examples/ip_pipeline: add core mappings script
authorGuruprasad Mukundarao <guruprasadx.rao@intel.com>
Fri, 10 Jun 2016 15:55:05 +0000 (16:55 +0100)
committerThomas Monjalon <thomas.monjalon@6wind.com>
Tue, 14 Jun 2016 19:21:59 +0000 (21:21 +0200)
This script parses the application configuration file and detects all the
pipelines specified therein, and then, it generates all the possible mappings
of those pipelines on the specified CPU core-list.

As a result, each of the possible pipeline-to-core mappings is saved as
separate output configuration file. For example- if input file is
edge_router_downstream.cfg with 3 pipeline (excluding pipeline 0) and
core-list is “1, 2”, following combinations will be generated-

Pipeline 1        Pipeline 2      Pipeline 3
Core = 1          Core = 1        Core = 2
Core = 1          Core = 2        Core = 1
Core = 2          Core = 1        Core = 1
Core = 2          Core = 2        Core = 1
Core = 2          Core = 1        Core = 2
Core = 1          Core = 2        Core = 2
Core = C1         Core = C1H      Core = C2
Core = C1         Core = C2       Core = C1H
Core = C2         Core = C1       Core = C1H

This script will help users to analyse the performance of application by
evaluating all the generated configuration files with different
pipelines-to-core mappings and obtaining the application configuration file
with best performance.

To run the script, issue the following command;

./pipeline-to-core-mapping.py -i <input_configuration_file> -pc "s<socket-id>c<core-id>"

Some optional arguments are as follows:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ht {ON,OFF}, --hyper-thread {ON,OFF}
                        enable/disable hyper threading. default is ON
  -nO, --no-output-file
                        disable output config file generation. Output file
                        generation is enabled by default

Signed-off-by: Guruprasad Mukundarao <guruprasadx.rao@intel.com>
Acked-by: Cristian Dumitrescu <cristian.dumitrescu@intel.com>
examples/ip_pipeline/config/pipeline-to-core-mapping.py [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/examples/ip_pipeline/config/pipeline-to-core-mapping.py b/examples/ip_pipeline/config/pipeline-to-core-mapping.py
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..37b131c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python2
+#   Copyright(c) 2016 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+#   All rights reserved.
+#   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+#   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+#   are met:
+#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
+#       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+#       distribution.
+#     * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its
+#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# This script maps the set of pipelines identified (MASTER pipelines are
+# ignored) from the input configuration file to the set of cores
+# provided as input argument and creates configuration files for each of
+# the mapping combinations.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import sys
+import errno
+import os
+import re
+import array
+import itertools
+import re
+import argparse
+from collections import namedtuple
+# default values
+enable_stage0_traceout = 1
+enable_stage1_traceout = 1
+enable_stage2_traceout = 1
+enable_stage1_fileout = 1
+enable_stage2_fileout = 1
+Constants = namedtuple('Constants', ['MAX_CORES', 'MAX_PIPELINES'])
+constants = Constants(16, 64)
+# pattern for physical core
+pattern_phycore = '^(s|S)\d(c|C)[1-9][0-9]*$'
+reg_phycore = re.compile(pattern_phycore)
+def popcount(mask):
+    return bin(mask).count("1")
+def len2mask(length):
+    if (length == 0):
+        return 0
+    if (length > 64):
+        sys.exit('error: len2mask - length %i > 64. exiting' % length)
+    return int('1' * length, 2)
+def bitstring_write(n, n_bits):
+    tmpstr = ""
+    if (n_bits > 64):
+        return
+    i = n_bits - 1
+    while (i >= 0):
+        cond = (n & (1 << i))
+        if (cond):
+            print('1', end='')
+            tmpstr += '1'
+        else:
+            print('0', end='')
+            tmpstr += '0'
+        i -= 1
+    return tmpstr
+class Cores0:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.n_pipelines = 0
+class Cores1:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.pipelines = 0
+        self.n_pipelines = 0
+class Cores2:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.pipelines = 0
+        self.n_pipelines = 0
+        self.counter = 0
+        self.counter_max = 0
+        self.bitpos = array.array(
+            "L", itertools.repeat(0, constants.MAX_PIPELINES))
+class Context0:
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.cores = [Cores0() for i in range(0, constants.MAX_CORES)]
+        self.n_cores = 0
+        self.n_pipelines = 0
+        self.n_pipelines0 = 0
+        self.pos = 0
+        self.file_comment = ""
+        self.ctx1 = None
+        self.ctx2 = None
+    def stage0_print(self):
+        print('printing Context0 obj')
+        print('c0.cores(n_pipelines) = [ ', end='')
+        for cores_count in range(0, constants.MAX_CORES):
+            print(self.cores[cores_count].n_pipelines, end=' ')
+        print(']')
+        print('c0.n_cores = %d' % self.n_cores)
+        print('c0.n_pipelines = %d' % self.n_pipelines)
+        print('c0.n_pipelines0 = %d' % self.n_pipelines0)
+        print('c0.pos = %d' % self.pos)
+        print('c0.file_comment = %s' % self.file_comment)
+        if (self.ctx1 is not None):
+            print('c0.ctx1 = ', end='')
+            print(repr(self.ctx1))
+        else:
+            print('c0.ctx1 = None')
+        if (self.ctx2 is not None):
+            print('c0.ctx2 = ', end='')
+            print(repr(self.ctx2))
+        else:
+            print('c0.ctx2 = None')
+    def stage0_init(self, num_cores, num_pipelines, ctx1, ctx2):
+        self.n_cores = num_cores
+        self.n_pipelines = num_pipelines
+        self.ctx1 = ctx1
+        self.ctx2 = ctx2
+    def stage0_process(self):
+        # stage0 init
+        self.cores[0].n_pipelines = self.n_pipelines
+        self.n_pipelines0 = 0
+        self.pos = 1
+        while True:
+            # go forward
+            while True:
+                if ((self.pos < self.n_cores) and (self.n_pipelines0 > 0)):
+                    self.cores[self.pos].n_pipelines = min(
+                        self.cores[self.pos - 1].n_pipelines,
+                        self.n_pipelines0)
+                    self.n_pipelines0 -= self.cores[self.pos].n_pipelines
+                    self.pos += 1
+                else:
+                    break
+            # check solution
+            if (self.n_pipelines0 == 0):
+                self.stage0_log()
+                self.ctx1.stage1_init(self, self.ctx2)  # self is object c0
+                self.ctx1.stage1_process()
+            # go backward
+            while True:
+                if (self.pos == 0):
+                    return
+                self.pos -= 1
+                if ((self.cores[self.pos].n_pipelines > 1) and
+                        (self.pos != (self.n_cores - 1))):
+                    break
+                self.n_pipelines0 += self.cores[self.pos].n_pipelines
+                self.cores[self.pos].n_pipelines = 0
+            # rearm
+            self.cores[self.pos].n_pipelines -= 1
+            self.n_pipelines0 += 1
+            self.pos += 1
+    def stage0_log(self):
+        tmp_file_comment = ""
+        if(enable_stage0_traceout != 1):
+            return
+        print('STAGE0: ', end='')
+        tmp_file_comment += 'STAGE0: '
+        for cores_count in range(0, self.n_cores):
+            print('C%d = %d\t'
+                  % (cores_count,
+                      self.cores[cores_count].n_pipelines), end='')
+            tmp_file_comment += "C{} = {}\t".format(
+                cores_count, self.cores[cores_count].n_pipelines)
+        # end for
+        print('')
+        self.ctx1.stage0_file_comment = tmp_file_comment
+        self.ctx2.stage0_file_comment = tmp_file_comment
+class Context1:
+    _fileTrace = None
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.cores = [Cores1() for i in range(constants.MAX_CORES)]
+        self.n_cores = 0
+        self.n_pipelines = 0
+        self.pos = 0
+        self.stage0_file_comment = ""
+        self.stage1_file_comment = ""
+        self.ctx2 = None
+        self.arr_pipelines2cores = []
+    def stage1_reset(self):
+        for i in range(constants.MAX_CORES):
+            self.cores[i].pipelines = 0
+            self.cores[i].n_pipelines = 0
+        self.n_cores = 0
+        self.n_pipelines = 0
+        self.pos = 0
+        self.ctx2 = None
+        # clear list
+        del self.arr_pipelines2cores[:]
+    def stage1_print(self):
+        print('printing Context1 obj')
+        print('ctx1.cores(pipelines,n_pipelines) = [ ', end='')
+        for cores_count in range(0, constants.MAX_CORES):
+            print('(%d,%d)' % (self.cores[cores_count].pipelines,
+                               self.cores[cores_count].n_pipelines), end=' ')
+        print(']')
+        print('ctx1.n_cores = %d' % self.n_cores)
+        print('ctx1.n_pipelines = %d' % self.n_pipelines)
+        print('ctx1.pos = %d' % self.pos)
+        print('ctx1.stage0_file_comment = %s' % self.stage0_file_comment)
+        print('ctx1.stage1_file_comment = %s' % self.stage1_file_comment)
+        if (self.ctx2 is not None):
+            print('ctx1.ctx2 = ', end='')
+            print(self.ctx2)
+        else:
+            print('ctx1.ctx2 = None')
+    def stage1_init(self, c0, ctx2):
+        self.stage1_reset()
+        self.n_cores = 0
+        while (c0.cores[self.n_cores].n_pipelines > 0):
+            self.n_cores += 1
+        self.n_pipelines = c0.n_pipelines
+        self.ctx2 = ctx2
+        self.arr_pipelines2cores = [0] * self.n_pipelines
+        i = 0
+        while (i < self.n_cores):
+            self.cores[i].n_pipelines = c0.cores[i].n_pipelines
+            i += 1
+    def stage1_process(self):
+        pipelines_max = len2mask(self.n_pipelines)
+        while True:
+            pos = 0
+            overlap = 0
+            if (self.cores[self.pos].pipelines == pipelines_max):
+                if (self.pos == 0):
+                    return
+                self.cores[self.pos].pipelines = 0
+                self.pos -= 1
+                continue
+            self.cores[self.pos].pipelines += 1
+            if (popcount(self.cores[self.pos].pipelines) !=
+                    self.cores[self.pos].n_pipelines):
+                continue
+            overlap = 0
+            pos = 0
+            while (pos < self.pos):
+                if ((self.cores[self.pos].pipelines) &
+                        (self.cores[pos].pipelines)):
+                    overlap = 1
+                    break
+                pos += 1
+            if (overlap):
+                continue
+            if ((self.pos > 0) and
+                ((self.cores[self.pos].n_pipelines) ==
+                    (self.cores[self.pos - 1].n_pipelines)) and
+                    ((self.cores[self.pos].pipelines) <
+                        (self.cores[self.pos - 1].pipelines))):
+                continue
+            if (self.pos == self.n_cores - 1):
+                self.stage1_log()
+                self.ctx2.stage2_init(self)
+                self.ctx2.stage2_process()
+                if (self.pos == 0):
+                    return
+                self.cores[self.pos].pipelines = 0
+                self.pos -= 1
+                continue
+            self.pos += 1
+    def stage1_log(self):
+        tmp_file_comment = ""
+        if(enable_stage1_traceout == 1):
+            print('STAGE1: ', end='')
+            tmp_file_comment += 'STAGE1: '
+            i = 0
+            while (i < self.n_cores):
+                print('C%d = [' % i, end='')
+                tmp_file_comment += "C{} = [".format(i)
+                j = self.n_pipelines - 1
+                while (j >= 0):
+                    cond = ((self.cores[i].pipelines) & (1 << j))
+                    if (cond):
+                        print('1', end='')
+                        tmp_file_comment += '1'
+                    else:
+                        print('0', end='')
+                        tmp_file_comment += '0'
+                    j -= 1
+                print(']\t', end='')
+                tmp_file_comment += ']\t'
+                i += 1
+            print('\n', end='')
+            self.stage1_file_comment = tmp_file_comment
+            self.ctx2.stage1_file_comment = tmp_file_comment
+        # check if file traceing is enabled
+        if(enable_stage1_fileout != 1):
+            return
+        # spit out the combination to file
+        self.stage1_process_file()
+    def stage1_updateCoresInBuf(self, nPipeline, sCore):
+        rePipeline = self._fileTrace.arr_pipelines[nPipeline]
+        rePipeline = rePipeline.replace("[", "\[").replace("]", "\]")
+        reCore = 'core\s*=\s*((\d*)|(((s|S)\d)?(c|C)[1-9][0-9]*)).*\n'
+        sSubs = 'core = ' + sCore + '\n'
+        reg_pipeline = re.compile(rePipeline)
+        search_match = reg_pipeline.search(self._fileTrace.in_buf)
+        if(search_match):
+            pos = search_match.start()
+            substr1 = self._fileTrace.in_buf[:pos]
+            substr2 = self._fileTrace.in_buf[pos:]
+            substr2 = re.sub(reCore, sSubs, substr2, 1)
+            self._fileTrace.in_buf = substr1 + substr2
+    def stage1_process_file(self):
+        outFileName = os.path.join(self._fileTrace.out_path,
+                                   self._fileTrace.prefix_outfile)
+        outFileName += "_{}CoReS".format(self.n_cores)
+        i = 0  # represents core number
+        while (i < self.n_cores):
+            j = self.n_pipelines - 1
+            pipeline_idx = 0
+            while(j >= 0):
+                cond = ((self.cores[i].pipelines) & (1 << j))
+                if (cond):
+                    # update the pipelines array to match the core
+                    # only in case of cond match
+                    self.arr_pipelines2cores[
+                        pipeline_idx] = fileTrace.in_physical_cores[i]
+                j -= 1
+                pipeline_idx += 1
+            i += 1
+        # update the in_buf as per the arr_pipelines2cores
+        for pipeline_idx in range(len(self.arr_pipelines2cores)):
+            outFileName += "_{}".format(self.arr_pipelines2cores[pipeline_idx])
+            self.stage1_updateCoresInBuf(
+                pipeline_idx, self.arr_pipelines2cores[pipeline_idx])
+        # by now the in_buf is all set to be written to file
+        outFileName += self._fileTrace.suffix_outfile
+        outputFile = open(outFileName, "w")
+        # write out the comments
+        strTruncated = ("", "(Truncated)")[self._fileTrace.ncores_truncated]
+        outputFile.write(
+            "; =============== Pipeline-to-Core Mapping ================\n"
+            "; Generated from file {}\n"
+            "; Input pipelines = {}\n"
+            "; Input cores = {}\n"
+            "; N_PIPELINES = {} N_CORES = {} {} hyper_thread = {}\n"
+            .format(
+                self._fileTrace.in_file_namepath,
+                fileTrace.arr_pipelines,
+                fileTrace.in_physical_cores,
+                self._fileTrace.n_pipelines,
+                self._fileTrace.n_cores,
+                strTruncated,
+                self._fileTrace.hyper_thread))
+        outputFile.write(
+            "; {stg0cmt}\n"
+            "; {stg1cmt}\n"
+            "; ========================================================\n"
+            "; \n"
+            .format(
+                stg0cmt=self.stage0_file_comment,
+                stg1cmt=self.stage1_file_comment))
+        # write buffer contents
+        outputFile.write(self._fileTrace.in_buf)
+        outputFile.flush()
+        outputFile.close()
+class Context2:
+    _fileTrace = None
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.cores = [Cores2() for i in range(constants.MAX_CORES)]
+        self.n_cores = 0
+        self.n_pipelines = 0
+        self.pos = 0
+        self.stage0_file_comment = ""
+        self.stage1_file_comment = ""
+        self.stage2_file_comment = ""
+        # each array entry is a pipeline mapped to core stored as string
+        # pipeline ranging from 1 to n, however stored in zero based array
+        self.arr2_pipelines2cores = []
+    def stage2_print(self):
+        print('printing Context2 obj')
+        print('ctx2.cores(pipelines, n_pipelines, counter, counter_max) =')
+        for cores_count in range(0, constants.MAX_CORES):
+            print('core[%d] = (%d,%d,%d,%d)' % (
+                cores_count,
+                self.cores[cores_count].pipelines,
+                self.cores[cores_count].n_pipelines,
+                self.cores[cores_count].counter,
+                self.cores[cores_count].counter_max))
+            print('ctx2.n_cores = %d' % self.n_cores, end='')
+            print('ctx2.n_pipelines = %d' % self.n_pipelines, end='')
+            print('ctx2.pos = %d' % self.pos)
+            print('ctx2.stage0_file_comment = %s' %
+                  self.self.stage0_file_comment)
+            print('ctx2.stage1_file_comment = %s' %
+                  self.self.stage1_file_comment)
+            print('ctx2.stage2_file_comment = %s' %
+                  self.self.stage2_file_comment)
+    def stage2_reset(self):
+        for i in range(0, constants.MAX_CORES):
+            self.cores[i].pipelines = 0
+            self.cores[i].n_pipelines = 0
+            self.cores[i].counter = 0
+            self.cores[i].counter_max = 0
+            for idx in range(0, constants.MAX_PIPELINES):
+                self.cores[i].bitpos[idx] = 0
+        self.n_cores = 0
+        self.n_pipelines = 0
+        self.pos = 0
+        # clear list
+        del self.arr2_pipelines2cores[:]
+    def bitpos_load(self, coreidx):
+        i = j = 0
+        while (i < self.n_pipelines):
+            if ((self.cores[coreidx].pipelines) &
+                    (1 << i)):
+                self.cores[coreidx].bitpos[j] = i
+                j += 1
+            i += 1
+        self.cores[coreidx].n_pipelines = j
+    def bitpos_apply(self, in_buf, pos, n_pos):
+        out = 0
+        for i in range(0, n_pos):
+            out |= (in_buf & (1 << i)) << (pos[i] - i)
+        return out
+    def stage2_init(self, ctx1):
+        self.stage2_reset()
+        self.n_cores = ctx1.n_cores
+        self.n_pipelines = ctx1.n_pipelines
+        self.arr2_pipelines2cores = [''] * self.n_pipelines
+        core_idx = 0
+        while (core_idx < self.n_cores):
+            self.cores[core_idx].pipelines = ctx1.cores[core_idx].pipelines
+            self.bitpos_load(core_idx)
+            core_idx += 1
+    def stage2_log(self):
+        tmp_file_comment = ""
+        if(enable_stage2_traceout == 1):
+            print('STAGE2: ', end='')
+            tmp_file_comment += 'STAGE2: '
+            for i in range(0, self.n_cores):
+                mask = len2mask(self.cores[i].n_pipelines)
+                pipelines_ht0 = self.bitpos_apply(
+                    (~self.cores[i].counter) & mask,
+                    self.cores[i].bitpos,
+                    self.cores[i].n_pipelines)
+                pipelines_ht1 = self.bitpos_apply(
+                    self.cores[i].counter,
+                    self.cores[i].bitpos,
+                    self.cores[i].n_pipelines)
+                print('C%dHT0 = [' % i, end='')
+                tmp_file_comment += "C{}HT0 = [".format(i)
+                tmp_file_comment += bitstring_write(
+                    pipelines_ht0, self.n_pipelines)
+                print(']\tC%dHT1 = [' % i, end='')
+                tmp_file_comment += "]\tC{}HT1 = [".format(i)
+                tmp_file_comment += bitstring_write(
+                    pipelines_ht1, self.n_pipelines)
+                print(']\t', end='')
+                tmp_file_comment += ']\t'
+            print('')
+            self.stage2_file_comment = tmp_file_comment
+        # check if file traceing is enabled
+        if(enable_stage2_fileout != 1):
+            return
+        # spit out the combination to file
+        self.stage2_process_file()
+    def stage2_updateCoresInBuf(self, nPipeline, sCore):
+        rePipeline = self._fileTrace.arr_pipelines[nPipeline]
+        rePipeline = rePipeline.replace("[", "\[").replace("]", "\]")
+        reCore = 'core\s*=\s*((\d*)|(((s|S)\d)?(c|C)[1-9][0-9]*)).*\n'
+        sSubs = 'core = ' + sCore + '\n'
+        reg_pipeline = re.compile(rePipeline)
+        search_match = reg_pipeline.search(self._fileTrace.in_buf)
+        if(search_match):
+            pos = search_match.start()
+            substr1 = self._fileTrace.in_buf[:pos]
+            substr2 = self._fileTrace.in_buf[pos:]
+            substr2 = re.sub(reCore, sSubs, substr2, 1)
+            self._fileTrace.in_buf = substr1 + substr2
+    def pipelines2cores(self, n, n_bits, nCore, bHT):
+        if (n_bits > 64):
+            return
+        i = n_bits - 1
+        pipeline_idx = 0
+        while (i >= 0):
+            cond = (n & (1 << i))
+            if (cond):
+                # update the pipelines array to match the core
+                # only in case of cond match
+                # PIPELINE0 and core 0 are reserved
+                if(bHT):
+                    tmpCore = fileTrace.in_physical_cores[nCore] + 'h'
+                    self.arr2_pipelines2cores[pipeline_idx] = tmpCore
+                else:
+                    self.arr2_pipelines2cores[pipeline_idx] = \
+                        fileTrace.in_physical_cores[nCore]
+            i -= 1
+            pipeline_idx += 1
+    def stage2_process_file(self):
+        outFileName = os.path.join(self._fileTrace.out_path,
+                                   self._fileTrace.prefix_outfile)
+        outFileName += "_{}CoReS".format(self.n_cores)
+        for i in range(0, self.n_cores):
+            mask = len2mask(self.cores[i].n_pipelines)
+            pipelines_ht0 = self.bitpos_apply((~self.cores[i].counter) & mask,
+                                              self.cores[i].bitpos,
+                                              self.cores[i].n_pipelines)
+            pipelines_ht1 = self.bitpos_apply(self.cores[i].counter,
+                                              self.cores[i].bitpos,
+                                              self.cores[i].n_pipelines)
+            # update pipelines to core mapping
+            self.pipelines2cores(pipelines_ht0, self.n_pipelines, i, False)
+            self.pipelines2cores(pipelines_ht1, self.n_pipelines, i, True)
+        # update the in_buf as per the arr_pipelines2cores
+        for pipeline_idx in range(len(self.arr2_pipelines2cores)):
+            outFileName += "_{}".format(
+                self.arr2_pipelines2cores[pipeline_idx])
+            self.stage2_updateCoresInBuf(
+                pipeline_idx, self.arr2_pipelines2cores[pipeline_idx])
+        # by now the in_buf is all set to be written to file
+        outFileName += self._fileTrace.suffix_outfile
+        outputFile = open(outFileName, "w")
+        # write the file comments
+        strTruncated = ("", "(Truncated)")[self._fileTrace.ncores_truncated]
+        outputFile.write(
+            "; =============== Pipeline-to-Core Mapping ================\n"
+            "; Generated from file {}\n"
+            "; Input pipelines = {}\n"
+            "; Input cores = {}\n"
+            "; N_PIPELINES = {}  N_CORES = {} {} hyper_thread = {} \n"
+            .format(
+                self._fileTrace.in_file_namepath,
+                fileTrace.arr_pipelines,
+                fileTrace.in_physical_cores,
+                self._fileTrace.n_pipelines,
+                self._fileTrace.n_cores,
+                strTruncated,
+                self._fileTrace.hyper_thread))
+        outputFile.write(
+            "; {stg0cmt}\n"
+            "; {stg1cmt}\n"
+            "; {stg2cmt}\n"
+            "; ========================================================\n"
+            "; \n"
+            .format(
+                stg0cmt=self.stage0_file_comment,
+                stg1cmt=self.stage1_file_comment,
+                stg2cmt=self.stage2_file_comment))
+        # write the buffer contents
+        outputFile.write(self._fileTrace.in_buf)
+        outputFile.flush()
+        outputFile.close()
+    def stage2_process(self):
+        i = 0
+        while(i < self.n_cores):
+            self.cores[i].counter_max = len2mask(
+                self.cores[i].n_pipelines - 1)
+            i += 1
+        self.pos = self.n_cores - 1
+        while True:
+            if (self.pos == self.n_cores - 1):
+                self.stage2_log()
+            if (self.cores[self.pos].counter ==
+                    self.cores[self.pos].counter_max):
+                if (self.pos == 0):
+                    return
+                self.cores[self.pos].counter = 0
+                self.pos -= 1
+                continue
+            self.cores[self.pos].counter += 1
+            if(self.pos < self.n_cores - 1):
+                self.pos += 1
+class FileTrace:
+    def __init__(self, filenamepath):
+        self.in_file_namepath = os.path.abspath(filenamepath)
+        self.in_filename = os.path.basename(self.in_file_namepath)
+        self.in_path = os.path.dirname(self.in_file_namepath)
+        filenamesplit = self.in_filename.split('.')
+        self.prefix_outfile = filenamesplit[0]
+        self.suffix_outfile = ".cfg"
+        # output folder:  in the same folder as input file
+        # create new folder in the name of input file
+        self.out_path = os.path.join(
+            os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
+            self.prefix_outfile)
+        try:
+            os.makedirs(self.out_path)
+        except OSError as excep:
+            if excep.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(self.out_path):
+                pass
+            else:
+                raise
+        self.in_buf = None
+        self.arr_pipelines = []  # holds the positions of search
+        self.max_cores = 15
+        self.max_pipelines = 15
+        self.in_physical_cores = None
+        self.hyper_thread = None
+        # save the num of pipelines determined from input file
+        self.n_pipelines = 0
+        # save the num of cores input (or the truncated value)
+        self.n_cores = 0
+        self.ncores_truncated = False
+    def print_TraceFile(self):
+        print("self.in_file_namepath = ", self.in_file_namepath)
+        print("self.in_filename = ", self.in_filename)
+        print("self.in_path = ", self.in_path)
+        print("self.out_path = ", self.out_path)
+        print("self.prefix_outfile = ", self.prefix_outfile)
+        print("self.suffix_outfile = ", self.suffix_outfile)
+        print("self.in_buf = ", self.in_buf)
+        print("self.arr_pipelines =", self.arr_pipelines)
+        print("self.in_physical_cores", self.in_physical_cores)
+        print("self.hyper_thread", self.hyper_thread)
+def process(n_cores, n_pipelines, fileTrace):
+    '''process and map pipelines, cores.'''
+    if (n_cores == 0):
+        sys.exit('N_CORES is 0, exiting')
+    if (n_pipelines == 0):
+        sys.exit('N_PIPELINES is 0, exiting')
+    if (n_cores > n_pipelines):
+        print('\nToo many cores, truncating N_CORES to N_PIPELINES')
+        n_cores = n_pipelines
+        fileTrace.ncores_truncated = True
+    fileTrace.n_pipelines = n_pipelines
+    fileTrace.n_cores = n_cores
+    strTruncated = ("", "(Truncated)")[fileTrace.ncores_truncated]
+    print("N_PIPELINES = {}, N_CORES = {} {}"
+          .format(n_pipelines, n_cores, strTruncated))
+    print("---------------------------------------------------------------")
+    ctx0_inst = Context0()
+    ctx1_inst = Context1()
+    ctx2_inst = Context2()
+    # initialize the class variables
+    ctx1_inst._fileTrace = fileTrace
+    ctx2_inst._fileTrace = fileTrace
+    ctx0_inst.stage0_init(n_cores, n_pipelines, ctx1_inst, ctx2_inst)
+    ctx0_inst.stage0_process()
+def validate_core(core):
+    match = reg_phycore.match(core)
+    if(match):
+        return True
+    else:
+        return False
+def validate_phycores(phy_cores):
+    '''validate physical cores, check if unique.'''
+    # eat up whitespaces
+    phy_cores = phy_cores.strip().split(',')
+    # check if the core list is unique
+    if(len(phy_cores) != len(set(phy_cores))):
+        print('list of physical cores has duplicates')
+        return None
+    for core in phy_cores:
+        if not validate_core(core):
+            print('invalid physical core specified.')
+            return None
+    return phy_cores
+def scanconfigfile(fileTrace):
+    '''scan input file for pipelines, validate then process.'''
+    # open file
+    filetoscan = open(fileTrace.in_file_namepath, 'r')
+    fileTrace.in_buf = filetoscan.read()
+    # reset iterator on open file
+    filetoscan.seek(0)
+    # scan input file for pipelines
+    # master pipelines to be ignored
+    pattern_pipeline = r'\[PIPELINE\d*\]'
+    pattern_mastertype = r'type\s*=\s*MASTER'
+    pending_pipeline = False
+    for line in filetoscan:
+        match_pipeline = re.search(pattern_pipeline, line)
+        match_type = re.search('type\s*=', line)
+        match_mastertype = re.search(pattern_mastertype, line)
+        if(match_pipeline):
+            sPipeline = line[match_pipeline.start():match_pipeline.end()]
+            pending_pipeline = True
+        elif(match_type):
+            # found a type definition...
+            if(match_mastertype is None):
+                # and this is not a master pipeline...
+                if(pending_pipeline):
+                    # add it to the list of pipelines to be mapped
+                    fileTrace.arr_pipelines.append(sPipeline)
+                    pending_pipeline = False
+            else:
+                # and this is a master pipeline...
+                # ignore the current and move on to next
+                sPipeline = ""
+                pending_pipeline = False
+    filetoscan.close()
+    # validate if pipelines are unique
+    if(len(fileTrace.arr_pipelines) != len(set(fileTrace.arr_pipelines))):
+        sys.exit('Error: duplicate pipelines in input file')
+    num_pipelines = len(fileTrace.arr_pipelines)
+    num_cores = len(fileTrace.in_physical_cores)
+    print("-------------------Pipeline-to-core mapping--------------------")
+    print("Input pipelines = {}\nInput cores = {}"
+          .format(fileTrace.arr_pipelines, fileTrace.in_physical_cores))
+    # input configuration file validations goes here
+    if (num_cores > fileTrace.max_cores):
+        sys.exit('Error: number of cores specified > max_cores (%d)' %
+                 fileTrace.max_cores)
+    if (num_pipelines > fileTrace.max_pipelines):
+        sys.exit('Error: number of pipelines in input \
+                cfg file > max_pipelines (%d)' % fileTrace.max_pipelines)
+    # call process to generate pipeline-to-core mapping, trace and log
+    process(num_cores, num_pipelines, fileTrace)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='mappipelines')
+    reqNamedGrp = parser.add_argument_group('required named args')
+    reqNamedGrp.add_argument(
+        '-i',
+        '--input-file',
+        type=argparse.FileType('r'),
+        help='Input config file',
+        required=True)
+    reqNamedGrp.add_argument(
+        '-pc',
+        '--physical-cores',
+        type=validate_phycores,
+        help='''Enter available CPU cores in
+                format:\"<core>,<core>,...\"
+                where each core format: \"s<SOCKETID>c<COREID>\"
+                where SOCKETID={0..9}, COREID={1-99}''',
+        required=True)
+    # add optional arguments
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-ht',
+        '--hyper-thread',
+        help='enable/disable hyper threading. default is ON',
+        default='ON',
+        choices=['ON', 'OFF'])
+    parser.add_argument(
+        '-nO',
+        '--no-output-file',
+        help='''disable output config file generation.
+                Output file generation is enabled by default''',
+        action="store_true")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if(args.physical_cores is None):
+        parser.error("invalid physical_cores specified")
+    # create object of FileTrace and initialise
+    fileTrace = FileTrace(args.input_file.name)
+    fileTrace.in_physical_cores = args.physical_cores
+    fileTrace.hyper_thread = args.hyper_thread
+    if(fileTrace.hyper_thread == 'OFF'):
+        print("!!!!disabling stage2 HT!!!!")
+        enable_stage2_traceout = 0
+        enable_stage2_fileout = 0
+    elif(fileTrace.hyper_thread == 'ON'):
+        print("!!!!HT enabled. disabling stage1 file generation.!!!!")
+        enable_stage1_fileout = 0
+    if(args.no_output_file is True):
+        print("!!!!disabling stage1 and stage2 fileout!!!!")
+        enable_stage1_fileout = 0
+        enable_stage2_fileout = 0
+    scanconfigfile(fileTrace)