* The text of the commit message should be wrapped at 72 characters.
-* When fixing a regression, it is a good idea to reference the id of the commit which introduced the bug.
- You can generate the required text using the following git alias::
+* When fixing a regression, it is required to reference the id of the commit
+ which introduced the bug, and put the original author of that commit on CC.
+ You can generate the required lines using the following git alias, which prints
+ the commit SHA and the author of the original code::
- git config alias.fixline "log -1 --abbrev=12 --format='Fixes: %h (\"%s\")'"
+ git config alias.fixline "log -1 --abbrev=12 --format='Fixes: %h (\"%s\")%nCc: %ae'"
- The ``Fixes:`` line can then be added to the commit message::
+ The output of ``git fixline <SHA>`` must then be added to the commit message::
- doc: fix vhost sample parameter
+ doc: fix some parameter description
- Update the docs to reflect removed dev-index.
+ Update the docs, fixing description of some parameter.
- Fixes: 17b8320a3e11 ("vhost: remove index parameter")
+ Fixes: abcdefgh1234 ("doc: add some parameter")
+ Cc: author@example.com
Signed-off-by: Alex Smith <alex.smith@example.com>