);
-                       return -1;
-               }
-       }
-       if (optind >= 0)
-               argv[optind-1] = prgname;
-       ret = optind-1;
-       optind = 1; /* reset getopt lib */
-       return ret;
-static void
-print_ethaddr(const char *name, const struct rte_ether_addr *eth_addr)
-       char buf[RTE_ETHER_ADDR_FMT_SIZE];
-       rte_ether_format_addr(buf, RTE_ETHER_ADDR_FMT_SIZE, eth_addr);
-       printf("%s%s", name, buf);
-static void convert_ipv4_5tuple(struct ipv4_5tuple *key1,
-               union ipv4_5tuple_host *key2)
-       key2->ip_dst = rte_cpu_to_be_32(key1->ip_dst);
-       key2->ip_src = rte_cpu_to_be_32(key1->ip_src);
-       key2->port_dst = rte_cpu_to_be_16(key1->port_dst);
-       key2->port_src = rte_cpu_to_be_16(key1->port_src);
-       key2->proto = key1->proto;
-       key2->pad0 = 0;
-       key2->pad1 = 0;
-static void convert_ipv6_5tuple(struct ipv6_5tuple *key1,
-               union ipv6_5tuple_host *key2)
-       uint32_t i;
-       for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
-               key2->ip_dst[i] = key1->ip_dst[i];
-               key2->ip_src[i] = key1->ip_src[i];
-       }
-       key2->port_dst = rte_cpu_to_be_16(key1->port_dst);
-       key2->port_src = rte_cpu_to_be_16(key1->port_src);
-       key2->proto = key1->proto;
-       key2->pad0 = 0;
-       key2->pad1 = 0;
-       key2->reserve = 0;
-#define BYTE_VALUE_MAX 256
-#define ALL_32_BITS 0xffffffff
-#define BIT_8_TO_15 0x0000ff00
-static inline void
-populate_ipv4_few_flow_into_table(const struct rte_hash *h)
-       uint32_t i;
-       int32_t ret;
-       uint32_t array_len = RTE_DIM(ipv4_l3fwd_route_array);
-       mask0 = _mm_set_epi32(ALL_32_BITS, ALL_32_BITS, ALL_32_BITS, BIT_8_TO_15);
-       for (i = 0; i < array_len; i++) {
-               struct ipv4_l3fwd_route  entry;
-               union ipv4_5tuple_host newkey;
-               entry = ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[i];
-               convert_ipv4_5tuple(&entry.key, &newkey);
-               ret = rte_hash_add_key(h, (void *)&newkey);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to add entry %" PRIu32
-                               " to the l3fwd hash.\n", i);
-               }
-               ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret] = entry.if_out;
-       }
-       printf("Hash: Adding 0x%" PRIx32 " keys\n", array_len);
-#define BIT_16_TO_23 0x00ff0000
-static inline void
-populate_ipv6_few_flow_into_table(const struct rte_hash *h)
-       uint32_t i;
-       int32_t ret;
-       uint32_t array_len = RTE_DIM(ipv6_l3fwd_route_array);
-       mask1 = _mm_set_epi32(ALL_32_BITS, ALL_32_BITS, ALL_32_BITS, BIT_16_TO_23);
-       mask2 = _mm_set_epi32(0, 0, ALL_32_BITS, ALL_32_BITS);
-       for (i = 0; i < array_len; i++) {
-               struct ipv6_l3fwd_route entry;
-               union ipv6_5tuple_host newkey;
-               entry = ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[i];
-               convert_ipv6_5tuple(&entry.key, &newkey);
-               ret = rte_hash_add_key(h, (void *)&newkey);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to add entry %" PRIu32
-                               " to the l3fwd hash.\n", i);
-               }
-               ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret] = entry.if_out;
-       }
-       printf("Hash: Adding 0x%" PRIx32 "keys\n", array_len);
-static inline void
-populate_ipv4_many_flow_into_table(const struct rte_hash *h,
-               unsigned int nr_flow)
-       unsigned i;
-       mask0 = _mm_set_epi32(ALL_32_BITS, ALL_32_BITS, ALL_32_BITS, BIT_8_TO_15);
-       for (i = 0; i < nr_flow; i++) {
-               struct ipv4_l3fwd_route entry;
-               union ipv4_5tuple_host newkey;
-               uint8_t a = (uint8_t)((i / NUMBER_PORT_USED) % BYTE_VALUE_MAX);
-               uint8_t b = (uint8_t)(((i / NUMBER_PORT_USED) / BYTE_VALUE_MAX) %
-                               BYTE_VALUE_MAX);
-               uint8_t c = (uint8_t)((i / NUMBER_PORT_USED) / (BYTE_VALUE_MAX *
-                               BYTE_VALUE_MAX));
-               /* Create the ipv4 exact match flow */
-               memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry));
-               switch (i & (NUMBER_PORT_USED - 1)) {
-               case 0:
-                       entry = ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[0];
-                       entry.key.ip_dst = RTE_IPV4(101, c, b, a);
-                       break;
-               case 1:
-                       entry = ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[1];
-                       entry.key.ip_dst = RTE_IPV4(201, c, b, a);
-                       break;
-               case 2:
-                       entry = ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[2];
-                       entry.key.ip_dst = RTE_IPV4(111, c, b, a);
-                       break;
-               case 3:
-                       entry = ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[3];
-                       entry.key.ip_dst = RTE_IPV4(211, c, b, a);
-                       break;
-               };
-               convert_ipv4_5tuple(&entry.key, &newkey);
-               int32_t ret = rte_hash_add_key(h, (void *)&newkey);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to add entry %u\n", i);
-               ipv4_l3fwd_out_if[ret] = (uint8_t)entry.if_out;
-       }
-       printf("Hash: Adding 0x%x keys\n", nr_flow);
-static inline void
-populate_ipv6_many_flow_into_table(const struct rte_hash *h,
-               unsigned int nr_flow)
-       unsigned i;
-       mask1 = _mm_set_epi32(ALL_32_BITS, ALL_32_BITS, ALL_32_BITS, BIT_16_TO_23);
-       mask2 = _mm_set_epi32(0, 0, ALL_32_BITS, ALL_32_BITS);
-       for (i = 0; i < nr_flow; i++) {
-               struct ipv6_l3fwd_route entry;
-               union ipv6_5tuple_host newkey;
-               uint8_t a = (uint8_t) ((i / NUMBER_PORT_USED) % BYTE_VALUE_MAX);
-               uint8_t b = (uint8_t) (((i / NUMBER_PORT_USED) / BYTE_VALUE_MAX) %
-                               BYTE_VALUE_MAX);
-               uint8_t c = (uint8_t) ((i / NUMBER_PORT_USED) / (BYTE_VALUE_MAX *
-                               BYTE_VALUE_MAX));
-               /* Create the ipv6 exact match flow */
-               memset(&entry, 0, sizeof(entry));
-               switch (i & (NUMBER_PORT_USED - 1)) {
-               case 0:
-                       entry = ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[0];
-                       break;
-               case 1:
-                       entry = ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[1];
-                       break;
-               case 2:
-                       entry = ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[2];
-                       break;
-               case 3:
-                       entry = ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[3];
-                       break;
-               };
-               entry.key.ip_dst[13] = c;
-               entry.key.ip_dst[14] = b;
-               entry.key.ip_dst[15] = a;
-               convert_ipv6_5tuple(&entry.key, &newkey);
-               int32_t ret = rte_hash_add_key(h, (void *)&newkey);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to add entry %u\n", i);
-               ipv6_l3fwd_out_if[ret] = (uint8_t) entry.if_out;
-       }
-       printf("Hash: Adding 0x%x keys\n", nr_flow);
-static void
-setup_hash(int socketid)
-       struct rte_hash_parameters ipv4_l3fwd_hash_params = {
-               .name = NULL,
-               .entries = L3FWD_HASH_ENTRIES,
-               .key_len = sizeof(union ipv4_5tuple_host),
-               .hash_func = ipv4_hash_crc,
-               .hash_func_init_val = 0,
-       };
-       struct rte_hash_parameters ipv6_l3fwd_hash_params = {
-               .name = NULL,
-               .entries = L3FWD_HASH_ENTRIES,
-               .key_len = sizeof(union ipv6_5tuple_host),
-               .hash_func = ipv6_hash_crc,
-               .hash_func_init_val = 0,
-       };
-       char s[64];
-       /* create ipv4 hash */
-       snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "ipv4_l3fwd_hash_%d", socketid);
-       ipv4_l3fwd_hash_params.name = s;
-       ipv4_l3fwd_hash_params.socket_id = socketid;
-       ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid] =
-                       rte_hash_create(&ipv4_l3fwd_hash_params);
-       if (ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid] == NULL)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to create the l3fwd hash on "
-                               "socket %d\n", socketid);
-       /* create ipv6 hash */
-       snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "ipv6_l3fwd_hash_%d", socketid);
-       ipv6_l3fwd_hash_params.name = s;
-       ipv6_l3fwd_hash_params.socket_id = socketid;
-       ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid] =
-                       rte_hash_create(&ipv6_l3fwd_hash_params);
-       if (ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid] == NULL)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to create the l3fwd hash on "
-                               "socket %d\n", socketid);
-       if (hash_entry_number != HASH_ENTRY_NUMBER_DEFAULT) {
-               /* For testing hash matching with a large number of flows we
-                * generate millions of IP 5-tuples with an incremented dst
-                * address to initialize the hash table. */
-               if (ipv6 == 0) {
-                       /* populate the ipv4 hash */
-                       populate_ipv4_many_flow_into_table(
-                               ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid], hash_entry_number);
-               } else {
-                       /* populate the ipv6 hash */
-                       populate_ipv6_many_flow_into_table(
-                               ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid], hash_entry_number);
-               }
-       } else {
-               /* Use data in ipv4/ipv6 l3fwd lookup table directly to initialize
-                * the hash table */
-               if (ipv6 == 0) {
-                       /* populate the ipv4 hash */
-                       populate_ipv4_few_flow_into_table(
-                                       ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid]);
-               } else {
-                       /* populate the ipv6 hash */
-                       populate_ipv6_few_flow_into_table(
-                                       ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid]);
-               }
-       }
-static void
-setup_lpm(int socketid)
-       struct rte_lpm6_config config;
-       struct rte_lpm_config lpm_ipv4_config;
-       unsigned i;
-       int ret;
-       char s[64];
-       /* create the LPM table */
-       snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "IPV4_L3FWD_LPM_%d", socketid);
-       lpm_ipv4_config.max_rules = IPV4_L3FWD_LPM_MAX_RULES;
-       lpm_ipv4_config.number_tbl8s = 256;
-       lpm_ipv4_config.flags = 0;
-       ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid] =
-                       rte_lpm_create(s, socketid, &lpm_ipv4_config);
-       if (ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid] == NULL)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to create the l3fwd LPM table"
-                               " on socket %d\n", socketid);
-       /* populate the LPM table */
-       for (i = 0; i < IPV4_L3FWD_NUM_ROUTES; i++) {
-               /* skip unused ports */
-               if ((1 << ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[i].if_out &
-                               enabled_port_mask) == 0)
-                       continue;
-               ret = rte_lpm_add(ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid],
-                       ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[i].ip,
-                       ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[i].depth,
-                       ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[i].if_out);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to add entry %u to the "
-                               "l3fwd LPM table on socket %d\n",
-                               i, socketid);
-               }
-               printf("LPM: Adding route 0x%08x / %d (%d)\n",
-                       (unsigned)ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[i].ip,
-                       ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[i].depth,
-                       ipv4_l3fwd_route_array[i].if_out);
-       }
-       /* create the LPM6 table */
-       snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "IPV6_L3FWD_LPM_%d", socketid);
-       config.max_rules = IPV6_L3FWD_LPM_MAX_RULES;
-       config.number_tbl8s = IPV6_L3FWD_LPM_NUMBER_TBL8S;
-       config.flags = 0;
-       ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid] = rte_lpm6_create(s, socketid,
-                               &config);
-       if (ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid] == NULL)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to create the l3fwd LPM table"
-                               " on socket %d\n", socketid);
-       /* populate the LPM table */
-       for (i = 0; i < IPV6_L3FWD_NUM_ROUTES; i++) {
-               /* skip unused ports */
-               if ((1 << ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[i].if_out &
-                               enabled_port_mask) == 0)
-                       continue;
-               ret = rte_lpm6_add(ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid],
-                       ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[i].ip,
-                       ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[i].depth,
-                       ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[i].if_out);
-               if (ret < 0) {
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Unable to add entry %u to the "
-                               "l3fwd LPM table on socket %d\n",
-                               i, socketid);
-               }
-               printf("LPM: Adding route %s / %d (%d)\n",
-                       "IPV6",
-                       ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[i].depth,
-                       ipv6_l3fwd_route_array[i].if_out);
-       }
-static int
-init_mem(unsigned nb_mbuf)
-       struct lcore_conf *qconf;
-       int socketid;
-       unsigned lcore_id;
-       char s[64];
-       for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) {
-               if (rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id) == 0)
-                       continue;
-               if (numa_on)
-                       socketid = rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id);
-               else
-                       socketid = 0;
-               if (socketid >= NB_SOCKETS) {
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Socket %d of lcore %u is out of range %d\n",
-                               socketid, lcore_id, NB_SOCKETS);
-               }
-               if (pktmbuf_pool[socketid] == NULL) {
-                       snprintf(s, sizeof(s), "mbuf_pool_%d", socketid);
-                       pktmbuf_pool[socketid] =
-                               rte_pktmbuf_pool_create(s, nb_mbuf,
-                                       MEMPOOL_CACHE_SIZE, 0,
-                                       RTE_MBUF_DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE, socketid);
-                       if (pktmbuf_pool[socketid] == NULL)
-                               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-                                               "Cannot init mbuf pool on socket %d\n", socketid);
-                       else
-                               printf("Allocated mbuf pool on socket %d\n", socketid);
-                       setup_lpm(socketid);
-                       setup_hash(socketid);
-               }
-               qconf = &lcore_conf[lcore_id];
-               qconf->ipv4_lookup_struct = ipv4_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid];
-               qconf->ipv6_lookup_struct = ipv6_l3fwd_lookup_struct[socketid];
-       }
-       return 0;
-/* Check the link status of all ports in up to 9s, and print them finally */
-static void
-check_all_ports_link_status(uint32_t port_mask)
-#define CHECK_INTERVAL 100 /* 100ms */
-#define MAX_CHECK_TIME 90 /* 9s (90 * 100ms) in total */
-       uint16_t portid;
-       uint8_t count, all_ports_up, print_flag = 0;
-       struct rte_eth_link link;
-       int ret;
-       char link_status_text[RTE_ETH_LINK_MAX_STR_LEN];
-       printf("\nChecking link status");
-       fflush(stdout);
-       for (count = 0; count <= MAX_CHECK_TIME; count++) {
-               all_ports_up = 1;
-               RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(portid) {
-                       if ((port_mask & (1 << portid)) == 0)
-                               continue;
-                       memset(&link, 0, sizeof(link));
-                       ret = rte_eth_link_get_nowait(portid, &link);
-                       if (ret < 0) {
-                               all_ports_up = 0;
-                               if (print_flag == 1)
-                                       printf("Port %u link get failed: %s\n",
-                                               portid, rte_strerror(-ret));
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       /* print link status if flag set */
-                       if (print_flag == 1) {
-                               rte_eth_link_to_str(link_status_text,
-                                       sizeof(link_status_text), &link);
-                               printf("Port %d %s\n", portid,
-                                       link_status_text);
-                               continue;
-                       }
-                       /* clear all_ports_up flag if any link down */
-                       if (link.link_status == RTE_ETH_LINK_DOWN) {
-                               all_ports_up = 0;
-                               break;
-                       }
-               }
-               /* after finally printing all link status, get out */
-               if (print_flag == 1)
-                       break;
-               if (all_ports_up == 0) {
-                       printf(".");
-                       fflush(stdout);
-                       rte_delay_ms(CHECK_INTERVAL);
-               }
-               /* set the print_flag if all ports up or timeout */
-               if (all_ports_up == 1 || count == (MAX_CHECK_TIME - 1)) {
-                       print_flag = 1;
-                       printf("done\n");
-               }
-       }
-static uint32_t
-eth_dev_get_overhead_len(uint32_t max_rx_pktlen, uint16_t max_mtu)
-       uint32_t overhead_len;
-       if (max_mtu != UINT16_MAX && max_rx_pktlen > max_mtu)
-               overhead_len = max_rx_pktlen - max_mtu;
-       else
-               overhead_len = RTE_ETHER_HDR_LEN + RTE_ETHER_CRC_LEN;
-       return overhead_len;
-static int
-config_port_max_pkt_len(struct rte_eth_conf *conf,
-               struct rte_eth_dev_info *dev_info)
-       uint32_t overhead_len;
-       if (max_pkt_len == 0)
-               return 0;
-       if (max_pkt_len < RTE_ETHER_MIN_LEN || max_pkt_len > MAX_JUMBO_PKT_LEN)
-               return -1;
-       overhead_len = eth_dev_get_overhead_len(dev_info->max_rx_pktlen,
-                       dev_info->max_mtu);
-       conf->rxmode.mtu = max_pkt_len - overhead_len;
-       if (conf->rxmode.mtu > RTE_ETHER_MTU)
-               conf->txmode.offloads |= RTE_ETH_TX_OFFLOAD_MULTI_SEGS;
-       return 0;
-main(int argc, char **argv)
-       struct rte_eth_dev_info dev_info;
-       struct rte_eth_txconf *txconf;
-       int ret;
-       int i;
-       unsigned nb_ports;
-       uint16_t queueid, portid;
-       unsigned lcore_id;
-       uint32_t n_tx_queue, nb_lcores;
-       uint8_t nb_rx_queue, queue, socketid;
-       /* init EAL */
-       ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid EAL parameters\n");
-       argc -= ret;
-       argv += ret;
-       ret = rte_timer_subsystem_init();
-       if (ret < 0)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Failed to initialize timer subsystem\n");
-       /* pre-init dst MACs for all ports to 02:00:00:00:00:xx */
-       for (portid = 0; portid < RTE_MAX_ETHPORTS; portid++) {
-               dest_eth_addr[portid] = RTE_ETHER_LOCAL_ADMIN_ADDR +
-                               ((uint64_t)portid << 40);
-               *(uint64_t *)(val_eth + portid) = dest_eth_addr[portid];
-       }
-       /* parse application arguments (after the EAL ones) */
-       ret = parse_args(argc, argv);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid L3FWD parameters\n");
-       if (check_lcore_params() < 0)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "check_lcore_params failed\n");
-       printf("Initializing rx-queues...\n");
-       ret = init_rx_queues();
-       if (ret < 0)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "init_rx_queues failed\n");
-       printf("Initializing tx-threads...\n");
-       ret = init_tx_threads();
-       if (ret < 0)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "init_tx_threads failed\n");
-       printf("Initializing rings...\n");
-       ret = init_rx_rings();
-       if (ret < 0)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "init_rx_rings failed\n");
-       nb_ports = rte_eth_dev_count_avail();
-       if (check_port_config() < 0)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "check_port_config failed\n");
-       nb_lcores = rte_lcore_count();
-       /* initialize all ports */
-       RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(portid) {
-               struct rte_eth_conf local_port_conf = port_conf;
-               /* skip ports that are not enabled */
-               if ((enabled_port_mask & (1 << portid)) == 0) {
-                       printf("\nSkipping disabled port %d\n", portid);
-                       continue;
-               }
-               /* init port */
-               printf("Initializing port %d ... ", portid);
-               fflush(stdout);
-               nb_rx_queue = get_port_n_rx_queues(portid);
-               n_tx_queue = nb_lcores;
-               if (n_tx_queue > MAX_TX_QUEUE_PER_PORT)
-                       n_tx_queue = MAX_TX_QUEUE_PER_PORT;
-               printf("Creating queues: nb_rxq=%d nb_txq=%u... ",
-                       nb_rx_queue, (unsigned)n_tx_queue);
-               ret = rte_eth_dev_info_get(portid, &dev_info);
-               if (ret != 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-                               "Error during getting device (port %u) info: %s\n",
-                               portid, strerror(-ret));
-               ret = config_port_max_pkt_len(&local_port_conf, &dev_info);
-               if (ret != 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-                               "Invalid max packet length: %u (port %u)\n",
-                               max_pkt_len, portid);
-               if (dev_info.tx_offload_capa & RTE_ETH_TX_OFFLOAD_MBUF_FAST_FREE)
-                       local_port_conf.txmode.offloads |=
-                               RTE_ETH_TX_OFFLOAD_MBUF_FAST_FREE;
-               local_port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf &=
-                       dev_info.flow_type_rss_offloads;
-               if (local_port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf !=
-                               port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf) {
-                       printf("Port %u modified RSS hash function based on hardware support,"
-                               "requested:%#"PRIx64" configured:%#"PRIx64"\n",
-                               portid,
-                               port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf,
-                               local_port_conf.rx_adv_conf.rss_conf.rss_hf);
-               }
-               ret = rte_eth_dev_configure(portid, nb_rx_queue,
-                                       (uint16_t)n_tx_queue, &local_port_conf);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot configure device: err=%d, port=%d\n",
-                               ret, portid);
-               ret = rte_eth_dev_adjust_nb_rx_tx_desc(portid, &nb_rxd,
-                                                      &nb_txd);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-                                "rte_eth_dev_adjust_nb_rx_tx_desc: err=%d, port=%d\n",
-                                ret, portid);
-               ret = rte_eth_macaddr_get(portid, &ports_eth_addr[portid]);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-                                "rte_eth_macaddr_get: err=%d, port=%d\n",
-                                ret, portid);
-               print_ethaddr(" Address:", &ports_eth_addr[portid]);
-               printf(", ");
-               print_ethaddr("Destination:",
-                       (const struct rte_ether_addr *)&dest_eth_addr[portid]);
-               printf(", ");
-               /*
-                * prepare src MACs for each port.
-                */
-               rte_ether_addr_copy(&ports_eth_addr[portid],
-                       (struct rte_ether_addr *)(val_eth + portid) + 1);
-               /* init memory */
-               ret = init_mem(NB_MBUF);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "init_mem failed\n");
-               /* init one TX queue per couple (lcore,port) */
-               queueid = 0;
-               for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) {
-                       if (rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id) == 0)
-                               continue;
-                       if (numa_on)
-                               socketid = (uint8_t)rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id);
-                       else
-                               socketid = 0;
-                       printf("txq=%u,%d,%d ", lcore_id, queueid, socketid);
-                       fflush(stdout);
-                       txconf = &dev_info.default_txconf;
-                       txconf->offloads = local_port_conf.txmode.offloads;
-                       ret = rte_eth_tx_queue_setup(portid, queueid, nb_txd,
-                                                    socketid, txconf);
-                       if (ret < 0)
-                               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "rte_eth_tx_queue_setup: err=%d, "
-                                       "port=%d\n", ret, portid);
-                       tx_thread[lcore_id].tx_queue_id[portid] = queueid;
-                       queueid++;
-               }
-               printf("\n");
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < n_rx_thread; i++) {
-               lcore_id = rx_thread[i].conf.lcore_id;
-               if (rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id) == 0) {
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-                                       "Cannot start Rx thread on lcore %u: lcore disabled\n",
-                                       lcore_id
-                               );
-               }
-               printf("\nInitializing rx queues for Rx thread %d on lcore %u ... ",
-                               i, lcore_id);
-               fflush(stdout);
-               /* init RX queues */
-               for (queue = 0; queue < rx_thread[i].n_rx_queue; ++queue) {
-                       struct rte_eth_rxconf rxq_conf;
-                       portid = rx_thread[i].rx_queue_list[queue].port_id;
-                       queueid = rx_thread[i].rx_queue_list[queue].queue_id;
-                       if (numa_on)
-                               socketid = (uint8_t)rte_lcore_to_socket_id(lcore_id);
-                       else
-                               socketid = 0;
-                       printf("rxq=%d,%d,%d ", portid, queueid, socketid);
-                       fflush(stdout);
-                       ret = rte_eth_dev_info_get(portid, &dev_info);
-                       if (ret != 0)
-                               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-                                       "Error during getting device (port %u) info: %s\n",
-                                       portid, strerror(-ret));
-                       rxq_conf = dev_info.default_rxconf;
-                       rxq_conf.offloads = port_conf.rxmode.offloads;
-                       ret = rte_eth_rx_queue_setup(portid, queueid, nb_rxd,
-                                       socketid,
-                                       &rxq_conf,
-                                       pktmbuf_pool[socketid]);
-                       if (ret < 0)
-                               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "rte_eth_rx_queue_setup: err=%d, "
-                                               "port=%d\n", ret, portid);
-               }
-       }
-       printf("\n");
-       /* start ports */
-       RTE_ETH_FOREACH_DEV(portid) {
-               if ((enabled_port_mask & (1 << portid)) == 0)
-                       continue;
-               /* Start device */
-               ret = rte_eth_dev_start(portid);
-               if (ret < 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "rte_eth_dev_start: err=%d, port=%d\n",
-                               ret, portid);
-               /*
-                * If enabled, put device in promiscuous mode.
-                * This allows IO forwarding mode to forward packets
-                * to itself through 2 cross-connected  ports of the
-                * target machine.
-                */
-               if (promiscuous_on) {
-                       ret = rte_eth_promiscuous_enable(portid);
-                       if (ret != 0)
-                               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-                                       "rte_eth_promiscuous_enable: err=%s, port=%u\n",
-                                       rte_strerror(-ret), portid);
-               }
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < n_rx_thread; i++) {
-               lcore_id = rx_thread[i].conf.lcore_id;
-               if (rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id) == 0)
-                       continue;
-               /* check if hw packet type is supported */
-               for (queue = 0; queue < rx_thread[i].n_rx_queue; ++queue) {
-                       portid = rx_thread[i].rx_queue_list[queue].port_id;
-                       queueid = rx_thread[i].rx_queue_list[queue].queue_id;
-                       if (parse_ptype_on) {
-                               if (!rte_eth_add_rx_callback(portid, queueid,
-                                               cb_parse_ptype, NULL))
-                                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-                                               "Failed to add rx callback: "
-                                               "port=%d\n", portid);
-                       } else if (!check_ptype(portid))
-                               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE,
-                                       "Port %d cannot parse packet type.\n\n"
-                                       "Please add --parse-ptype to use sw "
-                                       "packet type analyzer.\n\n",
-                                       portid);
-               }
-       }
-       check_all_ports_link_status(enabled_port_mask);
-       if (lthreads_on) {
-               printf("Starting L-Threading Model\n");
-#if (APP_CPU_LOAD > 0)
-               if (cpu_load_lcore_id > 0)
-                       /* Use one lcore for cpu load collector */
-                       nb_lcores--;
-               lthread_num_schedulers_set(nb_lcores);
-               rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(sched_spawner, NULL, SKIP_MAIN);
-               lthread_main_spawner(NULL);
-       } else {
-               printf("Starting P-Threading Model\n");
-               /* launch per-lcore init on every lcore */
-               rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(pthread_run, NULL, CALL_MAIN);
-               RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_WORKER(lcore_id) {
-                       if (rte_eal_wait_lcore(lcore_id) < 0)
-                               return -1;
-               }
-       }
-       /* clean up the EAL */
-       rte_eal_cleanup();
-       return 0;
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/meson.build b/examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/meson.build
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 58d4e96..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-# Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
-# meson file, for building this example as part of a main DPDK build.
-# To build this example as a standalone application with an already-installed
-# DPDK instance, use 'make'
-build = dpdk_conf.has('RTE_ARCH_X86_64')
-if not build
-    subdir_done()
-deps += ['timer', 'lpm']
-allow_experimental_apis = true
-# get the performance thread (pt) architecture subdir
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_ARCH_ARM64')
-    pt_arch_dir = '../common/arch/arm64'
-    pt_arch_dir = '../common/arch/x86'
-sources += files('main.c',
-    '../common/lthread.c',
-    '../common/lthread_cond.c',
-    '../common/lthread_diag.c',
-    '../common/lthread_mutex.c',
-    '../common/lthread_sched.c',
-    '../common/lthread_tls.c',
-    pt_arch_dir + '/ctx.c')
-includes += include_directories('../common', pt_arch_dir)
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/test.sh b/examples/performance-thread/l3fwd-thread/test.sh
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 3dd3340..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-case "$1" in
-       ######################
-       # 1 L-core per pcore #
-       ######################
-       "1.1")
-               echo "1.1 1 L-core per pcore (N=2)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c ff -n 2 -- -P -p 3 \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500  \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,0,0)"          \
-                               --tx="(1,0)"                       \
-                               --stat-lcore 2                     \
-                               --no-lthread
-               ;;
-       "1.2")
-               echo "1.2 1 L-core per pcore (N=4)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c ff -n 2 -- -P -p 3 \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500  \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,1,1)"          \
-                               --tx="(2,0)(3,1)"                  \
-                               --stat-lcore 4                     \
-                               --no-lthread
-               ;;
-       "1.3")
-               echo "1.3 1 L-core per pcore (N=8)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c 1ff -n 2 -- -P -p 3                          \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500                            \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(0,1,1,1)(1,0,2,2)(1,1,3,3)"                  \
-                               --tx="(4,0)(5,1)(6,2)(7,3)"                                  \
-                               --stat-lcore 8                                               \
-                               --no-lthread
-               ;;
-       "1.4")
-               echo "1.3 1 L-core per pcore (N=16)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c 3ffff -n 2 -- -P -p 3                          \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500                              \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(0,1,1,1)(0,2,2,2)(0,3,3,3)(1,0,4,4)(1,1,5,5)(1,2,6,6)(1,3,7,7)" \
-                               --tx="(8,0)(9,1)(10,2)(11,3)(12,4)(13,5)(14,6)(15,7)"          \
-                               --stat-lcore 16                                                \
-                               --no-lthread
-               ;;
-       ######################
-       # N L-core per pcore #
-       ######################
-       "2.1")
-               echo "2.1 N L-core per pcore (N=2)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c ff -n 2 --lcores="2,(0-1)@0" -- -P -p 3 \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500                       \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,0,0)"                               \
-                               --tx="(1,0)"                                            \
-                               --stat-lcore 2                                          \
-                               --no-lthread
-               ;;
-       "2.2")
-               echo "2.2 N L-core per pcore (N=4)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c ff -n 2 --lcores="(0-3)@0,4" -- -P -p 3 \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500  \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,1,1)"          \
-                               --tx="(2,0)(3,1)"                  \
-                               --stat-lcore 4                     \
-                               --no-lthread
-               ;;
-       "2.3")
-               echo "2.3 N L-core per pcore (N=8)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c 3ffff -n 2 --lcores="(0-7)@0,8" -- -P -p 3     \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500                              \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(0,1,1,1)(1,0,2,2)(1,1,3,3)"                    \
-                               --tx="(4,0)(5,1)(6,2)(7,3)"                                    \
-                               --stat-lcore 8                                                 \
-                               --no-lthread
-               ;;
-       "2.4")
-               echo "2.3 N L-core per pcore (N=16)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c 3ffff -n 2 --lcores="(0-15)@0,16" -- -P -p 3   \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500                              \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(0,1,1,1)(0,2,2,2)(0,3,3,3)(1,0,4,4)(1,1,5,5)(1,2,6,6)(1,3,7,7)" \
-                               --tx="(8,0)(9,1)(10,2)(11,3)(12,4)(13,5)(14,6)(15,7)"          \
-                               --stat-lcore 16                                                \
-                               --no-lthread
-               ;;
-       #########################
-       # N L-threads per pcore #
-       #########################
-       "3.1")
-               echo "3.1 N L-threads per pcore (N=2)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c ff -n 2 -- -P -p 3  \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500   \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,0,0)"           \
-                               --tx="(0,0)"                        \
-                               --stat-lcore 1
-               ;;
-       "3.2")
-               echo "3.2 N L-threads per pcore (N=4)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c ff -n 2 -- -P -p 3  \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500   \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(1,0,0,1)"           \
-                               --tx="(0,0)(0,1)"                   \
-                               --stat-lcore 1
-               ;;
-       "3.3")
-               echo "3.2 N L-threads per pcore (N=8)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c ff -n 2 -- -P -p 3                             \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500                              \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(0,1,0,1)(1,0,0,2)(1,1,0,3)"                    \
-                               --tx="(0,0)(0,1)(0,2)(0,3)"                                    \
-                               --stat-lcore 1
-               ;;
-       "3.4")
-               echo "3.2 N L-threads per pcore (N=16)"
-               ./build/l3fwd-thread -c ff -n 2 -- -P -p 3                             \
-                               --max-pkt-len 1500                              \
-                               --rx="(0,0,0,0)(0,1,0,1)(0,2,0,2)(0,0,0,3)(1,0,0,4)(1,1,0,5)(1,2,0,6)(1,3,0,7)" \
-                               --tx="(0,0)(0,1)(0,2)(0,3)(0,4)(0,5)(0,6)(0,7)"                \
-                               --stat-lcore 1
-               ;;
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/Makefile b/examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 5acf74f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-# Copyright(c) 2010-2020 Intel Corporation
-# binary name
-APP = lthread_pthread_shim
-# all source are stored in SRCS-y
-SRCS-y := main.c pthread_shim.c
-include ../common/common.mk
-ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),static)
-# check for broken pkg-config
-ifeq ($(shell echo $(LDFLAGS_STATIC) | grep 'whole-archive.*l:lib.*no-whole-archive'),)
-$(warning "pkg-config output list does not contain drivers between 'whole-archive'/'no-whole-archive' flags.")
-$(error "Cannot generate statically-linked binaries with this version of pkg-config")
-LDFLAGS += "-Wl,--copy-dt-needed-entries"
-PKGCONF ?= pkg-config
-# Build using pkg-config variables if possible
-ifneq ($(shell $(PKGCONF) --exists libdpdk && echo 0),0)
-$(error "no installation of DPDK found")
-all: shared
-.PHONY: shared static
-shared: build/$(APP)-shared
-       ln -sf $(APP)-shared build/$(APP)
-static: build/$(APP)-static
-       ln -sf $(APP)-static build/$(APP)
-LDFLAGS += -lpthread
-PC_FILE := $(shell $(PKGCONF) --path libdpdk 2>/dev/null)
-CFLAGS += -O3 $(shell $(PKGCONF) --cflags libdpdk)
-LDFLAGS_SHARED = $(shell $(PKGCONF) --libs libdpdk)
-LDFLAGS_STATIC = $(shell $(PKGCONF) --static --libs libdpdk)
-build/$(APP)-shared: $(SRCS-y) Makefile $(PC_FILE) | build
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(filter %.c,$^) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SHARED)
-build/$(APP)-static: $(SRCS-y) Makefile $(PC_FILE) | build
-       $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(filter %.c,$^) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS_SHARED)
-# workaround for a gcc bug with noreturn attribute
-# http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=12603
-ifeq ($(shell gcc -dumpversion),-gt 0)
-CFLAGS_main.o += -Wno-return-type
-       @mkdir -p $@
-.PHONY: clean
-       rm -f build/$(APP) build/$(APP)-static build/$(APP)-shared
-       test -d build && rmdir -p build || true
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/main.c b/examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/main.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 7ce6cfb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <inttypes.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/queue.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <rte_common.h>
-#include <rte_lcore.h>
-#include <rte_per_lcore.h>
-#include <rte_timer.h>
-#include "lthread_api.h"
-#include "lthread_diag_api.h"
-#include "pthread_shim.h"
-#define DEBUG_APP 0
-#define THREAD_NAME_LEN        16
-#ifndef __GLIBC__ /* sched_getcpu() is glibc-specific */
-#define sched_getcpu() rte_lcore_id()
-__thread int print_count;
-__thread pthread_mutex_t print_lock;
-__thread pthread_mutex_t exit_lock;
-__thread pthread_cond_t exit_cond;
- * A simple thread that demonstrates use of a mutex, a condition
- * variable, thread local storage, explicit yield, and thread exit.
- *
- * The thread uses a mutex to protect a shared counter which is incremented
- * and then it waits on condition variable before exiting.
- *
- * The thread argument is stored in and retrieved from TLS, using
- * the pthread key create, get and set specific APIs.
- *
- * The thread yields while holding the mutex, to provide opportunity
- * for other threads to contend.
- *
- * All of the pthread API functions used by this thread are actually
- * resolved to corresponding lthread functions by the pthread shim
- * implemented in pthread_shim.c
- */
-void *helloworld_pthread(void *arg);
-void *helloworld_pthread(void *arg)
-       pthread_key_t key;
-       /* create a key for TLS */
-       pthread_key_create(&key, NULL);
-       /* store the arg in TLS */
-       pthread_setspecific(key, arg);
-       /* grab lock and increment shared counter */
-       pthread_mutex_lock(&print_lock);
-       print_count++;
-       /* yield thread to give opportunity for lock contention */
-       sched_yield();
-       /* retrieve arg from TLS */
-       uint64_t thread_no = (uint64_t) pthread_getspecific(key);
-       printf("Hello - lcore = %d count = %d thread_no = %d thread_id = %p\n",
-                       sched_getcpu(),
-                       print_count,
-                       (int) thread_no,
-                       (void *)pthread_self());
-       /* release the lock */
-       pthread_mutex_unlock(&print_lock);
-       /*
-        * wait on condition variable
-        * before exiting
-        */
-       pthread_mutex_lock(&exit_lock);
-       pthread_cond_wait(&exit_cond, &exit_lock);
-       pthread_mutex_unlock(&exit_lock);
-       /* exit */
-       pthread_exit((void *) thread_no);
- * This is the initial thread
- *
- * It demonstrates pthread, mutex and condition variable creation,
- * broadcast and pthread join APIs.
- *
- * This initial thread must always start life as an lthread.
- *
- * This thread creates many more threads then waits a short time
- * before signalling them to exit using a broadcast.
- *
- * All of the pthread API functions used by this thread are actually
- * resolved to corresponding lthread functions by the pthread shim
- * implemented in pthread_shim.c
- *
- * After all threads have finished the lthread scheduler is shutdown
- * and normal pthread operation is restored
- */
-__thread pthread_t tid[HELLOW_WORLD_MAX_LTHREADS];
-static void *initial_lthread(void *args __rte_unused)
-       int lcore = (int) rte_lcore_id();
-       /*
-        *
-        * We can now enable pthread API override
-        * and start to use the pthread APIs
-        */
-       pthread_override_set(1);
-       uint64_t i;
-       int ret;
-       /* initialize mutex for shared counter */
-       print_count = 0;
-       pthread_mutex_init(&print_lock, NULL);
-       /* initialize mutex and condition variable controlling thread exit */
-       pthread_mutex_init(&exit_lock, NULL);
-       pthread_cond_init(&exit_cond, NULL);
-       /* spawn a number of threads */
-       for (i = 0; i < HELLOW_WORLD_MAX_LTHREADS; i++) {
-               /*
-                * Not strictly necessary but
-                * for the sake of this example
-                * use an attribute to pass the desired lcore
-                */
-               pthread_attr_t attr;
-               rte_cpuset_t cpuset;
-               char name[THREAD_NAME_LEN];
-               CPU_ZERO(&cpuset);
-               CPU_SET(lcore, &cpuset);
-               pthread_attr_init(&attr);
-               pthread_attr_setaffinity_np(&attr, sizeof(rte_cpuset_t), &cpuset);
-               /* create the thread */
-               ret = pthread_create(&tid[i], &attr,
-                               helloworld_pthread, (void *) i);
-               if (ret != 0)
-                       rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Cannot create helloworld thread\n");
-               snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "helloworld-%u", (uint32_t)i);
-               rte_thread_setname(tid[i], name);
-       }
-       /* wait for 1s to allow threads
-        * to block on the condition variable
-        * N.B. nanosleep() is resolved to lthread_sleep()
-        * by the shim.
-        */
-       struct timespec time;
-       time.tv_sec = 1;
-       time.tv_nsec = 0;
-       nanosleep(&time, NULL);
-       /* wake up all the threads */
-       pthread_cond_broadcast(&exit_cond);
-       /* wait for them to finish */
-       for (i = 0; i < HELLOW_WORLD_MAX_LTHREADS; i++) {
-               uint64_t thread_no;
-               pthread_join(tid[i], (void *) &thread_no);
-               if (thread_no != i)
-                       printf("error on thread exit\n");
-       }
-       pthread_cond_destroy(&exit_cond);
-       pthread_mutex_destroy(&print_lock);
-       pthread_mutex_destroy(&exit_lock);
-       /* shutdown the lthread scheduler */
-       lthread_scheduler_shutdown(rte_lcore_id());
-       lthread_detach();
-       return NULL;
-/* This thread creates a single initial lthread
- * and then runs the scheduler
- * An instance of this thread is created on each thread
- * in the core mask
- */
-static int
-lthread_scheduler(void *args __rte_unused)
-       /* create initial thread  */
-       struct lthread *lt;
-       lthread_create(&lt, -1, initial_lthread, (void *) NULL);
-       /* run the lthread scheduler */
-       lthread_run();
-       /* restore genuine pthread operation */
-       pthread_override_set(0);
-       return 0;
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
-       int num_sched = 0;
-       /* basic DPDK initialization is all that is necessary to run lthreads*/
-       int ret = rte_eal_init(argc, argv);
-       if (ret < 0)
-               rte_exit(EXIT_FAILURE, "Invalid EAL parameters\n");
-       /* enable timer subsystem */
-       rte_timer_subsystem_init();
-       lthread_diagnostic_set_mask(LT_DIAG_ALL);
-       /* create a scheduler on every core in the core mask
-        * and launch an initial lthread that will spawn many more.
-        */
-       unsigned lcore_id;
-       for (lcore_id = 0; lcore_id < RTE_MAX_LCORE; lcore_id++) {
-               if (rte_lcore_is_enabled(lcore_id))
-                       num_sched++;
-       }
-       /* set the number of schedulers, this forces all schedulers synchronize
-        * before entering their main loop
-        */
-       lthread_num_schedulers_set(num_sched);
-       /* launch all threads */
-       rte_eal_mp_remote_launch(lthread_scheduler, (void *)NULL, CALL_MAIN);
-       /* wait for threads to stop */
-       RTE_LCORE_FOREACH_WORKER(lcore_id) {
-               rte_eal_wait_lcore(lcore_id);
-       }
-       /* clean up the EAL */
-       rte_eal_cleanup();
-       return 0;
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/meson.build b/examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/meson.build
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index 866e6c9..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
-# Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
-# meson file, for building this example as part of a main DPDK build.
-# To build this example as a standalone application with an already-installed
-# DPDK instance, use 'make'
-build = dpdk_conf.has('RTE_ARCH_X86_64') or dpdk_conf.has('RTE_ARCH_ARM64')
-if not build
-    subdir_done()
-deps += ['timer']
-allow_experimental_apis = true
-# get the performance thread (pt) architecture subdir
-if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_ARCH_ARM64')
-    pt_arch_dir = '../common/arch/arm64'
-    pt_arch_dir = '../common/arch/x86'
-sources += files('main.c',
-    'pthread_shim.c',
-    '../common/lthread.c',
-    '../common/lthread_cond.c',
-    '../common/lthread_diag.c',
-    '../common/lthread_mutex.c',
-    '../common/lthread_sched.c',
-    '../common/lthread_tls.c',
-    pt_arch_dir + '/ctx.c')
-includes += include_directories('../common', pt_arch_dir)
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/pthread_shim.c b/examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/pthread_shim.c
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index bbc0765..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,713 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <dlfcn.h>
-#include <rte_log.h>
-#include "lthread_api.h"
-#include "pthread_shim.h"
-#define POSIX_ERRNO(x)  (x)
-/* some releases of FreeBSD 10, e.g. 10.0, don't have CPU_COUNT macro */
-#ifndef CPU_COUNT
-#define CPU_COUNT(x) __cpu_count(x)
-static inline unsigned int
-__cpu_count(const rte_cpuset_t *cpuset)
-       unsigned int i, count = 0;
-       for (i = 0; i < RTE_MAX_LCORE; i++)
-               if (CPU_ISSET(i, cpuset))
-                       count++;
-       return count;
- * this flag determines at run time if we override pthread
- * calls and map then to equivalent lthread calls
- * or of we call the standard pthread function
- */
-static __thread int override;
- * this structures contains function pointers that will be
- * initialised to the loaded address of the real
- * pthread library API functions
- */
-struct pthread_lib_funcs {
-int (*f_pthread_barrier_destroy)
-       (pthread_barrier_t *);
-int (*f_pthread_barrier_init)
-       (pthread_barrier_t *, const pthread_barrierattr_t *, unsigned);
-int (*f_pthread_barrier_wait)
-       (pthread_barrier_t *);
-int (*f_pthread_cond_broadcast)
-       (pthread_cond_t *);
-int (*f_pthread_cond_destroy)
-       (pthread_cond_t *);
-int (*f_pthread_cond_init)
-       (pthread_cond_t *, const pthread_condattr_t *);
-int (*f_pthread_cond_signal)
-       (pthread_cond_t *);
-int (*f_pthread_cond_timedwait)
-       (pthread_cond_t *, pthread_mutex_t *, const struct timespec *);
-int (*f_pthread_cond_wait)
-       (pthread_cond_t *, pthread_mutex_t *);
-int (*f_pthread_create)
-       (pthread_t *, const pthread_attr_t *, void *(*)(void *), void *);
-int (*f_pthread_detach)
-       (pthread_t);
-int (*f_pthread_equal)
-       (pthread_t, pthread_t);
-void (*f_pthread_exit)
-       (void *);
-void * (*f_pthread_getspecific)
-       (pthread_key_t);
-int (*f_pthread_getcpuclockid)
-       (pthread_t, clockid_t *);
-int (*f_pthread_join)
-       (pthread_t, void **);
-int (*f_pthread_key_create)
-       (pthread_key_t *, void (*) (void *));
-int (*f_pthread_key_delete)
-       (pthread_key_t);
-int (*f_pthread_mutex_destroy)
-       (pthread_mutex_t *__mutex);
-int (*f_pthread_mutex_init)
-       (pthread_mutex_t *__mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t *);
-int (*f_pthread_mutex_lock)
-       (pthread_mutex_t *__mutex);
-int (*f_pthread_mutex_trylock)
-       (pthread_mutex_t *__mutex);
-int (*f_pthread_mutex_timedlock)
-       (pthread_mutex_t *__mutex, const struct timespec *);
-int (*f_pthread_mutex_unlock)
-       (pthread_mutex_t *__mutex);
-int (*f_pthread_once)
-       (pthread_once_t *, void (*) (void));
-int (*f_pthread_rwlock_destroy)
-       (pthread_rwlock_t *__rwlock);
-int (*f_pthread_rwlock_init)
-       (pthread_rwlock_t *__rwlock, const pthread_rwlockattr_t *);
-int (*f_pthread_rwlock_rdlock)
-       (pthread_rwlock_t *__rwlock);
-int (*f_pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock)
-       (pthread_rwlock_t *__rwlock, const struct timespec *);
-int (*f_pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock)
-       (pthread_rwlock_t *__rwlock, const struct timespec *);
-int (*f_pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock)
-       (pthread_rwlock_t *__rwlock);
-int (*f_pthread_rwlock_trywrlock)
-       (pthread_rwlock_t *__rwlock);
-int (*f_pthread_rwlock_unlock)
-       (pthread_rwlock_t *__rwlock);
-int (*f_pthread_rwlock_wrlock)
-       (pthread_rwlock_t *__rwlock);
-pthread_t (*f_pthread_self)
-       (void);
-int (*f_pthread_setspecific)
-       (pthread_key_t, const void *);
-int (*f_pthread_spin_init)
-       (pthread_spinlock_t *__spin, int);
-int (*f_pthread_spin_destroy)
-       (pthread_spinlock_t *__spin);
-int (*f_pthread_spin_lock)
-       (pthread_spinlock_t *__spin);
-int (*f_pthread_spin_trylock)
-       (pthread_spinlock_t *__spin);
-int (*f_pthread_spin_unlock)
-       (pthread_spinlock_t *__spin);
-int (*f_pthread_cancel)
-       (pthread_t);
-int (*f_pthread_setcancelstate)
-       (int, int *);
-int (*f_pthread_setcanceltype)
-       (int, int *);
-void (*f_pthread_testcancel)
-       (void);
-int (*f_pthread_getschedparam)
-       (pthread_t pthread, int *, struct sched_param *);
-int (*f_pthread_setschedparam)
-       (pthread_t, int, const struct sched_param *);
-int (*f_pthread_yield)
-       (void);
-int (*f_pthread_setaffinity_np)
-       (pthread_t thread, size_t cpusetsize, const rte_cpuset_t *cpuset);
-int (*f_nanosleep)
-       (const struct timespec *req, struct timespec *rem);
-} _sys_pthread_funcs = {
-       .f_pthread_barrier_destroy = NULL,
- * this macro obtains the loaded address of a library function
- * and saves it.
- */
-static void *__libc_dl_handle = RTLD_NEXT;
-#define get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(name) do {                           \
-       char *error_str;                                                \
-       _sys_pthread_funcs.f_##name = dlsym(__libc_dl_handle, (#name)); \
-       error_str = dlerror();                                          \
-       if (error_str != NULL) {                                        \
-               fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", error_str);                     \
-       }                                                               \
-} while (0)
- * The constructor function initialises the
- * function pointers for pthread library functions
- */
-       override = 0;
-       /*
-        * Get the original functions
-        */
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_barrier_destroy);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_barrier_init);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_barrier_wait);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_cond_broadcast);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_cond_destroy);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_cond_init);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_cond_signal);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_cond_timedwait);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_cond_wait);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_create);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_detach);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_equal);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_exit);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_getspecific);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_getcpuclockid);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_join);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_key_create);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_key_delete);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_mutex_destroy);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_mutex_init);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_mutex_lock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_mutex_trylock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_mutex_timedlock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_mutex_unlock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_once);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_rwlock_destroy);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_rwlock_init);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_rwlock_rdlock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_rwlock_trywrlock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_rwlock_unlock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_rwlock_wrlock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_self);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_setspecific);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_spin_init);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_spin_destroy);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_spin_lock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_spin_trylock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_spin_unlock);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_cancel);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_setcancelstate);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_setcanceltype);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_testcancel);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_getschedparam);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_setschedparam);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_yield);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(pthread_setaffinity_np);
-       get_addr_of_loaded_symbol(nanosleep);
- * Enable/Disable pthread override
- * state
- *  0 disable
- *  1 enable
- */
-void pthread_override_set(int state)
-       override = state;
- * Return pthread override state
- * return
- *  0 disable
- *  1 enable
- */
-int pthread_override_get(void)
-       return override;
- * This macro is used to catch and log
- * invocation of stubs for unimplemented pthread
- * API functions.
- */
-#define NOT_IMPLEMENTED do {                           \
-       if (override) {                                 \
-               RTE_LOG(WARNING,                        \
-                       PTHREAD_SHIM,                   \
-                       "WARNING %s NOT IMPLEMENTED\n", \
-                       __func__);                      \
-       }                                               \
-} while (0)
- * pthread API override functions follow
- * Note in this example code only a subset of functions are
- * implemented.
- *
- * The stub functions provided will issue a warning log
- * message if an unimplemented function is invoked
- *
- */
-int pthread_barrier_destroy(pthread_barrier_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_barrier_destroy(a);
-pthread_barrier_init(pthread_barrier_t *a,
-                    const pthread_barrierattr_t *b, unsigned c)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_barrier_init(a, b, c);
-int pthread_barrier_wait(pthread_barrier_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_barrier_wait(a);
-int pthread_cond_broadcast(pthread_cond_t *cond)
-       if (override) {
-               lthread_cond_broadcast(*(struct lthread_cond **)cond);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_cond_broadcast(cond);
-int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
-       if (override)
-               return lthread_mutex_destroy(*(struct lthread_mutex **)mutex);
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_mutex_destroy(mutex);
-int pthread_cond_destroy(pthread_cond_t *cond)
-       if (override)
-               return lthread_cond_destroy(*(struct lthread_cond **)cond);
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_cond_destroy(cond);
-int pthread_cond_init(pthread_cond_t *cond, const pthread_condattr_t *attr)
-       if (override)
-               return lthread_cond_init(NULL,
-                               (struct lthread_cond **)cond,
-                               (const struct lthread_condattr *) attr);
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_cond_init(cond, attr);
-int pthread_cond_signal(pthread_cond_t *cond)
-       if (override) {
-               lthread_cond_signal(*(struct lthread_cond **)cond);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_cond_signal(cond);
-pthread_cond_timedwait(pthread_cond_t *__rte_restrict cond,
-                      pthread_mutex_t *__rte_restrict mutex,
-                      const struct timespec *__rte_restrict time)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_cond_timedwait(cond, mutex, time);
-int pthread_cond_wait(pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
-       if (override) {
-               pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex);
-               int rv = lthread_cond_wait(*(struct lthread_cond **)cond, 0);
-               pthread_mutex_lock(mutex);
-               return rv;
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_cond_wait(cond, mutex);
-pthread_create(pthread_t *__rte_restrict tid,
-               const pthread_attr_t *__rte_restrict attr,
-               lthread_func_t func,
-              void *__rte_restrict arg)
-       if (override) {
-               int lcore = -1;
-               if (attr != NULL) {
-                       /* determine CPU being requested */
-                       rte_cpuset_t cpuset;
-                       CPU_ZERO(&cpuset);
-                       pthread_attr_getaffinity_np(attr,
-                                               sizeof(rte_cpuset_t),
-                                               &cpuset);
-                       if (CPU_COUNT(&cpuset) != 1)
-                               return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-                       for (lcore = 0; lcore < LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES; lcore++) {
-                               if (!CPU_ISSET(lcore, &cpuset))
-                                       continue;
-                               break;
-                       }
-               }
-               return lthread_create((struct lthread **)tid, lcore,
-                                     func, arg);
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_create(tid, attr, func, arg);
-int pthread_detach(pthread_t tid)
-       if (override) {
-               struct lthread *lt = (struct lthread *)tid;
-               if (lt == lthread_current()) {
-                       lthread_detach();
-                       return 0;
-               }
-               NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_detach(tid);
-int pthread_equal(pthread_t a, pthread_t b)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_equal(a, b);
-void pthread_exit_override(void *v)
-       if (override) {
-               lthread_exit(v);
-               return;
-       }
-       _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_exit(v);
-*pthread_getspecific(pthread_key_t key)
-       if (override)
-               return lthread_getspecific((unsigned int) key);
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_getspecific(key);
-int pthread_getcpuclockid(pthread_t a, clockid_t *b)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_getcpuclockid(a, b);
-int pthread_join(pthread_t tid, void **val)
-       if (override)
-               return lthread_join((struct lthread *)tid, val);
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_join(tid, val);
-int pthread_key_create(pthread_key_t *keyptr, void (*dtor) (void *))
-       if (override)
-               return lthread_key_create((unsigned int *)keyptr, dtor);
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_key_create(keyptr, dtor);
-int pthread_key_delete(pthread_key_t key)
-       if (override) {
-               lthread_key_delete((unsigned int) key);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_key_delete(key);
-pthread_mutex_init(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const pthread_mutexattr_t *attr)
-       if (override)
-               return lthread_mutex_init(NULL,
-                               (struct lthread_mutex **)mutex,
-                               (const struct lthread_mutexattr *)attr);
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_mutex_init(mutex, attr);
-int pthread_mutex_lock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
-       if (override)
-               return lthread_mutex_lock(*(struct lthread_mutex **)mutex);
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_mutex_lock(mutex);
-int pthread_mutex_trylock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
-       if (override)
-               return lthread_mutex_trylock(*(struct lthread_mutex **)mutex);
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex);
-int pthread_mutex_timedlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, const struct timespec *b)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_mutex_timedlock(mutex, b);
-int pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex)
-       if (override)
-               return lthread_mutex_unlock(*(struct lthread_mutex **)mutex);
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex);
-int pthread_once(pthread_once_t *a, void (b) (void))
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_once(a, b);
-int pthread_rwlock_destroy(pthread_rwlock_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_rwlock_destroy(a);
-int pthread_rwlock_init(pthread_rwlock_t *a, const pthread_rwlockattr_t *b)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_rwlock_init(a, b);
-int pthread_rwlock_rdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_rwlock_rdlock(a);
-int pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *a, const struct timespec *b)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock(a, b);
-int pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *a, const struct timespec *b)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock(a, b);
-int pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(pthread_rwlock_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(a);
-int pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(a);
-int pthread_rwlock_unlock(pthread_rwlock_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_rwlock_unlock(a);
-int pthread_rwlock_wrlock(pthread_rwlock_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_rwlock_wrlock(a);
-       if (override) {
-               lthread_yield();
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_yield();
-       if (override)
-               lthread_yield();
-       else
-               _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_yield();
-pthread_t pthread_self(void)
-       if (override)
-               return (pthread_t) lthread_current();
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_self();
-int pthread_setspecific(pthread_key_t key, const void *data)
-       if (override) {
-               int rv =  lthread_setspecific((unsigned int)key, data);
-               return rv;
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_setspecific(key, data);
-int pthread_spin_init(pthread_spinlock_t *a, int b)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_spin_init(a, b);
-int pthread_spin_destroy(pthread_spinlock_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_spin_destroy(a);
-int pthread_spin_lock(pthread_spinlock_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_spin_lock(a);
-int pthread_spin_trylock(pthread_spinlock_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_spin_trylock(a);
-int pthread_spin_unlock(pthread_spinlock_t *a)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_spin_unlock(a);
-int pthread_cancel(pthread_t tid)
-       if (override) {
-               lthread_cancel(*(struct lthread **)tid);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_cancel(tid);
-int pthread_setcancelstate(int a, int *b)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_setcancelstate(a, b);
-int pthread_setcanceltype(int a, int *b)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_setcanceltype(a, b);
-void pthread_testcancel(void)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_testcancel();
-int pthread_getschedparam(pthread_t tid, int *a, struct sched_param *b)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_getschedparam(tid, a, b);
-int pthread_setschedparam(pthread_t a, int b, const struct sched_param *c)
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_setschedparam(a, b, c);
-int nanosleep(const struct timespec *req, struct timespec *rem)
-       if (override) {
-               uint64_t ns = req->tv_sec * 1000000000 + req->tv_nsec;
-               lthread_sleep(ns);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_nanosleep(req, rem);
-pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_t thread, size_t cpusetsize,
-                      const rte_cpuset_t *cpuset)
-       if (override) {
-               /* we only allow affinity with a single CPU */
-               if (CPU_COUNT(cpuset) != 1)
-                       return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-               /* we only allow the current thread to sets its own affinity */
-               struct lthread *lt = (struct lthread *)thread;
-               if (lthread_current() != lt)
-                       return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-               /* determine the CPU being requested */
-               int i;
-               for (i = 0; i < LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES; i++) {
-                       if (!CPU_ISSET(i, cpuset))
-                               continue;
-                       break;
-               }
-               /* check requested core is allowed */
-               if (i == LTHREAD_MAX_LCORES)
-                       return POSIX_ERRNO(EINVAL);
-               /* finally we can set affinity to the requested lcore */
-               lthread_set_affinity(i);
-               return 0;
-       }
-       return _sys_pthread_funcs.f_pthread_setaffinity_np(thread, cpusetsize,
-                                                          cpuset);
diff --git a/examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/pthread_shim.h b/examples/performance-thread/pthread_shim/pthread_shim.h
deleted file mode 100644 (file)
index ce51627..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright(c) 2015 Intel Corporation
- */
-#ifndef _PTHREAD_SHIM_H_
-#define _PTHREAD_SHIM_H_
-#include <rte_lcore.h>
- * This pthread shim is an example that demonstrates how legacy code
- * that makes use of POSIX pthread services can make use of lthreads
- * with reduced porting effort.
- *
- * N.B. The example is not a complete implementation, only a subset of
- * pthread APIs sufficient to demonstrate the principle of operation
- * are implemented.
- *
- * In general pthread attribute objects do not have equivalent functions
- * in lthreads, and are ignored.
- *
- * There is one exception and that is the use of attr to specify a
- * core affinity in calls to pthread_create.
- *
- * The shim operates as follows:-
- *
- * On initialisation a constructor function uses dlsym to obtain and
- * save the loaded address of the full set of pthread APIs that will
- * be overridden.
- *
- * For each function there is a stub provided that will invoke either
- * the genuine pthread library function saved saved by the constructor,
- * or else the corresponding equivalent lthread function.
- *
- * The stub functions are implemented in pthread_shim.c
- *
- * The stub will take care of adapting parameters, and any police
- * any constraints where lthread functionality differs.
- *
- * The initial thread must always be a pure lthread.
- *
- * The decision whether to invoke the real library function or the lthread
- * function is controlled by a per pthread flag that can be switched
- * on of off by the pthread_override_set() API described below. Typically
- * this should be done as the first action of the initial lthread.
- *
- * N.B In general it would be poor practice to revert to invoke a real
- * pthread function when running as an lthread, since these may block and
- * effectively stall the lthread scheduler.
- *
- */
- * An exiting lthread must not terminate the pthread it is running in
- * since this would mean terminating the lthread scheduler.
- * We override pthread_exit() with a macro because it is typically declared with
- * __rte_noreturn
- */
-void pthread_exit_override(void *v);
-#define pthread_exit(v) do { \
-       pthread_exit_override((v));     \
-       return NULL;    \
-} while (0)
- * Enable/Disable pthread override
- * state
- * 0 disable
- * 1 enable
- */
-void pthread_override_set(int state);
- * Return pthread override state
- * return
- * 0 disable
- * 1 enable
- */
-int pthread_override_get(void);
-#endif /* _PTHREAD_SHIM_H_ */