fix and add sd card
[protos/xbee-elec.git] / xbee_imu / xbee_imu.sch
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107 <description>imu daughter board</description>
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110 <packages>
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383 <smd name="1" x="0" y="-1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
384 <smd name="8" x="-17.78" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
385 <smd name="6" x="-12.7" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
386 <smd name="4" x="-7.62" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
387 <smd name="2" x="-2.54" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
388 <text x="-19.05" y="2.921" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
389 <text x="-19.05" y="-4.191" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
390 </package>
391 <package name="1X08_SMD_COMBINED">
392 <wire x1="-1.37" y1="-1.25" x2="-1.37" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
393 <wire x1="19.15" y1="1.25" x2="19.15" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
394 <wire x1="-0.85" y1="-1.25" x2="-1.37" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
395 <wire x1="19.15" y1="-1.25" x2="18.503" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
396 <wire x1="18.63" y1="1.25" x2="19.15" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
397 <wire x1="-1.37" y1="1.25" x2="-0.723" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
398 <wire x1="14.537" y1="-1.25" x2="13.403" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
399 <wire x1="0.789" y1="1.25" x2="1.751" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
400 <wire x1="3.329" y1="1.25" x2="4.291" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
401 <wire x1="5.869" y1="1.25" x2="6.831" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
402 <wire x1="8.409" y1="1.25" x2="9.371" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
403 <wire x1="10.949" y1="1.25" x2="11.911" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
404 <wire x1="13.489" y1="1.25" x2="14.451" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
405 <wire x1="16.029" y1="1.25" x2="16.991" y2="1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
406 <wire x1="17.077" y1="-1.25" x2="15.943" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
407 <wire x1="11.997" y1="-1.25" x2="10.863" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
408 <wire x1="9.457" y1="-1.25" x2="8.323" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
409 <wire x1="6.917" y1="-1.25" x2="5.783" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
410 <wire x1="4.377" y1="-1.25" x2="3.243" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
411 <wire x1="1.837" y1="-1.25" x2="0.703" y2="-1.25" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
412 <wire x1="17.78" y1="1.27" x2="17.78" y2="-1.27" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
413 <wire x1="15.24" y1="1.27" x2="15.24" y2="-1.27" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
414 <wire x1="12.7" y1="1.27" x2="12.7" y2="-1.27" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
415 <wire x1="10.16" y1="1.27" x2="10.16" y2="-1.27" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
416 <wire x1="7.62" y1="1.27" x2="7.62" y2="-1.27" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
417 <wire x1="5.08" y1="1.27" x2="5.08" y2="-1.27" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
418 <wire x1="2.54" y1="1.27" x2="2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
419 <wire x1="0" y1="1.27" x2="0" y2="-1.27" width="0.4064" layer="1"/>
420 <smd name="7@2" x="15.24" y="-1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
421 <smd name="5@2" x="10.16" y="-1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
422 <smd name="3@2" x="5.08" y="-1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
423 <smd name="8@2" x="17.78" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
424 <smd name="6@2" x="12.7" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
425 <smd name="4@2" x="7.62" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
426 <smd name="2@2" x="2.54" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
427 <smd name="1" x="0" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
428 <smd name="2" x="2.54" y="-1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
429 <smd name="3" x="5.08" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
430 <smd name="4" x="7.62" y="-1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
431 <smd name="5" x="10.16" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
432 <smd name="6" x="12.7" y="-1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
433 <smd name="7" x="15.24" y="1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
434 <smd name="8" x="17.78" y="-1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
435 <smd name="1@2" x="0" y="-1.65" dx="2" dy="1" layer="1" rot="R270"/>
436 <text x="0" y="2.921" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
437 <text x="0" y="-4.191" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
438 </package>
439 <package name="BM08B-SRSS-TB">
440 <description>JST crimp connector: 1mm pitch, top entry</description>
441 <wire x1="-5" y1="3.3" x2="5" y2="3.3" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
442 <wire x1="-5" y1="0.4" x2="-5" y2="3.3" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
443 <wire x1="5" y1="0.4" x2="5" y2="3.3" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
444 <wire x1="-5" y1="0.4" x2="5" y2="0.4" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
445 <wire x1="-4.1" y1="0.35" x2="-5.05" y2="0.35" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
446 <wire x1="-5.05" y1="0.35" x2="-5.05" y2="1.35" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
447 <wire x1="5.05" y1="0.35" x2="4.15" y2="0.35" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
448 <wire x1="5.05" y1="0.35" x2="5.05" y2="1.35" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
449 <wire x1="-3.9" y1="3.4" x2="3.9" y2="3.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
450 <circle x="-4.4" y="-0.35" radius="0.1118" width="0.4064" layer="21"/>
451 <smd name="1" x="-3.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R180"/>
452 <smd name="2" x="-2.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R180"/>
453 <smd name="3" x="-1.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R180"/>
454 <smd name="4" x="-0.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R180"/>
455 <smd name="5" x="0.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R180"/>
456 <smd name="6" x="1.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R180"/>
457 <smd name="7" x="2.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R180"/>
458 <smd name="8" x="3.5" y="0" dx="0.6" dy="1.55" layer="1" rot="R180"/>
459 <smd name="P$9" x="4.8" y="2.525" dx="1.8" dy="1.2" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
460 <smd name="P$10" x="-4.8" y="2.525" dx="1.8" dy="1.2" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
461 <text x="-3.8" y="2.5" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
462 <text x="-3.8" y="1.3" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
463 </package>
464 <package name="1206">
465 <wire x1="-2.473" y1="0.983" x2="2.473" y2="0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
466 <wire x1="2.473" y1="-0.983" x2="-2.473" y2="-0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
467 <wire x1="-2.473" y1="-0.983" x2="-2.473" y2="0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
468 <wire x1="2.473" y1="0.983" x2="2.473" y2="-0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
469 <wire x1="-0.965" y1="0.787" x2="0.965" y2="0.787" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
470 <wire x1="-0.965" y1="-0.787" x2="0.965" y2="-0.787" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
471 <smd name="1" x="-1.4" y="0" dx="1.6" dy="1.8" layer="1"/>
472 <smd name="2" x="1.4" y="0" dx="1.6" dy="1.8" layer="1"/>
473 <text x="-1.27" y="1.143" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
474 <text x="-1.397" y="-1.524" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
475 <rectangle x1="-1.7018" y1="-0.8509" x2="-0.9517" y2="0.8491" layer="51"/>
476 <rectangle x1="0.9517" y1="-0.8491" x2="1.7018" y2="0.8509" layer="51"/>
477 <rectangle x1="-0.1999" y1="-0.4001" x2="0.1999" y2="0.4001" layer="35"/>
478 </package>
479 <package name="AXIAL-0.3">
480 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0.762" x2="2.54" y2="0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
481 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0.762" x2="2.54" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
482 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
483 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-0.762" x2="-2.54" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
484 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-0.762" x2="-2.54" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
485 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-2.54" y2="0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
486 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="2.794" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
487 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-2.794" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
488 <pad name="P$1" x="-3.81" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
489 <pad name="P$2" x="3.81" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
490 <text x="-2.54" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;Name</text>
491 <text x="-2.032" y="-0.381" size="1.016" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
492 </package>
493 <package name="R2010">
494 <description>&lt;b&gt;RESISTOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
495 chip</description>
496 <wire x1="-1.662" y1="1.245" x2="1.662" y2="1.245" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
497 <wire x1="-1.637" y1="-1.245" x2="1.687" y2="-1.245" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
498 <wire x1="-3.473" y1="1.483" x2="3.473" y2="1.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
499 <wire x1="3.473" y1="1.483" x2="3.473" y2="-1.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
500 <wire x1="3.473" y1="-1.483" x2="-3.473" y2="-1.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
501 <wire x1="-3.473" y1="-1.483" x2="-3.473" y2="1.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
502 <wire x1="-1.027" y1="1.245" x2="1.027" y2="1.245" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
503 <wire x1="-1.002" y1="-1.245" x2="1.016" y2="-1.245" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
504 <smd name="1" x="-2.2" y="0" dx="1.8" dy="2.7" layer="1"/>
505 <smd name="2" x="2.2" y="0" dx="1.8" dy="2.7" layer="1"/>
506 <text x="-2.54" y="1.5875" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
507 <text x="-2.54" y="-2.032" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
508 <rectangle x1="-2.4892" y1="-1.3208" x2="-1.6393" y2="1.3292" layer="51"/>
509 <rectangle x1="1.651" y1="-1.3208" x2="2.5009" y2="1.3292" layer="51"/>
510 </package>
511 <package name="0805">
512 <wire x1="-0.3" y1="0.6" x2="0.3" y2="0.6" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
513 <wire x1="-0.3" y1="-0.6" x2="0.3" y2="-0.6" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
514 <smd name="1" x="-0.9" y="0" dx="0.8" dy="1.2" layer="1"/>
515 <smd name="2" x="0.9" y="0" dx="0.8" dy="1.2" layer="1"/>
516 <text x="-0.762" y="0.8255" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
517 <text x="-1.016" y="-1.397" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
518 </package>
519 <package name="0603-RES">
520 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="0.983" x2="1.473" y2="0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
521 <wire x1="1.473" y1="0.983" x2="1.473" y2="-0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
522 <wire x1="1.473" y1="-0.983" x2="-1.473" y2="-0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
523 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="-0.983" x2="-1.473" y2="0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
524 <wire x1="-0.356" y1="0.432" x2="0.356" y2="0.432" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
525 <wire x1="-0.356" y1="-0.419" x2="0.356" y2="-0.419" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
526 <smd name="1" x="-0.85" y="0" dx="1.1" dy="1" layer="1"/>
527 <smd name="2" x="0.85" y="0" dx="1.1" dy="1" layer="1"/>
528 <text x="-0.889" y="0.762" size="0.4064" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
529 <text x="-1.016" y="-1.143" size="0.4064" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
530 <rectangle x1="-0.8382" y1="-0.4699" x2="-0.3381" y2="0.4801" layer="51"/>
531 <rectangle x1="0.3302" y1="-0.4699" x2="0.8303" y2="0.4801" layer="51"/>
532 <rectangle x1="-0.1999" y1="-0.3" x2="0.1999" y2="0.3" layer="35"/>
533 <rectangle x1="-0.2286" y1="-0.381" x2="0.2286" y2="0.381" layer="21"/>
534 </package>
535 <package name="0402-RES">
536 <description>&lt;b&gt;CAPACITOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
537 chip</description>
538 <wire x1="-0.245" y1="0.224" x2="0.245" y2="0.224" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
539 <wire x1="0.245" y1="-0.224" x2="-0.245" y2="-0.224" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
540 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="0.483" x2="1.473" y2="0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
541 <wire x1="1.473" y1="0.483" x2="1.473" y2="-0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
542 <wire x1="1.473" y1="-0.483" x2="-1.473" y2="-0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
543 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="-0.483" x2="-1.473" y2="0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
544 <smd name="1" x="-0.65" y="0" dx="0.7" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
545 <smd name="2" x="0.65" y="0" dx="0.7" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
546 <text x="-0.889" y="0.6985" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
547 <text x="-1.0795" y="-1.143" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
548 <rectangle x1="-0.554" y1="-0.3048" x2="-0.254" y2="0.2951" layer="51"/>
549 <rectangle x1="0.2588" y1="-0.3048" x2="0.5588" y2="0.2951" layer="51"/>
550 <rectangle x1="-0.1999" y1="-0.3" x2="0.1999" y2="0.3" layer="35"/>
551 <rectangle x1="-0.2032" y1="-0.3556" x2="0.2032" y2="0.3556" layer="21"/>
552 </package>
553 <package name="1/6W-RES">
554 <description>1/6W Thru-hole Resistor - *UNPROVEN*</description>
555 <wire x1="-1.55" y1="0.85" x2="-1.55" y2="-0.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
556 <wire x1="-1.55" y1="-0.85" x2="1.55" y2="-0.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
557 <wire x1="1.55" y1="-0.85" x2="1.55" y2="0.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
558 <wire x1="1.55" y1="0.85" x2="-1.55" y2="0.85" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
559 <pad name="1" x="-2.5" y="0" drill="0.762"/>
560 <pad name="2" x="2.5" y="0" drill="0.762"/>
561 <text x="-1.2662" y="0.9552" size="0.6096" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
562 <text x="-1.423" y="-0.4286" size="0.8128" layer="21" ratio="15">&gt;VALUE</text>
563 </package>
564 <package name="R2512">
565 <wire x1="-2.362" y1="1.473" x2="2.387" y2="1.473" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
566 <wire x1="-2.362" y1="-1.473" x2="2.387" y2="-1.473" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
567 <smd name="1" x="-2.8" y="0" dx="1.8" dy="3.2" layer="1"/>
568 <smd name="2" x="2.8" y="0" dx="1.8" dy="3.2" layer="1"/>
569 <text x="-2.54" y="1.905" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
570 <text x="-2.54" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
571 <rectangle x1="-3.2004" y1="-1.5494" x2="-2.3505" y2="1.5507" layer="51"/>
572 <rectangle x1="2.3622" y1="-1.5494" x2="3.2121" y2="1.5507" layer="51"/>
573 </package>
574 <package name="AXIAL-0.4">
575 <description>1/4W Resistor, 0.4" wide&lt;p&gt;
577 Yageo CFR series &lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;</description>
578 <wire x1="-3.15" y1="-1.2" x2="-3.15" y2="1.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
579 <wire x1="-3.15" y1="1.2" x2="3.15" y2="1.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
580 <wire x1="3.15" y1="1.2" x2="3.15" y2="-1.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
581 <wire x1="3.15" y1="-1.2" x2="-3.15" y2="-1.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
582 <pad name="P$1" x="-5.08" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
583 <pad name="P$2" x="5.08" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
584 <text x="-3.175" y="1.905" size="0.8128" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Name</text>
585 <text x="-2.286" y="-0.381" size="0.8128" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
586 </package>
587 <package name="AXIAL-0.5">
588 <description>1/2W Resistor, 0.5" wide&lt;p&gt;
590 Yageo CFR series &lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;</description>
591 <wire x1="-4.5" y1="-1.65" x2="-4.5" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
592 <wire x1="-4.5" y1="1.65" x2="4.5" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
593 <wire x1="4.5" y1="1.65" x2="4.5" y2="-1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
594 <wire x1="4.5" y1="-1.65" x2="-4.5" y2="-1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
595 <pad name="P$1" x="-6.35" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
596 <pad name="P$2" x="6.35" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
597 <text x="-4.445" y="2.54" size="0.8128" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Name</text>
598 <text x="-3.429" y="-0.381" size="0.8128" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
599 </package>
600 <package name="AXIAL-0.6">
601 <description>1W Resistor, 0.6" wide&lt;p&gt;
603 Yageo CFR series &lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;</description>
604 <wire x1="-5.75" y1="-2.25" x2="-5.75" y2="2.25" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
605 <wire x1="-5.75" y1="2.25" x2="5.75" y2="2.25" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
606 <wire x1="5.75" y1="2.25" x2="5.75" y2="-2.25" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
607 <wire x1="5.75" y1="-2.25" x2="-5.75" y2="-2.25" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
608 <pad name="P$1" x="-7.62" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="1.8796"/>
609 <pad name="P$2" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="1.8796"/>
610 <text x="-5.715" y="3.175" size="0.8128" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Name</text>
611 <text x="-4.064" y="-0.381" size="0.8128" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
612 </package>
613 <package name="AXIAL-0.8">
614 <description>2W Resistor, 0.8" wide&lt;p&gt;
616 Yageo CFR series &lt;a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;</description>
617 <wire x1="-7.75" y1="-2.5" x2="-7.75" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
618 <wire x1="-7.75" y1="2.5" x2="7.75" y2="2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
619 <wire x1="7.75" y1="2.5" x2="7.75" y2="-2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
620 <wire x1="7.75" y1="-2.5" x2="-7.75" y2="-2.5" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
621 <pad name="P$1" x="-10.16" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="1.8796"/>
622 <pad name="P$2" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.2" diameter="1.8796"/>
623 <text x="-7.62" y="3.175" size="0.8128" layer="25" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Name</text>
624 <text x="-5.969" y="-0.381" size="0.8128" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
625 </package>
626 <package name="AXIAL-0.3-KIT">
627 <description>&lt;h3&gt;AXIAL-0.3-KIT&lt;/h3&gt;
629 Commonly used for 1/4W through-hole resistors. 0.3" pitch between holes.&lt;br&gt;
630 &lt;br&gt;
632 &lt;b&gt;Warning:&lt;/b&gt; This is the KIT version of the AXIAL-0.3 package. This package has a smaller diameter top stop mask, which doesn't cover the diameter of the pad. This means only the bottom side of the pads' copper will be exposed. You'll only be able to solder to the bottom side.</description>
633 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="1.27" x2="2.54" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
634 <wire x1="2.54" y1="1.27" x2="2.54" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
635 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
636 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.27" x2="-2.54" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
637 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-1.27" x2="-2.54" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
638 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-2.54" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
639 <wire x1="2.54" y1="0" x2="2.794" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
640 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="0" x2="-2.794" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
641 <pad name="P$1" x="-3.81" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="2.032" stop="no"/>
642 <pad name="P$2" x="3.81" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="2.032" stop="no"/>
643 <text x="-2.54" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;Name</text>
644 <text x="-2.159" y="-0.762" size="1.27" layer="21" font="vector" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
645 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
646 <vertex x="3.8201" y="-0.9449" curve="-90"/>
647 <vertex x="2.8652" y="-0.0152" curve="-90.011749"/>
648 <vertex x="3.8176" y="0.9602" curve="-90"/>
649 <vertex x="4.7676" y="-0.0178" curve="-90.024193"/>
650 </polygon>
651 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
652 <vertex x="3.8176" y="-0.4369" curve="-90.012891"/>
653 <vertex x="3.3731" y="-0.0127" curve="-90"/>
654 <vertex x="3.8176" y="0.4546" curve="-90"/>
655 <vertex x="4.2595" y="-0.0025" curve="-90.012967"/>
656 </polygon>
657 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
658 <vertex x="-3.8075" y="-0.9525" curve="-90"/>
659 <vertex x="-4.7624" y="-0.0228" curve="-90.011749"/>
660 <vertex x="-3.81" y="0.9526" curve="-90"/>
661 <vertex x="-2.86" y="-0.0254" curve="-90.024193"/>
662 </polygon>
663 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
664 <vertex x="-3.81" y="-0.4445" curve="-90.012891"/>
665 <vertex x="-4.2545" y="-0.0203" curve="-90"/>
666 <vertex x="-3.81" y="0.447" curve="-90"/>
667 <vertex x="-3.3681" y="-0.0101" curve="-90.012967"/>
668 </polygon>
669 </package>
670 <package name="CAP-PTH-SMALL">
671 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
672 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.651"/>
673 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.651"/>
674 <text x="0.508" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
675 <text x="0.254" y="-1.524" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
676 </package>
677 <package name="CAP-PTH-SMALL2">
678 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
679 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
680 <wire x1="3.81" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
681 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
682 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
683 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.651"/>
684 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.651"/>
685 <text x="-1.27" y="1.905" size="0.6096" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
686 <text x="-1.27" y="-2.54" size="0.6096" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
687 </package>
688 <package name="CAP-PTH-LARGE">
689 <wire x1="0" y1="0.635" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
690 <wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
691 <wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="-2.54" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
692 <wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="2.54" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
693 <pad name="1" x="-4.826" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.905"/>
694 <pad name="2" x="4.572" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.905"/>
695 <text x="-0.762" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
696 <text x="-1.016" y="-1.524" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
697 </package>
698 <package name="GRM43D">
699 <wire x1="2.25" y1="1.6" x2="1.1" y2="1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
700 <wire x1="1.1" y1="1.6" x2="-1.1" y2="1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
701 <wire x1="-1.1" y1="1.6" x2="-2.25" y2="1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
702 <wire x1="-2.25" y1="1.6" x2="-2.25" y2="-1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
703 <wire x1="-2.25" y1="-1.6" x2="-1.1" y2="-1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
704 <wire x1="-1.1" y1="-1.6" x2="1.1" y2="-1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
705 <wire x1="1.1" y1="-1.6" x2="2.25" y2="-1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
706 <wire x1="2.25" y1="-1.6" x2="2.25" y2="1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
707 <wire x1="1.1" y1="1.6" x2="1.1" y2="-1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
708 <wire x1="-1.1" y1="1.6" x2="-1.1" y2="-1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
709 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="1.8" x2="2.3" y2="1.8" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
710 <wire x1="-2.3" y1="-1.8" x2="2.3" y2="-1.8" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
711 <smd name="A" x="1.927" y="0" dx="3.2" dy="1.65" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
712 <smd name="C" x="-1.927" y="0" dx="3.2" dy="1.65" layer="1" rot="R90"/>
713 <text x="-2" y="2" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
714 <text x="0" y="-2" size="0.4064" layer="27" rot="R180">&gt;VALUE</text>
715 <rectangle x1="-2.2" y1="-1.6" x2="-1.1" y2="1.6" layer="51"/>
716 <rectangle x1="1.1" y1="-1.6" x2="2.2" y2="1.6" layer="51"/>
717 </package>
718 <package name="0603-CAP">
719 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="0.983" x2="1.473" y2="0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
720 <wire x1="1.473" y1="0.983" x2="1.473" y2="-0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
721 <wire x1="1.473" y1="-0.983" x2="-1.473" y2="-0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
722 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="-0.983" x2="-1.473" y2="0.983" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
723 <wire x1="-0.356" y1="0.432" x2="0.356" y2="0.432" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
724 <wire x1="-0.356" y1="-0.419" x2="0.356" y2="-0.419" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
725 <wire x1="0" y1="0.0305" x2="0" y2="-0.0305" width="0.5588" layer="21"/>
726 <smd name="1" x="-0.85" y="0" dx="1.1" dy="1" layer="1"/>
727 <smd name="2" x="0.85" y="0" dx="1.1" dy="1" layer="1"/>
728 <text x="-0.889" y="0.762" size="0.4064" layer="25" font="vector">&gt;NAME</text>
729 <text x="-1.016" y="-1.143" size="0.4064" layer="27" font="vector">&gt;VALUE</text>
730 <rectangle x1="-0.8382" y1="-0.4699" x2="-0.3381" y2="0.4801" layer="51"/>
731 <rectangle x1="0.3302" y1="-0.4699" x2="0.8303" y2="0.4801" layer="51"/>
732 <rectangle x1="-0.1999" y1="-0.3" x2="0.1999" y2="0.3" layer="35"/>
733 </package>
734 <package name="0402-CAP">
735 <description>&lt;b&gt;CAPACITOR&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
736 chip</description>
737 <wire x1="-0.245" y1="0.224" x2="0.245" y2="0.224" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
738 <wire x1="0.245" y1="-0.224" x2="-0.245" y2="-0.224" width="0.1524" layer="51"/>
739 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="0.483" x2="1.473" y2="0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
740 <wire x1="1.473" y1="0.483" x2="1.473" y2="-0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
741 <wire x1="1.473" y1="-0.483" x2="-1.473" y2="-0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
742 <wire x1="-1.473" y1="-0.483" x2="-1.473" y2="0.483" width="0.0508" layer="39"/>
743 <wire x1="0" y1="0.0305" x2="0" y2="-0.0305" width="0.4064" layer="21"/>
744 <smd name="1" x="-0.65" y="0" dx="0.7" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
745 <smd name="2" x="0.65" y="0" dx="0.7" dy="0.9" layer="1"/>
746 <text x="-0.889" y="0.6985" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
747 <text x="-1.0795" y="-1.143" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
748 <rectangle x1="-0.554" y1="-0.3048" x2="-0.254" y2="0.2951" layer="51"/>
749 <rectangle x1="0.2588" y1="-0.3048" x2="0.5588" y2="0.2951" layer="51"/>
750 <rectangle x1="-0.1999" y1="-0.3" x2="0.1999" y2="0.3" layer="35"/>
751 </package>
752 <package name="CAP-PTH-5MM">
753 <wire x1="0" y1="0.635" x2="0" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
754 <pad name="1" x="-2.5" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.651"/>
755 <pad name="2" x="2.5" y="0" drill="0.7" diameter="1.651"/>
756 <text x="-0.762" y="1.27" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
757 <text x="-1.016" y="-1.524" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
758 </package>
759 <package name="AXIAL-5MM">
760 <wire x1="-1.14" y1="0.762" x2="1.14" y2="0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
761 <wire x1="1.14" y1="0.762" x2="1.14" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
762 <wire x1="1.14" y1="0" x2="1.14" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
763 <wire x1="1.14" y1="-0.762" x2="-1.14" y2="-0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
764 <wire x1="-1.14" y1="-0.762" x2="-1.14" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
765 <wire x1="-1.14" y1="0" x2="-1.14" y2="0.762" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
766 <wire x1="1.14" y1="0" x2="1.394" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
767 <wire x1="-1.14" y1="0" x2="-1.394" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
768 <pad name="P$1" x="-2.5" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
769 <pad name="P$2" x="2.5" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="1.8796"/>
770 <text x="-2.54" y="1.17" size="0.4" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
771 <text x="-1.032" y="-0.208" size="0.4" layer="21" ratio="15">&gt;Value</text>
772 </package>
773 <package name="1210">
774 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="1.3" x2="1.6" y2="1.3" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
775 <wire x1="1.6" y1="1.3" x2="1.6" y2="-1.3" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
776 <wire x1="1.6" y1="-1.3" x2="-1.6" y2="-1.3" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
777 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="-1.3" x2="-1.6" y2="1.3" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
778 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="1.3" x2="1.6" y2="1.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
779 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="-1.3" x2="1.6" y2="-1.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
780 <smd name="1" x="-1.6" y="0" dx="1.2" dy="2" layer="1"/>
781 <smd name="2" x="1.6" y="0" dx="1.2" dy="2" layer="1"/>
782 <text x="-0.8" y="0.5" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
783 <text x="-0.9" y="-0.7" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
784 </package>
785 <package name="CTZ3">
786 <description>CTZ3 Series land pattern for variable capacitor - CTZ3E-50C-W1-PF</description>
787 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="1.4" x2="-1.6" y2="-2.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
788 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="-2.25" x2="1.6" y2="-2.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
789 <wire x1="1.6" y1="1.4" x2="1.6" y2="-2.25" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
790 <wire x1="-0.5" y1="0" x2="0.5" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
791 <wire x1="-1.6" y1="1.4" x2="-1" y2="2.2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
792 <wire x1="1.6" y1="1.4" x2="1" y2="2.2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
793 <wire x1="-1" y1="2.2" x2="1" y2="2.2" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
794 <wire x1="0" y1="0.8" x2="0" y2="-0.8" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
795 <wire x1="-0.8" y1="0" x2="0.8" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
796 <wire x1="-1.05" y1="2.25" x2="-1.7" y2="1.45" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
797 <wire x1="-1.7" y1="1.45" x2="-1.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
798 <wire x1="-1.7" y1="-2.35" x2="-1.05" y2="-2.35" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
799 <wire x1="1.05" y1="2.25" x2="1.7" y2="1.4" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
800 <wire x1="1.7" y1="1.4" x2="1.7" y2="-2.35" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
801 <wire x1="1.7" y1="-2.35" x2="1.05" y2="-2.35" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
802 <smd name="+" x="0" y="2.05" dx="1.5" dy="1.2" layer="1"/>
803 <smd name="-" x="0" y="-2.05" dx="1.5" dy="1.2" layer="1"/>
804 <text x="-2" y="3" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
805 <text x="-2" y="-3.4" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
806 </package>
807 <package name="CAP-PTH-SMALL-KIT">
808 <description>&lt;h3&gt;CAP-PTH-SMALL-KIT&lt;/h3&gt;
809 Commonly used for small ceramic capacitors. Like our 0.1uF ( or 22pF caps (;br&gt;
810 &lt;br&gt;
811 &lt;b&gt;Warning:&lt;/b&gt; This is the KIT version of this package. This package has a smaller diameter top stop mask, which doesn't cover the diameter of the pad. This means only the bottom side of the pads' copper will be exposed. You'll only be able to solder to the bottom side.</description>
812 <wire x1="0" y1="0.635" x2="0" y2="-0.635" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
813 <wire x1="-2.667" y1="1.27" x2="2.667" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
814 <wire x1="2.667" y1="1.27" x2="2.667" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
815 <wire x1="2.667" y1="-1.27" x2="-2.667" y2="-1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
816 <wire x1="-2.667" y1="-1.27" x2="-2.667" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
817 <pad name="1" x="-1.397" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="2.032" stop="no"/>
818 <pad name="2" x="1.397" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="2.032" stop="no"/>
819 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
820 <vertex x="-1.4021" y="-0.9475" curve="-90"/>
821 <vertex x="-2.357" y="-0.0178" curve="-90.011749"/>
822 <vertex x="-1.4046" y="0.9576" curve="-90"/>
823 <vertex x="-0.4546" y="-0.0204" curve="-90.024193"/>
824 </polygon>
825 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
826 <vertex x="-1.4046" y="-0.4395" curve="-90.012891"/>
827 <vertex x="-1.8491" y="-0.0153" curve="-90"/>
828 <vertex x="-1.4046" y="0.452" curve="-90"/>
829 <vertex x="-0.9627" y="-0.0051" curve="-90.012967"/>
830 </polygon>
831 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
832 <vertex x="1.397" y="-0.9475" curve="-90"/>
833 <vertex x="0.4421" y="-0.0178" curve="-90.011749"/>
834 <vertex x="1.3945" y="0.9576" curve="-90"/>
835 <vertex x="2.3445" y="-0.0204" curve="-90.024193"/>
836 </polygon>
837 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
838 <vertex x="1.3945" y="-0.4395" curve="-90.012891"/>
839 <vertex x="0.95" y="-0.0153" curve="-90"/>
840 <vertex x="1.3945" y="0.452" curve="-90"/>
841 <vertex x="1.8364" y="-0.0051" curve="-90.012967"/>
842 </polygon>
843 </package>
844 <package name="LED5MM">
845 <description>&lt;B&gt;LED&lt;/B&gt;&lt;p&gt;
846 5 mm, round</description>
847 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.905" x2="2.54" y2="1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
848 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.905" x2="2.54" y2="1.905" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="-286.260205" cap="flat"/>
849 <wire x1="-1.143" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1.143" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
850 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.143" x2="1.143" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
851 <wire x1="-1.651" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1.651" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
852 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.651" x2="1.651" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
853 <wire x1="-2.159" y1="0" x2="0" y2="2.159" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
854 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.159" x2="2.159" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
855 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
856 <pad name="A" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
857 <pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
858 <text x="3.175" y="0.5334" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
859 <text x="3.2004" y="-1.8034" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
860 </package>
861 <package name="LED3MM">
862 <description>&lt;B&gt;LED&lt;/B&gt;&lt;p&gt;
863 3 mm, round</description>
864 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="-1.27" x2="1.5748" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
865 <wire x1="0" y1="2.032" x2="1.561" y2="1.3009" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="-50.193108" cap="flat"/>
866 <wire x1="-1.7929" y1="0.9562" x2="0" y2="2.032" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="-61.926949" cap="flat"/>
867 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.032" x2="1.5512" y2="-1.3126" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="49.763022" cap="flat"/>
868 <wire x1="-1.7643" y1="-1.0082" x2="0" y2="-2.032" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="60.255215" cap="flat"/>
869 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="0" x2="-1.7891" y2="0.9634" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="-28.301701" cap="flat"/>
870 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="0" x2="-1.7306" y2="-1.065" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="31.60822" cap="flat"/>
871 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="1.2954" x2="1.5748" y2="0.7874" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
872 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="-1.2954" x2="1.5748" y2="-0.8382" width="0.254" layer="21"/>
873 <pad name="A" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
874 <pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796"/>
875 <text x="1.905" y="0.381" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
876 <text x="1.905" y="-1.651" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
877 </package>
878 <package name="LED-1206">
879 <wire x1="-1" y1="1" x2="-2.4" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
880 <wire x1="-2.4" y1="1" x2="-2.4" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
881 <wire x1="-2.4" y1="-1" x2="-1" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
882 <wire x1="1" y1="1" x2="2.4" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
883 <wire x1="2.4" y1="1" x2="2.4" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
884 <wire x1="2.4" y1="-1" x2="1" y2="-1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
885 <wire x1="0.3" y1="0.7" x2="0.3" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
886 <wire x1="0.3" y1="0" x2="0.3" y2="-0.7" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
887 <wire x1="0.3" y1="0" x2="-0.3" y2="0.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
888 <wire x1="-0.3" y1="0.6" x2="-0.3" y2="-0.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
889 <wire x1="-0.3" y1="-0.6" x2="0.3" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
890 <smd name="A" x="-1.5" y="0" dx="1.2" dy="1.4" layer="1"/>
891 <smd name="C" x="1.5" y="0" dx="1.2" dy="1.4" layer="1"/>
892 <text x="-0.889" y="1.397" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
893 <text x="-1.016" y="-1.778" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
894 </package>
895 <package name="LED-0603">
896 <wire x1="0.46" y1="0.17" x2="0" y2="0.17" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
897 <wire x1="-0.46" y1="0.17" x2="0" y2="0.17" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
898 <wire x1="0" y1="0.17" x2="0.2338" y2="-0.14" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
899 <wire x1="-0.0254" y1="0.1546" x2="-0.2184" y2="-0.14" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
900 <smd name="C" x="0" y="0.75" dx="0.8" dy="0.8" layer="1"/>
901 <smd name="A" x="0" y="-0.75" dx="0.8" dy="0.8" layer="1"/>
902 <text x="-0.6985" y="-0.889" size="0.4064" layer="25" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
903 <text x="1.0795" y="-1.016" size="0.4064" layer="27" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
904 </package>
905 <package name="LED10MM">
906 <wire x1="-5" y1="-2" x2="-5" y2="2" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="316.862624"/>
907 <wire x1="-5" y1="2" x2="-5" y2="-2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
908 <pad name="A" x="2.54" y="0" drill="2.4" diameter="3.7"/>
909 <pad name="C" x="-2.54" y="0" drill="2.4" diameter="3.7" shape="square"/>
910 <text x="2.159" y="2.54" size="1.016" layer="51" ratio="15">L</text>
911 <text x="-2.921" y="2.54" size="1.016" layer="51" ratio="15">S</text>
912 </package>
913 <package name="FKIT-LED-1206">
914 <wire x1="1.55" y1="-0.75" x2="-1.55" y2="-0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
915 <wire x1="-1.55" y1="-0.75" x2="-1.55" y2="0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
916 <wire x1="-1.55" y1="0.75" x2="1.55" y2="0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
917 <wire x1="1.55" y1="0.75" x2="1.55" y2="-0.75" width="0.1016" layer="51"/>
918 <wire x1="-0.55" y1="-0.5" x2="0.55" y2="-0.5" width="0.1016" layer="21" curve="95.452622"/>
919 <wire x1="-0.55" y1="0.5" x2="-0.55" y2="-0.5" width="0.1016" layer="51" curve="84.547378"/>
920 <wire x1="0.55" y1="0.5" x2="-0.55" y2="0.5" width="0.1016" layer="21" curve="95.452622"/>
921 <wire x1="0.55" y1="-0.5" x2="0.55" y2="0.5" width="0.1016" layer="51" curve="84.547378"/>
922 <smd name="A" x="-1.422" y="0" dx="1.6" dy="1.803" layer="1"/>
923 <smd name="C" x="1.422" y="0" dx="1.6" dy="1.803" layer="1"/>
924 <text x="-1.27" y="1.27" size="1.27" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
925 <text x="-1.27" y="-2.54" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
926 <rectangle x1="-0.1" y1="-0.1" x2="0.1" y2="0.1" layer="21"/>
927 <rectangle x1="0.45" y1="-0.7" x2="0.8" y2="-0.45" layer="51"/>
928 <rectangle x1="0.8" y1="-0.7" x2="0.9" y2="0.5" layer="51"/>
929 <rectangle x1="0.8" y1="0.55" x2="0.9" y2="0.7" layer="51"/>
930 <rectangle x1="-0.9" y1="-0.7" x2="-0.8" y2="0.5" layer="51"/>
931 <rectangle x1="-0.9" y1="0.55" x2="-0.8" y2="0.7" layer="51"/>
932 <rectangle x1="0.45" y1="-0.7" x2="0.6" y2="-0.45" layer="21"/>
933 </package>
934 <package name="LED3MM-NS">
935 <description>&lt;h3&gt;LED 3MM - No Silk&lt;/h3&gt;
936 3 mm, round</description>
937 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="-1.27" x2="1.5748" y2="1.27" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
938 <wire x1="0" y1="2.032" x2="1.561" y2="1.3009" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="-50.193108" cap="flat"/>
939 <wire x1="-1.7929" y1="0.9562" x2="0" y2="2.032" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="-61.926949" cap="flat"/>
940 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.032" x2="1.5512" y2="-1.3126" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="49.763022" cap="flat"/>
941 <wire x1="-1.7643" y1="-1.0082" x2="0" y2="-2.032" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="60.255215" cap="flat"/>
942 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="0" x2="-1.7891" y2="0.9634" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="-28.301701" cap="flat"/>
943 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="0" x2="-1.7306" y2="-1.065" width="0.254" layer="51" curve="31.60822" cap="flat"/>
944 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="1.2954" x2="1.5748" y2="0.7874" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
945 <wire x1="1.5748" y1="-1.2954" x2="1.5748" y2="-0.8382" width="0.254" layer="51"/>
946 <pad name="A" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128"/>
947 <pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128"/>
948 <text x="1.905" y="0.381" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
949 <text x="1.905" y="-1.651" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
950 </package>
951 <package name="LED5MM-KIT">
952 <description>&lt;h3&gt;LED5MM-KIT&lt;/h3&gt;
953 5MM Through-hole LED&lt;br&gt;
954 &lt;br&gt;
955 &lt;b&gt;Warning:&lt;/b&gt; This is the KIT version of this package. This package has a smaller diameter top stop mask, which doesn't cover the diameter of the pad. This means only the bottom side of the pads' copper will be exposed. You'll only be able to solder to the bottom side.</description>
956 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.905" x2="2.54" y2="1.905" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
957 <wire x1="2.54" y1="-1.905" x2="2.54" y2="1.905" width="0.254" layer="21" curve="-286.260205" cap="flat"/>
958 <wire x1="-1.143" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1.143" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
959 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.143" x2="1.143" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
960 <wire x1="-1.651" y1="0" x2="0" y2="1.651" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
961 <wire x1="0" y1="-1.651" x2="1.651" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
962 <wire x1="-2.159" y1="0" x2="0" y2="2.159" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="-90" cap="flat"/>
963 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.159" x2="2.159" y2="0" width="0.1524" layer="51" curve="90" cap="flat"/>
964 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
965 <pad name="A" x="-1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796" stop="no"/>
966 <pad name="K" x="1.27" y="0" drill="0.8128" diameter="1.8796" stop="no"/>
967 <text x="3.175" y="0.5334" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
968 <text x="3.2004" y="-1.8034" size="1.27" layer="27" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
969 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
970 <vertex x="-1.2675" y="-0.9525" curve="-90"/>
971 <vertex x="-2.2224" y="-0.0228" curve="-90.011749"/>
972 <vertex x="-1.27" y="0.9526" curve="-90"/>
973 <vertex x="-0.32" y="-0.0254" curve="-90.024193"/>
974 </polygon>
975 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
976 <vertex x="-1.27" y="-0.4445" curve="-90.012891"/>
977 <vertex x="-1.7145" y="-0.0203" curve="-90"/>
978 <vertex x="-1.27" y="0.447" curve="-90"/>
979 <vertex x="-0.8281" y="-0.0101" curve="-90.012967"/>
980 </polygon>
981 <polygon width="0.127" layer="30">
982 <vertex x="1.2725" y="-0.9525" curve="-90"/>
983 <vertex x="0.3176" y="-0.0228" curve="-90.011749"/>
984 <vertex x="1.27" y="0.9526" curve="-90"/>
985 <vertex x="2.22" y="-0.0254" curve="-90.024193"/>
986 </polygon>
987 <polygon width="0.127" layer="29">
988 <vertex x="1.27" y="-0.4445" curve="-90.012891"/>
989 <vertex x="0.8255" y="-0.0203" curve="-90"/>
990 <vertex x="1.27" y="0.447" curve="-90"/>
991 <vertex x="1.7119" y="-0.0101" curve="-90.012967"/>
992 </polygon>
993 </package>
994 <package name="1X01_LONGPAD">
995 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
996 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
997 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="long" rot="R90"/>
998 <text x="-1.3462" y="1.8288" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
999 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1000 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
1001 </package>
1002 <package name="LUXEON-PAD">
1003 <smd name="P$1" x="0" y="0" dx="3.9" dy="2.4" layer="1" roundness="25"/>
1004 <text x="-1.5" y="2" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
1005 <text x="-1.5" y="-3" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1006 </package>
1007 <package name="SMTSO-256-ET">
1008 <wire x1="-2.286" y1="1.016" x2="-1.016" y2="2.286" width="1.016" layer="31" curve="-42.075022"/>
1009 <wire x1="1.016" y1="2.286" x2="2.286" y2="1.016" width="1.016" layer="31" curve="-42.075022"/>
1010 <wire x1="2.286" y1="-1.016" x2="1.016" y2="-2.286" width="1.016" layer="31" curve="-42.075022"/>
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1013 <pad name="P$1" x="0" y="0" drill="3.81" diameter="6.1976"/>
1014 </package>
1015 <package name="SMTRA-256-8-6">
1016 <pad name="P$1" x="-1.9939" y="0" drill="1.3462"/>
1017 <pad name="P$2" x="1.9939" y="0" drill="1.3462"/>
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1020 <text x="-2.54" y="2.54" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1021 <rectangle x1="-3.302" y1="0.762" x2="3.302" y2="2.032" layer="31"/>
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1023 <rectangle x1="-1.016" y1="-1.016" x2="1.016" y2="-0.762" layer="31"/>
1024 <rectangle x1="-3.302" y1="-2.032" x2="3.302" y2="-0.762" layer="31"/>
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1028 <rectangle x1="-3.302" y1="-0.762" x2="-2.794" y2="-0.508" layer="31"/>
1029 <rectangle x1="-3.302" y1="0.508" x2="-2.794" y2="0.762" layer="31"/>
1030 </package>
1031 <package name="1X01NS">
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1033 </package>
1034 <package name="1X01">
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1037 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1038 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1039 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1040 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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1045 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
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1048 <package name="1X01_2MM">
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1051 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
1052 </package>
1053 <package name="1X01_OFFSET">
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1057 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1058 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1059 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="1.1176" diameter="1.8796" shape="offset" rot="R90"/>
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1061 <text x="-1.27" y="-3.175" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
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1063 </package>
1064 <package name="PAD-1.5X4.5">
1065 <smd name="P$1" x="0" y="0" dx="1.5" dy="2" layer="1"/>
1066 </package>
1067 <package name="1X01_POGOPIN_HOLE_LARGE">
1068 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.635" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
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1071 </package>
1072 <package name="1X01_POGOPIN_HOLE_0.58">
1073 <circle x="0" y="0" radius="0.635" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1074 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="0.9" diameter="0.8128" rot="R90" thermals="no"/>
1075 <hole x="0" y="0" drill="1.4732"/>
1076 </package>
1077 <package name="SNAP-FEMALE">
1078 <pad name="1" x="0" y="0" drill="2.921" diameter="4.572"/>
1079 <polygon width="0.254" layer="1">
1080 <vertex x="-4.0005" y="0" curve="-89.997136"/>
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1082 <vertex x="4.0005" y="0" curve="-89.997136"/>
1083 <vertex x="0" y="-4.0005" curve="-89.997136"/>
1084 </polygon>
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1087 <vertex x="0" y="4.0005" curve="-90.002865"/>
1088 <vertex x="4.0005" y="0" curve="-89.997136"/>
1089 <vertex x="0" y="-4.0005" curve="-89.997136"/>
1090 </polygon>
1091 <polygon width="0.3556" layer="31">
1092 <vertex x="-4.0005" y="0" curve="-89.997136"/>
1093 <vertex x="0" y="4.0005" curve="-90.002865"/>
1094 <vertex x="4.0005" y="0" curve="-89.997136"/>
1095 <vertex x="0" y="-4.0005" curve="-89.997136"/>
1096 </polygon>
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1099 <vertex x="0" y="4.0005" curve="-90.002865"/>
1100 <vertex x="4.0005" y="0" curve="-89.997136"/>
1101 <vertex x="0" y="-4.0005" curve="-89.997136"/>
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1103 </package>
1104 <package name="SNAP-MALE">
1105 <smd name="2" x="0" y="0" dx="7.62" dy="7.62" layer="1" roundness="100"/>
1106 </package>
1107 <package name="USD-SOCKET-PP">
1108 <description>OLD Production Socket. DO NOT USE for production boards.</description>
1109 <wire x1="-6.725" y1="5.5" x2="-6.725" y2="17" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1110 <wire x1="4" y1="17" x2="7.825" y2="17" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1111 <wire x1="7.825" y1="17" x2="7.825" y2="1.7" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1112 <wire x1="6" y1="0" x2="4" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1113 <wire x1="4" y1="0" x2="4" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1114 <wire x1="-4" y1="1.65" x2="-4" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1115 <wire x1="-4" y1="1" x2="-5" y2="1" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1116 <wire x1="-4" y1="1.65" x2="4" y2="1.65" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-69.416099"/>
1117 <wire x1="4" y1="-0.7" x2="-4" y2="-0.7" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1118 <wire x1="4" y1="-1.6" x2="-4" y2="-1.6" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1119 <wire x1="4" y1="-5.4" x2="-4" y2="-5.4" width="0.127" layer="51"/>
1120 <wire x1="-6.725" y1="3.6" x2="-6.725" y2="2.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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1122 <smd name="GND2" x="7.375" y="0.475" dx="1.5" dy="1.35" layer="1"/>
1123 <smd name="CD2" x="-6.425" y="4.5" dx="1.4" dy="1" layer="1"/>
1124 <smd name="CD1" x="-5.85" y="16.75" dx="1" dy="1.3" layer="1"/>
1125 <smd name="8" x="-4.5" y="16.8" dx="0.75" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1126 <smd name="7" x="-3.4" y="16.8" dx="0.75" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1127 <smd name="6" x="-2.3" y="16.8" dx="0.75" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1128 <smd name="5" x="-1.2" y="16.8" dx="0.75" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1129 <smd name="4" x="-0.1" y="16.8" dx="0.75" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1130 <smd name="3" x="1" y="16.8" dx="0.75" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1131 <smd name="2" x="2.1" y="16.8" dx="0.75" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1132 <smd name="1" x="3.2" y="16.8" dx="0.75" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1133 <text x="-5.08" y="7.62" size="0.4064" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1134 <text x="-5.08" y="6.35" size="0.4064" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1135 </package>
1136 <package name="MICRO-SD-SOCKET-PP">
1137 <wire x1="-14" y1="0" x2="-14" y2="13.2" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1138 <wire x1="0" y1="12.1" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1139 <wire x1="-11.7" y1="15.3" x2="-12.5" y2="15.3" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1140 <wire x1="-11" y1="16" x2="0" y2="16" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1141 <wire x1="-10" y1="13.6" x2="-1.6" y2="13.6" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1142 <wire x1="-14" y1="0" x2="-9.1" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1143 <wire x1="-3.4" y1="0" x2="-6.4" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1144 <wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="-0.7" y2="0" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1145 <wire x1="0" y1="17.6" x2="-11" y2="17.6" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1146 <wire x1="0" y1="20.7" x2="-11" y2="20.7" width="0.2032" layer="51"/>
1147 <wire x1="-11.7" y1="15.3" x2="-11" y2="14.6" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="-98.797411"/>
1148 <wire x1="-11" y1="14.6" x2="-10" y2="13.6" width="0.2032" layer="21" curve="87.205638"/>
1149 <smd name="CD2" x="-7.75" y="0.4" dx="1.8" dy="1.4" layer="1"/>
1150 <smd name="CD1" x="-2.05" y="0.4" dx="1.8" dy="1.4" layer="1"/>
1151 <smd name="GND3" x="-0.45" y="13.55" dx="1.4" dy="1.9" layer="1"/>
1152 <smd name="GND1" x="-13.6" y="14.55" dx="1.4" dy="1.9" layer="1"/>
1153 <smd name="1" x="-8.94" y="10.7" dx="0.8" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1154 <smd name="2" x="-7.84" y="10.3" dx="0.8" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1155 <smd name="3" x="-6.74" y="10.7" dx="0.8" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1156 <smd name="4" x="-5.64" y="10.9" dx="0.8" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1157 <smd name="5" x="-4.54" y="10.7" dx="0.8" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1158 <smd name="6" x="-3.44" y="10.9" dx="0.8" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1159 <smd name="7" x="-2.34" y="10.7" dx="0.8" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1160 <smd name="8" x="-1.24" y="10.7" dx="0.8" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
1161 <text x="-8.89" y="6.35" size="0.8128" layer="25">&gt;Name</text>
1162 <text x="-8.89" y="5.08" size="0.8128" layer="27">&gt;Value</text>
1163 </package>
1164 </packages>
1165 <symbols>
1166 <symbol name="M08">
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1168 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
1169 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-5.08" x2="0" y2="-5.08" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
1170 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-7.62" x2="0" y2="-7.62" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
1171 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="12.7" x2="-5.08" y2="-10.16" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
1172 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-10.16" x2="1.27" y2="12.7" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
1173 <wire x1="-5.08" y1="12.7" x2="1.27" y2="12.7" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
1174 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="2.54" x2="0" y2="2.54" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
1175 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
1176 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="5.08" x2="0" y2="5.08" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
1177 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="7.62" x2="0" y2="7.62" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
1178 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="10.16" x2="0" y2="10.16" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
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1180 <text x="-5.08" y="13.462" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
1181 <pin name="1" x="5.08" y="-7.62" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
1182 <pin name="2" x="5.08" y="-5.08" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
1183 <pin name="3" x="5.08" y="-2.54" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
1184 <pin name="4" x="5.08" y="0" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
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1188 <pin name="8" x="5.08" y="10.16" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
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1190 <symbol name="RESISTOR">
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1194 <wire x1="-0.889" y1="1.016" x2="-0.254" y2="-1.016" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
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1200 <text x="-3.81" y="1.4986" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
1201 <text x="-3.81" y="-3.302" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
1202 <pin name="2" x="5.08" y="0" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
1203 <pin name="1" x="-5.08" y="0" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1"/>
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1205 <symbol name="CAP">
1206 <wire x1="0" y1="2.54" x2="0" y2="2.032" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
1207 <wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0.508" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
1208 <text x="1.524" y="2.921" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
1209 <text x="1.524" y="-2.159" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
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1211 <rectangle x1="-2.032" y1="1.524" x2="2.032" y2="2.032" layer="94"/>
1212 <pin name="1" x="0" y="5.08" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R270"/>
1213 <pin name="2" x="0" y="-2.54" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R90"/>
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1218 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-2.54" x2="0" y2="-2.54" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1219 <wire x1="0" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-2.54" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1220 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
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1223 <wire x1="-2.032" y1="-0.762" x2="-3.429" y2="-2.159" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
1224 <wire x1="-1.905" y1="-1.905" x2="-3.302" y2="-3.302" width="0.1524" layer="94"/>
1225 <text x="3.556" y="-4.572" size="1.778" layer="95" rot="R90">&gt;NAME</text>
1226 <text x="5.715" y="-4.572" size="1.778" layer="96" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
1227 <pin name="C" x="0" y="-5.08" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" rot="R90"/>
1228 <pin name="A" x="0" y="2.54" visible="off" length="short" direction="pas" rot="R270"/>
1229 <polygon width="0.1524" layer="94">
1230 <vertex x="-3.429" y="-2.159"/>
1231 <vertex x="-3.048" y="-1.27"/>
1232 <vertex x="-2.54" y="-1.778"/>
1233 </polygon>
1234 <polygon width="0.1524" layer="94">
1235 <vertex x="-3.302" y="-3.302"/>
1236 <vertex x="-2.921" y="-2.413"/>
1237 <vertex x="-2.413" y="-2.921"/>
1238 </polygon>
1239 </symbol>
1240 <symbol name="GND">
1241 <wire x1="-1.905" y1="0" x2="1.905" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1242 <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
1243 <pin name="GND" x="0" y="2.54" visible="off" length="short" direction="sup" rot="R270"/>
1244 </symbol>
1245 <symbol name="M01">
1246 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-2.54" x2="-2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
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1248 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="2.54" x2="-2.54" y2="-2.54" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
1249 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-2.54" x2="3.81" y2="2.54" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
1250 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="2.54" x2="3.81" y2="2.54" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
1251 <text x="-2.54" y="-5.08" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
1252 <text x="-2.54" y="3.302" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
1253 <pin name="1" x="7.62" y="0" visible="off" length="middle" direction="pas" swaplevel="1" rot="R180"/>
1254 </symbol>
1255 <symbol name="USDCARD">
1256 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="15.24" x2="10.16" y2="15.24" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1257 <wire x1="10.16" y1="15.24" x2="10.16" y2="-20.32" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1258 <wire x1="10.16" y1="-20.32" x2="-2.54" y2="-20.32" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1259 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-20.32" x2="-2.54" y2="15.24" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1260 <text x="-2.54" y="15.748" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
1261 <text x="-2.54" y="-22.86" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
1262 <pin name="CS" x="-7.62" y="10.16" length="middle"/>
1263 <pin name="DI" x="-7.62" y="7.62" length="middle"/>
1264 <pin name="GND" x="-7.62" y="0" length="middle"/>
1265 <pin name="VCC" x="-7.62" y="5.08" length="middle"/>
1266 <pin name="SCK" x="-7.62" y="2.54" length="middle"/>
1267 <pin name="RSV" x="-7.62" y="-5.08" length="middle"/>
1268 <pin name="DO" x="-7.62" y="-2.54" length="middle"/>
1269 <pin name="NC" x="-7.62" y="12.7" length="middle"/>
1270 <pin name="SHIELD@3" x="-7.62" y="-15.24" length="middle"/>
1271 <pin name="SHIELD@1" x="-7.62" y="-10.16" length="middle"/>
1272 <pin name="SHIELD@2" x="-7.62" y="-12.7" length="middle"/>
1273 <pin name="SHIELD@4" x="-7.62" y="-17.78" length="middle"/>
1274 </symbol>
1275 </symbols>
1276 <devicesets>
1277 <deviceset name="M08" prefix="JP" uservalue="yes">
1278 <description>&lt;b&gt;Header 8&lt;/b&gt;
1279 Standard 8-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115).</description>
1280 <gates>
1281 <gate name="G$1" symbol="M08" x="-2.54" y="0"/>
1282 </gates>
1283 <devices>
1284 <device name="1X08" package="1X08">
1285 <connects>
1286 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1287 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1288 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
1289 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
1290 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
1291 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
1292 <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/>
1293 <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/>
1294 </connects>
1295 <technologies>
1296 <technology name=""/>
1297 </technologies>
1298 </device>
1299 <device name="LOCK" package="1X08_LOCK">
1300 <connects>
1301 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1302 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1303 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
1304 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
1305 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
1306 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
1307 <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/>
1308 <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/>
1309 </connects>
1310 <technologies>
1311 <technology name=""/>
1312 </technologies>
1313 </device>
1314 <device name="LOCK_LONGPADS" package="1X08_LOCK_LONGPADS">
1315 <connects>
1316 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1317 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1318 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
1319 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
1320 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
1321 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
1322 <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/>
1323 <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/>
1324 </connects>
1325 <technologies>
1326 <technology name=""/>
1327 </technologies>
1328 </device>
1329 <device name="LONGPADS" package="1X08_LONGPADS">
1330 <connects>
1331 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1332 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1333 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
1334 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
1335 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
1336 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
1337 <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/>
1338 <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/>
1339 </connects>
1340 <technologies>
1341 <technology name=""/>
1342 </technologies>
1343 </device>
1344 <device name="3.5MM-8" package="SCREWTERMINAL-3.5MM-8">
1345 <connects>
1346 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1347 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1348 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
1349 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
1350 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
1351 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
1352 <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/>
1353 <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/>
1354 </connects>
1355 <technologies>
1356 <technology name=""/>
1357 </technologies>
1358 </device>
1359 <device name="SMD-STRAIGHT" package="1X08_SMD">
1360 <connects>
1361 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1362 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1363 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
1364 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
1365 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
1366 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
1367 <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/>
1368 <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/>
1369 </connects>
1370 <technologies>
1371 <technology name=""/>
1372 </technologies>
1373 </device>
1374 <device name="SMD-STRAIGHT-ALT" package="1X08_SMD_ALT">
1375 <connects>
1376 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1377 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1378 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
1379 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
1380 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
1381 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
1382 <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/>
1383 <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/>
1384 </connects>
1385 <technologies>
1386 <technology name=""/>
1387 </technologies>
1388 </device>
1389 <device name="SMD-COMBO" package="1X08_SMD_COMBINED">
1390 <connects>
1391 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1392 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1393 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
1394 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
1395 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
1396 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
1397 <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/>
1398 <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/>
1399 </connects>
1400 <technologies>
1401 <technology name=""/>
1402 </technologies>
1403 </device>
1404 <device name="BM08B-SRSS-TB" package="BM08B-SRSS-TB">
1405 <connects>
1406 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1407 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1408 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3" pad="3"/>
1409 <connect gate="G$1" pin="4" pad="4"/>
1410 <connect gate="G$1" pin="5" pad="5"/>
1411 <connect gate="G$1" pin="6" pad="6"/>
1412 <connect gate="G$1" pin="7" pad="7"/>
1413 <connect gate="G$1" pin="8" pad="8"/>
1414 </connects>
1415 <technologies>
1416 <technology name=""/>
1417 </technologies>
1418 </device>
1419 </devices>
1420 </deviceset>
1421 <deviceset name="RESISTOR" prefix="R" uservalue="yes">
1422 <description>&lt;b&gt;Resistor&lt;/b&gt;
1423 Basic schematic elements and footprints for 0603, 1206, and PTH resistors.</description>
1424 <gates>
1425 <gate name="G$1" symbol="RESISTOR" x="0" y="0"/>
1426 </gates>
1427 <devices>
1428 <device name="1206" package="1206">
1429 <connects>
1430 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1431 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1432 </connects>
1433 <technologies>
1434 <technology name=""/>
1435 </technologies>
1436 </device>
1437 <device name="AXIAL-0.3" package="AXIAL-0.3">
1438 <connects>
1439 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1440 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
1441 </connects>
1442 <technologies>
1443 <technology name=""/>
1444 </technologies>
1445 </device>
1446 <device name="2010" package="R2010">
1447 <connects>
1448 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1449 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1450 </connects>
1451 <technologies>
1452 <technology name=""/>
1453 </technologies>
1454 </device>
1455 <device name="0805-RES" package="0805">
1456 <connects>
1457 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1458 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1459 </connects>
1460 <technologies>
1461 <technology name=""/>
1462 </technologies>
1463 </device>
1464 <device name="0603-RES" package="0603-RES">
1465 <connects>
1466 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1467 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1468 </connects>
1469 <technologies>
1470 <technology name=""/>
1471 </technologies>
1472 </device>
1473 <device name="0402-RES" package="0402-RES">
1474 <connects>
1475 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1476 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1477 </connects>
1478 <technologies>
1479 <technology name=""/>
1480 </technologies>
1481 </device>
1482 <device name="PTH-1/6W" package="1/6W-RES">
1483 <connects>
1484 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1485 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1486 </connects>
1487 <technologies>
1488 <technology name=""/>
1489 </technologies>
1490 </device>
1491 <device name="2512" package="R2512">
1492 <connects>
1493 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1494 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1495 </connects>
1496 <technologies>
1497 <technology name=""/>
1498 </technologies>
1499 </device>
1500 <device name="PTH-1/4W" package="AXIAL-0.4">
1501 <connects>
1502 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1503 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
1504 </connects>
1505 <technologies>
1506 <technology name=""/>
1507 </technologies>
1508 </device>
1509 <device name="PTH-1/2W" package="AXIAL-0.5">
1510 <connects>
1511 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1512 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
1513 </connects>
1514 <technologies>
1515 <technology name=""/>
1516 </technologies>
1517 </device>
1518 <device name="PTH-1W" package="AXIAL-0.6">
1519 <connects>
1520 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1521 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
1522 </connects>
1523 <technologies>
1524 <technology name=""/>
1525 </technologies>
1526 </device>
1527 <device name="PTH-2W" package="AXIAL-0.8">
1528 <connects>
1529 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1530 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
1531 </connects>
1532 <technologies>
1533 <technology name=""/>
1534 </technologies>
1535 </device>
1536 <device name="KIT" package="AXIAL-0.3-KIT">
1537 <connects>
1538 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1539 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
1540 </connects>
1541 <technologies>
1542 <technology name=""/>
1543 </technologies>
1544 </device>
1545 </devices>
1546 </deviceset>
1547 <deviceset name="CAP" prefix="C" uservalue="yes">
1548 <description>&lt;b&gt;Capacitor&lt;/b&gt;
1549 Standard 0603 ceramic capacitor, and 0.1" leaded capacitor.</description>
1550 <gates>
1551 <gate name="G$1" symbol="CAP" x="0" y="0"/>
1552 </gates>
1553 <devices>
1554 <device name="PTH" package="CAP-PTH-SMALL">
1555 <connects>
1556 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1557 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1558 </connects>
1559 <technologies>
1560 <technology name=""/>
1561 </technologies>
1562 </device>
1563 <device name="PTH2" package="CAP-PTH-SMALL2">
1564 <connects>
1565 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1566 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1567 </connects>
1568 <technologies>
1569 <technology name=""/>
1570 </technologies>
1571 </device>
1572 <device name="0805" package="0805">
1573 <connects>
1574 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1575 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1576 </connects>
1577 <technologies>
1578 <technology name=""/>
1579 </technologies>
1580 </device>
1581 <device name="PTH3" package="CAP-PTH-LARGE">
1582 <connects>
1583 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1584 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1585 </connects>
1586 <technologies>
1587 <technology name=""/>
1588 </technologies>
1589 </device>
1590 <device name="SMD" package="GRM43D">
1591 <connects>
1592 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="A"/>
1593 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="C"/>
1594 </connects>
1595 <technologies>
1596 <technology name=""/>
1597 </technologies>
1598 </device>
1599 <device name="0603-CAP" package="0603-CAP">
1600 <connects>
1601 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1602 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1603 </connects>
1604 <technologies>
1605 <technology name=""/>
1606 </technologies>
1607 </device>
1608 <device name="0402-CAP" package="0402-CAP">
1609 <connects>
1610 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1611 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1612 </connects>
1613 <technologies>
1614 <technology name=""/>
1615 </technologies>
1616 </device>
1617 <device name="PTH1" package="CAP-PTH-5MM">
1618 <connects>
1619 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1620 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1621 </connects>
1622 <technologies>
1623 <technology name=""/>
1624 </technologies>
1625 </device>
1626 <device name="_" package="AXIAL-5MM">
1627 <connects>
1628 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1629 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="P$2"/>
1630 </connects>
1631 <technologies>
1632 <technology name=""/>
1633 </technologies>
1634 </device>
1635 <device name="1210" package="1210">
1636 <connects>
1637 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1638 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1639 </connects>
1640 <technologies>
1641 <technology name=""/>
1642 </technologies>
1643 </device>
1644 <device name="1206" package="1206">
1645 <connects>
1646 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1647 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1648 </connects>
1649 <technologies>
1650 <technology name=""/>
1651 </technologies>
1652 </device>
1653 <device name="ASMD" package="CTZ3">
1654 <connects>
1655 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="+"/>
1656 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="-"/>
1657 </connects>
1658 <technologies>
1659 <technology name=""/>
1660 </technologies>
1661 </device>
1662 <device name="KIT" package="CAP-PTH-SMALL-KIT">
1663 <connects>
1664 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1665 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
1666 </connects>
1667 <technologies>
1668 <technology name=""/>
1669 </technologies>
1670 </device>
1671 </devices>
1672 </deviceset>
1673 <deviceset name="LED" prefix="LED" uservalue="yes">
1674 <description>&lt;b&gt;LEDs&lt;/b&gt;
1675 Standard schematic elements and footprints for 5mm, 3mm, 1206, and 0603 sized LEDs. 5mm - Spark Fun Electronics SKU : COM-00529 (and others)</description>
1676 <gates>
1677 <gate name="G$1" symbol="LED" x="0" y="0"/>
1678 </gates>
1679 <devices>
1680 <device name="5MM" package="LED5MM">
1681 <connects>
1682 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
1683 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="K"/>
1684 </connects>
1685 <technologies>
1686 <technology name=""/>
1687 </technologies>
1688 </device>
1689 <device name="3MM" package="LED3MM">
1690 <connects>
1691 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
1692 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="K"/>
1693 </connects>
1694 <technologies>
1695 <technology name=""/>
1696 </technologies>
1697 </device>
1698 <device name="1206" package="LED-1206">
1699 <connects>
1700 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
1701 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="C"/>
1702 </connects>
1703 <technologies>
1704 <technology name=""/>
1705 </technologies>
1706 </device>
1707 <device name="0603" package="LED-0603">
1708 <connects>
1709 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
1710 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="C"/>
1711 </connects>
1712 <technologies>
1713 <technology name=""/>
1714 </technologies>
1715 </device>
1716 <device name="10MM" package="LED10MM">
1717 <connects>
1718 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
1719 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="C"/>
1720 </connects>
1721 <technologies>
1722 <technology name=""/>
1723 </technologies>
1724 </device>
1725 <device name="-FKIT-1206" package="FKIT-LED-1206">
1726 <connects>
1727 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
1728 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="C"/>
1729 </connects>
1730 <technologies>
1731 <technology name=""/>
1732 </technologies>
1733 </device>
1734 <device name="-3MM-NO_SILK" package="LED3MM-NS">
1735 <connects>
1736 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
1737 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="K"/>
1738 </connects>
1739 <technologies>
1740 <technology name=""/>
1741 </technologies>
1742 </device>
1743 <device name="5MM-KIT" package="LED5MM-KIT">
1744 <connects>
1745 <connect gate="G$1" pin="A" pad="A"/>
1746 <connect gate="G$1" pin="C" pad="K"/>
1747 </connects>
1748 <technologies>
1749 <technology name=""/>
1750 </technologies>
1751 </device>
1752 </devices>
1753 </deviceset>
1754 <deviceset name="GND" prefix="GND">
1755 <description>&lt;b&gt;SUPPLY SYMBOL&lt;/b&gt;</description>
1756 <gates>
1757 <gate name="1" symbol="GND" x="0" y="0"/>
1758 </gates>
1759 <devices>
1760 <device name="">
1761 <technologies>
1762 <technology name=""/>
1763 </technologies>
1764 </device>
1765 </devices>
1766 </deviceset>
1767 <deviceset name="M01" prefix="JP">
1768 <description>&lt;b&gt;Header 1&lt;/b&gt;
1769 Standard 1-pin 0.1" header. Use with straight break away headers (SKU : PRT-00116), right angle break away headers (PRT-00553), swiss pins (PRT-00743), machine pins (PRT-00117), and female headers (PRT-00115).</description>
1770 <gates>
1771 <gate name="G$1" symbol="M01" x="0" y="0"/>
1772 </gates>
1773 <devices>
1774 <device name="PTH_LONGPAD" package="1X01_LONGPAD">
1775 <connects>
1776 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1777 </connects>
1778 <technologies>
1779 <technology name=""/>
1780 </technologies>
1781 </device>
1782 <device name="SMD" package="LUXEON-PAD">
1783 <connects>
1784 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1785 </connects>
1786 <technologies>
1787 <technology name=""/>
1788 </technologies>
1789 </device>
1790 <device name="-SMTSO-256-ET" package="SMTSO-256-ET">
1791 <connects>
1792 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1793 </connects>
1794 <technologies>
1795 <technology name=""/>
1796 </technologies>
1797 </device>
1798 <device name="SMTRA-256-8-6" package="SMTRA-256-8-6">
1799 <connects>
1800 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1801 </connects>
1802 <technologies>
1803 <technology name=""/>
1804 </technologies>
1805 </device>
1806 <device name="SMDNS" package="1X01NS">
1807 <connects>
1808 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1809 </connects>
1810 <technologies>
1811 <technology name=""/>
1812 </technologies>
1813 </device>
1814 <device name="PTH" package="1X01">
1815 <connects>
1816 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1817 </connects>
1818 <technologies>
1819 <technology name=""/>
1820 </technologies>
1821 </device>
1822 <device name="PTH_2MM" package="1X01_2MM">
1823 <connects>
1824 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1825 </connects>
1826 <technologies>
1827 <technology name=""/>
1828 </technologies>
1829 </device>
1830 <device name="OFFSET" package="1X01_OFFSET">
1831 <connects>
1832 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1833 </connects>
1834 <technologies>
1835 <technology name=""/>
1836 </technologies>
1837 </device>
1838 <device name="SMD-4.5X1.5" package="PAD-1.5X4.5">
1839 <connects>
1840 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="P$1"/>
1841 </connects>
1842 <technologies>
1843 <technology name=""/>
1844 </technologies>
1845 </device>
1846 <device name="POGOPIN_HOLE_LARGE" package="1X01_POGOPIN_HOLE_LARGE">
1847 <connects>
1848 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1849 </connects>
1850 <technologies>
1851 <technology name=""/>
1852 </technologies>
1853 </device>
1854 <device name="POGOPIN_HOLE_0.58" package="1X01_POGOPIN_HOLE_0.58">
1855 <connects>
1856 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1857 </connects>
1858 <technologies>
1859 <technology name=""/>
1860 </technologies>
1861 </device>
1862 <device name="SNAP-FEMALE" package="SNAP-FEMALE">
1863 <connects>
1864 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="1"/>
1865 </connects>
1866 <technologies>
1867 <technology name=""/>
1868 </technologies>
1869 </device>
1870 <device name="SNAP-MALE" package="SNAP-MALE">
1871 <connects>
1872 <connect gate="G$1" pin="1" pad="2"/>
1873 </connects>
1874 <technologies>
1875 <technology name=""/>
1876 </technologies>
1877 </device>
1878 </devices>
1879 </deviceset>
1880 <deviceset name="USD-SOCKET" prefix="U">
1881 <description>&lt;b&gt;microSD Socket&lt;/b&gt;
1882 Push-push type uSD socket. Schematic element and footprint production proven. Spark Fun Electronics SKU : PRT-00127. tDoc lines correctly indicate media card edge positions when inserting (unlocked, locked, depressed).</description>
1883 <gates>
1884 <gate name="G$1" symbol="USDCARD" x="0" y="0"/>
1885 </gates>
1886 <devices>
1887 <device name="USD" package="USD-SOCKET-PP">
1888 <connects>
1889 <connect gate="G$1" pin="CS" pad="2"/>
1890 <connect gate="G$1" pin="DI" pad="3"/>
1891 <connect gate="G$1" pin="DO" pad="7"/>
1892 <connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="6"/>
1893 <connect gate="G$1" pin="NC" pad="1"/>
1894 <connect gate="G$1" pin="RSV" pad="8"/>
1895 <connect gate="G$1" pin="SCK" pad="5"/>
1896 <connect gate="G$1" pin="SHIELD@1" pad="CD1"/>
1897 <connect gate="G$1" pin="SHIELD@2" pad="CD2"/>
1898 <connect gate="G$1" pin="SHIELD@3" pad="GND1"/>
1899 <connect gate="G$1" pin="SHIELD@4" pad="GND2"/>
1900 <connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC" pad="4"/>
1901 </connects>
1902 <technologies>
1903 <technology name=""/>
1904 </technologies>
1905 </device>
1906 <device name="NEW" package="MICRO-SD-SOCKET-PP">
1907 <connects>
1908 <connect gate="G$1" pin="CS" pad="2"/>
1909 <connect gate="G$1" pin="DI" pad="3"/>
1910 <connect gate="G$1" pin="DO" pad="7"/>
1911 <connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="6"/>
1912 <connect gate="G$1" pin="NC" pad="1"/>
1913 <connect gate="G$1" pin="RSV" pad="8"/>
1914 <connect gate="G$1" pin="SCK" pad="5"/>
1915 <connect gate="G$1" pin="SHIELD@1" pad="GND3"/>
1916 <connect gate="G$1" pin="SHIELD@2" pad="CD1"/>
1917 <connect gate="G$1" pin="SHIELD@3" pad="GND1"/>
1918 <connect gate="G$1" pin="SHIELD@4" pad="CD2"/>
1919 <connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC" pad="4"/>
1920 </connects>
1921 <technologies>
1922 <technology name=""/>
1923 </technologies>
1924 </device>
1925 </devices>
1926 </deviceset>
1927 </devicesets>
1928 </library>
1929 <library name="supply1">
1930 <packages>
1931 </packages>
1932 <symbols>
1933 <symbol name="+5V">
1934 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-1.905" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1935 <wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.905" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1936 <text x="-2.54" y="-5.08" size="1.778" layer="96" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
1937 <pin name="+5V" x="0" y="-2.54" visible="off" length="short" direction="sup" rot="R90"/>
1938 </symbol>
1939 <symbol name="GND">
1940 <wire x1="-1.905" y1="0" x2="1.905" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1941 <text x="-2.54" y="-2.54" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
1942 <pin name="GND" x="0" y="2.54" visible="off" length="short" direction="sup" rot="R270"/>
1943 </symbol>
1944 <symbol name="+3V3">
1945 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-1.905" x2="0" y2="0" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1946 <wire x1="0" y1="0" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.905" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
1947 <text x="-2.54" y="-5.08" size="1.778" layer="96" rot="R90">&gt;VALUE</text>
1948 <pin name="+3V3" x="0" y="-2.54" visible="off" length="short" direction="sup" rot="R90"/>
1949 </symbol>
1950 </symbols>
1951 <devicesets>
1952 <deviceset name="+5V" prefix="P+">
1953 <description>&lt;b&gt;SUPPLY SYMBOL&lt;/b&gt;</description>
1954 <gates>
1955 <gate name="1" symbol="+5V" x="0" y="0"/>
1956 </gates>
1957 <devices>
1958 <device name="">
1959 <technologies>
1960 <technology name=""/>
1961 </technologies>
1962 </device>
1963 </devices>
1964 </deviceset>
1965 <deviceset name="GND" prefix="GND">
1966 <description>&lt;b&gt;SUPPLY SYMBOL&lt;/b&gt;</description>
1967 <gates>
1968 <gate name="1" symbol="GND" x="0" y="0"/>
1969 </gates>
1970 <devices>
1971 <device name="">
1972 <technologies>
1973 <technology name=""/>
1974 </technologies>
1975 </device>
1976 </devices>
1977 </deviceset>
1978 <deviceset name="+3V3" prefix="+3V3">
1979 <description>&lt;b&gt;SUPPLY SYMBOL&lt;/b&gt;</description>
1980 <gates>
1981 <gate name="G$1" symbol="+3V3" x="0" y="0"/>
1982 </gates>
1983 <devices>
1984 <device name="">
1985 <technologies>
1986 <technology name=""/>
1987 </technologies>
1988 </device>
1989 </devices>
1990 </deviceset>
1991 </devicesets>
1992 </library>
1993 <library name="venus_gps">
1994 <packages>
1995 <package name="VENUS_GPS">
1996 <wire x1="14.605" y1="1.27" x2="15.875" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1997 <wire x1="15.875" y1="1.27" x2="16.51" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1998 <wire x1="16.51" y1="-0.635" x2="15.875" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
1999 <wire x1="11.43" y1="0.635" x2="12.065" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2000 <wire x1="12.065" y1="1.27" x2="13.335" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2001 <wire x1="13.335" y1="1.27" x2="13.97" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2002 <wire x1="13.97" y1="-0.635" x2="13.335" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2003 <wire x1="13.335" y1="-1.27" x2="12.065" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2004 <wire x1="12.065" y1="-1.27" x2="11.43" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2005 <wire x1="14.605" y1="1.27" x2="13.97" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2006 <wire x1="13.97" y1="-0.635" x2="14.605" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2007 <wire x1="15.875" y1="-1.27" x2="14.605" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2008 <wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="8.255" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2009 <wire x1="8.255" y1="1.27" x2="8.89" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2010 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.635" x2="8.255" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2011 <wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="9.525" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2012 <wire x1="9.525" y1="1.27" x2="10.795" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2013 <wire x1="10.795" y1="1.27" x2="11.43" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2014 <wire x1="11.43" y1="-0.635" x2="10.795" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2015 <wire x1="10.795" y1="-1.27" x2="9.525" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2016 <wire x1="9.525" y1="-1.27" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2017 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2018 <wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2019 <wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2020 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2021 <wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2022 <wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2023 <wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2024 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2025 <wire x1="8.255" y1="-1.27" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2026 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2027 <wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2028 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2029 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2030 <wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2031 <wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2032 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-0.635" x2="3.175" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2033 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2034 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2035 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2036 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2037 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2038 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2039 <wire x1="17.145" y1="1.27" x2="18.415" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2040 <wire x1="18.415" y1="1.27" x2="19.05" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2041 <wire x1="19.05" y1="0.635" x2="19.05" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2042 <wire x1="19.05" y1="-0.635" x2="18.415" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2043 <wire x1="17.145" y1="1.27" x2="16.51" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2044 <wire x1="16.51" y1="-0.635" x2="17.145" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2045 <wire x1="18.415" y1="-1.27" x2="17.145" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2046 <pad name="GND" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" shape="square" rot="R90"/>
2047 <pad name="TX" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2048 <pad name="RX" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2049 <pad name="3.3V" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2050 <pad name="CS" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2051 <pad name="CLK" x="12.7" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2052 <pad name="MISO" x="15.24" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2053 <pad name="MOSI" x="17.78" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2054 <text x="-0.0762" y="-5.7912" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
2055 <rectangle x1="14.986" y1="-0.254" x2="15.494" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
2056 <rectangle x1="12.446" y1="-0.254" x2="12.954" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
2057 <rectangle x1="9.906" y1="-0.254" x2="10.414" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
2058 <rectangle x1="7.366" y1="-0.254" x2="7.874" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
2059 <rectangle x1="4.826" y1="-0.254" x2="5.334" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
2060 <rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-0.254" x2="2.794" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
2061 <rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-0.254" x2="0.254" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
2062 <rectangle x1="17.526" y1="-0.254" x2="18.034" y2="0.254" layer="51"/>
2063 <wire x1="6.985" y1="-13.97" x2="8.255" y2="-13.97" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2064 <wire x1="8.255" y1="-13.97" x2="8.89" y2="-14.605" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2065 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-15.875" x2="8.255" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2066 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-14.605" x2="9.525" y2="-13.97" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2067 <wire x1="9.525" y1="-13.97" x2="10.795" y2="-13.97" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2068 <wire x1="10.795" y1="-13.97" x2="11.43" y2="-14.605" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2069 <wire x1="11.43" y1="-15.875" x2="10.795" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2070 <wire x1="10.795" y1="-16.51" x2="9.525" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2071 <wire x1="9.525" y1="-16.51" x2="8.89" y2="-15.875" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2072 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-14.605" x2="4.445" y2="-13.97" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2073 <wire x1="4.445" y1="-13.97" x2="5.715" y2="-13.97" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2074 <wire x1="5.715" y1="-13.97" x2="6.35" y2="-14.605" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2075 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-15.875" x2="5.715" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2076 <wire x1="5.715" y1="-16.51" x2="4.445" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2077 <wire x1="4.445" y1="-16.51" x2="3.81" y2="-15.875" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2078 <wire x1="6.985" y1="-13.97" x2="6.35" y2="-14.605" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2079 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-15.875" x2="6.985" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2080 <wire x1="8.255" y1="-16.51" x2="6.985" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2081 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="-13.97" x2="0.635" y2="-13.97" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2082 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-13.97" x2="1.27" y2="-14.605" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2083 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-15.875" x2="0.635" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2084 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-14.605" x2="1.905" y2="-13.97" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2085 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-13.97" x2="3.175" y2="-13.97" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2086 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-13.97" x2="3.81" y2="-14.605" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2087 <wire x1="3.81" y1="-15.875" x2="3.175" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2088 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-16.51" x2="1.905" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2089 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-16.51" x2="1.27" y2="-15.875" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2090 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-14.605" x2="-1.27" y2="-15.875" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2091 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="-13.97" x2="-1.27" y2="-14.605" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2092 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-15.875" x2="-0.635" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2093 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-16.51" x2="-0.635" y2="-16.51" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2094 <wire x1="11.43" y1="-14.605" x2="11.43" y2="-15.875" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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2096 <pad name="2" x="2.54" y="-15.24" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2097 <pad name="1" x="5.08" y="-15.24" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2098 <pad name="PPS" x="7.62" y="-15.24" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2099 <pad name="VBAT" x="10.16" y="-15.24" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
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2106 <wire x1="-2.54" y1="-16.51" x2="27.94" y2="-16.51" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2107 <wire x1="27.94" y1="-16.51" x2="27.94" y2="1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2108 <wire x1="27.94" y1="1.27" x2="-2.54" y2="1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2109 <wire x1="25.4" y1="0" x2="36.83" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
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2111 <wire x1="36.83" y1="-8.89" x2="25.4" y2="-8.89" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2112 <wire x1="25.4" y1="-8.89" x2="25.4" y2="0" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2113 <text x="-0.0762" y="-8.3312" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;VALUE</text>
2114 </package>
2115 <package name="IMU_10DOF">
2116 <wire x1="11.43" y1="0.635" x2="12.065" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2117 <wire x1="12.065" y1="1.27" x2="13.335" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2118 <wire x1="13.335" y1="1.27" x2="13.97" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2119 <wire x1="13.97" y1="-0.635" x2="13.335" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2120 <wire x1="13.335" y1="-1.27" x2="12.065" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2121 <wire x1="12.065" y1="-1.27" x2="11.43" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2122 <wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="8.255" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2123 <wire x1="8.255" y1="1.27" x2="8.89" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2124 <wire x1="8.89" y1="-0.635" x2="8.255" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2125 <wire x1="8.89" y1="0.635" x2="9.525" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2126 <wire x1="9.525" y1="1.27" x2="10.795" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2127 <wire x1="10.795" y1="1.27" x2="11.43" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2128 <wire x1="11.43" y1="-0.635" x2="10.795" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2129 <wire x1="10.795" y1="-1.27" x2="9.525" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2130 <wire x1="9.525" y1="-1.27" x2="8.89" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2131 <wire x1="3.81" y1="0.635" x2="4.445" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2132 <wire x1="4.445" y1="1.27" x2="5.715" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2133 <wire x1="5.715" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2134 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="5.715" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2135 <wire x1="5.715" y1="-1.27" x2="4.445" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2136 <wire x1="4.445" y1="-1.27" x2="3.81" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2137 <wire x1="6.985" y1="1.27" x2="6.35" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2138 <wire x1="6.35" y1="-0.635" x2="6.985" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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2140 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="0.635" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2141 <wire x1="0.635" y1="1.27" x2="1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2142 <wire x1="1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2143 <wire x1="1.27" y1="0.635" x2="1.905" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2144 <wire x1="1.905" y1="1.27" x2="3.175" y2="1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2145 <wire x1="3.175" y1="1.27" x2="3.81" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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2147 <wire x1="3.175" y1="-1.27" x2="1.905" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2148 <wire x1="1.905" y1="-1.27" x2="1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2149 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="0.635" x2="-1.27" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2150 <wire x1="-0.635" y1="1.27" x2="-1.27" y2="0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2151 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="-0.635" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2152 <wire x1="0.635" y1="-1.27" x2="-0.635" y2="-1.27" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2153 <wire x1="13.97" y1="0.635" x2="13.97" y2="-0.635" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
2154 <pad name="INT" x="0" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2155 <pad name="SDA" x="2.54" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2156 <pad name="SCL" x="5.08" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2157 <pad name="GND" x="7.62" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2158 <pad name="+5V" x="10.16" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
2159 <pad name="+3V3" x="12.7" y="0" drill="1.016" diameter="1.8796" rot="R90"/>
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2167 <wire x1="21.09" y1="-1.27" x2="21.09" y2="15.97" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2168 <wire x1="21.09" y1="15.97" x2="-1.27" y2="15.97" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2169 <wire x1="-1.27" y1="15.97" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.27" width="0.127" layer="21"/>
2170 </package>
2171 </packages>
2172 <symbols>
2173 <symbol name="VENUS_BOARD">
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2177 <pin name="CS" x="-15.24" y="10.16" length="middle" direction="in"/>
2178 <pin name="3.3V" x="-15.24" y="7.62" length="middle" direction="pwr"/>
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2181 <pin name="GND" x="-15.24" y="0" length="middle" direction="pwr"/>
2182 <pin name="20" x="12.7" y="0" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
2183 <pin name="2" x="12.7" y="2.54" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
2184 <pin name="1" x="12.7" y="5.08" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
2185 <pin name="PPS" x="12.7" y="7.62" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
2186 <pin name="VBAT" x="12.7" y="10.16" length="middle" direction="in" rot="R180"/>
2187 </symbol>
2188 <symbol name="IMU_10DOF">
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2191 <wire x1="-6.35" y1="2.54" x2="-5.08" y2="2.54" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
2192 <wire x1="-6.35" y1="0" x2="-5.08" y2="0" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
2193 <wire x1="-10.16" y1="15.24" x2="-10.16" y2="-2.54" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
2194 <wire x1="-3.81" y1="-2.54" x2="-3.81" y2="15.24" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
2195 <wire x1="-10.16" y1="15.24" x2="-3.81" y2="15.24" width="0.4064" layer="94"/>
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2197 <wire x1="-6.35" y1="7.62" x2="-5.08" y2="7.62" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
2198 <wire x1="-6.35" y1="12.7" x2="-5.08" y2="12.7" width="0.6096" layer="94"/>
2199 <text x="-10.16" y="-5.08" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
2200 <text x="-10.16" y="16.002" size="1.778" layer="95">IMU_10DOF</text>
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2208 </symbols>
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2211 <gates>
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2214 <devices>
2215 <device name="" package="VENUS_GPS">
2216 <connects>
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2218 <connect gate="G$1" pin="2" pad="2"/>
2219 <connect gate="G$1" pin="20" pad="20"/>
2220 <connect gate="G$1" pin="3.3V" pad="3.3V"/>
2221 <connect gate="G$1" pin="CLK" pad="CLK"/>
2222 <connect gate="G$1" pin="CS" pad="CS"/>
2223 <connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="GND"/>
2224 <connect gate="G$1" pin="MISO" pad="MISO"/>
2225 <connect gate="G$1" pin="MOSI" pad="MOSI"/>
2226 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PPS" pad="PPS"/>
2227 <connect gate="G$1" pin="RX" pad="RX"/>
2228 <connect gate="G$1" pin="TX" pad="TX"/>
2229 <connect gate="G$1" pin="VBAT" pad="VBAT"/>
2230 </connects>
2231 <technologies>
2232 <technology name=""/>
2233 </technologies>
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2235 </devices>
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2237 <deviceset name="IMU_10DOF">
2238 <gates>
2239 <gate name="G$1" symbol="IMU_10DOF" x="5.08" y="-7.62"/>
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2247 <connect gate="G$1" pin="INT" pad="INT"/>
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2252 <technology name=""/>
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2257 </devicesets>
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3045 Source: 008-0260-0_E.pdf</description>
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3284 <technology name="">
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3312 <technology name="">
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3398 Right Angle, ZIF, Style Receptacle 52745 / 52435&lt;br&gt;
3399 Source:</description>
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3515 Right Angle, ZIF, Style Receptacle 52745 / 52435&lt;br&gt;
3516 Source:</description>
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3568 <library name="atmel">
3569 <description>&lt;b&gt;AVR Devices&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
3570 Configurable logic, microcontrollers, nonvolatile memories&lt;p&gt;
3571 Based on the following sources:&lt;p&gt;
3572 &lt;ul&gt;
3573 &lt;li&gt;
3574 &lt;li&gt;CD-ROM : Configurable Logic Microcontroller Nonvolatile Memory
3575 &lt;li&gt;CadSoft download site, or , file
3576 &lt;li&gt;avr.lbr
3577 &lt;/ul&gt;
3578 &lt;author&gt;Revised by;/author&gt;</description>
3579 <packages>
3580 <package name="TQFP44">
3581 <description>&lt;b&gt;44-lead Thin Quad Flat Package&lt;/b&gt;</description>
3582 <wire x1="-4.8" y1="4.4" x2="-4.4" y2="4.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
3583 <wire x1="-4.4" y1="4.8" x2="4.4" y2="4.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
3584 <wire x1="4.4" y1="4.8" x2="4.8" y2="4.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
3585 <wire x1="4.8" y1="4.4" x2="4.8" y2="-4.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
3586 <wire x1="4.8" y1="-4.4" x2="4.4" y2="-4.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
3587 <wire x1="4.4" y1="-4.8" x2="-4.4" y2="-4.8" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
3588 <wire x1="-4.4" y1="-4.8" x2="-4.8" y2="-4.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
3589 <wire x1="-4.8" y1="-4.4" x2="-4.8" y2="4.4" width="0.2032" layer="21"/>
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3604 <smd name="14" x="-2.4" y="-5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3605 <smd name="15" x="-1.6" y="-5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3606 <smd name="16" x="-0.8" y="-5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3607 <smd name="17" x="0" y="-5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3608 <smd name="18" x="0.8" y="-5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3609 <smd name="19" x="1.6" y="-5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
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3615 <smd name="25" x="5.8" y="-2.4" dx="1.5" dy="0.5" layer="1"/>
3616 <smd name="26" x="5.8" y="-1.6" dx="1.5" dy="0.5" layer="1"/>
3617 <smd name="27" x="5.8" y="-0.8" dx="1.5" dy="0.5" layer="1"/>
3618 <smd name="28" x="5.8" y="0" dx="1.5" dy="0.5" layer="1"/>
3619 <smd name="29" x="5.8" y="0.8" dx="1.5" dy="0.5" layer="1"/>
3620 <smd name="30" x="5.8" y="1.6" dx="1.5" dy="0.5" layer="1"/>
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3627 <smd name="37" x="1.6" y="5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3628 <smd name="38" x="0.8" y="5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3629 <smd name="39" x="0" y="5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3630 <smd name="40" x="-0.8" y="5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3631 <smd name="41" x="-1.6" y="5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3632 <smd name="42" x="-2.4" y="5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3633 <smd name="43" x="-3.2" y="5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3634 <smd name="44" x="-4" y="5.8" dx="0.5" dy="1.5" layer="1"/>
3635 <text x="-3.81" y="6.985" size="1.778" layer="25">&gt;NAME</text>
3636 <text x="-4.445" y="-8.7551" size="1.778" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
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3640 <rectangle x1="-6.1001" y1="1.4" x2="-4.95" y2="1.8001" layer="51"/>
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3643 <rectangle x1="-6.1001" y1="-1" x2="-4.95" y2="-0.5999" layer="51"/>
3644 <rectangle x1="-6.1001" y1="-1.8001" x2="-4.95" y2="-1.4" layer="51"/>
3645 <rectangle x1="-6.1001" y1="-2.5999" x2="-4.95" y2="-2.1999" layer="51"/>
3646 <rectangle x1="-6.1001" y1="-3.4" x2="-4.95" y2="-3" layer="51"/>
3647 <rectangle x1="-6.1001" y1="-4.1999" x2="-4.95" y2="-3.8001" layer="51"/>
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3655 <rectangle x1="1.4" y1="-6.1001" x2="1.8001" y2="-4.95" layer="51"/>
3656 <rectangle x1="2.1999" y1="-6.1001" x2="2.5999" y2="-4.95" layer="51"/>
3657 <rectangle x1="3" y1="-6.1001" x2="3.4" y2="-4.95" layer="51"/>
3658 <rectangle x1="3.8001" y1="-6.1001" x2="4.1999" y2="-4.95" layer="51"/>
3659 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="-4.1999" x2="6.1001" y2="-3.8001" layer="51"/>
3660 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="-3.4" x2="6.1001" y2="-3" layer="51"/>
3661 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="-2.5999" x2="6.1001" y2="-2.1999" layer="51"/>
3662 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="-1.8001" x2="6.1001" y2="-1.4" layer="51"/>
3663 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="-1" x2="6.1001" y2="-0.5999" layer="51"/>
3664 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="-0.1999" x2="6.1001" y2="0.1999" layer="51"/>
3665 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="0.5999" x2="6.1001" y2="1" layer="51"/>
3666 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="1.4" x2="6.1001" y2="1.8001" layer="51"/>
3667 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="2.1999" x2="6.1001" y2="2.5999" layer="51"/>
3668 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="3" x2="6.1001" y2="3.4" layer="51"/>
3669 <rectangle x1="4.95" y1="3.8001" x2="6.1001" y2="4.1999" layer="51"/>
3670 <rectangle x1="3.8001" y1="4.95" x2="4.1999" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3671 <rectangle x1="3" y1="4.95" x2="3.4" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3672 <rectangle x1="2.1999" y1="4.95" x2="2.5999" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3673 <rectangle x1="1.4" y1="4.95" x2="1.8001" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3674 <rectangle x1="0.5999" y1="4.95" x2="1" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3675 <rectangle x1="-0.1999" y1="4.95" x2="0.1999" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3676 <rectangle x1="-1" y1="4.95" x2="-0.5999" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3677 <rectangle x1="-1.8001" y1="4.95" x2="-1.4" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3678 <rectangle x1="-2.5999" y1="4.95" x2="-2.1999" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3679 <rectangle x1="-3.4" y1="4.95" x2="-3" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3680 <rectangle x1="-4.1999" y1="4.95" x2="-3.8001" y2="6.1001" layer="51"/>
3681 </package>
3682 </packages>
3683 <symbols>
3684 <symbol name="MEGA1284">
3685 <wire x1="-15.24" y1="45.72" x2="27.94" y2="45.72" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
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3687 <wire x1="27.94" y1="-45.72" x2="-15.24" y2="-45.72" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
3688 <wire x1="-15.24" y1="-45.72" x2="-15.24" y2="45.72" width="0.254" layer="94"/>
3689 <text x="-15.24" y="46.482" size="1.778" layer="95">&gt;NAME</text>
3690 <text x="-15.24" y="-48.26" size="1.778" layer="96">&gt;VALUE</text>
3691 <pin name="(ADC7/PCINT7)PA7" x="33.02" y="43.18" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
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3695 <pin name="(ADC3/PCINT3)PA3" x="33.02" y="33.02" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3696 <pin name="(ADC2/PCINT2)PA2" x="33.02" y="30.48" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3697 <pin name="(ADC1/PCINT1)PA1" x="33.02" y="27.94" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3698 <pin name="(ADC0/PCINT0)PA0" x="33.02" y="25.4" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3699 <pin name="(SCK/OC3B/PCINT15)PB7" x="33.02" y="20.32" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
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3701 <pin name="(MOSI/PCINT13/ICP3)PB5" x="33.02" y="15.24" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3702 <pin name="(SS/OCB0/PCINT12)PB4" x="33.02" y="12.7" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3703 <pin name="(AIN1/OC0A/PCINT11)PB3" x="33.02" y="10.16" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
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3705 <pin name="(T1/CLKO/PCINT9)PB1" x="33.02" y="5.08" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3706 <pin name="(T0/XCK0/PCINT8)PB0" x="33.02" y="2.54" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3707 <pin name="(TOSC2/PCINT23)PC7" x="33.02" y="-2.54" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3708 <pin name="(TOSC1/PCINT22)PC6" x="33.02" y="-5.08" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3709 <pin name="(TDI/PCINT21)PC5" x="33.02" y="-7.62" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3710 <pin name="(TDO/PCINT20)PC4" x="33.02" y="-10.16" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3711 <pin name="(TMS/PCINT19)PC3" x="33.02" y="-12.7" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3712 <pin name="(TCK/PCINT18)PC2" x="33.02" y="-15.24" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3713 <pin name="PC1(SDA/PCINT17)" x="33.02" y="-17.78" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3714 <pin name="PC0(SCL/PCINT16)" x="33.02" y="-20.32" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3715 <pin name="AGND" x="-20.32" y="20.32" length="middle" direction="pwr"/>
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3717 <pin name="AREF" x="-20.32" y="25.4" length="middle" direction="pas"/>
3718 <pin name="XTAL1" x="-20.32" y="30.48" length="middle"/>
3719 <pin name="XTAL2" x="-20.32" y="35.56" length="middle"/>
3720 <pin name="GND1" x="-20.32" y="5.08" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pwr"/>
3721 <pin name="GND2" x="-20.32" y="0" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pwr"/>
3722 <pin name="RESET" x="-20.32" y="43.18" length="middle" direction="in" function="dot"/>
3723 <pin name="(RXD0/T3/PCINT24)PD0" x="33.02" y="-43.18" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3724 <pin name="(TXD0/PCINT25)PD1" x="33.02" y="-40.64" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3725 <pin name="(RXD1/INT0/PCINT26)PD2" x="33.02" y="-38.1" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3726 <pin name="(TXD1/INT1/PCINT27)PD3" x="33.02" y="-35.56" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3727 <pin name="(OC1B/XCK1/PCINT28)PD4" x="33.02" y="-33.02" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3728 <pin name="(OC1A/PCINT29)PD5" x="33.02" y="-30.48" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3729 <pin name="(ICP/OC2B/PCINT30)PD6" x="33.02" y="-27.94" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3730 <pin name="(OC2A/PCINT31)PD7" x="33.02" y="-25.4" length="middle" rot="R180"/>
3731 <pin name="VCC1" x="-20.32" y="15.24" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pwr"/>
3732 <pin name="VCC" x="-20.32" y="12.7" length="middle" direction="pwr"/>
3733 <pin name="VCC2" x="-20.32" y="10.16" visible="pad" length="middle" direction="pwr"/>
3734 <pin name="GND" x="-20.32" y="2.54" length="middle" direction="pwr"/>
3735 </symbol>
3736 </symbols>
3737 <devicesets>
3738 <deviceset name="MEGA1284" prefix="IC">
3739 <description>&lt;b&gt;MICROCONTROLLER&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;
3740 128 Kbytes FLASH&lt;br&gt;
3741 16 Kbytes SRAM&lt;br&gt;
3742 4 Kbytes EEPROM&lt;br&gt;
3743 Source: avr.lbr</description>
3744 <gates>
3745 <gate name="G$1" symbol="MEGA1284" x="0" y="0"/>
3746 </gates>
3747 <devices>
3748 <device name="-A" package="TQFP44">
3749 <connects>
3750 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(ADC0/PCINT0)PA0" pad="37"/>
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3753 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(ADC3/PCINT3)PA3" pad="34"/>
3754 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(ADC4/PCINT4)PA4" pad="33"/>
3755 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(ADC5/PCINT5)PA5" pad="32"/>
3756 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(ADC6/PCINT6)PA6" pad="31"/>
3757 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(ADC7/PCINT7)PA7" pad="30"/>
3758 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(AIN0/INT2/PCINT10)PB2" pad="42"/>
3759 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(AIN1/OC0A/PCINT11)PB3" pad="43"/>
3760 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(ICP/OC2B/PCINT30)PD6" pad="15"/>
3761 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(MISO/OC3A/PCINT14)PB6" pad="2"/>
3762 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(MOSI/PCINT13/ICP3)PB5" pad="1"/>
3763 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(OC1A/PCINT29)PD5" pad="14"/>
3764 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(OC1B/XCK1/PCINT28)PD4" pad="13"/>
3765 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(OC2A/PCINT31)PD7" pad="16"/>
3766 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(RXD0/T3/PCINT24)PD0" pad="9"/>
3767 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(RXD1/INT0/PCINT26)PD2" pad="11"/>
3768 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(SCK/OC3B/PCINT15)PB7" pad="3"/>
3769 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(SS/OCB0/PCINT12)PB4" pad="44"/>
3770 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(T0/XCK0/PCINT8)PB0" pad="40"/>
3771 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(T1/CLKO/PCINT9)PB1" pad="41"/>
3772 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(TCK/PCINT18)PC2" pad="21"/>
3773 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(TDI/PCINT21)PC5" pad="24"/>
3774 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(TDO/PCINT20)PC4" pad="23"/>
3775 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(TMS/PCINT19)PC3" pad="22"/>
3776 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(TOSC1/PCINT22)PC6" pad="25"/>
3777 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(TOSC2/PCINT23)PC7" pad="26"/>
3778 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(TXD0/PCINT25)PD1" pad="10"/>
3779 <connect gate="G$1" pin="(TXD1/INT1/PCINT27)PD3" pad="12"/>
3780 <connect gate="G$1" pin="AGND" pad="28"/>
3781 <connect gate="G$1" pin="AREF" pad="29"/>
3782 <connect gate="G$1" pin="AVCC" pad="27"/>
3783 <connect gate="G$1" pin="GND" pad="6"/>
3784 <connect gate="G$1" pin="GND1" pad="18"/>
3785 <connect gate="G$1" pin="GND2" pad="39"/>
3786 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PC0(SCL/PCINT16)" pad="19"/>
3787 <connect gate="G$1" pin="PC1(SDA/PCINT17)" pad="20"/>
3788 <connect gate="G$1" pin="RESET" pad="4"/>
3789 <connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC" pad="5"/>
3790 <connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC1" pad="17"/>
3791 <connect gate="G$1" pin="VCC2" pad="38"/>
3792 <connect gate="G$1" pin="XTAL1" pad="8"/>
3793 <connect gate="G$1" pin="XTAL2" pad="7"/>
3794 </connects>
3795 <technologies>
3796 <technology name="">
3797 <attribute name="MF" value="" constant="no"/>
3798 <attribute name="MPN" value="" constant="no"/>
3799 <attribute name="OC_FARNELL" value="unknown" constant="no"/>
3800 <attribute name="OC_NEWARK" value="unknown" constant="no"/>
3801 </technology>
3802 </technologies>
3803 </device>
3804 </devices>
3805 </deviceset>
3806 </devicesets>
3807 </library>
3808 </libraries>
3809 <attributes>
3810 </attributes>
3811 <variantdefs>
3812 </variantdefs>
3813 <classes>
3814 <class number="0" name="default" width="0" drill="0">
3815 </class>
3816 </classes>
3817 <parts>
3818 <part name="JP2" library="SparkFun" deviceset="M08" device="1X08"/>
3819 <part name="JP3" library="SparkFun" deviceset="M08" device="1X08"/>
3820 <part name="GND1" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3821 <part name="+3V10" library="supply1" deviceset="+3V3" device=""/>
3822 <part name="P+1" library="supply1" deviceset="+5V" device=""/>
3823 <part name="GND2" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3824 <part name="U3" library="venus_gps" deviceset="VENUS_GPS" device="" value="Venus GPS"/>
3825 <part name="GND13" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3826 <part name="Q1" library="crystal" deviceset="CRYSTAL" device="HC49UP" value="12Mhz"/>
3827 <part name="C6" library="SparkFun" deviceset="CAP" device="0805" value="18p"/>
3828 <part name="C5" library="SparkFun" deviceset="CAP" device="0805" value="18p"/>
3829 <part name="GND11" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3830 <part name="R3" library="SparkFun" deviceset="RESISTOR" device="0805-RES" value="10k"/>
3831 <part name="U1" library="atmel" deviceset="MEGA1284" device="-A" value="M1284"/>
3832 <part name="+3V1" library="supply1" deviceset="+3V3" device=""/>
3833 <part name="GND4" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3834 <part name="+3V2" library="supply1" deviceset="+3V3" device=""/>
3835 <part name="JP1" library="con-molex" deviceset="52745-1690" device="" value="Debug-conn"/>
3836 <part name="GND33" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3837 <part name="GND35" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3838 <part name="L2" library="SparkFun" deviceset="LED" device="1206"/>
3839 <part name="R2" library="SparkFun" deviceset="RESISTOR" device="0805-RES" value="180"/>
3840 <part name="GND5" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3841 <part name="L1" library="SparkFun" deviceset="LED" device="1206"/>
3842 <part name="R1" library="SparkFun" deviceset="RESISTOR" device="0805-RES" value="180"/>
3843 <part name="GND6" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3844 <part name="U2" library="venus_gps" deviceset="IMU_10DOF" device=""/>
3845 <part name="+3V3" library="supply1" deviceset="+3V3" device=""/>
3846 <part name="+3V5" library="supply1" deviceset="+3V3" device=""/>
3847 <part name="+3V4" library="supply1" deviceset="+3V3" device=""/>
3848 <part name="GND3" library="SparkFun" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3849 <part name="C1" library="SparkFun" deviceset="CAP" device="0805" value="100n"/>
3850 <part name="C2" library="SparkFun" deviceset="CAP" device="0805" value="100n"/>
3851 <part name="C3" library="SparkFun" deviceset="CAP" device="0805" value="100n"/>
3852 <part name="+3V6" library="supply1" deviceset="+3V3" device=""/>
3853 <part name="GND7" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3854 <part name="C4" library="SparkFun" deviceset="CAP" device="0805" value="100n"/>
3855 <part name="JP4" library="SparkFun" deviceset="M01" device="PTH"/>
3856 <part name="GND8" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3857 <part name="U4" library="SparkFun" deviceset="USD-SOCKET" device="NEW"/>
3858 <part name="+3V7" library="supply1" deviceset="+3V3" device=""/>
3859 <part name="GND9" library="supply1" deviceset="GND" device=""/>
3860 <part name="C7" library="SparkFun" deviceset="CAP" device="0805" value="100n"/>
3861 </parts>
3862 <sheets>
3863 <sheet>
3864 <plain>
3865 <text x="83.82" y="106.68" size="1.778" layer="91">To mainboard</text>
3866 <text x="17.78" y="5.08" size="1.778" layer="91">connecter gpio pendant le routage</text>
3867 <text x="175.26" y="119.38" size="1.778" layer="91">IMU Board: mpu9150 + MS5611</text>
3868 <text x="147.32" y="-55.88" size="1.778" layer="91">To debug board</text>
3869 <text x="139.7" y="-25.4" size="1.778" layer="91">no PDI_DATA</text>
3870 <frame x1="-76.2" y1="-83.82" x2="317.5" y2="213.36" columns="8" rows="5" layer="91"/>
3871 <text x="15.24" y="10.16" size="1.778" layer="91">probleme de capa sud</text>
3872 <text x="96.52" y="172.72" size="1.778" layer="91">GPS Venus</text>
3873 <text x="154.94" y="33.02" size="1.778" layer="91">I2C pull-ups are already on mainboard</text>
3874 <text x="78.74" y="-10.16" size="1.778" layer="91">Test point</text>
3875 </plain>
3876 <instances>
3877 <instance part="JP2" gate="G$1" x="71.12" y="119.38"/>
3878 <instance part="JP3" gate="G$1" x="106.68" y="119.38"/>
3879 <instance part="GND1" gate="1" x="78.74" y="106.68"/>
3880 <instance part="+3V10" gate="G$1" x="114.3" y="137.16"/>
3881 <instance part="P+1" gate="1" x="78.74" y="137.16"/>
3882 <instance part="GND2" gate="1" x="88.9" y="116.84"/>
3883 <instance part="U3" gate="G$1" x="93.98" y="154.94"/>
3884 <instance part="GND13" gate="1" x="72.39" y="43.18"/>
3885 <instance part="Q1" gate="G$1" x="64.77" y="83.82" smashed="yes" rot="R90">
3886 <attribute name="NAME" x="62.23" y="85.344" size="1.778" layer="95" rot="R180"/>
3887 <attribute name="VALUE" x="69.85" y="81.28" size="1.778" layer="96" rot="R90"/>
3888 </instance>
3889 <instance part="C6" gate="G$1" x="64.77" y="76.2" rot="R180"/>
3890 <instance part="C5" gate="G$1" x="54.61" y="76.2" rot="R180"/>
3891 <instance part="GND11" gate="1" x="59.69" y="68.58"/>
3892 <instance part="R3" gate="G$1" x="35.56" y="93.98" rot="R180"/>
3893 <instance part="U1" gate="G$1" x="101.6" y="50.8"/>
3894 <instance part="+3V1" gate="G$1" x="63.5" y="172.72"/>
3895 <instance part="GND4" gate="1" x="208.28" y="132.08"/>
3896 <instance part="+3V2" gate="G$1" x="208.28" y="154.94"/>
3897 <instance part="JP1" gate="-1" x="160.02" y="-7.62"/>
3898 <instance part="JP1" gate="-2" x="160.02" y="-10.16"/>
3899 <instance part="JP1" gate="-3" x="160.02" y="-12.7"/>
3900 <instance part="JP1" gate="-4" x="160.02" y="-15.24"/>
3901 <instance part="JP1" gate="-5" x="160.02" y="-17.78"/>
3902 <instance part="JP1" gate="-6" x="160.02" y="-20.32"/>
3903 <instance part="JP1" gate="-7" x="160.02" y="-22.86"/>
3904 <instance part="JP1" gate="-8" x="160.02" y="-25.4"/>
3905 <instance part="JP1" gate="-9" x="160.02" y="-27.94"/>
3906 <instance part="JP1" gate="-10" x="160.02" y="-30.48"/>
3907 <instance part="JP1" gate="-11" x="160.02" y="-33.02"/>
3908 <instance part="JP1" gate="-12" x="160.02" y="-35.56"/>
3909 <instance part="JP1" gate="-13" x="160.02" y="-38.1"/>
3910 <instance part="JP1" gate="-14" x="160.02" y="-40.64"/>
3911 <instance part="JP1" gate="-15" x="160.02" y="-43.18"/>
3912 <instance part="JP1" gate="-16" x="160.02" y="-45.72"/>
3913 <instance part="GND33" gate="1" x="132.08" y="-30.48"/>
3914 <instance part="GND35" gate="1" x="144.78" y="-48.26"/>
3915 <instance part="L2" gate="G$1" x="187.96" y="60.96" rot="R90"/>
3916 <instance part="R2" gate="G$1" x="175.26" y="60.96" smashed="yes" rot="R180">
3917 <attribute name="NAME" x="176.53" y="59.4614" size="1.778" layer="95" rot="R180"/>
3918 <attribute name="VALUE" x="176.53" y="64.262" size="1.778" layer="96" rot="R180"/>
3919 </instance>
3920 <instance part="GND5" gate="1" x="196.85" y="58.42"/>
3921 <instance part="L1" gate="G$1" x="187.96" y="68.58" rot="R90"/>
3922 <instance part="R1" gate="G$1" x="175.26" y="68.58" smashed="yes" rot="R180">
3923 <attribute name="NAME" x="176.53" y="67.0814" size="1.778" layer="95" rot="R180"/>
3924 <attribute name="VALUE" x="176.53" y="71.882" size="1.778" layer="96" rot="R180"/>
3925 </instance>
3926 <instance part="GND6" gate="1" x="114.3" y="106.68"/>
3927 <instance part="U2" gate="G$1" x="185.42" y="129.54"/>
3928 <instance part="+3V3" gate="G$1" x="25.4" y="101.6"/>
3929 <instance part="+3V5" gate="G$1" x="147.32" y="-2.54"/>
3930 <instance part="+3V4" gate="G$1" x="72.39" y="71.12"/>
3931 <instance part="GND3" gate="1" x="63.5" y="149.86"/>
3932 <instance part="C1" gate="G$1" x="62.23" y="57.15"/>
3933 <instance part="C2" gate="G$1" x="54.61" y="57.15"/>
3934 <instance part="C3" gate="G$1" x="45.72" y="57.15"/>
3935 <instance part="+3V6" gate="G$1" x="77.47" y="78.74"/>
3936 <instance part="GND7" gate="1" x="77.47" y="68.58"/>
3937 <instance part="C4" gate="G$1" x="36.83" y="57.15"/>
3938 <instance part="JP4" gate="G$1" x="81.28" y="-17.78"/>
3939 <instance part="GND8" gate="1" x="96.52" y="-20.32"/>
3940 <instance part="U4" gate="G$1" x="238.76" y="88.9"/>
3941 <instance part="+3V7" gate="G$1" x="213.36" y="99.06"/>
3942 <instance part="GND9" gate="1" x="213.36" y="66.04"/>
3943 <instance part="C7" gate="G$1" x="196.85" y="87.63"/>
3944 </instances>
3945 <busses>
3946 </busses>
3947 <nets>
3948 <net name="+5V" class="0">
3949 <segment>
3950 <pinref part="JP2" gate="G$1" pin="8"/>
3951 <pinref part="P+1" gate="1" pin="+5V"/>
3952 <wire x1="76.2" y1="129.54" x2="78.74" y2="129.54" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3953 <wire x1="78.74" y1="129.54" x2="78.74" y2="134.62" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3954 </segment>
3955 </net>
3956 <net name="GND" class="0">
3957 <segment>
3958 <wire x1="76.2" y1="111.76" x2="78.74" y2="111.76" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3959 <wire x1="78.74" y1="111.76" x2="78.74" y2="109.22" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3960 <pinref part="JP2" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
3961 <pinref part="GND1" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
3962 </segment>
3963 <segment>
3964 <wire x1="76.2" y1="119.38" x2="88.9" y2="119.38" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3965 <pinref part="JP2" gate="G$1" pin="4"/>
3966 <pinref part="GND2" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
3967 </segment>
3968 <segment>
3969 <wire x1="54.61" y1="71.12" x2="59.69" y2="71.12" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3970 <wire x1="59.69" y1="71.12" x2="64.77" y2="71.12" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3971 <junction x="59.69" y="71.12"/>
3972 <pinref part="C5" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
3973 <pinref part="GND11" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
3974 <pinref part="C6" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
3975 </segment>
3976 <segment>
3977 <wire x1="208.28" y1="137.16" x2="208.28" y2="134.62" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3978 <pinref part="GND4" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
3979 <wire x1="185.42" y1="137.16" x2="208.28" y2="137.16" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3980 <pinref part="U2" gate="G$1" pin="GND"/>
3981 </segment>
3982 <segment>
3983 <wire x1="132.08" y1="-27.94" x2="137.16" y2="-27.94" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3984 <pinref part="GND33" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
3985 <pinref part="JP1" gate="-9" pin="S"/>
3986 <wire x1="137.16" y1="-27.94" x2="157.48" y2="-27.94" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3987 <wire x1="137.16" y1="-35.56" x2="157.48" y2="-35.56" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3988 <pinref part="JP1" gate="-12" pin="S"/>
3989 <wire x1="137.16" y1="-35.56" x2="137.16" y2="-27.94" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3990 <junction x="137.16" y="-27.94"/>
3991 </segment>
3992 <segment>
3993 <wire x1="144.78" y1="-45.72" x2="157.48" y2="-45.72" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3994 <pinref part="GND35" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
3995 <pinref part="JP1" gate="-16" pin="S"/>
3996 </segment>
3997 <segment>
3998 <wire x1="111.76" y1="111.76" x2="114.3" y2="109.22" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
3999 <pinref part="JP3" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
4000 <pinref part="GND6" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
4001 </segment>
4002 <segment>
4003 <pinref part="U1" gate="G$1" pin="GND1"/>
4004 <wire x1="81.28" y1="55.88" x2="72.39" y2="55.88" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4005 <pinref part="GND13" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
4006 <wire x1="72.39" y1="55.88" x2="72.39" y2="53.34" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4007 <pinref part="U1" gate="G$1" pin="GND"/>
4008 <wire x1="72.39" y1="53.34" x2="72.39" y2="50.8" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4009 <wire x1="72.39" y1="50.8" x2="72.39" y2="45.72" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4010 <wire x1="81.28" y1="53.34" x2="72.39" y2="53.34" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4011 <pinref part="U1" gate="G$1" pin="GND2"/>
4012 <wire x1="81.28" y1="50.8" x2="72.39" y2="50.8" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4013 <junction x="72.39" y="53.34"/>
4014 <junction x="72.39" y="50.8"/>
4015 <pinref part="C1" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
4016 <wire x1="72.39" y1="53.34" x2="62.23" y2="53.34" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4017 <wire x1="62.23" y1="53.34" x2="62.23" y2="54.61" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4018 <pinref part="C2" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
4019 <wire x1="62.23" y1="53.34" x2="54.61" y2="53.34" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4020 <wire x1="54.61" y1="53.34" x2="54.61" y2="54.61" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4021 <pinref part="C3" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
4022 <wire x1="54.61" y1="53.34" x2="45.72" y2="53.34" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4023 <wire x1="45.72" y1="53.34" x2="45.72" y2="54.61" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4024 <junction x="62.23" y="53.34"/>
4025 <junction x="54.61" y="53.34"/>
4026 <pinref part="C4" gate="G$1" pin="2"/>
4027 <wire x1="45.72" y1="53.34" x2="36.83" y2="53.34" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4028 <wire x1="36.83" y1="53.34" x2="36.83" y2="54.61" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4029 <junction x="45.72" y="53.34"/>
4030 </segment>
4031 <segment>
4032 <pinref part="U3" gate="G$1" pin="GND"/>
4033 <wire x1="78.74" y1="154.94" x2="63.5" y2="154.94" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4034 <pinref part="GND3" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
4035 <wire x1="63.5" y1="154.94" x2="63.5" y2="152.4" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4036 </segment>
4037 <segment>
4038 <pinref part="GND7" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
4039 <pinref part="U1" gate="G$1" pin="AGND"/>
4040 <wire x1="77.47" y1="71.12" x2="81.28" y2="71.12" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4041 </segment>
4042 <segment>
4043 <pinref part="L2" gate="G$1" pin="C"/>
4044 <pinref part="GND5" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
4045 <wire x1="193.04" y1="60.96" x2="196.85" y2="60.96" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4046 <pinref part="L1" gate="G$1" pin="C"/>
4047 <wire x1="196.85" y1="60.96" x2="196.85" y2="68.58" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4048 <wire x1="196.85" y1="68.58" x2="193.04" y2="68.58" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4049 <junction x="196.85" y="60.96"/>
4050 </segment>
4051 <segment>
4052 <pinref part="JP4" gate="G$1" pin="1"/>
4053 <pinref part="GND8" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
4054 <wire x1="88.9" y1="-17.78" x2="96.52" y2="-17.78" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4055 </segment>
4056 <segment>
4057 <pinref part="U4" gate="G$1" pin="GND"/>
4058 <wire x1="213.36" y1="88.9" x2="231.14" y2="88.9" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4059 <pinref part="GND9" gate="1" pin="GND"/>
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4063 <wire x1="213.36" y1="76.2" x2="213.36" y2="73.66" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4064 <wire x1="213.36" y1="73.66" x2="213.36" y2="71.12" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4065 <wire x1="213.36" y1="71.12" x2="213.36" y2="68.58" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
4066 <wire x1="231.14" y1="78.74" x2="213.36" y2="78.74" width="0.1524" layer="91"/>
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4076 <junction x="213.36" y="78.74"/>
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4080 </segment>
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4083 <segment>
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4088 <segment>
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4100 <segment>
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4105 </net>
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4107 <segment>
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4112 <segment>
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4118 <segment>
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4128 </segment>
4129 <segment>
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4132 <pinref part="U2" gate="G$1" pin="+3V3"/>
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4135 <segment>
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4141 <segment>
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4170 <segment>
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4176 <segment>
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4186 </net>
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4188 <segment>
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4193 <segment>
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4200 <segment>
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4212 <segment>
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4369 <segment>
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