#define RTE_ETH_RSS_L3_PRE64 (1ULL << 53)
#define RTE_ETH_RSS_L3_PRE96 (1ULL << 52)
+ * Use the following macros to combine with the above layers
+ * to choose inner and outer layers or both for RSS computation.
+ * Bits 50 and 51 are reserved for this.
+ */
+ * level 0, requests the default behavior.
+ * Depending on the packet type, it can mean outermost, innermost,
+ * anything in between or even no RSS.
+ * It basically stands for the innermost encapsulation level RSS
+ * can be performed on according to PMD and device capabilities.
+ */
+ * level 1, requests RSS to be performed on the outermost packet
+ * encapsulation level.
+ */
+ * level 2, requests RSS to be performed on the specified inner packet
+ * encapsulation level, from outermost to innermost (lower to higher values).
+ */
+#define ETH_RSS_LEVEL_MASK (3ULL << 50)
+#define ETH_RSS_LEVEL(rss_hf) ((rss_hf & ETH_RSS_LEVEL_MASK) >> 50)
* For input set change of hash filter, if SRC_ONLY and DST_ONLY of
* the same level are used simultaneously, it is the same case as