--- /dev/null
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright(c) 2020 Arm Limited
+ */
+#ifndef _RTE_LPM_SVE_H_
+#define _RTE_LPM_SVE_H_
+#include <rte_vect.h>
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+static void
+__rte_lpm_lookup_vec(const struct rte_lpm *lpm, const uint32_t *ips,
+ uint32_t *__rte_restrict next_hops, const uint32_t n)
+ uint32_t i = 0;
+ svuint32_t v_ip, v_idx, v_tbl24, v_tbl8, v_hop;
+ svuint32_t v_mask_xv, v_mask_v, v_mask_hop;
+ svbool_t pg = svwhilelt_b32(i, n);
+ svbool_t pv;
+ do {
+ v_ip = svld1(pg, &ips[i]);
+ /* Get indices for tbl24[] */
+ v_idx = svlsr_x(pg, v_ip, 8);
+ /* Extract values from tbl24[] */
+ v_tbl24 = svld1_gather_index(pg, (const uint32_t *)lpm->tbl24,
+ v_idx);
+ /* Create mask with valid set */
+ v_mask_v = svdup_u32_z(pg, RTE_LPM_LOOKUP_SUCCESS);
+ /* Create mask with valid and valid_group set */
+ v_mask_xv = svdup_u32_z(pg, RTE_LPM_VALID_EXT_ENTRY_BITMASK);
+ /* Create predicate for tbl24 entries: (valid && !valid_group) */
+ pv = svcmpeq(pg, svand_z(pg, v_tbl24, v_mask_xv), v_mask_v);
+ /* Create mask for next_hop in table entry */
+ v_mask_hop = svdup_u32_z(pg, 0x00ffffff);
+ /* Extract next_hop and write back */
+ v_hop = svand_x(pv, v_tbl24, v_mask_hop);
+ svst1(pv, &next_hops[i], v_hop);
+ /* Update predicate for tbl24 entries: (valid && valid_group) */
+ pv = svcmpeq(pg, svand_z(pg, v_tbl24, v_mask_xv), v_mask_xv);
+ /* Compute tbl8 index */
+ v_idx = svand_x(pv, v_tbl24, svdup_u32_z(pv, 0xffffff));
+ v_idx = svmul_x(pv, v_idx, RTE_LPM_TBL8_GROUP_NUM_ENTRIES);
+ v_idx = svadd_x(pv, svand_x(pv, v_ip, svdup_u32_z(pv, 0xff)),
+ v_idx);
+ /* Extract values from tbl8[] */
+ v_tbl8 = svld1_gather_index(pv, (const uint32_t *)lpm->tbl8,
+ v_idx);
+ /* Update predicate for tbl8 entries: (valid) */
+ pv = svcmpeq(pv, svand_z(pv, v_tbl8, v_mask_v), v_mask_v);
+ /* Extract next_hop and write back */
+ v_hop = svand_x(pv, v_tbl8, v_mask_hop);
+ svst1(pv, &next_hops[i], v_hop);
+ i += svlen(v_ip);
+ pg = svwhilelt_b32(i, n);
+ } while (svptest_any(svptrue_b32(), pg));
+static inline void
+rte_lpm_lookupx4(const struct rte_lpm *lpm, xmm_t ip, uint32_t hop[4],
+ uint32_t defv)
+ uint32_t i, ips[4];
+ vst1q_s32((int32_t *)ips, ip);
+ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+ hop[i] = defv;
+ __rte_lpm_lookup_vec(lpm, ips, hop, 4);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* _RTE_LPM_SVE_H_ */