%global target %{_arch}-native-linuxapp-gcc
%global machine default
-BuildRequires: kernel-devel, kernel-headers, libpcap-devel, xen-devel, doxygen
+BuildRequires: kernel-devel, kernel-headers, libpcap-devel, xen-devel, doxygen, python-sphinx
Intel(r) DPDK core includes kernel modules, core libraries and tools.
Summary: Intel(r) Data Plane Development Kit API documentation
BuildArch: noarch
%description doc
-Intel(r) DPDK doc explains the API details in doxygen HTML format.
+Intel(r) DPDK doc is divided in two parts: API details in doxygen HTML format
+and guides in sphinx HTML format.
%global destdir %{buildroot}%{_prefix}
%global moddir /lib/modules/%(uname -r)/extra