# and display those directly.
-import sys, re, htmlentitydefs, getopt, StringIO, codecs
+import sys, re, htmlentitydefs, getopt, StringIO, codecs, datetime
# minimum line size, we add a zero-sized breakable space every
# LINESIZE characters
tabsize = 8
show_CR = False
encoding = "utf-8"
+lang = "en"
+desc = "File comparison"
+dtnow = datetime.datetime.now()
+modified_date = "%s+01:00"%dtnow.isoformat()
html_hdr = """<!DOCTYPE html>
- <meta charset="{0}" />
- <meta name="generator" content="diff2html.rb" />
- <title>HTML Diff</title>
- <style>
- table {{ border:0px; border-collapse:collapse; width: 100%; font-size:0.75em; font-family: Lucida Console, monospace }}
- td.line {{ color:#8080a0 }}
- th {{ background: black; color: white }}
- tr.diffunmodified td {{ background: #D0D0E0 }}
- tr.diffhunk td {{ background: #A0A0A0 }}
- tr.diffadded td {{ background: #CCFFCC }}
- tr.diffdeleted td {{ background: #FFCCCC }}
- tr.diffchanged td {{ background: #FFFFA0 }}
- span.diffchanged2 {{ background: #E0C880 }}
- span.diffponct {{ color: #B08080 }}
- tr.diffmisc td {{}}
- tr.diffseparator td {{}}
- </style>
- </head>
- <body>
+<html lang="{5}" dir="ltr"
+ xmlns:dc="http://purl.org/dc/terms/">
+ <meta charset="{1}" />
+ <meta name="generator" content="diff2html.py (http://git.droids-corp.org/gitweb/?p=diff2html)" />
+ <!--meta name="author" content="Fill in" /-->
+ <title>HTML Diff{0}</title>
+ <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/png" />
+ <meta property="dc:language" content="{5}" />
+ <!--meta property="dc:date" content="{3}" /-->
+ <meta property="dc:modified" content="{4}" />
+ <meta name="description" content="{2}" />
+ <meta property="dc:abstract" content="{2}" />
+ <style>
+ table {{ border:0px; border-collapse:collapse; width: 100%; font-size:0.75em; font-family: Lucida Console, monospace }}
+ td.line {{ color:#8080a0 }}
+ th {{ background: black; color: white }}
+ tr.diffunmodified td {{ background: #D0D0E0 }}
+ tr.diffhunk td {{ background: #A0A0A0 }}
+ tr.diffadded td {{ background: #CCFFCC }}
+ tr.diffdeleted td {{ background: #FFCCCC }}
+ tr.diffchanged td {{ background: #FFFFA0 }}
+ span.diffchanged2 {{ background: #E0C880 }}
+ span.diffponct {{ color: #B08080 }}
+ tr.diffmisc td {{}}
+ tr.diffseparator td {{}}
+ </style>
html_footer = """
+ <p>Modified at {1}. HTML formatting created by <a href="http://git.droids-corp.org/gitweb/?p=diff2html;a=summary">diff2html</a>. </p>
buf = []
-def parse_input(input_file, output_file,
+def parse_input(input_file, output_file, input_file_name, output_file_name,
exclude_headers, show_hunk_infos):
global add_cpt, del_cpt
global line1, line2
global hunk_off1, hunk_size1, hunk_off2, hunk_size2
if not exclude_headers:
- output_file.write(html_hdr.format(encoding).encode(encoding))
+ title_suffix = ' ' + input_file_name
+ output_file.write(html_hdr.format(title_suffix, encoding, desc, "", modified_date, lang).encode(encoding))
while True:
if not exclude_headers:
- output_file.write(html_footer.encode(encoding))
+ output_file.write(html_footer.format("", dtnow.strftime("%d.%m.%Y")).encode(encoding))
def usage():
global show_CR
global encoding
- input_file = sys.stdin
- output_file = sys.stdout
+ input_file_name = ''
+ output_file_name = ''
exclude_headers = False
show_hunk_infos = False
encoding = a
elif o in ("-i", "--input"):
input_file = codecs.open(a, "r", encoding)
+ input_file_name = a
elif o in ("-o", "--output"):
output_file = codecs.open(a, "w")
+ output_file_name = a
elif o in ("-x", "--exclude-html-headers"):
exclude_headers = True
elif o in ("-t", "--tabsize"):
show_hunk_infos = True
assert False, "unhandled option"
- parse_input(input_file, output_file,
+ # Use stdin if not input file is set
+ if not ('input_file' in locals()):
+ input_file = codecs.getreader(encoding)(sys.stdin)
+ # Use stdout if not output file is set
+ if not ('output_file' in locals()):
+ output_file = codecs.getwriter(encoding)(sys.stdout)
+ parse_input(input_file, output_file, input_file_name, output_file_name,
exclude_headers, show_hunk_infos)
def parse_from_memory(txt, exclude_headers, show_hunk_infos):
" Parses diff from memory and returns a string with html "
input_stream = StringIO.StringIO(txt)
output_stream = StringIO.StringIO()
- parse_input(input_stream, output_stream, exclude_headers, show_hunk_infos)
+ parse_input(input_stream, output_stream, '', '', exclude_headers, show_hunk_infos)
return output_stream.getvalue()