-doxygen "${DOXYCONF}"
+# run doxygen, capturing all the header files it processed
+doxygen "${DOXYCONF}" | tee doxygen.out
+echo "$OUTDIR: $(awk '/Preprocessing/ {printf("%s ", substr($2, 1, length($2) - 3))}' doxygen.out)" > $OUTDIR.d
"${SCRIPTCSS}" "${OUTDIR}"/doxygen.css
generate_examples = find_program('generate_examples.sh')
generate_css = find_program('doxy-html-custom.sh')
-htmldir = join_paths('share', 'doc', 'dpdk')
+htmldir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'doc', 'dpdk')
# due to the following bug: https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/issues/4107
# if install is set to true it will override build_by_default and it will
depends: example,
input: doxy_conf,
output: 'api',
+ depfile: 'api.d',
command: [generate_doxygen, '@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@', generate_css],
install: get_option('enable_docs'),
install_dir: htmldir,