The DPDK Development Process
The DPDK development process has the following features:
* There are maintainers for hierarchical components.
* Patches are reviewed publicly on the mailing list.
* Successfully reviewed patches are merged to the repository.
-* There are main repository ``dpdk`` and sub-repositories ``dpdk-next-*``.
-* A patch should be sent for its target repository. Like net drivers should be on top of dpdk-next-net repository.
-* All sub-repositories are merged into main repository for -rc1 and -rc2 versions of the release.
-* After -rc2 release all patches should target main repository.
+* Patches should be sent to the target repository or sub-tree, see below.
+* All sub-repositories are merged into main repository for ``-rc1`` and ``-rc2`` versions of the release.
+* After the ``-rc2`` release all patches should target the main repository.
The mailing list for DPDK development is ` <>`_.
Contributors will need to `register for the mailing list <>`_ in order to submit patches.
Refer to the `Pro Git Book <>`_ for further information.
+Maintainers and Sub-trees
+The DPDK maintenance hierarchy is divided into a main repository ``dpdk`` and sub-repositories ``dpdk-next-*``.
+There are maintainers for the trees and for components within the tree.
+Trees and maintainers are listed in the ``MAINTAINERS`` file. For example::
+ Crypto Drivers
+ --------------
+ M: Some Name <>
+ B: Another Name <>
+ T: git://
+ M: Some One <>
+ F: drivers/crypto/aesni_gcm/
+ F: doc/guides/cryptodevs/aesni_gcm.rst
+* ``M`` is a tree or component maintainer.
+* ``B`` is a tree backup maintainer.
+* ``T`` is a repository tree.
+* ``F`` is a maintained file or directory.
+Additional details are given in the ``MAINTAINERS`` file.
+The role of the component maintainers is to:
+* Review patches for the component or delegate the review.
+ The review should be done, ideally, within 1 week of submission to the mailing list.
+* Add an ``acked-by`` to patches, or patchsets, that are ready for committing to a tree.
+Component maintainers can be added or removed by submitting a patch to the ``MAINTAINERS`` file.
+Maintainers should have demonstrated a reasonable level of contributions or reviews to the component area.
+The maintainer should be confirmed by an ``ack`` from an established contributor.
+There can be more than one component maintainer if desired.
+The role of the tree maintainers is to:
+* Maintain the overall quality of their tree.
+ This can entail additional review, compilation checks or other tests deemed necessary by the maintainer.
+* Commit patches that have been reviewed by component maintainers and/or other contributors.
+ The tree maintainer should determine if patches have been reviewed sufficiently.
+* Ensure that patches are reviewed in a timely manner.
+* Prepare the tree for integration.
+* Ensure that there is a designated back-up maintainer and coordinate a handover for periods where the
+ tree maintainer can't perform their role.
+Tree maintainers can be added or removed by submitting a patch to the ``MAINTAINERS`` file.
+The proposer should justify the need for a new sub-tree and should have demonstrated a sufficient level of contributions in the area or to a similar area.
+The maintainer should be confirmed by an ``ack`` from an existing tree maintainer.
+Disagreements on trees or maintainers can be brought to the Technical Board.
+The backup maintainer for the master tree should be selected from the existing sub-tree maintainers from the project.
+The backup maintainer for a sub-tree should be selected from among the component maintainers within that sub-tree.
Getting the Source Code