* Rxq interrupt for virtio-user + vhost-kernel as the backend.
* LSC interrupt for virtio-user + vhost-user as the backend.
+* **Added event driven programming model library (rte_eventdev).**
+ This API introduces event driven programming model.
+ In a polling model, lcores poll ethdev ports and associated
+ rx queues directly to look for packet. In an event driven model,
+ by contrast, lcores call the scheduler that selects packets for
+ them based on programmer-specified criteria. Eventdev library
+ added support for event driven programming model, which offer
+ applications automatic multicore scaling, dynamic load balancing,
+ pipelining, packet ingress order maintenance and
+ synchronization services to simplify application packet processing.
+ By introducing event driven programming model, DPDK can support
+ both polling and event driven programming models for packet processing,
+ and applications are free to choose whatever model
+ (or combination of the two) that best suits their needs.
Resolved Issues