--- /dev/null
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Transform a unified diff from stdin to a colored
+# side-by-side HTML page on stdout.
+# Author: Olivier MATZ <zer0@droids-corp.org>
+# Inspired by diff2html.rb from Dave Burt <dave (at) burt.id.au>
+# (mainly for html theme)
+import sys, re, htmlentitydefs
+html_hdr="""<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
+ <html><head>
+ <meta name="generator" content="diff2html.rb" />
+ <title>HTML Diff</title>
+ <style>
+ table { border:0px; border-collapse:collapse; width: 100%; font-size:0.75em; font-family: Lucida Console, monospace }
+ td.line { color:#8080a0 }
+ th { background: black; color: white }
+ tr.unmodified td { background: #D0D0E0 }
+ tr.hunk td { background: #A0A0A0 }
+ tr.added td { background: #CCFFCC }
+ tr.deleted td { background: #FFCCCC }
+ tr.changed td { background: #FFFFA0 }
+ span.changed2 { background: #E0C880 }
+ span.ponct { color: #B08080 }
+ tr.misc td {}
+ tr.separator td {}
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <table>
+add_cpt, del_cpt = 0,0
+line1, line2 = 0,0
+hunk_off1, hunk_size1, hunk_off2, hunk_size2 = 0,0,0,0
+# minimum line size, we add a zero-sized breakable space every
+# LINESIZE characters
+def sane(x):
+ r=""
+ for i in x:
+ j = ord(i)
+ if i not in ['\t', '\n'] and ((j < 32) or (j >= 127)):
+ r=r+"."
+ else:
+ r=r+i
+ return r
+def linediff(s, t):
+ if len(s):
+ s=str(reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, [ sane(c) for c in s ]))
+ if len(t):
+ t=str(reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, [ sane(c) for c in t ]))
+ m,n = len(s), len(t)
+ d=[[(0,0) for i in range(n+1)] for i in range(m+1)]
+ x=[[(0,0) for i in range(n+1)] for i in range(m+1)]
+ d[0][0] = (0, (0,0))
+ for i in range(m+1)[1:]:
+ d[i][0] = (i,(i-1,0))
+ for j in range(n+1)[1:]:
+ d[0][j] = (j,(0,j-1))
+ for i in range(m+1)[1:]:
+ for j in range(n+1)[1:]:
+ if s[i-1] == t[j-1]:
+ cost = 0
+ else:
+ cost = 1
+ d[i][j] = min((d[i-1][j][0] + 1, (i-1,j)),
+ (d[i][j-1][0] + 1, (i,j-1)),
+ (d[i-1][j-1][0] + cost, (i-1,j-1)))
+ l=[]
+ coord = (m,n)
+ while coord != (0,0):
+ l.insert(0, coord)
+ x,y = coord
+ coord = d[x][y][1]
+ l1 = []
+ l2 = []
+ for coord in l:
+ cx,cy = coord
+ child_val = d[cx][cy][0]
+ father_coord = d[cx][cy][1]
+ fx,fy = father_coord
+ father_val = d[fx][fy][0]
+ diff = (cx-fx, cy-fy)
+ if diff == (0,1):
+ l1.append("")
+ l2.append(DIFFON + t[fy] + DIFFOFF)
+ elif diff == (1,0):
+ l1.append(DIFFON + s[fx] + DIFFOFF)
+ l2.append("")
+ elif child_val-father_val == 1:
+ l1.append(DIFFON + s[fx] + DIFFOFF)
+ l2.append(DIFFON + t[fy] + DIFFOFF)
+ else:
+ l1.append(s[fx])
+ l2.append(t[fy])
+ r1,r2 = (reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, l1), reduce(lambda x,y:x+y, l2))
+ return r1,r2
+def convert(s, linesize=0, ponct=0):
+ i=0
+ t=""
+ l=[]
+ for c in s:
+ # used by diffs
+ if c==DIFFON:
+ t += '<spanclass="changed2">'
+ elif c==DIFFOFF:
+ t += "</span>"
+ # special html chars
+ elif htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name.has_key(ord(c)):
+ t += "&%s;"%(htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name[ord(c)])
+ i += 1
+ # special highlighted chars
+ elif c=="\t" and ponct==1:
+ n = TAB-(i%TAB)
+ if n==0:
+ n=TAB
+ t += ('<spanclass="ponct">»</span>'+' '*(n-1))
+ i += n
+ elif c=="\n" and ponct==1:
+ t += '<spanclass="ponct">\</span>'
+ else:
+ t += c
+ i += 1
+ if linesize and i>linesize:
+ i=0
+ t += "​"
+ if ponct==1:
+ t = t.replace(' ', '<spanclass="ponct">·</span>')
+ t = t.replace("spanclass", "span class")
+ return t
+def add_comment(s):
+ sys.stdout.write('<tr class="misc"><td colspan="4">%s</td></tr>\n'%convert(s))
+def add_filename(f1, f2):
+ sys.stdout.write("<tr><th colspan='2'>%s</th>"%convert(f1, linesize=LINESIZE))
+ sys.stdout.write("<th colspan='2'>%s</th></tr>\n"%convert(f2, linesize=LINESIZE))
+def add_hunk():
+ global hunk_off1
+ global hunk_size1
+ global hunk_off2
+ global hunk_size2
+ sys.stdout.write('<tr class="hunk"><td colspan="2">Offset %d, %d lines modified</td>'%(hunk_off1, hunk_size1))
+ sys.stdout.write('<td colspan="2">Offset %d, %d lines modified</td></tr>\n'%(hunk_off2, hunk_size2))
+def add_line(s1, s2):
+ global line1
+ global line2
+ if s1==None and s2==None:
+ type="unmodified"
+ elif s1==None:
+ type="added"
+ elif s2==None:
+ type="deleted"
+ elif s1==s2:
+ type="unmodified"
+ else:
+ type="changed"
+ s1,s2 = linediff(s1, s2)
+ sys.stdout.write('<tr class="%s">'%type)
+ if s1!=None and s1!="":
+ sys.stdout.write('<td class="line">%d </td>'%line1)
+ sys.stdout.write('<td>')
+ sys.stdout.write(convert(s1, linesize=LINESIZE, ponct=1))
+ sys.stdout.write('</td>')
+ else:
+ s1=""
+ sys.stdout.write('<td colspan="2"> </td>')
+ if s2!=None and s2!="":
+ sys.stdout.write('<td class="line">%d </td>'%line2)
+ sys.stdout.write('<td>')
+ sys.stdout.write(convert(s2, linesize=LINESIZE, ponct=1))
+ sys.stdout.write('</td>')
+ else:
+ s2=""
+ sys.stdout.write('<td colspan="2"></td>')
+ sys.stdout.write('</tr>\n')
+ if s1!="":
+ line1 += 1
+ if s2!="":
+ line2 += 1
+def empty_buffer():
+ global buffer
+ global add_cpt
+ global del_cpt
+ if del_cpt == 0 or add_cpt == 0:
+ for l in buffer:
+ add_line(l[0], l[1])
+ elif del_cpt != 0 and add_cpt != 0:
+ l0, l1 = [], []
+ for l in buffer:
+ if l[0] != None:
+ l0.append(l[0])
+ if l[1] != None:
+ l1.append(l[1])
+ max = (len(l0) > len(l1)) and len(l0) or len(l1)
+ for i in range(max):
+ s0, s1 = "", ""
+ if i<len(l0):
+ s0 = l0[i]
+ if i<len(l1):
+ s1 = l1[i]
+ add_line(s0, s1)
+ add_cpt, del_cpt = 0,0
+ buffer = []
+while True:
+ l=sys.stdin.readline()
+ if l=="":
+ break
+ m=re.match('^--- ([^\s]*)', l)
+ if m:
+ empty_buffer()
+ file1=m.groups()[0]
+ l=sys.stdin.readline()
+ m=re.match('^\+\+\+ ([^\s]*)', l)
+ if m:
+ file2=m.groups()[0]
+ add_filename(file1, file2)
+ hunk_off1, hunk_size1, hunk_off2, hunk_size2 = 0,0,0,0
+ continue
+ m=re.match("@@ -(\d+),?(\d*) \+(\d+),?(\d*)", l)
+ if m:
+ empty_buffer()
+ hunk_data = map(lambda x:x=="" and 1 or int(x), m.groups())
+ hunk_off1, hunk_size1, hunk_off2, hunk_size2 = hunk_data
+ line1, line2 = hunk_off1, hunk_off2
+ add_hunk()
+ continue
+ if hunk_size1 == 0 and hunk_size2 == 0:
+ empty_buffer()
+ add_comment(l)
+ continue
+ if re.match("^\+", l):
+ add_cpt += 1
+ hunk_size2 -= 1
+ buffer.append((None, l[1:]))
+ continue
+ if re.match("^\-", l):
+ del_cpt += 1
+ hunk_size1 -= 1
+ buffer.append((l[1:], None))
+ continue
+ if re.match("^\ ", l) and hunk_size1 and hunk_size2:
+ empty_buffer()
+ hunk_size1 -= 1
+ hunk_size2 -= 1
+ buffer.append((l[1:], l[1:]))
+ continue
+ empty_buffer()
+ add_comment(l)