+# generate a .d file including both C files and also build files, so we can
+# detect both file changes and file additions/deletions
+echo "$API_EXAMPLES: $(find ${EXAMPLES_DIR} -type f \( -name '*.c' -o -name 'meson.build' \) -printf '%p ' )" > ${API_EXAMPLES}.d
exec > "${API_EXAMPLES}"
printf '/**\n'
printf '@page examples DPDK Example Programs\n\n'
generate_examples = find_program('generate_examples.sh')
generate_css = find_program('doxy-html-custom.sh')
-inputdir = join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'examples')
htmldir = join_paths('share', 'doc', 'dpdk')
# due to the following bug: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/4107
# false it would be impossible to install the docs.
# So use a configure option for now.
example = custom_target('examples.dox',
- input: inputdir,
output: 'examples.dox',
- command: [generate_examples, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'],
+ command: [generate_examples, join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'examples'), '@OUTPUT@'],
+ depfile: 'examples.dox.d',
install: get_option('enable_docs'),
install_dir: htmldir,
build_by_default: get_option('enable_docs'))