of all the items described above, including the padding at the end.
Also, offset of data to authenticate (op.sym.auth.data.offset)
must be such that points at the start of the COUNT bytes.
+Device and driver naming
+The qat crypto driver name is "crypto_qat".
+This name is passed to the dpdk-test-crypto-perf tool in the -devtype parameter.
+The rte_cryptodev_devices_get() can return the devices exposed by a driver.
+Each qat crypto device has a unique name, in format
+<pci bdf>_<service>, e.g. "0000:41:01.0_qat_sym".
+This name can be passed to rte_cryptodev_get_dev_id() to get the device_id.
+This is also the format of the slave parameter passed to the crypto scheduler.