import subprocess
+from docutils import nodes
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+from sphinx import __version__ as sphinx_version
from sphinx.highlighting import PygmentsBridge
from pygments.formatters.latex import LatexFormatter
# Replace the default latex formatter.
PygmentsBridge.latex_formatter = CustomLatexFormatter
+######## :numref: fallback ########
+# The following hook functions add some simple handling for the :numref:
+# directive for Sphinx versions prior to 1.3.1. The functions replace the
+# :numref: reference with a link to the target (for all Sphinx doc types).
+# It doesn't try to label figures/tables.
+def numref_role(reftype, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner):
+ """
+ Add a Sphinx role to handle numref references. Note, we can't convert
+ the link here because the doctree isn't build and the target information
+ isn't available.
+ """
+ # Add an identifier to distinguish numref from other references.
+ newnode = nodes.reference('',
+ '',
+ refuri='_local_numref_#%s' % text,
+ internal=True)
+ return [newnode], []
+def process_numref(app, doctree, from_docname):
+ """
+ Process the numref nodes once the doctree has been built and prior to
+ writing the files. The processing involves replacing the numref with a
+ link plus text to indicate if it is a Figure or Table link.
+ """
+ # Iterate over the reference nodes in the doctree.
+ for node in doctree.traverse(nodes.reference):
+ target = node.get('refuri', '')
+ # Look for numref nodes.
+ if target.startswith('_local_numref_#'):
+ target = target.replace('_local_numref_#', '')
+ # Get the target label and link information from the Sphinx env.
+ data = app.builder.env.domains['std'].data
+ docname, label, _ = data['labels'].get(target, ('', '', ''))
+ relative_url = app.builder.get_relative_uri(from_docname, docname)
+ # Add a text label to the link.
+ if target.startswith('figure'):
+ caption = 'Figure'
+ elif target.startswith('table'):
+ caption = 'Table'
+ else:
+ caption = 'Link'
+ # New reference node with the updated link information.
+ newnode = nodes.reference('',
+ caption,
+ refuri='%s#%s' % (relative_url, label),
+ internal=True)
+ node.replace_self(newnode)
+def setup(app):
+ if LooseVersion(sphinx_version) < LooseVersion('1.3.1'):
+ print('Upgrade sphinx to version >= 1.3.1 for '
+ 'improved Figure/Table number handling.')
+ # Add a role to handle :numref: references.
+ app.add_role('numref', numref_role)
+ # Process the numref references once the doctree has been created.
+ app.connect('doctree-resolved', process_numref)