app: rework
authorIntel <>
Wed, 19 Dec 2012 23:00:00 +0000 (00:00 +0100)
committerThomas Monjalon <>
Thu, 25 Jul 2013 13:54:17 +0000 (15:54 +0200)
Signed-off-by: Intel
app/test/ [new file with mode: 0644]
app/test/ [new file with mode: 0644]
app/test/ [new file with mode: 0644]
app/test/ [deleted file]
app/test/ [deleted file]

index a93b90c..65ee38b 100755 (executable)
-# Script that uses qemu controlled by python-pexpect to check that
-# all autotests are working in the baremetal environment.
+# Script that uses either test app or qemu controlled by python-pexpect
-import sys, pexpect, time, os, re
+import sys, autotest_data, autotest_runner
-directory = sys.argv[2]
-target = sys.argv[3]
-log_file = "%s.txt"%(target)
-if "baremetal" in target:
-    cmdline  = "qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom %s.iso -boot d "%(sys.argv[1])
-    cmdline    += "-m 2000 -smp 4 -nographic -net nic,model=e1000"
-    platform = "QEMU x86_64"
-    cmdline  = "%s -c f -n 4"%(sys.argv[1])
-    try:
-        platform = open("/root/rte_platform_model.txt").read()
-    except:
-        platform = "unknown"
-print cmdline
+def usage():
+       print"Usage: [test app|test iso image]",
+       print "[target] [whitelist|-blacklist]"
-report_hdr=""".. <COPYRIGHT_TAG>
+if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+       usage()
+       sys.exit(1)
+target = sys.argv[2]
-class SubTest:
-    "Defines a subtest"
-    def __init__(self, title, function, command=None, timeout=10, genreport=None):
-        self.title = title
-        self.function = function
-        self.command = command
-        self.timeout = timeout
-        self.genreport = genreport
-class AutoTest:
-    """This class contains all methods needed to launch several
-    automatic tests, archive test results, log, and generate a nice
-    test report in restructured text"""
-    title = "new"
-    mainlog = None
-    logbuf = None
-    literal = 0
-    test_list = []
-    report_list = []
-    child = None
-    def __init__(self, pexpectchild, filename, mode):
-        "Init the Autotest class"
-        self.mainlog = file(filename, mode)
-        self.child = pexpectchild
-        pexpectchild.logfile = self
-    def register(self, filename, title, subtest_list):
-        "Register a test with a list of subtests"
-        test = {}
-        test["filename"] = filename
-        test["title"] = title
-        test["subtest_list"] = subtest_list
-        self.test_list.append(test)
-    def start(self):
-        "start the tests, and fill the internal report_list field"
-        for t in self.test_list:
-            report = {}
-            report["date"] = time.asctime()
-            report["title"] = t["title"]
-            report["filename"] = t["filename"]
-            report["subreport_list"] = []
-            report["fails"] = 0
-            report["success"] = 0
-            report["subreport_list"] = []
-            for st in t["subtest_list"]:
-                if test_whitelist is not None and st.title not in test_whitelist:
-                    continue
-                if test_blacklist is not None and st.title in test_blacklist:
-                    continue
-                subreport = {}
-                self.reportbuf = ""
-                subreport["title"] = st.title
-                subreport["func"] = st.function
-                subreport["command"] = st.command
-                subreport["timeout"] = st.timeout
-                subreport["genreport"] = st.genreport
-                # launch subtest
-                print "%s (%s): "%(subreport["title"], subreport["command"]),
-                sys.stdout.flush()
-                start = time.time()
-                res = subreport["func"](self.child,
-                                        command = subreport["command"],
-                                        timeout = subreport["timeout"])
-                t = int(time.time() - start)
-                subreport["time"] = "%dmn%d"%(t/60, t%60)
-                subreport["result"] = res[0] # 0 or -1
-                subreport["result_str"] = res[1] # cause of fail
-                subreport["logs"] = self.reportbuf
-                print "%s [%s]"%(subreport["result_str"], subreport["time"])
-                if subreport["result"] == 0:
-                    report["success"] += 1
-                else:
-                    report["fails"] += 1
-                report["subreport_list"].append(subreport)
-            self.report_list.append(report)
-    def gen_report(self):
-        for report in self.report_list:
-            # main report header and stats
-            self.literal = 0
-            reportlog = file(report["filename"], "w")
-            reportlog.write(report_hdr)
-            reportlog.write(report["title"] + "\n")
-            reportlog.write(re.sub(".", "=", report["title"]) + "\n\n")
-            reportlog.write("Autogenerated test report:\n\n" )
-            reportlog.write("- date: **%s**\n"%(report["date"]))
-            reportlog.write("- target: **%s**\n"%(target))
-            reportlog.write("- success: **%d**\n"%(report["success"]))
-            reportlog.write("- fails: **%d**\n"%(report["fails"]))
-            reportlog.write("- platform: **%s**\n\n"%(platform))
-            # summary
-            reportlog.write(".. csv-table:: Test results summary\n")
-            reportlog.write('   :header: "Name", "Result"\n\n')
-            for subreport in report["subreport_list"]:
-                if subreport["result"] == 0:
-                    res_str = "Success"
-                else:
-                    res_str = "Failure"
-                reportlog.write('   "%s", "%s"\n'%(subreport["title"], res_str))
-            reportlog.write('\n')
-            # subreports
-            for subreport in report["subreport_list"]:
-                # print subtitle
-                reportlog.write(subreport["title"] + "\n")
-                reportlog.write(re.sub(".", "-", subreport["title"]) + "\n\n")
-                # print logs
-                reportlog.write("::\n  \n  ")
-                s = subreport["logs"].replace("\n", "\n  ")
-                reportlog.write(s)
-                # print result
-                reportlog.write("\n\n")
-                reportlog.write("**" + subreport["result_str"] + "**\n\n")
-                # custom genreport
-                if subreport["genreport"] != None:
-                    s = subreport["genreport"]()
-                    reportlog.write(s)
-            reportlog.close()
-        # displayed on console
-        print
-        print "-------------------------"
-        print
-        if report["fails"] == 0:
-            print "All test OK"
-        else:
-            print "%s test(s) failed"%(report["fails"])
-    # file API, to store logs from pexpect
-    def write(self, buf):
-        s = buf[:]
-        s = s.replace("\r", "")
-        self.mainlog.write(s)
-        self.reportbuf += s
-    def flush(self):
-        self.mainlog.flush()
-    def close(self):
-        self.mainlog.close()
-# Try to match prompt: return 0 on success, else return -1
-def wait_prompt(child):
-    for i in range(3):
-        index = child.expect(["RTE>>", pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 1)
-        child.sendline("")
-        if index == 0:
-            return 0
-    print "Cannot find prompt"
-    return -1
-# Try to match prompt after boot: return 0 on success, else return -1
-def wait_boot(child):
-    index = child.expect(["RTE>>", pexpect.TIMEOUT],
-                         timeout = 120)
-    if index == 0:
-        return 0
-    if (wait_prompt(child) == -1):
-        print "Target did not boot, failed"
-        return -1
-    return 0
-# quit RTE
-def quit(child):
-    if wait_boot(child) != 0:
-        return -1, "Cannot find prompt"
-    child.sendline("quit")
-    return 0, "Success"
-# Default function to launch an autotest that does not need to
-# interact with the user. Basically, this function calls the autotest
-# function through command line interface, then check that it displays
-# "Test OK" or "Test Failed".
-def default_autotest(child, command, timeout=10):
-    if wait_prompt(child) != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: cannot find prompt"
-    child.sendline(command)
-    index = child.expect(["Test OK", "Test Failed",
-                          pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = timeout)
-    if index == 1:
-        return -1, "Failed"
-    elif index == 2:
-        return -1, "Failed [Timeout]"
-    return 0, "Success"
-# wait boot
-def boot_autotest(child, **kargs):
-    if wait_boot(child) != 0:
-        return -1, "Cannot find prompt"
-    return 0, "Success"
-# Test memory dump. We need to check that at least one memory zone is
-# displayed.
-def memory_autotest(child, command, **kargs):
-    if wait_prompt(child) != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: cannot find prompt"
-    child.sendline(command)
-    regexp = "phys:0x[0-9a-f]*, len:0x([0-9a-f]*), virt:0x[0-9a-f]*, socket_id:[0-9]*"
-    index = child.expect([regexp, pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 180)
-    if index != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: timeout"
-    size = int(child.match.groups()[0], 16)
-    if size <= 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: bad size"
-    index = child.expect(["Test OK", "Test Failed",
-                          pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
-    if index == 1:
-        return -1, "Failed: C code returned an error"
-    elif index == 2:
-        return -1, "Failed: timeout"
-    return 0, "Success"
-# Test some libc functions including scanf. This requires a
-# interaction with the user (simulated in expect), so we cannot use
-# default_autotest() here.
-def string_autotest(child, command, **kargs):
-    if wait_prompt(child) != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: cannot find prompt"
-    child.sendline(command)
-    index = child.expect(["Now, test scanf, enter this number",
-                          pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
-    if index != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: timeout"
-    child.sendline("123456")
-    index = child.expect(["number=123456", pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
-    if index != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: timeout (2)"
-    index = child.expect(["Test OK", "Test Failed",
-                          pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
-    if index != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: C code returned an error"
-    return 0, "Success"
-# Test spinlock. This requires to check the order of displayed lines:
-# we cannot use default_autotest() here.
-def spinlock_autotest(child, command, **kargs):
-    i = 0
-    ir = 0
-    if wait_prompt(child) != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: cannot find prompt"
-    child.sendline(command)
-    while True:
-        index = child.expect(["Test OK",
-                              "Test Failed",
-                              "Hello from core ([0-9]*) !",
-                              "Hello from within recursive locks from ([0-9]*) !",
-                              pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 20)
-        # ok
-        if index == 0:
-            break
-        # message, check ordering
-        elif index == 2:
-            if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < i:
-                return -1, "Failed: bad order"
-            i = int(child.match.groups()[0])
-        elif index == 3:
-            if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < ir:
-                return -1, "Failed: bad order"
-            ir = int(child.match.groups()[0])
-        # fail
-        else:
-            return -1, "Failed: timeout or error"
-    return 0, "Success"
-# Test rwlock. This requires to check the order of displayed lines:
-# we cannot use default_autotest() here.
-def rwlock_autotest(child, command, **kargs):
-    i = 0
-    if wait_prompt(child) != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: cannot find prompt"
-    child.sendline(command)
-    while True:
-        index = child.expect(["Test OK",
-                              "Test Failed",
-                              "Hello from core ([0-9]*) !",
-                              "Global write lock taken on master core ([0-9]*)",
-                              pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
-        # ok
-        if index == 0:
-            if i != 0xffff:
-                return -1, "Failed: a message is missing"
-            break
-        # message, check ordering
-        elif index == 2:
-            if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < i:
-                return -1, "Failed: bad order"
-            i = int(child.match.groups()[0])
-        # must be the last message, check ordering
-        elif index == 3:
-            i = 0xffff
-        # fail
-        else:
-            return -1, "Failed: timeout or error"
-    return 0, "Success"
-# Test logs. This requires to check the order of displayed lines:
-# we cannot use default_autotest() here.
-def logs_autotest(child, command, **kargs):
-    i = 0
-    if wait_prompt(child) != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: cannot find prompt"
-    child.sendline(command)
-    log_list = [
-        "TESTAPP1: this is a debug level message",
-        "TESTAPP1: this is a info level message",
-        "TESTAPP1: this is a warning level message",
-        "TESTAPP2: this is a info level message",
-        "TESTAPP2: this is a warning level message",
-        "TESTAPP1: this is a debug level message",
-        "TESTAPP1: this is a debug level message",
-        "TESTAPP1: this is a info level message",
-        "TESTAPP1: this is a warning level message",
-        "TESTAPP2: this is a info level message",
-        "TESTAPP2: this is a warning level message",
-        "TESTAPP1: this is a debug level message",
-        ]
-    for log_msg in log_list:
-        index = child.expect([log_msg,
-                              "Test OK",
-                              "Test Failed",
-                              pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
-        # not ok
-        if index != 0:
-            return -1, "Failed: timeout or error"
-    index = child.expect(["Test OK",
-                          "Test Failed",
-                          pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
-    return 0, "Success"
-# Test timers. This requires to check the order of displayed lines:
-# we cannot use default_autotest() here.
-def timer_autotest(child, command, **kargs):
-    i = 0
-    if wait_prompt(child) != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: cannot find prompt"
-    child.sendline(command)
-    index = child.expect(["Start timer stress tests \(30 seconds\)",
-                          "Test Failed",
-                          pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
-    # not ok
-    if index != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: timeout or error"
-    index = child.expect(["Start timer basic tests \(30 seconds\)",
-                          "Test Failed",
-                          pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 40)
-    # not ok
-    if index != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: timeout or error (2)"
-    prev_lcore_timer1 = -1
-    lcore_tim0 = -1
-    lcore_tim1 = -1
-    lcore_tim2 = -1
-    lcore_tim3 = -1
-    while True:
-        index = child.expect(["TESTTIMER: ([0-9]*): callback id=([0-9]*) count=([0-9]*) on core ([0-9]*)",
-                              "Test OK",
-                              "Test Failed",
-                              pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
-        if index == 1:
-            break
-        if index != 0:
-            return -1, "Failed: timeout or error (3)"
-        try:
-            t = int(child.match.groups()[0])
-            id = int(child.match.groups()[1])
-            cnt = int(child.match.groups()[2])
-            lcore = int(child.match.groups()[3])
-        except:
-            return -1, "Failed: cannot parse output"
-        # timer0 always expires on the same core when cnt < 20
-        if id == 0:
-            if lcore_tim0 == -1:
-                lcore_tim0 = lcore
-            elif lcore != lcore_tim0 and cnt < 20:
-                return -1, "Failed: lcore != lcore_tim0 (%d, %d)"%(lcore, lcore_tim0)
-            if cnt > 21:
-                return -1, "Failed: tim0 cnt > 21"
-        # timer1 each time expires on a different core
-        if id == 1:
-            if lcore == lcore_tim1:
-                return -1, "Failed: lcore == lcore_tim1 (%d, %d)"%(lcore, lcore_tim1)
-            lcore_tim1 = lcore
-            if cnt > 10:
-                return -1, "Failed: tim1 cnt > 30"
-        # timer0 always expires on the same core
-        if id == 2:
-            if lcore_tim2 == -1:
-                lcore_tim2 = lcore
-            elif lcore != lcore_tim2:
-                return -1, "Failed: lcore != lcore_tim2 (%d, %d)"%(lcore, lcore_tim2)
-            if cnt > 30:
-                return -1, "Failed: tim2 cnt > 30"
-        # timer0 always expires on the same core
-        if id == 3:
-            if lcore_tim3 == -1:
-                lcore_tim3 = lcore
-            elif lcore != lcore_tim3:
-                return -1, "Failed: lcore_tim3 changed (%d -> %d)"%(lcore, lcore_tim3)
-            if cnt > 30:
-                return -1, "Failed: tim3 cnt > 30"
-    # must be 2 different cores
-    if lcore_tim0 == lcore_tim3:
-        return -1, "Failed: lcore_tim0 (%d) == lcore_tim3 (%d)"%(lcore_tim0, lcore_tim3)
-    return 0, "Success"
-# Ring autotest
-def ring_autotest(child, command, timeout=10):
-    if wait_prompt(child) != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: cannot find prompt"
-    child.sendline(command)
-    index = child.expect(["Test OK", "Test Failed",
-                          pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = timeout)
-    if index != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed"
-    child.sendline("set_watermark test 100")
-    child.sendline("set_quota test 16")
-    child.sendline("dump_ring test")
-    index = child.expect(["  watermark=100",
-                          pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 1)
-    if index != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: bad watermark"
-    index = child.expect(["  bulk_default=16",
-                          pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 1)
-    if index != 0:
-        return -1, "Failed: bad quota"
-    return 0, "Success"
-def ring_genreport():
-    s  = "Performance curves\n"
-    s += "------------------\n\n"
-    sdk = os.getenv("RTE_SDK")
-    script = os.path.join(sdk, "app/test/")
-    title ='"Autotest %s %s"'%(target, time.asctime())
-    filename = target + ".txt"
-    os.system("/usr/bin/python %s %s %s"%(script, filename, title))
-    for f in os.listdir("."):
-        if not f.startswith("ring"):
-            continue
-        if not f.endswith(".svg"):
-            continue
-        # skip single producer/consumer
-        if "_sc" in f:
-            continue
-        if "_sp" in f:
-            continue
-        f = f[:-4] + ".png"
-        s += ".. figure:: ../../images/autotests/%s/%s\n"%(target, f)
-        s += "   :width: 50%\n\n"
-        s += "   %s\n\n"%(f)
-    return s
-def mempool_genreport():
-    s  = "Performance curves\n"
-    s += "------------------\n\n"
-    sdk = os.getenv("RTE_SDK")
-    script = os.path.join(sdk, "app/test/")
-    title ='"Autotest %s %s"'%(target, time.asctime())
-    filename = target + ".txt"
-    os.system("/usr/bin/python %s %s %s"%(script, filename, title))
-    for f in os.listdir("."):
-        if not f.startswith("mempool"):
-            continue
-        if not f.endswith(".svg"):
-            continue
-        # skip when n_keep = 128
-        if "_128." in f:
-            continue
-        f = f[:-4] + ".png"
-        s += ".. figure:: ../../images/autotests/%s/%s\n"%(target, f)
-        s += "   :width: 50%\n\n"
-        s += "   %s\n\n"%(f)
-    return s
-# main
-if len(sys.argv) > 4:
-    testlist=sys.argv[4].split(',')
-    if testlist[0].startswith('-'):
-        testlist[0]=testlist[0].lstrip('-')
-        test_blacklist=testlist
-    else:
-        test_whitelist=testlist
-child = pexpect.spawn(cmdline)
-autotest = AutoTest(child, log_file,'w')
-# timeout for memcpy and hash test
+# get blacklist/whitelist
+if len(sys.argv) > 3:
+       testlist = sys.argv[3].split(',')
+       testlist = [test.lower() for test in testlist]
+       if testlist[0].startswith('-'):
+               testlist[0] = testlist[0].lstrip('-')
+               test_blacklist = testlist
+       else:
+               test_whitelist = testlist
+# adjust test command line
 if "baremetal" in target:
-    timeout = 60*180
+       cmdline  = "qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom %s.iso -boot d " % (sys.argv[1])
+       cmdline += "-m 2000 -smp 4 -nographic -net nic,model=e1000"
+       platform = "QEMU x86_64"
-    timeout = 180
-autotest.register("eal_report.rst", "EAL-%s"%(target),
-                  [ SubTest("Boot", boot_autotest, "boot_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("EAL Flags", default_autotest, "eal_flags_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Version", default_autotest, "version_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("PCI", default_autotest, "pci_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Memory", memory_autotest, "memory_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Lcore launch", default_autotest, "per_lcore_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Spinlock", spinlock_autotest, "spinlock_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Rwlock", rwlock_autotest, "rwlock_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Atomic", default_autotest, "atomic_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Byte order", default_autotest, "byteorder_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Prefetch", default_autotest, "prefetch_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Debug", default_autotest, "debug_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Cycles", default_autotest, "cycles_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Logs", logs_autotest, "logs_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Memzone", default_autotest, "memzone_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Cpu flags", default_autotest, "cpuflags_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Memcpy", default_autotest, "memcpy_autotest", timeout),
-                    SubTest("String Functions", default_autotest, "string_autotest"),
-                    SubTest("Alarm", default_autotest, "alarm_autotest", 30),
-                    SubTest("Interrupt", default_autotest, "interrupt_autotest"),
-                    ])
+       cmdline  = "%s -c f -n 4"%(sys.argv[1])
-autotest.register("ring_report.rst", "Ring-%s"%(target),
-                  [ SubTest("Ring", ring_autotest, "ring_autotest", 30*60,
-                            ring_genreport)
-                    ])
-if "baremetal" in target:
-    timeout = 60*60*3
-    timeout = 60*30
+print cmdline
-autotest.register("mempool_report.rst", "Mempool-%s"%(target),
-                  [ SubTest("Mempool", default_autotest, "mempool_autotest",
-                            timeout, mempool_genreport)
-                    ])
-autotest.register("mbuf_report.rst", "Mbuf-%s"%(target),
-                  [ SubTest("Mbuf", default_autotest, "mbuf_autotest", timeout=120)
-                    ])
-autotest.register("timer_report.rst", "Timer-%s"%(target),
-                  [ SubTest("Timer", timer_autotest, "timer_autotest")
-                    ])
-autotest.register("malloc_report.rst", "Malloc-%s"%(target),
-                  [ SubTest("Malloc", default_autotest, "malloc_autotest")
-                    ])
+runner = autotest_runner.AutotestRunner(cmdline, target, test_blacklist, test_whitelist)
-# only do the hash autotest if supported by the platform
-if not (platform.startswith("Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU") or
-        platform.startswith("QEMU")):
-    autotest.register("hash_report.rst", "Hash-%s"%(target),
-                      [ SubTest("Hash", default_autotest, "hash_autotest", timeout)
-                        ])
+for test_group in autotest_data.parallel_test_group_list:
+       runner.add_parallel_test_group(test_group)
-autotest.register("lpm_report.rst", "LPM-%s"%(target),
-                  [ SubTest("Lpm", default_autotest, "lpm_autotest", timeout)
-                    ])
-autotest.register("eal2_report.rst", "EAL2-%s"%(target),
-                  [ SubTest("TailQ", default_autotest, "tailq_autotest"),
-                   SubTest("Errno", default_autotest, "errno_autotest"),
-                   SubTest("Multiprocess", default_autotest, "multiprocess_autotest")
-                    ])
+for test_group in autotest_data.non_parallel_test_group_list:
+       runner.add_non_parallel_test_group(test_group)
diff --git a/app/test/ b/app/test/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7a15b35
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+#   Copyright(c) 2010-2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+#   All rights reserved.
+#   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+#   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
+#   are met:
+#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 
+#       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 
+#       distribution.
+#     * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its 
+#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 
+#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Test data for autotests
+from glob import glob
+from autotest_test_funcs import *
+# quick and dirty function to find out number of sockets
+def num_sockets():
+       return len(glob("/sys/devices/system/node/node*"))
+# multiply given number for all sockets
+# e.g. 32 becomes 32,32 or 32,32,32,32 etc.
+def all_sockets(num):
+       mem_per_socket = num / num_sockets()
+       return ",".join([str(mem_per_socket)] * num_sockets())
+# groups of tests that can be run in parallel
+# the grouping has been found largely empirically
+parallel_test_group_list = [
+       "Prefix":       "group_1",
+       "Memory" :      "2",
+       "Tests" :       
+       [
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Timer autotest",
+                "Command" :    "timer_autotest",
+                "Func" :       timer_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Debug autotest",
+                "Command" :    "debug_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Errno autotest",
+                "Command" :    "errno_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Dump log history",
+                "Command" :    "dump_log_history",
+                "Func" :       dump_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Dump rings",
+                "Command" :    "dump_ring",
+                "Func" :       dump_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Dump mempools",
+                "Command" :    "dump_mempool",
+                "Func" :       dump_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+       ]
+       "Prefix":       "group_2",
+       "Memory" :      "32",
+       "Tests" :       
+       [
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Memory autotest",
+                "Command" :    "memory_autotest",
+                "Func" :       memory_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Read/write lock autotest",
+                "Command" :    "rwlock_autotest",
+                "Func" :       rwlock_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Logs autotest",
+                "Command" :    "logs_autotest",
+                "Func" :       logs_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "CPU flags autotest",
+                "Command" :    "cpuflags_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Version autotest",
+                "Command" :    "version_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "EAL filesystem autotest",
+                "Command" :    "eal_fs_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "EAL flags autotest",
+                "Command" :    "eal_flags_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Hash autotest",
+                "Command" :    "hash_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+       ],
+       "Prefix":       "group_3",
+       "Memory" :      all_sockets(256),
+       "Tests" :       
+       [
+               {
+                "Name" :       "LPM autotest",
+                "Command" :    "lpm_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Memcpy autotest",
+                "Command" :    "memcpy_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Memzone autotest",
+                "Command" :    "memzone_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "String autotest",
+                "Command" :    "string_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Alarm autotest",
+                "Command" :    "alarm_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+       ]
+       "Prefix":       "group_4",
+       "Memory" :      all_sockets(128),
+       "Tests" :       
+       [
+               {
+                "Name" :       "PCI autotest",
+                "Command" :    "pci_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Malloc autotest",
+                "Command" :    "malloc_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Multi-process autotest",
+                "Command" :    "multiprocess_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Mbuf autotest",
+                "Command" :    "mbuf_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Per-lcore autotest",
+                "Command" :    "per_lcore_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+       ]
+       "Prefix":       "group_5",
+       "Memory" :      "16",
+       "Tests" :       
+       [
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Spinlock autotest",
+                "Command" :    "spinlock_autotest",
+                "Func" :       spinlock_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Byte order autotest",
+                "Command" :    "byteorder_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "TAILQ autotest",
+                "Command" :    "tailq_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Command-line autotest",
+                "Command" :    "cmdline_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Interrupts autotest",
+                "Command" :    "interrupt_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+       ]
+       "Prefix":       "group_6",
+       "Memory" :      all_sockets(588),
+       "Tests" :       
+       [
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Function reentrancy autotest",
+                "Command" :    "func_reentrancy_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Mempool autotest",
+                "Command" :    "mempool_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Atomics autotest",
+                "Command" :    "atomic_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Prefetch autotest",
+                "Command" :    "prefetch_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+       ]
+# tests that should not be run when any other tests are running
+non_parallel_test_group_list = [
+       "Prefix":       "mempool_perf",
+       "Memory" :      all_sockets(256),
+       "Tests" :       
+       [
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Cycles autotest",
+                "Command" :    "cycles_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Mempool performance autotest",
+                "Command" :    "mempool_perf_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+       ]
+       "Prefix":       "memcpy_perf",
+       "Memory" :      all_sockets(512),
+       "Tests" :       
+       [
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Memcpy performance autotest",
+                "Command" :    "memcpy_perf_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+       ]
+       "Prefix":       "hash_perf",
+       "Memory" :      all_sockets(512),
+       "Tests" :       
+       [
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Hash performance autotest",
+                "Command" :    "hash_perf_autotest",
+                "Func" :       default_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+       ]
+       "Prefix":       "ring_perf",
+       "Memory" :      all_sockets(512),
+       "Tests" :       
+       [
+               {
+                "Name" :       "Ring autotest",
+                "Command" :    "ring_autotest",
+                "Func" :       ring_autotest,
+                "Report" :     None,
+               },
+       ]
diff --git a/app/test/ b/app/test/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c17d7ad
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+#   Copyright(c) 2010-2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+#   All rights reserved.
+#   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+#   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
+#   are met:
+#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 
+#       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 
+#       distribution.
+#     * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its 
+#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 
+#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# The main logic behind running autotests in parallel
+import multiprocessing, sys, pexpect, time, os, StringIO, csv
+# wait for prompt
+def wait_prompt(child):
+       try:
+               child.sendline()
+               result = child.expect(["RTE>>", pexpect.TIMEOUT, pexpect.EOF],
+                       timeout = 120)
+       except:
+               return False
+       if result == 0:
+               return True
+       else:
+               return False
+# run a test group
+# each result tuple in results list consists of:
+#   result value (0 or -1)
+#   result string
+#   test name
+#   total test run time (double)
+#   raw test log
+#   test report (if not available, should be None)
+# this function needs to be outside AutotestRunner class
+# because otherwise Pool won't work (or rather it will require
+# quite a bit of effort to make it work).
+def run_test_group(cmdline, test_group):
+       results = []
+       child = None
+       start_time = time.time()
+       startuplog = None
+       # run test app
+       try:
+               # prepare logging of init
+               startuplog = StringIO.StringIO()
+               print >>startuplog, "\n%s %s\n" % ("="*20, test_group["Prefix"])
+               child = pexpect.spawn(cmdline, logfile=startuplog)
+               # wait for target to boot
+               if not wait_prompt(child):
+                       child.close()
+                       results.append((-1, "Fail [No prompt]", "Start %s" % test_group["Prefix"],
+                               time.time() - start_time, startuplog.getvalue(), None))
+                       # mark all tests as failed
+                       for test in test_group["Tests"]:
+                               results.append((-1, "Fail [No prompt]", test["Name"],
+                               time.time() - start_time, "", None))
+                       # exit test
+                       return results
+       except:
+               results.append((-1, "Fail [Can't run]", "Start %s" % test_group["Prefix"],
+                               time.time() - start_time, startuplog.getvalue(), None))
+               # mark all tests as failed
+               for t in test_group["Tests"]:
+                       results.append((-1, "Fail [Can't run]", t["Name"],
+                               time.time() - start_time, "", None))
+               # exit test
+               return results
+       # startup was successful
+       results.append((0, "Success", "Start %s" % test_group["Prefix"],
+               time.time() - start_time, startuplog.getvalue(), None))
+       # run all tests in test group
+       for test in test_group["Tests"]:
+               # create log buffer for each test
+               # in multiprocessing environment, the logging would be
+               # interleaved and will create a mess, hence the buffering
+               logfile = StringIO.StringIO()
+               child.logfile = logfile
+               result = ()
+               # make a note when the test started
+               start_time = time.time()
+               try:
+                       # print test name to log buffer
+                       print >>logfile, "\n%s %s\n" % ("-"*20, test["Name"])
+                       # run test function associated with the test
+                       result = test["Func"](child, test["Command"])
+                       # make a note when the test was finished
+                       end_time = time.time()
+                       # append test data to the result tuple
+                       result += (test["Name"], end_time - start_time,
+                               logfile.getvalue())
+                       # call report function, if any defined, and supply it with
+                       # target and complete log for test run
+                       if test["Report"]:
+                               report = test["Report"](, log)
+                               # append report to results tuple
+                               result += (report,)
+                       else:
+                               # report is None
+                               result += (None,)
+               except:
+                       # make a note when the test crashed
+                       end_time = time.time()
+                       # mark test as failed
+                       result = (-1, "Fail [Crash]", test["Name"],
+                               end_time - start_time, logfile.getvalue(), None)
+               finally:
+                       # append the results to the results list
+                       results.append(result)
+       # regardless of whether test has crashed, try quitting it
+       try:    
+               child.sendline("quit")
+               child.close()
+       # if the test crashed, just do nothing instead
+       except:
+               # nop
+               pass
+       # return test results
+       return results
+# class representing an instance of autotests run
+class AutotestRunner:
+       cmdline = ""
+       parallel_test_groups = []
+       non_parallel_test_groups = []
+       logfile = None
+       csvwriter = None
+       target = ""
+       start = None
+       n_tests = 0
+       fails = 0
+       log_buffers = []
+       blacklist = []
+       whitelist = []
+       def __init__(self, cmdline, target, blacklist, whitelist):
+               self.cmdline = cmdline
+      = target
+               self.blacklist = blacklist
+               self.whitelist = whitelist
+               # log file filename
+               logfile = "%s.log" % target
+               csvfile = "%s.csv" % target
+               self.logfile = open(logfile, "w")
+               csvfile = open(csvfile, "w")
+               self.csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile)
+               # prepare results table
+               self.csvwriter.writerow(["test_name","test_result","result_str"])
+       # set up cmdline string
+       def __get_cmdline(self, test):
+               cmdline = self.cmdline
+               # perform additional linuxapp adjustments
+               if not "baremetal" in
+                       # append memory limitations for each test
+                       # otherwise tests won't run in parallel
+                       if not "i686" in
+                               cmdline += " --socket-mem=%s"% test["Memory"]
+                       else:
+                               # affinitize startup so that tests don't fail on i686
+                               cmdline = "taskset 1 " + cmdline
+                               cmdline += " -m " + str(sum(map(int,test["Memory"].split(","))))
+                       # set group prefix for autotest group
+                       # otherwise they won't run in parallel
+                       cmdline += " --file-prefix=%s"% test["Prefix"]
+                       return cmdline
+               return cmdline
+       def add_parallel_test_group(self,test_group):
+               self.parallel_test_groups.append(test_group)
+       def add_non_parallel_test_group(self,test_group):
+               self.non_parallel_test_groups.append(test_group)
+       def __process_results(self, results):
+               # this iterates over individual test results
+               for i, result in enumerate(results):
+                       # increase total number of tests that were run
+                       # do not include "start" test
+                       if i > 0:
+                               self.n_tests += 1
+                       # unpack result tuple
+                       test_result, result_str, test_name, \
+                               test_time, log, report = result
+                       # get total run time
+                       cur_time = time.time()
+                       total_time = int(cur_time - self.start)
+                       # print results, test run time and total time since start
+                       print ("%s:" % test_name).ljust(30),
+                       print result_str.ljust(29),
+                       print "[%02dm %02ds]" % (test_time / 60, test_time % 60),
+                       # don't print out total time every line, it's the same anyway
+                       if i == len(results) - 1:
+                               print "[%02dm %02ds]" % (total_time / 60, total_time % 60)
+                       else:
+                               print ""
+                       # if test failed and it wasn't a "start" test
+                       if test_result < 0 and not i == 0:
+                               self.fails += 1
+                       # collect logs
+                       self.log_buffers.append(log)
+                       # create report if it exists
+                       if report:
+                               try:
+                                       f = open("%s_%s_report.rst" % (,test_name), "w")
+                               except IOError:
+                                       print "Report for %s could not be created!" % test_name
+                               else:
+                                       with f:
+                                               f.write(report)
+                       # write test result to CSV file
+                       if i != 0:
+                               self.csvwriter.writerow([test_name, test_result, result_str])
+       # this function iterates over test groups and removes each
+       # test that is not in whitelist/blacklist
+       def __filter_groups(self, test_groups):
+               groups_to_remove = []
+               # filter out tests from parallel test groups
+               for i, test_group in enumerate(test_groups):
+                       # iterate over a copy so that we could safely delete individual tests
+                       for test in test_group["Tests"][:]:
+                               test_id = test["Command"]
+                               # dump tests are specified in full e.g. "Dump_mempool"
+                               if "_autotest" in test_id:
+                                       test_id = test_id[:-len("_autotest")]
+                               # filter out blacklisted/whitelisted tests
+                               if self.blacklist and test_id in self.blacklist:
+                                       test_group["Tests"].remove(test)
+                                       continue
+                               if self.whitelist and test_id not in self.whitelist:
+                                       test_group["Tests"].remove(test)
+                                       continue
+                       # modify or remove original group
+                       if len(test_group["Tests"]) > 0:
+                               test_groups[i] = test_group
+                       else:
+                               # remember which groups should be deleted
+                               # put the numbers backwards so that we start
+                               # deleting from the end, not from the beginning
+                               groups_to_remove.insert(0, i)
+               # remove test groups that need to be removed
+               for i in groups_to_remove:
+                       del test_groups[i]
+               return test_groups
+       # iterate over test groups and run tests associated with them
+       def run_all_tests(self):
+               # filter groups
+               self.parallel_test_groups = \
+                       self.__filter_groups(self.parallel_test_groups)
+               self.non_parallel_test_groups = \
+                       self.__filter_groups(self.non_parallel_test_groups)
+               # create a pool of worker threads
+               if not "baremetal" in
+                       pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4)
+               else:
+                       # we can't be sure running baremetal tests in parallel
+                       # will work, so let's stay on the safe side
+                       pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=1)
+               results = []
+               # whatever happens, try to save as much logs as possible
+               try:
+                       # create table header
+                       print ""
+                       print "Test name".ljust(30),
+                       print "Test result".ljust(29),
+                       print "Test".center(9),
+                       print "Total".center(9)
+                       print "=" * 80
+                       # make a note of tests start time
+                       self.start = time.time()
+                       # assign worker threads to run test groups
+                       for test_group in self.parallel_test_groups:
+                               result = pool.apply_async(run_test_group,
+                                       [self.__get_cmdline(test_group), test_group])
+                               results.append(result)
+                       # iterate while we have group execution results to get
+                       while len(results) > 0:
+                               # iterate over a copy to be able to safely delete results
+                               # this iterates over a list of group results
+                               for group_result in results[:]:
+                                       # if the thread hasn't finished yet, continue
+                                       if not group_result.ready():
+                                               continue
+                                       res = group_result.get()
+                                       self.__process_results(res)
+                                       # remove result from results list once we're done with it
+                                       results.remove(group_result)
+                       # run non_parallel tests. they are run one by one, synchronously
+                       for test_group in self.non_parallel_test_groups:
+                               group_result = run_test_group(self.__get_cmdline(test_group), test_group)
+                               self.__process_results(group_result)
+                       # get total run time
+                       cur_time = time.time()          
+                       total_time = int(cur_time - self.start)
+                       # print out summary
+                       print "=" * 80
+                       print "Total run time: %02dm %02ds" % (total_time / 60, total_time % 60)
+                       if self.fails != 0:
+                               print "Number of failed tests: %s" % str(self.fails)
+                       # write summary to logfile
+                       self.logfile.write("Summary\n")
+                       self.logfile.write("Target: ".ljust(15) + "%s\n" %
+                       self.logfile.write("Tests: ".ljust(15) + "%i\n" % self.n_tests)
+                       self.logfile.write("Failed tests: ".ljust(15) + "%i\n" % self.fails)
+               except:
+                       print "Exception occured"
+                       print sys.exc_info()
+               # drop logs from all executions to a logfile
+               for buf in self.log_buffers:
+                       self.logfile.write(buf.replace("\r",""))
+               log_buffers = []
diff --git a/app/test/ b/app/test/
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f1d6092
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#   Copyright(c) 2010-2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
+#   All rights reserved.
+#   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
+#   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
+#   are met:
+#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 
+#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 
+#       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 
+#       distribution.
+#     * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its 
+#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 
+#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Test functions
+import sys, pexpect, time, os, re
+# default autotest, used to run most tests
+# waits for "Test OK"
+def default_autotest(child, test_name):
+       child.sendline(test_name)
+       result = child.expect(["Test OK", "Test Failed",
+               "Command not found", pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 900)
+       if result == 1:
+               return -1, "Fail"
+       elif result == 2:
+               return -1, "Fail [Not found]"
+       elif result == 3:
+               return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
+       return 0, "Success"
+# autotest used to run dump commands
+# just fires the command
+def dump_autotest(child, test_name):
+       child.sendline(test_name)
+       return 0, "Success"
+# memory autotest
+# reads output and waits for Test OK
+def memory_autotest(child, test_name):
+       child.sendline(test_name)
+       regexp = "phys:0x[0-9a-f]*, len:0x([0-9a-f]*), virt:0x[0-9a-f]*, socket_id:[0-9]*"
+       index = child.expect([regexp, pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 180)
+       if index != 0:
+               return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
+       size = int(child.match.groups()[0], 16)
+       if size <= 0:
+               return -1, "Fail [Bad size]"
+       index = child.expect(["Test OK", "Test Failed",
+                         pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
+       if index == 1:
+               return -1, "Fail"
+       elif index == 2:
+               return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
+       return 0, "Success"
+def spinlock_autotest(child, test_name):
+       i = 0
+       ir = 0
+       child.sendline(test_name)
+       while True:
+               index = child.expect(["Test OK",
+                       "Test Failed",
+                       "Hello from core ([0-9]*) !",
+                       "Hello from within recursive locks from ([0-9]*) !",
+               pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 20)
+               # ok
+               if index == 0:
+                       break
+               # message, check ordering
+               elif index == 2:
+                       if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < i:
+                               return -1, "Fail [Bad order]"
+                       i = int(child.match.groups()[0])
+               elif index == 3:
+                       if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < ir:
+                               return -1, "Fail [Bad order]"
+                       ir = int(child.match.groups()[0])
+               # fail
+               elif index == 4:
+                       return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
+               elif index == 1:
+                       return -1, "Fail"
+       return 0, "Success"
+def rwlock_autotest(child, test_name):
+       i = 0
+       child.sendline(test_name)
+       while True:
+               index = child.expect(["Test OK",
+                       "Test Failed",
+                       "Hello from core ([0-9]*) !",
+                       "Global write lock taken on master core ([0-9]*)",
+               pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
+               # ok
+               if index == 0:
+                       if i != 0xffff:
+                               return -1, "Fail [Message is missing]"
+                       break
+               # message, check ordering
+               elif index == 2:
+                       if int(child.match.groups()[0]) < i:
+                               return -1, "Fail [Bad order]"
+                       i = int(child.match.groups()[0])
+               # must be the last message, check ordering
+               elif index == 3:
+                       i = 0xffff
+               elif index == 4:
+                       return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
+               # fail
+               else:
+                       return -1, "Fail"
+       return 0, "Success"
+def logs_autotest(child, test_name):
+       i = 0
+       child.sendline(test_name)
+       log_list = [
+               "TESTAPP1: this is a debug level message",
+               "TESTAPP1: this is a info level message",
+               "TESTAPP1: this is a warning level message",
+               "TESTAPP2: this is a info level message",
+               "TESTAPP2: this is a warning level message",
+               "TESTAPP1: this is a debug level message",
+               "TESTAPP1: this is a debug level message",
+               "TESTAPP1: this is a info level message",
+               "TESTAPP1: this is a warning level message",
+               "TESTAPP2: this is a info level message",
+               "TESTAPP2: this is a warning level message",
+               "TESTAPP1: this is a debug level message",
+       ]
+       for log_msg in log_list:
+               index = child.expect([log_msg,
+                                     "Test OK",
+                                     "Test Failed",
+                                     pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
+               if index == 3:
+                       return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
+               # not ok
+               elif index != 0:
+                       return -1, "Fail"
+       index = child.expect(["Test OK",
+               "Test Failed",
+               pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
+       return 0, "Success"
+def timer_autotest(child, test_name):
+       i = 0
+       child.sendline(test_name)
+       index = child.expect(["Start timer stress tests \(30 seconds\)",
+               "Test Failed",
+               pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
+       if index == 1:
+               return -1, "Fail"
+       elif index == 2:
+               return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
+       index = child.expect(["Start timer basic tests \(30 seconds\)",
+               "Test Failed",
+               pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 40)
+       if index == 1:
+               return -1, "Fail"
+       elif index == 2:
+               return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
+       prev_lcore_timer1 = -1
+       lcore_tim0 = -1
+       lcore_tim1 = -1
+       lcore_tim2 = -1
+       lcore_tim3 = -1
+       while True:
+               index = child.expect(["TESTTIMER: ([0-9]*): callback id=([0-9]*) count=([0-9]*) on core ([0-9]*)",
+                       "Test OK",
+                       "Test Failed",
+                       pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 10)
+               if index == 1:
+                       break
+               if index == 2:
+                       return -1, "Fail"
+               elif index == 3:
+                       return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
+               try:
+                       t = int(child.match.groups()[0])
+                       id = int(child.match.groups()[1])
+                       cnt = int(child.match.groups()[2])
+                       lcore = int(child.match.groups()[3])
+               except:
+                       return -1, "Fail [Cannot parse]"
+               # timer0 always expires on the same core when cnt < 20
+               if id == 0:
+                       if lcore_tim0 == -1:
+                               lcore_tim0 = lcore
+                       elif lcore != lcore_tim0 and cnt < 20:
+                               return -1, "Fail [lcore != lcore_tim0 (%d, %d)]"%(lcore, lcore_tim0)
+                       if cnt > 21:
+                               return -1, "Fail [tim0 cnt > 21]"
+               # timer1 each time expires on a different core
+               if id == 1:
+                       if lcore == lcore_tim1:
+                               return -1, "Fail [lcore == lcore_tim1 (%d, %d)]"%(lcore, lcore_tim1)
+                       lcore_tim1 = lcore
+                       if cnt > 10:
+                               return -1, "Fail [tim1 cnt > 30]"
+               # timer0 always expires on the same core
+               if id == 2:
+                       if lcore_tim2 == -1:
+                               lcore_tim2 = lcore
+                       elif lcore != lcore_tim2:
+                               return -1, "Fail [lcore != lcore_tim2 (%d, %d)]"%(lcore, lcore_tim2)
+                       if cnt > 30:
+                               return -1, "Fail [tim2 cnt > 30]"
+               # timer0 always expires on the same core
+               if id == 3:
+                       if lcore_tim3 == -1:
+                               lcore_tim3 = lcore
+                       elif lcore != lcore_tim3:
+                               return -1, "Fail [lcore_tim3 changed (%d -> %d)]"%(lcore, lcore_tim3)
+                       if cnt > 30:
+                               return -1, "Fail [tim3 cnt > 30]"
+       # must be 2 different cores
+       if lcore_tim0 == lcore_tim3:
+               return -1, "Fail [lcore_tim0 (%d) == lcore_tim3 (%d)]"%(lcore_tim0, lcore_tim3)
+       return 0, "Success"
+def ring_autotest(child, test_name):
+       child.sendline(test_name)
+       index = child.expect(["Test OK", "Test Failed",
+               pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 1500)
+       if index == 1:
+               return -1, "Fail"
+       elif index == 2:
+               return -1, "Fail [Timeout]"
+       child.sendline("set_watermark test 100")
+       child.sendline("dump_ring test")
+       index = child.expect(["  watermark=100",
+               pexpect.TIMEOUT], timeout = 1)
+       if index != 0:
+               return -1, "Fail [Bad watermark]"
+       return 0, "Success"
diff --git a/app/test/ b/app/test/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 8f932fc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#   Copyright(c) 2010-2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#   All rights reserved.
-#   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
-#   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
-#   are met:
-#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
-#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 
-#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 
-#       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 
-#       distribution.
-#     * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its 
-#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 
-#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
-import sys, re
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib
-matplotlib.use('Agg') # we don't want to use X11
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
-INT = "([-+]?[0-9][0-9]*)"
-class MempoolTest:
-    l = []
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    # sort a test case list
-    def sort(self, x, y):
-        for t in [ "cache", "cores", "n_get_bulk", "n_put_bulk",
-                   "n_keep", "rate" ]:
-            if x[t] > y[t]:
-                return 1
-            if x[t] < y[t]:
-                return -1
-        return 0
-    # add a test case
-    def add(self, **args):
-        self.l.append(args)
-    # get an ordered list matching parameters
-    # ex: r.get(enq_core=1, deq_core=1)
-    def get(self, **args):
-        retlist = []
-        for t in self.l:
-            add_it = 1
-            for a in args:
-                if args[a] != t[a]:
-                    add_it = 0
-                    break
-            if add_it:
-                retlist.append(t)
-        retlist.sort(cmp=self.sort)
-        return retlist
-    # return an ordered list of all values for this param or param list
-    # ex: r.get_value_list("enq_core")
-    def get_value_list(self, param):
-        retlist = []
-        if type(param) is not list:
-            param = [param]
-        for t in self.l:
-            entry = []
-            for p in param:
-                entry.append(t[p])
-            if len(entry) == 1:
-                entry = entry[0]
-            else:
-                entry = tuple(entry)
-            if not entry in retlist:
-                retlist.append(entry)
-        retlist.sort()
-        return retlist
-# read the file and return a MempoolTest object containing all data
-def read_data_from_file(filename):
-    mempool_test = MempoolTest()
-    # parse the file: it produces a list of dict containing the data for
-    # each test case (each dict in the list corresponds to a line)
-    f = open(filename)
-    while True:
-        l = f.readline()
-        if l == "":
-            break
-        regexp  = "mempool_autotest "
-        regexp += "cache=%s cores=%s "%(INT, INT)
-        regexp += "n_get_bulk=%s n_put_bulk=%s "%(INT, INT)
-        regexp += "n_keep=%s rate_persec=%s"%(INT, INT)
-        m = re.match(regexp, l)
-        if m == None:
-            continue
-        mempool_test.add(cache = int(m.groups()[0]),
-                         cores = int(m.groups()[1]),
-                         n_get_bulk = int(m.groups()[2]),
-                         n_put_bulk = int(m.groups()[3]),
-                         n_keep = int(m.groups()[4]),
-                         rate = int(m.groups()[5]))
-    f.close()
-    return mempool_test
-def millions(x, pos):
-    return '%1.1fM' % (x*1e-6)
-# graph one, with specific parameters -> generate a .svg file
-def graph_one(str, mempool_test, cache, cores, n_keep):
-    filename = "mempool_%d_%d_%d.svg"%(cache, cores, n_keep)
-    n_get_bulk_list = mempool_test.get_value_list("n_get_bulk")
-    N_n_get_bulk = len(n_get_bulk_list)
-    get_names = map(lambda x:"get=%d"%x, n_get_bulk_list)
-    n_put_bulk_list = mempool_test.get_value_list("n_put_bulk")
-    N_n_put_bulk = len(n_put_bulk_list)
-    put_names = map(lambda x:"put=%d"%x, n_put_bulk_list)
-    N = N_n_get_bulk * (N_n_put_bulk + 1)
-    rates = []
-    colors = []
-    for n_get_bulk in mempool_test.get_value_list("n_get_bulk"):
-        col = 0.
-        for n_put_bulk in mempool_test.get_value_list("n_put_bulk"):
-            col += 0.9 / len(mempool_test.get_value_list("n_put_bulk"))
-            r = mempool_test.get(cache=cache, cores=cores,
-                                 n_get_bulk=n_get_bulk,
-                                 n_put_bulk=n_put_bulk, n_keep=n_keep)
-            if len(r) != 0:
-                r = r[0]["rate"]
-                rates.append(r)
-            colors.append((1. - col, 0.2, col, 1.)) # rgba
-        rates.append(0)
-        colors.append((0.,0.,0.,0.))
-    ind = np.arange(N)  # the x locations for the groups
-    width = 1           # the width of the bars: can also be len(x) sequence
-    formatter = FuncFormatter(millions)
-    fig = plt.figure()
-    p =, tuple(rates), width, color=tuple(colors))
-    fig.axes[0].yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter)
-    plt.ylabel('Obj/sec')
-    #plt.ylim(0, 400000000.)
-    title  = "Mempool autotest \"%s\"\n"%(str)
-    title += "cache=%d, core(s)=%d, n_keep=%d"%(cache, cores, n_keep)
-    plt.title(title)
-    ind_names = np.arange(N_n_get_bulk) * (N_n_put_bulk+1) + (N_n_put_bulk+1) / 2
-    plt.xticks(ind_names, tuple(get_names))
-    plt.legend(tuple([p[i] for i in range(N_n_put_bulk)]), tuple(put_names),
-               loc="upper left")
-    plt.savefig(filename)
-if len(sys.argv) != 3:
-    print "usage: file title"
-    sys.exit(1)
-mempool_test = read_data_from_file(sys.argv[1])
-for cache, cores, n_keep in mempool_test.get_value_list(["cache", "cores",
-                                                         "n_keep"]):
-    graph_one(sys.argv[2], mempool_test, cache, cores, n_keep)
diff --git a/app/test/ b/app/test/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index e9ae28f..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-#   Copyright(c) 2010-2012 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
-#   All rights reserved.
-#   Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 
-#   modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 
-#   are met:
-#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 
-#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 
-#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 
-#       the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 
-#       distribution.
-#     * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its 
-#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 
-#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
-import sys, re
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib
-matplotlib.use('Agg') # we don't want to use X11
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
-INT = "([-+]?[0-9][0-9]*)"
-class RingTest:
-    l = []
-    def __init__(self):
-        pass
-    # sort a test case list
-    def sort(self, x, y):
-        for t in [ "enq_core", "deq_core", "enq_bulk", "deq_bulk", "rate" ]:
-            if x[t] > y[t]:
-                return 1
-            if x[t] < y[t]:
-                return -1
-        return 0
-    # add a test case
-    def add(self, **args):
-        self.l.append(args)
-    # get an ordered list matching parameters
-    # ex: r.get(enq_core=1, deq_core=1)
-    def get(self, **args):
-        retlist = []
-        for t in self.l:
-            add_it = 1
-            for a in args:
-                if args[a] != t[a]:
-                    add_it = 0
-                    break
-            if add_it:
-                retlist.append(t)
-        retlist.sort(cmp=self.sort)
-        return retlist
-    # return an ordered list of all values for this param or param list
-    # ex: r.get_value_list("enq_core")
-    def get_value_list(self, param):
-        retlist = []
-        if type(param) is not list:
-            param = [param]
-        for t in self.l:
-            entry = []
-            for p in param:
-                entry.append(t[p])
-            if len(entry) == 1:
-                entry = entry[0]
-            else:
-                entry = tuple(entry)
-            if not entry in retlist:
-                retlist.append(entry)
-        retlist.sort()
-        return retlist
-# read the file and return a RingTest object containing all data
-def read_data_from_file(filename):
-    ring_test = RingTest()
-    # parse the file: it produces a list of dict containing the data for
-    # each test case (each dict in the list corresponds to a line)
-    f = open(filename)
-    while True:
-        l = f.readline()
-        if l == "":
-            break
-        regexp  = "ring_autotest "
-        regexp += "e/d_core=%s,%s e/d_bulk=%s,%s "%(INT, INT, INT, INT)
-        regexp += "sp=%s sc=%s "%(INT, INT)
-        regexp += "rate_persec=%s"%(INT)
-        m = re.match(regexp, l)
-        if m == None:
-            continue
-        ring_test.add(enq_core = int(m.groups()[0]),
-                      deq_core = int(m.groups()[1]),
-                      enq_bulk = int(m.groups()[2]),
-                      deq_bulk = int(m.groups()[3]),
-                      sp = int(m.groups()[4]),
-                      sc = int(m.groups()[5]),
-                      rate = int(m.groups()[6]))
-    f.close()
-    return ring_test
-def millions(x, pos):
-    return '%1.1fM' % (x*1e-6)
-# graph one, with specific parameters -> generate a .svg file
-def graph_one(str, ring_test, enq_core, deq_core, sp, sc):
-    filename = "ring_%d_%d"%(enq_core, deq_core)
-    if sp:
-        sp_str = "sp"
-    else:
-        sp_str = "mp"
-    if sc:
-        sc_str = "sc"
-    else:
-        sc_str = "mc"
-    filename += "_%s_%s.svg"%(sp_str, sc_str)
-    enq_bulk_list = ring_test.get_value_list("enq_bulk")
-    N_enq_bulk = len(enq_bulk_list)
-    enq_names = map(lambda x:"enq=%d"%x, enq_bulk_list)
-    deq_bulk_list = ring_test.get_value_list("deq_bulk")
-    N_deq_bulk = len(deq_bulk_list)
-    deq_names = map(lambda x:"deq=%d"%x, deq_bulk_list)
-    N = N_enq_bulk * (N_deq_bulk + 1)
-    rates = []
-    colors = []
-    for enq_bulk in ring_test.get_value_list("enq_bulk"):
-        col = 0.
-        for deq_bulk in ring_test.get_value_list("deq_bulk"):
-            col += 0.9 / len(ring_test.get_value_list("deq_bulk"))
-            r = ring_test.get(enq_core=enq_core, deq_core=deq_core,
-                              enq_bulk=enq_bulk, deq_bulk=deq_bulk,
-                              sp=sp, sc=sc)
-            r = r[0]["rate"]
-            rates.append(r)
-            colors.append((1. - col, 0.2, col, 1.)) # rgba
-        rates.append(0)
-        colors.append((0.,0.,0.,0.))
-    ind = np.arange(N)  # the x locations for the groups
-    width = 1           # the width of the bars: can also be len(x) sequence
-    formatter = FuncFormatter(millions)
-    fig = plt.figure()
-    p =, tuple(rates), width, color=tuple(colors))
-    fig.axes[0].yaxis.set_major_formatter(formatter)
-    plt.ylabel('Obj/sec')
-    #plt.ylim(0, 400000000.)
-    plt.title("Ring autotest \"%s\"\nenq core(s)=%d, deq core(s)=%d, %s, %s"\
-                  %(str, enq_core, deq_core, sp_str, sc_str))
-    ind_names = np.arange(N_enq_bulk) * (N_deq_bulk+1) + (N_deq_bulk+1) / 2
-    plt.xticks(ind_names, tuple(enq_names))
-    plt.legend(tuple([p[i] for i in range(N_deq_bulk)]), tuple(deq_names),
-               loc="upper left")
-    plt.savefig(filename)
-if len(sys.argv) != 3:
-    print "usage: file title"
-    sys.exit(1)
-ring_test = read_data_from_file(sys.argv[1])
-for enq_core, deq_core, sp, sc in \
-        ring_test.get_value_list(["enq_core", "deq_core", "sp", "sc"]):
-    graph_one(sys.argv[2], ring_test, enq_core, deq_core, sp, sc)