--- /dev/null
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ Copyright(C) 2020 Marvell International Ltd.
+Trace Library
+*Tracing* is a technique used to understand what goes on in a running software
+system. The software used for tracing is called a *tracer*, which is
+conceptually similar to a tape recorder.
+When recording, specific instrumentation points placed in the software source
+code generate events that are saved on a giant tape: a trace file.
+The trace file then later can be opened in *trace viewers* to visualize and
+analyze the trace events with timestamps and multi-core views.
+Such a mechanism will be useful for resolving a wide range of problems such as
+multi-core synchronization issues, latency measurements, finding out the
+post analysis information like CPU idle time, etc that would otherwise be
+extremely challenging to get.
+Tracing is often compared to *logging*. However, tracers and loggers are two
+different tools, serving two different purposes.
+Tracers are designed to record much lower-level events that occur much more
+frequently than log messages, often in the range of thousands per second, with
+very little execution overhead.
+Logging is more appropriate for a very high-level analysis of less frequent
+events: user accesses, exceptional conditions (errors and warnings, for
+example), database transactions, instant messaging communications, and such.
+Simply put, logging is one of the many use cases that can be satisfied with
+DPDK tracing library features
+- A framework to add tracepoints in control and fast path APIs with minimum
+ impact on performance.
+ Typical trace overhead is ~20 cycles and instrumentation overhead is 1 cycle.
+- Enable and disable the tracepoints at runtime.
+- Save the trace buffer to the filesystem at any point in time.
+- Support ``overwrite`` and ``discard`` trace mode operations.
+- String-based tracepoint object lookup.
+- Enable and disable a set of tracepoints based on regular expression and/or
+ globbing.
+- Generate trace in ``Common Trace Format (CTF)``. ``CTF`` is an open-source
+ trace format and is compatible with ``LTTng``.
+ For detailed information, refer to
+ `Common Trace Format <https://diamon.org/ctf/>`_.
+How to add a tracepoint?
+This section steps you through the details of adding a simple tracepoint.
+.. _create_provider_header_file:
+Create the tracepoint provider header file
+.. code-block:: c
+ #include <rte_trace_point.h>
+ app_trace_string,
+ RTE_TRACE_POINT_ARGS(const char *str),
+ rte_trace_point_emit_string(str);
+ )
+The above macro creates ``app_trace_string`` tracepoint.
+The user can choose any name for the tracepoint.
+However, when adding a tracepoint in the DPDK library, the
+``rte_<library_name>_trace_[<domain>_]<name>`` naming convention must be
+The examples are ``rte_eal_trace_generic_str``, ``rte_mempool_trace_create``.
+The ``RTE_TRACE_POINT`` macro expands from above definition as the following
+function template:
+.. code-block:: c
+ static __rte_always_inline void
+ app_trace_string(const char *str)
+ {
+ /* Trace subsystem hooks */
+ ...
+ rte_trace_point_emit_string(str);
+ }
+The consumer of this tracepoint can invoke
+``app_trace_string(const char *str)`` to emit the trace event to the trace
+Register the tracepoint
+.. code-block:: c
+ /* Select tracepoint register macros */
+ #include <my_tracepoint_provider.h>
+ RTE_TRACE_POINT_DEFINE(app_trace_string);
+ RTE_INIT(app_trace_init)
+ {
+ RTE_TRACE_POINT_REGISTER(app_trace_string, app.trace.string);
+ }
+The above code snippet registers the ``app_trace_string`` tracepoint to
+trace library. Here, the ``my_tracepoint_provider.h`` is the header file
+that the user created in the first step :ref:`create_provider_header_file`.
+The second argument for the ``RTE_TRACE_POINT_REGISTER`` is the name for the
+tracepoint. This string will be used for tracepoint lookup or regular
+expression and/or glob based tracepoint operations.
+There is no requirement for the tracepoint function and its name to be similar.
+However, it is recommended to have a similar name for a better naming
+The user must register the tracepoint before the ``rte_eal_init`` invocation.
+The user can use the ``RTE_INIT`` construction scheme to achieve this.
+.. note::
+ The ``RTE_TRACE_POINT_REGISTER_SELECT`` must be defined before including the
+ header for the tracepoint registration to work properly.
+.. note::
+ The ``RTE_TRACE_POINT_DEFINE`` defines the placeholder for the
+ ``rte_trace_point_t`` tracepoint object. The user must export a
+ ``__<trace_function_name>`` symbol in the library ``.map`` file for this
+ tracepoint to be used out of the library, in shared builds.
+ For example, ``__app_trace_string`` will be the exported symbol in the
+ above example.
+Fast path tracepoint
+In order to avoid performance impact in fast path code, the library introduced
+``RTE_TRACE_POINT_FP``. When adding the tracepoint in fast path code,
+the user must use ``RTE_TRACE_POINT_FP`` instead of ``RTE_TRACE_POINT``.
+``RTE_TRACE_POINT_FP`` is compiled out by default and it can be enabled using
+``CONFIG_RTE_ENABLE_TRACE_FP`` configuration parameter.
+The ``enable_trace_fp`` option shall be used for the same for meson build.
+Event record mode
+Event record mode is an attribute of trace buffers. Trace library exposes the
+following modes:
+ When the trace buffer is full, new trace events overwrites the existing
+ captured events in the trace buffer.
+ When the trace buffer is full, new trace events will be discarded.
+The mode can be configured either using EAL command line parameter
+``--trace-mode`` on application boot up or use ``rte_trace_mode_set()`` API to
+configure at runtime.
+Trace file location
+On ``rte_trace_save()`` or ``rte_eal_cleanup()`` invocation, the library saves
+the trace buffers to the filesystem. By default, the trace files are stored in
+It can be overridden by the ``--trace-dir=<directory path>`` EAL command line
+For more information, refer to :doc:`../linux_gsg/linux_eal_parameters` for
+trace EAL command line options.
+View and analyze the recorded events
+Once the trace directory is available, the user can view/inspect the recorded
+There are many tools you can use to read DPDK traces:
+1. ``babeltrace`` is a command-line utility that converts trace formats; it
+supports the format that DPDK trace library produces, CTF, as well as a
+basic text output that can be grep'ed.
+The babeltrace command is part of the Open Source Babeltrace project.
+2. ``Trace Compass`` is a graphical user interface for viewing and analyzing
+any type of logs or traces, including DPDK traces.
+Use the babeltrace command-line tool
+The simplest way to list all the recorded events of a trace is to pass its path
+to babeltrace with no options::
+ babeltrace </path-to-trace-events/rte-yyyy-mm-dd-[AP]M-hh-mm-ss/>
+``babeltrace`` finds all traces recursively within the given path and prints
+all their events, merging them in chronological order.
+You can pipe the output of the babeltrace into a tool like grep(1) for further
+filtering. Below example grep the events for ``ethdev`` only::
+ babeltrace /tmp/my-dpdk-trace | grep ethdev
+You can pipe the output of babeltrace into a tool like wc(1) to count the
+recorded events. Below example count the number of ``ethdev`` events::
+ babeltrace /tmp/my-dpdk-trace | grep ethdev | wc --lines
+Use the tracecompass GUI tool
+``Tracecompass`` is another tool to view/analyze the DPDK traces which gives
+a graphical view of events. Like ``babeltrace``, tracecompass also provides
+an interface to search for a particular event.
+To use ``tracecompass``, following are the minimum required steps:
+- Install ``tracecompass`` to the localhost. Variants are available for Linux,
+ Windows, and OS-X.
+- Launch ``tracecompass`` which will open a graphical window with trace
+ management interfaces.
+- Open a trace using ``File->Open Trace`` option and select metadata file which
+ is to be viewed/analyzed.
+For more details, refer
+`Trace Compass <https://www.eclipse.org/tracecompass/>`_.
+Quick start
+This section steps you through the details of generating trace and viewing it.
+- Start the dpdk-test::
+ echo "quit" | ./build/app/test/dpdk-test --no-huge --trace=.*
+- View the traces with babeltrace viewer::
+ babeltrace $HOME/dpdk-traces/rte-yyyy-mm-dd-[AP]M-hh-mm-ss/
+Implementation details
+As DPDK trace library is designed to generate traces that uses ``Common Trace
+Format (CTF)``. ``CTF`` specification consists of the following units to create
+a trace.
+- ``Stream`` Sequence of packets.
+- ``Packet`` Header and one or more events.
+- ``Event`` Header and payload.
+For detailed information, refer to
+`Common Trace Format <https://diamon.org/ctf/>`_.
+The implementation details broadly divided into the following areas:
+Trace metadata creation
+Based on the ``CTF`` specification, one of a CTF trace's streams is mandatory:
+the metadata stream. It contains exactly what you would expect: data about the
+trace itself. The metadata stream contains a textual description of the binary
+layouts of all the other streams.
+This description is written using the Trace Stream Description Language (TSDL),
+a declarative language that exists only in the realm of CTF.
+The purpose of the metadata stream is to make CTF readers know how to parse a
+trace's binary streams of events without CTF specifying any fixed layout.
+The only stream layout known in advance is, in fact, the metadata stream's one.
+The internal ``trace_metadata_create()`` function generates the metadata.
+Trace memory
+The trace memory will be allocated through an internal function
+``__rte_trace_mem_per_thread_alloc()``. The trace memory will be allocated
+per thread to enable lock less trace-emit function.
+The memory for the trace memory for DPDK lcores will be allocated on
+``rte_eal_init()`` if the trace is enabled through a EAL option.
+For non DPDK threads, on the first trace emission, the memory will be
+Trace memory layout
+.. _table_trace_mem_layout:
+.. table:: Trace memory layout.
+ +-------------------+
+ | packet.header |
+ +-------------------+
+ | packet.context |
+ +-------------------+
+ | trace 0 header |
+ +-------------------+
+ | trace 0 payload |
+ +-------------------+
+ | trace 1 header |
+ +-------------------+
+ | trace 1 payload |
+ +-------------------+
+ | trace N header |
+ +-------------------+
+ | trace N payload |
+ +-------------------+
+.. _table_packet_header:
+.. table:: Packet header layout.
+ +-------------------+
+ | uint32_t magic |
+ +-------------------+
+ | rte_uuid_t uuid |
+ +-------------------+
+.. _table_packet_context:
+.. table:: Packet context layout.
+ +----------------------+
+ | uint32_t thread_id |
+ +----------------------+
+ | char thread_name[32] |
+ +----------------------+
+.. _table_trace_header:
+.. table:: Trace header layout.
+ +----------------------+
+ | event_id [63:48] |
+ +----------------------+
+ | timestamp [47:0] |
+ +----------------------+
+The trace header is 64 bits, it consists of 48 bits of timestamp and 16 bits
+event ID.
+The ``packet.header`` and ``packet.context`` will be written in the slow path
+at the time of trace memory creation. The ``trace.header`` and trace payload
+will be emitted when the tracepoint function is invoked.