]> git.droids-corp.org - imapami.git/shortlog
2016-11-30 Olivier Matzsq
2016-11-30 Olivier MatzXXX tmp: add reldate
2016-11-30 Olivier Matzactions: rename deleted as delete
2016-11-30 Olivier Matzfix setting of per-rule inbox
2016-11-28 Olivier Matzquestion
2016-11-28 Olivier Matzfix not ?
2016-11-28 Olivier Matzdebug
2016-11-28 Olivier Matzactions: surround flags with parenthesis
2016-11-28 Olivier Matzutils: fix exception with bad encoding
2016-11-28 Olivier Matzfix race when receiving mail during rule process
2016-03-29 Olivier Matzcond: fix "not" condition
2016-03-29 Olivier Matzuse uids to manipulate mails
2015-11-29 Olivier Matzutils: relax conversion to unicode
2015-11-29 Olivier Matzutils: fix decoding of invalid headers
2015-11-29 Olivier Matzactions: remove undeclared variables in log
2015-11-25 Olivier Matzconditions: fix criteria for 'or'
2015-11-25 Olivier Matzconditions: fix criteria for 'not'
2015-11-25 Olivier Matzactions: fix move
2015-11-22 Olivier MatzFirst public revision