Such algorithm combinations are not supported on GEN1/GEN2 hardware
and executing the request returns RTE_CRYPTO_OP_STATUS_INVALID_SESSION.
+* **Queue-pairs are now thread-safe on Intel QuickAssist Technology (QAT) PMD.**
+ Queue-pairs are thread-safe on Intel CPUs but Queues are not (that is, within
+ a single queue-pair all enqueues to the TX queue must be done from one thread
+ and all dequeues from the RX queue must be done from one thread, but enqueues
+ and dequeues may be done in different threads.).
* **Updated the ZUC PMD.**
* Transistioned underlying library from libSSO ZUC to intel-ipsec-mb
the Technical Board decided to disable all the kernel modules
by default from 20.02 version.
+* **Removed coalescing feature from Intel QuickAssist Technology (QAT) PMD.**
+ The internal tail write coalescing feature was removed as not compatible with
+ dual-thread feature. It was replaced with a threshold feature. At busy times
+ if only a small number of packets can be enqueued, each enqueue causes
+ an expensive MMIO write. These MMIO write occurrences can be optimised by using
+ the new threshold parameter on process start. Please see qat documentation for
+ more details.
API Changes