| | | | | rdma-core 23 |
| | | | | ConnectX-4 |
- | RSS shared action | | | | DPDK 20.11 |
- | | | N/A | | OFED 5.2 |
- | | | | | rdma-core 33 |
- | | | | | ConnectX-5 |
+ | Shared action | | | | |
+ | | | :numref:`sact`| | :numref:`sact`|
+ | | | | | |
+ | | | | | |
| | VLAN | | DPDK 19.11 | | DPDK 19.11 |
| | (of_pop_vlan / | | OFED 4.7-1 | | OFED 4.7-1 |
| | | rdma-core 32 | | N/A |
| | | ConnectX-5 | | ConnectX-5 |
- | Age shared action | | DPDK 20.11 | | DPDK 20.11 |
- | | | OFED 5.2 | | OFED 5.2 |
- | | | rdma-core 32 | | rdma-core 32 |
- | | | ConnectX-6 Dx| | ConnectX-6 Dx |
- +-----------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
| Encapsulation | | DPDK 21.02 | | DPDK 21.02 |
| GTP PSC | | OFED 5.2 | | OFED 5.2 |
| | | rdma-core 35 | | rdma-core 35 |
| | | ConnectX-5 | | ConnectX-5 |
+.. table:: Minimal SW/HW versions for shared action offload
+ :name: sact
+ +-----------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
+ | Shared Action | with E-Switch | with NIC |
+ +=======================+=================+=================+
+ | RSS | | | | DPDK 20.11 |
+ | | | N/A | | OFED 5.2 |
+ | | | | | rdma-core 33 |
+ | | | | | ConnectX-5 |
+ +-----------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
+ | Age | | DPDK 20.11 | | DPDK 20.11 |
+ | | | OFED 5.2 | | OFED 5.2 |
+ | | | rdma-core 32 | | rdma-core 32 |
+ | | | ConnectX-6 Dx| | ConnectX-6 Dx |
+ +-----------------------+-----------------+-----------------+
Notes for metadata