remove it from the externally visible ABI and allow it to be updated in the
+* lib: will fix extending some enum/define breaking the ABI. There are multiple
+ samples in DPDK that enum/define terminated with a ``.*MAX.*`` value which is
+ used by iterators, and arrays holding these values are sized with this
+ ``.*MAX.*`` value. So extending this enum/define increases the ``.*MAX.*``
+ value which increases the size of the array and depending on how/where the
+ array is used this may break the ABI.
+ ``RTE_ETH_FLOW_MAX`` is one sample of the mentioned case, adding a new flow
+ type will break the ABI because of ``flex_mask[RTE_ETH_FLOW_MAX]`` array
+ usage in following public struct hierarchy:
+ ``rte_eth_fdir_flex_conf -> rte_fdir_conf -> rte_eth_conf (in the middle)``.
+ Need to identify this kind of usages and fix in 20.11, otherwise this blocks
+ us extending existing enum/define.
+ One solution can be using a fixed size array instead of ``.*MAX.*`` value.
* dpaa2: removal of ``rte_dpaa2_memsegs`` structure which has been replaced
by a pa-va search library. This structure was earlier being used for holding
memory segments used by dpaa2 driver for faster pa->va translation. This