This patch adds a missing topology "loop" mode for port-topology
option in testpmd guide. The testpmd "loop" option
(PORT_TOPOLOGY_LOOP) was added to testpmd parameter
port-topology back in 2014, but it seems that it was never added
to the testpmd guide. This patch adds it in the testpmd guide.
3e2006d6186c ("app/testpmd: add loopback topology")
Signed-off-by: Rami Rosen <>
Acked-by: Bernard Iremonger <>
* ``--port-topology=mode``
- Set port topology, where mode is ``paired`` (the default) or ``chained``.
+ Set port topology, where mode is ``paired`` (the default), ``chained`` or ``loop``.
In ``paired`` mode, the forwarding is between pairs of ports, for example: (0,1), (2,3), (4,5).
The ordering of the ports can be changed using the portlist testpmd runtime function.
+ In ``loop`` mode, ingress traffic is simply transmitted back on the same interface.
* ``--forward-mode=mode``
Set the forwarding mode where ``mode`` is one of the following::