- To get better performance on Intel platforms, please follow the "How to get best performance with NICs on Intel platforms"
section of the :ref:`Getting Started Guide for Linux <linux_gsg>`.
+Recommended Matching List
+It is highly recommended to upgrade the ice kernel driver and firmware and
+DDP packages to avoid the compatibility issues with ice PMD. Here is the
+suggested matching list.
+ +----------------------+-----------------------+------------------+----------------+-------------------+
+ | DPDK version | Kernel driver version | Firmware version | DDP OS Package | DDP COMMS Package |
+ +======================+=======================+==================+================+===================+
+ | 19.11 | 0.12.25 | | 1.3.4 | 1.3.10 |
+ +----------------------+-----------------------+------------------+----------------+-------------------+
+ | 19.08 (experimental) | 0.10.1 | | 1.2.0 | N/A |
+ +----------------------+-----------------------+------------------+----------------+-------------------+
+ | 19.05 (experimental) | 0.9.4 | | 1.1.0 | N/A |
+ +----------------------+-----------------------+------------------+----------------+-------------------+
Pre-Installation Configuration