--- /dev/null
+ "throughput": {
+ "default": {
+ "eal": {
+ "l": "1,2",
+ "vdev": "crypto_aesni_mb"
+ },
+ "app": {
+ "csv-friendly": true,
+ "buffer-sz": "64,128,256,512,768,1024,1408,2048",
+ "burst-sz": "1,4,8,16,32",
+ "ptest": "throughput",
+ "devtype": "crypto_aesni_mb"
+ }
+ },
+ "AES-CBC-128 SHA1-HMAC auth-then-cipher decrypt": {
+ "cipher-algo": "aes-cbc",
+ "cipher-key-sz": "16",
+ "auth-algo": "sha1-hmac",
+ "optype": "auth-then-cipher",
+ "cipher-op": "decrypt"
+ },
+ "AES-CBC-128 SHA1-HMAC cipher-then-auth encrypt": {
+ "cipher-algo": "aes-cbc",
+ "cipher-key-sz": "16",
+ "auth-algo": "sha1-hmac",
+ "auth-op": "generate",
+ "auth-key-sz": "64",
+ "digest-sz": "20",
+ "optype": "cipher-then-auth",
+ "cipher-op": "encrypt"
+ },
+ "AES-CBC-256 SHA2-256-HMAC auth-then-cipher decrypt": {
+ "cipher-algo": "aes-cbc",
+ "cipher-key-sz": "32",
+ "auth-algo": "sha2-256-hmac",
+ "optype": "auth-then-cipher",
+ "cipher-op": "decrypt"
+ },
+ "AES-CBC-256 SHA2-256-HMAC cipher-then-auth encrypt": {
+ "cipher-algo": "aes-cbc",
+ "cipher-key-sz": "32",
+ "auth-algo": "sha2-256-hmac",
+ "optype": "cipher-then-auth"
+ },
+ "AES-GCM-128 aead-op encrypt": {
+ "aead-algo": "aes-gcm",
+ "aead-key-sz": "16",
+ "aead-iv-sz": "12",
+ "aead-op": "encrypt",
+ "aead-aad-sz": "16",
+ "digest-sz": "16",
+ "optype": "aead",
+ "total-ops": "10000000"
+ },
+ "AES-GCM-128 aead-op decrypt": {
+ "aead-algo": "aes-gcm",
+ "aead-key-sz": "16",
+ "aead-op": "decrypt"
+ },
+ "AES-GCM-256 aead-op encrypt": {
+ "aead-algo": "aes-gcm",
+ "aead-key-sz": "32",
+ "aead-op": "encrypt"
+ },
+ "AES-GCM-256 aead-op decrypt": {
+ "aead-algo": "aes-gcm",
+ "aead-key-sz": "32",
+ "aead-op": "decrypt"
+ },
+ "AES-GMAC 128 auth-only generate": {
+ "auth-algo": "aes-gmac",
+ "auth-key-sz": "16",
+ "auth-iv-sz": "12",
+ "auth-op": "generate",
+ "digest-sz": "16",
+ "optype": "auth-only",
+ "total-ops": "10000000"
+ }
+ },
+ "latency": {
+ "default": {
+ "eal": {
+ "l": "1,2",
+ "vdev": "crypto_aesni_mb"
+ },
+ "app": {
+ "csv-friendly": true,
+ "buffer-sz": "1024",
+ "burst-sz": "16",
+ "ptest": "latency",
+ "devtype": "crypto_aesni_mb"
+ }
+ },
+ "AES-CBC-128 SHA1-HMAC auth-then-cipher decrypt": {
+ "cipher-algo": "aes-cbc",
+ "cipher-key-sz": "16",
+ "auth-algo": "sha1-hmac",
+ "optype": "auth-then-cipher",
+ "cipher-op": "decrypt"
+ },
+ "AES-GCM-256 aead-op encrypt": {
+ "aead-algo": "aes-gcm",
+ "aead-key-sz": "32",
+ "aead-op": "encrypt"
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2021 Intel Corporation
+Script to automate running crypto performance tests for a range of test
+cases as configured in the JSON file specified by the user.
+The results are processed and output into various graphs in PDF files.
+Currently, throughput and latency tests are supported.
+import glob
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from argparse import ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
+import img2pdf
+import pandas as pd
+import plotly.express as px
+SCRIPT_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "/"
+GRAPH_DIR = "temp_graphs"
+class Grapher:
+ """Grapher object containing all graphing functions. """
+ def __init__(self, config, suite, graph_path):
+ self.graph_num = 0
+ self.graph_path = graph_path
+ self.suite = suite
+ self.config = config
+ self.test = ""
+ self.ptest = ""
+ self.data = pd.DataFrame()
+ def save_graph(self, fig, subdir):
+ """
+ Update figure layout to increase readability, output to JPG file.
+ """
+ path = os.path.join(self.graph_path, subdir, "")
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ os.makedirs(path)
+ fig.update_layout(font_size=30, title_x=0.5, title_font={"size": 25},
+ margin={'t': 300, 'l': 150, 'r': 150, 'b': 150})
+ fig.write_image(path + "%d.jpg" % self.graph_num)
+ def boxplot_graph(self, x_axis_label, burst, buffer):
+ """Plot a boxplot graph for the given parameters."""
+ fig = px.box(self.data, x=x_axis_label,
+ title="Config: " + self.config + "<br>Test Suite: " +
+ self.suite + "<br>" + self.test +
+ "<br>(Outliers Included)<br>Burst Size: " + burst +
+ ", Buffer Size: " + buffer,
+ height=1400, width=2400)
+ self.save_graph(fig, x_axis_label.replace(' ', '_'))
+ self.graph_num += 1
+ def grouped_graph(self, y_axis_label, x_axis_label, color_label):
+ """Plot a grouped barchart using the given parameters."""
+ if (self.data[y_axis_label] == 0).all():
+ return
+ fig = px.bar(self.data, x=x_axis_label, color=color_label,
+ y=y_axis_label,
+ title="Config: " + self.config + "<br>Test Suite: " +
+ self.suite + "<br>" + self.test + "<br>"
+ + y_axis_label + " for each " + x_axis_label +
+ "/" + color_label, barmode="group", height=1400,
+ width=2400)
+ fig.update_xaxes(type='category')
+ self.save_graph(fig, y_axis_label.replace(' ', '_'))
+ self.graph_num += 1
+ def histogram_graph(self, x_axis_label, burst, buffer):
+ """Plot a histogram graph using the given parameters."""
+ quart1 = self.data[x_axis_label].quantile(0.25)
+ quart3 = self.data[x_axis_label].quantile(0.75)
+ inter_quart_range = quart3 - quart1
+ data_out = self.data[~((self.data[x_axis_label] <
+ (quart1 - 1.5 * inter_quart_range)) |
+ (self.data[x_axis_label] >
+ (quart3 + 1.5 * inter_quart_range)))]
+ fig = px.histogram(data_out, x=x_axis_label,
+ title="Config: " + self.config + "<br>Test Suite: "
+ + self.suite + "<br>" + self.test
+ + "<br>(Outliers removed using Interquartile Range)"
+ + "<br>Burst Size: " + burst + ", Buffer Size: " +
+ buffer, height=1400, width=2400)
+ max_val = data_out[x_axis_label].max()
+ min_val = data_out[x_axis_label].min()
+ fig.update_traces(xbins=dict(
+ start=min_val,
+ end=max_val,
+ size=(max_val - min_val) / 200
+ ))
+ self.save_graph(fig, x_axis_label.replace(' ', '_'))
+ self.graph_num += 1
+def cleanup_throughput_datatypes(data):
+ """Cleanup data types of throughput test results dataframe. """
+ data.columns = data.columns.str.replace('/', ' ')
+ data.columns = data.columns.str.strip()
+ data['Burst Size'] = data['Burst Size'].astype('category')
+ data['Buffer Size(B)'] = data['Buffer Size(B)'].astype('category')
+ data['Failed Enq'] = data['Failed Enq'].astype('int')
+ data['Throughput(Gbps)'] = data['Throughput(Gbps)'].astype('float')
+ data['Ops(Millions)'] = data['Ops(Millions)'].astype('float')
+ data['Cycles Buf'] = data['Cycles Buf'].astype('float')
+ return data
+def cleanup_latency_datatypes(data):
+ """Cleanup data types of latency test results dataframe. """
+ data.columns = data.columns.str.strip()
+ data = data[['Burst Size', 'Buffer Size', 'time (us)']].copy()
+ data['Burst Size'] = data['Burst Size'].astype('category')
+ data['Buffer Size'] = data['Buffer Size'].astype('category')
+ data['time (us)'] = data['time (us)'].astype('float')
+ return data
+def process_test_results(grapher, data):
+ """
+ Process results from the test case,
+ calling graph functions to output graph images.
+ """
+ if grapher.ptest == "throughput":
+ grapher.data = cleanup_throughput_datatypes(data)
+ for y_label in ["Throughput(Gbps)", "Ops(Millions)",
+ "Cycles Buf", "Failed Enq"]:
+ grapher.grouped_graph(y_label, "Buffer Size(B)",
+ "Burst Size")
+ elif grapher.ptest == "latency":
+ clean_data = cleanup_latency_datatypes(data)
+ for (burst, buffer), group in clean_data.groupby(['Burst Size',
+ 'Buffer Size']):
+ grapher.data = group
+ grapher.histogram_graph("time (us)", burst, buffer)
+ grapher.boxplot_graph("time (us)", burst, buffer)
+ else:
+ print("Invalid ptest")
+ return
+def create_results_pdf(graph_path, pdf_path):
+ """Output results graphs to PDFs."""
+ if not os.path.exists(pdf_path):
+ os.makedirs(pdf_path)
+ for _, dirs, _ in os.walk(graph_path):
+ for sub in dirs:
+ graphs = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(graph_path, sub, "*.jpg")),
+ key=(lambda x: int((x.rsplit('/', 1)[1])
+ .split('.')[0])))
+ if graphs:
+ with open(pdf_path + "%s_results.pdf" % sub, "wb") as pdf_file:
+ pdf_file.write(img2pdf.convert(graphs))
+def run_test(test_cmd, test, grapher, params, verbose):
+ """Run performance test app for the given test case parameters."""
+ process = subprocess.Popen(["stdbuf", "-oL", test_cmd] + params,
+ universal_newlines=True,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ rows = []
+ if verbose:
+ print("\n\tOutput for " + test + ":")
+ while process.poll() is None:
+ line = process.stdout.readline().strip()
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ if verbose:
+ print("\t\t>>" + line)
+ if line.replace(' ', '').startswith('#lcore'):
+ columns = line[1:].split(',')
+ elif line[0].isdigit():
+ line = line.replace(';', ',')
+ rows.append(line.split(','))
+ else:
+ continue
+ if process.poll() != 0 or not columns or not rows:
+ print("\n\t" + test + ": FAIL")
+ return
+ data = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=columns)
+ grapher.test = test
+ process_test_results(grapher, data)
+ print("\n\t" + test + ": OK")
+ return
+def run_test_suite(test_cmd, suite_config, verbose):
+ """Parse test cases for the test suite and run each test."""
+ print("\nRunning Test Suite: " + suite_config['suite'])
+ default_params = []
+ graph_path = os.path.join(suite_config['output_path'], GRAPH_DIR,
+ suite_config['suite'], "")
+ grapher = Grapher(suite_config['config_name'], suite_config['suite'],
+ graph_path)
+ test_cases = suite_config['test_cases']
+ if 'default' not in test_cases:
+ print("Test Suite must contain default case, skipping")
+ return
+ for (key, val) in test_cases['default']['eal'].items():
+ if len(key) == 1:
+ default_params.append("-" + key + " " + val)
+ else:
+ default_params.append("--" + key + "=" + val)
+ default_params.append("--")
+ for (key, val) in test_cases['default']['app'].items():
+ if isinstance(val, bool):
+ default_params.append("--" + key if val is True else "")
+ else:
+ default_params.append("--" + key + "=" + val)
+ if 'ptest' not in test_cases['default']['app']:
+ print("Test Suite must contain default ptest value, skipping")
+ return
+ grapher.ptest = test_cases['default']['app']['ptest']
+ for (test, params) in {k: v for (k, v) in test_cases.items() if
+ k != "default"}.items():
+ extra_params = []
+ for (key, val) in params.items():
+ if isinstance(val, bool):
+ extra_params.append("--" + key if val is True else "")
+ else:
+ extra_params.append("--" + key + "=" + val)
+ run_test(test_cmd, test, grapher, default_params + extra_params,
+ verbose)
+ create_results_pdf(graph_path, os.path.join(suite_config['output_path'],
+ suite_config['suite'], ""))
+def parse_args():
+ """Parse command-line arguments passed to script."""
+ parser = ArgumentParser(formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ parser.add_argument('config_path', type=str,
+ help="Path to JSON configuration file")
+ parser.add_argument('-t', '--test-suites', nargs='+', default=["all"],
+ help="List of test suites to run")
+ parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true',
+ help="""Display perf test app output.
+ Not recommended for latency tests.""")
+ parser.add_argument('-f', '--file-path',
+ default=shutil.which('dpdk-test-crypto-perf'),
+ help="Path for perf test app")
+ parser.add_argument('-o', '--output-path', default=SCRIPT_PATH,
+ help="Path to store output directories")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ return (args.file_path, args.test_suites, args.config_path,
+ args.output_path, args.verbose)
+def main():
+ """
+ Load JSON config and call relevant functions to run chosen test suites.
+ """
+ test_cmd, test_suites, config_file, output_path, verbose = parse_args()
+ if test_cmd is None or not os.path.isfile(test_cmd):
+ print("Invalid filepath for perf test app!")
+ return
+ try:
+ with open(config_file) as conf:
+ test_suite_ops = json.load(conf)
+ config_name = os.path.splitext(config_file)[0]
+ if '/' in config_name:
+ config_name = config_name.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
+ output_path = os.path.join(output_path, config_name, "")
+ print("Using config: " + config_file)
+ except OSError as err:
+ print("Error with JSON file path: " + err.strerror)
+ return
+ except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as err:
+ print("Error loading JSON config: " + err.msg)
+ return
+ if test_suites != ["all"]:
+ suite_list = []
+ for (suite, test_cases) in {k: v for (k, v) in test_suite_ops.items()
+ if k in test_suites}.items():
+ suite_list.append(suite)
+ suite_config = {'config_name': config_name, 'suite': suite,
+ 'test_cases': test_cases,
+ 'output_path': output_path}
+ run_test_suite(test_cmd, suite_config, verbose)
+ if not suite_list:
+ print("No valid test suites chosen!")
+ return
+ else:
+ for (suite, test_cases) in test_suite_ops.items():
+ suite_config = {'config_name': config_name, 'suite': suite,
+ 'test_cases': test_cases,
+ 'output_path': output_path}
+ run_test_suite(test_cmd, suite_config, verbose)
+ graph_path = os.path.join(output_path, GRAPH_DIR, "")
+ if os.path.exists(graph_path):
+ shutil.rmtree(graph_path)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
digest =
0x1C, 0xB2, 0x3D, 0xD1, 0xF9, 0xC7, 0x6C, 0x49, 0x2E, 0xDA, 0x94, 0x8B, 0xF1, 0xCF, 0x96, 0x43,
0x67, 0x50, 0x39, 0x76, 0xB5, 0xA1, 0xCE, 0xA1, 0xD7, 0x77, 0x10, 0x07, 0x43, 0x37, 0x05, 0xB4
+Graph Crypto Perf Results
+The ``dpdk-graph-crypto-perf.py`` tool is a simple script to automate
+running crypto performance tests, and graphing the results.
+It can be found in the ``app/test-crypto-perf/`` directory.
+The output graphs include various grouped barcharts for throughput
+tests, and histogram and boxplot graphs for latency tests.
+These are output to PDF files, with one PDF per test suite graph type.
+The following python modules must be installed to run the script:
+* img2pdf
+* plotly
+* pandas
+* glob
+Test Configuration
+The test cases run by the script are defined by a JSON config file.
+Some config files can be found in ``app/test-crypto-perf/configs/``,
+or the user may create a new one following the same format as the config files provided.
+An example of this format is shown below for one test suite in the ``crypto-perf-aesni-mb.json`` file.
+This shows the required default config for the test suite, and one test case.
+The test case has additional app config that will be combined with
+the default config when running the test case.
+.. code-block:: c
+ "throughput": {
+ "default": {
+ "eal": {
+ "l": "1,2",
+ "vdev": "crypto_aesni_mb"
+ },
+ "app": {
+ "csv-friendly": true,
+ "buffer-sz": "64,128,256,512,768,1024,1408,2048",
+ "burst-sz": "1,4,8,16,32",
+ "ptest": "throughput",
+ "devtype": "crypto_aesni_mb"
+ }
+ },
+ "AES-CBC-128 SHA1-HMAC auth-then-cipher decrypt": {
+ "cipher-algo": "aes-cbc",
+ "cipher-key-sz": "16",
+ "auth-algo": "sha1-hmac",
+ "optype": "auth-then-cipher",
+ "cipher-op": "decrypt"
+ }
+ }
+.. note::
+ The specific test cases only allow modification of app parameters,
+ and not EAL parameters.
+ The default case is required for each test suite in the config file,
+ to specify EAL parameters.
+Currently, crypto_qat, crypto_aesni_mb, and crypto_aesni_gcm devices for
+both throughput and latency ptests are supported.
+.. code-block:: console
+ ./dpdk-graph-crypto-perf <config_file>
+The ``config_file`` positional argument is required to run the script.
+This points to a valid JSON config file containing test suites.
+.. code-block:: console
+ ./dpdk-graph-crypto-perf configs/crypto-perf-aesni-mb.json
+The following are the application optional command-line options:
+* ``-h, --help``
+ Display usage information and quit
+* ``-f <file_path>, --file-path <file_path>``
+ Provide path to ``dpdk-test-crypto-perf`` application.
+ The script uses the installed app by default.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ ./dpdk-graph-crypto-perf -f <build_dir>/app/dpdk-test-crypto-perf
+* ``-t <test_suite_list>, --test-suites <test_suite_list>``
+ Specify test suites to run. All test suites are run by default.
+ To run crypto-perf-qat latency test suite only:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ ./dpdk-graph-crypto-perf configs/crypto-perf-qat -t latency
+ To run both crypto-perf-aesni-mb throughput and latency test suites
+ .. code-block:: console
+ ./dpdk-graph-crypto-perf configs/crypto-perf-aesni-mb -t throughput latency
+* ``-o <output_path>, --output-path <output_path>``
+ Specify directory to use for output files.
+ The default is to use the script's directory.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ ./dpdk-graph-crypto-perf <config_file> -o <output_dir>
+* ``-v, --verbose``
+ Enable verbose output. This displays ``dpdk-test-crypto-perf`` app output in real-time.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ ./dpdk-graph-crypto-perf <config_file> -v
+ .. warning::
+ Latency performance tests have a large amount of output.
+ It is not recommended to use the verbose option for latency tests.