Update the introduction section note, to add in the fact that DPDK is now
packaged in FreeBSD, i.e. available as a pre-built binary package, as well
as being in the ports collection for manual building.
Signed-off-by: Bruce Richardson <bruce.richardson@intel.com>
.. note::
- The DPDK is now available as part of the FreeBSD ports collection.
- Installing via the ports collection infrastructure is now the recommended
- way to install the DPDK on FreeBSD, and is documented in the
- next chapter, :ref:`install_from_ports`.
+ DPDK is now available as part of the FreeBSD ports collection and as a pre-built package.
+ Installing via the ports collection or FreeBSD `pkg` infrastructure is now the recommended
+ way to install DPDK on FreeBSD, and is documented in the next chapter, :ref:`install_from_ports`.
Documentation Roadmap